Sean McGowan
Sean McGowan
Sean McGowan
From NY. Baseball all day everyday.
DSC 0033
13 лет назад
youman groundballs 2
13 лет назад
Youman groundballs 1
13 лет назад
Lady Gaga Live (High Quality)
13 лет назад
High-End Expensive Cars In Palo Alto
13 лет назад
Amazing 360 No Scope
13 лет назад
Awesome Game Winning 360 Kill mw2
13 лет назад
Firing Range Again Black Ops
13 лет назад
Black Ops Hanoi
13 лет назад
Black Ops Firing Range
13 лет назад
Team Deathmatch (terrible fails)
13 лет назад
Quick Scoping (private match) MW2
13 лет назад
Kubla Khan English Project
14 лет назад
Blue Weird Dude
16 лет назад
@mumpo101 12 лет назад
deadass!! haha
@LuisAdventures 12 лет назад
@legitrampage 12 лет назад
thats the ak47 dumb fuck
@pamerhys 12 лет назад
ta buenisimo este video
@pamerhys 12 лет назад
ta buenisimo este video
@saaaaataychicken 13 лет назад
a lot of videos i see of gaga concerts everyone is holding up their phones videoing her.....like you were. not dancing.
@MyLyricsIsFly 13 лет назад
FIRST! sick hit tho
@selenavgray 13 лет назад
i though he was using ak74u with extened mag anbd supior
@MyLyricsIsFly 13 лет назад
a bit lengthy... *i guess thats a nice way to describe it*
@babalada1 13 лет назад
@mumpo101 Dude,you can change the title of the video.
@mumpo101 13 лет назад
@jacobo650 no its actually an ff, we checked the back
@jacobo650 13 лет назад
thats not a Ferrari FF btw its a 599
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang yeah, if only you talked nicely from the start. lol seriosuly. you dont get all my sarcasm? and yet you stil called me stupid. oh lord. its fine, you dont need to reply anymore. i am done. unless if you want to talk to me.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang its not like im going to suicide . or maybe i will... idk let me think about it.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang how you talk and everything. read our convo back if you want ahaha. i try to be as friendly as possible, but you keep attacking my personal. calling me stupid and stuff. idk you can be hard, but be consistent. i hate inconsistent people. i just dont get it why do you need to be angry at me just for people talking during lady gaga concert LOL its ridiculous. i wasnt even on the event.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang what if kesha does? lol and you arent the nicest person around. so please stop thinking that you are nice and everyone is not much better than you.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang so whats the point? lol well it is not a written rule, i know that you know. and you know i am right, thats why you got so angry and you didnt want to lose and start to calling me names. so next time before you tell someone to check themselves, check yourself first :) have a good day, sir. oh and i did comment on your comment, but it was about the video. and whats with disagreeing? not everyone have to agree with you. and i dont mind you disagree with me.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang lol is that so? seriously, why did you attack me personally? i just commented about this video. then you came and attacked me? and now you say i am the troll? lol good job. and no, i dont need to share everything that i do on youtube. maybe i watched barney the dinosaur marathon on youtube. but is that your problem? your business? seriously. here lets talk nicely to each other. i dont know why you attacked me personally while i just commented on the video and what happened in it.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang i aint quoting you. see how stupid you are. and i dont need you to tell me to gtfo from internet. oh right, maybe internet is the only thing you have, you poor thing. you must dont have friends thats why you keep wanting to talk to me. sigh, i feel so bad for you, i just want to cry for you and donate some friends if i can. lady gaga must feel really sad for you. GUYS PLEASE BE NICE TO SIMONFUCKINGHUANG BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE FRIENDS.
@ajxd98 13 лет назад
@MyLyricsIsFly 13 лет назад
great vid man! faved, liked and obviously commented, by the way. MY OLIVES
@therealbologna2 13 лет назад
she said its a "fancy" party at the beginning
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang by 'normal' you meant uneducated person like you? then i dont talk like 'normal' person like you. :) i have no intention to be 'normal' and be understood by someone like you. i have no business with you, so please fuck off.
@Kyulsaurus 13 лет назад
@heliker44 I'm not the only one who said that, I'm talking about the people directly in front of the camera... But you sound VERY educated, good luck with life :)
@tiffyjo 13 лет назад
@mumpo101 @Kyulsaurus hey fuck tard i was there everyone was singing and dancing!!!
