I upload stuff from time to time.
Star Trek VI Praxis is destroyed
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Star Trek DS9  "The Odyssey"
7 лет назад
@geraldspencer8679 15 часов назад
2:07 Gowron left himself wide open! Some leader.
@MovieSceneDeepDive 13 дней назад
0:43 This exchange always rings with me. Nothing better than two worthy adversaries trading their people’s credos before engaging in combat
@RagnarKorg3141 16 дней назад
"After all these years, even now, you manage to disappoint me, Jean-Luc."
@WNShadow814 24 дня назад
Looked to me like the prophet had that one in the bag. Wraith had lost almost all of its ground when the fight got called off
@GattToDaChoppa 26 дней назад
"worf, this is madness!" "madness? THIS! IS! QO'NOS!"
@donniegreenway8401 Месяц назад
The respect they have for each other is wonderful to see. Picard is a lot like. Kirk, he is brave, respects and cares about his crew but there is no doubt who is in charge,. Picard tested Riker by having him do a manual docking and Riker didn't bat an eye, that was confidence on both men's part. You can tell Picard wants to cry when Riker leaves, they knew long goodbyes are so hard and still have to maintain that tough guy image and look the part of the leader.
@kendrickl5913 Месяц назад
Worf with the most badass sh*t I've ever seen (shoutout to garak too)
Месяц назад
i think harry should have made lt jg in season seven at least.
@Wizardof Месяц назад
Uploaded and captured via the "1990s bootleg theater" method. I could never convert and upload VOBs.
@donaldjr1969 Месяц назад
For a bunch of angry old women, it would have been interesting to see Anya fight Vadic from PIC Season 3...
@Samar3n Месяц назад
That Jem'Hadar went out like a true warrior.
@rjj5075 Месяц назад
Remind anyone of Chernobyl
@Steven_toast Месяц назад
I like that the look Worf gives Martok in response is like “actually this is the most sane and important thing I’ll ever do”
@simplegarak Месяц назад
I'll admit other episodes are better, but this two parter is my personal favorite episodes of DS9. Even better how it starts off with Worf and Garak butting heads and insulting each other, but by the end... "you did well." It just gets me every time.
@kitideduce5508 Месяц назад
and that children is how I met your father.
@Wizardof Месяц назад
When Harry called her "Sir" in "Caretaker"...she NEVER forgave him!
@toddkurzbard 2 месяца назад
Always loved Gowron with those batsh*t crazy eyes.
@chrismc410 2 месяца назад
@PhoenixFlare1 2 месяца назад
One thing Star Trek is known for: Raining people.
@chrismc410 2 месяца назад
They should've had O'Brien in First Contact. We all saw Barclay, should've been with Worf on the Defiant
@chissstardestroyer 2 месяца назад
Just judging from how Jake would be fighting against his "master" the evil spirit inhabiting him would kind of bug out as being impotent; they HATE to be powerless- and will avoid that kind of situation if they have any say at all about that!
@Zodiastarmann 2 месяца назад
Idk if I'm the only one who sees this but this part of Startrek isn't just about Data trying to be more human by provoking anger, it's also about Data processing a traumatic event trying to figure out why he was angry.
@ultra6671 2 месяца назад
Putting aside the embarrassing way Tasha Yar was killed off, Armus was one of the most interesting one-shot villains in Star Trek history. He tries to pride himself as a being of pure evil, but as Picard points out, for all of his menace, Armus is just one guy stuck on some backwater planet with no way to leave.
@Panthorius 2 месяца назад
Every time I watch data and he says stop stop stop and throws the Borg and looks lifeless. It makes me think of Customerservice calls that go to out of country when you seek a refund! I’m ☠️😂.
@Wizardof 2 месяца назад
Should have run the Galaxy Class across a few more drawing boards!!!!! - Capt. Donald Varley, TNG "Contagion".😠
@michaelmartin2589 2 месяца назад
Green lady .. dude
@matthewbrown8679 2 месяца назад
I hated what they did with Gowron's character. So common of Star Trek to build wonderful canon only to throw it away for convenience in storytelling.
@Sturgeon54 2 месяца назад
Praxis is clearly meant to be a stand-in for Chernobyl and the Klingon Empire a stand-in for the U.S.S.R. - the whole movie is very much an allegory about the thaw going on at the time in the relationship between the West and Communist sphere. Even the Di-Lithium mines of Rura Penthe seem like the Gulag of Siberia.
@robertfield5904 2 месяца назад
Exodus 20:3-17,
@cd6286 3 месяца назад
Why was it cut :( :( :( ???
@sarahh6 2 месяца назад
Stupid networks. Time slots. It is canon though. Glad you got to see it! 🤘
@BoilersRock 3 месяца назад
Was the audio recorded from a telephone? I'm cool with that if it was, but I'm just curious.
@audeobellicus 3 месяца назад
"The klingon moon is sick, get it to the infirmary."
@ipoison3862 3 месяца назад
I can relate so much 😂❤
@NovaNova-w4e 3 месяца назад
Ep name
@NovaNova-w4e 3 месяца назад
@alexanderjones9572 3 месяца назад
Aa, the perils of predictive ageing. Tuvok here looks too young ( which I initially thought was pretty convincing)-but he’s the age ( about) that Captain Tuvok was in ‘Picard’.
@0biwan7 3 месяца назад
he's in all the briefings for senior officers and he's functioning as chief science officer. of all the bridge crew, only janeway has more scientific knowledge than he does. no reason not to promote him to chief science officer. unless the sticky-bamboo-floor is still a thing even in the 24th century
@weiyuan5007 3 месяца назад
That’s the glass ceiling for asians 😂 kudos they wrote that in 😂
@0biwan7 3 месяца назад
more like the bamboo floor. glass ceiling refers to someone who rises almost to the top but then cant move further up. but poor harry (and a lot of asians in real life) never make it past the lowest rank for their track despite having impressive accomplishments both before and after they join the team.
@weiyuan5007 3 месяца назад
@@0biwan7 I stand corrected. Damn. Bamboo floor.
@phild8095 3 месяца назад
When this first came on decades ago I thought, this would make a great side series. ST KCW. Some characters we already know, some we are introduced to, heroes, villains, intrigue, battles, near victories, near defeats, Klingon customs, engineering, it still has possibilities.
@Trek1663 3 месяца назад
It was the right thing to do as even the time cop said he would do it to
@GreggBeever-c7m 3 месяца назад
He said " energy wave on port side...it was starboard side...get it right people
@666mengel 3 месяца назад
I always loved Klingons birds of prey ships!! They're absolutely magnificent!
@JonBaldock 3 месяца назад
Picard has no honor and is a coward.
@Otacatapetl 3 месяца назад
Yep, no doubt about it - the debris from an explosion in space only travels in one plane.
@SpaceCadete101 3 месяца назад
so many white faces
@jamierobertson9832 3 месяца назад
I miss dialogue like this in Star Trek.
@GunGriffin187 3 месяца назад
Great episodes
@poppashots994 3 месяца назад
Zolo has his own ship
@sarahberkner 3 месяца назад
I liked this episode and I don't get why it has low ratings on IMDb. Harry gets to try his hand at being a captain of a ship and it was an engaging episode.
@Jamesamong007 3 месяца назад
Risks getting in serious trouble and messing up the timeline just to meet Kirk.