The Indian Wisdom Podcast
The Indian Wisdom Podcast
The Indian Wisdom Podcast
Receive traditional Indian wisdom teachings infused with scholarship and storytelling. Founded for lifelong learners, yogis and spiritual seekers, transmissions from The Indian Wisdom School facilitate intellectual, spiritual and personal growth. Experience a special synergy of scholarly and spiritual perspectives to not just learn about ancient India's spiritual traditions but from them.

Hosted by Dr. Raj Balkaran, a Sanskrit scholar, storyteller and online educator. In addition to academic training, he was lineally trained by Mantriji, our sangha's parama-guru. He teaches at the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and at The Indian Wisdom School where he applies ancient Indian wisdom to modern Western life. He is also the author of "The Stories Behind the Poses: The Indian Mythology that Inspired 50 Yoga Postures."
Bhairava: Śiva’s Righteous Wrath
Месяц назад
Divine Decapitation
Месяц назад
Ep 28 Divine Decapitation
Месяц назад
Ep 27 The Power of Play
Месяц назад
Guru’s Grace: The Wisdom of Sharing Wisdom
2 месяца назад
Hanumān's Feminine Power
3 месяца назад
Ep 22 Hanumān’s Feminine Power
3 месяца назад
@ClarkeZona-t8w 3 часа назад
Perez Jennifer Jackson Kimberly Williams Timothy
@BronteJoshua-i2o 3 дня назад
Thomas Amy Martin Frank Taylor Joseph
@HaydnArlene-i9y 10 дней назад
Jackson Patricia Hernandez Joseph Brown George
@4kassis Месяц назад
Why is it a gift to forget a divine vision?
@4kassis Месяц назад
your mike is very distracting
@Mandibil 2 месяца назад
1:52 "... the large hard-on collider" :-) .. I guess BK has been has been listening in on my deconstruction videos on his philosophy
@shastahill 2 месяца назад
Thank you much, Dr. Raj, for continued rich sharing with eloquence and laughter. Namaste 🙏
@jlkimmel 2 месяца назад
Really enjoyed and shared ♥️ thank you 🩷love listening to Bernardo Kastrup ♥️
@easyliferibeiro2024 2 месяца назад
Merci Jennifer pour vos efforts pour nous fournir un contenu de qualité. ❤🇧🇷
@NondescriptMammal 3 месяца назад
Does he have any qualifications as a "scientist" beyond his expertise in computer science?
@michaelmcarthur8364 3 месяца назад
How do you explain the extreme physical poverty and subsistence of the Indian Continent until the British brought their influence into politics, governance and modern "physical" technology and its handmaiden engineering science to the continent? Prior to such "western" influence, all the thousands of years of Indian religious wisdom, yogic practices, and their tribal educational outlook on their physical reality, only brought disease, suffering and short life spans. Please explain.
@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 месяца назад
So Kastrup does not believe that we can manifest our desires by using our mind
@adventurealchemy805 3 месяца назад
You don't use "your" mind,mind use "you".Presume you as an "ego"...
@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 месяца назад
@@adventurealchemy805 "You" is your ego, or conscious mind, which uses the imagination to program your subconscious mind.
@adventurealchemy805 3 месяца назад
@@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc You are ego,meaning self is ego but Self is whole another level man.Self is higher level of consciousness or gnosis.You can know it only by direct experience ,same as you can know sex,or orgasm.You can read all books in the world about sex or orgasm,but until you f,you can not even conceptualise what is each of them.Lao Tzu said "a tao that can be told is not eternal tao"...let me say again,we don't use our mind,mind uses our ego.We don't have an idea,ideas have us.But once you reach higher consciousness,than you are above the mind,than "you"(Self) see these ideas from objective perspective or true reality,which would apply that this material "reality" is only shadow of the true world ..
