Thomas Henley
Thomas Henley
Thomas Henley
Hello dear friend, my name is Thomas Henley and I'm an autistic streamer, podcaster, Instagram personality and public speaker from the lovely tea-drinking UK (England).

Join the Autie Legion membership tier for special badges and quirky emojis or consider higher tiers for more interaction with me as creator and shoutouts!

- I am NOT a doctor or licensed clinician
- If you'd like me to take down my reaction to one of your videos please email me at hi@thomashenley.co.uk
The Neurodivergent Gaze
19 часов назад
Is Autism Advocacy ALWAYS Right?
21 день назад
Autistic Monotropism Is THE ANSWER
21 день назад
Neurotypical Hate - Is it OK?
28 дней назад
The 7 Deadly Sins Of Autism
Месяц назад
Dating Mistakes Autistic People Make
2 месяца назад
Will This CURE Depression?
2 месяца назад
Autistic Task Branching Explained
2 месяца назад
The Flavours Of Autistic Infantilisation
3 месяца назад
Therapy For Autistic People Is BROKEN
3 месяца назад
YOU ARE Dissociated Right Now... Likely
3 месяца назад
Let's Discover YOUR Autistic Sensory Profile!
3 месяца назад
The Hidden Social Reason People Use XOXO
3 месяца назад
Navigating Friendship As An Autistic Person
3 месяца назад
What Is ARFID? | Autism A-Z
3 месяца назад
Autism and Anti-Depressant Medication
4 месяца назад
Autism Spectrum Disorder | Autism A-Z
4 месяца назад
Depression And Medication
4 месяца назад
Autism and OCD - The Lived Experience
4 месяца назад
The Challenges Of Being Autistic (ASD-1)
4 месяца назад
Low Support Needs Autism | The Unique Challenges
4 месяца назад
Fixing Autism Sleep Issues | Dr Megan Neff
5 месяцев назад
The Stigma Of Cerebral Palsy
5 месяцев назад
Autistic Monotropism In A Nutshell
5 месяцев назад
Why Autism Isn't Relatable To Neurotypicals
5 месяцев назад
Do Pets Make Autistic Shutdowns Worse?
5 месяцев назад
@Jessica_Lynn_1111 Час назад
@theJellyjoker 2 часа назад
I don't hate Allistics, I just don't like them. But it's part joke, part hyperbole, part satire and part holding up a mirror.
@angelagokool9514 3 часа назад
I have Autism, and I did try dating someone who's on the Autism Spectrum, but things didn't work out between us. We were together from 2008 to 2014. It started out really well, but towards the end, we didn't want the same things. I asked him to move in with me, but he wasn't ready. I wanted to get married and have a family, but he wasn't ready for that, either. He didn't understand what I wanted. Plus, he comes from a dysfunctional family, his father is a recovering alcoholic, and his parents are divorced. His mother had left him in charge of taking care of her and his brothers, even though she's employed. Plus, she's a horrible person. He also wouldn't have been able to support me, because of the type of employment he chose, which was delivering car parts. Also, I'm more educated than him, and I'm higher functioning. When we broke up, it was very upsetting to me. He was a good person, but in the end, we weren't on the same page. So, you're right: Not everyone with Autism is the same. However, I do have some really good friends with Autism, both male and female, though most of them are male. People on the Spectrum can be pretty loyal friends. As for dating, though, for the most part, you were right about some things. Some people on the Spectrum can be very kind, considerate, compassionate, intelligent people, who will make amazing partners.
@raven4090 4 часа назад
Yeah, that does help.
@HannahRainbow88 4 часа назад
Yay for Mirtazapine! I'm on Accord brand. SSRIs didn't work for me 😬 I tried a handful of different ones (and brands all affect me differently too!) 🤦🏻‍♀️
@MyHumanSuit 4 часа назад
I started using marijuana a few years ago. It got me to stop drinking and helped lead me to finding my autism diagnosis. Because of so many misdiagnoses and horrible medications throughout the year, I have been able to get off 99% of my medications and still weaning with help. Different strains have different effects on me at different times of day. Yes, I've learned it can make me paranoid and/or delusional if I don't stick to my usual and diet. It has also helped me with my social interactions, pain and social anxiety, appetite and sleep. BUT, If I use too much, it can cause prolonged low mood so I keep it PRN.
@Karangela 4 часа назад
Thomas, I too have lived with depression. I have wanted to be dead every day of my life since I was 12 years old. It is exactly as you have described it. I learned to put on mask so other people would not see my pain. Not to spare them, but to spare me any unwanted intrusions which might lead to feelings of further vulnerability. I’ve been on multiple meds. At one time I was on four. I am 68 now. At 62 I finally found meds that work for me.It’s been a long hard road. I wish you well in your journey. I’ll be in your corner. If I can ever be of service to you, do not hesitate to call on me.
