Climate Tracker
Climate Tracker
Climate Tracker
Climate Tracker (CT) is an international non-profit organization, aiming to support, train and incentivise better climate journalism globally. We believe in the power of journalism, but recognise that many young journalists don’t have the training, resources or support to identify and tell the climate stories they want to. We also recognise that this challenge is often greatest in the countries hardest hit by climate change.

Litio, cambio climático y periodismo
4 месяца назад
@Brainwashed.TelecomMinister Месяц назад
@brookeschmitt 3 месяца назад
🤗 *Promo sm*
@lfuentes71 4 месяца назад
Muchas gracias por toda la información. Saludos!
@DanBleuSapphire 4 месяца назад
This was such a great interview!
@belenellory2508 5 месяцев назад
✔️ *Promo SM*
@OldScientist 7 месяцев назад
The Earth was warmer in the recent and distant past. The Earth warmed faster in the past. There is no climate crisis.
@bibawan5477 8 месяцев назад
Merci beaucoup
@bibawan5477 8 месяцев назад
Comment avoir la possibilité de participer à la cope 28
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 8 месяцев назад
thanks for honoring Ken Saro-Wiwa!
@kassandrawannabe 8 месяцев назад
@markonyoroabal6361 11 месяцев назад
Thanks you as well
@entremontanas_vzla Год назад
Saludos. Esteban. Saludos Jesús Peña desde Merida Venezuela. Excelentes exposiciones.
@khalidsaifvlogs9555 Год назад
Great job carry on
@unter1103 Год назад
My satisfaction is finally complete though they should lock this guy somewhere in Somalia preferably in Mogadishu Prison, we will see how his climate activism shields him there!
@Vickielindstrander Год назад
In Japan, coal is gasified before generating electricity. Moreover, CO2 after power generation is also captured. Therefore, it can be said that it is more eco-friendly power generation than gas power. I think it's culturally retarded to think that coal is evil.
@mifuerzamorales Год назад
¿Como actuar en bloque en Amèrica, si U.S.A. se pelea con Rusia,China? SE LES OLVIDA EL MOMENTO GEOPOLITICO QUE VIIVIMOS; U.S.A. arrastra a la humanidad al desastre!!!!😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
@mifuerzamorales Год назад
A partir de què diagnòstico correcto(centrar todo en el cambio cliimatico es un error)queremos cubrir la Reunión de las partes???🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
@mifuerzamorales Год назад
@sunSherifAhmDRose1QuIST Год назад
American spy agencies as a "world's policeman" are across the ocean protecting the regime of Kingdom of Denmark. In kingdom of Denmark last year I got a visit from 3 secret policemen to my home, because of mine online comments, the Crown's police told me that I was dangerous (never earlier in my whole life I had even a ticket nor a criminal record ) and they took my computer and mobile phones and 10.000 dkr in cash and my passport and health care card (the police didn't even have the papers from the court for such confiscation) , and they kidnapped me from my home without at all informing my family for the next 6 days about where was it that Crown's police took me away, the policeman without any reason or warning had hit me in my face and so I was bleeding all over the floor in my home, after the Crown's police took me away from my home they imprisoned me for the first time in my life in some closed psychiatric hospital for several months without ever presenting me in front of the Judge (and at that time they as well didn't want to give me a lawyer for a very long time) , and the police instructed the psychiatric staff to write in my papers that I was "dangerous" so that the next one psychiatric staff or the next time police would treat me less humane as if I was really dangerous (they might even shoot me without any warning some day in the future, and they always go free). At the end (which I discovered only several months later while reading the accusation, because they initially didn't even inform me about their accusation) the Crown's police invented one whole scene as if it was me the one whom attacked the police (which I didn't at all), and so I have to go to the court some day in the future for accusation about something which I didn't do but I can not prove it because there were no witnesses in my home, and the judge and even my lawyer usually trusts to the police above the law in fancy uniforms. No one informed me that I actually am living as if in 1960'ies Latin Amerika or in a communist absolutist 1 chamber parliament kingdom . I would so much like to ask Bernie Sanders a few questions, about that gratis health care bill at the psychiatry hospital with very often blood tests.
