As It Is Written
As It Is Written
As It Is Written
As It Is Written 357 is a non-denominational Christian Bible Ministry, established to provide you with an in-depth look into the scriptures to further your understanding and spiritual growth, as well as to help build an even more intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father. Follow us at asitiswritten357.com
WISDOM: part 3
2 года назад
WISDOM: part 2
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WISDOM: part 1
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Life in light of the liberty of Christ!
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Welcome back! Its only been 2 years
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Christian Bible Study: Perspective
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It Is finished
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BIBLE STUDY : The Devil’s Dominion
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Christian Bible study
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Christian Bible study - Our Rescue
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Bible Study: Ephesians 4:22-31
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Bible Study: Ephesians 5:1-10
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Bible Study: expectations
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Bible Study: Ephesians 4:15-23
4 года назад
Bible Study: Ephesians 4:11-14
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Bible Study: Ephesians 4:7
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Bible Study: Ephesians 4:1-6
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Bible Study: Ephesians 3:20
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4 года назад
@asitiswritten357bibleministry Месяц назад
This does not deserve a response of any kind🥴
@DragonSlayerELIJAH Месяц назад
JESUS was TRANSGENDER 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️, a female man returning as a female woman in a lesbian relationship with a male woman. My wedding is already paid for and will be broadcasted all over the world. I am Elijah of Malachi 4 the forerunner to the return of Jesus.
@DragonSlayerELIJAH Месяц назад
Lies. Fake ministers are Satan worshipers lying 🤥 on purpose. Fake ministers all know Malachi 3 8 is telling THEM to return the money. And Matthew 19 12 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ says God prefers same-sex marriage and confirms transgender people are born that way. Romans 1 isn't referring to eunuchs where one partner was born transgender.
@isaiah537 2 месяца назад
*HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSON* 2 Samuel 23:1-2 KJV Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, And the man who was raised up on high, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, [2] THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD SPAKE BY ME, AND HIS WORD WAS IN MY TONGUE. John 16:12-13 KJV I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. [13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: FOR HE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 2 месяца назад
Sure if you read the king James, it does say “he,” but if you understand the Greek, then you would understand that there is different genders, and this one is gender, neutral, and should be rendered “IT”.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 2 месяца назад
“it.” In Greek, the pronoun ekeinos (#1565 ἐκεῖνος) is masculine because it is governed by the Greek noun paraklētos (#3875 παράκλητος), which is masculine. However, the “Helper” is a word describing the gift of holy spirit (John 14:17), which is not a “he” but an “it.” See commentary on John 14:17. “it...it...it...it...it.” Greek verbs have no gender, and therefore any gender associated with any given verb has to be assigned from the context and the subject being discussed. Usually, this is not confusing to translators because the subject is understood. However, sometimes the context and subject matter of the verse are debated. From ESV
@tzee7945 4 месяца назад
Hell is real and many people go there
@kjcword 4 месяца назад
Terribly wrong. Study the Trinity deeper bro. Hypostatic union.
@LookOutForNumberOne 4 месяца назад
You don't have any evidence to back up your imaginary friend, so you are part of "Exposing the documents of the devil"
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 4 месяца назад
Honestly, after thinking about it, this comment does not even deserve a response.
@LookOutForNumberOne 4 месяца назад
@@asitiswritten357bibleministry Sure, I understand, brainwashing and robbing the gullible is easier than being truthful, but I forgive you, lol Thinking is not a requisite for a preacher.
@monwellchassion923 4 месяца назад
John 20 is the same scriptures Muslims use in their dawah script. You’re lost bro. It’s a sad thing to watch another confused soul scroll across my newsfeed.
@JudeOne3Four 4 месяца назад
How is he confused? The person who is confused is the one who believes that 1+1+1=1. Is John 20 also not the chapter abused by trinitarians?
