Sheffield Green Party
Sheffield Green Party
Sheffield Green Party
Welcome to The Sheffield Green Party RU-vid channel.

Here you will find videos of speeches and actions made by our members and also from other organisations as we work to promote justice, peace and sustainability in our area.

Promoted by

Eamonn Ward,
73 Eskdale Rd,
Sheffield, S6 1SL,

on behalf of The Sheffield Green Party.
Sheffield Greens manifesto 2024
Месяц назад
6 месяцев назад
Paul Turpin City of Sanctuary
10 месяцев назад
Maleki Haybe City of Sanctuary
10 месяцев назад
Alexi Dimond City of Sanctuary
10 месяцев назад
Douglas Housing C4
10 месяцев назад
Palestine, You'll Never Walk Alone.
11 месяцев назад
Paul Turpin re-elected
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Ruth Mersereaureau re-elected
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Angela Argenzio re-elected
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Bev Bennett
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Paul Turpin
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Ruth Mersereau
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Angela Argenzio
Год назад
Toby Mallinson
Год назад
Год назад
Christine Gilligan Kubo
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@BeAFreePerson Месяц назад
you need to upload it as a short. You've filmed it in portrait but uploaded it in the landscape format
@bernardlittle5934 Месяц назад
The video is brilliant. Down to earth and inspiring. Thank you.
@lenny-ze5lh Месяц назад
it's appalling when dum dums Waltz across the street without looking they're on their phone or they're blasting their ears off with music.. it's called natural selection 😊
@natkingcol909 2 месяца назад
Is Palestine in the UK??? No amount of vitue signalling in the uk is going to make one bit of difference....
@genickAtgmail 7 месяцев назад
Here is the Nazi celebrating . Shame on them.
@dangerousslave 7 месяцев назад
meanwhile everybody is getting flooded out of their homes by the actions of geoengineering [weaponised weather modification] the dopey Greens missed that one with their effectuation over the Red wall, just goes to show how backward the rhetoric has left them dumb and dumber .. would they be kind enough to investigate the 2010 House of commons fifth report on the the regulation of Geoengineering on the governments website and stop the flooding instead of the prioritising the WEF Reset and the replacement, emotions rule and the lust for money and position blind the facts and the reality. all be design, the think tanks know and the minions like this poor soul support the distractions.
@Carlwatkins1984 7 месяцев назад
Great speech.
@swisscottagecleanairaction 7 месяцев назад
Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the UN Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.
@keitholiver6152 7 месяцев назад
peace justice and equality? some of the founding tenets of modern day liberal democracy! Now go have a word with muslims living in the middle east and see what they think about that. State being seperated from church/mosque? Human rights in accordance with world governing bodies? Hamas is a terrorist organisation voted in by Palestinians living in the Gaza strip. Think the mafia at large perscribing to Islamic fundamenalism and fanastcism! What world are you living in thinking that they are aligned to your view of the world? You don't just go giving sentimental vibes of your own notion of how the world should be to these people. They'll off you for that! Get real!
@user-iw3cg8tl6d 7 месяцев назад
Green Party: as nti semitic scum.
@nsagoogle9581 7 месяцев назад
@barbararice6650 7 месяцев назад
if islamic jihad attack British working class people again there won't be a big enough rock you can hide under you skunk 😑
@debbiehaha1300 7 месяцев назад
Shame on the pro Palestinians supporters for there attacks on people in Britain who don’t want to voice the same opinion. We all have the right to to our own opinion, this is racist and mob handed. Totally disgusted with some of the behaviour I’ve seen, especially the pro Hamas supporters. I don’t condone what’s happening on both sides, two wrongs don’t make a right. But I don’t and will never condone terrorist acts and I believe anyone in this country condoning this behaviour need expelling from the country. We all seem to have forgotten about the terrorist attack in Manchester at the o2 arena.
@nsagoogle9581 7 месяцев назад
@jaydee6414 4 месяца назад
I 95% agree with you (but you still got a like). They say it takes two to start a war but in actual fact it only takes one & the other side has no choice but to fight back. Until they invent "hug bombs" & "mwuah bullets" civilians are unfortunately going to perish, especially when their own side are forever using them as human shields while they hide their cowardly @rses underground beneath high-rise blocks, hospitals, schools, old folks homes, & nurseries. It's ironic that the people who don't support their Jew-hating agenda care more about their civilians than their actual govts, co-religionists, & noisy irritating disruptive supporters do. Me personally when I pray I ask God to protect the innocent & punish the guilty, on both sides, & to keep Israel righteous bcoz I truly believe she is compared to the armies in the rest of the world, certainly more than the ones in the muslim/arab world.
