Ruff Leif
Ruff Leif
Ruff Leif
Game play from Elite Dangerous, European Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

Twitter: @RealRuffLeif
T-10 Lightshow Tritium Mining
5 месяцев назад
Mining Tritium at 300t per hour, Elite Dangerous
5 месяцев назад
T 10 Miner
6 месяцев назад
Mining for trit FA off
6 месяцев назад
Moving Rings
5 лет назад
Bouncing off Thargoid wake?
5 лет назад
Dance de lance
5 лет назад
Bounty Hunting with Anaconda (PVE)
5 лет назад
Thargoid Maurauder hunt 1
5 лет назад
Ep1 Let's Play Realism in ETS2
6 лет назад
ep2   ETS2 Backing up doubles
6 лет назад
ep1   Legend Series
6 лет назад
@tap269 17 дней назад
Say, what's your ship kit, might wanna use that in the future for one of my Adder ships, including that displacement drill and the collector limpet?
@ruffleif8381 6 дней назад
Ship build linked in description. Not sure you can make much out of the Adder though... Krait/Python would work.
@ratstar4102 24 дня назад
did you Engineered it already?
@glasshalfempty1984 24 дня назад
you're insane to not have super cruise assist. With the super cruise assist trick, it makes delivering your loads (heh) SIGNIFICANTLY faster.
@ruffleif8381 19 дней назад
No space for SCA on my miner. On my space truck, for sure!
@katjaczajkov8694 Месяц назад
Mining Tritium at 300t per hour may be but not for beginner. At display 4 i only see 100t.
@steammausss164 2 месяца назад
@celenity1705 2 месяца назад
Ahh precious Tritium
@nyaaa.juanita2660 2 месяца назад
Taking some notes… he he. Good luck in that trip ❤️ I’m still waiting my ship to come back, 55h left xD
@ruffleif8381 2 месяца назад
Approaching Beagle Point! -and scooping Tritium along the way XD
@demus89 2 месяца назад
Never knew laser mining was that profitable i used to stick to the boom boom deep core stuff.
@aaronthompson7898 3 месяца назад
Isn’t a mining limpet controller all that’s needed?
@aaronthompson7898 3 месяца назад
Well however you spell it!
@aaronthompson7898 3 месяца назад
If I ever get a Peyton mk2 ship I’ll use it for mining!
@davewright8206 Месяц назад
wont be any good , not enough cargo space , its a fighting vessel
@aaronthompson7898 3 месяца назад
I only in this game wish mining was safe from banditry by space bandits but it isn’t sorry! Why do they keep stealing it from me in this game? Why?
@ruffleif8381 3 месяца назад
No pirates outside of the Bubble! -That's where I like to mine ;-).
@billklatsch5058 3 месяца назад
Drop in the belt not a RES site. Get scanned once - they give a fck about limpets. Pirate cries and pisses off eventually. Start mining. Profit. It aint that hard.
@davewright8206 Месяц назад
@@billklatsch5058 they dont give a fk about limpets
@Rahff84 3 месяца назад
Nice flying CMDR ! O7
@xAndrzej42 3 месяца назад
Wish we could bring some huge ship with crazy mining laser to just mine through these asteroids with super ease.
@ruffleif8381 3 месяца назад
Try the T-10 with 9x modified mining lasers! Needs permit unlock and mats per laser, but totally worth it.
@taylorjones5370 4 месяца назад
I wish I had a flight stick and throttle and stuff, seems so smooth as you move around lol
@ruffleif8381 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I can sorta play with a gamepad, but not like this...
@demus89 2 месяца назад
I picked up an x52 a few years back. This is probably the best game for Hotas I've played to date
@Spudd66 5 месяцев назад
As a returning player after several years whats the general ring type to look for tritium? Normally im making money wherever i can and then just buy it but this could be an alternative 😂
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
Good rings are somewhat rare. As a squad dedicated to mining in the void, we've found quite a few and are mapping them. Icy rings, of course. Then generally if they're flat, like pancake flat, and preferably dense.
@Spudd66 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the tip o7
@mikewaterfield3599 5 месяцев назад
where? in a cutter in the deep black at a double overlap I was lucky to average 100 tons an hour.
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
I've not been playing the game for a while but it seems overlaps got nerfed. I'm not even looking for that now. I've been in overlaps where I could hardly get 100 tons per hour too. Try Kopernik B 7. Pancake flat and dense is usually good for Tritium.
@mikewaterfield3599 5 месяцев назад
@@ruffleif8381 i was still pretty new about the time LTDs were getting nerfed. The eggs used to be the ultimate mining. What I call total BS on was core mining getting nerfed. Lasering platinum is meta for mining and its not that good. Massacre doom stacks or exo bio are way better credits per hour. Apparently goid hunting at the spires is crazy profits too. I never tried stacking AX missions though. Just a few while fragging odd murder flowers at burnt settlements.
