Anthony Carrier
Anthony Carrier
Anthony Carrier
2 месяца назад
how many cash give you gw ?
@Zentron 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, that version should have been called 'Rescored' rather than 'Remastered'. And whilst nice to have the original audio used, the original version had its own music and sound which suited it better. Lastly, I do a search for reviews/reactions to this short every week or so, today was the first time I saw your vid in my results... so much for RU-vid's algorithm 😠
@TheRhalf 7 месяцев назад
Funny how you mention event horizon, since it's widely considered one of the best unofficial warhammer movies
@nealrutgerskid 9 месяцев назад
Watched quiet a few reaction videos regarding Astartes and you are one of the very few that caught many of the minute details from the size of Astartes to communication of the two objects and the role of the psycher. It took me a while to understand what's going on. Also, I learned from this video about the connection with Event Horizon which I was blissfully unaware growing up in the 90s. You are quiet intuitive. Good Reaction video.
@justacrewchief4561 9 месяцев назад
That stuff made me cry! It was beautiful!
@BryantVonMiller 9 месяцев назад
22:30 Iron Warriors/Perturabo. This is my legion of choice. I don't know if you have learnt about them, but I can write it all down later after I get some sleep.
@ThaTrisme 10 месяцев назад
I disagree with everything you say in this video, the reason why is...BLAH BLAH BLAH LALALAL ☹️☹️😠😠😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 DONT YOU DARE DISAGREE WITH ME Lol
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube 10 месяцев назад
lol exactly
@lboogy3139 10 месяцев назад
@ForsakenoneCZ 10 месяцев назад
Don't worry about cherubs... Most of them are vat born anyway.....
@jeanmariek2851 10 месяцев назад
31:59 they are rivals but one clearly whooped the other’s ass during and after the heresy (the iron warriors won in offensive mode during the siege of terra by breaking the defense of the imperial palace and won in the defensive mode in the battle of the cage after the heresy)
@Crynogar 10 месяцев назад
The Eversor is sadly a bit mistold by Bricky. Here a bit of correction. Yes they are HEAVILY psychologically and mentally conditioned, but not Clockwork Orange style. They have extremely hightened aggression, but they can focus it on their intended target. Imagine these assassins like a completely overclocked PC. Theis bodies, minds and nervoussystem operate on levels that are ludicrous speeds, even compared to a Spacemarine. After these former "humans" are completely converted to Eversors, they HAVE to be cryoed, because their bodies would stop functioning after just some weeks, to I think 2 or 3 months at the really hard maximum. So they are dropped as near as possible to their target, get their target(s) mentally imprinted on the drop and take the fastest and bloodiest way imaginable to their target and after completion (and hopefully surviving) take the fastest way to their cryo, to be frozen again. Think of it as, the shorter the time, they are unfrozen, the more uses you get out of one of those assassins. An Eversor is one of the most bloody and loud messages you can get, if the Imperium is definitely not pleased with you existing. They definitely don't actively kill friendly troops (normally included in their mental imprint) but they will definitely go literally through you if you are in their path or could slow them down in any way. I one time read a short "report" of an Eversor who used up all his weapons on reaching the target and then making a complete bloodbath of the targets family and all household by using theis silverware like spoons and stuff.
@MrJameslupien Год назад
Carrying a singars fucking suckkkkkeeeedddddd so much.
@viskgramm2653 Год назад
Not all dark angels have a name that begins with IL or El in their names one of the best example is Asmodai and yes there coffee bean species that are bitter
@raidkoast Год назад
Yes. 18 Primarchs remained... Not 19.. Believe me. Also..Hydra Dominatus!
@maple_leaf_soup Год назад
Hey bro you got a part 2 reaction? It focuses on all the xenos races and is p neat
@James_randomleters Год назад
The first reactor I’ve EVER seen who actually noticed how small the normal humans are compared to the Astartes. Thank you! It’s been driving me crazy that I’d never heard it commented on before.
@Pixelatedrat Год назад
The Aquila is the eagle simple. One head eyes is closed to the past the other looks to the future
@WorldsTallestLeprechaun Год назад
Just so you’re aware, the same way you can use the spacebar to pause a video on RU-vid, you can use the period and comma keys (.)(,) to move the video forward frame-by-frame. So you don’t need to try to find the spot on the youtube bar, if you don’t want to. You can just press one of those buttons to get to the spot you want to see.
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
Thank you!! I will definitely use this
@tonyyul703 Год назад
Welcome to the Imperium
@zarthes Год назад
Oh man you used to play Battletech as a kid, have I got a video suggestion for you, Battletech 101, by the Black Pants Legion.
@The73MPL4R Год назад
Guilliman's exact quote when he returned and saw what the Imperium had become: "Why do I still live? What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you, to them. Look what they've made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this."
@Wraithfire27 Год назад
Delta the military force that "Doesn't exist" Is Delta Force. As far as army that is other military may have their own shadow people.
