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Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Fantastic Four
Star Wars
Fast and Furious
Jurassic World
@GhostSheriff 16 часов назад
I think Loki star the infinity stone and learned to time travel
@riveravaldez 16 часов назад
Last words are, _idí i smatrí_ , you can check the reference there: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_and_See
@isaacrundel4030 16 часов назад
@NastPlays 16 часов назад
Okay, but real question, does this scene mean that at the end of the movie, in addition to returning the 6 infinity stones and Mjolnir, that Steve also returned the baseball glove that Clint brought back here?
@NicholsonNeisler-fz3gi 16 часов назад
Raccoon was more helpful than the Black Widow
@jupiterapollo4985 16 часов назад
Why are they experimenting on a mutant and leaving him in a completely white room like hes a prisoner? Also why does Hank and the Xmen allow this????
@TheDalinkwent 16 часов назад
Just realized this fight scene features two of the best actors when it comes to battle cries, grunts, yells and typical manly aggressive like noises during battle. That can't be a mistake.
@Mephiestopholes 16 часов назад
In-between Barry and Wally
@ru1474 16 часов назад
The other lumberjacks definitely thought Logan was such a bad ass
@pjefsquad 16 часов назад
Fassbender is such a great actor on so many films
@TyrantJaeger 16 часов назад
If this is modern day, why do they look like their younger selves?
@christianjc8973 16 часов назад
This was so disappointing Hulk wussed out. How anyone thought having Hulk not want to fight was a good idea is insane to me.
@safatizdani6732 16 часов назад
@hotchow8766 17 часов назад
Good thing the tremendous blast at the end that defeated Vanko didn't burn his exposed face even though it destroyed his highly-technical, near-invincible exoskeleton.
@Icecube88 17 часов назад
why were they too late? what did those two do?
@giyuutomioka5760 17 часов назад
Cap really needed Mjolnir here, he was basically no match against Thanos. He was getting thrown around everytime.
@joshfactor1 17 часов назад
dude, sorry to break it to you but colossus doesn't swing that way
@ross-spencer 17 часов назад
Came here thinking it was Valentino Rossi!
@SvanTowerMan 17 часов назад
I didn't see the Rogue Cut, so I didn't quite get to see how Rogue was able to relieve Kitty. I guess she can steal people's powers temporarily without constantly touching them?
@jiyuhong5853 17 часов назад
Magneto does the force hand gesture
@TheDymanicDuo-nh6qe 17 часов назад
Women: men don’t have feelings Men watching this:
@lorenzocassaro3054 17 часов назад
This scene right here shows exactly why Xavier was always right all along. And Magneto threw all of it away.
@osbaldovazquez4381 17 часов назад
The soundtrack is and will always be legendary 😮‍💨😮‍💨
@O.G_Nathan 17 часов назад
Wolverine's suit kinda looks like Hancock's own 🤔
@sparks2429 17 часов назад
It would've been cool if he came out the portal and tossed iton man's helmet on the ground and we get to see them react to it
@ShadowMomchi-PhoeniexELj-ir6vo 17 часов назад
made 10 accounts just about a fictional character lmao
@jacoberickson9648 17 часов назад
I was really expecting him to come back in another movie.
@spiderdude2099 17 часов назад
To be fair, he’s probably one of the most well known pansexuals in fiction.
@amandeepgill5206 17 часов назад
"You brought a non combatant in our war that is supposed to be kept secret?!"
@KasonSwensen-vx6ko 17 часов назад
Goes to show how powerful Mace is, he had won before Anakin showed up.
@user-lo1gx6xx6c 17 часов назад
War machine is better then red iron man
@Ninja__247 17 часов назад
Is this the unrated cut or extended, whatever it's called?
@user-lo1gx6xx6c 17 часов назад
What the fudge
@cjkalandek996 17 часов назад
I haven't seen this movie in years (and for good reason), but I don't remember the aspect ratio being 1.85:1. Unless this is cropped in.
@Guu-ball_earth141 17 часов назад
1:02 I can't stop re-watching this.🤣😂
@scottmatheson3346 17 часов назад
homage to rutger hauer killing jf sebastian in blade runner
@synchron1805 18 часов назад
1:13 I never knew he weakly says ‘Hey pepper’ 😢
@highjim7778 18 часов назад
Thor didnt know he has all the gems
@TheTyrantAussie 18 часов назад
This single scene has better writing then all of modern day marvel and Star Wars, fuck you disney
@jauwonpedro377 18 часов назад
0:33 me going to the bathroom but my dad thinks it’s a robber
@jacoyus2012 18 часов назад
Who's here before Deadpool and Wolverine?
@scottmatheson3346 18 часов назад
lol his seduction technique is channeling austin powers
@SeanDailey-dy8tn 18 часов назад
When the ex-wife bunker Buster thing failed I was so mad
@Vronize 18 часов назад
I would be confused as well, Wolverine waking up in Hugh Jackman's body? Crazy
@miguell5925 18 часов назад
Going ? He’s always been gay for him
@BATMAN7864 18 часов назад
@jg2722 18 часов назад
1:05 I really like this line “on the contrary, I rather admire them” if only more humans weren’t so easily scared of mutants but rather admired them instead. Yes , I know Trask made sentinels but it was out of obsession for mutants rather than hatred.
@AndresD.deLeon 18 часов назад
Damnit, it would've taken years for any symptoms to manifest for hemochromatosis, so this gets a pass for its science. Normally, having too much an electrolyte can result in pretty immediate consequences, but iron is not an electrolyte, a mineral rather.