Hey everyone! :) This channel is dedicated to exploring different topics of the Bible and to share some of my findings with the rest of you all as a fellow believer. The Gospel is the Good News of how Jesus Christ by Himself paid for ALL of our sins and we are saved by simply by believing on Him (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
If you ever have any questions or have an article for the christianconvos blog you would like to submit, do not hesitate to shoot me an email at: christianconvos@gmail.com
If you would like to check out the christianconvos blog, click here! - christianconvos.wixsite.com/christianconvos
God bless!
Will *this sin* send me to hell?
14 дней назад
God remembers we are dust
21 день назад
We are still growing!
28 дней назад
We are holy because HE is holy
Месяц назад
Work OUT your salvation not FOR
Месяц назад
Wolves in SHEEP'S clothing
2 месяца назад
Remember to REST / checking in
3 месяца назад
The Domino effect of Legalism
3 месяца назад
Are you an outcast?? God loves you!
3 месяца назад
Passover as a Shadow of Christ
4 месяца назад
Prophecy, End Days, and Peace of Mind
5 месяцев назад
Eclipses, Earthquakes, and End Days
5 месяцев назад
Christ is risen so we are forgiven
5 месяцев назад
The message that saves
6 месяцев назад
The LORD directs our steps
6 месяцев назад
For Christian Workaholics
7 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
The Gospel is a matter of LIFE or DEATH
7 месяцев назад
Christianity and Psychology
7 месяцев назад
What is this Scripture really saying??
8 месяцев назад
@kitkat_art День назад
Yes! More people need to understand this.
@christianconvos День назад
God bless!
@patcola7335 2 дня назад
Preach brother ! God bless you!
@christianconvos День назад
Thank you so much! God bless!
@VoVina111 2 дня назад
God bless you. You are laying up amazing treasures in heaven! Unlike the hypergrace movement that manipulatively preaches staying in sin, this is what TRUE Christians look like, TRUE denying of self and losing your life to gain it eternally. The Holy Spirit strengthens us! "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." Matthew 10:39 But as you said, it is not perfection that is required and God's grace covers us during our times of weakness! Just like the Pharisee and the tax collector :-) Great video
@bdgdbdgd 2 дня назад
So a man has dual nature? Then what is it that we died with Jesus Christ when we are saved?
@christianconvos День назад
"For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." (Romans 7:22-23)
@bdgdbdgd День назад
@@christianconvos you know that there are two different views on the verse and the chapter right?
@bdgdbdgd 2 дня назад
I think you have a wrong definition of lordship salvation
@Leef853 3 дня назад
When I smoke green stuff I get really scared thinking about all my sins past and present. And I feel like an evil monster. So I don't smoke it anymore
@christianconvos День назад
God bless you Leef!
@Leef853 9 часов назад
@@christianconvos you too!
@MrStevensgr 3 дня назад
Don't let the enemy keep you away from the Saving Work of Christ on the Cross and His Resurrection!! When Jesus said it was Finished on the Cross He meant it!! God Bless!!
@christianconvos День назад
Amen! God bless!
@jamesmcallister9645 3 дня назад
Since 1995 when I became born again I got carried away by different kinds of teachings like you can lose your salvation, i lived in anxiety and depression until I recently believed Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Out of 100% how much did Jesus Christ pay on the cross? 100% ,therefore you cannot even add 1% to the finished work of the cross ,obviously good works follow believing out of love and gratitude ( Dont be slow to learn like me for 30 years I had it backwards, it's all about the finished work of the cross and Gods free gift of eternal life- tje simplicity of the gospel is to believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. ( I would strongly recommend listening to a ministry named ( Onorato Diamante) you will be blessed. )
@LiamMcAllisterr 3 дня назад
I know we all wished we never sinned. We’ve all begged God to take away some bad habit, or character flaw. Yet He doesn’t, why? Because if He were to do this His Unconditional Love would be unknown to us. He cannot be unconditionally loving to a perfect person who’s never sinned. His Grace needs to be lavished upon those who deserve the opposite. That’s the definition of Grace, it’s Unmerited Favour. Our flaws serve to teach us His true Character. His Divine, Fatherly, Agape Love must be PROVEN. It has to be show, otherwise how is the Creator to make Himself known to His creatures. Yes, we are flawed, and it’s by DESIGN. Thank God for sending His Son into the world to save us all. We’re all sinners saved by Grace. God cannot be our Saviour unless there’s something to save us from. Love, Grace, and Peace.
@MrStevensgr 3 дня назад
Jesus rescues us from this body of sin and death!! No matter your struggle Jeus will never leave nor forsake you if you're truly Born-Again!!! That's why it's called Gospel or God News!! God Bless!!
@christianconvos День назад
Amen! God bless you Glenn!
