Tommy Nilsson
Tommy Nilsson
Tommy Nilsson
Kockums klaffbro i arbete 2009
11 лет назад
1 maj i Malmö 1966
11 лет назад
Drabants in open air
11 лет назад
11 лет назад
From left to right in Sweden 1967
11 лет назад
Tibro-cross 1960.mpg
12 лет назад
Kamina - Luabo 12 januari 1963.mpg
12 лет назад
Hamnmästarboställets återkomst.mpg
12 лет назад
Vale of Rheidol Railway August 1987
12 лет назад
@goranandersson6523 День назад
Allt verkar vara förfallet, synd. Nu är Vi inne på 2024. Finns det någon Rälsbuss i trafik (varhelst i Slåne)? Kanske som museijärnväg Jag åkte leden Hultsfred - Västervik 2016 på en smalspårig järnväg. En höjdare. Jag blir alltid lika nostalkisk när jag ser dessa Rälsbussar, I rätt färg Tack för videon!
@2005Colorado 3 месяца назад
Nice vidéo! 1961-1963 My Dad was stationed there as AFRS STATION MANAGER. We were in our teens and absolutely enjoyed every moment we were there. Still keep in touch with a lot of other teens from back then.
@erkinzorba8950 3 месяца назад
They were only good for transport Turkish Cypriots out of their villages so greeks could occupy them or watching genocide made by the greeks. Useless asholes
@pontushaggstrom6261 7 месяцев назад
Vem fasen åker till skövde?! Trevlig video i vilket fall!
@ranemson1 7 месяцев назад
Det var min son som frivilligt åkte upp från Malmö för att föreviga sista turen. Själv tvingades jag dit 1959 för att göra lumpen där. Ett härligt år som sedan direkt följdes av 6 lika härliga månader i Kongo.
@user-cq2wl2fy2q 9 месяцев назад
Is there one for Athens 1947?
@edcook9747 10 месяцев назад
Years ago I took a hop in 124 from Florida to san Francisco. Slow, noisy and almost had another birthday before arriving!! You could spot a building in the ground, go pee and get a coffee, come back to window and still see the same building below!! When I boarded, pilot said I must really want to go where they were going? Said would likel make it if nit too many things broke!! Too funny. Lookibg back, was a great experience and so glad got to fly in a great and historic bird. There is one at PIMA air museum in Tucson. Go and see it and B-36 and other big planes. Great vid!
@tomaud 11 месяцев назад
How come in this video the drivers sit on the left side of the cars? Did all the people purchase new LHD cars after 3-9-1967?
@perbjorndahl6023 15 дней назад
Virtually all cars even before the change were LHD. As an example my mother bought a brand new Renault 4CV in 1951 or 52 and it was LHD. Her second car was an Opel Rekord 1958 also LHD.
@tomaud 11 месяцев назад
Did Sweden lose its trams ever since?
@tomaud 11 месяцев назад
What happened to all the right hand drive cars in Sweden? For how many years or even decades were there still cars in Sweden being driven that had steering wheel on its right? Did dealers have to stop selling cars with RHD? How about steering wheels and doors of public busses? Railroad crossing barriers? Did they have to be reconstructed? That must have been a huge, an enormous cost for the country.
@perbjorndahl6023 15 дней назад
Very few cars were RHD in Sweden. I would state that virtually all "normal price range cars" were LHD. Very few Rolls-Royces or Bentleys were RHD and the owners normally didn't scrap them. Busses were either re-built or scrapped. (Some were shipped to left hand traffic countries in Africa and Asia as development aid donations). Many railway crossings were re-built. Yes, there were for sure costs involved, but it in a way paid back since traffic accident deaths when overtaking on a two-lane road went down after the change-over. It should be remembered that at that time virtually all roads in Sweden were two-lane roads. Even today, the roads going from the capital Stockholm to Malmö (on the Swedish side of Öresund where Denmarks' Capital Copenhagen is on the other side) is about 600 km and there are still parts that haven't been turned into motorways (freeways). I think it is about 30 km being the last section to be completed in 2025. Back in 1967 my qualified guess is that less than 100 km of these 600 km were motorway.
@eltonbaba1335 Год назад
@sylviachristodoulou7339 Год назад
@pontushaggstrom6261 Год назад
Bring them back!
