Early Christian Texts
Early Christian Texts
Early Christian Texts
Those of us who have immersed ourselves in Early Christian Texts have been strengthened, shocked, inspired, and healed because of our relationship to them. We have come to realize that they contain extraordinary gems of wisdom. They also challenge preconceived notions about what it meant and what it means to identify ourselves as followers of Jesus. We have grown intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually through engaging with the fuller spectrum of thought among the early Jesus followers.
Where Did Gnostic Ideas Come From?
Месяц назад
What Texts Did the Early Jesus People Read?
5 месяцев назад
@PoorKidOne 10 дней назад
I’ll share two quotes that Jesus said “If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light" and "the kingdom of God is within you". When you experience this you will then know gnosis.
@mrmaat 13 дней назад
“Real” and “forgery” in Christian studies are interesting questions but are actually not very useful for basing one’s ideological positions unless one accepts the theory of apostolic authority. Many, if not the majority of early Christian and Christian adjacent texts are anonymous or likely forgeries, yet they have been and are still seen as authoritative for Christians. The Book of Mormon, for example, is an obvious forgery but millions still revere it and believe it is an accurate record of ancient history.
@ElkoJohn 15 дней назад
Don't think the Heavenly Father of Jesus would have ordered the genocide of innocent children and women that we find in the OT. As a military veteran and student of religious wars, it's not beyond belief that the military commanders and rulers of ancient Israel could have done the dastardly deeds, and then created the narrative that God told them to do it.
@ElkoJohn 16 дней назад
Vivid dreams, imaginations & deep intuitive insights can create new and innovative understandings, knowledge, and inspiration for creating artistic works of beauty.
@jamesharkins6799 17 дней назад
Gnosis is an experience not an idea
@spankflaps1365 18 дней назад
Picking up on Jesus the stonemason. Josephus described Jesus as being hunch backed. Perhaps he injured his back (rolling a stone), had to give up his job age 27, then became a preacher instead. Note that rolling of stones was very common in antiquity. Column drums had a wagon wheel tied both sides, and were rolled from A to B. In that period, there was hundreds/thousands of columns being built in Israel and Egypt.
@xifangyangren9997 19 дней назад
I bet she played on Bible Hill as a kid across from Mt. Zion.
@Pootycat8359 20 дней назад
Anyone with any moral sense, who reads the Bible, will conclude that the "God" of the Old Testament is an EVIL entity. He's vengeful, jealous, and genocidal. He's a bloodthirsty god, who demands bloody sacrifices to appease his wrath. He punishes the innocent for the sins of the guilty. He not only condones, but REQUIRES, his alleged "Chosen People" to wage wars of annihilation. Truly, with a "God" like that, who needs a "Devil"? But Jesus comes along, and teaches about a God who is loving & merciful. And the "Gnostics" maintained that Jesus was sent by the TRUE God, to free people from bondage to that O.T. monster. Whether or not the small details of their theology are true, their basic premise makes perfect sense, and enables a Christian to remain Christian, and retain faith in God, after overcoming the brainwashing they received as children.
@dragonsguardianofcrystalhearts 21 день назад
@marye3022 24 дня назад
Great interview! Thank you
@dongeorge4551 25 дней назад
Cpuld of stole it from the island next door. Oops they wrcked it so got nosis now
@justynjedraszewski6094 27 дней назад
Read Luke 11, 52 and try to see what gnosis means in that context, all the rest is ignorance, especially what theologians do say about it since that sentence was expressed... blind leading blind... who said it first?
@OnlineMD Месяц назад
My life has been all about GNAWING AT GNOSIS (copyright, haha) 😅
@PacerOwen Месяц назад
Very interesting concepts, a lot going on, really good for opening up our thinking to the many ways people were thinking after Jesus, intertwined with Roman occupation and the feeling that someone / religion had to have all the answers, instead of learning from one another.
@yvonnerenoult1819 Месяц назад
I love the idea that the portrayal of someone who lives to be 900 years is a cryptic way of describing someone who is close to God and thus immortal. Anyway, that’s my take on what was shared.
@yvonnerenoult1819 Месяц назад
1. The interrupted ascension idea reminds me of when Mary saw Jesus outside of the tomb and told her not to touch him bcs he had not yet ascended. Could the unbelieving thought or the thought with limited understanding (simply bcs not experiencing the same thing) cast a shadow on the ascending experience if given a chance to influence the thought of them who are ascending? I know that I choose not to be around folks that have negative approach to life bcs I don’t want their dark thoughts to influence my own. Or we want our kids to interact those who would be a good influence on them when they are just starting out to form their own judgments of the world. 2. As far as the strangeness goes of this experience of going back and forth to heaven, could it not be showing the influence of Greek thought with immortal gods that turn into men when on earth? I’m not versed in Greek mythology, but this is the impression that I have. 3. The idea of a parody makes perfect sense to me thanks to your explanation of why it would be a useful tool in the competition between different interpreting groups. It makes sense that there would have been conflicting views about Jesus, given that we all bring our own sensibilities to the table on such things. Great talk. Thank you!
