Northwest Christian Fellowship Church
Northwest Christian Fellowship Church
Northwest Christian Fellowship Church
Faith Refresher PT.2
3 месяца назад
Faith Refresher
3 месяца назад
May 5, 2024 Sunday Service
3 месяца назад
Called To Show Praise
3 месяца назад
Manifested Sons of God
3 месяца назад
Manifested Sons of God PT.2
3 месяца назад
April 21, 2024 Sunday Service
3 месяца назад
Easter Sunday March 31, 2024
3 месяца назад
Curry Blake March 24, 2024
3 месяца назад
March 3, 2024 Sunday Service
3 месяца назад
February 11, 2024 Sunday Service
6 месяцев назад
February 4, 2024 Sunday Service
6 месяцев назад
January 28, 2024 Sunday Service
7 месяцев назад
January 21, 2024 Sunday Service
7 месяцев назад
January 14, 2024 Sunday Service
7 месяцев назад
January 7, 2024 Sunday Service
7 месяцев назад
November 12, 2023 Sunday Service
9 месяцев назад
David Hogan 11.09.23
9 месяцев назад
David Hogan 11.08.23
9 месяцев назад
November 5, 2023 Sunday Service
9 месяцев назад
Homecoming & Pastor Appreciation 2023
10 месяцев назад
October 22, 2023 Service
10 месяцев назад
October 15, 2023 Service
10 месяцев назад
October 8, 2023 Service
10 месяцев назад
September 24, 2023 Sunday Morning Service
11 месяцев назад
September 17, 2023 Sunday Morning Service
11 месяцев назад
September 3, 2023 Sunday Morning Service
11 месяцев назад
August 27, 2023 Sunday Morning Service
11 месяцев назад
August 20, 2023 Sunday Morning Service
11 месяцев назад
@praypal5606 2 месяца назад
This is good!!🎉
@rondabeck8625 4 месяца назад
I agree .. he is the BEST example I’ve ever seen. Jesus is King.
@rondabeck8625 4 месяца назад
Missed you here. I’m near Portland Oregon! Mathew 9.. I need a Son of God to heal my son. Please let me know if you’re coming near to us again. I’ve been searching every day. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.
@silviaconrad8401 8 месяцев назад
My brother Klaus passed onto the next life on September 19th 2020,i think he was 57.He left in a city named paradise which i believe to be significant. He was a good guy trapped in alcohol. I shared the gospel with him.I still have a sister and she's trapped in gambling and alcohol. Why can't i help.
@janjohnson6602 4 месяца назад
Pray- do continue to break that yoke of your sister, and to remove her burdens. Sometimes our family members don’t receive from us. Too close. Or they don’t get that we are familiar in ways but anointed in service unto the LORD. your heart for your siblings is tangible and sincere. GOD hears the brokenhearted. The humble. The contrite.
@janjohnson6602 4 месяца назад
Praying in agreement for your sister.
@silviaconrad8401 8 месяцев назад
My daughter and I moved up north to the pacific northwest,just us and trying to survive and on November 9th,2022 She went to heaven at 31 yrs old.now I'm alone,I take care of our 2 dogs and a cat.my legs don't want to work,i hurt my back being a CNA supporting my kids.I miss my daughter, i know she's in heaven.
@marybelmcguire Месяц назад
God bless you sister❤God says I Am the God that heals you
@silviaconrad8401 8 месяцев назад
My oldest son married into one of these Mexican Aztec families, I think they incorporated witchcraft to snare him as He's got God's calling on His life.I have been robbed of a relationship with my son because I don't want anything to do with them.
