Going Rogan
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@user-luvs-all_us_ 2 минуты назад
It’s crazy to say, but we are all here today because some ancestor of ours was raped at one point in time.
@Forgiveusall01 5 минут назад
Right at the point of the controlled demolition
@illphil82yo 10 минут назад
The liberal left dems suffer from Romans 1:28 and cannot be trusted. Wouldnt be suprised if it comes out that they did 911 and Covid. Scary to think what they might do next for their daddy Satan. Darwin wrong, Bible true, Jesus saves.
@superhakker3198 12 минут назад
You can tell by his haircut he an insufferable douce
@rickyherring3045 13 минут назад
I’d love to see how much time these religious fucks spend helping out at shelters since apparently “a life” is soooooo important
@luisbarrera1 16 минут назад
No, it’s not funny at all… 😔
@TheAutismWhisperer 25 минут назад
Its a false comparison, and incredibly intellectually dishonest, to compare rape and abortion. Considering the two have little in common. The percentage of abortions because of rape are so low its not worth mentioning. AND if you want to have this conversation in this day and age we should recognize that MUSLIM countries and populations have an INCREDIBLY higher rape instance.
@Junior-ck3jq 27 минут назад
Abortion is going to happen whether you make it legal or not.
@HadeTheReal 32 минуты назад
In that situation it should be up to the victim whether they want to keep it or not. I don't particularly like the idea of Ending a potential life before it was even born however forcing someone to carry a child and give birth is fucked especially if they are a child.
@juliosalazar5981 37 минут назад
How can they both have a point you can’t force an innocent child to be a mother tf that’s a life long commitment she didn’t sign up for because she was raped
@omny6686 39 минут назад
Its an appauling situation every direction. Thats why its so hard to debate.
@lukebaehr3851 40 минут назад
Dude!!! They litterally drinking and watching as people are jumping to their death like its entertainment. My gosh. God, please forgive us!
@ZacharyFinch 43 минуты назад
I’m just impressed that Terrence Howard is so confident. The fact that he thinks he has a system with a set of consistent rules, even when he doesn’t, is impressive in its own right. Like, he must think he’s truly a god.
@misterpoopnose6547 48 минут назад
Yeah but the r4pist genes will be in that baby & when it grows up, its chances of repeating the cycle will be 50%.
@cursedbyvoodoo1262 51 минуту назад
I get what Joe Rogan is saying I do BUT if you call one unborn child a lump of cells then you are calling every human being including your own child that becuase that's where we all started our growth , lumps of cells forming in a womb. Underage grape is something where abortion should be carried out but NOT in women who can't close their legs or use the many protection that are available. Birth control is free and if the guy you let in has one micro brain cell during intercourse then that's a you problem cause you chose to do it with that person. If he can't still think or function durring without having to bounce that one brain cell around to do things then he isn't the type to become a outstanding father.
@g00gleisgayerthanaids56 52 минуты назад
It bankrupted the soviet union... which is basically a fuckin neighbor. Meanwhile we fought a global "war" halfway around the planet for as long as we were legally able to (conflicts have 20 year time limits), and it was covid that did all the economic damage not iraq or afghanistan... which was mainly an attempt at redistributing power in both nations that we propped up in defense of those nations. Iraq was given some 200 metric tons of chemical and biological agents (precursor to his wmd programs) in a secret deal during the iraq-iran war. Afghanistan was propped up during the soviet invasion, obviously... crazy how helping countries defend themselves never seems to work out. Wonder how long until we have to go knock ukraine down a peg or two... probably end up being a joint operation with the russian federation... i give it about 15 years.
@donholmes5857 53 минуты назад
Ro was not laughing
@liamallen1074 57 минут назад
In every basic medical scenario when it comes to a pregnant women, unless it is known that the mother will die, they save the mother. That could be at the expense of the fetus, but bottom line is this; the mother is more important than the child, if a woman becomes pregnant from a rapist, aborting the fetus is saving the woman from the trauma, depression, and suffering of that entire pregnancy and for what? To be a single mother with a child who is a constant reminder of what happened to her? This is of course only a valid argument of the woman does not want the child, ultimately it is her choice. On the flip side of that, if a baby were to come from two consenting adults, who are financially able to provide for a child, but wanted to abort I would think hell no, you made that decision, you have the means and ability and you must deal the repercussions of your decision. If a womans life is put in danger physically or mentally, they should not have to birth that child. People who are not able to care for children and would in fact endanger that child’s upbringing and health, should not have children!! I feel like this is common sense! Sometimes abortion is right, sometimes it is wrong! Another thing is this, PEOPLE DONT DEAL WITH THIS EVERY DAY, WHY IS IT SUCH A HOT TOPIC, ESPECIALLY WITH GOVERNMENT/POLITICS??? Why are we not worrying about who’s going to make our lives easier?? fixing the damn economy, enforcing laws and making the streets safer? Everyone needs to grow tf up and think. Our founding fathers were in their twenties, make we should think about that too.
@user-ql3kd8gp1c Час назад
Terrance and Eric: " well the multiplication of the ninja turtles, times the pizza plus shredder, add biden times the indicated reason of the sewer equal times plus ass.....get it.
@AllSeeingThai Час назад
That’s like saying “if I win, I get your house as well as your wife and kids”.