@timelyferry Месяц назад
i pray that we find an undamaged gospel of mary soon, and i can read and understand the wisdom. it is truly upsetting her writings are lost. afterall, she was close to jesus.
@Uke1111-to8xj 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this video. What a remarkable guest. For the first time it actually made sense to me what Jesus meant when He said He would make Mary a man. This channel needs more views.
@ShirleyPaulson 2 месяца назад
Thanks for your comment here. Yes, I think Sara Parks' explanations are so clear and illuminating too. I'm glad to hear you listened and got far enough into it to get what she's talking about it. Thanks for recommending the Early Christian Texts channel!
@jabohabo3821 2 месяца назад
You teach heretical Apocryphal works as if they are gospel! Your website and yoru channel teach the gospel of thomas which was proven heretical many times yet you stand on it! Let all know who have the eyes to see.
@iankenney6602 2 месяца назад
Early Christian? I dont know about that. Unless you mean that it is related to the Christos Aeon. Other than that, I dont see any connection between this text and the Christian Church. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the reason it was hidden away for so long is because the Christians of the time would have burned the writer alive for creating this. I dont mean to bash on anybodys beliefs nor their faith. I just keep looking at Christianity through all times other than the life of Jesus Christ. When I take this approach, I only seem to see despicable acts of evil carried out in the name of a rabid, selfish, and petty "god." Not to mention the basis of the religion is that one must give up any and all agency and responsibility for one's life if one is to be "saved." So if we are all giving up our authority, then which individuals exist that actually are able to know that they have chosen this religion on their own account rather than because it is what they have been told they must do..kinda takes any magic out of the could-have-been religion that was created based on a truly inspiring force such as the son of man. I think you are all good people, though. I love individuals, but I do not love institutions or crowds so much.
@mcosu1 2 месяца назад
Chesterton writes, "Christianity is the only frame for pagan freedom," because guilt is what allows us to truly enjoy pagan pleasures. Augustine knows this better than anyone!
@mcosu1 2 месяца назад
Top-quality guests on this channel!
@steveclark8538 3 месяца назад
James is one of my fav scholars really looking forward to this book!
@notanemoprog 3 месяца назад
Marvelous as always w/Dr. McGrath, looking forward to both books!
@BluesJesus1959 4 месяца назад
Amazing scholarship of both! Thanks for sharing this interview!
@GuyEndore 4 месяца назад
My questions are were there any references to this work in the surviving church father writings. Any evidence of it being used by churches? Was it debated during the counsels that determined the cannon. If not then can it be considered a church document? What do you mean by authentic? The Bible is the church’s book and if it wasn’t used by the church then it isn’t authentic in that way, although it may be an interesting curio. Also the timing is important, usually gnostic texts were written later although there are some that may have been written earlier like the gospel of Thomas (which includes some troubling writings about women that those who don’t accept the received cannon have fun wrestling with [quite humorous]. I am very interested in the writings that influenced scripture which includes pagan poets, philosophy, and the general culture of the Mediterranean. But often scholars like these over play the significance. Of course the most important influence on the Bible is the general Jewish culture that the NT was born from. The good old second temple Judaism.
@toughsoul100 4 месяца назад
From Tony Burke: No, there are no references to the text in any period, so it also does not appear in the debates of the church counsels (though, mind you, this is not a "gospel" but a letter discussing a variant form of a gospel). By "authentic" we mean that it is NOT a modern forgery--though there is debate about when it was actually composed (by Clement? by someone else?).
@notanemoprog 4 месяца назад
It's a forgery.
@lovedbythestars9609 4 месяца назад
Which arguments in the video do you feel support your conclusion?
@notanemoprog 4 месяца назад
@@lovedbythestars9609 Well of course that a video which argues for it being the genuine artifact will not present the numerous arguments for it being a forgery. Google around a bit and you'll see.
@lovedbythestars9609 4 месяца назад
@@notanemoprog He did present some arguments for it being a forgery. He didn't accept them and he said why. I don't accept the 'Google it and you'll see' argument. Maybe you should watch the video.