@susanadams8595 Год назад
My wife went into labour at that beach. Pack up and make our way to Nicosia med center. from med center to Dekhalia hosp
@RKMa64 Год назад
Kul att se 😎
@jancisedmondson8113 Год назад
We lived in Cyprus in the 1960s as my father was ,at that time , a teacher with the RAF at St Johns School , Episkopi .Our family holidays were often spent in Kyrenia at the beach you have on film ! We stayed in the caravans you mention …my father remembers being one of the first families to stay in them and renting them from Dick Carrington . ….we stayed in an Alpine Sprite , the smaller one and an Alpine Musketeer ….they seemed such luxury , especially after camping on previous holidays on the hot sand ! We recall the cafe / restaurant at top of the beach ……as children we used to have tankards of orange squash and egg and chips there after a long morning in the sea . We also remember a landing on steps down to the sea that had shower cubicles ? The film provoked an afternoon of memory lane conversations between my two siblings , me and our 92 year old Dad …thank you !
@erikstenviken2652 Год назад
Så jobbig musik.
@ranemson1 Год назад
Har du provat att stänga av den?? Den möjligheten lär finnas.
@larskjeldgaard9895 Год назад
yes ok
@mortenriisberg Год назад
Det er ret sjovt at se. Sommeren 1979 var jeg selv, for første og eneste gang, i Knuthenborg Safaripark sammen med min familie. Jeg var 4 år, så jeg husker ikke så meget af det, men jeg husker kamelerne og turen i bussen, hvor man kunne fodre aberne med spaghetti gennem vinduerne. Jeg husker det især, fordi der var en abe der tog alle mine spaghetti på en gang, og da jeg kun var 4 år, blev jeg lidt sur over det. 😄
@ranemson1 Год назад
Hej Morten. Trevligt att du tycker om filmen. Det var också första gången jag och min familj besökte parken. Vi hade kört dit från Malmö och mina två söner, då 8 och 5 år gamla, blev så förtjusta i parken, att vi gjorde ett nytt besök där igen året efter.
@ggholm5564 Год назад
Nice to se Malmo before the invasion.
@jonasgustafsson9766 Год назад
Kortsiktiga beslut när många järnvägar läggs ner….Nu har man kommit på att motsvarande sträcka behövs åter. Synd man hann riva Olofström Sölvesborg.
@Barflax Год назад
Åkte med den från Falköping? -Ulricehamn-Landeryd antagligen den sista trafikveckan, det var långa tåg. SJ som var specialist på att göra bandelar olönsamma gjorde så att tågen inte fortsatte till Halmstad, samt ingen rälsanknytning dit, gick en buss lite senare men den gick inte till järnvägsstationen utan busstationen som låg en bit därifrån, föraren var dock vänlig nog att köra oss dit. SJ lade ju ner sträckan Enköping - Uppsala jag pratade med en förare som hade jobbat på den linjen, under rusningen gick det 8-vagnarståg. För att göra bana olönsam räknade SJ med dom påstigande på mellanstationerna inte dom som steg på i Enköping resp Uppsala alltså var banan olönsam. Nu är det snack om att bygga upp bana igen, fulla bussar går nu.
@climber2917 Год назад
Ugliest city in entire world. By far. The only nice thing is the Parthenon, anything else in this place is absolutely pathetic.
@Barflax Год назад
Det var typiskt SJ, köra med Y7 i ordinarie trafik när det var tråd hela vägen till Karlsborg...
@erikgstewart Год назад
Fun fact: Swedish underground/subway trains still drive on the left.
@ricardlupus Год назад
Trevlig film! Vilken tågfest det var!
@elenajon001 Год назад
I worked with a British guy named Dick Carrington ex RAF and we rented out caravans on the beach at six mile beach and adjacent six and a half mile beach, the company was Astra Caravans, I joined his company in 1971, although I believe he started the company in1968, we also rented out caravans at Snake Island Beach, I returned to my native England in 1974 some months before the invasion
@ranemson1 Год назад
Hi Peter. Nice to hear about your business at 6 mile beach. I served with the Swedish Civilian Police within the UN and as long as we remained in Nicosia - May to June 1964 - we used to drive up to Kyrenia when our duties allowed. We then found this 6 mile beach. The only business that existed there at the time was a beach restaurant and a little boy who had a donkey for rent. When we Swedes started swimming there, the beach was mostly frequented by personnel from the Danish contingent in Nicosia. The real international tourist invasion had not yet started. It was still quite unsettled on the island. After a month in Nicosia, we Swedes were transferred to the Paphos Zone.
