Speaking for GenZ! 📀
Follower of Christ, Catholicism helps continue✝️🇻🇦

•Talks about God & theology while playing video games
•Reactions to important and unimportant things!


God allowed me to have an amazing head on my shoulders and I should use it exceptionally. You should too.

instagram- @thiirtyseventeen
@teresahumphrey218 7 дней назад
Pope evil not with God
@Shadpoke 7 дней назад
Why is your face hidden.
@realmrealist8050 Месяц назад
The pope is in the bible. His name is Satan.
@krisfischer6542 Месяц назад
It does not matter to God
@williamchairo8407 3 месяца назад
Interesting dilemma! Both communions have excommunicated each other! Both claim Apostolic succession, both recognize each other sacraments. Yet Roman Church classifies the Orthodox as Schismatics and are classified as unsaved as per dogmatic pronouncement! Not absolutely sure about how RC Church are viewed by Orthodoxy. The only comment by an official, stated " No salvation outside the Church" ("Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.) would assume this would include all who are not Eastern Orthodox!
@markkeetley2225 3 месяца назад
Did Jesus' mother ever make it to Woman of Understanding Prov 1: 5. No, she was of the little flock (Jews that believed in Christ). This and the verses before point at followers of Paul (who will, lead us close to Christ). Along with Grace this is a part of Paul's teaching.
@francisxl368 3 месяца назад
Jay Dyer is probably one of the best Orthodox scholarly channels
@VirtueInEternity 3 месяца назад
I strongly recommend you add an epilepsy warning before the intro, or change it
@serbianboss3294 3 месяца назад
pope is a CRIMINAL
@TnrtRW 5 месяцев назад
Why not simply be a Christian,believer/ follow Christ and Him alone/ read Acts, discover how the early Christians practiced their faith ? In humility and reverence,respect and love for God and man. Never mind man made creeds and dogma because the further you get away from the original practice and teaching the more distorted and messed up this journey becomes. Our God is not the author of confusion. Find,seek to understand Christ and Him alone,there is NO other way my friends.
@k-v-d1795 3 месяца назад
Ignoring the oral tradition is ignoring Jesus and his Church. Ignoring Oral tradition is a modern invention, and as a former Observant Jew, I can see how wrong it is ignoring Oral tradition. It is not something that was seen in Judaism or the first 1000 years of Christianity.
@christisking970 8 месяцев назад
Theres no biblical proof for the papacy
@nastjavk 8 месяцев назад
I was a Catholic. I never liked papacy if im honest. I was also in catholic high school. When i found Orthodoxy.. It changed my life. I felt home. More spirit than in Roman catholicism. My story od course. I want 2000yrs old tradition without adding and changing dogmas. Good channels are definitely Roots of orthodoxy, Living orthodoxy Wish you all well! :)
@ritaa1359 8 месяцев назад
Why do people use Assyrian just say church these people r not Assyrian that’s a big statement to make Assyrian means u r middle eastern why r u lying about a background u r not
@thiirtyseventeen 8 месяцев назад
What are you even talking about
@Nitro9931 9 месяцев назад
Dr Scott harn look him up
@user-7lf7w 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video I Love Sam Shamouns honesty and love for the truth (without jumping with conclusions) betwen Orthodoxy and Catholicism I am born and raised Catholic, i witnessed big graces in the church, and presence of Holy Spirit among us, God showed himself to me trough prayer and trough many Catholics who live their faith... and are listening Holy Spirit "voice" daily, i was blowned away with his presence in their lives and their testymonies so i know God is with us.. (not satan as protestants believe) however im strugling to unravel all my feelings with papacy and Mary, especially Marys potential new dogma of Mediatrix of all graces, thats why i cant settle, maby i should imbrace faith without my inner need to fix everything rationaly or maby choose Orthodoxy for my growth... however big minus for Orthodoxy, and i really mean Big minus is that they are not open to new ideas of Holy Spirit, no changes for people to imbrace faith, zero new ideas .. Catholics are better in that part
@ShaneZettelmier 10 месяцев назад
I found my journey that “organizations” have charters and rules, set by the people that run them, and people are flawed. The Catholic church started as an apostolic church but at some point, they clearly started embracing beliefs contrary to God’s word, and if their contrary to God‘s word, those beliefs were made up by men, and they turned it into a different religion. When they started selling certificates of absolution, claiming you could save somebody who had already died And things like that that’s where the protestants came from and Martin Luther wasn’t protesting Christianity. He was protesting the changes of the Catholic Church and the perversion of God’s word and heresy those in it or speaking. That’s not to say that Martin Luther was perfect either, but this idea that Protestantism is protesting, the apostolic churches is wrong they’re protesting the perversion of gods word by men in the Catholic with a C organizations. God’s word in the teachings of Jesus Christ our Christianity and that’s what we should follow when we try to tie ourselves to an organization or a group and give that group some sort of divinity where essentially committing a dollar tree and worshiping that organization in a sense. That is not biblical. I don’t see anywhere in God’s word, where it says to follow a specific organization, or where he ordained certain people to have divine authority as representing the body of Christ, he said all who believe in him. And those who follow his teachings and believe in him are the body of Christ and the church. It is not an organization. You can go to any church you want you can go to a mosque if they’ll let you you just have to understand that organizations in these buildings called churches are run by organizations