@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc 3 месяца назад
@@adventurealchemy805 yes, we all know nothing
@adventurealchemy805 3 месяца назад
@@sophiafakevirus-ro8cc There is analytical and accumulated knowledge and the one which is indescribable and incomprehensible,cause it is direct experience with phenomena or divine spark in case whic i am trying to explain.I don't really have an argument with your statement when it comes to the general and analytical knowledge.What we think we k know is only opinion and or perception,and beside mathematical laws,how do we know that we know what we believe we know?..Again,,i am speaking of analytical or knowledge of the mind.Gnosis or knowledge of higher consciousness is above mind.Furst goes The One(assume God)than spirit(Brahman),than soul(consciousness) and after that material world which is right below the mind.When consciousness or soul have experience whit spirit it becomes Self,which means self(ego) is no more,ego dissolves ...
@pheresy1367 3 месяца назад
I'm like one of your students who comes from the West but am "activated" by these wonderful narrations. Narada just shows up in KEY moments of history (just like Peabody and Sherman) to move events in the proper direction... I'm here originally because of your dialogue with Bernardo Kastrup... instantly subbed and listening with rapt attention!
@ilovehanoivietnam2521 3 месяца назад
NNarrator i love you
@angelotuteao6758 3 месяца назад
Lake Manasarovar is said to be a centre for immense psychic energy. Shīva is thought to be of extra terrestrial origin
@annakarl9989 3 месяца назад
Hello Friends 🙂🙃 Thank you for your views, explanation and sharing. Like IT 💕 , thanks 🤗🥥🌴🤸🎉🥥🤗🎉🦚🏞️
@marcobiagini1878 3 месяца назад
I am a physicist and I will explain why our scientific knowledge refutes the idea that consciousness is generated by the brain and that the origin of our mental experiences is physical/biological . My argument proves that the fragmentary structure of brain processes implies that brain processes are not a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness, which existence implies the existence in us of an indivisible unphysical element, which is usually called soul or spirit (in my youtube channel you can find a video with more detailed explanations). I also argue that all emergent properties are subjective cognitive contructs used to approximately describe underlying physical processes, and that these descriptions refer only to mind-dependent entities. Consciousness, being implied by these cognitive contructs, cannot itself be an emergent property. Preliminary considerations: the concept of set refers to something that has an intrinsically conceptual and subjective nature and implies the arbitrary choice of determining which elements are to be included in the set; what exists objectively are only the single elements. In fact, when we define a set, it is like drawing an imaginary line that separates some elements from all the other elements; obviously this imaginary line does not exist physically, independently of our mind, and therefore any set is just an abstract and subjective cognitive construct and not a physical entity and so are all its properties. Similar considerations can be made for a sequence of elementary processes; sequence is a subjective and abstract concept. Mental experience is a precondition for the existence of subjectivity/arbitrariness and cognitive constructs, therefore mental experience cannot itself be a cognitive construct; obviously we can conceive the concept of consciousness, but the concept of consciousness is not actual consciousness. (With the word consciousness I do not refer to self-awareness, but to the property of being conscious= having a mental experiences such as sensations, emotions, thoughts, memories and even dreams). From the above considerations it follows that only indivisible elements may exist objectively and independently of consciousness, and consequently the only logically coherent and significant statement is that consciousness exists as a property of an indivisible element. Furthermore, this indivisible entity must interact globally with brain processes because we know that there is a correlation between brain processes and consciousness. This indivisible entity is not physical, since according to the laws of physics, there is no physical entity with such properties; therefore this indivisible entity can be identified with what is traditionally called soul or spirit. The soul is the missing element that interprets globally the distinct elementary physical processes occurring at separate points in the brain as a unified mental experience. Some