@evangelosperry 7 месяцев назад
God bless Sheffield Green Party!
@TBarton7849 7 месяцев назад
Stop Israel onslaught in Gaza.
@roxannebarton9740 7 месяцев назад
You all are potential terrorist and you deserve to be blacklisted or jailed.
@Zara-jl5zw 7 месяцев назад
what if the non believers paid isreal tythe the women widowed could work for food for Israelis . Muslim hyde park corner preching what their prophet says
@fredflintstone6394 7 месяцев назад
Fool you know nothing about Gaza
@SOak145 7 месяцев назад
'Genocidal assault' have a day off lol
@jaydee6414 4 месяца назад
There isn't a word in any language that this mob won't attach the word "genocide" to when it comes to Israel. They think it means, "Lots of people the Israelis [allegedly] killed". They're utterly clueless, & lazy for not even googling what its actual definition is. We can add it to the list comprising of: racism, violence, white supremacy, war crimes, apartheid, sexual assault, et al, ad infinitum, that they've bastardised the meaning to & hollowed from the inside out like a diseased tree (Oh I've just realised the irony of that analogy in relation to these tree hugging hypocrites).
@dataroman8111 7 месяцев назад
Glory for Israel 🇮🇱 You are terrorists supporter.
@ClaribelRamirz 7 месяцев назад
UN Amnesty International and go to the Palestinian Embassy
@jaydee6414 4 месяца назад
"palestinian embassy". Looool 😂 You're funny, say something else funny.🤣👍
@robv5834 7 месяцев назад
These people are a joke. Hypocrites at best.
@phillee726 7 месяцев назад
So nothing about the murders in Israel and the kidnapped children, women, what lefty fool you are a disgrace to our city, not that our city can sink much lower
@annieog100 11 месяцев назад
Well said, Alexi! You always hit the right note and this was a brilliant starter for a great event.
@lisaheller1601 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Alexi and all the organisrrs of Small Park Big Run for raising awareness of the truth about Isreali apartheid. A brilliant speech, and a most moving event.
@dangerousslave 11 месяцев назад
when will the green party look into the results of geoengineering, then they would realise that the climate is been manipulated on local levels to provide stats to corrupt Jesuit universities who then in turn use the false or manipulated stats to push the climate change hoax, hahaha, they will deny it all and not look into it because of their low IQ and the fact they are red on the inside and green on the out,, all emotion no reason or logic "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignoranc". Albert Einstein.
@siwfaith7822 11 месяцев назад
Wow ,Alex 👌
@earwigbox1 Год назад
Carry on selling your country out.....Vote Green.
@gashacker1 Год назад
Will the Green Party fight to get compensation for all those injured by Covid-19 vaccines?
@dangerousslave Год назад
there is no climate change other than what geoengineering does, this lot is brainwashed by the media and the bias weaponised universities and global isntitutions. little do they know they are now an accessory to fraud and complicit in crimes.
@dangerousslave Год назад
green on the outside red on the in. i assume you know nothing about the geo-engineering that is causing extreme weather conditions floods more than droughts. i beleive you are pushing a nefarious agenda out of ignorance and emotional instability.
@sheffieldgreenparty Год назад
Thank you for your comment
@dangerousslave Год назад
The green party are finish they have lost credibility by association with lies and EU deception only the few lunatics and social rejects hold on to the rhetric rubbish. but there might be a few quid in it for some that a persuaded to sell them selves for such a low price.
@dangerousslave Год назад
Racism a term used for politcal purpose to divide but unfortunatly there are those with the low IQ who fall for the scam especially when a bit of money come their way by their affiliation. low IQ money seekers earn by fraud, live a lie.
@dangerousslave Год назад
i supose there would be a finacial gain somwhere in becoming a watermellon councillor, thats the real motivation for this cack by the cack that seek to gain. some will sel themselves usuallt the vermin.
@dangerousslave Год назад
what as diversity got to to with sustainable development..thew watermeleon party, ignore or are not aware of the geoengineering going on in Britainn in my opinion they are complicit in the fraud that is bestowed upon the british people. by far a far left insidious ogranisation pushing insidious glaobalist policies. we need a far right government to counter the EU funded water mellons.