@ByronLaForest Час назад
Definitely not funny, when nearly 3 thousand innocent people are being killed in a terrorist attack
@stevendorath7268 Час назад
Ive study mathematics my whole life and even tho I like Terrence and some of his ideas using this type of geometry. I can see from light years away that he has never taking an actual difficult calculus class ever in his life and is just overwhelmingly obvious and painful to watch. I’ve really study hard core mathematics for years and the more I learn the more i realize how very little I know…
@thekoupekid Час назад
Funny? Wtf. Ppl are literally dying in the video.
@topekasmith-bs8uv Час назад
This is the rival that I’ve been looking for tell him to find me so we can duel
@megannewell5118 Час назад
He really said obviously they were drinking in their rooms bc classes were cancelled “bc of 9-11”… then shows a video of them already in the room drinking before the buildings were hit? Or did I hear that wrong?
Not funny
@inurgirlzgutz2778 2 часа назад
That shit was indeed funny 🤣🤣💀
@JCapria 2 часа назад
I watched this entire 4 hour episode and all the other multiple times Weinstein was on Rogan, and he's brilliant. I'm a fan. However, there were parts in the 4 hour episode where Weinstein points to where science believed certain things were definitive up until a certain point... and he's a walking encyclopedia, so he recites the EXACT year certain things were believed to be unequivocally proven one way, then they discovered it was wrong in that specific"19 blah blah" year. Numerous times he did that and pointed to theories that were widely accepted as truth but were later proven wrong. Yet on numerous occasions he trashes Howard by saying "You can't say that because blah blah is widely accepted as definitive truth in science and you're contradicting that fact" as if nothing in science can be disputed if it's widely accepted as fact. I'm not saying Howard's theories are right by any means, but the scientific community is very arrogant about everything they believe is definitive until it's proven wrong... and after Howard got a few whiskeys in him and Weinstein talked over his head on certain subjects, he just caved and conceded when he should've stuck to his guns and said "okay... what you and the scientific community agree is definitive might actually not be." Because that's what he believes. If he believes in something as passionately as he does, he shouldn't cave to someone just because they're more refined, more articulate, or even better educated in many areas. The smartest people in history have been collectively wrong on countless occasions. So it was disappointing to see him cave like that. Even if he's wrong... go down fighting, don't just pull a Roberto Duran "no mas."
@allenaustin5947 2 часа назад
That man just threw a bunch of words at him
@TTTTyme 2 часа назад
God love you. All of you. Sin and all. Brokenness and glorifying moments. He is what fills that void
@thgar4850 2 часа назад
Terrence, 0 is absolutely a number. Units multiple. For example, 1 $ times 1 $ is 1 $^2. And yes, we can multiple dissimilar numbers too. 1 human times 1 ant is 1 human ant. The mathematics is under no obligation to make sense to us! The answer is valid. And this can get quite complex. Consider the units of the physical constant G. 6.6743 X 10^-11 meter cubed per kilogram per second squared. Units can and do get long, and they must be tracked when doing the math. Oh, by the way 1 times 1 is counting one thing once. It is clearly 1.
@tajsingh7793 2 часа назад
Why is the guy laughing, what is so funny about people dying and throwing themselves out of the building
@dennistaylor9060 2 часа назад
I won't have used tsa in my example 😅. Tsa = 9/11. So if that's the case the system of mathematics can be broken.
@tajsingh7793 2 часа назад
How can classes be cancelled on 9/11 before it even happened, the crash happened while they were sitting and drinking. Iam not sure what the guy is talking about. They saw and recorded the event as it happened
@yammyxoxesfan3113 2 часа назад
Sigma male music sound byte was definitely appropriate.
@ramiropuentes1844 2 часа назад
That’s not funny at all
@stanleech666 2 часа назад
Joe cooked his goofy ass 💀🍳
@aftalavera 2 часа назад
Yes drugs do harm!
@_SirCharge 3 часа назад
Americans were scared as F that day, running around looking like powder donuts, then rushed into a 2 wars and they lost both. And it all happened on the republicans watch.
@carlosc.4955 3 часа назад
Can a man answer a direct question?
@alexbaum2204 3 часа назад
Nah, Joe is absolutely right. This guy should have stopped there and agreed to disagree.
@stonedgoddess420 3 часа назад
He's a humble, great guy when he's being serious and not just funny or satire. He has great wisdom
@mrbigdick7918 3 часа назад
Terence is a very smart men
@mrbigdick7918 3 часа назад
Terrence is very smart
@bioluminescentrobot3840 3 часа назад
Both Eric and Terrance are both known as whats called a SEERs
@supasik1 3 часа назад
Ima side with the pro life guy
@karaw1430 3 часа назад
Thank you for saying no to this weirdo
@TreySlayPlay23 3 часа назад
I am a religious person. I haven't always been. But I am against abortion, but in the situation that Joe is presenting if my daughter was Put in that same situation. I would fully support. Aborting You have no idea how hard it is for me to say that. I would prefer her to somehow give the child up for adoption. But a 14-year-old girl should not have to be forced through sexual assault. Then growing that person's child inside of her body and go through the torment of giving birth. As a child still. So this is a very touchy situition, and it's not so clear-cut to where you can say definitely get the abortion or definitely have to go through the birthing process as a child yourself.
@Brandon-nr8fn 4 часа назад
@bodazaphfa 4 часа назад
If I have 1 of something and I multiply it by 0, it’s still 1. I have 1 and I do not increase nor decrease it, I still have 1. I don’t multiply it nor diminish 1 by anything, it’s still 1. The 1 is still there. I don’t amplify nor take away or diminish it…it’s still 1.