@graceonline320 3 дня назад
What does it mean to be dead to the law? What does it mean to be dead to sin? Can you do a video on this? Thanks.
@Nirvanafanboy1991 4 дня назад
That was so encouraging and edifying thank you jack
@christianconvos День назад
God bless you Anthony!
@Nirvanafanboy1991 День назад
@@christianconvos God bless you too jack!
@tudor8040 4 дня назад
Amen. Another good message, brother. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. Being concerned about having sin to confess is like being concerned about having to shower. It's just an unavoidable part of life. Feels good when you do it, though.
@pablobenz 4 дня назад
The enemy wants us trapped, not God.
@christianconvos День назад
Amen Pablo, God bless!
@exfundamentalist 4 дня назад
@monkeybearmax 4 дня назад
Yay a blog - looking forward to that! Awesome message!
@christianconvos День назад
Thank you so much! God bless!
@reuterromain1054 7 дней назад
We were born gay, i am quite sure of that. Then the question is why were we created gay by God? What does God expect us to do. Should we have gay sex or shouldn`t we? Can we have a gay life-style and yet be good christians?
@TheRaniraju 7 дней назад
Please pray for brother also All you overcomers in jesuschrist. Amen. Thankyoufather in spirit if live and truth in christ
@Juwaydenxo 8 дней назад
There is sins that will automatically take you to Hell..."Blaspheming The Holy Spirit" and "Taking The Mark Of The Beast"....all other sins(don't quote me) can be forgiven but not those two..not even repentance will save you..
@reuterromain1054 8 дней назад
Can you, as a gay guy, not be sexually active and yet live the life of a good christian? Masturbation also being forbidden, what do you do to satisfy your most basic sexual impulses? I don`t think that a 100% life without sexuality is even possible.
@keepkevinco 9 дней назад
The struggle is real.
@christianconvos 9 дней назад
It certainly is, God bless you Kevin!
@wasblindbutnowsee 9 дней назад
Struggling? What the hell?, you can't decide whether you want to screw the guy or not ? Life is so full of suffering and difficulties.
@nicholasc.3928 10 дней назад
I would love a Bible study yes! Please keep me in your prayers and I will pray for you 🙂
@yashabraymi7090 12 дней назад
Wow this video is great confirmation I just read psalms 103 today and verse 14 literally is the caption of your video. May God continue to bless you immensely as you grow more in your relationship with Him !!
@christianconvos 12 дней назад
God bless!
@noahhollis5109 12 дней назад
Jack thank you for spreading light. So many ppl on yt confuse it. Ive went to jesus and the bible and am much happier
@christianconvos 12 дней назад
God bless!
@fangomegawolf1058 13 дней назад
Hey bro, if you look up a video of a guy trying to mop a whole Ocean or clean out the bacteria or whatever he is doing, that's exactly what the "repent of sins" "preacher"s look like when they tell others Because it says in the scripture that even at our best it is considered filthy rags and I don't understand why people want so much pressure on themselves either the law is a burden
@christianconvos 12 дней назад
Amen, God bless!
@exfundamentalist 13 дней назад
@AustinKTO 14 дней назад
The gospel IS the power of God for salvation to those who believe. Thanks for speaking the gospel. This world badly needs it and believers also even after believing need to hear it again and again to overcome the power of sin in their lives. It is the most important message for all humanity.
@christianconvos 13 дней назад
God bless!
@1960frj 14 дней назад
I’m not gonna lie, when I was almost 21, I watched a video that covers cursing/swearing 🤬 from a biblical viewpoint, and when I learned the truth, I was heartbroken for a while. A month later, I had a dream where I was running away from God, and there was nowhere to hide, and I began to feel physically Ill for some days and was crying a lot. All this because I wanted to have eternal life, and secondly we all have family and friends who use bad words, and that deserves them to be cast into hell in God’s eyes? I hated God and I turned away from him, but I also didn’t need help from the devil 😈 doing it. 2 years later, I made the choice to accept Christ’s death in my place.
@ronaldsimmons9517 15 дней назад
Thousands of people are leaving and have left the faith, or live in morbid fear because the Church and many preachers won't teach the real Gospel. BELIEVE on the name of Jesus, and you HAVE eternal (not probationary or temporary) life. THEN, do good works NOT to prove you're saved or to stay saved, but to get your rewards after your flesh gives up its spirit. Because these two are confused, there is so much confusion and contradiction in scripture. Once you believe in Jesus, you are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14, 4:30. Why is this so difficult?
@christianconvos 15 дней назад
God bless you Ronald!
@V7imnida 15 дней назад
How long have you been sober from being gay?
