@milesedgeworth205 День назад
How does Bloodbath Diablos VS Valstrax, a fight between two flagships sound?
@bartekdraszawk4315 День назад
Next deviants?
@Goji-Moji День назад
@@bartekdraszawk4315 working on it! Ran into some AI issues for Stonefist it seems though. I might have to revisit what happened with Brachydios and Crystalbeard too, I think the same thing might have happened there. (Namely that despite setting it to G-rank it used low-rank AI for some reason)
@BoneReaperLagiallosaurus День назад
@BoneReaperLagiallosaurus 2 дня назад
@Sunaki1000 2 дня назад
Oh you actually created a bit of a story, nice. Daimyo is so much fun. Shogun is a good challenge
@Goji-Moji 2 дня назад
Who is Best Crab?
@Cheetahcat-1128 2 дня назад
Oh like the story touch to this, well done my friend well done
@ウッキー-u6c 2 дня назад
@isuckatgaming3527 3 дня назад
Bro's in the middle gaslighting them
@GunlessSnake 4 дня назад
Seems like Lavasioth has good burst DPS potential with its digging lava attacks, but it just didn't pull out enough of them compared to Plesioth's consistent water beams and tail-fin spins. Makes you wonder if things would go differently if the OG fish had a different opponent, like *Plesioth VS Shogun Ceanataur*
@Goji-Moji 2 дня назад
Seems to me like lavasioth struggled with plesioth for the same reason it struggled with Gravios. They fight very similarly.
@Sunaki1000 4 дня назад
I feel Lavasioth got a good shot of winning, it just failed to land good hits whit its better moves. Or his better moves just didnt do anything most of the time, like the exploding rocks.
@diegocantu9853 4 дня назад
White Fatalis or Fatalis vs Lavasioth
@Goji-Moji 2 дня назад
"Hot fish" huh?
@diegocantu9853 2 дня назад
@@Goji-Moji But of course 🔥🐟
@Cheetahcat-1128 4 дня назад
Deviljho: im so hungry im willing to eat you
@ProfessorRugops 4 дня назад
Ironically Lavasioth got cooked!
@GunlessSnake 5 дней назад
Unfortunately, because of Barioth's wide pouncing attacks contrasted with his short hip checks, your directing definitely put him out of range a lot of times. It might not have won him the fight, but it certainly gave Mizutsune's better sweeping range more of an advantage. Makes you wonder though if Mizutsune would be an actual counter to Glavenus or not, what with the idea of each Fated Four member's element being good against a specific member each.
@Goji-Moji 5 дней назад
I don’t think that’s true-Barioth wasn’t having any particular issues aiming anymore than Mizutsune was. You can go through the fight and count the number of times their aim seems off vs the number of times they fail to connect (and it isn’t just because the other one dodges or slips past the ability of the first to change direction; which does happen quite a bit, like Mizu jumping over Barioth’s tail), and I promise you it’s not lopsided.
@SilverNargacugaLucentNargacuga 5 дней назад
@milanschacht2112 5 дней назад
Are you going to judge the rain in a volcanic region or what?😅
@milesedgeworth205 5 дней назад
Kushala Daora VS Teostra 🙏
@LeonardMichel-n4k 6 дней назад
I never thought that mizu would survive id region like this.
@Goji-Moji 6 дней назад
@@LeonardMichel-n4k he got very lost
@LeonardMichel-n4k 6 дней назад
@@Goji-Moji oh, and mizu was hoping that barioth would help him find directions back to the wetlands
@BoneReaperLagiallosaurus 6 дней назад
Sabertooth Vs Fox? *Dang 💀*
@GunlessSnake 6 дней назад
That one was down to the wire! Both exhausted near the end and nearing the end of their HP pools! Could've gone to either one at that point! Makes you wonder how well Nargacuga would do against a smaller peer opponent like Rathian!
@Birdfeeder_Grok 6 дней назад
I hope we get plesioth in Wilds, seeing how big he is compared to other monsters makes me wonder what his turf wars would look like.