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
@@mikewaterfield3599 They've always struggled with balancing this game XD. On my part, I've never really been into the grinds, whether for credit or otherwise. Just played the game for years and do the parts that I enjoy. Somehow I end up with enough mats and credits along the way, but am never really in a hurry. After all, it's a game without an endgame, so why hurry to nothing?
@davewright8206 Месяц назад
i dont beleive most of these mining claims tbh a lot of hot air , and ive been mining before limpet mines were invented
@mikewaterfield3599 Месяц назад
@@davewright8206 ? I don’t want to picture that. Running a cutter with no fuel scoop I have managed 200+ for things like painite or LTD’s before the nerf. Generally in optimal conditions I would average 150-200. 100 tons or so in averaging conditions. In the deep black I found my mining Python just more enjoyable for that very reason. Personally I think Fdev needs to seriously improve core mining payouts. Or at least put them back to where they were a few years ago. Back then a Keelback in an hour or so could net 100-150m just hunting cores. A way more enjoyable play loop than laser mining.
@joshflorence1998 5 месяцев назад
Beautiful piloting! What HOTAS do you use?
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
Why thank you! I use the Thrustmaster T-16000M and TWCS Throttle. Plenty of buttons and a nice layout for Elite. Also, quite budget friendly.
@DougDibrimi 5 месяцев назад
man, rolling with a cutter for mining. And it's still half the rate that most players would consider acceptable for their casual playtime.
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
I think you missed the point... This is Tritium. Not a credit grinder thing to do, but keeps your FC running in the void. And the rate is about twice what the community seems to think is standard.
@seryvouk4966 5 месяцев назад
It looks beautiful. Especially rotating with the asteroid when the subsurface rocket is working. I looked at your Cutter's design. My fit is very similar to yours, it's almost 1:1, but I don't understand why a 7A Universal Limpet Controller is needed??? Six collector limpets (2*5A) are usually enough for tritium mining. Instead of the universal 7A, I have an 8E cargo for 256t installed.
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
I agree that 6 is enough for sub-subsurface, just barely. When you hit the deepest deposits and there's some spin to the rock, all 8 from the universal are sometimes in use. I alternate between sub and laser, partly to take a breather now and then from the spinny-spin, partly because with 14 limpets and a weapons focused distro, laser mining a 30% rock when I find it is about as fast at sub-surface. Note: I go extreme with this, using Tritium mining to boost deliveries to the STAR initiative. So occasionally mining 4k in less than two days to top off a depot delivery... I don't recommend doing that on a regular basis XD
@Garryck-1 5 месяцев назад
So nice to see some sub-surface mining being done. So far as I'm concerned, it takes the most skill of all the mining types to do well at. Such a pity it got so badly nerfed compared to the other methods!
@zanzailmagnifico6730 3 месяца назад
deep core is the hardest
@Garryck-1 3 месяца назад
@@zanzailmagnifico6730 - No, it's not. Getting deep core mining right is a lot easier than being consistently good at sub-surface.
@zanzailmagnifico6730 3 месяца назад
@@Garryck-1 the sub surface mini game is easier, although actually even the deep core ones are not difficult, it also depends on what type of player you are, my problem is that I have terrible aim so i struggle to aim the fissures
@Garryck-1 3 месяца назад
@@zanzailmagnifico6730 - sounds a lot like you need a better controller. For this game, console-style controllers are vastly inferior to even a cheap HOTAS setup.
@diceman199 26 дней назад
@@Garryck-1 I never had a problem with console controller for core mining. I think it's more what you're used too and practice
@wes10566 5 месяцев назад
So who else is gon a be camping outside jameson memorial waiting for that glorious python mk 2?
@Sighman 5 месяцев назад
It might be a limited edition of 100, only available from Beagle Point. Race you there?
@sainrok 5 месяцев назад
Jameson's gonna be sold out of mk2s after I get my fleet order in - don't worry, they'll be selling the mk1 at a discount :D
@darthhunter69 5 месяцев назад
I will be at I Sola Prospect when it drops ;)
@eleliot1200 4 месяца назад
@davewright8206 Месяц назад
@@sainrok at the end of it all mk 1 is still more versitile
@leproticfella 5 месяцев назад
what kinda profit do ya get from this? (I used to do void opal core mining when that was crazy)
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
Tritium is not for profit... But a cargo hold full of plat won't fuel your carrier! XD -Been doing Tritium mining to reach further and deliver more as a STAR fleet resupply carrier.