@monwellchassion923 4 месяца назад
The Trinity is taught in scripture. It’s weird when people say it’s not. Here is my challenge to you, show me where it says that if we exalt Jesus to the status of God, we are going to end up hell fire. I’d gander, that if you strip anything from His divine nature, like anti-trinitarians do, you will sit in the same seat as Jews, Jehovahs witnesses and Muslims. That’s a dangerous position to be in. Salvation rest on who Jesus is. We glorify Jesus to the max. If that’s blasphemous, then I guess we are mimicking Jesus 🥴. Your channel won’t grow my friend. You’re a laymen, I can tell. It’s like when a Greek scholar demolished Brandon Tatum on this same nonsense. If Christ isn’t divine to the extent of the Father, your entire theology has to change. You’ll easily end up stomped when asked particular questions about your little “truth”. I listen to and read some hard hitters (scholars) defend the divinity of Christ. Even early church fathers, extra biblically. You haven’t scratched the surface of understanding the nature of the logos or the Elohim (I bet you’ll oversimplify this concept) and its existential presence in our finite timeline. It has everything to do with Christ. I pray that the Lord lowers your pride and you gain wisdom.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate them, however if you have actually listened to any of the last 10 teachings that I did on the subject then you might better understand that, though the Muslims use John 20, I do not. I am refuting someone in a previous comment. Also, you would have known that I have set rules for those who want to debate me on the subject, and you clearly have avoided Covering anything that I’ve already taught. Not to mention that you would get the answer to your question. And the difference between what I am teaching, and those religions that you have mentioned is well, you’ll have to go back and watch the previous 10 teachings to understand. But here’s the thing, you won’t because it’s easier to make comments and statements without anything to substantiate what you believe. You won’t go back and refute anything that I have taught because you can’t. The only way to make your point is to throw away every scripture that I have used.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 4 месяца назад
So my challenge to you would be don’t be a coward and go listen to 10 hours of teaching and then try to come back with something solid and mature, that is biblical without your private interpretation. Good luck.
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh 4 месяца назад
Thank you Aaron for sharing this information. And showing us the truth of God's word the clear verses of the trinity. I don't see how Jesus christ can be God. What would be the point of the return. You shared a lot of the truth of God's word. I don't see how you can believe in the trinity . God is spirit. And Jesus Chist is a man.
@DeniseWeitzel 4 месяца назад
Totally agree! Jesus Christ had a beginning and an end.. God is Still everywhere present. God' Is spirit, His word says he cannot change. God's word also says that he is not the author of confusion. So how could Jesus Christ be God that doesn't make any sense.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 4 месяца назад
See, I am not looking for religious people that have no meekness to receive the word, but I’m looking for those who are tired of religious hypocrisy that want to know the truth of God‘s word, so that they may believe accurately and be saved
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 4 месяца назад
Like I have taught so many times before if you take scriptures out of context to prove your point, then you have private interpretation and that’s all trinitarian‘s can do. So for John 20:28 why didn’t you read the full context? Joh 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. which shows that Jesus and Thomas both had the same God. And apparently you don’t understand figures of speech, like the one used by Thomas where he says, my Lord and my God
@kivenbonongwe3045 4 месяца назад
Thank you sir for rightlly breaking the word
@pmgrogersanderson9426 4 месяца назад
Go to Sam or David
@danceslob6211 4 месяца назад
Complete nonsense from start to finish. The Trinity is clearly taught in scripture. I dare you to debate me on the subject
@kakarote100 4 месяца назад
Bring your counterpoints against his argument if you have something of value to offer.
@danceslob6211 4 месяца назад
@kakarote100 his arguments are hollow. Jesus is called God throughout the entirety of the New Testament. In John 20:28 Thomas calls Jesus "My Lord and MY GOD". Jesus calls himself God in the book of John when he calls on God the Father to "glorify me with the glory I shared with thee before the world was". This is where heretics run into problems. You CANNOT say that Jesus is a separate created God, because that would contradict Isaiah 43:10 which says, "Before me there was no God formed neither shall there be AFTER ME. I am the first and the last besides me there is no God." The only way to reconcile Jesus being called God in the New Testament is through the Trinity. Jesus is the God of the old testament, distinct from the Father and Spirit that share the same being, essence, and purpose.