@jeanthornton2107 4 месяца назад
Fascinating ❤
@cathrynarathsam 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely beautiful and true. It's the real path toward world love, peace and justice for ALL!!
@Magic-lg9lw 5 месяцев назад
Yes they were. at least that is what they claimed. Important point is that there were many versions of Christianity. There were never one pure form. This is totally unrealistic, unreal and non historical.
@mehere8-32 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Ladies. G-D Bless.
@mehere8-32 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much.
@sarabarnacle7276 5 месяцев назад
This podcast illustrates -- for me -- yet again that one of the best attributes for a scholar of Christianity is to be open-minded, as well as discerning and humble . . . .
@MRevelation12 5 месяцев назад
I agree this text was spiralled down by someone who wanted to claim the scripture as her own. She is lacking the wisdom and desires the strength and this too is in error.
@MRevelation12 5 месяцев назад
She is wisdom our Mother and where you have Father and Son you have Mother and Daughter. Where the Father and Son are one and the same so too the Mother and Daughter though the Mother and Daughter know they have come forth from the Father and Son who is the true light while the divine light gave life to His wisdom who separated from Him in order to bring forth the universe we are in. Why? For the purpose of the divine light (son, brother, bridegroom) to unite with his wisdom who is she, the body of his light (daughter, sister, bride). In order to understand the truth you have to ask for the truth and there is only one whom you should ask, though there are many in the world who say they know, rather the truth is, they only believe and in the one who is the truth that one who asks for the truth goes from believing to knowing and is set free. Hear me.
@MRevelation12 5 месяцев назад
I am a mute for my words are heard from within in roughness I do rebuke.
@sarabarnacle7276 5 месяцев назад
What a gift for Easter week!
@beecee3161 6 месяцев назад
They aren’t allegories for human expression. The two guys who want this to be a type of modern psychology are invested in their preferred passions. Willingly obedient to the demons. They’re missing the true and real spiritual aspect of these truths. The woman near the end who sees it’s not a part of “man” and something “attacking us” and we fight with the help of the Christ has the correct mindset.
@aragorn20064 6 месяцев назад
@ElkoJohn 7 месяцев назад
The Apocalyptic Kingdom of G*d in 1st Century Judaism Mk.1:4,Mt.3:1-2/ John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness and proclaimed to everyone: Return to G*d. Repent of your sins and be baptized, for G*d's Kingdom is about to arrive. Mk.1:14-15,Mt.4:17/ After John was put into prison, Jesus went into Galilee and proclaimed the Good News from G*d: The time has come! Repent now! G*d’s Kingdom is at hand! Believe the Good News. Mk.1:38-39/ Jesus told his followers: We must go to the nearby towns, so that I can proclaim to the people the Good News [G*d's Kingdom will be here soon]. This is why I have come. Mt.10:5-23/ Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: Stay away from the Gentiles and don't go to any Samaritan town. Go only to the people of Israel, because they are the lost sheep. As you go, announce that the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be here. I am sending you out like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be wise like a serpent and innocent like a dove. When people mistreat you in one town, hurry to another one. I promise you that before you have gone to all the towns of Israel, the Son of Man will come. Mk.3:20-30,Mt.12:22-29,Lk.11.14-20/ Some Pharisees accused Jesus of using the power of satan to cast out demons. Jesus said to the people: Listen to me. Evil does not cast out evil. It is G*d's power casting out demons to show you that G*d's Kingdom is coming upon you. Mk.8:38-9:1,Mt.16:27-28,Lk.9.26-27/ The Son of Man will come in his Father’s glory with the Holy angels. He will render unto everyone according to their deeds. If you are ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of you. In truth I tell you, some of you standing here today will not taste death. You will see the Son of Man coming with G*d's Kingdom. Mk.13:1-30,Mt.24:3-34,Lk.21:7-32/ [After Jesus described the Final Apocalypse and The Great Tribulation, he told the followers]: If you remain faithful, right up to the end, you will be saved. Then the Son of Man will be seen coming in the Heavenly clouds with great power and glory. He will send his angels to gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the Heavens. In truth I tell you, some of you now living will see all these things happen. Lk.17:20-21/ Some Pharisees asked Jesus: Where is G*d's Kingdom? Jesus answered them: You cannot point to the Kingdom of G*d. You cannot say: Look, it is over there, or Look, it is up there. For behold, you are in the midst of G*d's Kingdom. Romans.13:11-12/ You know what sort of times we live in, and so you should live properly. It is time to wake up. You know that the day when we will be saved is nearer now then when we first put our faith in the Lord. Night is almost over, and day will soon appear. 1.Cor.15:51-52/ I will explain the mystery to you. Not all of us will have died by the time the transformation arrives. It will happen suddenly, quicker than the blink of an eye. Then at the sound of the last trumpet, first the dead will be raised, and then all of us will be transformed together, never to die again. 1.Thess.4:15-18/ For this we tell everyone by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain alive until the coming of the Lord shall not precede those who have died. The Lord himself will descend from Heaven, give a loud command with the voice of an angel, and the righteous followers who have died will rise first. Then we, who remain alive, will be taken up into the clouds to meet our Lord in the sky, and we will be with our Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. Phil.4:4-5/ Always be joyful because of the Lord! I say again, Be joyful! Be kind and gentle with one another because the Lord will be here soon.