@Angel-ej6ks 2 года назад
😘 p̾r̾o̾m̾o̾s̾m̾
@TheSweetnessDoctor 2 года назад
In the case of the Philippines converting farm lands to solar farms or food for energy is asinine. Also solar can't scale up. Nuclear is the only energy option that can replace coal and provide power 24/7/365.
@adetayoomotoyosi8949 2 года назад
Well done boss
@tatuokang4295 2 года назад
Weldone prof Kay
@malikabrian739 2 года назад
nice nice video
@jakijkb1013 2 года назад
@luckzze 2 года назад
Que onda bro, espero que no te moleste mi comentario. Soy luciano, tengo 20 años, y a mis 17 deje la escuela secundaria para dedicarme a estudiar programacion de manera autodidacta con cursos, y videos en youtube(especificamente desarrollo de video juegos). Para mis 19 años despues de pelearla muchisimo, y mucho esfuerzo, me becaron en la universidad lider del desarrollo software de argentina(Image Campus), trabaje en varios estudios de desarrollo indie, y actualmente voy a recibirme de desarrollador full stack con ArgentinaPrograma, y otras capacitaciones en conjunto. Todo esto lo hago para sacar a mi mama del barrio para serte sincero, somos muy humildes, y mi unica herramienta es mi cerebro, y mi pc. Aparte de todo esto, intento subir de a poco con youtube, pero se hace muy dificil siendo un tema de tan escasos conocimientos el pais, simplemente me gustaria pedirte si es posible que fijes mi comentario, o le des un corazon para que mas gente pueda llegar. Lo hagas o no, muchisimas gracias por leerme, y regalarme tu tiempo. Un abrazo a todos <333
@irisamariao5863 2 года назад
Quite enlightening. For readership sake, are these works published? We could benefit from such literature even as we translate findings into action on ground for the sake of communities.
@almalin3196 2 года назад
Thank you so much to all journalist activist for having a big heart by sharing all news
@mifuerzamorales 2 года назад
*¡Seguir usando la palabra "pérdida de biodiversidad" es caer en el error;lo que extinguinos los humanes,ya no regresa!Cuando perdemos algo,lo podemos volver a encontrar;ojo!*
@mifuerzamorales 2 года назад
*¡También hay que agregar que hay muches cientifiques que no hacen divulgación-promoción-comunicación;y viceversa!*
@mifuerzamorales 2 года назад
*¡También algo que ocurre regularmente en la ciudadanía que se dedica a la investigación/divulgación científica,es que hablan para ustedes;un monólogo!Decir "paper" que es un anglisismo para referirse A LOS TEXTOS CIENTÍFICOS es un error que hay que cambiar ya que la base del caos,es la confusión lingüística;ojo!*
@henriknielsen9674 2 года назад
Æd knippel hippie! 😂
@jhaybee9257 2 года назад
Respect nature. 💖
@KikoToledo 2 года назад
Nice Video
@jorgebrando4784 2 года назад
Amazing work! How could I become a Climate Tracker Fellow? I am from Brazil.
@mdbellalkhan5684 2 года назад
I watched your video. The videos are beautiful. Video quality is very nice but like view subscribe is very low, another is more, if you have you can be a professional youtuber. Do you want to be a professional? We can talk about how this can happen..
@DizzanneBilly 2 года назад
Very insightful discussion!
@walsakaluk4630 2 года назад
Her ignorance on the subject matter is clear. All talk, no substance. Trust her at your peril. She is an ignorant public servant serving her own agenda who will use her position to make personal threats for her own gain. This woman is dangerous and cannot be trusted.
@ndighanicholus8167 2 года назад
Great work Hezron Kimari
@hezronkimary27 2 года назад
Thanks a lot brother for your support.
