NBC Palm Springs
NBC Palm Springs
NBC Palm Springs
Welcome to NBC Palm Springs, news and weather for Palm Springs and the entire Coachella Valley.
First in the valley since 1968!
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INDISPUTABLE - 5-22-2024
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INDISPUTABLE - 5-21-2024
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Desert Living Now - Michael Kublin
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Desert Living Now - Jody Bogle
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INDISPUTABLE - 5-20-2024
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12 часов назад
@matthewblumenthal804 14 минут назад
This tax, and measures like it, target the poor. By making it more expensive to own a gun, those who need it the most are adversely impacted. This is by design. The California Democratic party loves criminals, but they hate the poor. By making it more expensive to legally obtain the tools of defense, they are creating victims. This supports their narratives, so not only do they not care, but are delighted to see violence perpetrated on poor people. Especially poor people in communities of color.
@timlabell 3 часа назад
@kustom1958 4 часа назад
I nominated a pokestop there and it was approved and made it in game. Go spin it!!!
@greyjackson2159 6 часов назад
I hope the well is good and it works out for all of you!
@brownie4917 8 часов назад
No croc's because the sand gets so hot they will melt and burn your feet.
@eutimiochavez415 8 часов назад
U did a great report thank you❤❤❤❤
@donnasloane9031 8 часов назад
The land there is producing lithium.....Anyone profiting?
@eutimiochavez415 9 часов назад
I hope that they do restore the lake use to be a great place to go ❤❤❤
@d.wagnerRE 10 часов назад
Thank you chief Mills! We appreciate you!
@timcantrell9673 11 часов назад
Excellent report! I grew up there in the sixties when everyone and everything from farms to desert to Joshua Tree to hwy 10 as a two laner was totally beautiful. There is volcanoes in the area and one topic not focused on is that volcanic structure underneath the Salton sea to El Centro. The San Andreas fault line is home to many volcanoes that have been rearranged because the fault line moves north and south. When I was kid, we went to the hot springs along the Andreas and sat in booths or went swimming at Desert Hot Springs that had like 3 giant hot spring pools.
@Paul-ow6of 11 часов назад
Please don’t make it a monument. Do you have to take all our land from us?
@cgreenfield6655 16 часов назад
What in the name of all that is holy is going on here!? 😅😅
@alanbailey5621 19 часов назад
This does nothing for the problem of the Salton Sea.
@bluelava4282 День назад
@bluelava4282 День назад
Rock on 🤘
@tedwalker1370 День назад
Why can't you just bring a water pipe from the Pacific Ocean to the Salton Sea and fill it back up again? It is below sea level isn't it?
@raybruneau4726 День назад
Desalination sea of Cortes
@raybruneau4726 День назад
Mississippi WEST spring flooding water to Colorado river !!!!
@chrisathan2185 День назад
Amazing girl your life is changing complete to the best, you are going very high with your talent
@ellenorbovay5226 День назад
You may win the award for the dumbest use of ground water in CA history! That is not a "Sea", that was an accident that allowed water to flow into a desert area back when we still had water in the Colorado river, which we don't anymore. It dried up when the water was diverted for agriculture, the river no longer makes it into the ocean in Mexico, because we use it all in California. But its NBC, so I would expect it to be a lame story, thats what they do.
@jwfinley7808 День назад
Property owners would love to make money on their worthless property?
@jwfinley7808 День назад
All the way to the president. That was. A waste of time?😂
@Dkrpan59 День назад
If people here on the coast would double and even triple use our water water just maybe the two lakes that should have water that is Tulare and the Salton Sea
@joeyl6911 День назад
Dad took us fishing and camping in the mid 70's. Great memories, but now its just terrible and nearly a ghost town. Makes no sense you restore the channels since the big problem is the Salton Sea. Still gonna have the stench of the SS hitting the channels. Just tap into the Colorado to continue drawing fresh water. Good luck SS.
@mayumayu9966 День назад
Awww I really hope I can go to your concert some day
@slworking2 2 дня назад
The problem is that the county and state want the Salton Sea to go away. The last thing they want to do is restore it. Meanwhile, the IID and county love to demolish history.
@kristinabolba1351 2 дня назад
62 wish I had a chance... you go girl
@jeanneleung7953 2 дня назад
@jondurr 2 дня назад
Good luck, dreamers!
@DocHelliday 2 дня назад
See: Wasteland Weekend 😂
@michaelb503 2 дня назад
I'm sure the residents of Desert Shores and Bombay Beach appreciate this story. Great reporting! ❤
@MUDFam562 2 дня назад
Just took my family 🦖💖
@michaelross7680 2 дня назад
Heck yeah, use the tax payers money to fix up one little spot for one small group of people so they can live it up again. Don't worry about all the other run down places in the country & all the struggling people living in them. Sounds about right.
@ruthallen1568 3 дня назад
She will be able to bless her struggling mom
@addisoncoleman9571 3 дня назад
Why don’t they make a gate so the Colorado river feeds can it again
@reblzbackjack 3 дня назад
It’s is a very unique area.
@shroomzzz 3 дня назад
Why is everyone pretending that the Salton Sea was anything more than a temporary wash basin filled with polluted waters? So, because some realtors pitched a failing real estate Idea in the 60s we should continue the sunk cost fallacy that this area would ever be an economically viable tourist paradise? Save the lithium!
@gregdesmet5658 3 дня назад
See you in November. To hot now
@slowjamastan 2 дня назад
We welcome you with open arms and a slightly flat bottle of Fresca.
@gregdesmet5658 3 дня назад
Slab city has a hot spring.
@DarthCryst-Soundcloud 3 дня назад
They kept a straight face while talking in a misappropriated voice the whole time...now that's commitment 😅
@slowjamastan 2 дня назад
Hey, that's our official language: "English with GFA." GFA stands for "General Foreign Accent. We want EVERYONE to be included!
@AramK 3 дня назад
Welcome to Petoria !
@kentconti9491 3 дня назад
So this is what happens when retirement comes too soon
@kentconti9491 3 дня назад
Great to see creativity at point in time that needs human connection the most
@allermenchenaufder 3 дня назад
@@kentconti9491 Yes, but why so militant ? Cheerier please.
@mattsmith5284 2 дня назад
Or to late.
@slowjamastan 2 дня назад
LOL our great Sultan works THREE jobs actually...he is a man of the people!
@Fudusbtjfjf 3 дня назад
Why if we built a big toilet around the salton sea and put a really big head in the toilet is would be pretty skibidi toilet
@soccerbum474 3 дня назад
@danlowe8684 3 дня назад
It amazes me how the MSM treats man-made disasters being returned to a natural state, by natural causes, as the complete opposite. The Salton Sea was created by man and is trying to dry up - so drought. Tulare Lake was drained by man and keeps trying to refill - so floods. SMH.
@buzman1985 3 дня назад
This dude is an idiot.
@kathiebauer5165 3 дня назад
In the 50s & 60s it was a great place to visit, fish, ski, & camp. But the planet changes over to time. California has always miss used water. Pumping freshwater into the Salton Sea as it sits on an active volcano & the San Andreas fault is not logical.
@Hunkonly6678 4 дня назад
Bro got fired 💀
@macking104 4 дня назад
The May 18th earthquake swarm south of the Salton Sea were near the Imperial Fault.
@slowjamastan 4 дня назад
Brilliant reporting. Thank you, Olivia! ¡VIVA SLOWJAMASTAN!