@Sunaki1000 6 дней назад
I saw people showcasting monsters in the past by using prowler mode. And reason you decided against it? And any plans for a Alatreon fight? I feel he would be a beast in EvE. Akantor vs Ukanlos would be amazing as well, but its inpolite to spam suggestions unasked.
@SilverNargacugaLucentNargacuga 6 дней назад
Nargacuga The Life Monster
@BoneReaperLagiallosaurus 6 дней назад
Cat Vs Fish? *YES!*
@26thgiant59 6 дней назад
Yeah! This is what I was thinking when I first posed the matchup to Goji
@BeastVIDraco-v7o 6 дней назад
Cat Fish :D
@alexandrebastos733 6 дней назад
Impressive how plesioth dint manage to hip check across the map 😂
@Goji-Moji 6 дней назад
The first time I ran this fight streaming this for a friend that requested it, Plesioth won pretty convincingly by 10% health (and almost won by 17%, but Narga locked in really hard at its last shred of hp somehow), so I'd say that plesioth generally has the advantage here, regardless of how this one went.
@MaahesForsaken 6 дней назад
Bro was not having garugas bs today he was PISSED
@stiflash 6 дней назад
great thumbnail
@LeonardMichel-n4k 6 дней назад
Yian garuga: you'll never be in the *noticed kut ku going hyper* Woah since when can you go hyper!?!
@GunlessSnake 6 дней назад
Damn, Hyper state is no joke! Even without enhanced damage numbers against other Monsters, the increased speed of Hyper part attacks and the lack of exhaustion really amplified the increased HP of Yian Kut-Ku here! And yeah, I knew that Monsters dealt "Blunt" type damage with their attacks. Yian Garuga having such a large head meant that Hyper Yian Kut-Ku hitting it enough could stun it faster than it did in return.
@Sunaki1000 6 дней назад
Kut kus Tailswipe inflicts KO Damage and that actually affects Monsters? Is that what happened? wow
@Goji-Moji 6 дней назад
The pecks do too. I’m surprised the tail does though, yeah.
@ryananggoro493 5 дней назад
Well there's a reason why you can't damaged or cut it's tail
@きんたろー-l9n 6 дней назад
@鼻くそ坊や 6 дней назад
@silverglavenus5221 6 дней назад
Sauropod disrespect 😔
@puffyshark9980 6 дней назад
Soyjack behavior
@NathanEaton-Benterud 7 дней назад
This isn't reflective of them lore wise, AT ALL. Canonically Larinoth can break the bones of creatures like Glavenus with their tail clubs and kill them in the process. Larinoth in game are only cannon fodder for gameplay purposes. Glavenus may have a sword tail, but Larinoth are still massive heavy animals. Predation in nature isn't a "fight" most of the time, you can kill your target but if it injures you in the process and you end up succumbing to those injuries. Well then you still failed to properly hunt it didn't you?? And so the danger of it comes from the promise of that debilitating injury even if it dies. Also Larinoth live in large herds anyway so the Glavenus is fucked if it gets ganged up on.
