Defend Your Views
Defend Your Views
Defend Your Views
Brian and Basil present to you "Defend Your Views", a channel for the Christian man and skeptics alike. Defend Your Views speaks to the challenges the everyday man faces in the application of Biblical lessons many might describe as archaic in today’s modern world.

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@philipyemofio1054 6 дней назад
@maestromister3103 7 дней назад
There are two scriptures that give clarity on giving publicly. 1. When you give don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing 2. Shine your light before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. It boils down to motive and requires individual discretion to understand where your own heart’s posture. No other man can make that determination for you. I will agree though that the default practice should be that giving should be in secret.
@defendyourviews 7 дней назад
@@maestromister3103 the second scripture doesn’t apply to giving, it applies to general Christian conduct, of which modesty is part. Scriptures is not stupid, it doesn’t contradict it self. If scripture says do not give publicly, and also shine your light, then it follows that part of shining your light, is not giving publicly.
@maestromister3103 6 дней назад
@@defendyourviews respectfully, I disagree. There are instances where you are compelled to give publicly and cannot hide. Now if you insist that it must be hidden, you might miss the opportunity. There are cases where you can remain anonymous but sometimes it’s beyond your control. In that case allow it to be an instance where Christ is glorified. Also, the scriptures I listed are not contradictory. The language may sound that way. Similar to the proverbs that say: 1. Don’t answer a fool according to his folly 2. Answer a fool according to his folly These scriptures require for you to use wisdom as to what approach to use in a given scenario
@defendyourviews 6 дней назад
@@maestromister3103 the two passages are not contradictory, but in the context with which you have used them are contradictory… The problem is your understanding of the text… the fact that Jesus says you shouldn’t let you right hand know, doesn’t mean you should be legalistic about it. Of course, there may be instances where you ought to give publicly because you can not avoid it, but that is not because you want to let your light shine… In being discreet about your giving, you are actually shining your light, to those you are giving directly, who see that you gain nothing from helping them. Love guides all our actions so you might have to give publicly, if it promotes love to do so… apart from that the standard is to give discretely
@favourali7060 7 дней назад
Thank you for this. I really hope that many eyes will be opened
@defendyourviews 7 дней назад
@dipoawosanya6209 8 дней назад
God my ears are bleeding literally bleeding because what I am hearing is just too crazy
@defendyourviews 7 дней назад
@@dipoawosanya6209 Bishop Oyedepo said some crazy things didn’t he?
@LandmarkAcademy-cf4ov 8 дней назад
Rubbish 🗑️
@The_Process_ 6 дней назад
@@LandmarkAcademy-cf4ov why do you think it’s rubbish?
@The_Process_ 9 дней назад
Thank you guys for this. Was thinking I was the only that believe some of these things you guys shared. I know I won’t be the only one because it’s clearly stated in the Bible.
@defendyourviews 8 дней назад
Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel-all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” 1 king 19:18 You are not alone brother
@The_Process_ 8 дней назад
@@defendyourviews this Bible verse literally came to my mind as I was typing.
@defendyourviews 8 дней назад
@@The_Process_ solid💪🏾
@lydiaelisha9920 9 дней назад
The standard are incredible high. Thank you guys 🎉❤. It's an interesting conversation 😂. I'm also hoping people can watch this with an open mind.
@defendyourviews 8 дней назад
@lydiaelisha9920 10 дней назад
You guys are doing well 🎉❤ 👍. Nice video.
@defendyourviews 9 дней назад
Thank you Lydia😃
@ThHolyTrinity 13 дней назад
There are faithful christian men. Ones who are aware that temptations lurk around and constantly flee at every opportunity of sexual immorality. We cannot familiarize ourselves with infidelity being the norm.
@defendyourviews 12 дней назад
@@ThHolyTrinity valid
@Eoet_2027 13 дней назад
Who is this Ayo guy fgs?😢😅
@defendyourviews 12 дней назад
@@Eoet_2027 😂😂😂
@greatgraceoladele4962 13 дней назад
Yes...... A man that wants to be faithful will stay faithful no matter the temptation. There are still good men out there that stay faithful to their spouse. The prayer is that we the good ladies should not fall into the wrong hands, let the cheating man marry the unfaithful partner and vice versa....Gracias.