and that it is a group of people getting together for fellowship. If you’re going to expect a group or an organization to be completely biblical, you’re probably gonna be disappointed because people are very flawed and we sin and we make mistakes, and when you put a bunch of people together and form an organization and start writing, charters and rules, no matter how well intended it is those rules are going to be the rules of men, and even if they are based on God’s word, they are interpretations of men, who, for some reason, feel the need to create an organization and clean that that organization has some sort of divinity in the case of the Vatican and the whole papacy ideas. We can see the pope right now, is define God’s word, and creating some new religion of men and that is not even Catholicism let alone gods true word. I can’t tell anybody what to do, but I can tell you this. I’ve worked with Catholic nuns and Catholics with Baptist. I’ve known orthodox Jews, and listen to the teachings of many and the one consistency I find is that people are flawed and get things wrong, and even if their heart and intentions are good, they’re sharing their opinions And your authority should always be gods word, and if the pope disagrees with you, then that’s the pope’s problem you stick with God‘s word, and you can have a discussion with the pope, but you have to understand that every time you speak to a human being, whether they’re good intention or not you’re speaking to someone who may very well be deceived Because that’s what the deceiver does and it’s not really up to us to judge them or to say whether or not they are Christians but it’s not a good thing to just go and idolize an organization and say it is above other organizations. In the Bible, there were many churches And God spoke to several of them he didn’t choose one above the other, and he didn’t claim any of them had any kind of divine authority. As a general rule, if there’s a person or an organization, claiming some sort of divine authority, I for one cannot see where that is biblical And capitalizing the word Catholic and naming your organization after it doesn’t mean anything it’s just something people did because the Catholic Church didn’t exist and Jesus never spoke of the Catholic Church because it was formed later. Many things throughout history in the Catholic Church, and the Calvinist sent pretty much every other church I’ve ever looked into. You will find that there are rules created by men that contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ and God’s word, and have faith in an organization, I believe there’s a form of idolatry. You can fellowship with anyone and it’s good to find people with similar beliefs, but we must always look at every single person as if they are flawed and understand that everything that comes out of their mouth is their opinion, and sometimes they get it wrong. A litmus test I always have it at church is that I can talk to the pastor and pick their sermons apart and question the things they say, and if they’re unwilling to allow this, then they are of a totalitarian mindset, which means they are prideful and have too much faith in themselves. We shouldn’t be prideful. We are to humble ourselves and submit to God’s word, and that comes from God not a named organization that owns a bunch of buildings around the world or you can go spend time on Sunday. Those organizations of men that follow the rules that they make up, and their intention to may be good, or they may be evil, but because they are made by groups of men I can pretty much count on them being flawed and imperfect. That is religion. We are not to be religious where to follow God’s word, not some organization created by men. This does not mean we should avoid all people. We just have to understand that we are not to make idols of them. We are not to worship their words. We worship God‘s word, and we can listen to their views and consider them and wave them against gods word, but we must always understand that men are only human and , we are all sinners and imperfect and one roll of thumb is when somebody claims to be perfect and free of sin because of their own works then they’re worshiping them selves and even if they still worship God they’re worshiping to gods and we were told not to do that in gods word. For me personally, I will fellowship with Catholics. I will fellowship with Baptist. I will fellowship with Muslims. I just don’t believe their teachings and understand that they’re men and probably flawed and I try to make my decisions based on what God says, and understand that people can be deceitful, or can just be wrong or might be right, but we shouldn’t look at the things they say as gospel we should consider their opinion on these subjects and if it’s something that interests are, we feel drawn to then we study God’s word, and find the answers there. Fellowship is good, but we should not worship those we fellowship with. Don’t worry about you don’t half to be part of an organization you could hang out with him as friends and share God‘s word, and listen to their opinions on. It just understand that those are their opinions not gods word, and they very well may be wrong. I think it’s more about avoiding bad theology And things like Islam and Mormonism, and honestly white coming out of the Vatican at the moment and for quite a while, these things don’t hold up to the scrutiny of God‘s word. I will hang out with Catholics and Muslims and Mormons but I consider them people and flawed and sinners, and the mayor may not be forgiven, but I don’t trust what they say or what somebody they elected to be a leader of the organization says I trust God‘s word. I don’t think we should look for authority in an organization or human beings, authority should be the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, and God‘s word not what some organization of people tell us that is. And if an organization has a problem with that, then it’s a pretty good indicator that that organization probably has some problems with their theology.