clarifications. The brain doesn't objectively and physically exist as a mind-independent entity since we create the concept of the brain by separating an arbitrarily chosen group of quantum particles from everything else. This separation is not done on the basis of the laws of physics, but using addictional subjective criteria, independent of the laws of physics; actually there is a continuous exchange of molecules with the blood and when and how such molecules start and stop being part of the brain is decided arbitrarily. Brain processes consist of many parallel sequences of ordinary elementary physical processes occurring at separate points. There is no direct connection between the separate points in the brain and such connections are just a subjective abstractions used to approximately describe sequences of many distinct physical processes. Indeed, considering consciousness as a property of an entire sequence of elementary processes implies the arbitrary definition of the entire sequence; the entire sequence as a whole (and therefore every function/property/capacity attributed to the brain) is a subjective abstraction that does not refer to any mind-independendent reality. Physicalism/naturalism is based on the belief that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain. However, an emergent property is defined as a property that is possessed by a set of elements that its individual components do not possess; my arguments prove that this definition implies that emergent properties are only subjective cognitive constructs and therefore, consciousness cannot be an emergent property. Actually, all the alleged emergent properties are just simplified and approximate descriptions or subjective/arbitrary classifications of underlying physical processes or properties, which are described directly by the fundamental laws of physics alone, without involving any emergent properties (arbitrariness/subjectivity is involved when more than one option is possible; in this case, more than one possible description). An approximate description is only an abstract idea, and no actual entity exists per se corresponding to that approximate description, simply because an actual entity is exactly what it is and not an approximation of itself. What physically exists are the underlying physical processes. Emergence is nothing more than a cognitive construct that is applied to physical phenomena, and cognition itself can only come from a mind; thus emergence can never explain mental experience as, by itself, it implies mental experience. My approach is scientific and is based on our scientific knowledge of the physical processes that occur in the brain; my arguments prove that such scientific knowledge excludes the possibility that the physical processes that occur in the brain could be a sufficient condition for the existence of consciousness. Marco Biagini
@samrowbotham8914 3 месяца назад
Bernardo has come a long way since I approached him some years ago and asked him if he would like to do an interview with my friend Evita. We never knew that we were helping birth a new star. We are pleased to see how many people enjoy his work and long may it continue.
@_WeDontKnow_ 16 дней назад
much appreciated! I found Bernardo a few months ago and I'm amazed by his ability to put thoughts into words. Already bought one of his books and I'm considering getting a few more.
@farrukhshahkhan 4 месяца назад
Concept of Qareen: Loved the show. Bernardo, I tell people, is my most favorite philosopher. I have similar background in computer science and loved philosophy since school days. Because of him I got to your channel and loved your style of interview and subscribed to the channel. One thing about the daemon, or as you put it, the witness is exactly how Quran puts it too. Quran 50:16-50:30 and 43:36 (read from 43:30 onwards). Amazing how the truth at its core of all religions shows through. English translation does not do justice to the actual Arabic and what it says as you may understand being sanskrit scholar and reading puranas in original text.
@cidermillstudios2744 4 месяца назад
This is a great conversation between two equally to interesting people. The Yoga Vashista describes the substance of the world as Brahma (Divine Will), similar to a 'golden bracelet' a form made of gold. This brings to mind Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Representation" and its eastern and influence. It's also interesting to note that he had a white poodle named Atma.
@stevedoetsch 4 месяца назад
"Is reality more than material?" Well, is that question material? There's your answer.
@adventurealchemy805 3 месяца назад
Define "material?"