@T-BOSPrints-nw3wg 13 дней назад
There is a difference between what we perceive as Christianity today and what christ-like really means, men can live without cheating! No body has the capaicity to change anyone, God! There are a lot of things you guys are mixing up! CHURCH GOERS and CHRISTIANS are different things! Where did we put the place of the spirit of God!
@defendyourviews 13 дней назад
These things are not clearly addressed today in modern churches
@T-BOSPrints-nw3wg 13 дней назад
We can not logically explain what should be spiritually decern, its not a command, its a life style, we do not live under the law, but by the spirit, so we should naturally live in the consciousness of living above sin
@defendyourviews 13 дней назад
@T-BOSPrints-nw3wg 13 дней назад
I do not think there should be a debate between Christian man being faithful, the scriptures says in Romans 8, we do not work by the flesh, christ has comr to condemn sin as he came in flesh, now if the spirit that dwels in christ dwels in us, it os able to bring out flesh inder subjection, the truth is that living as a Christian is following the will and the live of christ, cheating shouldn't even be a conversation
@owoblow6218 17 дней назад
This Ayo needs to attend Bible Study more. He needs a renewing on his mind! Because even playing devil's advocate, a portion of your mind comes out
@owoblow6218 17 дней назад
Risk it all!!!!!
@victorudenyi5221 18 дней назад
Ayo is really cracking me up, but he is only speaking as a realist.
@njokedestay7704 Месяц назад
I'm unclear about your reference to randomness at 25:09. If you're implying evolution is random, I'd like to correct that. Evolution is driven by 'Natural Selection,' a non-random process. While genetic mutations which introduce variation do occur randomly, natural selection acts on those mutations in a directed, non-random manner. Hence the name "natural" , "selection". That aside, I'm curious to know how theistic evolution guy explain why the Christian God created a system that allows natural death especially Sudden unexpected infant death. if a God creates a system that allows children suffer and die then he has created an evil system. Hence could be considered as an evil God. Another issue I have with the position of theistic evolution is that the order of creation in the bible is not consistent with evolution for example fruit-bearing trees appear before animals And finally even the bible doesn't agree with itself on the order of creation. Genesis 1 has a different order of creation from Genesis 2 which is also different from evolution, how do you reconcile this. I enjoyed the episode, despite some disagreements with the Theistic Evolutionist, I am happy brave people like him exist to approach the difficult questions and concepts unlike the guys (Brian) encouraging intellectual laziness and suggesting that we should "Just leave it like that" and bask in ignorance. In every situation its better "to know" than "not to know". If we leave the world for people like Brian, we'd still be throwing sticks and stones in the caves like the people in the bible days. Cheers Guys
@cerad7304 Месяц назад
Always fun watching Christians mock and belittle other Christians.
@MrTola-n7y 2 месяца назад
Very illuminative topic...
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
@@MrTola-n7y thank you 🙏🏽
@esolarenergy9103 2 месяца назад
@ados4130 2 месяца назад
Telling someone that if he or she continue fornicating, lying, stealing will end up in hell Is that a judgement to condemnation?
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
if the aim is to call your brother to repentance, it is a good thing, Galatians 6:1 says "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted." However it is best to judge ourselves first and remove the logs in our eyes before we help our brothers, remove the speck in theirs (Matthew 6:1-5)
@ados4130 2 месяца назад
@@defendyourviews thank you. I believe according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 they are set of people that the scripture has Judge and condemn already, so when you see someone go towards that line and you tell them they will go to hell you're very right However when you judge to condemn based on your opinion, ideas and church doctrines what the bible say nothing about then you are wrong.
