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@keithad6485 10 дней назад
I disagree with JP's claim here, I totally abhor any totalitarian government left or right wing. We here in Australia were forced to endure the tyranny of head of Victoria Dan Andrews with the longest china virus lock down in the world.
@Native_love 12 дней назад
If I study Freud in depth, I'll watch it. Otherwise, hell no!
@Native_love 13 дней назад
Jung got a RU-vid account just to learn from Jordan Peterson! (yes they have RU-vid in heaven just so God can rewatch Jordan speak).
@user-ow9oq9zb9n 13 дней назад
sorry Jordan. I disagree where did this come from? I'm surprised at you.
@Caim6311 14 дней назад
Young turks are crap
@getAliKhan 16 дней назад
Psychology/ Psychoanalysis pines for the same relevance and legitimacy as the "classical" sciences by attempting to firmly anchor itself to the same intellectual foundation as the other studies. But the human psyche is not purely intellectual. The subjective experience of being, draws a curtain that requires a tolerance for mysticism in order to pass through. Part of Jung's genius is the schematics he created that allows for a clearer picture of the whole of human experience. The sciences were born out of mystical traditions. They distance themselves in an attempt to ascert their independence from their mother. Jung's approach is too familiar to the soft emotional underbelly they try so hard to suppress in their pursuit of some purely rational understanding of all things.
@jacksonvaldez5911 21 день назад
We should value the individual, but society advances through collectivist goals.
@mgpvii 22 дня назад
Jung was so intelligent that he didn’t need to believe there is a God, he knew. For those that haven’t seen it, he says this in an interview in his later years when asked if he believed in God.
@yosef6664 25 дней назад
I doubt there is a pure ethnic bloodline from Noah's children, Shem, Ham, and Japeth. I theorize all ethnicities have some Jewish genetics in their bloodlines, just as all Jews have some genetics from all other ethnicities in their bloodlines. Judaism is a religion, not a race. If you believe in the flood story, there is only one race originating from Noah, unless you believe the curse on the line of Canaan created a sub-race of slave people's to serve Shem and Japeth. Genesis 9:25-29 NLT - Then he cursed Canaan, the son of Ham: “May Canaan be cursed! May he be the lowest of servants to his relatives.” Then Noah said, “May the LORD, the God of Shem, be blessed, and may Canaan be his servant! May God expand the territory of Japheth! May Japheth share the prosperity of Shem, and may Canaan be his servant.” Noah lived another 350 years after the great flood. He lived 950 years, and then he died. Notice Ham was not cursed, just Ham's son, Canaan. Please don't confuse Ham's, with Hamas.
@Nyumc99 28 дней назад
Alanis morrisette. Hand in pocket . Jordan Peterson . Great philosophy coming from Canada !
@chazrocket Месяц назад
He looks high as a kite
@racegroundbreaking82 Месяц назад
1:46 But nationalism, racialism an other group-isms are right-wing ideologies???
@Wokafied Месяц назад
I'm sick n tired of these leftist useful idiots and people lying for Palestine as of it existed to begin with. I just don't respect liars and narcissists. Why should I????
@Wokafied Месяц назад
Anyone who looks and sees "feminism" as a college study.. 99% of statistics prove EVERY claim wrong. It's emotional. It's Marxist propaganda with the intent to divide us. They took over our institutions while claiming our institutions are racist!!! And sexist! PERIOD. Facts. Ignore SJWs. Never apologize. That's how you beat it. There mostly narcissists or delusional, become I'm 100% factually not kidding that EVERY claim falls apart when investigated. It's virtue signaling nonsense. It's narcissistic virtue signaling. JP is right. About ALL of this. Ask any SJW what rights supposed oppressors have that oppressed don't. They're just words! Racism is so rare they need to keep it alive. Sexism too, and they create WAY more of both. Fact! That's its purpose. It's literally marxist. Communist drivel. Socialist Utopia ends in REAL genocide always. Don't pretend capitalism is oppressive: you're lazy and can't create anything useful? Who's fault is that? Go mow a lawn. Clean a toilet. Too good? Why? Need illegals for that? Derp All they have are fallacies and hypocrisy. Resentment and hate. Narcissism and sadism. Yes sadism. My butthole identifies as a vagina I identify as correct, so you better call me correct or you're a genocidal apartheid supremacist.
@Eric-hw4fm Месяц назад
Man saved me 3 years of therapy in 10 minutes
@PrashantSharma-ce6qu Месяц назад
❤❤❤❤ it's west who give opportunity most less privileged person to grow ❤❤❤❤
@Beej1987 Месяц назад
Prohibition totally worked out great the first time...
@troy3456789 Месяц назад
This seems to be why the word "democracy" is used so often in all modern communist literature, and by our own "democratic" party.
@EdginLegend Месяц назад
ppl shit on the West either because they haven't lived elsewhere so they don't have a point of reference to realize how great it is, or because they never lived there.
@abegiants Месяц назад
Its like the 2 minutes of Hate from orwells 1984. Ron paul has never advocated for people to do drugs and get high. The only thing he has said is making drugs illegal and locking up people for being drug addicts doesnt stop the drug trade. In fact, the illegality is why its such a lucrative business. Did these people never hear about alcohol prohibition? The mafia gor filthy rich bc alcohol was illegal and selling it on the black market. Also for people who are so obsessed with compassion i dont see any of these people advocating for making sure drug addicts be sent to a rehabilitation or work program to fight their addictions. They seem to think its more compassionate to send them to prison and live with murderers, rapists, and thieves where, realistically, they will get murdered in prison. Why do these people who arent drug addicts or do drugs so desperate for the gvt to come and protect them from substances which they themselves dont use..