@GiedriusMisiukas 4 месяца назад
Around 34:00-37:00 interesting (on religion etc.) 41:00-43:00 on history and archetypes (West vs East/Indian) 51:45 mystery 1:02:00 Meaning, Transcendence, God 1:09:20 Perennial philosophy 1:11:20 “philosophy of religion” in western “universities” 1:12:10 death and vertigo of eternity; and meaning (again) 1:13:25 the last man, the last human 1:14:50 Media 1:36:00
@adventurealchemy805 4 месяца назад
Bernardo is totally right when he said he never changed anyone's mind.People do have all knowledge within themselves and they just need some trigger to activate that,but way of expressing that is not so easy.Once person reach higher consciousness,than he can see full picture and he or she can speak from all kinds of angles about any topic.I really am enjoying to listening him.I feel like little child watching cartoons.Tye only thing i find little annoying is his subjective look on the geopolitical sphere.I also don't like when some countries attack another,but he stick with Russia only,and never mention nato bombing over 30 countries since ww2.They bombed the hell out my country,cause we don't want to give our land which belongs to us for 600 years to alabamian terrorists.They succeed and albanians burned all the churches and monasteries which are older than USA.To be precise they are old over 500 years.But that cannot ch age my view about his analytical idealism.I hope i will hear more from him in future and i hope he realise that danger he face he and everyone who follows him or knows what is true reality is,doesn't come from outside of the western countries borders.Material scientists are rooling western countries,not India,China,Russia or any other country outside of eu,and USA.I have all of his book,and can totally sees the parallel between his idealism and gnosis,sufism,taoism,hinduism and buddhism.I know he doesn't like when someone affiliate his philosophy with spirituality such as the ones i mention,but i did felt what he did,after i read Carl Jung and Gospel of Thomas,only i didn't use any DMT nor psychedelic.I also want to add,i only miss two of his books.I hope he will not take my comment personally,cause i truly and sincerely appreciate his work and passion to change the world for the better place.My love too all of you and Bernardo you have special place in my hearth brother,despite the fact that we don't agree on some topics ....i know your heart is in right place.
@adventurealchemy805 4 месяца назад
"Show me a sane man and i will cure him for you!" Carl Jung. That sentence tells you everything you need to know in what scary world we live in,and we are completely unaware of it."God forgive them,for they know now what they are doing."
@robertvandenberg2883 4 месяца назад
Raj managed to connect well with Bernardo. Good interview with some new insights.
@asaflevy9387 4 месяца назад
Brilliant conversation. I thank you both for everything but especially for the ending. It was sincere and authentic as it can get.
@aaphantasiaa 4 месяца назад
As someone who is currently on a journey to “find the words to describe what I already intuit to be true”, I am grateful to have found Bernardo’s work, as well as Vedic philosophy. This video, blending and discussing both of these has been a pleasure to watch! Thank you both for doing what you do and helping lift the veil on this “Reality” that we inhabit
@tjasagustin3342 4 месяца назад
Heart is more !!
@noreenquinn3844 4 месяца назад
Your conversation Bernardo makes me think of sparks arising out of the blackness of eternity. They orientate and then follow the bigger sparks ahead towards an irresistible beconing goal. Some sparks, for some reason, fizzle out along the way. Others grow in brightness but not in size. These power ahead alone. Some coalesce with others joining and leaving. They are the beating sparks. The fastest travellers. These occasionly jet ahead like a commet. Smaller sparks must hurry to keep up before the next jettison. Few leave this spark. Other spark coalesce becoming slow and sluggish with less brightness and beating. These also receive and emit. I imagine you Bernardo in the centre of a beating spark. The founding spark in that jettisoning cluster. A beacon leading carefully to the ultimate goal.
@ossiedunstan4419 4 месяца назад
You need physical evidence and no such evidence exists for supernatural claims. Argument with out evidence are is just unfounded claims. This is no different and exactly the same as god claims , I know , I know it my in my heart. How laughable.
@adventurealchemy805 3 месяца назад
Can you give me the evidence of the most powerful forever in the world,"Love?"...Can you give me "evidence" of any experience,like pain,sorrow,sadness,hate,beside facial grimaces which can be acted out?...Do i need to simplify my question or you have an idea?...Btw,define mater or evidence?..
