AITA 001
AITA 001
AITA 001
@BryanJ-u1l День назад
So many programs out there that promise you'll quit drinking from one day to the next and feel great for the rest of your life. Listen, Steffon Barkload's Quit Drinking Forever takes a lighter, safer approach which you decide to go with at your own pace. Best shortcut I go’ogled that only took days to rewire my brain to continually experience mental peace.
@anthonyburke5656 21 день назад
It’s easy, when I was about 12 I was visiting a gym 3 evenings a week, coming home from the gym I was stopped by a Police fiver who told me to “Get home now” to which I replied, “I am going home after I do some shopping”, the Police Officer walked away, but on my way home he grabbed me and dragged me behind a fence and punched me in the belly a few times say “When I tell you to do something, you do it immediately”. I went home and my Father picked up I was in pain and questioned me, he then put me on the back of his bicycle (yes, we were dirt poor) and went went downtown and sat in a park opposite the Police Station, until I saw the Police Officer and identified him for my Dad. 2 nights later, that Police Officer was attacked and beaten unconscious, ending up in hospital for some weeks and invalided out of the Police. A “note” was dropped at the Police Station explaining that any Police Officer who laid a hand on a kid would be treated the same in future AND to smarten up their manners. This note was leaked to the local paper, then the TV got hold of the story and called out for kids who had been “man handled” by Police. A fair few kids told media, on guarantee of anonymity of other incidents, THEN some very gruesome stories started being leaked from the media not only about Police, but Teachers and Priests. It took years for the burn of those stories to die down, court cases, Appeals, Political posturing, Ministers apologising, Church attendances falling dramatically. Citizen oversight of institutions greatly increased. It’s never really gone away, but I guarantee, no Police Officer ever laid violent hands on a kid again in our town.
@claudeyaz 29 дней назад
I would get full story..or put a cammera in bag..see what classnia like
@jameslyons6655 Месяц назад
At the end of the day anyone who threatens your child with violence should not be allowed around your child.
@gene8172 Месяц назад
If she didn’t on purpose, or thought he “wasn’t serious”, she deserves jail time. She acted with malice, or with reckless disregard for his safety.
@Boomette53 Месяц назад
NOBODY should threaten violence on someone else’s kid! Or their own, for that matter. But sadly, it’s still ingrained in a lot of families and cultures. NTA
@floorroelandt6029 Месяц назад
To be honest, it's the daughter's wedding, not OP's. So I think the daughter should be able to choose who will be there and who won't, even if OP doesn't like it. It's okay if OP won't attend as it's totally her choice to go to the wedding or not, and I do get OP's husband was a bit upset, but it's not their choice as it isn't their wedding.
@MSSynsyterGates Месяц назад
Seriously? You're saying the mom should just ignore the fact that her bio dad raped her mom and the mom should just suck it up for her big day? The fact that the daughter knows the bio dad is a rapist and is cool with it says alot about how selfish she is. She might just be too focused on the wedding but if your mother told you someone raped her, would you tell her "Get over it and hang out with the guy again"? No. The daughter is fucking insane.
@TravelsTTG Месяц назад
I’m sorry this mom is a piece of garbage. Plus no therapist would ever say that.
@drayott-jr Месяц назад
Bro you suck at subway surfers 😭😭
@florilestari Месяц назад
She should have givin the rope kid for adoption :v, kudos to the fiancee
@KC_312 Месяц назад
Wow, these new AI accounts are not even trying anymore. They did not even remove the game's sound.
@Ruhaan-jc9cv Месяц назад
The subway surfer music really downplays the emotions of the music
@zaza_2k Месяц назад
@laniecemdennis Месяц назад
Sue herrrrrr
@GreenPaganWitch Месяц назад
In court, he could win custody, as legally he's what's called, "Presumed Father." There are conditions, and in this case, I believe he meets all of them.
@singe3918 Месяц назад
if this story is true he could sue her and AP based on paternity fraud and manipulation.. it might seems petty but the fund he got could be a saving for his college tuition
@Warrius982 Месяц назад
'I only hid the will because i thoight you weren't ready.' Dude, you bribed the lawyer to hide it. You realize that fraud and recieveing claims under false pretenses, right?
@patrickyoung4674 Месяц назад
Who the fuck keeps the game sound in the background. Person who made this video obviously doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than views.
@premiumfruits3528 Месяц назад
AI story, the will wouldn't have even been read after the mom's death until everyone mentioned in it was present.