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
@@ados4130 now, to add to what you have said. I’d say you should judge actions, habits rather than people. God will judge the people , but you can judge that their actions are wrong and would lead them to hell if they don’t repent
@ados4130 2 месяца назад
@defendyourviews hmmm that is a great way to put it. That's a new insight Thank you. God bless you More grace
@davidnwabuisi4692 2 месяца назад
John MacArthur said debating doctrine online is a waste of time cuz nobody thinks they're wrong. I agree and disagree with him at the same time. I agree cuz doctrine actually divides and I disagree cuz some people amongst the observers... even if 1 person gets to learn something and get better for it.
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
@@davidnwabuisi4692 solid conclusion
@davidnwabuisi4692 2 месяца назад
He said Self appointed CT elders. It was a snide remark.
@Estherobidile 2 месяца назад
I see nothing wrong saying yes to sex when you're traditionally seal with your partner, even Jesus attended a wedding in canna which I believe was a traditional marriage because the bible did not record that He (Jesus)was invited to blessed and wed them as a priest/pastor. Also, He went further to turn water into wine and we all know what wine symbols in traditional marriage. Besides, not all wedding's conducted in church are truly Christian weddings some are camouflage. We must be realistic and truthful to our selves else sisters will keep raising unnecessary prayer points for God to bless them with men that can sponsor their wedding bill.
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
@@Estherobidile yes, traditional marriage is a sufficient seal on marriage
@jessicaodogwu1972 2 месяца назад
This was beautiful to watch Some things are important but not necessary Like for the catholic church You can choose to do a church blessing without having to invite the crowd and the priest blesses the marriage ......just with both parents and maybe witness I think
@defendyourviews 2 месяца назад
one of the things that are still good with the catholic church...Thanks for watching and commenting
@joeregis6144 3 месяца назад
Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.
@davidnwabuisi4692 3 месяца назад
The first 15 mins was painful with Brian's epic strawman. Jeez
@defendyourviews 3 месяца назад
@ThHolyTrinity 3 месяца назад
Hats off to Courage. He slammed that door shut, i heard the sound.
@defendyourviews 3 месяца назад
Did he now?😅
@WinnerManFurnitures 4 месяца назад
Great talk guys keep on keeping on.....🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@defendyourviews 4 месяца назад
thanks brother
@WinnerManFurnitures 4 месяца назад
Someone said the adventures of sinbad 😄😄😄😄
@davidnwabuisi4692 4 месяца назад
Nice convo. Uncle Sho is sound. I like how he also uses scripture to back his comments. Kudos!. 😁 We need an episode for those people who claim to be christians but bash Apostle Paul🤭
@defendyourviews 4 месяца назад
thank you bro, really appreciate your engagement and feedback. We'll look into how we can address the Paul issue, in the most efficient way possible. thanks again
@ogabaElijah 5 месяцев назад
Two of you are quite silly. I’m very sure you haven’t even spoken to God on this subject matter but you’ve set your ring light to behave funny. Your mannerisms throughout the video aren’t even Christian like but that of confused boys .
@ChisaraIbeh 5 месяцев назад
I think I see reasons with the prophet in the statement were he said the holy spirit is the higher authority and not the scripture because the scripture was written by man..human like you and me..
@davidnwabuisi4692 5 месяцев назад
Scripture was inspired by the Holy Spirit. He technically authored it. Read 2 Tim 3:16-17
@defendyourviews 4 месяца назад
exactly the case
@davidnwabuisi4692 5 месяцев назад
Brian's argument falls flat when he compares running a church to publishing a book. I garee with Basil.
@brianokorie6005 5 месяцев назад
Does the argument fall flat or you don’t like the analogy? Is it not the same body of Christ? Why should books be any different?
@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 5 месяцев назад
‘Tongues’ (read, *‘languages’* ) - the divine gift, is the God/Holy Spirit given ability to effortlessly learn to speak and be understood through real-language barriers. It is not xenoglossy (as many people incorrectly assume), nor is it the self-created non-cognitive non-language utterance of what certain Christian denominations are producing today (modern tongues-speech).