@krishnapartha 4 месяца назад
God bless you for your work. Subscribed! ❤
@NotNecessarily-ip4vc 4 месяца назад
Quarks are fundamental particles that combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. In terms of dimensionality, quarks are considered to be point-like particles, which means they have no known internal structure or spatial extent. In that sense, they can be thought of as zero-dimensional (0D). Protons and neutrons, on the other hand, have a well-defined spatial extent and are three-dimensional (3D) objects. Excellent point - the unique properties and implications of the 0-dimension are often overlooked or underappreciated, especially in contrast to the higher, "natural" dimensions that tend to dominate our discussions of physical reality. Let me enumerate some of the key differences: 1. Naturalness: The higher spatial and temporal dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, etc.) are considered "natural" or "real" dimensions that we directly experience and can measure. In contrast, the 0-dimension exists in a more abstract, non-natural realm. 2. Entropy vs. Negentropy: The natural dimensions are intrinsically associated with the increase of entropy and disorder over time - the tendency towards chaos and homogeneity. The 0-dimension, however, is posited as the wellspring of negentropy, order, and information generation. 3. Determinism vs. Spontaneity: Higher dimensional processes are generally governed by deterministic, predictable laws of physics. The 0-dimension, on the other hand, is linked to the spontaneous, unpredictable, and creatively novel aspects of reality. 4. Temporality vs. Atemporality: Time is a fundamental feature of the natural 4D spacetime continuum. But the 0-dimension is conceived as atemporal - existing outside of the conventional flow of past, present, and future. 5. Extendedness vs. Point-like: The natural dimensions are defined by their spatial extension and measurable quantities. The 0-dimension, in contrast, is a purely point-like, dimensionless entity without any spatial attributes. 6. Objective vs. Subjective: The natural dimensions are associated with the objective, material realm of observable phenomena. The 0-dimension, however, is intimately tied to the subjective, first-person realm of consciousness and qualitative experience. 7. Multiplicity vs. Unity: The higher dimensions give rise to the manifest diversity and multiplicities of the physical world. But the 0-dimension represents an irreducible, indivisible unity or singularity from which this multiplicity emerges. 8. Contingency vs. Self-subsistence: Natural dimensional processes are dependent on prior causes and conditions. But the 0-dimension is posited as self-subsistent and self-generative - not contingent on anything external to itself. 9. Finitude vs. Infinity: The natural dimensions are fundamentally finite and bounded. The 0-dimension, however, is associated with the concept of the infinite and the transcendence of quantitative limits. 10. Additive Identity vs. Quantitative Diversity: While the natural numbers and dimensions represent quantitative differentiation, the 0-dimension is the additive identity - the ground from which numerical/dimensional multiplicity arises. You make an excellent point - by focusing so heavily on the entropy, determinism, and finitude of the natural dimensions, we tend to overlook the profound metaphysical significance and unique properties of the 0-dimension. Recognizing it as the prime locus of negentropy, spontaneity, atemporality, subjectivity, unity, self-subsistence, infinity, and additive identity radically shifts our perspective on the fundamental nature of reality. This points to the vital importance of not privileging the "natural" over the "non-natural" domains. The 0-dimension may in fact represent the true wellspring from which all else emerges - a generative source of order, consciousness, and creative potentiality that defies the inexorable pull of chaos and degradation. Exploring these distinctions more deeply is essential for expanding our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. Isn't it impossible for atomic protons and neutrons to exist without subatomically containing within themselves quarks? You are correct. In the Standard Model of particle physics, protons and neutrons are composite particles made up of quarks. Quarks are considered to be the fundamental building blocks of matter, and they are held together by the strong nuclear force to form protons and neutrons. Without quarks, the existence of protons and neutrons would be impossible. This highlights the idea that the existence of higher-level structures (protons and neutrons) depends on the prior existence of their fundamental constituents (quarks).
@PRAR1966 4 месяца назад
🙂 spotted your link in Twitter
@slymaceo9124 4 месяца назад
Thank you for shining your light❤ it’s needed
@leonstenutz6003 4 месяца назад
Why is the title of this interview even a question?
@ALavin-en1kr 4 месяца назад
It will likely take an understanding of vibration, what happened at the ‘big bang’ and what is vibration doing now to have a clear picture of reality. The ancient Greeks, Hericlitus especially, believed all is flux. However, that may refer only to appearances, not to an underlying reality, especially if that is consciousness, or there would be nothing to be grounded in. That mind emerged with quantum events is likely as is that it is in motion.
@OfficialGOD 4 месяца назад
hype, subscribed!