@trishjosephine5177 2 года назад
zdbkr vyn.fyi
@tonierosabella8270 2 года назад
ae61e vum.fyi
@dennismillan7233 3 года назад
vengo acá por una tarea xd
@danyburgos4724 3 года назад
@rosemaryromerotoledo2566 3 года назад
@@danyburgos4724 x 3
@yarelyvilca9829 2 года назад
x4 :V
@kevinvilcarromero8749 2 года назад
Disculpen yo le pregunté
@nxgrs74 3 года назад
1) By reflecting away 30% of ISR the albedo, which would not exist w/o the atmosphere/GHGs, makes the earth cooler than it would be without that atmosphere like that reflective panel set behind the windshield. Remove the atmosphere/GHGs and the earth would become much like the Moon and Mercury, a barren rock with a 0.1 albedo, 20% more kJ/h, hot^3 on the lit side, cold^3 on the dark. Nikolov, Kramm (U of AK) and UCLA Diviner mission all tacitly agree. 2) the GHG up/down welling, “trapping”/”back” radiating/delaying/intercepting, 100 % efficient, perpetual warming loop requires "extra" energy which according to RGHE theory comes from 3) the terrestrial surface radiating that "extra" energy as a LWIR ideal black body which 4) cannot happen because of the non-radiative heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules and as demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science: principia-scientific.org/debunking-the-greenhouse-gas-theory-with-a-boiling-water-pot/ 1+2+3+4 = 0 Greenhouse Effect + 0 Greenhouse gas warming + 0 man caused climate change. Version 1.0 033121
@robertcallaghan4029 3 года назад
1% of people control 75% of farmland -- 80% of food grows on small farms 0.5% of vehicles are electric, 2% of energy is solar & wind 20% of energy is electricity, 100% renewable electricity = 20% of energy *Direct Impacts of Climate Heating* ▷ Heat stress is reducing crop yields. ▷ Heat stress toll on farmers (sometimes fatal). ▷ Heat stress tolls on livestock (often fatal). ▷ Altered precipitation: not enough rain; drought. ▷ Altered precipitation: too much rain; flooding. ▷ Weather whiplashing between drought and flooding (or heat and cold) ruining crops. ▷ Extreme weather physically damaging crops: hail storms, late Spring frosts, early Fall frosts, early warmth confusing plants to bud prematurely, followed by killing frosts. ▷ Wildfires physically destroying crops and livestock and polluting water supplies. ▷ Smoke and other wildfire pollutants damage crops hundreds of km from the burn areas. ▷ Extreme weather damaging food storage infrastructure, disrupting food transportation systems, breaking down “cold chain” systems. All of these above effects are already cascading into a variety of secondary effects. Secondary Impacts ▷ Crop and farm failures, financing challenges, farmer migration and suicides, general strikes. ▷ Loss of agricultural labour and resource conflicts. ▷ Crop stress causes stress on seeds and seed viability damage, causing poor crop yields in subsequent years. ▷ Drought and sea-level rise causes salinization contamination is soils and farmland, reducing crop yields for years. ▷ Heat, drought, and overuse of pesticides wipes out good beetles, butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. ▷ Changing precipitation patterns leads to increased breeding of locusts and other crop harming pests. ▷ Drought dries out soils leading to wind blown soil loss and desertification. ▷ Drought and decreases glacial water storage and groundwater infiltration, drying up rivers and amplifying water stress in subsequent years. ▷ Torrential rain leading to flooding caused soil erosion, destroys crops and infrastructure, and carries over to subsequent growing seasons. ▷ Crop losses impact feed prices and supply for the following year. -- Beckwith et al 2020 YT Oceans took 89% of the heat and they're going to blow, see Loki's Revenge Green Energy Fraud I don't how to say that in academic gibberish, so I'll just let the gibberish do the talking... Vaclave Smil Explains Load Capacity Factor: - Vaclav Smil 2020 YT @ 18:14 - 1 min ▷ Offshore North Euro wind turbines work 30% of the time ▷ Onshore North Euro wind turbines work 22% of the time ▷ North Euro solar panels work 11% of the time ▷ If you put a wind turbine offshore of Texas it’ll work 35% of the time Europe burns 80% of wood pellet shipments for “renewable” electricity - Science Alert 2018 Global wood pellet