@IilîliîliîlliI 5 часов назад
okay so here is a question, Thomas. what to do when you recognize that you have a particular/special interest, and that leaning in to monotropism is highly anxiety reducing...BUT your special interest is directly in opposition to your own ethical philosophy ?
@kimmiddleton951 5 часов назад
THC! CBD! How can I put this without being insulting...? Being that most of us can't resist going down a good rabbit hole, may I point out one that seems to have gotten lost in the smoke: - DELTA 9 - THC What is a delta, and how many are there in this context? You are free to keep your head buried in the sand, but nonetheless invited to take a trip down the rabbit hole and step through the looking glass. Personally, I can't stand sand in my sensory orifices.
@ivanramirez8145 5 часов назад
@misspat7555 6 часов назад
Bold of you to assume my goal is to be friendly. My goal is to raise my kids without having to move back in with my mother. The longer I can work my current job without threats of being fired (or actually being fired), the better for achieving that goal. But I ain’t looking for friends. 😑
@God-Was-Bored 7 часов назад
it’s difficult as a tall, slender, hot chick with hair down to her waist too. If you’re tall and hot, you can’t possibly be autistic. And if you’re having a meltdown, you must be on drugs.
@Echo81Rumple83 9 часов назад
Recently been taking some edibles (gummies) for my sleep issues (sleep aid just gives me weird dreams I don't want any part of). For an hour, while I'm waiting for sleep (and still doing the bad habit of staring at a bright screen, like my Switch with no blue light filter), I noticed how calm my mind feels, like there aren't any racing thoughts or annoying/inappropriate earworms for the evening. Then after that hour, even with my sleep music, my brain latches onto a banger of a bluegrass dubstep song I was listening to earlier in the day when I needed some motivational boost. I might need to take some melatonin as well next time.
@jandl1jph766 9 часов назад
Interestingly, cannabis (edibles, mostly) doesn't really change my perception or character much, it just completely breaks my masking - which is a lot of fun and very relaxing, but leaves me very much incompatible with mainstream society. However, many Stoners are quite happy to accept that and it's just a funny situation all around. The result is that I didn't use it very often, but immensely enjoy the occasions I do. As a side note, I enjoy the process of growing my own and love the smell of the plants, so there's another benefit.
@azazellon 10 часов назад
I'm self-medicating so I don't scream at my abusive mom. I don't want to hurt her. But sometimes she gets on my nerves so much I just...want her to go away. Forever. Weed literally saved me from meltdowns in the past, unfortunately it also brings up thoughts I'm trying to shove down when I'm sober lmao
@glennflorence6222 10 часов назад
What's some examples of softeners... ?
@kellychuba 10 часов назад
Such as "unfortunately", "to be honest", "I'm afraid", "so sorry", "I have to admit", or "with all respect". My favourite, 'I'm not sure about that'
@galen3614 6 часов назад
So in what way is watering yourself down not masking?
@glennflorence6222 6 часов назад
@kellychuba well... unfortunately, I'm not fertilizer with those terms, which is odd, I know I grew up in the USA but neither of my parents tought me anything like what you just said... you have appreciation from the deepest part of my heart
@misspat7555 6 часов назад
@@galen3614It is masking. Unfortunately, the penalties for not masking the truth and our real selves can be extremely high. Homelessness is a popular one; this includes being forced to live with our parents indefinitely, which a lot of people would really rather not. 🫤
@misspat7555 11 часов назад
The most important thing is to not hide important stuff. If someone’s going to reject you for who you are, best get that out of the way early. I’ve described late hubby and my’s early courtship as “hauling out all our baggage and unpacking it”! 😅
@AuditingWithAutism 11 часов назад
Aint that the truth. 🎉
@yathercantillano3874 12 часов назад
I hate this with a passion
@fdfrancisdaniele 12 часов назад
Recently dignosed. Long term user, for insomnia, chronic pain relief, anxiety and socialising.
@SaphiraTessa 12 часов назад
Oooh...well that explains things
@beingilluminous 13 часов назад
For the last year, plus my psychiatrist, and I have worked extensively with my cannabis strains in order for me to stay off of pharmaceuticals due to my fear of supply chain issues. And I have been thrilled that things to cannabis plus other sound therapies and consistent dedication to self regulation that I have gone from being depressive and suicidal so much to only having minor episodes that last less than a few hours. For me if I get stoned, then I know I’m already calm, but if I take cannabis and don’t feel stoned, it’s probably because I’m in dysregulation and I’m using it to regulate. I love that cannabis can be self adjusting in that way. Also, in a very green state which has curbside delivery for cannabis, 1 million different factory is about each strain and it’s almost a scientific experience with weird designer names. We just reroute our dining out, budget into cannabis for better at home experiences, and focusing on self-care rather and being comfortable.