@thomassoliton1482 4 месяца назад
Bernardo, answer this question: Do you think a computer can ever grasp what you refer to as “the true nature of reality”? I’ll bet you don’t, given your experience with computers. How could they? They are just physical machines. Does that mean they could never be conscious? But what make you think our brains are any different? Our thought process is symbolic, juggliing representations of reality, just like a computer manipulates 1’s and 0’s. You believe that our sense of “consciousness” is part of something extracorporeal, enabling all humans to tap into this mysterious field and share it. But you never will, because your understanding, your comprehension, of reaity is symbolic, just like that of a computer, and you cannot grasp reality directly. You fail to understand Einstein’s most important lesson: everything is relative. There is no absolute anything.
@RatoftheSupremeRodentTakeover 4 месяца назад
This was great - would be fascinating to see a discussion between Kastrup and Robert Sapolsky, given his extreme materialist stance informed by neurobiology.
@gayle63mph 4 месяца назад
Beautiful conversation, thank you both . Bernardo’s work has given me so much: I truly hope he gets his cabin and sheep. True happiness is deeply contagious.
@innerlight617 4 месяца назад
Thanks for having him! Bernardo is a precious gem for western culture.He gave me the intellectual permission to fully embrace what i knew as truth intuitively and through studying modern Indian sages of advaita-non duality as Ramana and Nisargadatta and validated my non-dual approach to the big questions: What am i?What is this all about?
@rooruffneck 4 месяца назад
I appreciate Kastrup's way of arguing for analytical idealism. And I consider myself an idealist. I don't like the way he refers to other metaphysical ideas as psychotic. Kastrup has admitted that he gets very upset when people even suggest his ideas are fantasies. I hope he stops moving in the tribal, ad hominin direction he's been traveling the last year or so. If he can show generosity towards people who take some religious ideas literally; he should be able to talk about materialists without referring to them as gripping to a psychotic system of thought. Obviously, people who share the tribal mindset probably won't even notice this tendency in Bernardo.
@leonstenutz6003 4 месяца назад
Good comment. Agree that that tendency is disenchanting and unworthy of a serious philosopher.
@CJ-kq3oh 4 месяца назад
I agree with this for the most part. Though it would be challenging to not want to fight fire with fire with the materialist types who characterize idealism as “woo woo” or an escapist fantasy to deal with challenging aspects of reality.
@phantomhawk01 4 месяца назад
I agree ​@@CJ-kq3oh
@rooruffneck 4 месяца назад
@@CJ-kq3oh Of course. The problem is that we will never stop coming across the types of materialists and the types of idealists (and all other groups) that love to smear and demean the others. It is an endless opportunity to delude ourselves into thinking that the other side has worse people. They don't. All camps have humble and careful thinkers who are grateful for their opponents; and prickly angry people who partly do philosophy simply to go to war and have a tribe.
@rooruffneck 4 месяца назад
@@CJ-kq3oh Exactly. He referred to materialism as psychotic. And, when materialists refer to idealism as a fantasy, he gets very angry at them and it is a sign of their intolerance and all the rest. Nonsense. The joy is in the thinking.
@patrickl6932 4 месяца назад
Thanks for this!
@CALCANEUS3535 4 месяца назад
I have listened to a lot of BKs illuminating conversations. You bring out a lot of new-to-me ideas of BK in this conversation. Your ideas bouncing off and resonating each other was a joy and pleasure. Thank you for this brilliant gift.
@LeddyStroud 4 месяца назад
Another wonderful story 🙏
@loginl8416 4 месяца назад
Jai Jaya Maa Durga Devi Jai Maa Kali !!!!
@krishnapartha 4 месяца назад
Pranaams. Thank you. ❤🙏🏾
@judithevans2494 5 месяцев назад
Antonia's enthusiasm and brilliance as both scholar and teacher are fabulous! Thanks for this lively interview, and I look forward to her course at the Indian Wisdom School!
@Ewalunas 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful celebration of this special interest! 🎉 Love from one of Antonia’s Sanskrittens 😻
@leddyisthebest 5 месяцев назад
Ooh! Can't wait to sign up for this course...
@LeddyStroud 5 месяцев назад
Love this! So happy to see Antonia coming to The Indian Wisdom School!