@valentinecidney 5 месяцев назад
I discovered that the earth's circumference is about 40,000 miles and would take over 2days to make one travel round the earth at 560mph...quite some speed. I also discovered that as big as the earth, a hundred earths would fit in the sun and there'll still be space to accommodate more earths; thats how big the sun is and as big as we think the sun is, there are stars like bethelguise and sirius A that are a thousand times bigger than the sun. I also discovered that everything that we know about the earth and space, exists as matter. I then discovered that there is such a thing as dark matter and dark energy. These dark matter and energy are things that exist but scientists know nothing about them..and they make up over 97% of the entire universe. it means we only know 3% . Of this 3%, I realized that the information we know are only made available to us on the internet's Surface web, which is only about 4% of the Internet. What this means is; the surface, deep and dark web that contains 3% of information we need, is still being hidden that we only know 4% of the 3%. Now, to crown it all up, the human brain can't even handle up to 10% of the 3% of the 4% of the information in the world. I say this just to help us understand that when ever we make judgement on such matters, always know that the human mind is soooooooooo smalllllllll to understand these things. we do not know anything. we really do not know anything.
@cheelexmedoosa5834 6 месяцев назад
These are thorough truths, we all need to repent in terms of views and quantifying the requirements of a leader.
@defendyourviews 6 месяцев назад
@olamideolufemi 7 месяцев назад
”but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” - Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭6‬
@nnaemekaenemchukwu43 7 месяцев назад
Good insight brothers
@defendyourviews 7 месяцев назад
Thank you brother
@OllieMannyKing6 7 месяцев назад
God is the cause and only God is the effect
@OllieMannyKing6 7 месяцев назад
Pastors should have Faith in GOD and GOD only not bodyguards
@defendyourviews 7 месяцев назад
as we all should
@shelterroyale8579 9 месяцев назад
😂 😂 This is a nice concept. The only issue I had was that you guys didn’t come to a common agreement on what the scriptures teach. I felt like the Bible interpretation from the guys at the extreme ends was quite shallow. And the brother on glasses was being as logical as he could. The brother suit, did a nice job providing the historical context. Truth is, theology cannot be divorced from the world that it seeks to change; historical contexts give guides as to what a text was about, the context of the verse itself should be enough. Anyway, more grace guys.
@defendyourviews 7 месяцев назад
Debates do not always have to end with a clear victor, sometimes the participants leave with more questions, and that is also a win for the debate. Truly historical context is useful, but that context should also apply to the broader texts of same day or place and the context he provided does not satisfy that criteria. That said, there is plenty of context contained in scripture itself. The discussion is still open to being revisited.
@shelterroyale8579 7 месяцев назад
@@defendyourviews 😂 😂 well understood. But as you stated, it was a debate. Till whenever you revisit, more grace chiefs ❤️
@leonieodey 2 года назад
This was such a lovely and enlightening conversation, and I look forward to the many more! And a big congratulations to you both on this startup! 🎉 Cheers to a million more views, subscriptions and wins 🥂🤎
@defendyourviews 2 года назад
Thanks for watching, Glad you enjoyed it! Noticed you had some questions as you were watching, did you finally get them answered at the end of the video?
@leonieodey 2 года назад
@@defendyourviews You’re welcome, and yeah.. I’m good.
@leonieodey 2 года назад
“Self-love takes us away from God”? 🤔 Lmao, I screamed when Basil said “Self-love Cancelled” 😂💀
@leonieodey 2 года назад
Wait, Bryan what?! “You love yourself, you love wickedness” 😅 Bryan’s made a lot of sense, but there are just a couple of his perspective, I don’t understand. Also, I get that we all should strive to be like God, but pleaseeee you people should not kill me abeg 😂 Let’s not compare humanity to God, let’s not do it! What?! It’s got to be all about the real-life, it has to be.. C’mon boys.
@brianokorie6005 2 года назад
That is the work of the Holyspirit, to make what is impossible (Us being perfect) and make it possible … We need to preach the undiluted word of God , so that we can nurture the faith, to allow the Holyspirit perform his work of perfection in us….
