Connor Ferster
Connor Ferster
Connor Ferster
@tingdongyan7502 4 дня назад
Replaced mathcad, I can't afford its price. Thanks! I wanna mask some value when converting units, cz it will not give the final units I wanted. I am doing X=X.to("units") to convert the units, but it gives me an extra X=YY。Could you please tell me how to mask this extra line?
@buscandolaverdad8295 21 день назад
Awesome, thank you for the video
@isaiah7577 24 дня назад
Hi Connor! Thank you for this resource. I noticed your latex outputs are aligned left, instead of aligned centered. What should I change in "set_option()" to align text left as you have it? handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_start", "aligned" ) handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_end", "aligned" )
@MrWebon 3 месяца назад
Do more videos
@darl6000 3 месяца назад
Why he is not makin videos 😭😭
@Sam-hd7ty 3 месяца назад
I am a student doing my final year project for tunnel analysis visualization and generating defects reports by editing python codes. I have always been so tired of doing manual calculations for my school work. I seriously need to learn programming to work more efficiently. Thanks a lot for inspiration.
@SOMDailyDiary 3 месяца назад
How to align the rendered equations to left??
@farmGits 4 месяца назад
This is awesome! I have much work to do
@trippstreehouse 4 месяца назад
handcalcs is sexy. gonna be useful for my engineering degree.
@ATANVARNO8801 5 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot Connor, i admire your work, this library its extremely useful, i've been working with it and i've found an issue i would like to ask you about: I've modified the structural environment trying to include some new units as kgf, kgf/m and kgf/m2 because, unfortunately, this units are commonly used in my daily calculations, my aproach has been this: "kgf": { "Dimension": [1,1,-2,0,0,0,0], "Factor": "0.10197", "Symbol": "kgf"}, "kgf_m": { "Dimension": [1,0,-2,0,0,0,0], "Factor": "0.101971", "Symbol": "kgf/m"}, "kgf_m2": { "Dimension": [1,-1,-2,0,0,0,0], "Factor": "0.1019716", "Symbol": "kgf/m²"}, However, i've found that sometimes the .to("kgf") or .to("kgf_m") or .to("kgf_m2") method works correctly, but sometimes it's stops working and returns to the default SI units (N, N/m, N/m2), i know i'm doing something wrong in the deffinition of the environment but i've been unable to solve it. Thanks in advance for your answer!!!
@waltertruenorth 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, Connor for creating this library for Python Jupyter users.
@connorferster 5 месяцев назад
The next goal is handcalcs v2.0...coming 2024!
@mikeborzoni2570 6 месяцев назад
This is unbelievably powerful! Thank you so much! Is there a way of overwriting the units that are rendered? For example, I want 100 Pa shown as 0.1 kPa
@connorferster 5 месяцев назад
Glad you like it! Yep, for SI units (only), you can choose to set a prefix: p = 0.1 * kPa.prefix("k")
@johnovercash1798 6 месяцев назад
I was not put in context. Not knowing where the files are you working on and so forth. But I am sure this is interesting for someone who know CTI file for example. For me was no clue where did you start.
@IngJGonzalezZorrilla 6 месяцев назад
Hi, nice content, is there any libraries of python that can help with details in dwg or IFC format? For example, draw a beam with reinforcement and export it to dwg. thanks
@RickyTeachey 7 месяцев назад
I haven't tried it yet but is there something special about the %%render magic that causes printing to html not to display input cells? Or does Jupyter turn off input cells anytime you print html?
@RickyTeachey 7 месяцев назад
Ah nevermind I see it now- it went by so fast: there is a "no input" option when exporting to html. NICE.
@malanchini4516 7 месяцев назад
Great! I do my technical report using dash. But I'm getting exited to use these libraries. Thanks!
@vishwanathsingh9843 7 месяцев назад
hi, Unable to load: forallpeople.environment('structural') it says key error: 'Hz' for all people is installed.
@vishwanathsingh9843 7 месяцев назад
hi connor, Great Video! Thanks. I am stuck in the last part where you export just the output [56]. My jupyterlab throws the error "No module named 'handcalcs.install_templates'" installed. can you please help with this, Thanks.
@pariskhan 8 месяцев назад
you are a true genius.
@1970mza 9 месяцев назад
Hi Connor When I run the cell symbolic equations are not displayed. I only get the results (e.g. c=0.6). Is there something missing in the installation?
@connorferster 9 месяцев назад
You probably need to put spaces around your = sign. Try it and let me know.
@1970mza 9 месяцев назад
@@connorferster Thank you. It is working now.
@mohamedaminhamidi6585 9 месяцев назад
Hey guys🙂, I'm a first year civil engineering student. Could you please suggest me some key skills to lean in python. I can't like learn everything!