@davewright8206 Месяц назад
@@ruffleif8381 just as i imagined , and i do the same (but just for myself )
@ryan39584 5 месяцев назад
Crazy how a dev can abandon the game and people still play it
@ruffleif8381 5 месяцев назад
There's a very dedicated core community. And despite technical challenges, it's always been a very intriguing thing to have the entire actual Milkyway Galaxy as your sandbox. I love this game!
@RaifalM3n 5 месяцев назад
They just announced good shit for the game. new ships and even a powerplay revamp. Can t wait !
@Garryck-1 5 месяцев назад
One dev of many. And his departure was due to a downsizing, is all. He wasn't "abandoning" the game.
@Sighman 5 месяцев назад
It was never abandoned. A bunch of people have been making clickbaity doom videos for the past year even as updates and new content kept coming. They just ignored all of that and continued to assert the game was dead. Now there's a whole year of content announced, and to quote one famous Doomtuber in their recent video... "well, it seems I was wrong."
@Alex-hv2zu 5 месяцев назад
FDev has not abandoned the game. They just announced an update for the 18th.
@Plusle843 Год назад
7:35 I don't know. You might be asked by a company you are delivering to just drop the trailer somewhere easy. Because the difficult spot might be in use, or they want to transfer trailer somwhere else. 8:40 Don't trucks today use automatic? I've heard that more powerful engines use automatic gearbox by default, as a driver might damage transmission, even if they are experienced. So, real auto with modes. Eco or power... 10:30 Funny thing today... We have lifting and lowering of suspension today. Front and back - separately. X) Any hope for you to make thame video again? In today's version? Torque, stiffness, stability... Would love to see how would you do that.
@WrongPixel 2 года назад
it's wasting your time lmfao.
@yff__ffy 2 года назад
This video could be 5 minutes long not 28 u talk a lot LOL
@mrn8n69 3 года назад
whats ur windows settings for wheel?
@burningtiresturbomotorsprt932 3 года назад
'I've driven retarded trucks you know' hahahahah, great vid in 2021 still, good to hear someone with experience speak.
@dimathdinujaya6958 3 года назад
Super vedio!!!!thank brother......👍👍👍👍
@Emanbituin 3 года назад
why the resolution in my euro truct simulation 2 is only up to 1366 x 768?
@Electroniczdoodz 3 года назад
It depends on the monitor you have. Make sure your display settings can go higher.
@Emanbituin 3 года назад
Ah ok,.thanks
@thewaffle3945 3 года назад
Real fuel: You will need to tank faster
@chaliluocha2782 3 года назад
Talk too much
@mistertoli9312 3 года назад
I just did these setting and wehn i took my first turn my truck rolled over lol.
@glentaker 3 года назад
@MrRadsVarietyChannel 2 года назад
@atharvapatil3655 4 года назад
Bro i have high end graphic laptop.... But while running ets2, im not able to see texts, blur screen, etc please help, but frame rate are good.
@gauravshah8448 3 года назад
Change your graphic settings to high.
@Mi_Fa_Volare 4 года назад
Is that according to cabovers? Would you make a video on hooders?
@stacktech4939 4 года назад
I don't nkow what I did to my game but I can't see anything at night all lights are deemed street and truck light
@jr_Linux 4 года назад
Ok I finally figured out how it works and whoever thinks force feedback dont work on controller is stupid use it about like he did I put my stiffness n center a lol lower and my truck feels amazing with steering and everything now. This vid helped alot
@rubenf349 4 года назад
Thanks for teaching me how!
@krypt_rl639 4 года назад
So i have a Acme racing wheel RS and when i steer it doesnt detect from the start but like its delayed and idk how to fix this
@Marco-bf4uu 4 года назад
Thank youuuuuu!
@nawazcodm6886 5 лет назад
bro love from India ❤❤
@brianh8320 5 лет назад
Awesome! This also seems to be effective in American Truck Simulator too. Feels much more like driving a real truck (especially the heavy steering).
@franciscolopes5446 5 лет назад
Really good video man Thank you
@nanikunditi2619 5 лет назад
Please add in Telugu
@siluraco341 5 лет назад
What about g29 specific options? Your wheel profiler I mean.
@Sreyas698 5 лет назад
Plz make a video on your mods
@jamalstarnet5100 5 лет назад
Like on ur video from jamal
@jamalstarnet5100 5 лет назад
Would you sell me your pc?
@jamalstarnet5100 5 лет назад
If not please i wanna ask you for the steering wheel settings. Would u upload ur settings online so i can download it
@ruffleif8381 5 лет назад
That makes no sense, but I’ll take it as a compliment! I’ll try to make a video about my ETS2 steering settings.