@Goji-Moji 7 дней назад
@@NathanEaton-Benterud You’re correct that this isn’t reflective of them lorewise… but you’re completely ridiculously mistaken as to how or why. Glavenus has absolutely nothing to fear from Larinoth. For the love of god, use your eyes: it’s like twice Larinoth’s size, far more heavily armored, way more dangerously armed and like 20 times as fast. If you crunch any sort of rudimentary physics on the movement of these things you’ll see how horrifyingly outmatched Larinoth is-even *if* the tail was a dangerous bone club it has neither the speed nor reach to make it matter in the slightest compared to the sword tail, nor would it help if Glavenus just went for biting the throat. They are not normal animals and size is only part of the equation-a part that’s not even in Larinoth’s favor! There is *NO LORE* indicating that Larinoth can fight Glavenus-none, zilch, zero, nada, zip. Nor does it make any logistical sense. It’s like saying Aptonoth can defend themselves from Rathalos-they can’t. We see that time and time again, and we’ve seen it since Rathalos’s introduction in the first game of the franchise. Nor can Popo defend themselves from Tigrex or Barioth. They just die instantly. It doesn’t even make sense using Dinosaurs as a comparison! If you had a therapod *larger* than a sauropod, the sauropod would be the most free kill you can just about think of! Glavenus doesn’t just kill Larinoths, it actively targets them *when exhausted* because killing one and eating it is easy enough to do when it’s so tired it’s tripping over its own feet. Think about that. They don’t rest so that they have enough energy to hunt, they hunt so that they have enough energy to fight. They aren’t struggling to acquire prey, they’re ordering Grubhub pickup. The purpose of this video was to visualize how absurd the notion of this actually being a fight is, and how lopsided I have to make things in order for to be somewhat even and the Larinoth is *still losing* to the Glavenus despite doing like 10x the damage-which is a ridiculous notion by itself. It running away by just disappearing highlights how absurd it is that it could ever get away because it clearly can’t actually outrun the Glavenus on foot-it’s blowing my mind how many people are missing the point. Preconceived notions are a powerful thing, I guess. There are no “rules” about how things go in “nature”. If a man brings a gun to hunt a deer and shoots it, it just dies. That’s still “predator and prey”, that’s still “hunting” and it’s still nature. Glavenus’s tail is literally a form of technology on the monster’s part, it’s not part of the animal’s body. If pointy rocks on sticks could let puny humans hunt mammoths, imagine what a giant sharpened steel sword for a giant therapod bigger *and faster* than its prey could do! Forget what you think you know about lions or hyenas or dinosaurs, this is a completely dissimilar scenario. Nobody imagines dragons eating cattle as actually struggling to catch and eat cattle. Glavenus is a dragon-not a dinosaur or a lion.
@NathanEaton-Benterud 7 дней назад
​@Goji-Moji wow, you completely missed My point. First of all, the lore about Larinoth fighting Glavenus can be found in the artbook they were first presented in, look it up. Second, larinoth are the same size as, if not bigger than Glavenus, a Glavenus's back only reaches up to about a Larinoths shoulder. Third, your asking me and everyone else to basically discard all logic to make your point valid, their Ecology simply cannot function in the way that you're describing it. It is conceptually nonfunctional because the man with the gun is not a natural product of evolution, unlike the Glavenus's tail. Nor is the man even part of ecosystem. I think you've conflated what are basic game mechanics with what is actually possible in the world of Monster Hunter, and have become obsessed with proving your point correct through a way that was never meant by the creators to even function in the first place.
@asabothseraph9374 7 дней назад
@@NathanEaton-Benteruddamn does it hurt having such an empty head?
@Goji-Moji 6 дней назад
​@@NathanEaton-Benterud "Look it up" you say, getting supposed and unverified secondhand information from books he's never read and doesn't have. You can't name a book because THERE IS NONE. There's nothing in 2016 Festa material regarding Glavenus struggling with Larinoth, only it saying that it "brings down prey with a powerful blow from its tail" and "has a belligerent nature and won't hesitate to target and prey on monsters larger than itself". There are no dedicated "artbooks" for Generations or Generations Ultimate; Hunter's Illustrations 3 covers MH4 and there is no book following that until books covering World. The Second 'Law of Ideas' book compiles information NintendoDream articles says nothing about Glavenus or anything else struggling with Larinoth, only that it's the "largest herbivorous monster" because Ichinose "wanted to make the largest herbivorous monster". In his twitter thread on Larinoth, BannedLagiacrus (who is a *secondhand source* ) says that Larinoth "can be seen attacking large monsters"... which is not based on any text, but rather based on their behavior in-game. In which things like Glavenus will, you know, instantly kill them. He also makes *no reference* to the *success* of these attacks, merely that they happen. Don't tell me to "look it up" when you haven't done your damn homework. You're presupposing the existence of sources that must support your argument just like you're presupposing that the ecology *must* mean that Glavenus can't possibly easily kill Larinoth. What I said before is the truth. there is NO LORE suggesting that Larinoth can make Glavenus struggle or successfully fight off large monsters, nor would Capcom ever publish such a thing when