There are so many versions of this shotgun you can make. I like making a sniper out of this shotgun. Give it slugs, scope, tactical fore grip, tac laser, and long barrel for good distance. Sleight of hand works well with this gun too.
word game -implies fun, and relaxing activity, playing like little kids would... and this atrocity gaming turned in to is not a game or gaming anymore. Its self torture ;] so yeah sweaty gamers ruined gaming and no one cars about your kd and rank :D
You do have those rounds that resemble Frangible - Disabling / Hollow Points from prev COD titles equipped correct? Gotta have those if youre sweatin, gotta good feeling I’ll be dealing with those rounds now until BO7…
Funny thing is, this is what players have been brainwashed into thinking is a good experience. This is how COD is supposed to be; fast, loud, chaos and unrelenting madness. The smaller the maps, the "better" the game. Absolute junk, as it requires no actual thinking anymore. When TikTok content isn't enough to satisfy the dopamine starved brains of these poor kids, they have to find other means of release. Drug addicts live a similar life, just fyi