Valley Church is an independent Bible church in Cupertino, California. We are unified by our love for Jesus Christ as our Savior, and our respect for the Bible as the word of God.

The videos available on this page are from our Sunday services and special video presentations.
sermon: Dining with Jesus!
14 дней назад
sermon: Thus Says The Lord?
Месяц назад
sermon: Sustained by Grace
Месяц назад
Sermon: Grace = Power
2 месяца назад
Sermon: God’s Workmanship
2 месяца назад
Sermon: God- Living Out and Giving Out Grace
2 месяца назад
sermon: Let God Be God!
2 месяца назад
Sermon: Blessed and Beloved by Grace
3 месяца назад
Inspiration from Above
3 месяца назад
Sermon: The Truth About Grace
3 месяца назад
sermon: An Extraordinary Shepherd
3 месяца назад
Sermon: Time to Define the Relationship
3 месяца назад
sermon: I Will Not Be Afraid!
4 месяца назад
Sermon: Winning the Angel Lottery
4 месяца назад
sermon: Listening for Heaven’s Sake
4 месяца назад
Sermon: Life in the Family of God
5 месяцев назад
sermon: The Problem of Parenting
5 месяцев назад
sermon: Follow the Leader
5 месяцев назад
Sermon: Grace to Race!
5 месяцев назад
sermon: Something Better
6 месяцев назад
Sermon: Developing a Heart for God
6 месяцев назад
Sermon: Developing Night Vision
6 месяцев назад
@jsfbay1 4 дня назад
At 27:14 you said that one out of four people have never heard the name of Christ, no witness in their own language. How then can the entire world be reached by the gospel in 2025 (something you said a few weeks back)? Or I may just be confused, something that is not uncommon 🙂
@nicolefrederickson1066 18 дней назад
Congratulations Mark and Chandra! 🙏🏼
@lisacrowe1773 2 месяца назад
Poor groomsmen. Standing and waiting and waiting.
@danwatters7527 2 месяца назад
Congrats Mark & Chandra!
@rickford2697 3 месяца назад
Great, needed encouragement to do good works
@rickford2697 4 месяца назад
Our 'fears' are insignificant compared to our spiritual reality in Christ on Whom we set our gaze.
@RubenMartinez-jq7hm 7 месяцев назад
"Men is an island of knowledge, surrounded by a Ocean of ignorance."
@judithglover9214 8 месяцев назад
1/21/24 God has always had a plan to save those that believe, have blind faith, hope and find joy in him. He will continue to show us his love, mercy to those that ask forgiveness,his grace is sufficient to all that comes to him who surrenders into him. Great sermon to study further
@sandramoore895 8 месяцев назад
Our orchestra sounded awesome! So proud of everyone!
@rebeccajohnson8105 10 месяцев назад
@chayneschaetzle9307 10 месяцев назад
Love you Grandma, miss you so much!
@artiepaveglio5606 10 месяцев назад
*Promo SM* 🌹
@moanamoana2008 10 месяцев назад
I am always so blessed when I hear pastor Miller teach.
@petertaranto8192 Год назад
Dr hugh is one of the most knowledgeable people I've seen about the bible,praise Jesus christ!
@jenna2431 Год назад
The wrong way to doubt: Look for reasons to stay a Christian. No inquiry is successful that starts with the conclusion. The right way to doubt: Follow the truth wherever it leads. Commit to an open mind. Follow the evidence. Draw reasonable conclusions. Not the conclusions your friends or family want you to reach. Not the "always done it this way" conclusion. But the actual evidentiary outcome. And don't be afraid of walking away. It's like ripping a band-aid. You do that once a wound or injury has HEALED. It hurts, but only for a second.
@isaacthomas5733 Год назад
Praise God
@isaacthomas5733 Год назад
Praise the Lord
@anonymous-3720 Год назад
Birth of scientific rev. End
@jsfbay1 Год назад
Thank you to the technical folks for all your work on these videos. Even though I was at the service, sometimes it can be nice to listen to the sermon a second time.
@herbertjuliette762 Год назад
Just became a fan. You can thank me later --> S M Z E U S.
@jsfbay1 Год назад
Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who made this possible.
@lynwingf631 Год назад
What a precious sister in Christ. God is good for we shall see the Lord and Anna someday. In His presence there shall be no more tears but rejoicing to be with those who trusted Christ Jesus.
@susanjob5235 Год назад
My first Pen Pal through my Mom. God’s gift to my Mom. We are blessed to know her the great woman of God. Sure will miss her here, she joined with my parents, my brother and my husband in Heaven. They all rejoicing with angels 😇 and with our Heavenly Father. Will them all on other shore.
@sammathews1917 Год назад
We are so much excited to hear about the life of our beloved Mom. Yes, truly she was and is an inspiration to love and serve the Lord. Her life is a great blessing for the ministry of New Life in India. Thank you for streaming live. We miss her physical presence but hoping to see her in His Return. Eric, Karyn, Bruce, Bettie and families, you are very special to us. Be assured of our prayers. Let us continue to run the race faithfully. Blessings in Jesus name.
