Mercaz Daf Yomi by R' Eli of the 8 Minute Daf
Mercaz Daf Yomi by R' Eli of the 8 Minute Daf
Mercaz Daf Yomi by R' Eli of the 8 Minute Daf
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@dandydan999 5 часов назад
@51:00 indistinctly remember seeing a cartoon as a child with that exact story. Characters stopping their boat on what looked like an island and cooking until the whale moved and flipped over
@dandydan999 5 часов назад
@31:10 there are waves called rogue 🌊 that are over a hundred feet high. Rogue like the yetzer hara
@aboredbochur 11 часов назад
@52:56 hes just rambling without thinking what hes saying. Great shiur overall though!
@RebEliStefanskyHits 12 часов назад
53:10 Have a wonderful day!
@RebEliStefanskyHits 12 часов назад
@thecowfy День назад
As far as 'buying al manot to use,& return.'.There is a certain advantage. Actually even a number of advantages to the seller to have this policy in place with the seller's deffinite knowledge,& acceptence of the fact of it being so. It's Probable it is not ganaivus daas due to this. There is a large successful industry today giving many others parnussa.It's the refurbished industry. I heard a long explanaion on this done by an investigative reporter some where on the youtube. Of course we'd want to put as much room as we can from 'c'hashash. But it doesn't seem to be such a one way street. I've never done that,but I won'tsay if you do it it's an issure. Todays industrial digital business world has many points of 'free stuff' with 100% intent to distribute. Yeah musheguh perhaps. Kowfy Kaufman
@nat101yt День назад
If you are starting this daf, don't be scared away by the Rav Shlita's warnings about its complexity. [At the end of the day] The Rav actually delivers a clear and concise picture of the daf, BH.
@dandydan999 День назад
@45:00 why does the son's purchasing take the field out of the category of sdeh achuza? Why don't we say that when the son is born is when the din of achuza is chal?
@aboredbochur 11 часов назад
It isn't a given that the son will receive the field the father can always sell it or give it away
@dandydan999 10 часов назад
@@aboredbochur if the father sells it, it comes back to the son at yovel. The only way for the field to be taken away is when the father gives it to hekdish and it isn't redeemed before yovel. In any case, it doesn't change the fact that the field is a sdeh achuza when the son is born as a yerusha. What can be said as an answer is that the din sdeh achuza remains on the father as long as he is alive and not on the son. The din sdeh achuza transfers to the son only after the father dies.
@Tzali77 День назад
Have a wonderful day?!?! Was that cut?
@dandydan999 День назад
הדרן עלך בוקר טוב!
@AnnSidney-k4i День назад
Bernier Views
@ShaareiZoharDaas День назад
@RebEliStefanskyHits День назад
@jeffleichtman1127 День назад
Linden is 50-55 miles from Lakewood
@moskoeeeee 2 дня назад
Who needs a laugh track when you have Ashi?
@azswqejrehfd 2 дня назад
Tells it like no-one else
@dandydan999 2 дня назад
@20:20 המוכר בעין יפה = selling generously המוכר בעין רעה = selling miserly
@pgreen6840 2 дня назад
חדש טוב , הבא עלינו לטובה וברכה- אמן ממש!!
@nat101yt 2 дня назад
Koishelech or Kaishelech. The Rav shlita was right.
@ClaphamIngrid-v3y 2 дня назад
Kuhic Curve
@adamelkins4612 2 дня назад
How can a vineyard be more of a tree than a palm tree?
@elonstruths1475 2 дня назад
When you are learning Yerushalmi, you don't need to ask your friend how he is doing. ;-)
@dandydan999 2 дня назад
חיצת הקנים cluster or barrier of reeds
@aaronsacks470 3 дня назад
I am in Houston. Would love info on anyone else doing the daf with MDY near me
@ShaareiZoharDaas 2 дня назад
I am near Palestine Texas.
@EvelynBrown-y7w 3 дня назад
Christiansen Flats
@HaywoodTorrado-t8e 3 дня назад
Swaniawski Row
@nat101yt 3 дня назад
Beautiful email. No words.
@RebEliStefanskyHits 4 дня назад
@dandydan999 4 дня назад
Untrimmed sycamore - The sycamore, Ficus sycomorus, is a tall, broad tree of the fig species. Even though the fruits of the sycamore are edible, it is usually grown for its wood, as sycamore beams are large, wide, and relatively lightweight. The sycamore is usually left to grow for several years until it reaches sizable dimensions, whereupon it is cut down for its wood. The stump is then left for several years to grow back again, after which time more wood is harvested. And with palm trees…mistaken transaction: The principle that there is no claim of exploitation with regard to the sale of land applies only to the matter of the purchase price. But if the seller claims that a field has certain characteristics, e.g., that it is of a certain size, and it turns out that the claims are untrue, this is considered a mistaken transaction and the sale is nullified. A good palm tree : The seller is not pointing out the best or the worst palm tree. Rather, if he chose a good tree, even if there are better ones, he demonstrates that he wishes to retain something for himself from the field, but if he spoke of a bad one, it means that he is excluding all of the palm trees from the sale (Rashbam; Ri Migash). According to the Rashbam, a bad palm tree is one that does not produce a kav of dates. Except for the trees - The principle here is that one speaks precisely and if he mentions trees, he does not mean to include palm trees or grapevines. But if the field consists exclusively of grapevines or palm trees, since they are a kind of tree, it is understood that he is referring to them (Rashbam). Grapevines and palm trees - : If the seller says that he is selling everything except for the trees, and there are only grapevines and palm trees in the field, it is understood that he means to reserve the grapevines for himself. Some commentaries explain that this is because grape vines are more commonly referred to as trees than are palm trees (Rashbam; Rabbeinu Gershom). The Rashbam cites and rejects another explanation, which is the explanation of the Ramah, that since grapevines are preferred to palm trees, it is assumed that he would have chosen to withhold them for himself. The Ramah adds that the buyer is at a disadvantage and cannot claim that the seller is referring to the one and not the other.