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
Delta goes by another name. They change their name quite frequently for obvious reasons.
@VulcansForge Год назад
"I think I like the Salamanders." Never has a truer statement been made. They are by far my favourite legion.
@baronpapa87 Год назад
Who are u?
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
I am myself lol
@baronpapa87 Год назад
@@AnthonyCarrierRU-vid correct answer here a sub+like
@MrRusty103 Год назад
On the stress of being president thing, look up before and after pictures or presidents. They are completely insane, only 8 years apart but they look like they've aged decades.
@hunter5822 Год назад
5:51 would absolutely go for it, as long as I’ve lived long enough to have kids.
@callitri Год назад
Remember the necron they got offered a deal similar to this :)
@hunter5822 Год назад
3:47 bolter guns fine, since there’s bolter canons, and bolter Gatling guns… and bolter Gatling canons…. And giant fuck off massive bolter rip canons that fire as fast as the A10 warthog does… the thing is powerful enough to wipe out an army on its own… and is building sized… mounted on the giant robots.
@hunter5822 Год назад
1:58 bricky actually got this part wrong (which is fine, but I feel the need to correct it for you) The mechanicus do not see the emperor as their god, but as their Omnissiah (messiah). The avatar of their actual god which they just call the machine god. The machine god is both a god AND a concept of a single giant unimaginably complex machine with many MANY moving parts that ALSO includes themselves. Of course you have variations in belief as some mechanicus believe that it’s an end goal to be built, some that the galaxy itself is the machine god and that they themselves are a simple cog in its mechanisms. My personal favorite is the galaxy wide machine theory but also that flesh is a complex organic machine and should be respected. The BIOLOGIST believe this one.
@hunter5822 Год назад
28:22 salamanders are the best, but they all have something special about them that makes them cool!
@hunter5822 Год назад
28:22 salamanders are the best, but they all have something special about them that makes them cool!
@hunter5822 Год назад
28:22 salamanders are the best, but they all have something special about them that makes them cool!
@hunter5822 Год назад
23:22 civil war era technology towards the tail end of the war skyrocketed… heck, they got Gatling guns at the final days of the war. The Gatling gun was only used in 2 battles of the civil war…. It was used later in smaller skirmishes/battles.
@hunter5822 Год назад
20:55 there are a few xenos that ARE allowed. Some are simply semi-sentient such as the orangutan one. Some are fully mysterious such as the dark angels keepers… no one knows what they are, but they seem to be prophetic and also help the dark angels… imperium isn’t even sure that they’re even xenos and not just an abhuman
@hunter5822 Год назад
13:59 mind you he appears differently depending on who sees him….. except his genetically engineered sons called the custodese are like 9 feet tall…. And they aren’t psychic at all…. So I’d say the emperor really is that big or close to it, maybe 8-9 feet tall and just genetically engineered his sons to be bigger than he is so they’re strong enough to do their job well.
@hunter5822 Год назад
Glad to see another new fan exploring the universe! Hope you have fun learning about the wife wacky and over the top grim darkness of WH40k! ….fyi, you’ll still be hearing new stuff for years to come…. I myself have been watching and learning about WH40k for like 5-8 years at this point and am STILL learning new things.
@hunter5822 Год назад
Your intro was good but I’m watching it in the morning and you nearly made me shit my pants with it hahahah!
@midhnor4762 Год назад
If the emperor dies he will be reborn in a way more powerful form than before by the fact that his spirit energy got stronger over time but THEY don't know that so they keep him alive by fear that he will never come back and save them (which is false).
@dagonofthedepths Год назад
Really to be honestly GW just gives their IP out to anyone as long as they respect the lore it seems. This means we get a new Warhammer game every few months it seems, but the quality of those games varies wildly. Some are excellent but most are not worth your time to be frank. Space Marine was good though. I don't think that should influence any decision to buy this one, as far as I know this isn't the same team. Besides the first game wasn't the best game ever to be honest. It had some major problems, but it was fun. Actually, glad it's not a sand box game. We had way too many of those and if it's not an RPG you don't need to be running around a 4km map so you can kill the space bugs. Nids work best when they're in a swarm of uncountable trillions so a tight narrative game works better than a sandbox experience there. Yeah the guard has vox operators (the radio guy with the oversized backpack). Everyone has some kind of com equipment on them, but the range and signal strength aren't the best for long range communications. kind of taking the whole WW1, WW2 ideas for soldier kit mixed with more modern and sci fi ideas for weapons and armor. Kind of sucks for the vox guy though. Have to carry your kit and that backpack and you stand out more. Power scaling wise it kind of varies from book to book, but normally when you get space marines vs guardsmen it tends to take a full company to take them down and that usually happens when someone shoots them in the back with some overpowered weapon while the marine is on kill # 30. Like the equivalent of an anti tank gun. Still, it depends, there are stories where 1 dies because someone normal human threw a knife at 1 or there are stories where 1 goes through a thousand and gets out alive.