@marianazario1320 Год назад
Thank you for streaming the memorial for Anna. It was a blessing to see and to hear all the memories of Anna. She was my mentor and my dear friend. Maria Nazario.
@stephenvivien4197 2 года назад
Awesome church service, thank you all very much.
@jsfbay1 2 года назад
Thanks everyone for providing this resource for those of us that couldn't make it. One question - the past few videos seem to have video/audio sync issues, i.e. people's lips and the audio don't line up (the audio is ahead of the video.) It could just be me though. Thanks again.
@removingveils5824 2 года назад
If God has no form then how could God make man in HIs image unless that image would become man?
@MsHeaddy 2 года назад
A powerful sermon. Thank you
@jsfbay1 2 года назад
Thank you Glen.
@jsfbay1 2 года назад
As usual, thanks to all who make these live streams possible.
@jsfbay1 2 года назад
My thanks to the sound, lights, video, _______ (fill in the blank) workers!
@ericmontanye6682 2 года назад
Can’t hear anything.
@martylawrence5532 2 года назад
Not only this, the theory of evolution can be scientifically proven wrong by the following...Epigenetics does not engage evolution. It works outside of the theory. It makes for all adaptation-to-new environments, diets, and threats WITHOUT mutating the DNA sequences. If the DNA does not mutate into evolution, then all of the theorized macroevolution schemes are impossible. All of the papers supporting evolution uses words like 'may' or 'possible' are words denoting guesses and they ask YOU to take on as fact by faith. DNA mutations in light of adaptations-by-epigenome becomes evolution-impertinent. The 2014 discovery/elucidated takes the house of cards down. Mutation into evolution becomes a non sequitur...it does not follow. Ironically natural selection selects epigenetic modulations for all this time. It is intelligent design. We are a creation.
@ivmel9198 2 года назад
Amazed and addicted to lectures by this Man of God answering our questions with such Grace!
@cdogthehedgehog6923 3 года назад
Complete and utter garbage.
@djsarg7451 2 месяца назад
When someone replies with name-calling or insults, I know the person has not one idea about the topic at hand.
@cdogthehedgehog6923 2 месяца назад
@@djsarg7451 Thats called an assumption. You know what they say about making assumptions.
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Sparky gave his life to stop the service but Daniel Kim's crew came through big time! Thank you!
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
A moment of silence for Sparky the squirrel...
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thank you for pulling a rabbit (squirrel would be more appropriate) out of the hat and get this message online! Great job improvising!
@russelldilley3270 3 года назад
why can't we todays service, 8/22 on utube?
@valleychurchca 3 года назад
The church had a power outage this morning
@ceciliachiu-wong9909 3 года назад
Please DO NOT pull down masks indoors during the pandemic. Love each other by keeping everybody safe with masks worn indoors please.
@kvjones6 3 года назад
Thanks for the correction on my comments about breathing C02 from masks Nurse Heather! I should just say, "I'm a preacher not a doctor" and stay away from such things! Haha! :)
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thanks everyone involved in making this media available to us, especially for those who can't make it to church.
@garikaimasuka8192 3 года назад
Watching from Zimbabwe, what a blessing it is to be part of this service. My family went crazy when we saw Hands of Hope👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
wow Zimbabwe! We donated to your country
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thank you to all who make this video possible!
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
For anyone who wasn't present during the service, here's some times you can click on to get you to various parts of the service. The first hour was a test of live streaming. 1:00:57 - Beginning of announcements 1:02:05 - Organ Prelude 1:05:26 - Welcome to the Service 1:08:14 - First Hymn (Traditional) 1:11:21 - Second Hymn (Traditional) 1:13:19 - Third Hymn (Traditional) 1:16:40 - Scripture Reading 1:17:37 - Offering 1:19:55 - Greeting 1:21:41 - First Contemporary Song 1:27:12 - Second Contemporary Song 1:32:31 - Second Scripture Reading 1:34:39 - Kurt Introductory Remarks 1:38:05 - Missionary Interview 1:43:15 - Sermon Begins 2:23:04 - Daniel & the Blooper Reel 2:28:32 - Recognizing Behind-the-Scenes Volunteers 2:30:17 - Introduction to Baptisms 2:33:01 - Baptisms Begin
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thank you everyone for making these videos for those of us who aren't coming to church on the grass! They are greatly appreciated :)
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thank you everyone for making these videos for those of us who aren't coming to church on the grass! They are greatly appreciated :)
@jsfbay1 3 года назад
Thank you everyone for making these videos for those of us who aren't coming to church on the grass! They are greatly appreciated :)
@danphillips3580 3 года назад
look what they found a yop the mountain www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1432014/bible-great-flood-genesis-marine-fossils-fish-mount-everest-himalayan-noah-ark-spt yet fools follow Hugh Ross as their priest