@jonathanmelanson3257 10 месяцев назад
Well most of my friends are natives And the catholic school killed more natives than anyone noes and you think catholic is the correct way Im not very educated im sorry for that but alot of priest killed alot of children . It say call no man Fath for iam the father
@relsonchips 11 месяцев назад
juice wrld
@peterjory7531 11 месяцев назад
Truth Unites. Very scholarly
@zwik-ey7hj 11 месяцев назад
I'm an ex muslim now Christian. I go to the Catholic Church because I believe in the presence of Christ in the Holy Communion and I felt God there. But I also love my Orthodox brothers and sisters and I also believe they have valid Holy Communion
@thiirtyseventeen 11 месяцев назад
Welcome home🙏🏽 make sure you get catechism and do your homework! ✝️
@auntiekriss 8 месяцев назад
​@@thiirtyseventeenGod bless your channel, keep up the good work, just stay humble, calm, May the Holy spirit guide u always👌🏻🙏🏻
@SimplePerson-zq9tj 5 месяцев назад
@@thiirtyseventeen is Sam shamoun a christian or does he pray to Mary?
@NeuKrofta Год назад
what was that song and video at the end?
@rexlion4510 Год назад
We all should let God the Holy Spirit lead us to where He wants us to be planted. There are many 'flavors' of Christians (many denominations), yet the important thing is to be united in Christ. With that said, I was born, baptized, catechized, and raised in the Roman Catholic Church. First Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony (still together after 43 years, glory to God). But in my late 20s I left the RCC, spent 30+ years in Protestant churches, and now (for the past 5 years) have been planted by God in an ACNA Anglican parish. Why did I leave the RCC? Because God led me out. From my personal perspective, the RCC failed to teach me about being born again and about the significance of the Holy Spirit's indwelling and infilling Presence. The RCC taught me that we receive the Holy Spirit when we are infant-baptized, end of story. When I came to true faith at age 18, He changed me on the inside and took up residence within me; I suddenly felt *clean* on the inside, and He began speaking to me mind-to-mind in thought pictures, rapid-fire. I went around with a huge grin for 2 weeks, so filled with joy and peace. But I didn't understand *why* Almighty God would stoop to communicate with a lowly, insignificant one like me! The RCC failed to teach me about the Holy Spirit's role as Comforter and guide, and as the assurer of one's right-standing with God by His unmeritable gift of grace. The RCC taught me to trust in the RCC itself--in the RC membership & Sacraments--as well as in the necessity of my own good deeds as contribution toward my acceptability (righteousness) before God. The RCC failed to teach me that we can only be saved by grace through faith and *not of works.* They should have taught me to place my full faith and trust in what Jesus accomplished on the cross for me. They should have taught that Jesus' atoning/redemptive death and resurrection was a once-for-all-time sacrifice (not to be continued on a sacrificial altar for millennia, for Jesus finished His atoning work and sat down at the Father's right hand!) and was/is fully sufficient for the forgiveness of all my sins, *if* I will trust and not try to help justify myself by 'proving my goodness' in works and by consuming Jesus physically (as if I could get more of God in me than I already have by the awesome Holy Spirit's indwelling Presence). The RCC should have taught me that all of my self-help efforts are like filthy rags before God, and that any good things I do should be done with the motivation of simple obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading and enablement, as God's faithful servant, not for propping myself up to my own benefit in God's eyes (which is impossible and futile). God has imputed His own perfect, spotless righteousness to my account; how dare I slap Jesus in the face by trying to prove how good I can be? As one prayer in our 2019 Anglican Book of Common Prayer says, "There is no health in us" spiritually, apart from that which God has supplied. I think, from my observations of the many RC people I've known through the decades (family, friends, acquaintances), that most RCs are trusting in their priests and Sacraments, along with their own goodness, more than they trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Oh, if you ask them, they certainly will say they believe in Jesus. But if you instead ask them, *"How may a person be justified before God?" I think 99 out of 100 RCs will either respond, "By being good," or, "I don't know."