@dangerousslave 3 года назад
anybody know the results of the Geo-engineering program.
@hawthornekennels8450 3 года назад
So you get Bob Berzins in as though he is some sort of expert? His book is full of fiction as is this entire talk! This is all the same old rubbish spouted by every anti shooting fanatic and yet when asked the questions at the end he can't really answer them! Where does he get the figure of 10 gamekeepers and 4 moors from? As others have said on this thread you play the victim when your own moorland monitors abuse and harass legal law abiding gamekeepers. You destroy traps and snares and then play the victim whe you are subject to supposed abuse. What do you expect when you try to undermine peoples livelihoods? Them to roll over and take it? Your lies and deceit will run out eventually and people will realise what the truth is! Because myself and others will most certainly be making sure of it!
@janeking9385 3 года назад
He doesn't really have have proper answers for the questions asked and seem to skirt around them, also didnt state the wild justice has lost the challenges they have put up, it's just sounds like a load of Ill informed garbage with no proper answers.
@TheSpaniel01 3 года назад
Bob Berzins..Talk about loving the sound of his own voice. He likes to think he's very knowledgeable but in actual fact its clear that the information he's got is all sought from the internet. Available to anyone but there is also information available to anyone that covers the advantages and benefits of Shooting which you obviously decide to ignore completely. Where is his new information?? His own information. Information and facts that's he's researched for himself?? This is all the same old stuff over and over again but yet the GWCT keep coming up with facts, figures and the science and still you choose to ignore that too!!! This meeting was obviously all based around spoon fed questions and it was all one sided. Where was the shooting representation for balance? Why not have a proper debate instead of listening to answers from a narrow and one track minded birdwatching wanna-be Chris Packham.?? The bottom line is that this has nothing to do with Grouse or Grouse shooting. The whole issue is based around a hatred of any form of Fieldsport. A hatred of wealth and landownership and a hatred of the people who rely on Fieldsports for a living. Put another record on because we're fed up of the same old lies. The Shooting Community of which there are around 1.2 million from Gamekeepers,to Beaters,to Pickers-Up ,to the Gamedealers,to Gun Makers, to Country Clothing Producers, to Shooting Equipment Producers,the Gundog Trainers and Dog Food manufacturers,to Hoteliers and their employees,the Restaurants and their employees, not forgetting of course the girl who owns the shop who provides the lunches for the Guns..This is a massive machine and a massive industry. Do you really think we're going to take this lying down. Do you think we're just going to roll over and give it all up. We're fighting back to Protect Promote and Defend Our Sport so watch out! Some interesting reading for you all below: Shooters spend £3 billion each year on goods and services Shooting is worth £2.5 billion to the UK economy (GVA) Shooting supports the equivalent of 75,000 full-time jobs Shooting is involved in the management of two-thirds of the rural land area Nearly two million hectares are actively managed for conservation as a result of shooting Shoot providers spend nearly £275 million a year on conservation At least 600,000 people in the UK shoot live quarry, clay pigeons or targets and its gaining popularity year on year with more Firearms Certificates being issued by the UKs Police Forces Existing industry information shows that there are at least 1.8m individuals who shoot live quarry with an airgun Shooters spend 4 million work days on conservation - the equivalent of 18,000 full-time jobs
@paul1720 4 месяца назад
The same GWCT who supported the ridiculous and unscientific Raven cull in Scotland, which the NSH ripped to shreds and they were forced to ditch? That GWCT? Your entire post is just regurgitating shooting industry propaganda, which has all been debunked. In terms of economic 'benefits', shooting produces a tiny fraction of our GDP yet takes up vast areas of land which could be put to far better use. You even included clay shooters in your figures, because it's only a tiny minority of people in the UK who actually shoot! As for saying shooting is involved in the management of 2/3 of our rural land area, that's nothing to boast about given our dreadful state of nature and the biodiveristy collapse across our uplands. Funny how you didn't mention the statistics about raptor persecution, isn't it? You'll have to get a new script I'm afraid, because this one is old and doesn't stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Like the barbaric industry you support, it will just be a footnote.
@dangerousslave 3 года назад
Haha the water melon party Green on the outside red on the in. we want a direct democracy not a representative becuase the parties are corrupt and controlled oppersition. The EU is a jesuit organisation full of deception lies and greed. the Green party are complicit in colaborating in the EU s coruption.