it so clearly goes against what is observed in the game itself-they *NEVER* do that, and never have in 20 years of publishing material (which yes, I have gone through *quite a lot* of). The games are designed to be as diegetic as possible. There *is no* division between gameplay and reality, in so far as they are capable of maintaining this. I don't care if you say it's nonsensical, it's the reality of the situation; your opinion on whether it's feasible doesn't change that. You cannot seriously argue against an obvious physical, immediate reality based on uncertain and unknown ecological assumptions that can easily be answered or worked around if you just abandon those presuppositions when there's no reason not to do so except to maintain the fanon version of it you've created in your head. You think it doesn't make sense? Too bad. You don't abandon tangible evidence for unproven assumptions. IT JUST MUST NOT WORK THE WAY YOU THINK IT DOES! That's all there is to it. Neither you nor I can paint the full ecological picture of the setting, so why bother trying? And how does it make any sense to use that incomplete and uncertain picture to try and falsify observable and otherwise logical information?? Maybe Larinoth grow and reproduce super fast. Maybe Glavenus are rare for reasons that have nothing to do with the acquisition of food. I don't know and I don't care, but what I do know, and do care, is the obvious reality that a fucking 50-tonne steel blade crashing at 400 miles per hour will instantly kill a sauropod and *clearly does when observed*, so there is absolutely no reason to think otherwise. Why don't other large monsters instantly die? Well this might be debatable, but I guess it raises the possibility that they're just really tough, doesn't it? Clearly this is why we use their hides to make armor and weapons instead of fictional super metals noted for their vast superiority to iron! Why aren't Larinoth that tough? They just aren't. Or, as per concept art of Glavenus decapitating a *Deviljho*, maybe it instantly kills things a lot more imposing than Larinoth "realistically" anyway, and worrying about Larinoth being able to defend themselves to maintain some self-inserted ecological "balance" is the least of the concerns when talking about how easily Glavenus can kill things? Maybe Larinoth don't require as much "bioenergy" for growth and so aren't very strong for their size. Maybe their diets don't contain as many heavy minerals to incorporate into a shell or higher "quality" tissues, maybe they're not as heavy as they look. All sorts of things are possible when you look at it from different perspectives, which is why I said "forget what you think you know about lions and dinosaurs"-none of it is applicable here because this isn't any normal ecosystem you're familiar with. Geralt even brings this up in the Witcher 3 crossover in World; "everything here seems to eat well..." If I showed you a picture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Saltasaurus, you wouldn't conclude "hm, the Tyrannosaurus must struggle to take down Saltasaurus or else the hypothetical ecology wouldn't make sense" you would recognize that a Saltasaurus stands no chance against a Tyrannosaurus based on their appearances, so *WHY* do this with Larinoth?? Oh sure, Saltasaurus didn't live with Tyrannosaurus, but that doesn't actually matter when considering what would happen if they met; the only thing that matters there is *them*. Maybe T. rex *would* drive Saltasaurus to extinction if they shared an environment, because large scale ecological relationships are based on small scale interactions and not the other way around... but Glavenus doesn't drive Larinoth to extinction and we don't know why, so clearly there's something else going on. It just isn't that "Larinoth can fight off or outrun Glavenus" because it clearly cannot and you'd have to be insane to claim otherwise. Like how you'd have to be insane to claim that a 500-pound lion armed with steel knives strapped to its claws would struggle to prey on a 300-pound aged pig with severe arthritis. What matters is that you are quoting and spreading fanon misinformation, like "deviljho eats his own tail, look it up". For crying out loud, we have monsters like Deviljho (who are quite similar to Glavenus) who are described as driving areas local ecosystems into extinction by just eating everything. You can't square that circle with some idea of ecological balance or it struggling to bring down prey unless you just go "well that can't be true"-and then who's ignoring the world and setting the creators made and intended? There is nothing, and I do mean *LITERALLY NOTHING* suggesting that Larinoth can defend itself from Glavenus, nor is it "realistic" that it could with how the two appear and are presented. Is Larinoth as strong in-game as it is "in reality"? Well, maybe not, but that doesn't mean it's some large monster smasher that could defend itself from Rathian's fireballs and venom and flight by...?????. You cannot reasonably look at it next to basically any large monster and conclude that it can actually stand a chance. The issue of all large predatory monster just eating Aptonoth or Popo or Slagtoth or Epioth, or whatever the local food-chain bottom is on every map with equal ease is... potentially an ecological issue when examined closely, sure, but it's also just the reality we're presented with. Either something is different about this setting that allows for it... or it has to be chalked up to "it's a video game" and there's nothing else to be done. You can't reasonably argue that Popo can defend themselves from Viper Tobi-Kodachi or Goss Harag or Aptonoth can protect itself from Great Jagras *swallowing it whole*, and you can't reasonably argue that Larinoth can defend themselves from Glavenus.