@tiffyjo 13 лет назад
@Kyulsaurus hey fuck tard i was there everyone was singing and dancing!!! Just because the person sucks a filming doesnt mean we werent!! Fuck off!
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@JordanBra thats what im saying. i dont need to justify and make you to like me. and you dont even know me. and you didnt even see me talking when lady gaga performed. LOL i am just saying that its okay to speak here and there. i didnt say i would do it when i am in a concert(cus maybe i will be busy watching). i am not being a smart ass, but i am just saying.
@JordanChristopher2 13 лет назад
@Bobesque No I just find you to be a rude person.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@JordanBra well if thats how you perceived it, sure, go ahead. i dont find the need to justify myself in front of some strangers on youtube. so if you see me as a bad person, then so be it.
@JordanChristopher2 13 лет назад
@Bobesque Who said I was judging, you just flat out told me you don't know any better.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@JordanBra maybe, just maybe. :) thanks for judging me. i guess lady gaga would be so happy to see that. way to go little monster!
@JordanChristopher2 13 лет назад
@Bobesque Thats why you don't know your etiquette, maybe someday you'll learn better.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang i was just being ironic. look at myself? look at my life choice? LOL so now you are Confucius? good to know that. i know you were like the wisest man on earth, but bitch please, i dont need you to tell me how to choose which path im going down to.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@JordanBra lol so now i am your business, awesome. well i dont go to shows. :) thanks for caring.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang you didnt watch enough lady gaga interview video. lol she told us not to idolize her, but idolize ourselves and be confident. and i respect her for that. and you are just sad little student. prob 13, and just hit puberty. and i can understand that. are you on your period? probably.
@JordanChristopher2 13 лет назад
@Bobesque It is my business because nobody wants little brats like you at shows. Your mother should have taught you some manners and how to respect people, we'll see how far you go in life without learning some respect
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang lmao. delete my youtube account? i think you should delete yours. since you were the one who gets bothered by me. and i talk properly. if you didnt understand.. maybe, just maybe... you can educate yourself more. :) i talk good english, i write on good grammar, why cant you understand me. oh right you were 'american'. and i do have manners. i didnt tell somebody to shut the fuck up on the internet. i know you wouldnt do that face to face.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang lol i aint crying yo. maybe you do, since its your full time job. well then lets not bother me if thats my personal problem. i was just baffled how somebody like you, or other people who comments on this video make it such a big deal LOL i just dont get it. did your mom get hurt? did you lose your wallet? what is it on this video that bother you so much. well, bye my friend, have a very good life too
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@JordanBra is it even your business if my mom doesnt teach me how to behave in a concert? i mean if you want to talk when somebody give a speech, no problem. wanna talk when somebody sing, no problem. why do you care?
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang well okay then sir. suit yourself. i am not going to fight over some bad footage. well, congratulation for meeting gaga a lot. i wish she knows you personally and love you as much as you do. are you satisfied? i came from where nobody give a shit on some people talk amongst themselves while watching a concert. i dont know the people, i dont go the event, i wasnt bothered, and i simply dont give a shit.
@JordanChristopher2 13 лет назад
@Bobesque WTF! its not a speech so you can talk?! You respect the person's bravery of getting up on stage and singing in front of a crowd if they are famous as gaga or not? Your mama should have taught you better
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang actually i am 1.5 yo super genius baby who can type on youtube. well, i am a lady gaga fan, obviously i saw this video. well it is different you know when watching someone does a speech and watching someone does a song. and i dont think thats your problem if they want to talk amongst themselves. i actually kinda feel sad for you. i hope you can watch lady gaga live someday and be so courteous and well behaved.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang lol? is there a written rule to watch someone perform? why do you make it such a big deal.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
why are people so worked up over people arent dancing? THIS IS FORMAL EVENT. and i believe the attendees are rich people. they dont like to look stupid, you know.
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@s1monhuang its a formal event...
@Bobesque 13 лет назад
@mumpo101 they are all busy recording hahaha
@mumpo101 13 лет назад
@Kyulsaurus HAHAHA Ik she didn't get paid, she paid millions herself.
@mumpo101 13 лет назад
Thanks for all the support guys. Ik the people weren't dancing! crazy! There was a loud, loud applause at the end
@mumpo101 13 лет назад
@farjohons Well she sang her new song that had only sang on Opera days earlier. No judas, but her most famous, born this way. . . blah blah blah
@farjohons 13 лет назад
what are all the songs she sang?