@Make-Asylums-Great-Again 3 года назад
Gullible horde
@roberthicks1612 4 года назад
"Isnt it great we don't need fossil fuels" That is one of the biggest lies I have ever heard. All the science says we do not need a new Green Deal and all the finance experts tell us we cant afford it.
@mrmrmrmrmr02 5 лет назад
@petercarter8652 5 лет назад
Btw, your graphics are pretty 1990s.
@petercarter8652 5 лет назад
Not actually a bad decision for once. Ms Berry has positioned herself well, and shown an ability to rise above petty conflicts others were drawn into.
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
This guy obviously knows jack about the hstory of Labour sheffield , the cleaner air policy or the green public transport when sheffield was known as the socialist republic of south yorkshire, he sounds like hes from somewhere else, NOT LOCAL! GREEN PARTY = MIDDLE CLASS TOFFS, you dont even know how to talk to common people, working class people, your too busy in your ivory sharrow/nether edge mansions....as for jarvis Cocker....what a joke!
@sheffieldgreenparty 6 лет назад
Paul is Sheffield born and bred and is a sparky. Your insults are completely unfounded. Read more about him here. sheffieldgreenparty.org.uk/elections/council-2018/paul-turpin/
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
BTW: wasnt attacking him personally, was attacking the green party and their single issues, usually designed to appeal to home owning middle class. The folk of Sheffield have more to worry about than the loss of street trees in the west end.. Labour had the greenest policies long before the middle class got a conscience....EG: 2pence anywhere on public transport, cleaner air policy ( yes, under Labour, sheffield went from the worst to best air quality). Pedestrianisation of centre streets.....the list goes on......And you talk about Labour stealing green policies!?
@sheffieldgreenparty 6 лет назад
We are not a single issue party, we have policies on every aspect of life. They are not designed just to attract middle class voters, they are very appealing to people of all classes except of course the very rich who would have to pay much more tax under a Green Government. That is why many of our councillors represent wards in inner city areas. Air quality in Sheffield is currently illegal (see www.thestar.co.uk/news/revealed-air-pollution-hot-spots-in-sheffield-where-deadly-fumes-are-more-than-twice-legal-limit-1-8533487) yet Labour are cutting down the mature street trees that help mitigate it and are widening the ring road to encourage more traffic and pollution.
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
Check your science and history....a few trees chopped in the upper class areas of sheffield will make zero difference overall to air quality ( esp to those living in east sheffield, whilst you green rich west end folk travel in cars). Electric cars are on their way buddy, thats why the roads need widening. I live in Darnall/Attercliffe where your middle class "protest party" invaded our streets and gardens......if you cant see what lunatics you presented yourselves as then you will never win anything except a slap in the chops from one of my neighbours who's garden you invaded. Get off your trust funded high horses, then you will see why sheffield is and always will be labour.
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
Do you know how many people have died homeless on the streets of sheffield!? Stop being so middle fucking class and how "the lack of trees "will lower your property value, get behind a real cause!
@sheffieldgreenparty 6 лет назад
It's a tragedy that anyone has to live on the streets. If we had a Green government things would be very different. Poverty wouldn't be a problem as the Citizen's Income Scheme would ensure everyone had their basic needs met. We would build more affordable housing. Land Value Tax would mean properties become homes rather than investments. I didn't notice a massive drop in homelessness when Labour were in power.
@wordscontrolminds 6 лет назад
I have worked with the homeless and their issues reach further than just getting a house or having their "basic" needs seen to, thats workhouse talk, condescending/empty promises from the "well off". Once again, you attack Labour rather than showing a real connection with the underpriveliged in Sheffield ( yes Im disabled and you told me to "get out more"), what a joke.
@sheffieldgreenparty 6 лет назад
The more you comment the more you show you don't know people in the Green Party. Many of our activists also work with homeless people or volunteer at foodbanks etc. But to change the situation we need structural change and that change is outlined in the Green Party manifesto. It is not condescending/empty promises it is what needs to be done to create a fair and just society. Read more here. policy.greenparty.org.uk/
@sheffieldgreenparty 7 лет назад
The proposal for a service station at junction 33 may have thrown a spanner in the works. But it s not " a better alternative" - both are bad. Junction 33 would add to massive air pollution issues impacting vulnerable people in the Catcliffe, Tinsley and Brinsworth areas - more congestion and stop/start emissions.
@petercarter8652 7 лет назад
The hate of (wo)men will pass, and dictators will die, and the power you took from the people will return to the people.
@Ian-bv8rf 7 лет назад
Brilliant! Well done Jeremy!