@Dave-if5qj 15 дней назад
Needed messege
@christofferlahrin5149 15 дней назад
I’m in my late 30s, and I’ve got many friends, both men and women, christians and other and almost all of them straight. I still feel accepted and that I can talk about my burdon (at least with most of my christian friends (some of the others probably disapprove with this celibate thing…Kinda reverse situation here in super liberal Sweden…😏😬😁), struggling with the same thing/sins etc. But I’m very greatful for your channel! Bible based without making you (me) feel unsaveable..! And someone to share my struggle with, who knows what it’s like. There seems to be som many unpefagogical preachers in your country here on YT, and unfortunately it’s hard not listening to them. And I have my issues with grace too…Of course and thankfully everything can be forgiven (accept that one sin…), including murder, but is someone became a christian, received grace and than kept on killing…It just sounds so incompatible. But then I am no better, as I often repeat the same sins… And what is this talk of ”ex-gays” you gave over there. Seems very confusing. If people are ex-gay it should mean they’re completely delivered from homosexuality, but often they’re not; they’re just left the ”lifestyle”. Well, I’ve never lived the lifestyle, but I would never all myself ex-gay…
@rayheatherly672 15 дней назад
God dont send anyone to hell, if you end up there it's because you took yourself there.
@Lucas-gm3bv 15 дней назад
Nothing’s sending anyone to any hell except their own personal delusions.
@kathleenwharton2139 15 дней назад
This is an Energy Universe. What you Give is what you will Recieve. If you want Love 💕 Give Love! Jesus Taught us 😊❤
@seekerhonest 16 дней назад
Good that this religion will disappear one day with those who belive in it. Homosexuals then will still exist :) I wish to every gay that he/she finds a loving partner , marries and raises kids in responsibility. As a Deist I send you a lot human love :)
@seekerhonest 16 дней назад
You already get trapped in a system of bizarre sins. Good that this religion will disappear one day with those who belive in it. Homosexuals then will still exist :) I wish to every gay that he/she finds a loving partner , marries and raises kids in responsibility. As a Deist I send you a lot human love :)
@davidstacy608 16 дней назад
Good job…I am a Christian and know full well of Gods love and forgiveness. My faith lets me clearly recognize my sins
@beakfish7319 16 дней назад
this was a really good video!
@patcola7335 16 дней назад
Im "gay" and still have SSA but know my sins are forgiven on Chirst !
@christianconvos 15 дней назад
Amen, God bless!
@jamesbarrett9066 16 дней назад
Cool fact, you reincarnate until you learn the lessons and get it right. The Christian model would be basically sending first graders to hell for not having learned the lessons and material. Christians believe in a tyrrant God, but God understands it can take us some time to learn and we repeat or get held back until we get the lesson. Proving God as rational and compassionate.
@aussierob7177 16 дней назад
Jesus died so that our sins could be forgiven, and we once more has the right to enter heaven. The only sin that would send you to hell is an unrepented mortal sin. For such a sin to be committed 3 conditions must exist.... 1. Grave matter (for example murder) 2. Full knowledge of the evil of the act. 3. Full consent of the will.
@exfundamentalist 16 дней назад
Good news: God is the savior of ALL mankind, especially of believers.
@gordon3186 16 дней назад
Who'd want a personal relationship with someone who threatens them with endless torture if they turn them down?
@christianconvos 15 дней назад
God bless you Gordon!
@gordon3186 14 дней назад
@@christianconvos --- And may Ganesh grace you with his wisdom.
@Aarxnsprite 16 дней назад
People who feel or is that way living scared every day as they wake up have to be careful everything that they do i use to have a friend like this
@christianconvos 15 дней назад
Amen it is very unfortunate, God bless you Aaron!
@abdrahmane9463 16 дней назад
The sin that send you eternaly in hell is not accepting islam therefore the only way to God and heaven is islam my advice to you accept for more conviction look to muslim lantern one message foundation
@rutha1464 16 дней назад
Hell in the Bible is a metaphor. When we are deliberate in our disobedience, it causes us to die spiritually until we repent and try again. If you believe in a God that puts individuals on a bar-b-q spitz for eternity, you my friend are getting a lot of very bad information.
@erickchristopher8568 16 дней назад
Of course we care about you and your life! You have influenced me during covid lockdown. I have a fondness for you my brother. You are family virtual that is. And yes I was one of those guys that felt that when I would sin and stuff I felt I was now in a state of un forgiveness until I cleaned up again and felt really guilty and pleaded with God to have mercy. Well low and behold. Now I know my sins past present future are all paid for. Not that it is ok to sin up a storm because we all know there are still consequences just not loss of salvation ❤!
@christianconvos 15 дней назад
God bless you Erick!
@pinecone1011 16 дней назад
A Christian can lose their salvation - read Revelation 2 and 3. We need to repent of every sin we commit after getting saved.