@elenajon001 Год назад
@@ranemson1Hi Tommy, the owner of the beach restaurant you referred to lived in my village Agios Epiktitos which you would have passed through on the way to the beach, it's where I lived with my then wife when we first moved to Cyprus from the UK, besides the Caravan business I also play music and along with two others we formed a band' myself guitar, a scot with the British High Commission and another guitarist and bass player also part of the UN stationed at RAF Nicosia and the best part is that he was also on the entertainment committee, we got to play music at all the British bases in Cyprus, fun times.
@phildyrtt6433 2 года назад
This right-drive Yank met his first left-drive ordeal when he hired a car in 1975 Ireland. That first night in Cork after five hours of Guinness, darts and pub saw me heading back to my room feverishly shifting my door handle during emergencies😎🇮🇪🇮🇪! My ,,ideal" and customary wheels and pub partnership stopped that night! ...even so...strictly sober thereafter: This stupid Yank parallel parked and always ended up six feet away from the pavement / sidewalk. Our peripheral vision is also conditioned, it seems. What a testimonial to our Swedes for this successful overnight change! But may one chuckle considering any prolonged piece-meal application of this change? Gads!
@skiti934 2 года назад
Fina minnen från en svunnen tid. pendling i all ära till jobbet i cph men nöjesturerna är saknade. Trist de lade ner färjetrafiken.
@Stefan_Boerjesson 2 года назад
Fin video om än över en sorgesam historia.
@lenasjogren7912 2 года назад
Hej en mycket bra video
@noelmeijer8095 2 года назад
Vagn 3018 var speciell!
@vagosk649 2 года назад
Αυτά θα μας μείνουν να θυμόμαστε διότι ξεχαστε την Αθήνα που γνωρίσαμε πριν χρόνια. Κι όποιος δεν το έχει κατανοήσει ακόμα ,ας το κατανοήσει τώρα. Η Αθήνα δεν είναι πια δική μας.Ανηκει στους " επισκέπτες " που έφερε ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ και ο Κούλης. Μέχρι το έτος 2010 πήγαινα στην Ομόνοια και το Σύνταγμα κάθε Σάββατο αργά το βραδυ και έπαιρνα Κυριακάτικες εφημερίδες. Μετά τη δολοφονία του Πενταρη( αν θυμάμαι καλά το επίθετο του) για μια βιντεοκάμερα στην οδό Ηπείρου σταμάτησα αυτή την ευχάριστη,για μένα,δραστηριότητα για προφανείς λόγους. Μια ευκαιρία δόθηκε στους κατοίκους των Αθηνών να μπει σε τάξη ο δήμος και την έχασαν . Λυπάμαι για την Αθήνα,λυπάμαι για όλη την Ελλάδα και λυπάμαι για κάποιους Έλληνες που ψηφίζουν ανθελληνες. " Χαιρετα την Αλεξάνδρεια που ξέρεις" λέει ο ποιητής. Ας χαιρετήσουμε κι εμείς στην Αθήνα που γνωρίσαμε διότι δεν μας ανήκει πια. Θα την βλέπουμε και θα την αναπολούμε από τα βίντεο. ΚΑΛΗΝΥΧΤΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ.
@Vinterfrid 2 года назад
Härlig film. med hög nostalgifaktor. Sedan kan man ju - 34 år senare - fundera på om någon lyckats identifiera personen i den andra vagnen som vid 10:10 slänger ut något från fönstret...🤔
@bradtheperson4045 2 года назад
@Smile936 2 года назад
9:27 Does anyone know where in Malmö this is? Is the cool building at the end of the street still there?
@ranemson1 2 года назад
Föreningsgatan (street) at the Triangle. The house was demolished in 1969.
@Smile936 2 года назад
@@ranemson1 Dang that’s a bummer, but amazing you could give an answer! Thank you! edit: Yesssss thank you, I blundered my way through some Swedish blogs and found clearer pictures of that place. I love the from of it from the side where you can see layers of buildings behind it.
@barrypurdy7389 2 года назад
Plenty of bultacos one of the best looking bikes ever
@tonyclifton265 2 года назад
back in the 60s when sweden was still nice before marxists ruined it. not the third world rape capital it is today
@ranemson1 2 года назад
You are so right. Lucky me. I am 82 now, disabled after a back surgery and hopefully don`t have many more years to spend in this small Swedish Muslim town.