@JesusisJehovahintheflesh 4 месяца назад
John 14:8-9 New Century Version (NCV)Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father. That is all we need.” Jesus answered, “I have been with you a long time now. Do you still not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. If Jesus is not God then why did He say He who seen Me has seen the Father? Why does John in His prologue call Him God who became flesh? How does Jesus say He is the first and the Last? Not hard, very simple.
@CuriousCattery 5 месяцев назад
Thank you, I don't know if what you're teaching is correct but I do know the Devil and he is a master of manipulation. If the word of God is crooked then God is the Devil, it's the only logical conclusion. If the word says the Devil and means Cain then the word of God is a lie.
@johnqpublic7608 5 месяцев назад
flat earth is an anti-science, anti-education cult of ignorance that preys on the gullible and delusional dregs of soceity.
@asitiswritten357bibleministry 5 месяцев назад
As @ynphynyty states “Bible study??? ...you better study it harder ...it is 100% accurate in its description of the flat earth ...your not a real christian if you actually believe its a globe ...theres no 'outer space' or aliens either weirdo” and that “I am so mad about it” I have this further to say. I’m not sure if you claim to be a Christian or not and that’s not even an argument for me because there are many Christians that believe the earth is round just as well as flat. So if you are or if you think you know anything about the Bible, then share of your brilliance as to where in the Bible, it tells us that the Earth is flat? And as for me being really mad about it, as I replied to you before, I will reply once again. I’m not really mad I’m just disappointed that there’s so many People out there that are deceived by this stupid ideology. But I am passionate about the Word of God and exposing the deception that the devil is putting out there for people? Yes With that said, I suppose we could go round and round and rip each other to shreds as many do but the reality of this that is when Christ returns then we will know and then we we’ll see who gets to say I told you so.
@DeniseWeitzel 5 месяцев назад
Great Stuff......... Totally agree!
@Semper_Fish 5 месяцев назад
It can be argued that those who follow heliocentrism are in a form of helios/sun god worship and are breaking the 1st and 2nd commandments.
@AxelPixel-cx4wg 5 месяцев назад
@Semper_Fishy It can’t be argued that believing in a pizza earth means being as dumb as a rock! Get a brain you pathetic gullible fool!!!
@RidgewayMountainhauser 5 месяцев назад
flat earth is an anti-science, anti-education cult of ignorance that preys on the gullible and delusional dregs of society.
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Aaron for sharing this truth of God's word on the trinity. It helps to get a better understanding so I can share it with other people. Love you
@DeniseWeitzel 5 месяцев назад
Wow great stuff...... lots to think about!
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Aaron for sharing this and letting the word speak for itself. And for showing us who Jesus is and who God is its hard to argue with the truth of God's word . Love you ❤
@DeniseWeitzel 5 месяцев назад
Excellent teaching, TRUTH! Looking forward to next week......
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Aaron for teaching on the truth of God's Word and letting us know about the signs of faults doctrines. And thank you for sharing your heart of God 's Word and how God works with in us and you. Sure Love you. Happy Resurrection Sunday. ❤
@DeniseWeitzel 6 месяцев назад
Your teaching was phenomenal, So many truths, About the signs, And being born again, And the importance of it...... Thank you for sharing.
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh Год назад
Thank you Aaron. We need to give God the Glory more in our lives. Pretty cool how God work's.
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh Год назад
@ckteacher Год назад
Almost! Haha
@ckteacher Год назад
The volume is so soft 😢
@BrianWeitzel-eh6yh Год назад
Thank you for sharing this word of God to us for a better understanding on righteousness and your heart and truth of righteousness righteousness. ❤
@Laxgoat_17 Год назад
Cute dog lol❤
@Laxgoat_17 Год назад
@Music-sc9yi 4 года назад
♥As It Is Written 357 Bible Study