World History
World History
World History
Welcome to World History channel.

We are happy to bring you videos about interesting events that happened especially during the 20th century.

Are you interested in World War 1, World War 2, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust? Then this is a channel for you.

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@tonymcdonnly6492 30 минут назад
In addition, Magda Goebbels was required to prove her pure Aryan background. Ironically, she claimed to have no knowledge of her paternal grandfather who is believed to have been Jewish. Whereby, failing to prove or disprove her grandfather was Jewish. Also, it is believed that her Jewish step-father may have in fact been her real father. In school, she had a female best friend who was Jewish. I believe she was part Jewish. Good video.
@MrMalvolio29 Час назад
Well, at least Magda Goebbels--towards the end of the Nazi nightmare, it seems--recognised that she and the Nazi Party “had demanded monstrous things of the German people, and have treated foreign nations with pitiless cruelty; others have the right to go on living; we do not.” She sounds like a person who *knew,* fundamentally, what was “right,” but simply couldn’t summon the courage not to take “the easy route” to money and position and power…..Sickening, and sad.
@blackchairman2271 Час назад
Yea a lot of these type of cases happened. it was hundred of thousands of criminals that had short sentences or not even tried at all. Especially do to the start of the cold war. Guards hid all over the world especially in the americas and small towns across europe and because of the church as well, giving rescue with the so called rat line tunnels these criminals escaped to.
@thehorselesshussar9813 2 часа назад
Have you considered doing the Dame of Sark? A collaborator and traitress to the Channel Islanders?
@tkcdeannajmj 3 часа назад
Women is plural for woman. This speaker keeps forgetting.
@oldmansportsog2514 3 часа назад
Bad ASS that's all I gotta say. He said f you nazis we going stand up for what's right.. incredible story deserves a movie
@Hahaveryfunnyrachel 3 часа назад
That poor woman. So bad it turned out that way.
@jeffreyknight3884 3 часа назад
Almighty GOD took care of this evil demon.
@edgardocarrasquillo9 4 часа назад
Amazing. Gracias
@jessicamilestone4026 4 часа назад
Thank you for. Really interesting. There was a lot in this video that I didn't know.
@shannonsullivan1968 5 часов назад
Well, she certainly backed the wrong horse when it came to Hitler. Rather than choose right and civility she chose money, power, fame and “prestige.” How pitiful and pathetic.
@user-wj3jb8pk1y 5 часов назад
U paklu je sluzbeni jezik takozvani hrvatski!
@MagaCanada 5 часов назад
I always asked myself how can someone be so cruel to another human being because of their skin color/religion . i just dont get it we need piece no war !
@blackchairman2271 5 часов назад
unfortunately germany had millions of germans participate in the dictatorship of the nazis for those 12 years of reign. In some form or fashion they was complicit. I think just because she helped out a few inmates at the end was not a reason to leave her a live for a short sentence. Clearly she knew what she was doing by the actions of being arrested again multiples times decades later. may she rest in hell if you believe in it
@RodneyAllanPoe 5 часов назад
Rivetting! Not so much the Brady Bunch, but the Nazi Bunch. 😳
@cybersoldier2010 5 часов назад
There were no tears shred for Magda Goebbels.
@missrubex 6 часов назад
This lady is courageous, strong and loving, when I heard her speak at the end, she brought me to tears, it's true everything she said, we should never forget the past and be very aware of the future, I'm so happy she found love in her life again, she is a very brave beautiful lady ❤
@drkinferno72 6 часов назад
Sounds like Squidward giving a history lecture 😂
@chequereturned 6 часов назад
As a boy he caught the eye of the local bishop did he?
@blackchairman2271 6 часов назад
The way she was addicted to fame and fortune is crazy. She was a truly evil women and enjoyed wicked life off the backs of millions of dead people till the bitter end. Ended up killing her own kids because of self preservation. Shit dont make no sense. She did not even try to rescue her own step father from the concentration camps. A man who raised her as a young girl. That shit really dont make no sense at all. May she rest in hell if you believe in it.
@ladycplum 6 часов назад
It's always hard to watch videos about Magda Goebbels, knowing what a cold, heartless woman she was. So many people tried to get those kids out of the bunker, but her fanaticism made her say "No" to every request. At least she's burning in hell, while her innocent children are probably hanging out with God.
@patriciacolombini6567 6 часов назад
It is for God to judge and forgive our youg soldiers who were right out of high school and who had to endure atrosities of war. Pray for these men to be able to live a good life after having served in a war. Amen.
@BrianHayter-zl2uc 6 часов назад
Evil will never win, GOD will see too that.
@jasonaltig985 7 часов назад
Why does the title of the video call him a “Nazi general” while saying in the video itself that he never joined the Nazi party?
@paulog8813 7 часов назад
So she was the role model woman of the Nazi Germany. 4 marriages, several affairs, didn’t make any effort to save her former step father from dying on a concentration camp. Loved a Jewish man, but was an accomplice to the Holocaust. And last but not least, killed her onward 6 children. A good portrait of the Nazi leaders!!!
@Stoogewriter 7 часов назад
There were no tears shed for Magda Goebbels!
@hannibalbarca4372 7 часов назад
Childless, divorced, Jewish lesbian woman living on the fringe of the society of that time... she made a choice to survive at all cost in warful war times, everyone chose (or not) at what cost he/she is ready to survive ...
@destroyingfear777 7 часов назад
What's even more scary to think about is where she is right now at this very moment and where she will remain for all eternity FOREVER. Truly frightening and terrifying!
@thebigquestionpodcast4958 7 часов назад
What a fascinating! Person she was even tho she killed her kids I still think her self is so fascinating 😮😮😮😮
@roaropgard8575 7 часов назад
I have no tears to shed For Magda Gobbles