@walterklatt5249 8 месяцев назад
I believe in about 98% of what U say . I have seen & been part of the miraculous through JESUS i do believe JESUS is King . Life & death are in the power of the tongue so I speak life.& like what JESUS said BEHOLD I give unto you (Luke10v19)& v20 + plus much more + the Precious BLOOD of JESUS @ 83yrs old the Precious NAME of JESUS & His Precious BLOOD is my protection and my covering
@francesviegas5999 8 месяцев назад
So much Jesus and life coming from this man. Thank you Jesus for blessing us with such an awesome disciple in Brother David!♥️🇺🇸
@anthonysanders7469 8 месяцев назад
The Death Express When The Death Express rolls up to your door, the things that you’re doing, right or wrong you can’t do anymore! Life on earth is short at its best, for we all are facing the acid test. So when writing the poem (of life) make it rhyme, and it must be written on the shores of time. We must write it by faith, though we all like to see. But we can’t write this poem in eternity, so don’t sit on your seat until you hear the beep, get up and start now, awake out of your sleep! What am I sending on the other side Before The Death Express comes (those wheels) to give us our ride? So get busy, do good, and get involved. And when The Death Express comes, your problems will be solved. Slow down; slow down, so that you may learn, don’t run ahead of our leader, you don’t know where to turn. Learn how to give, how to bear, how to share, Learn how to do good to men everywhere. Now you can watch for the signs as we go. Stay under the blood of Jesus, that washes white as snow. . When The Death Express rolls up to give you your first ride, who is your escort, with a heart full of pride? Too proud to listen, too stubborn to hear, But Wait! Those wheels, those dreadful wheels are rolling near. There’s an escort for every one and who will yours be? I want Jesus in the Holy Ghost to escort me! Speaking of space, there’s room to spare, for this train picks up men everywhere. It transport the rich and it transports the poor. It drops off one generation and returns for more. Those wheels, those dreadful wheels, those death wheels. Let’s face the facts now, and turn around. For why would you let sin forever hold you down? Repent, quit, be baptized in Jesus Name for remission of sins, receive the Holy Ghost and He will escort you in!
@anthonysanders7469 8 месяцев назад
God Did It! St. John 5:39-43 KJV Jesus was the son of man on his mother’s side, but the son of God on his father’s side. Jesus was the seed of David on his mother’s side, but the root of David on his father’s side. He was a preacher on his mother’s side, but the creator on his father’s side. He was finite on his mother’s side; infinite on his father’s side. Natural on his mother’s side; supernatural on his father’s side. Physical on his mother’s side, spiritual on his father’s side. Temporal on his mother’s side; eternal on his father’s side. Six feet tall on his mother’s side, fill all space on his father’s side. Jesus got hungry on his mother’s side, but he fed 5,000 on his father’s side. He walked by the sea on his mother’s side, walked on the sea on his father’s side. He preached the word on his mother side; he was the word on his father’s side. Jesus prayed in the garden on his mother’s side, but answers our prayers on his father’s side. He was tempted by the devil on his mother’s side, but he strengthens you when you get tempted on his father’s side. 33 years old on his mother’s side, he is the ancient of days on his father’s side. He died on a cross on his mother’s side; he rose from the dead on his father’s side. He got his body from his mother’s side; blood from his father’s side and he took that blood to the cross: and He purchased His Church, “Acts 20:28; I Peter 2:9-10”, with His Own Blood! GOD'S CHURCH! St. Matthew 16:18; Acts 20:28 KJV The church was built by Jesus, it was built on Jesus, it was built for Jesus, it is named after Jesus it is located in Jesus, it gets its power from Jesus, it does the work through Jesus, has the vision looking right at Jesus, it don't celebrate nobody but Jesus, it's a worshiper of Jesus, does the power and work through Jesus and ultimately, will be married to Jesus, and for eternity will reign with Jesus. The Purpose of the Church of the Living God The church is not an organization, the church is an anointed organism on a soul saving mission. The church’s purpose is to get us out of sin through preaching. In 1 Corinthians 1:21 Paul said: …it please God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. We have to remember, he said “the foolishness of preaching”, not “the preaching of foolishness”! But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:1-5 KJV The tragedy in Christendom today is that there is very little true preaching going on. Anytime you don’t hear Jesus in the sermon, you haven’t heard anything. If a preacher doesn’t touch on the cross, repentance or the blood of Jesus what did he really talk about? When solid messages are preached from the Bible. Proper Bible preaching will get you to the Holy Ghost and then get the Holy Ghost in you. St. Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:8; 2:36-38; 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:5; Colossians 3:17 KJV “When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood, will I require at thine hand.” Ezekiel 3:18 KJV Elder Anthony Sanders God’s hand
@aiwi9498 9 месяцев назад
Praise God for the world wide ministry of Brother David Hogan and family!