@elonstruths1475 2 дня назад
I was confused as to why the Gemara calls it a non-fruit tree. But I guess because the fruit is of low quality, it doesn't count to prevent cutting it down.
@dandydan999 2 дня назад
​@@elonstruths1475 ומה שכתב או מפני שדמיו יקרים. בפרק החובל (ב"ק דף צ"א:) אהא דאסרינן התם למיקץ אילן עושה פירות אמר רבינא ואם היה מעולה בדמים מותר:
@ShaareiZoharDaas День назад
I think it goes on quantity .​@@elonstruths1475
@reuven8815 4 дня назад
@lpasikov7250 5 дней назад
@RebEliStefanskyHits 5 дней назад
@ezracohen6513 5 дней назад
Secrets out
@killerbe101 5 дней назад
Hopefully, you're not a zionist..but let me ask, do the zionists also learn from bees? Is that why they're genociding palestine?
@SavageRizzCooking 3 дня назад
Shut up
@omega5973 3 дня назад
Bro just heard the word zionist and thinks he knows everything 😂😂
@shawnsacks5923 7 дней назад
Shabbat shalom from Gibraltar
@dandydan999 7 дней назад
@37:30 המוציא לחם מן התנור!
@danwblack 7 дней назад
Eli Pine "Aliyah 12 days ago" Wishing you much continued Hatzlacha &;Bracha! We miss you in Edison~HP
@pgreen6840 7 дней назад
Baruch HaBah!! Sounds like kifitzas Haderech from Greece !!! Shabat Shalom from Costa Rica !
@davidf8692 7 дней назад
When I bought a piece of land for my outreach organization in Maryland, the sign said when you drove in,” trespassers, will be shot, survivors will be prosecuted.”
@Meoo0799 8 дней назад
It is my prayer to GOD ALMIGHTY there will be a Interlinear Talmud with the English underneath the Aramaic/Hebrew and that every Shoresh is revealed! Vimru, Amen!
@dandydan999 8 дней назад
So too a key is fixed : Rabbeinu Gershom and the Rashbam explain that the key is set in the door and never removed from it. Several of the early commentaries accept the explanation of the Ri Migash and say that initially the Gemara assumed that the key in question was not specific to this door, but fit many other doors as well; but in the end it concludes that the key was designed specifically for this door, and therefore it is considered stationary because it cannot be used for another door. Alternatively, the Ri Migash suggests that initially the Gemara assumed that this is a key for a portable lock, but it later concludes that it is a key for a stationary lock installed in the door, and so its usefulness is limited to this house.
@dandydan999 8 дней назад
The upper stone הקלת : This term as well is subject to various interpretations: The upper millstone (Rav Hai Gaon), the funnel through which the grain is poured into the mill (Rashbam), the enclosure around the millstone to prevent dispersal of the flour after the grinding (Rambam’s Commentary on the Mishna), or the receptacle used to collect the flour as it exits the millstone (Rambam, Mishne Torah).
@user-ot4uf7fu2j 9 дней назад
איזה יופי איזה בקיאות הכל ברור כמו שצריך 👍😊
@Reuvench 9 дней назад
When Reb Eli said publicly what the shule did, is that loshon hora, chililul Hashem, or both? (Not exusing what they supposedly did, but to let the world know??)
@nat101yt 9 дней назад
Initially I also felt uncomfortable hearing this, but then I thought: 1. It's not LH because its open public knowledge. 2. The fact that MDY is not forcing them thru the courts, is a Kiddush Hashem. 3. Maybe, the reason Reb Eli mentioned it, is to influence them to comply somehow. (I don't know the details, don't ask me.)
@arikmakhluf1944 8 дней назад
No it's neither, check with a Rav before you embarrass yourself next time.
@CECS1 8 дней назад
​@@arikmakhluf1944inappropriate comment firstly, causing a statement to create embarrassment. This channel is about education and giving knowledge. I'd ask you to find a touch more kindness.
@CECS1 8 дней назад
I would say none of the above... Why? He's using a real world and specific example of the topic. If he said things that were a mark of character, a libel or slanderous comment, something that is ill ment or of poor taste, possibly. But he used in neutral and factual words a relative event. But, I'm not a Rabbi, and I can't say I am correct. Only what I think is correct. But I'm happy to be wrong if someone corrects me 😊
@nat101yt 8 дней назад
The repliers here are so lucky! Why? Because my reply was DELETED by MDY. Your replies were not!
@RebEliStefanskyHits 9 дней назад
أتعلم كل يوم مع ريب إيلي، أنه الأفضل، أنا فقط أحب هذا الرجل،
@PS-lt2ge 9 дней назад
It seems that according to the Rashbam the picture for Rav Asi 25:55 is also incorrect- what is kept by the seller is the fourth boundary and the field next to it (the red square in the picture on 25:55) and what is sold is the grey plow section on other three sides (see Artscroll note 8 62b1 quoting from the Rashbam)
@user-zv1kj4ev1p 9 дней назад
יישר כוח, אבל חשוב לציין שהסיבה שהקינות נמכרו בזול זה כי המוכר אסף בשנה שלפני כן את כל הקינות שהשאירו בבית הכנסת. יישר כוח.
@danbrg7410 9 дней назад
@avrahambienstock4727 10 дней назад
Is there a gemarah attached to this daf?
@dandydan999 10 дней назад
@46:00 תהום = abyss or chasm
@Jason-Jason 10 дней назад
Excellent format, subscribed.