@mohamedaminhamidi6585 9 месяцев назад
@connorferster 9 месяцев назад
Of course you can learn “everything”! Learning “everything” comes with time. However, you are right, learning literally everything is something no one can achieve. I heard that the creator of Python rates his own knowledge of Python as 8/10. That said, the first thing I always teach is writing functions. This gives your code structure. Try writing some simple calculation functions based on what you are learning in school. Then, naturally, you will be interested in learning how to make your functions do more things (like looping and making decisions with if/elif/else) and you will learn this easily. Focus on writing functions. The output of one function can be the input of another. One function can can have the sole purpose of calling all your other functions. Good luck!
@yakupbolukbas182 10 месяцев назад
Thank Connor for works. I run import handcalcs.render but jupyter shows KeyError. what I am doing import handcalcs
@vijaykumarm1119 11 месяцев назад
Great video but I am getting Name error while inserting dimensions like L=10m, P=10KN/m**2 like names m , K M/**2 showing like are not defined. Please, assist me.
@connorferster 10 месяцев назад
Hi @vijaykumarm1119, it is hard to say exactly what is wrong without seeing your code. However, a NameError refers to the use of variable names that have not been defined. So, I would suspect one of two things: 1) you have not imported forallpeople; 2) if you have imported forallpeople, you did not set the units environment i.e. import forallpeople; forallpeople.environment('structural', top_level=True)
@swopnilojha4619 Год назад
Wonderful library. It would be great if we could render one dimension vectors along with their units. I have been doing that in mathcad express using the range variable.
@wh1ff78 Год назад
Hi Connor. I'm currently using handcalcs ver 1.6.5 I'm not well versed in LaTeX. What should I change in these global configurations to get rendered calculations to be left aligned? import handcalcs.render handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_start", "aligned") handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_end", "aligned")
@connorferster Год назад
It seems to be dependent on your renderer. When I use Mathjax rendering, it seems to be left-aligned by default. When I use the Katex plugin it seems to be centered automatically.
@wh1ff78 Год назад
​@@connorferster I changed these : handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_start", "aligned") handcalcs.set_option("math_environment_end", "aligned") into "flalign*" And it seems to work well enough. But now I struggled to find how to export to html with nbconvert with Mathjax 3. For some reason even if try to change the cdn into Mathjax 3, nbconvert will still use Mathjax 2.7.7 🥲
@jandomeracki1472 Год назад
Hi Connor. I see You use Bluebeam Revu. I wander if there is a way to automate certain boring and repeatable tasks in said programme (eg. updating titleblocks etc.)? Thanks!
@CycleTom Год назад
Looks great but I can only get a render of the answer i.e. c = 0.6. The rest of the equations are not being generated? LAtex works ok using $ signs. Can you help?
@connorferster Год назад
Are there spaces around your “=“ sign? c = your_equation, not c=your_equation. Does it work when you put the extra spaces in?
@ismaelzarate9982 Месяц назад
@@connorferster Thank you for the answer! I had the same issue until you mentioned the use of extra_spaces in the expression. Again, thank you for this powerful tool!
@troypiggins Год назад
Your video has inspired me to learn python/jupyter for my civil and structural engineering calculations. I have followed your video as best I can, but am having 2 issues: 1. The renders are not printing out the formula, always just the answer, for example S_x=b*d*2/6 just outputs Sx=133333.333m3 instead of the formula with variables, then the answer. %%render symbolic prints the formula, but no answer. Can anyone assist? 2. The greek symbol substitution doesn't seem to be working for me. I get a NameError: name 'alpha' is not defined. Can anyone assist?
@connorferster Год назад
Hi @troypiggins, 1. Try writing your formula with spaces around the = sign. Like, S_x = b*d**2/6 instead of S_x=b*d**2/6 2. A name error is saying that the variable name “alpha” is not yet defined. Check two things: * You have “alpha = …” somewhere in your code before you have “something = alpha …” somewhere else. * If you do have the above, make sure that the “alpha = …” code cell is run before the “something = alpha …” cell. * If you do have the above, make sure that in the event the “alpha = …” code is under and if statement that the code under the if is actually being run. Hope that helps!
@troypiggins Год назад
@@connorferster thanks so much for response. I ended up discovering the solution for 1 by accident after experimenting, and 2 makes sense.
@alexeysapego585 Год назад
Пошол устанавливать jupyterlab
@boltering6803 Год назад
Hello. Great module! Is it possible to render variables containing non-ASCII characters? Currently, if such a variable is used in an expression, only the name of the variable and the result are rendered, without an intermediate formula.
@connorferster Год назад
Thanks for bringing this up. I will be updating the parser in v3.0 to handle (most) of these scenarios. At that point, the limitation will be on what can be rendered by Katex or Mathjax.
@rodrigoherencia4507 Год назад
Hello Connor, is there a way we can use your library with pycharm for a desktop application?
@connorferster Год назад
Yep, I am sure you can :)
Amazing . How can I show results in cm^2 instead of m^2 . I know the .prefix('c') . Nothing seems to show the results in cm^2 .... I finally got the answer
@amolnwagh Год назад
Can we legally use individual version of anaconda distribution on office computer? Or do we need to purchase a commercial licence?
