Let’s talk about video games from the past, present, and future.

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@47kohmm Час назад
Making cool stuff and don't let the fans getting it😂 It's how they celebrate
@robertmielczarski96 День назад
It’s just a box and you have an issue with it really
@beandipnchips4502 День назад
Just a box. Lol you’re an NPC. It’s obviously a new 30th anniversary design for the ps5. You thought it was just a box lmao.
@ronaldm.haynes6042 День назад
You sound like you got an inside track on these.
@robertmielczarski96 День назад
@@beandipnchips4502 sorry I don’t get is your comment aimed at me or just throwing your opinion in because my comment was about the guy in the video having an issue with the box it comes in and your comment seems to take issue with me for some reason and just for the record if it’s going to be a 30th anniversary design or not it’s still just a box and that’s not why people are gonna buy it. They’re gonna buy it for the console not the design on the box.
@jayjayhooksch1 День назад
You're not going go get the pro model. No one is. Do you realize how few 12000 units is compared to how many people are interested in Playstation products? They could have made 100x this amount and still not come close to meeting demand while keeping it very rare. That 100x would have only been 1.6% of current ps5 owners (60 million) wanting it, not to mention everyone else, like me, who waited or otherwise hasn't entered the ps5 generation yet, thats likely another 60 million if we go by ps4 total sales. You need less than 1 ps5 owner/potential ps5 owner out of 10,000 owners/potential owners to want this for it to sell out instantly. All of that, before considering scalpers.
@projectravevids6907 3 дня назад
Waiting on that Concord vid 😂
@MarvinPowell1 8 дней назад
This game looks gross and there's a reason the only people defending it have less than 500 subs.
@hardcore-devil-gamer 12 дней назад
Wait for ps6 price 900 plus
@MIGUEL-fe4uu 12 дней назад
The really sad thing is the PS5 is really a PS4 with faster loading. They have yet to make a true PS5 game.
@juniorb23 13 дней назад
Sony's marketing team must have been rubbing their hands together with glee as they watched gamers fork over (even in somecases) triple the price for the PS5. And now, they're ready to cash in even more with the PS5 Pro. Talk about a cash grab! They want some of that desperate gamer's money.
@leatheryfoot6354 20 дней назад
They just announced the game is getting taken down on September 6th. That's three days from now for all the people in the future. Wild shit.
@MaddieRaeGun 27 дней назад
So glad your channel is out here! So much hate and negativity it’s nice to see someone excited about this game
@robertoj.9509 29 дней назад
The game is being hated because it was trying to focus on a really small audience... And what's even worse, is that this audience are toxic as hell. You either like them, praise them and include them everywhere, or they try to bash your head with a stick. So people started to pay back the same favor. If you include them, people will bash them with a stick. That toxic community started a war they won't/can't win. Vast majority of people disagrees with them. And will still be disagreeing with them. They succeeded in cinema, tv shows, and even books, because those are small hobbies, they take a few hours of your life and that's it... Games are different. People playing games are spendings hundred of hours in said product, and if it's the typical "Inclusive" agenda, they get tired of it. And just look, it already started to happen to film, shows, books... Whenever you see what we call a "woke" element... The ratings drop. So, in the end it really doesn't matter if the game is offering good stuff... There are elements that make people angry... The vast majority of people hates it. This is why despite all the paid reviewers trying to promote it, it failed. Unlike Black Myth Wukong, where reviewers tried to bash the game, the game succeeded. The same happened with Helldivers 2. The same happened with other games that decided to forget about the agenda... Gamers don't care about stupid trending bullshit. They want good products. If you want love, go tell your mom.
@Haze686 Месяц назад
For a lot of gamers this game is a bust but if you guys like this game I'm happy for you don't let the internet get to you guys
@iph2 28 дней назад
This how all games should be treated
@morganborzelli8942 Месяц назад
Only thing I hope they do is add more then 1 map per season cause that would be kind of lacklustre , other then that I’m hype
@malo932 Месяц назад
Woke trash
@JimBobe Месяц назад
Great vid! It's nice to see a video on Concord that isnt all doom and gloom. Keep it up fam
@ttrev007 Месяц назад
the reason why the game is dead on arrival is because games like that require match making have to have a critical mass to survive. if matches take to long to start people will quite and the game hemorrhages players.
@ttrev007 Месяц назад
when a game is charging money and its competitors are free, it better be an outstanding game to have a chance of competing. why would i pick Concord over Fortnite?
@BreakingRaven Месяц назад
for me game just looks boring. too much shooters like that.
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
I don't think the game will last long. The reaction from gamers has been very hostile.
@anthonyblanton7074 Месяц назад
I like the game and was thinking like you that maybe I shouldn't buy it because the audience for it will die down too fast. After thinking about it, if I can get month worth of entertainment for 40 dollars then it was worth it. Spend more than that for dinner and movie nowadays.
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
@@anthonyblanton7074 Why not spend that money on a good game though? Or something else worthwhile?
@bymicromize Месяц назад
​@@anthonyblanton7074cool see you in the game!
@CrystalMang0 Месяц назад
Who cares? Haters don't determine if the game I'll fail if enough players decide to still play
@morganborzelli8942 Месяц назад
@andregurov Месяц назад
I'm afraid using words like "zeitgeist" will go over the haters heads.
@robertoj.9509 29 дней назад
As it should, because it's a stupid snob useless word.
@andregurov Месяц назад
Very nicely done. I would never have guessed you were "new" to this if you didn't mention it.
@TheMultiman123 Месяц назад
Thanks! I really appreciate that!