production grew from 2 Mt in 2000 to 30 Mt in 2016 - Wiley 2017 Europe burns 40% of its recycled plastic and paper for “recycled” electricity - Nat Geo 2018 Sweden burns rubbish for electricity and food waste as bio gas fuel - Sweden Nature 2020 Burning trees for electricity produces 30% more C02 than burning coal - WRI 2017 Europe burns almost 50% of its palm oil imports in cars and trucks - Ecologistas en Acción 2016 Sustainable certified palm oil linked to worse social, ecological outcomes for natives - Mongabay 2020 UN carbon offset talks erode human rights safeguards - Climate Home News 2019 UN agency hit with corruption allegations at climate projects - FT 2020 UN-backed climate fund faces wave of abuse allegations - FT 2020 Up to 75% of carbon offsets are fraud - ProPublica 2019 Fossil fuels remained 80% of global energy for over 25 years - Climate Change News 2019 Emissions must fall 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 C - Sci Am 2019 Emissions must fall 50% in 10 years to stay under 1.5 C - Insurance Journal 2019 Efforts to protect nature on a global scale have failed spectacularly - AFP 2020 Vaclav Smil: Why batteries and EVs will take a long time - Vaclav Smil 2019 YT @ 27 :38 ▷ Jets are 68% more efficient in 60 years and fly 60 times more people ▷ 4.4 billion air trips were taken in 2018 - 2.63 billion in 2010 ▷ If batteries were 6X more efficient we would use 60X more of them Earth Has An Energy Imbalance and is Heating Dangerously Fast 1968 - 1992 earth heating averaged 1 Hiroshima nuke / sec - Skeptical Science 2014 From 1998 - 2020 earth heating averaged 5 nukes / sec - Skeptical Science 2020 Earth is heating at 400,000 Hrioshima nukes per day - James Hansen 2020 ▷ 1971 - 2018 global heating averaged 0.47 watts/m² ▷ 2010 - 2018 heating went up to 0.87 watts/m² ▷ A 46% increase, oceans absorb 89% of the heat - air absorbs 1% ▷ Oceans are reaching their limit for absorbing heat ▷ When the ocean sneezes we all get the flu Electricity is 20% of energy - renewable is 4% - solar & wind are 2% 4% of mammals are wild by weight - 0.4% of cars are electric Solar & wind are 2% of energy - IEA 2020 < this link has interactive chart Geothermal solar wind etc are 2% of energy - Statista 2020 < Other 2% 4% of energy is renewable - WSJ BP 2019 Projected energy sources to 2040 - Statista 2020 = 15% by 2040 2050 : Energy demand to increase 50% - EIA 2019 2050 : 50% of electricity will be renewable - EIA 2019 24% of global energy will be electricity by 2040 - IEA 2019 So if by 2050, 80% of electricity is renewable, and 30% of energy is electricity, then 24% of energy is renewable Vaclav Smil: why batteries and EVs will take a long time - Vaclav Smil 2019 YT @ 27 :38 ▷ Over 60 yrs, jets are 68% more efficient and fly 60X more passengers ▷ 4.4 billion air trips were taken in 2018 - 2.63 billion in 2010 ▷ If batteries were 60X more efficient we would use 60X more of them Water Stress Threatens Near 50% of World’s Thermal Power Plant Capacity - WRI 2017 30% of planned hydro projects threatened by water stress - WWF 2020 44 % of existing coal power plants are in areas with high water stress - Unearthed 2016 Coal plants risk global water shortage - google 2020 Expect More Mega-Droughts - Science Daily 2020 Dams produce more methane than rice plantations and biomass burning - Guardian 2016 Dams harm estuary wetlands - Science Advances 2019 66% of people will live in water stressed areas by 2025 - Nat Geo 2020 Fresh water availability has dropped 20% in 20 years - 3 billion affected - Guardian 2020 4 billion people live one month per year in water shressed areas - Sci Adv 2016 Water use for fracking has risen by up to 770% since 2011 - Science Daily 2018 Fracking dewaters drinking water aquifers - Global Energy Monitor 2009
@luanabeckhauser7757 3 года назад
Muito bom...
@harshitamankotia6567 3 года назад
This video was awesome! Tysm!!
@dogosrobert69 4 года назад
@megadaniel1100 4 года назад
Ist attribution l&d to climate Change needed dir compensatory Justice?
@jorgebrando4784 4 года назад
Thank you very much for sharing this content. It will help me to right my term paper on Loss and damage and Climate Conferences!
@marceloleites5015 4 года назад
Hola a todos, me gustaría tener el contacto de Martin para invitarlo a un evento! Como hago?