Rich Cooper Unplugged
Rich Cooper Unplugged
Rich Cooper Unplugged
This channel is a collection of Rich Coopers most informative content and wisdom.
Rich Reacts to Hawk Tuah Girl
Месяц назад
Why Women Usually Choose Wrong Men ?
Месяц назад
How to Find High Quality Women ?
Месяц назад
What To Do If She Disrespects You ?
Месяц назад
How to Find a Wife at 49 ?
Месяц назад
How Women Confuse Boundaries With Abuse
Месяц назад
Why Women Choose Bear Over a Man
Месяц назад
Rich Breaks Down His Red Pill Journey
2 месяца назад
How OnlyFans Can Destroy a Woman’s Future
2 месяца назад
How To Manage THESE Women
2 месяца назад
If She Behaves Like THIS, Run
2 месяца назад
Married Men Are Happier ?
2 месяца назад
This Is How Women DESTROY Relationships
2 месяца назад
The Number 1 Problem With Marriage
2 месяца назад
This Is What Happens When You're a Nice Guy
2 месяца назад
Women DON'T Like Polygamy
2 месяца назад
3 Ways to Avoid Getting Wrecked In Marriage
2 месяца назад
Woman’s Purity Matters !
2 месяца назад
This Is Why MOST Men Are Beta Males
2 месяца назад
The Top 5 Traits of an Unplugged Alpha Man
2 месяца назад
How the Elite Wants to Control Your Life
2 месяца назад
Rich on Maegan Hall Lawsuit Settlement
2 месяца назад
@NUKEzx10r 3 часа назад
@jenncapone08ify 8 часов назад
These women don't want you either.
@jenncapone08ify 8 часов назад
Hard "pill" to swallow huh?
@Cougs2894 10 часов назад
My STBXW has accused me of all sorts of things I didn’t do including an emotional affair then she filed for divorce. She isn’t disclosing everything she is supposed to in discovery so my lawyer keeps asking for it and now she’s accused me of hiding assets. She’s so delusional and a gaslighter.
@Cougs2894 10 часов назад
My STBXW has accused me of all sorts of things I didn’t do including an emotional affair then she filed for divorce. She isn’t disclosing everything she is supposed to in discovery so my lawyer keeps asking for it and now she’s accused me of hiding assets. She’s so delusional and a gaslighter.
@annesmith9181 17 часов назад
I work with elderly men who are widowed and/or separated from their wives. Even though they’re lonely and would welcome friendly attention from women of all ages, I know they’re turned off by tattooed women because they ignore them. I see this consistently.
@Lamarck922 17 часов назад
There is NO getting around this logic! It is as true as anything in this universe! It is also universally true!
@suspected.boy.a 18 часов назад
Not extremely related to the points in the video, but I need to say that it's important to love and respect your girlfriend even if she is mentally ill. My girlfriend is mentally unstable and I give her the treatment of a princess, and in return she feels safe and happy. It's not being a beta male or a nice guy to show respect to your girlfriend.
@CashMazy 22 часа назад
We've all done it...
@rosewoodsteel6656 День назад
No musicians. -Got to love it!
@novizivot3631 День назад
You are gross.
@thedavecorp День назад
Soooo how are we supposed to LIVE? How do we function?
@QueenJessica-z5j День назад
Nice video, I'm still struggling with the end of my 7-year relationship. My significant other, who I considered to be the love of my life, left me a month ago, and I can't seem to shake the constant thoughts of him. Despite my efforts to bring him back into my life, nothing has worked, and I feel frustrated and hopeless. I've tried to move on, but my heart still longs for him, and I don't see myself with anyone else. I apologize for sharing this here, but I just can't seem to stop missing him.
@Mia1827 День назад
It's hard to let go of someone you love; I went through a similar experience when my 12-year relationship ended. I tried everything to get him back, and eventually I had to turn to a spiritual counselor for assistance.
@QueenJessica-z5j День назад
Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counsellor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?
@Mia1827 День назад
His name is Father Obah Eze, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.
@Mia1827 День назад
he is father obah eze, he has great powers, he can help you.
@QueenJessica-z5j День назад
Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked him up now online. impressive Wow I just looked Father Obah Eze on the net he’s very legit thanks once again ❤
@Shipslitz День назад
lol, 'frame component' 😂I kinda like this guy
@vivianoni9565 2 дня назад
Wallpapered tats on conspicious areas connote wokeness. HC workers come to mind.