* That is alarming! My heart breaks for RCs who do not know their Bible well enough to realize the correct answer is, "Trust with all your heart in Jesus and in His death and resurrection, and trust neither in your own worthiness nor in church Sacraments." So many dear Roman Catholics are headed toward hell because the RCC has not taught them the true way of salvation. When Jesus was asked (John 6:28-29) what must people do to perform the works of God, Jesus answered that the work God requires is simply this: *believe in Jesus.* If we believe that Jesus and His labor of love for us on the cross is the fully sufficient sacrifice for our redemption, by our faith in Christ we will receive God's saving grace. I could never return to the RCC. In my view, the mark of a true Christian church is their correct teaching of the way of salvation. The RCC fails this test, most regrettably. I believe that the RCC has for centuries utilized the (claimed) power of their unique transubstantiated Eucharist and of their (claimed) exclusive authority to absolve their members of sins to hold their people captive. My RC relatives *fear* to leave the RCC, because they were taught (as were all RCs taught for centuries upon centuries) that outside of the RCC there is no salvation! This is the mark of a mind-control cult!! (Oh, they'll tell you now that since Vatican II they no longer teach this. So much for the claim that RC doctrines never change! The Magisterium sticks its wetted finger in the air and checks the wind's direction, and then tells a new lie: "Oh, no, we never taught that there's no salvation outside of the RCC; that's a misunderstanding." Yeah, right... and I have a bridge for sale, cheap!)
@thiirtyseventeen 11 месяцев назад
You sound like a theological melting pot. And very confused on RCC doctrine and teaching like a Protestant who doesn’t know much about RCC lol. I thought you would know more but if you knew more you wouldn’t have left in the first place…it’s YOUR job to explore the church’s doctrine and do extra catcheism besides relying on the church. You’re now relying on Jim the pastor and his “theological” talks. Your own understanding failed you by thinking RCC believes in a works based salvation or even self justification because that’s not what the CCC even states…. Believing in Jesus Christ and in the One who sent him for our salvation is necessary for obtaining that salvation.* “Since ‘without faith it is impossible to please [God]’ and to attain to the fellowship of his sons, therefore without faith no one has ever attained justification, nor will anyone obtain eternal life ‘but he who endures to the end.’”* - I Believe, CCC 161 Also here : Faith is an entirely free gift that God makes to man. We can lose this priceless gift, as St. Paul indicated to St. Timothy: “Wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting conscience, certain persons have made shipwreck of their faith.”* To live, grow, and persevere in the faith until the end we must nourish it with the word of God; we must beg the Lord to increase our faith;* it must be “working through charity,” abounding in hope, and rooted in the faith of the Church.* - I Believe, CCC 162 Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ who offered himself on the cross as a living victim, holy and pleasing to God, and whose blood has become the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men. Justification is conferred in Baptism, the sacrament of faith. It conforms us to the righteousness of God, who makes us inwardly just by the power of his mercy. Its purpose is the glory of God and of Christ, and the gift of eternal life:*But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins; it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus.* But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from law, although the law and the prophets bear witness to it, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins; it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus.* - Grace and Justification, CCC 1992 Wish you the best sir. God bless you. If you believe in Once saved always saved you’re lost and I’ll pray for you
@rexlion4510 11 месяцев назад
@@thiirtyseventeen Why do RCs almost always assume that every other Christian believes in "once saved always saved?" I don't, and hardly anyone I know believes it. If you want to educate yourself on Anglican beliefs, have a look sometime at the 39 Articles of Religion. Anglicans are often regarded as a "middle way" between Roman Catholicism and Anglicanism; they are a part of the catholic (universal) church, but they have gotten rid of all the later theological innovations of the RCC and have returned largely to the faith of the early church (first 500 years and first 4 Councils). If a church can't teach its members the way of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, what good is it? That church is salt that has lost its saltiness. Such is the RCC.