@tonyclifton265 2 года назад
@@ranemson1 i hope the country is treating you right. you presumably worked and paid high taxes into the system all those years but now any asshole can arrive and get free stuff like they won the lottery. same thing in england. I've left it now. god bless you in your recovery from surgery
@larsekman5387 2 года назад
MGA och mot slutet tror jag det kom en BMW -02
@raylinmena9384 2 года назад
@Saikocide 2 года назад
imagine going on a vacation in the U.K for an entire week and then all of the sudden everyone in Stockholm is driving on the right
@Mason58654 2 года назад
Interesting seeing Swedish 🇸🇪 rolling stock on a British preservation line.
@joanedi5303 2 года назад
Why did they switchted ? I can´t see nothing wrong driving on the left hand side of the road
@ranemson1 2 года назад
Many years ago. I actually forgot why. But it actually went smoothly despite many fearing the opposite.
@erikgstewart Год назад
It was too confusing for visiting Norwegians.
@trerandompojkar6932 2 года назад
Min pappa Bode i sjötofta på 60-90 talet han har åkt precis den där rälsbussen
@vdrwerf 3 года назад
How bizar.
@ranemson1 3 года назад
@lars-eriklarsson8067 3 года назад
Ett historikisk dokument fina vyer
@interestingstory2498 3 года назад
1961 was very long time ago.
@ranemson1 3 года назад
Yes, 60 years ago.
@peyiots 3 года назад
Very interesting and rare video. A few observations: (1) The arrival of the UN convoys was clearly an important occasion, stimulating immense gatherings; (2) the novelty of the camera still occasioned the delight of children (nowadays they would be the ones filming the adults with their smart phones!); (3) the large number of children then (if you turn up in most villages nowadays the only people you see are the elderly); (4) the wide range of clothing: from rather poor children to smartly suited men, starched shirts, and dark ties. For many, these shots will be a rare glimpse into their unrecorded past.
@thatswiked 3 года назад
britan your next
@petralindstrom1711 3 года назад
Finns den kvar?
@ranemson1 3 года назад
Den gröna vagnen finns någonstans vid Tekniska musèet. Kör varje sommar. Den orange vagnen har gått i Berlin. Ev. har den övertagits av någon spårvägsmuseal förening i Sverige, kanske t.o.m. i Malmö. Har ingen koll på det.
@petralindstrom1711 3 года назад
@@ranemson1 Tack
@beatawennefalk2275 3 года назад
Åkte med det tåget, har till och med en medalj.
@ranemson1 3 года назад
Trevligt. Var du anställd på Skanska eller Cementa? Min äldste son, då endast yngling, var med i tågpersonalgruppen. Anledning till att filmen blev till.
@beatawennefalk2275 3 года назад
@@ranemson1 Nej, jag var inte anställd. Min 5 årige son var tokig i alla tåg och så passade vi att åka.
@ranemson1 3 года назад
Beata, då har vi tydligen genomgått samma öde - Tågförälder. Som 3-åring försökte han rymma ombord på ett tåg vid Åkarps station 1974 och tågintresset har han som 50-åring fortfarande kvar.
@beatawennefalk2275 3 года назад
@@ranemson1 En gång på Malmöfestivallen blev det möjligt att " köra " ett riktigt tåg från Centralen en liten bit och tillbaka. Man kunde vara i lokförare hytten och assistera honom. Och så passade vi att göra detta. Kanske inte vi utan min son. Efter detta fick han en diplom. Var ni med om det?
@ranemson1 3 года назад
Tyvärr, Beata, ingenting jag känner igen. Min grabb blev medlem i KLJ, Klippan Ljungbyhed Järnväg, alltså de som många år körde ångtåg mellan Mamö V och Limhamn. Det blev många körningar för min del när han skulle upp till Klippan för att "klubbarbeta". Efter många turer (studier och arbeten) runt om i landet, har han nu äntligen landat i Göteborg som Hovrättsdomare. Men det tågintresse som en gång föddes på Åkarps station, sitter fortfarande som inetsat i hans huvud och så ofta tillfälle ges, tar han sin kamera och ger sig ut på tågfotosafari runt om i landet.