Phil Hulst
Phil Hulst
Phil Hulst
Rev Frank Schaefer at St. Mark
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@1M005E1 2 года назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New King James Version 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
@michaelhoerig5920 4 года назад
The organ ALWAYS leads hymn-singing, not a choir director. She/he needs to get out of the way. Otherwise, nice!
@lutherbeal400 4 года назад
This wonderful. My wife and I felt churches were getting away from the teachings of Jesus, but this demonstrates the teachings of Christ.
@ivancabrera210 5 лет назад
(Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah) (Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah)( For The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah) For The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah For The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah The Kingdom Of This World Is Become The Kingdom of our Lord And of this Christ and of this Christ( And He Shall Reign for ever and ever) And He Shall Reign for ever and ever (And He Shall Reign for ever and ever)(King of kings forever and ever Hallelujah Hallelujah And Lord of lords forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah king of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah and lord of lords forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah king of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah and lord of lords king of kings and lord of lords and shall reign and he shall reign and he shall reign he shall reign and he shall reign forever and ever king of kings forever and ever and lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah and he shall reign forever and ever king of kings and lord of lords king of kings and lord of lords and he shall reign forever and ever forever and ever and ever and ever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah!⛪😇🙏🎼🎵🎶🎤🎹
@Chesterbarnes1 5 лет назад
The Organist is outstanding!!!!
@ssinssg 5 лет назад
Great congregation and one of my favorite organs in the city.
@websurfin9575 6 лет назад
@Chesterbarnes1 8 лет назад
What a wonderful organ Performance by the great organ and organist. Give the ORGANIST a medal it was a wonderful OPENING selection on Easter Sunday morning. Hampton V.a
@carolehines7422 8 лет назад
problem here..Jesus stated path was narrow...people struggle with sin..always have but...we do not flaunt sin(that which He has called sin in His Written Word) and call it righteous.
@rickshouseofbeauty 8 лет назад
wonderful sound
@tombarthelow4117 8 лет назад
a nice tune by a nice congregation, what's more to say!
@CherylCrT 10 лет назад
Thank you for this video. This man will go down in history as an icon.
@Chesterbarnes1 11 лет назад
Does the ORGAN in this church have a 32ft Pedal stop?
@johngalt1752 11 лет назад
St. Mark's claims to be 'gay friendly', yet they discrimianted against a GAY CROSSDRESSER who tried to get involved with their social activites. Why must liberals always be so hypocritical???
@billrod48 11 лет назад
Awesome! This rules!!!!
@mountainsong100 12 лет назад
There is a question as to whether or not Old George had to get up and leave to "relieve himself" there getting up was established. Believe he left his box...who knows..
@Entrepreneur300 13 лет назад
still gives me chills...
@Craspic 13 лет назад
I can't imagine worship on Easter Sunday at a United Methodist Church of any size without hearing this hymn.
@Craspic 13 лет назад
@PfaelzerOrganist: The clergy wearing black robes with seasonal stoles and the acolytes wearing a surplice is actually pretty common in UM churches. Recently at my church the clergy have been wearing white robes with stoles, saving the black robes for Lent and funerals, but it all depends on the congregation. In small or rural UMCs, or contemporary services, the clergy often don't wear robes.
@peakster753 13 лет назад
here I am, hoping to worship with some Methodist friends of mine tomorrow night enjoying this Wesleyan hymn
@moproducer 13 лет назад
@jesusjones5151 God bless you, too.
@jesusjones5151 13 лет назад
@moproducer Yea, Real intelligent. This is 'real' worship??? LMAO, yes of a fairytale that you cannabalize at communion. And your "Easter"? You mean the first Sunday after a full moon, after the vernal equinox? your sorry ass jesus got nailed to a cross in accordance with pegan traditions??? You're a fucking idiot
@jesusjones5151 13 лет назад
@moproducer Yea, Real intelligent. This is 'real' worship??? LMAO, yes of a fairytale that you cannabalize at communion. You're a fucking idiot
@somegalfromcan 13 лет назад
It takes courage for a church to celebrate Pride day - way to go people of Saint Mark!
@Chesterbarnes1 13 лет назад
When King George heard this brilliant masterpiece by Handel, he was so "moved" with utter amazement with this choral piece that he 'stood' in its honor. His subjects also stood following the King's example. Watch the ORGANIST he is really into his playing and performance. This is one of the finest reditions of Handel I have heard in a long time by a church choir. The Choir Director and this ORGANIST should be commended. Amen!