@rexlion4510 11 месяцев назад
@@thiirtyseventeen BTW, I rely on the Bible, not some "Jim the pastor." But if you can quote scriptures that say we are saved (justified) through baptism (as you and the RCC claim), I'll be very interested. (You wrote: "Justification is conferred in Baptism...")
@digita1aj 11 месяцев назад
As long as you are alive, its a work in progress to align yourself to Christ teachings thru scriptures. Your free will is God’s gift to you that you alone is in control. He leaves it to you how to make the smart choices and right decisions to bring you farther or closer to Him.
@25svbn Год назад
Sam haha 😂😂😂😂
@zakichan5594 Год назад
How about other Christians who doesnt believe in Christ as God?
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
They aren’t Christian
@zakichan5594 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen its sad but what is sadder many people follows these churches and considered fast growing church.. Believe there teachings
@shraboudishiabaoudi872 Год назад
Hey, how did you contact Sam?
Catholicism is heretic As well as any other religion True Christianity is found in the Bible Sam is great at debating though
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
So….Catholicism is based on the Bible what do you have to say about that?
@ToonsGoofyMemes 8 месяцев назад
Uhh, the Catholic Church literally created the bible.
@zealousideal Год назад
You chose correctly Daniel-san. I’ve been in both churches as well and Catholicism is closest to original Christianity and most correct of all the others. Catholic apologists, Catholic answers, Trent Horn, Micheal Lofton, Eric Ybarra, Patrick Madrid and tons others have totally debunked Orthodoxy hundreds of times.
@wesleyschneider926 Год назад
Catholicism has nothing to do with christianity, they worship the secret religion of Babylon. They worship "Mary", the sun, the eye of Horus etcetc. Catholicism is Roman Empire without borders
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@wesleyschneider926no Catholic worships Mary. Next.
@wesleyschneider926 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen they do, they even have pilgramages to Fatima, worshipping a Maria idol in a cave. Dont lie. You are just a Gojem who think as Catholic, you became Christian. You are just a Roman slave
@wesleyschneider926 11 месяцев назад
@danvinsontrailor2339 i worship Yesuah, the only true God. I dont worship mohammed and kiss black stones and dance around a wooden box, screaming and recitings for everyone to hear me. I dont worship Mary or idolise any other "saint". I dont walk with bended crosses, sun medaillions, eye of Horus, craft statues and paintings of God. I dont belong to any religion, i walk with God Muslims and Catholics need to read Job. Live your own life
@zealousideal Год назад
Something is SERIOUSLY wrong and off with this Sam guy. Sorry.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@kopanotempleton8414 Год назад
Telling people to only go to a Catholic or Orthodox church is over stretching your authority period!
@robusc4940 Год назад
Vatican needs you, how else do expect them to keep and collect more riches. They don't get rich by teaching Faith ALONE as Christ through Paul taught for you and I. You have to make those believers think that WORKS are a MUST to enter Heaven !!!
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@robusc4940every church takes donations and tithing. It’s biblical btw and asked of you.
@robusc4940 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen Donations/tithing ARE NOT required for a believer to be justified/saved these are OPTIONAL. They are a SHOULD and NOT A MUST. .. Now tell me about Vatican/Catholic INDULGENCE aka pay to be saved. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indulgence
@kopanotempleton8414 Год назад
The only governing authority over the life of a believer should be the scriptures and not what any other person says.
@iv4ptab177 Год назад
Sam Shamoun rocks!
@alexandramaric6040 Год назад
I always break it down, as an Orthodox Christian to the strengths of both sides, Catholic versus Orthodox. The Catholics have a point about The Church of Rome and the apostolic succession. Orthodox have a very good theological argument against Papal infallibility *I think we can all agree that the Pope and past Popes have made doctrinal errors. The immaculate conception is a newer Catholic Doctrine that Orthodox cannot except because for Jesus to be the messiah, the Christ, she had to be HUMAN not the product of some non-human relations. I have a lot in common with traditional Catholics and the Latin Mass and the Byzantine Mass are very similar to our liturgy. Interestingly, having gone to Catholic schools, I was told that I am allowed to take communion in a Catholic Church, however, Catholics are not permitted to take Communion in the Orthodox Church. Another big problem for Orthodox Christians is VATICAN II....many of my traditional Catholics would agree with me. I flirtred with Protestantism because of my Dad, but I found it to be a theological slippery slope nightmare. The foundations of the ancient Church are required to achieve the benefits of liturgical lifestyle.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
I respect your opinion 🙏🏽☦️
@richardounjian9270 10 месяцев назад
Mary was fully human. She gave Jesus his human nature
@dezznutts1197 7 месяцев назад
I am an orthodox leaning Protestant but has some small differences but not really any problems with them.