@grumpysquid 2 дня назад
LMAO at the women who hit all 5 check boxes😂
@jacksonripper-mp8dr 2 дня назад
Rick, I don't know man, but you are giving serious pedophilic vibes...... The way you are treating older women....
@bossdog1480 2 дня назад
With me it depends on how much thought she put into the design and placement of the tats. If it's just a hodge podge of unrelated squiggles, then that tells me to stay away. Also, a lot of girls trade sex for tattooing. I was in the Navy, and I STILL don't have any tattoos.
@armyparrot9353 2 дня назад
Women usually bring us down. You see it every were. If you want to be with a women don't to help but don't expect them to make you happiernusually they won't!
@armyparrot9353 2 дня назад
I have to agree 100%
@ehdyn 2 дня назад
Forgot to add a Woman who makes you feel alone even when you're laying right next to her after a nice night. Texting exes and old entanglements relentlessly and getting mad if you object.. calls you controlling, etc.. for even saying how you feel.
@sadeyes1966 2 дня назад
I was married for 25 years. I worked full time just like him. We worked together to pay off bills and build a life. Unfortunately, our marriage failed along the way. Not all women use men for their money.
@bluetickfreddy101 2 дня назад
Dont put bumper sticker on Porsche😊
@b.lloydreese2030 3 дня назад
Why would an alpha date her? They can have their pick, no reason to go for her
@Stepa66666 3 дня назад
Most of us have the same problems as them 😢😢😢
@biasedknowledge 3 дня назад
This is such a powerful reminder of the Hindsight Bias. It’s so easy to see where things went wrong after the fact, but we often go into relationships thinking 'it won’t happen to me.' A friend of mine ignored many red flags early in his relationship, thinking everything would be fine, only to face similar legal complications years later. Your video really brings home the point that we need to be more informed and cautious upfront, instead of assuming everything will work out just because we want it to.
@yai837 3 дня назад
Full video?
@robin7892 4 дня назад
Not all women are the same
@caelenasardothien3822 4 дня назад
It seems like I am a red flag for all of you because I got a Tattoo and Im so damn glad about that. F*** everyone who thinks a woman has to "preserve" themselves for a**holes like you bunch. No thank you I'm happy with my guy friends that dont judge me.
@Mark-nx7mr 4 дня назад
Dated a Niggit is number 1 by far.
@dannylin5980 4 дня назад
8:00. Pregnant with 7th child… I guess they good in bed. But after that, she leaves him: what I feared about marriage is, u are basically giving the woman equal power in terms of financial assets. So when something like divorce(whatever the cause of the reason). She gets half of whatever u own. And just like Rich said, people can change. Their vibes can change. Don’t take these types of high risks. There’s punishment and consequences that comes with it. 😵‍💫
@ihaurimadariaga 4 дня назад
I was loyal to my husband for 20 years. And he had serious mental issues from a traumatic childhood. I did all I could to help him. But his brain was wired for destruction. I have been some for 3 years after his death, raising my children. You are choosing your women with very shallow . It is your fault.
@21Casey50 4 дня назад
Love you for what you do to help men. Read your book and pass it on. The ideal man does not exist. Also, I do not want to be that man.
@petercoderch589 5 дней назад
I just turned 45 and it's really annoying all the questions I get from relatives and acquaintances about where's the wifey, that the Grim Repear is coming to collect soon and I need to leave a legacy by having kids, etc. My response is always the same: "If the Repear is coming to collect soon, even more reason for me to not have wife and kids. Why would I want to waste my last years, especially my last few good years before ageing cripples my quality of life, enduring the nagging of a witch and pampering a child? We have a brief life in an Eternity of nothingness. Live it to the fullest.."
@aknot3352 5 дней назад
One more red flag to add ,She studies psychology,
@thejeffyb9766 5 дней назад
Do you guys consider a body count of "12" at age 33 high?