@rethaf4387 13 часов назад
Is it possible to have aspects of both? I tend to prefer a bit less light than most people and to detail focus (hypersensitive), but I also have poor depth perception and love busy-looking environments (Hyposensitive). In fact, I am surprised to see detail focus and visual clutter on opposite sides - I like visual clutter, it offers a lot to detail focus on.
@bhutjolokia6990 13 часов назад
I took Paxil for 25 years to treat anxiety/panic disorder and depression and when I fully unmasked a lot of those mental issues became non issues. So I decided to wean off the Paxil it took 4 months and no bad anxieties or panic attacks. I did have some bad burnout and needed help and take Prozac for intrusive unwanted thoughts spawned by burnout and OCD. Although I am in an OCD kind of mode on myself to get answers on what I am feeling inside. I am in a positive place. To me Autism is a general anxious feeling and I can feel my hyperness increase in some situations this in turn requires more stimulation so I have to roll with it because I no longer have a choice to mask because it was a rewiring in my head it was a 7 day change. I oddly was not scared and expected a change and set up therapy before the change, intuition. My kids and grandkids are on the spectrum and my secret is out. If you are feeling bad anxiety then there is a big chance you are not self regulating enough. If we do not regulate enough we will have negative energy releases in other forms, bad anxiety, depression increased chances of meltdown/burnout. The sooner we rectify this we will improve our overall mental wellness. I'm very autistic forward and I present as a totally different person compared to over 1 year ago. Also if anyone is taking medication to hide stims you should rethink this, we need to stim for a reason. Just my thoughts today.👻🤪🌶🤘😎♾️
@scottdrury7404 13 часов назад
Just watched the trailer for Temple Grandin. It closes with her saying, “I don’t want my thoughts to die with me. I want to have done something.” I’ve overcome so much as an autistic person and am living am now living an amazing life. At my age, this statement hits deep. I want to pass along what I’ve learned to other autistics to help them live more fully. Gotta sit with this awhile.
@screw_it_why_not 13 часов назад
All great relationships start off with a solid friendship. Let the romance come if it comes.
@bradhunt9518 13 часов назад
First smoked pot in 1970 at 14. It made me calm and clear headed. Later in life ADHD diagnose. Strange.
@lalalalalalalala3151 14 часов назад
OG kush is Afghan kush grown in California hence Ocean Grown kush. Fun fact
@nessknows. 10 часов назад
@@lalalalalalalala3151 that’s a cool theory, but the origins are from a man in Florida named Matt Berger in the early 90s and the parent strains are unknown, though it is thought to be Hindu Kush (landrace from between Pakistan and Afghanistan) and Chemdawg.
@helenaskew4851 15 часов назад
I've had that with buses Thomas. I know what you mean. You train and me buses. If I am on my own I carry my autism card with me. Save words .
@misspat7555 11 часов назад
People who are diabetic, epileptic, asthmatic, allergic to bee stings, those kinds of things, often wear medical alert bracelets; if someone has had meltdowns/shutdowns and lost the ability to communicate clearly, that could make sense for them, too! ❤
@kimsherlock8969 15 часов назад
Complicated 😅😊
@valeriedhodson3014 15 часов назад
Ok let's get this straight, there are non autistic people who want a relationship with an autistic person. As an high functioning autistic person, I have yet to met this type of people. I am considering being single for the rest of my life, rather than keep the dream of a healthy, mutually invested, and satisfying relationship.
@micheals1992 15 часов назад
I'm not sure if it's because I've always had a thing where I think about physics of everything around me but I was at a friend's house from college, they handed me a bong and I smoked it. They was playing Forza Motorsport and I was watching and they made the car roll and for me when that happened the entire room seemed to be rolling over like my brain was simulating the physics of the game into my reality. 😂
@micheals1992 15 часов назад
I had a bit of freakout.
@mzbadger 16 часов назад
This is so articulate, thanks
@ninanano2777 16 часов назад
I take the lowest dose I can, and only for PMDS. When I take regular dosage, I'm anxious and stressed all day, it's unbearable.
@violastern9462 16 часов назад
Seriously, How do yous lot still go out and function in the world knowing shut downs & melt downs are an ever looming threat!? They're truly awful and it's humiliating 😣 props to you all for keeping at it, takes mega courage 💯🏆
@entityself3104 12 часов назад
For me, I don't get around much. It's not a solution in any way, but it's true.
@violastern9462 9 часов назад
@@entityself3104 same, I've spent basicly my full life in a state of avoidance when and where possible coz they're that bad! Idk how ppl do it!