@burebista11 7 месяцев назад
There were boethusian faction (Alexandria Egipt and Beoetia Thebe ) , Alexandrians (Annaus ) , Juda . Antipater's wife was Cypros , Agripa II wife was cypros . Paul aka Sergius Lucius Paulus (consul of Cyprus, as roman citizenship ) Paul conversion is after Philip marriage with Herodias (boethus and alexandrians union ). Christians apears after Jamnia council in 70 when gentiles are excluded . Paul had to decide between Simon Magus and Barnabas belives . Back to the Bothusians (nazarine essenes) after Temple destruction Alexander takes them to Alexandria Egipt . Paul i don't think converted in his lifetime. Probably later his convertion is induced by Clement Flavius
@andrewmarkmusic 7 месяцев назад
She acts like the Apocryphon of John and many other writings that say the Hebrew god is an Archon of Yaldabaoth don't exist; that there is no possible alternative explanation for who the Christ is. In this case a Universal Christ that predated in cosmological terms the creation of the demiurge and ruler of the seven planetary spheres (the lord of Saturn/time) . Some of Christ’s words did get into the fictions written about him by the Hebrew scribes of the day and he called the Father of the Hebrews Diabolos. And why the pretension that the overwhelming majority of religious Jews believe the Gentile nations are to be financially enslaved (explicit in the Torah) and that all Gentile people are to be spiritually exterminated. And don’t omit one of the most simple fundamental metrics of good parenting: don’t choose favourites among your children.
@andrewmarkmusic 7 месяцев назад
In Gnostic cosmology Yaldabaoth is not the ruler of the 8th and 9th spheres...
@jstenuf 7 месяцев назад
Yes! Thank you!
@EarlyChristianTexts 9 месяцев назад
For those interested in learning more about Norea, we're offering an affordable six week course on "The Thought of Norea" starting early in January 2024. Registration is open now. Look under "Courses" on the Early Christian Texts website menu.
@PeacepixysAlchemy09 9 месяцев назад
I love your paraphrase!! Will you publish this?? Can i get a copy? Also, the final lines about duality? That seemed to hold a duality meaning in my mind as i heard it. Example- i get very frustrated at statements where people can take them too far for their personal gain in ways that harm - manipulation in its greediest form. But once combined with mastery and control, duality is perfect.
@ShirleyPaulson 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for your appreciation of my paraphrase of The Thought of Norea. It’s not going to be published because I only wrote it as a means for getting into the text. If you love the paraphrase, I’m guessing it’s because you really love the text itself - as I do! As for the duality, I appreciate your point about its problem and its promise. I do think one of the gifts of this poem is its example of how to find oneness in our relationship to the divine. In that sense, we become empowered with the good from the divine, and the power is not abused.
@PeacepixysAlchemy09 9 месяцев назад
Any more findings on who the 4 protectors are or any attributes they hold? The two being one, could this be her counter part/brother? Their names meanings being combined into a bigger meaning together?
@EarlyChristianTexts 9 месяцев назад
There are so many questions we’d love to ask the author of this poem! It seems that the intended audience must have known the answers to your questions, because it appears to have been written in a context unknown to us today. Scholars, such as David Brakke, are questioning whether we should think of these four holy helpers in the context of other “Sethian writings” (such as the “Secret Revelation of John”), or independently of them. The answers to these questions alter the interpretation of the text itself, and right now, your guess is as good as theirs.
@T_D_B_ 9 месяцев назад
This missed the mark getting lost in contemporary political insanity 😢
@kaykay1570 9 месяцев назад
@ChristinaThomas-e3k 9 месяцев назад
I felt like this was meant to be helpful and enlightening...i appreciate it 🙏 Yahshua bless you .
@sarabarnacle7276 10 месяцев назад
This deserves to be called out from minaret, pulpit, and bema. This would surely be the ideal moment to release the political ties between church and state which shackle the authority of all three Abrahamic religions.