@andregurov Месяц назад
@@TheMultiman123 Your mic work has improved since the previous Concord video you put out. Less hiss, fewer pronunciation pops and noise, and a very good cadence; much more professional (and without any cursing, haha). Keep up the good work! The voice work is quite tidy.
@marisonic5756 Месяц назад
Hi me Emilio's
@FyLaw95 Месяц назад
Happy to support someone covering this game, since I really enjoyed both betas. Hope to see the game find it's audience.
@TheMultiman123 Месяц назад
I really liked the betas too. I’m excited for release and I personally think the game is gonna blow up here.
@tarstarkas1091 Месяц назад
These are quite possibly the ugliest chsracters i have ever seen in a video game. Who looked at them and thought that people will be fine with these designs? Whoever was it, was delusional.
@ChrisFromNY Месяц назад
Hate is mostly NPCs reading off a script from their favorite rage bait content creator. A lot of these people aren't even 18 years old and can't stand when games cost money. Many of them are addicted to F2P titles and unless their friends are getting it, they won't dare ask mom for the credit card. Much easier to shit on a game and feel better about themselves than play it and be criticized by their peers for liking something different.
@TheMultiman123 Месяц назад
Preach brother! 100% this.
@ttrev007 Месяц назад
why pay for what you can get for free. it is much easier to get your friends to play if they don't have to buy into it. nothing wrong with people valuing their hard earned money.
@malo932 Месяц назад
@BombalurinaAI Месяц назад
I had to sit there and think to myself. If I took the best games I ever played, GTA, Smash, Halo, whatever and replaced the characters with ugly visually unappealing characters, would I still enjoy it? The answer is no. You can't in good conscious tell me these are visually appealing character designs when, the game has been out for months in some form of beta/per-release and there is still not a single piece of fan art/rule34 made of them.
@ChrisFromNY Месяц назад
There is fan art. Some characters look cool. Some characters need redesigns or skins. Gameplay is fun.... I'll laugh if this game takes off somehow and all the haters are suddenly playing it.
@BombalurinaAI Месяц назад
@@ChrisFromNY I wish I had your optimism.
@JackTwoFingers Месяц назад
@@ChrisFromNY There is no fanart and not one girl wants to cosplay these ugly monstrosities of characters. Cope harder
@nachoface2183 3 дня назад
​@@ChrisFromNYI'll laugh for you 😂😂😂
@ChrisFromNY 2 дня назад
@@nachoface2183 I'm laughing at you for still giving a shit about this game. Since the release of this game, I have played and completed Star Wars Outlaws, Space Marine 2, Black Myth Wukong and a few indie games. I did all that while you've been browsing comments looking for ways to feel good about yourself. Loser.
@dieaking6475 Месяц назад
Personally I really liked the Gameplay. They shouldv just kept out the pronouns. But I pre ordered deluxe after the second beta. Peace
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
It all looks so generic and soulless. Corporate leftism can probably get worse than this but damn it already sucks hard.
@ChrisFromNY Месяц назад
Do you think people get brainwashed into being told how to think, feel and act? When I see people get so bothered by some of this stuff, I cannot help but think about the type of content they consume that is telling them "you must hate this.. this is bad... revolt.. riot...bad" haha. Whether I like something or not, I don't let that become my personality and I sure as hell don't care about the stuff enough to express that opinion everywhere I go. Do you know how espionage works in the 21st century? Do you know it's purpose? Do you know how you program an entire country to destroy itself from within? That's what spies do.. intel and sabotage..... wise up. Stop getting bothered by this shit. Enjoy what you want in life and let others do the same without issue.
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
@@ChrisFromNY Yes comrade we must only consume approved content from multibillion dollar corporations such as Sony beep boop 🤖
@MarvinPowell1 8 дней назад
@@ChrisFromNY Yes, people _like you_ do get brainwashed into being told how to think, feel, and act. "This game has pronouns, queer people, and transwomen in it; I can't hate it or else that makes me a bigot, no matter how hideous the characters look or how awful and boring the gameplay is." You can both dislike something and not give it too much attention after that. I know that's a hard concept for you to grasp.
@ChrisFromNY 7 дней назад
@@MarvinPowell1 You must be one bored ass person to still browse and comment on Concord videos. Move on.
@ChrisFromNY 6 дней назад
@@MarvinPowell1 Yet here you are responding to a one month old comment about a dead game. Talk about not giving something too much attention.
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
A few reasons. The devs have been making anti-white racist comments on twitter. The ugly character designs. The pronouns. Misleading trailer. Bad voice acting. Very expensive yet very bad marketing. Illegal payola exposed. Agree or not, that's just some of the reasons. Don't shoot the messenger ❤
@projectravevids6907 Месяц назад
Where was the illegal payola exposed? I haven’t heard about that.
@michelians1148 Месяц назад
@@projectravevids6907 Every youtuber who doesn't disclose receiving money or benefits in kind is breaking the law and so are the people paying. Most big twitch streamers disclosed it as paid advertsing, but many smaller ones did not.
@TheMultiman123 Месяц назад
I think Concord is a cool game but i am really hoping that it isn't DOA and has some longer legs.
@dieaking6475 Месяц назад
I think it wil be fine.
@BombalurinaAI Месяц назад
@@dieaking6475 Changed the character designs, they could maybe stand a chance.
@warlock91 20 дней назад
@@dieaking6475 yikes
@aurorabullard3094 7 месяцев назад
You ever play it so much that itd freeze during cutscenes and youd have to trade discs real quick to get it to play, then swap it back before the whole game crashed? No? Just me?
@projectravevids6907 7 месяцев назад
Sony State of Play next vid???