@paulineiqbal5948 17 часов назад
My Friend has basically suffered "traits of Autism" all his life. He has not had a full diagnosis despite being in his fifties! I myself have Bipolar, and even I, have struggled to understand my Friend's illness fully, as mine can present quite differently. I always did understand the anxiety aspect though. Many people have not shown sympathy, some have even described the display of his symptoms as a personality flaw, some leading to my Friend feeling inadequate and even hopeless! Despite me "rooting" for him, it would appear almost impossible for him to access a full ASD screening and diagnosis of my Friend's Autism! He has so far being failed! Is left suffering! We live in Britain. Does anyone know where to access this kind of support please? Many thanks, Pauline
@keylanoslokj1806 17 часов назад
The intro tells me you've watched the hilarious video of comedian Sasha Baron Cohen about drugs on British TV. 😂. Btw which herbs and minerals you'd recommend for autism? Aside from the pot.
@moonhowler13 17 часов назад
lol i never had this realization until now. One day i decided to start wearing pink in HS and had someone try to make fun of me because "only girls wear pink." By this point in my school life I had dealt with so much bullying it didn't phase me anymore and I responded with "thanks for noticing my new outfit" and went on with my day. I wore that shirt every week for the rest of my HS life just to spite that dude. Makes so much more sense now that I know about PDA.
@sp00g37 18 часов назад
The link between schizophrenia and weed is potrayed wrongly in media. It isnt awakening schizophrenia, its just schizophrenics like weed. Its thr same idea as american divorce rate. It isnt that americans are getting divorced more, its that people having 3/4 divorces are driving the rate up. Its the bell curve. Its not that weed causes schizophrenia, its that if schizophrenics like weed, what are the chances of them having a psychotic break?
@moonhowler13 18 часов назад
I have used marijuana since i was 18 off and on. Taking a large dose edible or hitting a distillate vape helps me go to bed and super low dose (for me) coconut oil capsules help keep me regulated throughput the day. The capsules i don't consciously feel but they make a huge impact. If i forgot to take my mid day dose ive started to notice it. I find it quiets my mind just enough for me to me able to pay attention better and i am aslo much more tolerant to possible meltdowns. On the subject of paranoia, i have found that i personally can't smoke flower. Something about combusting whole flower juat trips something in my head. So sadly i just don't actually smoke anymore and stick to mostly edible/capsules
@djkhaledaltaccount6500 18 часов назад
same, except I am more worried about the rare yet concerning meltdowns of mine that come with a few psychotic signs, ehh I'd rate it 7/10.. I've probably experienced worse.
@seigerodero420 18 часов назад
I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 11. I'm 22 now, and nobody ever told me that this is normal. The problem with getting help is not being taken seriously, and if you are not taken seriously for long enough, you start to believe it can't be that bad. Autistic people get gaslighted like crazy, even by themselves. I mean, how can you get help if communicating your feelings and problems is your weakness and most of the time you don't even know what's going on inside your head?
@hannahowen1801 18 часов назад
I can only smoke alone as it makes me dissociate and feel more awkward unfortunately. Sometimes it feels like I become painfully self-aware when I smoke, which seems to be rather common amongst us neurodivergents. The most effective treatment for myself personally was microdosing mushrooms, at certain times of my life.
@GubberWubber 19 часов назад
Sadly, it's also in Autistic people's best interest not to seek an official diagnosis. Not only it is expensive at least in the US, but certain countries discriminate against Autistic people or won't even allow you to live there.
@splabbity 19 часов назад
I believe it's an "unmasking" drug. Medication.
@iAmNothingness 20 часов назад
For me personally i didn't use for 15 years. This year i had the first experience with it. I can't tell you how strange that feeling of being "extremly focused" is. It's better than any med i took. It helps me in my cases. Shouldn't over use it but it does help a LOT when doing it.
@spudmadethis 21 час назад
Could I suggest you talk with Dr Niraj from Integro clinic? He’s their autism specialist and has helped me so much. Their Instagram pages are so insightful and helpful for uk legal prescribing. Before I got my script I was having self injurious meltdowns and was in crisis most of the time. Now I can kinda function and am working thru the mental health issues. It’s given me the pause to help myself. I know id doesn’t work for everyone; but for those it does it can be life extending.
@wookinooki9023 21 час назад
Nope. Don't believe in a battery. Exhaustion comes from rejection and various forms of meanness.
@hoxxpox 15 часов назад
Medicine disagrees with you.
@bryanmccaffrey4385 21 час назад
Yep. I'm tapering off Effexor XR. That both increased anxiety to panic and depression. I didn't help me. I study this too. Weird when you don't apply it to yourself. Intellectualizing. Ah, yes. Another trait.
@logan2219 22 часа назад
You would really like Popculturedetective