@brianokorie6005 2 года назад
And thanks for the acknowledgment 😅
@leonieodey 2 года назад
Ouu Bryan says “Self-love is service, it’s either you’re serving yourself or serving another” and I find that interesting 😅 So, you’re saying the act of self-love cannot occur by serving both oneself and another? 🤔 But don’t you think the ability to serve another comes from making time to fill up one’s own cup? Cus how do you serve what you don’t have? 🤔 - And that doesn’t mean, you have to love others after you love yourself, it’s more like checking in with yourself from time to time, cus as much as you say “self-love means serving others or..” imagine a situation where you only serve selfish people 💀 I should also add that to make a sacrifice means to forgo something in consideration of others, but sacrificing doesn’t equal weakness. It rather strengthens your love for the other because you know that, who/whatever, is deserving of that sacrifice. Lest we forget that Self-love is essential (I believe) to building one’s self-esteem, and if you say self-love is either your serving yourself or serving others? How does serving others build one’s self-esteem? And to serve oneself just sounds like selfishness. I don’t think it’s something we get to choose, and I interpreted it like self-love has a switch button, and I doubt anyone can survive life that way uno. I think there’s got to be a good balance we all could strive for, an equal mix of serving oneself and others - and I think that’s self-love. We all want and need to feel loved, and we all should love. Cus, think about it, through self-love we also nurture our sense of discernment I’m not done watching the video, had to pause to express this. But there’s so many angles to self-love man. Cus then, there the angle of having the knowledge and understanding of God, his unconditional love, and the acknowledgment of his spirit in us etc. Cus that’s very key too in self-love, it’s the source I must say. O’boy! 😅
@brianokorie6005 2 года назад
I said (or meant to say ) that Love is service… and self love is service to self… Inherently we all love ourselves, cos we serve ourselves… so we already have self love… Self esteem is not a notion for believers… believer have confidence that comes from the holyspirit , the ability to perform even beyond our capacities through the power of God… the belief that God has equipped us with enough to deliver the tasks that we carry out in accordance to his will. Unbelievers have self esteem, but Christians have Faith, and the Holy Spirit…. You see how it takes us away from God?
@leonieodey 2 года назад
Ouu, “self-esteem is not a notion for believers”, and “unbelievers have self-esteem, but Christians have faith and the Holy Spirit..” Lol, I like the way you coined it, good response there. Reading through it? I’m like “yeah, sounds beautiful and factual to a good extent”. But, the word “unbeliever” is gonna make me sit with this one for a while. Correct me if I’m wrong - for lack of a better statement - I assume you’ve sought ways to simplify your understanding of the requirements of Christianity. I also find your submission to the authority of the scripture admirable, tbh Unfortunately, my consciousness of Christianity has been shaped to an extent by my reality (which has been influenced a lot by “believers” and “Christians” etc.) To exclude the demands of my reality and rely solely on that of Christianity is a pipe dream, and I guess that’s why I struggle to understand a couple of things uno. Hopefully that made sense, but I had to put that out there. However, I do like your perception of things😊@@brianokorie6005
@brianokorie6005 2 года назад
@@leonieodey So the question is if you knew that everyone was destined for Hell, would you do what they were doing or try to save your self at least? This is where salvation being personal comes in…(Philippians 2:12 for context) I do understand your view point and Jesus does too… in fact It was on of the things that he addressed when he came, in the book of Matthew 23:3 , he tell us to practice what we are taught by the teachers of the law ( which is basically scripture, because the teachers then actually had some respect for the scripture) but not do what they do , because they do not practice what they preach…. That right there, is the separation of scripture and reality…
@leonieodey 2 года назад
@@brianokorie6005 “I do understand your view and Jesus does too” 🥹 😅 So adorable, I love it On a serious note? I hear you man, I do tbh, and I would try my very best. I know it’s gonna be a gradual process, and hopefully, I eventually arrive at your page.
@leonieodey 2 года назад
I read a book - one of my fave actually - titled “The Road Less Traveled” by M. Scott Peck - and he gave the best definition of Love I’ve ever seen/heard in my life which is: “The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth” Just thought to throw that out there.
@leonieodey 2 года назад
Lmao “Person fit Collect” 💀 I’m loving this already!