@richardounjian9270 7 месяцев назад
@@dezznutts1197 Why would an Orthodox lean toward the herecy of protestantism? Re-think that man! God forbid that you would leave your Apostolic Faith for the garbage that man created? I'm a Catholic begging you to stop thinking about joining heretics!
@richardounjian9270 7 месяцев назад
Your time-line on the Immaculate Conception is inaccurate. The concept was proposed in the 4th century. The acclamation of the feast day is relatively new. In 1854 the Pope declared that the Church universal would celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. It should be noted that in 1858 Our Lady appears to Bernadette Sourbirous at Lourdes, France and introduces herself as the "Immaculate Conception". Many miracles occur at Lourdes every year
@jmedina627 Год назад
Born again become a bible beiliver
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
We all are Bible believing Christian’s..
@BardockOjama 2 месяца назад
@@thiirtyseventeendo you believe in the apocryphal?
@ownpetard8379 Год назад
At 0:57 Actually Sam declared for the Assyrian Church of the East, last year?, which is a non-Chalcedonian Christian faith sometimes considered one of the Oriental Orthodox churches. The Assyrian Church has some tie-in to the Roman Catholic Church, thus Sam's comment at 3:23. To be clear neither the Assyrian church nor the Oriental Orthodox are in communion with the Eastern Orthodox. A common problem is that these Churches have not recognized the Council of Chalcedon, which pinned down the nature of Christ for the EO. A question for you is: How can the RCC tie-in to a non-Chalcedonian Church? My personal view is that Sam recognizes the many issues of the RCC, but due to the Assyrian Church's tie-in to the RCC, he cannot declare for the Eastern Orthodox. And also, Sam realizes that he needs Catholics to view his videos. I don't fret this. Your title is clickbait, and I hope you have Sam's permission to run the video here.
@j_real21 7 месяцев назад
There is an assyrian Catholic church or chaldean church which is in communion with Rome and by their communion have to assent to Chalcedon.
@JuanRojas-ng9ew Год назад
I don't understand how Sam can be a Catholic when the Catholic Church deviates from the Bible?
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
It probably means it doesn’t !
@JuanRojas-ng9ew Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen If you read the Bible it would be very obvious such as the concept of praying to someone vs worshiping someone. Biblically speaking they are the same. The main issue is the Catholic Church promotes praying toward the saints and the virgin which is a sin according to Exodus 20:4-5. Also the Catholic Church stands on the statement that the sacraments and good works are necessary for salvation which goes against salvation through grace alone according to Ephesians 2:8-9. The Catholic Church preaches Sola Scriptura believing that the word alone cannot save you which contradicts the Bible in just these two passages and that's how the Catholic Church deviates from the Bible. Also the concept of Sola Scriptura gives the Catholic Church permission to invent whatever it wants which is very dangerous in my opinion.
@mrblue1356 Год назад
Can I ask, why are you dressed as a ninja?!
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Assassins creed inspired. I’m Catholic 🇻🇦 crusades were a big part of history. Also, privacy
@normabreazile5500 Год назад
@Judges. Год назад
Jay Dyer, Ubi Petras and David Erhan are Orthodox channels that address the Papacy from an Orthodox perspective.
@JohnOb-d9j Год назад
This guy's is using Malachi z York books . 360 questions for Muslim, 360 questions for Christians. This is a test from Allah..............
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@afattori316 Год назад
Ex catholic and ex Mormon. Sam is wrong on the Catholic Church. They worship idols and Mary. They are no better than the black stone lickers and the Catholics who kiss the pope’s ring and also the Bishops. The rosary prayers are chanting words. All world leaders and church leaders report to the pope because the pope and the Catholic Church are the serpents head in the beast system.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Maybe it’s because I’m new to this RU-vid stuff but I love responding to comments. KEEP COMMENTING
@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et Год назад
Just wait until you see comments from this video 5 years from now. It's kind of crazy.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3etright lol
@calvinletigre7687 Год назад
​@@thiirtyseventeen ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WEObYvJrffk.htmlsi=iqNb-HACnc2IdcOI
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3etif you want to debate hop on discord
@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen I am not on discord
@nuffsaid8706 Год назад
Catholics believe in graven images and pray to man made statues…they call priests father, worship Mary and many others….have a million saints etc…… KJV Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
So the arch of the covenant is a graven image. Is God breaking his own laws?