@1970mza Год назад
Hi Connor, Thank for the handcalcs library. However, I get the message that module install_html is not defined. Can you please comment what could be the issue?
@1970mza Год назад
I found my answer in the comments below.
@connorferster Год назад
This is an old video. No need to install anything😀
@PeterRanieriII Год назад
I dont know man, it's cool that you know how to do all this but isn't this sort of reinventing the wheel? software has come a long way in our field, just be adaptable to the software thats out there, its faster
@GeoteknikIndonesia Год назад
Hello sir. thanks for the forallpeople and handcalcs module. youre a legend. I have a question, I cant create kN/m (e.g. for line load application), it is always converted to joule. any suggestion ? thanks sir
@GeoteknikIndonesia Год назад
Hello sir. thanks for great forallpeople and handcalcs. youre a legend. I have a question, I cant create kN/m (e.g. for line load application), it is always converted to joule. any suggestion ? thanks sir
@JonathanMeyer-bz8kz Год назад
Thanks for the video. I am finding it very useful in trying to get started with python. I do have a couple of questions. I am trying to use a prime in my variable designation, like f'c. How is that achieved? Also, how do you include units in your variables?
@connorferster Год назад
@connorferster Год назад
You can use either my units package, forallpeople, or another one called, pint. The units are Python objects. To make your variable a unit quantity, multiply the number value by its unit.
@connorferster Год назад
If you need further assistance, you can sign up for the free handcalcs minicourse on structuralpython.com. It will show units stuff also.
@JM102406 Год назад
@@connorferster Thank you. I plan to sign up for the minicourse.
@Prodigalzson Год назад
Handcalcs....I've never been sold on a library faster.
@jasonlewis337 Год назад
I am very much interested in using this, but I was wondering can I use this with imperial units?
@connorferster Год назад
When you say, "imperial units" do you mean "US Customary" units or do you mean British units? If you mean US Customary units, then the "structural" environment already includes many of them already. If you mean the British unit system, then you would have to define a new environment scaled by the commonly accepted SI equivalents.
@jasonlewis337 Год назад
@@connorferster Thanks for the information. I was referring towards "US Customary" Units. Just beginning to start messing around with Python, thanks for the walk through.
@eriksbernans7123 Год назад
@Connor Ferster i have installed handcalcs and everything is working and latex representation of formulas shows. But for example if i write %%render a=1 b=3 c=a+b. As result it shows only c=4 not full row with numerical substitution c=a+b=1+3=4. Maybe you know why it is so?
@connorferster Год назад
Use a space around your = sign
@eriksbernans7123 Год назад
@@connorferster Yees! Its works!! Thank you very much Connor!
@brunosia Год назад
Is there a way to increase the font size of the rendered output? I mean, when I got my HTML file, I found my rendered variables too small too read. I'd also like to know how can I align them to the left rather than center aligned. Thanks Connor.
@connorferster Год назад
To align to the left, I believe you can use the Mathjax renderer (default in JupyterLab) instead of installing the Katex renderer. Katex is faster but it aligns everything in the center. Whenever I have used Mathjax, it aligns on the left. Font size is something that would have to be adjusted either by scaling the size of your printed page or in the math renderer (ie. Mathjax or Katex)
@brunosia Год назад
@@connorferster thanks for replying
@ecodesign9547 Год назад
@@brunosia Hi, Can you please provide instructions to convert to Mathjax render from the default, I have tried multiple times and is unsuccessful.
@AJ-et3vf Год назад
Great video. Thank you
@gerardodacruz5188 Год назад
Hei Connor, Thank you very much for both amazing video and handcalcs man. I am totally mindblown that not only you are a structural engineer, but you are only an expert in Python as well. I was wondering if you might be interested in making video regarding why and how did you learnt to the point that you could even contribute to Python community. Again, really appreciate it for your effort
@PanosKoinis Год назад
I use html in a similar way to create all my worksheets.
@connorferster Год назад
Do you have any examples anywhere? Would love to see!
@brunosia Год назад
Thank Connor. I'm structural engineer focused on timber structures, and this came at right moment!
@luisdelcid7051 Год назад
hey could we talk, i'm an engineering student working my thesis with wooden structures
@leoleosen3261 Год назад
Very helpful stuff. Thanks. (from handcalcs.install_templates import install_html) not working for me, I get error. any tips?
@aleatorio1234 6 месяцев назад
I did from handcalcs import handcalcs_html and it worked
@croniky Год назад
That hand calc render library is sweet.
@poornakadharmasena7714 Год назад
amazing stuff! would you know how to load this to google Colab?
@poornakadharmasena7714 Год назад
Hi there, this is amazing. Can this be used in Colab?
@connorferster Год назад
I believe so, yeah? Google Colab is essentially the same as a Jupyter notebook, correct?