@Eric-om9dw 5 дней назад
More the ink, less the think
@miladydewinter8551 5 дней назад
I’m female and I never wanted one at all. Why spoil perfection. Nothing looks as good as unmarked skin without a blemish. Historically most ppl would have had marks from childhood diseases so modern generations are probably the most unmarked. In my family my grandmother had tribal tattoos on the face (hammered marks). But even that has faded into obscurity now
@Canario_27 5 дней назад
As an hispanic I’ll tell you, you marry her family and how she behaves in family is how she’ll behave with you
@Blitzkrieg85xy 5 дней назад
Feminist logic: hate men but have men’s haircuts 😄
@Blitzkrieg85xy 5 дней назад
They are evil
@TheJackFlash 5 дней назад
There are only three kinds of women who get tattoos: 1) The Impressionable. About 50% of tattooed women fall in this category. Usually, they were around 18-22 years old when they got them (college-age). Basically, imbeciles who do whatever their shitty peer group tells them to. These are weak-willed women with a weak or absent father figure. Not necessarily a "hoe" (yet), but on the path to become one. Only in the rare circumstance of her sudden epiphany that her tattoos were a mistake and choosing to pay to get them removed does that add any redeeming element to her character, and it would that improve the prospects of her being potentially datable/wife-able. But otherwise, these women are no good, as fewer than 5% of tattooed women get them removed. Bottom line: If she's so impressionable by others (AKA, low-IQ), then why would you want her to be the mother of your child? Also, women with tattoos are 5x as likely to cheat in a relationship than women without tattoos. Because they are easily swayed into believing he really likes her. Being impressionable/naive is a bad trait to have. 2) Hoes and "damaged" women. About 40% of tattooed women fall in this category. These women often sleep with men for attention because they didn't have a father figure, or a strong one, present in their early life. One example is alpha-widowed women who had a Chad-type figure earlier in her life who left her for someone better, AKA "pump and dump", so now she can't pair bond with a man. These women will never truly love another man on the same level as their first love. None of these women are virgins. All of these women are unwifeable and cannot be fixed. 3) Masculine women. About 10% of tattooed women fall in this category, although there is some overlap with the second category. They are the worst of all three types. They are the "final boss" stage of women in a downward spiral. Think of the "Angela" character from 90 Day Fiance as a good example of this personality type. These are women with aggressive, combative personalities who don't like to be "mansplained" to by men who are trying to help them in good faith. They cannot change. Do not engage with these women, ever, under any circumstances. They will sabotage your chances with good women who will actually give you a chance by planting the seeds of doubt in their minds, and then intentionally trying to lay traps for you to fall into. Because jealousy and envy is their currency: if they can't be happy, then they don't want to see you happy either. These women are a subtle form of evil, but are often two-faced about it and speak one way around friends, other women, men they are attracted to, their employer, etc. But their true character reveals itself when you are alone with her, or when she thinks no one is watching. Nothing you say can save this type of woman. Remember, it's not your job to "fix" a woman. It's your job to FIND a woman who doesn't need to be fixed! Tattoos make it easy to know that there is nothing to be one. Change comes from within. People DO change, but it's very rare. Find an innocent woman that you can shape to YOUR mold, who will respect you and submit to your will. Anything else will result in failure!
@jaybill392 6 дней назад
@Kielkezz 6 дней назад
Real men drive trucks and they go at least one day a week without food maybe more I wouldn't give you a red cent for your consultation all that s*** you talked about I lived it I am it
@imbonnie-hl3xk 6 дней назад
if everyone would just follow the doctrine of the catholic church they could avert all these problems. “you can love a woman without living together.” ??Of course you can. In fact if you aren’t married and living together and fornicating, that’s called mortal sin, which leads to hell…not just in the next life, in this life. All these dating coaches are trying to unscramble scrambled eggs. Just stop scrambling the eggs!
@barbaralandsaw7949 6 дней назад
This is so wrong. If two really live each other they would have no desire for another
@lorimoss1883 6 дней назад
I think it's hypocritical that men with high body count are revered....could u address that please?
@gordongrimes2797 6 дней назад
I never had it in me to want to change a person, when I see behavior I would not want in my life I cut and run, find me #uck me clothing, pervocative clothing in public pictures, not my kind of women, peace out.
@lorimoss1883 6 дней назад
@peterlightning9235 6 дней назад
She feels intimidated by him because he's too good for her. She knows another woman, a better woman, could take him away at any time. That's why she feels all insecure about their relationship. 😂
@gma729 6 дней назад