@Trailblazer123 9 месяцев назад
I have been 30 days in reservation unto the Lord alone . prayer and Church and the word . I spent 10 days with Hogan in 2007 . seen bro. Bret just the other day . Tell Hogan I said hi. bless you
@HeatherBarnett91 9 месяцев назад
Psalm 149
@josepheugene8190 9 месяцев назад
David Hogan is a man of God. These people are blessed to have him in there church. The funny thing is there is barely no one in that church. If that church was near me, I would have been there that day. I live in the north east. It is a very dark area. No God of men, ever come here.
@FeedingTheFlock210 9 месяцев назад
@marciecastillo5425 9 месяцев назад
Wow, bro David’s testimonies challenge my convictions. God is clearly getting us to think and believe outside the traditional box.
@evangelistacarlospascual7877 9 месяцев назад
We went to Cuba together and it was powerfull!!
@marciecastillo5425 9 месяцев назад
Brother Hogan, thank you for telling it the way it is even when our hearts are exposed. We need to come clean before Jesus.
@computersandcoffee 9 месяцев назад
Amen! Gotta love David Hogan!!
@tonysnyder8351 9 месяцев назад
I enjoy listening to you brother it's the way you speak the word of God without compromise it
@carlosleiva5169 9 месяцев назад
May we all be as bold and as useful for the Kingdom of God as David Hogan 🙏 🙌
@CalebSailing 8 месяцев назад
@carlosleiva5169 9 месяцев назад
Brother David is barnone, the best example of a Christian i have ever seen. Wow! What a fearless soldier. God continue to bless him and expand his borders,in Jesus name amen.
@CalebSailing 8 месяцев назад
I totally agree 👍 Amen.
@crystaldawnroriemoser 7 месяцев назад
Thank you Jesus for Your Gospel! ❤ Thank you for The Gospel ❤
@faithinjesus886 9 месяцев назад
@helloscandinavia 10 месяцев назад
CURRY is fantastic :)
@joedaw3003 10 месяцев назад
You can only find it in 1 Opinions 😂😂
@deborahrowe3070 11 месяцев назад
I love the way Curry explanes the word of God
@deborahrowe3070 11 месяцев назад
I am in NZ we dont get teaching like this
@huschpel Год назад
All people who cannot understand properly. Try the function “subtitle” and then turn the speed to 0.75. Or turn the volume of your computer higher. Curry speaks very fast. So I can understand him better.
@jamn4God Год назад
What happened to the ending?
@carolinebosland5479 Год назад
I was blessed to be there with my best friend Norma Thomas. She went home to be with the Lord on July 20th. She told me to listen and follow Curry. He had the answer she was looking for. She was healed however an infection in her blood.
@carolinebosland5479 Год назад
*Took her home to be with the Lord😢
@andrialorenzo1831 Год назад
Camera man needs to do better!
@northstar32v8 Год назад
I can't hear you. Please record at a louder volume. We can always turn it down if we need to.
@catbirdfeeder Год назад
Most of his recordings are too low….20 years from now someone will have to go thru them all and remaster them with new tech.
@beatricelee1503 Год назад
Use head phones
@angeladawn2343 Год назад
What you can do. It go up by the description click on that. It will tell you date of posting and such. Scroll to the bottom and click TRANSCRIPT Open that. And you can read as he speaks it. I use it a lot.
@billyshavers7806 Год назад
Teaching from curry is always awesome
@helloscandinavia 10 месяцев назад
and dan mohler :) joan hunter is similar also
@eliseonunez8757 Год назад
Hello guys. Some days I can't make it out but I love to watch online tho... I'm curious if their is another page with the more recent Sunday services? Or live?
@EvanCockerham 2 года назад
Good Stuff Pastor Michael!
@stevencox7061 3 года назад
Hello! It’s Steven, sorry I haven’t been there in a long time. COVID 19 is now a struggle. Soon I’m getting a vaccine though! I might be back soon!! Love you guys all!
@stevencox7061 5 лет назад
Hi I'm Steven from the church
@jonathantaylor7458 5 лет назад
“You can never know purpose until you know Life.”🔥🔥🔥
@jonathantaylor7458 5 лет назад
So good, bro!!