@oxgod Год назад
New Fan- "Who is the good guy?" Old Fan - "Yeah, we don't do that here." Also you got a new subscriber, I enjoy your takes and cant wait to check out the bricky reactions you did.
@user-cu3jk6qx5w Год назад
Hey i know that im a bit late but incase someone hasn't told you yet. The double headed eagle you talked about at 7:27 is technically a german symbol. It was first used by the Romans but a few hundred years later it was adapted by the Holy Roman Empire (which was basically the Medieval version of Germany). So yeah it is of course not originally a Warhammer thing, they take a whole lot of inspiration from history that's why the whole imperium of 40K is basically the space version of ancient Rome.
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
Makes sense.
@davideojockey6237 Год назад
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
@DecanusRed Год назад
you need to learn about the death korps of Krieg a guardsmen regiment
@ggrimmfield5529 Год назад
Aight i subscribed not just coz it is a Warhammer reaction but coz i like how you do the reaction and the way you absorbing the details. 🙂
@DecanusRed Год назад
same he actually pays attention to it
@HistoritorJimaldus Год назад
The Indomitus trailer and the Kill Team trailer are just as good as this :) also the Age of Darkness trailer, that one is for the Horus Heresy setting, 10,000 years before 40k
@angelobrewster6293 Год назад
The Tyrannid with the Swords is a Tyrannid Warrior with Bornswords they are tough enough to cut through tank armor so that Chainsawsword wasn't gonna last long. Plus Tyrannids don't just use Teath and claws they also have ranged weapons too, Organic guns that fire either plasma or Acid and even living projectiles yes even the Projectiles fired from these Organic guns are living creatures themselves that can punch through tank armor and eat you from the inside.
@MrKnightslayer7 Год назад
Custodies when he talks about them he talks Only about table top, in lore they are single man armies. Who are technically only second to primarchs. Except the custodies chapter master who’s sparred with about 6-7 primarchs(from what I know) and tied with some and won others which is still insane
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
wow I was literally reading up on the Custodies last night.
@holypaladin4657 Год назад
Night Lord Spoilers: Night Lords are more like if the Joker and Batman had a baby. There is a tangible duality and split between the piece of shit side and the violent vigilante side, and Konrad Curze was basically the same. Think of a batshit insane Batman who gradually lost sight of his original mission. He landed on a piece of shit planet, saw all the pieces of shit and decided that to clean them up he had to be the alpha piece of shit in town to scare them into submission. Basically, imagine if in response to Gotham’s crime rate Batman decided to hunt down powerful criminals, skin them alive, torture them as brutally and painfully as possible, and broadcast the videos to let the city know what would happen to the rest of them. He mostly succeeded in eradicating crime on his planet (for a time) but the methods he employed to do so brought their own mental strain. In fact it is quite clear that Curze from the beginning was already very mentally unstable and barely sane, before he started adding terror tactics and torture to the mix. The main reason why is that he was receiving terrifying prophetic visions and visions of Chaos and the Warp since he was an infant, though the fact that he was on a sunless crapworld, that he had received no love or affection from any of the Nostramo residents in his development at all, and was in fact forced to cannibalise them because nobody helped him and there was no other food, resulting in him receiving the memories and shitty experiences of many people living in steroid Gotham, criminals, victims and “regular” people alike, obviously did not help. This culminated in something almost like a split personality. The piece of shit side mostly won and obfuscated Curze’s better nature and conscience, which was part of why he decided to commit a form of suicide in the end (though there were many reasons for that). Talos Valcoran, one of the few named Night Lords, was basically the spiritual successor of Konrad Curze in that he kept the sense of justice/vengeance that originally drove Konrad Curze, unlike most of his brothers. There are other Night Lord characters as well who remained close to the original source or original motive force that drove the “sane” or “better” side of Curze, arguably his true and base nature. It is these guys who feature prominently in the Night Lord novels, and the tragedy and dark appeal surrounding these particular characters is why many people favour the Night Lords. This split dynamic is something that Bricky definitely failed to explain in this video (probably as to not reveal too much and because there is too much to talk about there), though he did allude to it a bit. But it is true that by 40K (or actually far earlier than that after some point during the Horus Heresy) most of the Night Lords are basically super powered depraved criminals even worse than the ones Konrad Curze originally hunted down in Nostramo. There is a fair bit of tragedy and irony in that, and it is quite easy to see why Konrad decided to check out after a while rather than keep going.
@Son_Kar Год назад
21:10 thats from the dawn of war 3 trailer
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
I'm going to have to check that out
@Nortic111 Год назад
"OP average Joe", a fitting view of the Ultramarines 😄
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
@Rawmel Год назад
starcraft's zerg are influenced by 40k's tyranids, which in turn were influenced by giger's xenomorphs
@AnthonyCarrierYouTube Год назад
Ok that makes sense