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Show me in the catechism where it says to worship Mary
@kevinblackwellwelder Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen this is a bad argument. Worship literally means to give honor. You could translate honor your father and mother as worship your father and mother. All you're doing is giving them their due honor.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@kevinblackwellweldermy argument is a bad argument ?? Huh
@josephodoherty7864 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen not so much "yours " or "bad" - more like "other people's much parroted lies", and, "'horrendously stupid & utterly false "
@reylambarte5615 Год назад
The roman catholic and the orthodox started right but ended occults by there practices and added teachings, they are now teaching a different Jesus of the bible
@beausu5823 Год назад
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Show me proof
@reylambarte5615 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen both the catholic and the orthodox do not know that Jesus is the God who communicated to israel in the old testament. He is the God who said not to make any image of Him that resembles to any creature on earth. He is the God who prohibits the believers to pray for the dead. He is the God that prohibits any addition or deletion of His words. Both of the churches are guilty of those commands from Him. In addition looking back to history catholic church is guilty of the bloods of believers it killed, massacred, and burned alive. The catholic church also twisted the history saying that there papacy started with peter, in truth peter was never been the leader of any church but rather paul for gentiles and james for the jews. Papacy was decreed by imperor pocas in the 6th century, before that the churches were being led by bishops. Please read the church history so you may learn how satanic the catholic church became.
@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen refute my previous statements on other comments. That's your proof.
@normabreazile5500 Год назад
Yep, when they were losing followers AND MONEY to followers of Jesus Christ the Lord. They had to come up with ways to keep people…money coming in so they came up with purgatory, rosary, belief in Mary, worshiping saints( which has been around since the beginning of time) etc
@vegasdirtpusher1124 Год назад
Just wondering, what are you wearing l, your clothes
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
It’s a mask for privacy
@ZonexNT Год назад
Just follow Jesus, Jesus hated religion.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
No he didn’t. He didn’t come to destroy the law he came to fulfill it…
@ZonexNT Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen doesn’t correlate to what I said or have any connection to my statement. This is dependent
@beausu5823 Год назад
Lol Jesus Hated Religion? You are lying! Where is that In the Bible? You are inventing things. Nothing Wrong with Religion. Our Religion is Jesus. We have our relationship to Jesus. So why don't tell us Chapter and verse that Jesus hated Religion??? hahaha
@ZonexNT Год назад
@@beausu5823 relationship with God isn’t a religion with God. What God is more focused is how much you know him and how much he knows you a deep intimate relationship as you said it. Religious people are usually hypocrites and Pharisees that’s why we shouldn’t consider our selfs religious just disciples of Jesus Christ. “Pick up your Cross and follow me” not follow this religion.
@beausu5823 Год назад
@@ZonexNT I am asking where in the BIBLE that says JESUS HATED RELIGION? SHOW US CHAPTERS AND VERSE PLEASE? OR ELSE YOU ARE LYING. Jesus attacked the hypocrites like the Pharisees BUT did he FORBID RELIGION? Where is that in the BIBLE? Following Jesus is a Religion. Religion is Connection and Relationship. NOW TELL US! WHERE IN THE BIBLE THAT JESUS FORBIDS RELIGION?
@PflegedienstRitter Год назад
Sam ,which or what is the right or thru religion ?
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@lesavdesabonnes Год назад
It is all the same, by the way everyone pray an old superman with the red cape of the empire who killed him then made him... common, Jesus is more an idealistic concept because men needto identify themselves for going further, higher, better, faster stronger 🎵 also spiritually! Every religion decline this concept, chosen peoples, the son of god, the chosen prophet... common!!!😒 But no need to be angry about that, even as an idealistic concept, it is good and enought. 300 years of church scribes or 300 years of hollywood movies... DC comics will start to make a good bible!
@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et Год назад
Your assessment of the Christian faith is erroneous. Try telling your story to God when you meet Him after your die and enter eternity. Repent of your sins and turn your sorrow into joy through the acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross.