@AW-vi3df Месяц назад
6:20 This woman has no idea what she’s talking about. The war on drugs has cost millions of innocent people their lives. The war on drugs stigmatized law abiding citizens and turned them into criminals overnight. The war on drugs has done absolutely nothing to stop crime. It has done absolutely nothing to stop drug use. It has done absolutely nothing to stop overdoses and it has done. Nothing to stop death. Restricting access to drugs and criminalizing drugs does nothing to address the demand . it does not stop people from needing those drugs We gave up on the constitution the moment we criminalized drugs . You’re taking away peoples rights peoples right to privacy and freedom of religion and access to healthcare in one swoop and at the same time creating policies that are explicitly racist and unconstitutional. This woman is a moron
@DannySpencer-ue3vd Месяц назад
Nuh uh currently east>west as an european. Eastern pop culture is more talked about such as anime. There are less immigrants there more loyal women etc
@alals6794 Месяц назад
Never heard of Carl Jung or Nietzsche before.... I also never thought my first intro. would be via youtube. haha
@standardhomosapiens Месяц назад
What a strange topic for a lecture. Why is he framing it like this? What's wrong with this guy?
@JasmineDaisy111 Месяц назад
Pictures and words
@geoffduke1356 Месяц назад
Jung would hated you mate
@ColdAsPhuck 2 месяца назад
Or.... you could read the truth.
@matthewmcmahon8980 2 месяца назад
Why bother aiding the world when humanity is garbage. We saw during the pandemic how disgusting humankind is.
@JC-de1ik 2 месяца назад
He's being so f'in vague. Give examples.
@truthsimp 2 месяца назад
I have such immense admiration for Jordan Peterson and his incredible intellect. His eloquence and thoroughness are truly captivating, even if his speeches tend to be a bit long-winded. It's fascinating to witness his mind in action. However, there are moments that give me pause. It's not so much his reverence for "Western Civilization" or Greek contributions, but rather his portrayal of them as if they're entirely novel and exclusively European. It's disappointing to see this gap in his understanding. Is he aware of the rich heritage from civilizations like Kemet, which laid the foundation for so much of what we celebrate today? Kemet was the mother and Father of Civilization, Science, Philosohy and religion. The Dogan people understood the celestial bodies in their entirety 1000s of years ago. Or how Andalusia saved Europe from its barbsrianism and ushered in the Renaissance. The wisdom passed down from ancient times, the cross-cultural exchanges that shaped history? I wonder if he's explored these narratives, delved into the works of scholars like Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop. Perhaps it could enrich his message and offer a more nuanced perspective on the past. After all, his brilliance deserves nothing less than an accurate portrayal of history.
@Jonathan-ru9zl 2 месяца назад
@marcozegikniet9301 2 месяца назад
Pseudo science is not terrifying at all. It is complete laughable !
@danthemanwalker1 2 месяца назад
2/3 of the world wishes they were in western culture.
@user-is6cx2sm8o 2 месяца назад
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." And that's why they are pro palestine! Only because, they hate Israel aka Usa aka NATO aka Capitalism
@aypibar3478 2 месяца назад
Dear Jordan, being said these words by you, then dont cry please anymore complaining that men are abused in the west and have to sacrificed themselves for the sake of feminism and LGBT growing fast in the western countries!
@aypibar3478 2 месяца назад
While I respect Peterson a lot but in this case he’s 100% wrong. The westerners has diverted the normal route of human being’s evolution by introducing capitalism and feminism
@iammaxhammer 2 месяца назад
*You should have given the plumbing glue time to dry, Jordan. Good thing you became a psychologist and not a plumber.* 🙂
@Ieueseuei 3 месяца назад
Now the JP lunacy makes sense. Contact High
@ifyourespondyourmad.2409 3 месяца назад
Many thibgs he mention was already present in other cultures.
@sourandbitter3062 3 месяца назад
Peterson is a snake
@shabnumshaheen6253 3 месяца назад
I like asia because we have beautiful culture and society
@Khaim79 3 месяца назад
Here we are in 2024 and its even more apparent this is true...
@Green-Bean1 3 месяца назад
The amount of Woosh in the comments😂. Yes Jordan is a fan of Jung, just like your professors have a particular scholar they like to reference. Jung was ahead of his time, and still is ahead of our time. Modern clinical psychology is a joke.
@BaronvonderHeyden 3 месяца назад
its wild how accurate it seems this was from todays perspective with ChatGPT. without OpenAI we probably wouldnt have anything similar from Google even in the next 10 years
@IntenseBio 3 месяца назад
@gormenfreeman499 3 месяца назад
He was part of the hippy movement but hated it. Thats an example how man refuses to be what he is. 😂
@lilalove1743 4 месяца назад
@RextheRebel 4 месяца назад
Human society exists because we are a social species and form groups to protect and preserve ourselves from the threat of nature or from the threat of other groups. To minimize threats from other groups, we practice intermarriage or we engage in trade between communities. Or... one group invades the other. To suggest however that greed is not merely a survivoral response to a highly individualistic, me vs him market system is to deny reality.
@windydragon6522 4 месяца назад
Simply put: in the black, there’s that bit of white; and in the white, a bit of black. Western philosophies tend to pitch contrasting themes against each other. Hence there’s so much chaos in gender indentification. If only a girl could accept she has a bit of boyishness in her, she wouldn’t have to opt for transgendering. Same goes for a guy who has some girly traits in him.
@markmark3938 4 месяца назад
For everyone watching this video... JP clearly doesn't understand attachment theory. This woman is clearly Dismissive Avoidant and JP has completely invalidated her fears, challenges, and unresolved childhood trauma, and she will find almost no solace or worth or usable information in his words. To the woman who fielded this question, look up "Thais Gibson Healing Dismissive Avoidant" and watch your life and relationships turn around.