@krateschwinn 13 лет назад
@moproducer I agree completely, this is christian worship and doctrine and culture at its best, wow, beautiful!
@agnanayon 14 лет назад
beautiful! you call them handbells, right? i'm also a methodist from the Philippines
@PfaelzerOrganist 14 лет назад
The pastors and deacon are wearing only black gawns with a white stole and the acolythe wears a surplice?! Very special .....
@peakster753 14 лет назад
@calebcme I feel you on that one...I am Lutheran but have my share of United Methodist friends and even a few relatives that are Methodist...I am able to put that aside and enjoy the combination of organ & handbells presented here and know they believe in the same God I do
@phulst 14 лет назад
The church was stripped of all ornaments including all items from the altar and the church doors were sealed with a black cloth, which symbolized the sealing of Jesus' tomb. At sunrise on Easter Sunday, the cloth will be removed.
@Joerg122 14 лет назад
I am catholic, but i dont understand the meaning of this procedure....
@pertencoacristo 14 лет назад
what is this?
@jcooper689 14 лет назад
Tenors sound great!!! I agree, congregation should have been instructed to stand.
@MattGerhard 14 лет назад
Not everybody is familiar with classical music and the traditions associated with it. Why do you think so many people clap between movements? Take a chill pill.
@Chesterbarnes1 14 лет назад
Full organ is essential on Resurrection Sunday!!!! Yes!
@TheKangstar 14 лет назад
yea of course i know, but I was just wondering wat kind of college you would go if you went to GHP
@RokiaNY 14 лет назад
College? You know GHP takes place in high school...right?
@TheKangstar 14 лет назад
wat college did you go just wondering>?
@kensingtonpalace 14 лет назад
From personal experience, i believe it's a choice. That's not a judgement, just a statement. Everyone has to answer for themselves. The body pulls one way and the Spirit another (in every area, not just sexually). The body would kill itself with food, drugs, sex, drinks etc if it were left to itself. The things we are drawn to need to be checked by God's instructions.
@kensingtonpalace 14 лет назад
They would do better to have a committment to the Bible's standards of holy Christian living. Jesus will embrace anyone who comes to Him with a contrite heart ready to live His way and give up their own way. I did it, and so can anyone else if they choose. Don't withold blessings from yourself just to live your own way.
@MandyJMaddison 15 лет назад
Regardless of the history, I'm sure most peopl who stand do so to honour God. I find it very strange that these people remain seated. How could so many people not know the tradition? It is like standing for the national anthem, or saying Amen at the end of a prayer- the effect is to unite the audience in the performance and make it THEIR statement, as well as the performer's.
@RokiaNY 15 лет назад
I was GHP Vocal summer of 1995! I remember singing in that hall! That whole summer was just magical for me. I remember thinking "I can't believe they thought I was good enough to sing with these AMAZING people!" We sang such incredible, challenging music, and pushed each other to even greater heights. And (suggestion!) I arranged a reunion at Christmas and we sang carols at Kennestone Children's Hospital. :D
@phulst 15 лет назад
King George stood when he heard the Halelujah Chorus and his subjects stood because it was proper to stand when the King stood. They stood originally not to honor the Lord, but to honor King George. Although the tradition is to stand, you will notice that the Alleluia Chorus is being used as the offertory and offering plates are being passed, something that could not be done if people were standing.
@pertencoacristo 15 лет назад
Very nice... Glory to Jesus Christ!
@MattGerhard 15 лет назад
Like I said above, I've got the score/organ part in front of me and there ARE printed registrations. If you want to know what they are message me.
@MattGerhard 15 лет назад
I have a copy of the organ part/score right in front of me and there definitely ARE registrations. Message me and I'll send them to you.
@edolch 15 лет назад
There are no printed registrations. Lol.
@Craspic 15 лет назад
I don't think it could be Easter Sunday in any medium or large United Methodist church unless this were the opening hymn. (Even my church's contemporary service uses this hymn, I've heard.) I was just pleasantly surprised that the handbells could be heard!
@convaircrazy 15 лет назад
What printed registrations?? Also, it's EASTER morning...full organ is a given!
@crownbrass07 15 лет назад
Any chance anyone has the music to this? I'd love to do an arrangement for an acapella group i'm starting.