Esther Pang
Esther Pang
Esther Pang
Thank you for visiting my channel! If you found my channel through actively searching for "Wallace Chung," then obviously you know who this channel is dedicated to. But if you've just stumbled upon it, welcome and a quick intro:

W holehearted, conscientious, and sincere
A mazing actor, singer, dancer, photographer, songwriter
L aughs and smiles in the face of adversity
L oyal to his supporters and countless classic characters
A cts with integrity and professionalism
C hallenges himself constantly, pushing his limits
E xemplary and inspiring role model in every way

C haritable and considerate, yet childish at heart
H umble and respectful, dedicated and passionate
U tilizes his undeniable works of art to silence his critics
N ever lacking in grit, determination, passion, perseverance
G enuine and rare, a never setting sun.