@deep_squid_rising4715 Месяц назад
Kim is off her rocker. Continue being an AH, protect yourself and your children. Since this was 4yrs ago I’m assuming all has been resolved and hopefully Kim is out of the picture permanently Why dig up a can of worms? Leave it alone. FIL is a serial cheater who’s kinky. As for not wanting your son around him, just say his secretive and manipulative behavior is off putting and under no circumstances is you impressionable underage child going to be left alone with him
@nobodyimportant64 Месяц назад
Bro, This Sucks
@NPat-zu5bh Месяц назад
Damn man, turn the audio of the game off. It's so distracting. I stopped watching after 20 seconds.
@itsMo_0. Месяц назад
Excuse me
@mja91352 Месяц назад
There is A LOT more to this story than has been presented
@codename495 Месяц назад
No allergy reacts that suddenly. One bite and instantly she’s grabbing her throat? No. Not in any universe. People with mast cell syndrome don’t react that quickly.
@mercuryinchaos Месяц назад
Are you her body? No? Then stfu
@Mark-vj7zd Месяц назад
Do you have a link to your medical credentials and peer reviewed papers you’ve presented on this topic?
@bigmike2464 Месяц назад
I have a shellfish allergy as well, press charges and ALWAYS keep an Epi pen on you SMH
@googleuser8740 Месяц назад
This is a case of preventing bullying by bullying the bully. Not smart
@crazymic79 2 месяца назад
She went on an entire trip by herself and not on your honeymoon together. She is probably cheating and you should grow a spine and leave her.
@taffykins2745 2 месяца назад
Why is this a problem for you? Do you take care of the landscape on both side of the fence? If there is a concern with loss of ownership of your 3 feet of lot, isn't there a legal agreement you can get into with neighbor? If you do, make sure it runs with the propery no matter who owns it. I don't fully understand the problem, but in the end the property is yours and it's your decision. PS He could actually put a fence on his propery that parallels your fence. Would this create an even bigger problem for you?
@itsMo_0. 2 месяца назад
Agree if everyone mind his own business we will live in peace
@itsMo_0. 2 месяца назад
Welcome back 😁
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
Were you go have you quite?
@brendadickson9583 3 месяца назад
She must tell her mother inlaw what she thinks.
@papanurgle7724 3 месяца назад
Get in touch with ani attorney. Ask the Hospital for a transcript of the event. Sue.
@ColdBloodedBastard 3 месяца назад
@anacheah8981 3 месяца назад
A victim of Woke ideology.
@heyjohnson5535 3 месяца назад
Yep u contribute nothing to the household income while expecting your husband to pay for an entire extended families tickets. He bought them for your parents and thats more then he was required to do. Maybe if u want to be in control of everything u should get a job and contribute to the family expenses since u want brother sisters partners and every child in the family to attend on your husbands dime. Cause kids love going to broadway shows and dads just love spending every dollar they make on people that wouldnt do the same for u.
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
Bro don't put any tag to your video or short the most important at your description is the first 200 words try to keep your title between 30 and 69 letter you need 3 #s at your description and don't put anything at the title
@richardchilds3406 3 месяца назад
No they asked for it, you said they wouldn't like the answer then they still did.
@smsff7 3 месяца назад
Did OP even ask the son what happened? It is easy enough to believe it was the special needs kid who was the troublemaker.
@darkstalkerknight63 3 месяца назад
The course you really want to study. If you do, you will put more passion into it and the money will come. But if you are going to college for free, both. Never hurt to have a backup plan
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
Bro you need to cut the adds from your videos with some editing tools
@Sophia-maria 3 месяца назад
i have autism and i kinda hate the fact i was put into SE and if the kid has adhd he might be the same and take his frustration on others he still shouldn’t have done that though
@AITA001 3 месяца назад
Thank you for listening to my story. Please subscribe to the channel to hear stories from our lives. Thank you!
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
Advice try game like subway as background it will attract more viewers fro both your shorts and long form
@AITA001 3 месяца назад
Thank you for listening to my story. Please subscribe to the channel to hear stories from our lives. Thank you!
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
@@AITA001 I'm already subscribed 😁
@itsMo_0. 3 месяца назад
Bro your contact is good but could you take the music down its so loud
@ai_d_in 3 месяца назад
Hey the background music Is too loud
@AITA001 3 месяца назад
Thank you for listening to my story. Please subscribe to the channel to hear stories from our lives. Thank you!
@Cerial_K1ller 3 месяца назад
@@AITA001copy paste reply lol
@itsMo_0. 4 месяца назад
Bro your content is good but you have to make the video in a better quality
@AITA001 3 месяца назад
Thank you for listening to my story. Please subscribe to the channel to hear stories from our lives. Thank you!