Medical School HQ
Medical School HQ
Medical School HQ
Dr. Ryan Gray is a former Flight Surgeon in the United States Air Force. Ryan graduated from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!) with a BS in Exercise and Sports Sciences, and received his MD from New York Medical College. After graduating from medical school, Ryan completed his internship through a Tufts Medical Center transitional medicine program at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital. Ryan is the publisher of MedicalSchoolHQ.net and OldPreMeds.org and the podcast host of several podcasts on the Meded Media network. He is also the Director of the National Society of Nontraditional Premedical and Medical Students.
@Mirwhosane День назад
Unfortunately she never had a chance with such stats. But she looks like a good person! Good luck on your future endeavors
@randomlegos58 День назад
Thank you for uploading these
@xijinping1099 2 дня назад
I understand that medical schools filter out negativity for professional competency purposes. Respectfully, how can medical schools claim they want diversity of thought and proceed to reject those with slightly pessimistic views? The message I get every time I watch one of these is that medical schools want applicants to BELIEVE the world is all flowers and honey bees. There can be no negative experiences unless they are somehow spinned to be positive. It is the sign of a mature adult to view issues in a measured way. Sometimes things suck. Why can’t we say that? We don’t want negative people? What is a “negative” person? Just my 2 cents.
@stepsnowhere-xo1kr 2 дня назад
In regards to specialties, is this program eligible for people who want non-MD type programs like physical therapy or occupational therapy?
@gregorymay4833 2 дня назад
One of the questions that she asked at the end that I'm not sure if you completely answer correctly was what if you decided not to take the HPSP scholarship in med school then Match into the specialty you want then during Residency (after you got the specialty you wanted) decide to take the Financial Assistance Program (FAP). Wouldn't this prevent the military from "having a say" in what specialty you choose. Also since the FAP has a stipend and residencies are paid won't you be able to take advantage of both?
@fdxxs1 2 дня назад
"look at schools mission, curriculum blah blah". The reality is that we are all surviving on a vibe and a prayer through this process and just want to get accepted to ONE school. Their mission could be "take all their money" and I would say thank you see you at orientation.
@cervixnavigator 4 дня назад
Dawg people do not appreciate how fucking hard it is to get into med school if ur asian lol
@abdullahnizar6784 6 дней назад
this genuinely one of the worst applications I have seen other than the stats.
@stevenmelek7661 7 дней назад
Optometrists are not opticians. Know what you’re talking about first 😏😏. Optometrists are doctors of Optometry and can pretty much do anything that an ophthalmologist does except for major surgeries. And some states now allow optometrists to do surgeries. So basically Optometrists are the Primary Eye Doctors and ophthalmologists are the eye surgeons.
@Teeejayyyy 8 дней назад
Doing my activities right now. Thank you for the tips!
@facedefacede1164 9 дней назад
Where is she right now?
@jaylinkim19 9 дней назад
Wonder what happened
@jaylinkim19 9 дней назад
I’m also a fashion designer nontrad! I wonder how she got on
@picklek5409 9 дней назад
shut up bold man, just look at your self no one is listening to you yap
@ChiefsFanInSC 10 дней назад
The guy didn't have to identify as Asian since he listed Chinese as one of his languages. This along with his name likely screamed Asian. This screams discrimination against Asians.
@mattbuckley5819 10 дней назад
She should have said that she was black instead of Asian. That would have fixed it.
@ChiefsFanInSC 10 дней назад
So, Medical Schools are essentially looking for students who can pad their resumes with bull sh*t activities and put together a compelling resume INSTEAD of looking for students who have the work ethic and mental faculties required to excel as a doctor. God forbid there is a student from a poor family who has to work a job and go to school and doesn't have time for bs social activities. Maybe this is why so many doctors suck so bad at communicating with their patients?
@clementinehb 12 дней назад
this is p/s passage not b/bc
@deijhahscurry 13 дней назад
Wait, is 3 gap years seen as non-trad? I’m applying this year after graduating in 2022, but thought it was pretty on par with the current stats
@eoinbrennan3949 13 дней назад
Thank you for your encouraging words my friend, you've helped me and many others
@mohamedsalem8843 14 дней назад
Ryan’s ethics down the toilet 😂 i laughed so hard
@OrioleBeagle 14 дней назад
I know a woman who was in her mid thirties when she decided she was tired of being an engineer and told her husband she wanted to go to medical school. Her husband asked her if she wanted a divorce. She decided she wanted to stay married to him and went to PA school instead.
@sydneypineapples2384 14 дней назад
Okay, but I honestly don’t understand why research and being a physician has to be a separate thing. Physicians do research and the basis of a doctor is medical SCIENCE, SCIENCE-based medicine. I would be interested to know how to tie in your strong passion for research as to why you also want to pursue medicine. For me, research has been a strong driver because that’s where I feel I belong as a physician. I want to take care of people by not only treating them the best we currently know how, but also by contributing to the ongoing challenge of inventing new medicine, gaining new understanding of disease, to better combat chronic illnesses we face. I worry I have a ton of research hours and I do not want someone to think I don’t want to be a physician because of that, but rather I believe that drive will help me be a better physician in my desired field.
@ysterdi 14 дней назад
I fell in love with everything about this girl. He speaks beautifully.
@buddahflower2424 14 дней назад
this girl needs to write a book. I would read it!
