Alexandra Derepas
Alexandra Derepas
Alexandra Derepas
Hi everyone,

My name is Alexandra, you can call me Xandra.
I hope I can encourage, motivated, and support you with my videos in this channel.
Most of my videos will be about life style, school, studies and more. (a mix of everything actually 😊)
Hope you enjoy 💗

TikTok: alexandra.xndr
IG: (main acc) just.xndr
IG: (second acc) another.xndr
💌: derepasexandra.official@gmail.com
@theatienor 4 дня назад
Amazing and fun video 😊🫶🏾
@alexandra.xandra 3 дня назад
@@theatienor awww thank you 🥺🙇‍♀️
@valeee.j 3 месяца назад
@alexandra.xandra 3 месяца назад
@George-le6tc 7 месяцев назад
Promo'SM 😊