@infernyxfire 5 дней назад
@@Goji-Moji god damn bro, the precision and ease with which you destroyed that guy puts even Glavenus to shame
@gothicblack5876 7 дней назад
Ah Larinoth Monster Hunter Wilds 😃
@jayandrewfabian752 7 дней назад
Zinogre is morr powerfull than mitsune monster intense fighting🤭😄
@jayandrewfabian752 7 дней назад
Zinogrr is better than mitsune😂
@jayandrewfabian752 7 дней назад
From what monster made that armour?😊
@Goji-Moji 7 дней назад
@@jayandrewfabian752 Gore EX
@jayandrewfabian752 7 дней назад
Wow thanks for the info.​@@Goji-Moji
@JophielMunar 7 дней назад
It makes me curious, how about bloodbath EX? Maybe it vs. other EX deviants or the fatalis trio?
@addieraul1998 7 дней назад
goji can you do another one with diablos monster hunter again i think diablos from monster hunter is cool smiling emoji
@thuso641 7 дней назад
Wanjai seru kali nih quest
@aprettyfunnyperson4516 7 дней назад
Lore accurate Carnataur VS Brachiosaurus fight
@nothinggrand3805 7 дней назад
We really need sauropods for large monsters.
@きんたろー-l9n 8 дней назад
@Goji-Moji 8 дней назад
@ProfessorRugops 8 дней назад
Honestly this feels a lot more appropriate than their interaction in game, an adult Larinoth would realistically slaughter most large monsters so having Glavenus specifically hunt juveniles and go after the big ones at high risk to itself feels appropriate.
@Goji-Moji 8 дней назад
I… strongly disagree, to be honest. 😅
@ProfessorRugops 8 дней назад
@@Goji-Moji Woe, Sauropod feet be upon you!
@Goji-Moji 7 дней назад
@@ProfessorRugops better sauropod feet than a 50-tonne red hot steel sword swung at 400mph
@kokotomenance344 7 дней назад
Sort of. Larinoth could definitely defend itself against most large monsters, but Glavenus in particular seems perfectly adapted to take down the adults. That tail is massive and when heated up I don’t doubt it could slice through a Larinoth clean
@Goji-Moji 7 дней назад
@@kokotomenance344 What large monsters is it gonna defend itself against, great Maccao? 🤨 It sure ain’t Tetsucabra, Yian Garuga, Rathalos or Tigrex, among the things that show up in the Jurassic Frontier. I don’t see how it could even reasonably defend itself from a Seltas; all it would have to do is fly straight at it and it would impale it like it does solid rock walls. It’s not like it’s fast enough to get out of the way, and it doesn’t seem to have any real armor.
@BoneReaperLagiallosaurus 8 дней назад
Seriously I wish Larinoth was a large monster instead of it being a small monster
@burnoutcat2387 6 дней назад
Clearly we need another sauropod monster as reparation.
@milkiboreasu 8 дней назад
one time me and a friend made some stupid joke power classifications based off how many larinoths a monster can kill without stopping "a baby larinoth level monster is about equivalent in strength to a newborn human baby, which posess the strength to kill a larinoth but not the dexterity an adult larinoth level monster can effortlessly kill an adult larinoth a kilonoth level monster can kill one thousand a meganoth monster can kill one million a giganoth level monster can kill one billion a teranoth level monster can kill one trillion a petanoth level monster can kill one quadrillion an exanoth level monster (fatalis) can kill one quintillion a zettanoth level monster can kill one sextillion a yottanoth level monster can kill one septillion an unliminoth level monster can kill infinite larinoth without ever stopping"