@lesavdesabonnes Год назад
@@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et In a world where everyone is looking for their own path, no one is able to decide what is good for others. In this, Often, those who find a way make their own truth out of pride, arrogance and closed-mindedness in wanting to supposedly “liberate” others. You are barely getting there on your own path with yourself, and you would like to spiritually convince someone else?! maybe your Jesus is not the same to me. I cannot be infatuated with a God who cannot be a friend, because i was made for create and enjoy the reciprocity.
@DANIELRODRIGUEZ-yr3et Год назад
@@lesavdesabonnes you pointed to the problem, everyone seeks their own way, but in the end it is end is death. Would you say the same to a mechanic that told you you were mistreating your car? God created the world and revealed the manual for it in the Holy Bible. I urge you to reconsider before you pass from this life into the next.
@BibleSamurai Год назад
whats this assassin creed look
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
It serves many purposes: privacy, holds back my ego, adds character and looks cool. Assassins creed the video game was based during one of the Crusades which makes the connection to me being Catholic.
@matthewvelazquez2013 Год назад
Hey 3017, Trent Horn is hosting a debate between Timothy Gordon, the Catholic and Jay Dyer, the Orthodox. I turned the notification on because the debate will happen in a month... I listened to Jay Dyer annihilate the falseness of Daniel haqiqatjou during a debate with him on that modern-day debates RU-vid channel, Live. I could tell by the language that Jay Dyer was using, he and Timothy Gordon will be speaking the same christological language. They won't be speaking passed each other like Daniel haqiqatjou spoke passed him because Daniel is using an entirely different vocabulary... as a Catholic myself, I also like William Albrecht; however, after taking a shot of William, I like to take a swig of Eric Ybarra as a chaser. Eric is a Protestant convert to Catholicism who is a legitimate scholar and specializes and being sympathetic to Eastern Catholicism while always including the West. He's so sure to include the West, that he has Dominican priests as guests on his RU-vid channel... listening to Sam, I suspect Sam shamoun has the chops to pick up Eric Ybarra's new book on the papacy and understand it... 3017, someone should tell Sam about Eric's new book on the papacy.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Hopefully Sam will see your comment! Love Eric, a little too boring of a talker for my Gen Z brain but for what I can bare with he’s amazing. Thank you for your comment ! Stick around my channel, need more people like you here
@donotcompromise Год назад
The pope tells his priests that they can forgive the sin of abortion. ONLY God can forgive sins.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Tell you don’t know how Jesus gave authority on earth to his children without telling me. It’s all done in communion with Jesus and it’s Jesus the holy judge who forgives sins
@josephodoherty7864 Год назад
And by that logic of self-righteous mantras trumping Christ's own teaching then Our Lord's baptising with the Spirit, only God can make us "born again " not His modern/nedieval is disciples, certainly not reformation preachers & their direct or indirect successors - therefore no-one has been saved for over 19 centuries. 😱😫😫
@donotcompromise Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen Are you saying man can forgive sins?
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
@@donotcompromisewhere did I say that
@donotcompromise Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen what are you saying?
@Awtv2356 Год назад
The greatest problem of Christianity is being religious. I am not a Catholic nor an Orthodox but a disciple of Christ Jesus.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
You definitely don’t know the definition of religion. You’re religious, you just hate the word you’re just like any liberal trying to break the box. By the way, that box doesn’t need breaking. I’m religious and there’s nothing wrong with it. You’re thinking being “legalistic = religious” and it doesn’t
@brentonswan100 Год назад
What about just a Christian that has the Bible as the guide without any bias from people.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Then you trust your own knowledge and your own bias.
@thiirtyseventeen Год назад
Proverbs 3:5-6
@brentonswan100 Год назад
@@thiirtyseventeen 💯 agree. I will trust the word of God, the Bible, not any one else. For we are all sinners and fall short.
@beausu5823 Год назад
Because in the first 300 years of Christianity. Christians doesn't have the Bible. They believed in the Church that Jesus founded. (Mat 16:18-19) and to whom Jesus gave the plenipotentiary power to preach the Gospel to all nations (Mat 28:19-20) and is to be the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15). The Church as Pillar and Foundation of Truth According to Saint Paul (1 Tim 3:15). Not the Bible Alone. Because Bible Alone was new invention of Martin Luther in 16th Century. And Without the Catholic Church there will be No Bible.
@brentonswan100 Год назад
@@beausu5823 the Bible was around before then it was called the Torah. There were also the disciples there to teach. I am still waiting for scripture for purgatory. Please don't change the subject.