Megan Wilkerson
Megan Wilkerson
Megan Wilkerson
Welcome to your one stop shop for everything fellow book girlies could want. I make videos about the books I'm reading, tropes we all love and hate, travel, and just life in general. Come along with me on our journey through the literary world as we delve into our favorite stories and maybe even write our own someday...
I'M BACK | Explaining Where I've Been
2 года назад
@nisakini8762 День назад
so glad u showed the dark side BC so many girlies on here have clickbait and then its them being fake
@amandamergulhao4259 4 дня назад
Hi, Megan. Thanks for sharing it. You are so brave for opening up. Meantl health is so important. Your story is valid and it is so helpful for so many others. I appreciate you.
@brianshepherd9927 6 дней назад
I call that healthy rejection and I guarantee that they were probably jealous of her! Especially the friend whom she had a 10 yr friendship with. I believe that she used that as an excuse to break the friendship they had! My brother is in a fraternity. One time one of his “older brothers” talk him into giving him his whole college tuition that he needed for the next semester and my brother gave him the money!
@matthewclark6080 8 дней назад
Randomly stumbled on this video. Being in a sorority sounds exhausting 🤣
@Prettylilvibe 9 дней назад
how much money does it take to fill ur tank & how often ?
@MrZiggens3 20 дней назад
How is this an indictment of the sorority system? You got into a fight with your best friend of 10 years, acted like a psycho, then no one wanted anything to do with you. The worst thing she could say about rush is that you have to converse with people you don’t know and answer questions knowing you’re being evaluated. Kinda like everyday of adult life as a professional. The story about eventually being excluded from a group of acquaintances just displays her own social shortcomings and brattiness. Rather than honestly asking herself why others don’t want her around, she directly confronts her poor roomate for the audacity of having a social life without her. Even better she summons the accused accomplices to account for their crimes immediately! lol. She repeatedly demands “evidence” for why they don’t like her! It’s fascinating to see her describe all this as though she’s in the right.
@sweetpea1989 21 день назад
Back in the mid-eighties, I thought about joining a sorority. Then I realized there is no way they’d take someone who does not have rich, or even lower middle class, family. I had no money, as in my college was all paid for by being so low income. I was sad at first, but then I realized all the artificial people involved who still had high school mentalities when it came to cliques. No thank you.
@marcilackey2082 21 день назад
Hi there!! Well, no doubt you're in the workforce now & have UK in the rearview...but...my granddaughter is hoping to attend UK starting in fall of '25 & I was online looking for tips. Your room tour is so well done!! I plan to help her implement several of your suggestions!! I hope you have a way to still see remarks b'cuz I feel it's important to thank you...& wish you well in WHEREVER your journey has taken you! Best wishes, Honey!!
@WillowT442 23 дня назад
The Greek organizations make you think the only way to be successful in life is to have Greek connections. It is not true! I did not join Greek life in college. I talked to both of my children before they went to college about the dark side of Greek life. They both were interested in joining. I wanted them to be informed from an adults perspective. An adult that loves them. They ultimately made their own decisions. They have both made tons of friends without being a part of Greek life!
@WillowT442 23 дня назад
When I was I college, I quickly learned that Greek life was too expensive for me. I also did not want to pay for my friends.
@maggierozmanith6542 28 дней назад
You were the nicest girl in the sorority, most talented, maybe most empathetic and prettiest 🤷‍♀️😇 They thought so at least, that’s why you got bullied. Glad it’s over for you 💪
@one_yang Месяц назад
That whole drama sounds like some middle school BS. Are you sure these ladies were college age? Anyway, glad you got out of that situation. It's not worth your time, money, and most importantly your mental health.
@DiscountDivorcePhotography Месяц назад
Modern college greek life is the most pathetic cult on earth. You got the dumbest and immature people you can find and you put them in charge of running a cult- what could go wrong? Maybe 100 years ago it was cool but society has degenerated so far that now it's just a weird and dangerous cult.
@Speyes13 Месяц назад
I had a great time with my sorority. Very little drama.
@honeylis7 2 месяца назад
Im so sorry to anyone that this happens to, but my two cents as a 40-something is that sororities are just a continuation of high school cliwues and mean nothing about your future. Choose college friends based on who you enjoy and who makes you feel good about yourself, not who is in a social club ❤️
@honeylis7 2 месяца назад
The girls in the sorority I pledged started rumors about me, specifically that I drank a lot and was a slut. I had never had a drop of alcohol and was a virgin my freshman year. 😂 It seemed like a lot of insecure mean girls to me. No thanks
@brennancahill6569 3 месяца назад
Jesus loves you all❤
@shelbychilingirian1479 3 месяца назад
I should get a trax
@jennifermercer7202 3 месяца назад
I hope the rest of your college experience was great!
@Martin.m.l.r-xp7cq 3 месяца назад
I'm guessing the sorority that prefers tall skinny blondes isn't going to be buzzing with ethnic diversity.
@annieseaside 4 месяца назад
If this is the Worst experience of your life you are incredibly lucky. It was not for you. Nuff said.
@PCnineball2333 4 месяца назад
Isn't that the Chevy Trax in the picture?
@LorenzoB-vc8rq 4 месяца назад
How long you had this suv and I love your suv
@BMarie774 4 месяца назад
So weird seeing people literally vacation to where I live. Makes me wanna enjoy it more, and not take it for granted as much.