@zeroneg 15 дней назад
Shadowing...I have so far shadowed Surgical Pathology and Physical Therapy (REALLY wanted to understand what my patients will experience and the clinical therapies they will receive.
@zeroneg 15 дней назад
That said, I really wan to find a good D.O. clinician to shadow and more specialties to get exposure to.
@erinleal8878 15 дней назад
great to see another GT pre med
@rapprelevant333 15 дней назад
Wheen I furst coom froom Mexico thees one time i took a burrito hom from buffet maybes i no good fur doctors 😢
@Nadiasartwork 17 дней назад
BDSM suit 😂😂
@glaucusyellow 17 дней назад
“I don’t like dialogue cause I didn’t read a lot when I was younger. It slows me down a lot.” Ok so because you are a bonehead it’s terrible for anyone to write this way? Laughable content. Had she been accepted, the video would have been spun a completely different way, guaranteed.
@schwullhund 19 дней назад
My school prioritizes postbac students over degree seeking
@conleydickerson5029 20 дней назад
most useless explanations ever.
@TheMonsterMimic 21 день назад
I’ve gained so much insight watching these videos. I love the variety of ways you address different aspects of the application process. It’s tough finding the best approach while writing these statements, but it’s important to check yourself and truly consider why you chose this!
@Metachief_X 21 день назад
My gpa is 2.6 and have one more class to finish in computer engineering in NYC. I struggled with school because I had an undiagnosed mental illness (bipolar type 1) for many many years. I was hospitalized due to psychosis twice during school. After 2 years of being stable on meds, I’m seriously considering to study medicine (psychiatry) because I feel like I have a duty to help people in similar situations. Also because I recently converted to Christianity and feel like God is telling me to do it. Lots of people are suffering from the harmful effects of technology/social media/drugs/trauma/abuse… im 29, still live with my mom, no kids, no girlfriend… I am caregiver for my mom and that takes care of rent and utilities… I’m thinking I have a privilege that most people don’t have and I should take advantage of it… do you think I have a shot? Considering I’m on meds now and attend therapy regurlarly… would med schools pass me over? Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated… thank you!
@theultimatereductionist7592 21 день назад
If medical people had any brains, then not only would they let EVERYONE who WANTS to get into medical school & veterinarian school in, but they would FORCE EVERYONE ELSE to attend medical school & veterinarian school, and have science drilled through their skulls day & night. This is the ONLY WAY to FIGHT RAMPANT STUPIDITY & ANTISCIENCE BIGOTRY & HATRED in this world.
@Mirwhosane 21 день назад
This girl has too much negative attitude. Well deserved
@andreapalma7570 22 дня назад
I’m so upset for her that the military took 3 months to get her transcripts done. That’s just awful! I bet that’s a big part of the anxiety of why she withdrew. When I got out of the military, I got into University of Texas with a super low ACT and 1 year of community college. And out of state. Not the same as med school, but I definitely felt like my military experience helped me get in. Not to mention I had experience in my chosen field, through the military. Anyway, would love to know if she has since re-applied and gotten in.
@PaulaGFSilva 22 дня назад
Would a massage therapy intake part of the session count as clinical work?
@ReeseLarson-ok8xg 22 дня назад
Thank you for this! 😊
@Mark-iu1zc 23 дня назад
I'm so confused is the school gpa different when you start applying to medical school?
@lakenarmstrong9942 23 дня назад
We are considering HPSP vs MDSSP for my husband who’s about to start med school? Interested to know how often you deploy while serving your time? I know it’s different for everyone and based off specialty but do you have any idea?
@jesusbaldonado 23 дня назад
This med school application process is just a crock!! Applicants are admitted based on who can spin the best tales........just everyone please admit it. You want to be a doctor cuz it's recession proof job, pays well and I think it has still some prestige. How many of my colleagues who wrote in their applications they would fix cleft lips, take care of "Mother Theresa's People" actually do or have ever done it? Heck.....they won't even take care of migant farm workers who put food on their table.....
@SejalInManhattan 24 дня назад
I have to question her judgment if she thought applying with a 2.6 was a good idea. Like what was she thinking? She has no common sense. Who wants a Dr. who does not have basic reasoning skills and poor judgment? I think she needs to take some time to grow up and mature as a person. Does she even understand how hard it is just to get through med school? Much less get in?
@SejalInManhattan 24 дня назад
Christina Applegate and Jamie Lynn Sigler started a podcast recently discussing their challenges with MS. It's called MeSsy. You might enjoy it.
@SejalInManhattan 24 дня назад
Does anyone want a Dr. who had a low GPA taking care of them? There is a reason med schools require high stats.
@fabriciocunha8436 25 дней назад
I rarely comment on yt videos but thank you so much for this video!! It helped me so much
@austinehst7859 26 дней назад
Thank you for these videos.
@SejalInManhattan 26 дней назад
A lot has changed since this video was posted. I know surgeons who are DOs. My obgyn was a DO who delivered my babies. All excellent doctors. Your MCAT score does not determine whether or not you will be a good doctor. It only determines which med school you may get into.
@SejalInManhattan 26 дней назад
DO is not inferior to MD. In 2020, they officially merged, and residency programs are no longer MD versus DO-they are, in fact, grouped together. I know surgeons who are DOs. My obgyn was a DO who delivered my babies. All excellent doctors. Your MCAT score does not determine whether or not you will be a good doctor. It only determines which med school you may get into.
@jatinsingh9062 26 дней назад
one of the best personal statements ive read