@SwiftieRose13 4 месяца назад
i have lover
@Kzvuyp 4 месяца назад
This experience is hreat corporate training
@piper888 5 месяцев назад
Depending on the University a lot of fraternities and sororities Have a lot of alternative lifestyles
@bookloverlaura 5 месяцев назад
This video just popped up for me, and then I see you are a book channel too!! So glad you got out of this situation and are healing from it ❤❤ (I realize this video is now new, but still 😂)
@haleynashea. 5 месяцев назад
the literal same thing happened to me and im a freshman. same situtation to a T including my roommate.
@CatherineHomer 5 месяцев назад
At that point they can walk!
@CatherineHomer 5 месяцев назад
Their loss!
@VonW-hs6vd 6 месяцев назад
How long you had this suv and do you still have this suv and do you have power windows
@arianah8842 6 месяцев назад
There are so many SO MANY clubs in uni. Greek life while the loudest thung most people hear about, are not the end all and tend to actually be quite dangeous. Attend your school's activity fair or club day, there is always a club for everyone! I heard so many horror stories from people in sororities ands frats who ended up dropping it, as well as my roomie who was devastated after not being selected for a sorority even though she was a legacy. She started the year so low and ended up dropping out of school. So unnecessary.
@kimbeerguitar 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing your experience!
@WickedGoodWood8 7 месяцев назад
That's so hot to me that you dropped follow my Tumblr sorority-stalker
@fotomoto2857 7 месяцев назад
If you’re going to follow everything she says just don’t go. Seriously ridiculous advice to go to this extent all to go to a frat party wtf
@PatienceMaregere 7 месяцев назад
Hey Megan, I just want to know whether UK allows you to switch majors or take classes outside your major.
@gigia41 8 месяцев назад
You're the only person I've heard that actually welcomed and had a healthy experience with the COVID lockdown. You sound much healthier! Good for you for recognizing how toxic the situation was.
@bellar6175 8 месяцев назад
i love the tea girl
@casscat7 8 месяцев назад
im really sorry you had to deal with all of this. im currently in college and i don't really care about the idea of being in greek life, but when i was a young kid i really wished to be popular and to be accepted by all the other kids. i wanted to be friends with the popular girls and for them to like me. as young as i was, it was an extremely painful emotional experience for me especially since they didn't like me, i was bullied a lot, and had at times almost lost the good friends i did have. im lucky to not have to deal with something like that now, but it still hits me somewhere. im sorry you have to deal with this toxic environment for you about being in a sorority or in greek life in general. im happy you learned a lot and im sure you're not alone. i encourage everyone to find their own happiness and to go for what you want in your life. i have a really great job and i love working for my campus dining and hospitality services. outside of school and stuff, my work is my life. and im happy :)
@josephb4086 8 месяцев назад
Frats and sororities are great for students. No organization is perfect, and there always seems to be a bad apple in the bunch, sadly. I recommend joining an honor society instead of greek life. Just my opinion. Thanks for sharing.
@TheOtherBoobJustDropped 9 месяцев назад
I considered joining a sorority at my big state school because I wasn’t from the state and it seemed like a good way to make friends. First day of rush I realized this was not an environment that was conducive to healthy relationships. Even though many of the girls were lovely people, the atmosphere sororities create is one of hierarchy, conformity, and anxiety. Good relationships are hard to craft in that kind of space. P.S. the honors dorm ended up being the best place to find my people, I’ve never had a closer, more loving friend group.
@cameronallen6146 10 месяцев назад
She is a beautiful young lady ❤️❤️
@yunhosparrot 10 месяцев назад
17:43 okay but why is she tattle tallying to them about it like she’s still in kindergarten?? This whole situation just seems like they were jealous of you for whatever reason and just wanted to bring you down
@rage4shot317 10 месяцев назад
I attempted to join a fraternity in college. Worst mistake of my life. I got dropped by them over a rumor about something I didn’t even do, but again it’s all about protecting the organization’s image. It’s all about image. Greek life is really just a way for the rich assholes from your high school to feel important again.
@jaytee2913 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this. My daughter will be attending college next year and wants to join a sorority. I am not endorsing it and everything you’ve shared in this video is why. Have you ever thought deeply about why you were treated this way? I suspect your values and strong convictions had something to do with it. You didnt really belong in a sorority and they all knew it.
@FransceneJK98 7 месяцев назад
Don’t pay for it. Case closed.
@gingermcmahon3479 10 месяцев назад
great video. i’m really sorry for what you were put through during that experience. it’s a wonderful thing you’re doing spreading awareness about how you were treated in that environment. you deserved support and genuine friendship <3
@bidensucks6792 11 месяцев назад
Told my kids not to join a frat or sorority. Only one didn't listen, only one has college debt!
@ttraceytlt123 11 месяцев назад
WOW!! I'm glad everything I needed to know in life I learned in kindergarten! I guess it takes some of us a lil longer and people pay for this ?! Well bless your hearts ...
@davidzajac4907 11 месяцев назад
Liked mine until the turbo charger went on it with 8,300 miles on it! Would jave been over $1,500 if not covered under warranty. These 3 cylinder cars will not see 100,000 miles.