Ghidil Verita
Ghidil Verita
Ghidil Verita
A programme produced and presented by John Bundy in which personalities are interviewed to reveal the motives behind everyday deeds.
@gustavtonna7407 4 дня назад
@gustavtonna7407 4 дня назад
@frankdagostino5584 10 месяцев назад
a bunch od fantasies.............. No proof at all.
@carlspiteri847 Год назад
Bravu Sur Kaven Kollu minnu .
kevin Falzon... THANK YOU! ghax kont qed nahseb li qeda wahdi b'dil verita go dal pajjiz... ghalek dejjem nispicca nitkellem ma nies ta pajjizi ohra fuq dan is suggett tant importanti ghal umanita. xx
@kevinfalzon7865 10 месяцев назад
Hello Janet. Jekk jinteresak, hawn intervista ohra tieghi. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Vn84gwIItxk.html
@pavelusa3423 2 года назад
Norman is a hero of mine along with lady renouf.
@karstenvella4731 7 лет назад
well done gordon..God bless you
@KapitluTlettax 7 лет назад
Prosit John ta' l-intervista u lil Zaren...bikkini , ragel ta' onesta u innocenza !!
@crmbonnici 7 лет назад
Fi kliemek gew dottore tilfuk
@pretroy 8 лет назад
Vivian de Gray
@antoinettedefelice6026 5 лет назад
@antoinettedefelice6026 5 лет назад
@zoro_91 4 месяца назад
Nerd a1 kin dan ..ima ara fej wasal
@randolphdemicoli8506 8 лет назад
l ahjar haga kulhadd jara tieghu u hadd ma jista jigudika ghax ha tigi igudikat int . biex imaqdru u najdu hafna diskors li mhux xieraq ta l ewwel niehdu . jien alija l ikatar importanti huwa li niranga hajti kif jixtqni Gesu al kemm nisbalja uwkoll ima Grazzi Lil Gesu tana il qawwa ta mahfra ax kieku al infern jien . hija iktar facli li ma teminx mil li temmen ima hekk hu kif tajd il kelma t Alla li iktar facli li taddi mil triq il wiesa u tintilef mili mil triq id dejqa u is salva .
@thatspartofmyplan3056 8 лет назад
Pastor or Business man. We're not idiots.
@christopherhitchborg2089 8 лет назад
They speak and teach about the glory of the after life, HOWEVER, they seek their own glory NOW! Be born again humans not christians.
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
xarba Whisky naghmlu pastor xi darba!!!!!
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
business man tajjeb mela bniedem t'alla. ehhh possibli fadal il fidili b'din l informazzjoni kollha li ghandna. morru ahdmu ghalih qatta cwiec infaldati.
@emanuelmuscat3478 8 лет назад
dan u bniedem onest u genwin in nies jigdbu fuqu ax joboduh jew ikolom nformazjoni hazina fuqu jif kont namel jien l ewwwel wiehed sorry pastor kont zbaljat kellek ragun int
@josephfarrugia2350 8 лет назад
RIP Albert Mizzi, grazzi ta' dak kollu li ghamilt ghal pajjizna!
@SuperZubina 9 лет назад
Dan il filmat ghafast fuqu biz-zbal.... kif indunajt tfejtu mill EWWEL.........
@SuperZubina 9 лет назад
Barmil Imtaqqab ma jimtela Qatt ,,,, Vojt ikun u VOJT jibqa,,,
@MariaGaleaNestina 10 лет назад
nikwota fuq nies li jfejqu n nies.....ghaziz John Bundy insjetu l Dr John u l prayer groups li kienu jmorru ghalih mijjiet ta maltin bil mentalita li se jfiequ u attwalment fiequ.....
@MariaGaleaNestina 10 лет назад
l unika malti li naf li ghandu eggs bizzejjed jitkellem il verita :)
@WiseOldDudee 10 лет назад
he's kind of scaring me at 49:00 +..... hes turning into an ego maniacal...... claiming Hes the leader of this "group" that plans to change Europe.... if Malta was a world power I might believe him,but Malta?He brings good points tho... these immigrants need to be sent packing and form strict immigration laws.
@thundergas007 3 года назад
he gave a definition of what malta would be like in the futue........ this shows how right he was.. look at malta today.. super scary.......
@turhanbey 10 лет назад
all religions are man-made! Period!
@kurt755 9 лет назад
turhanbey all except one the holy bible
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
+Walkers Sent u mur orqod. Tidher li ma tafx xinhi ricerka bahnan.
@kurt755 8 лет назад
Christopher Hitch Borg Have you been slain in the spirit? Have you seen a demon manifest? You are a big noob!!!
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
+Walkers Sent xbajt nisfida nies fuq dan is sugett. meta trid urini d dimonju u nistiednu jidhol fija. jien skond il bibbja u skond il boloh bhalek li jemmnuha jien ma ghandix il protezzjoni ta "Alla" ghax nirrigetah u ma nemminx li jipptotegina... allura I should be easy prey...u mur orqod forsi tqum mill holma li qef tghix.
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
+Walkers Sent by the way ghadek ma tafx lil min ghidt noob...hehe :)))))) urejt kemm veru il qahba milli jkollha ttik.
@turhanbey 10 лет назад
Ma hemm xejn hazin li thalli l-hsieb jevolvi John. Anzi ma trid tieqaf qatt tistaqsi u tfittex, inkella kif se tiskopri l-hmerijiet li jkunu pruvaw jitmawk matul tfulitek. U jekk anke` fiz-zmien tal-lum fejn ix-xjenza kixfet hafna mis-superstizzjonijiet u l-bizat, ghadhom jippruvaw ibezzghu b'affarijiet imaginarji, ahseb u ara meta l-maggoranza tan-nies ma kenitx taf tikteb u taqra. Konsistenza wahda ghandu jkollu l-bniedem, li ma jieqaf jistaqsi qatt! Jien kont kontra d-divorzju, u vvutajt kontra. Ghadni mizewweg, u nibqa naghmel minn kollox biex ma nuzahx, izda llum nametti li kont zbaljat ivvutajt kontra. Illum naqbel mieghu, u minn ghandu bzonnu erhilu ha juzah. Jien ma kontx konsistenti fit-twemmin tieghi, allura? Meta nbiddel oppinjoni, jew sahansitra meta biddilt jew innegajt it-twemmin tieghi, ma ghamiltx dan mil-lejl ghan-nhar. Jew se tallega int ukoll li taf x'jahseb alla fuq dawn l-affarijiet? Insellimlek John.
@mariosciberras 10 лет назад
Proset mariella hadd gost nisimak titkellem u namirak .
@natalvella4837 10 лет назад
Jeremiah 8:8.....dik il bibbja....How do you say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly he made it falsely; the pen of the scribes made it a lie. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create calamity: I the LORD do all these things. But he loves you!!!!
@natalvella4837 10 лет назад
@jackofalltrades3700 10 лет назад
titfawx dak li huwa qaddis qalb il-hnizer
@markborg7404 10 лет назад
1 Timothy 2:11-12 English Standard Version (ESV) 11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quite Why do they have women on their panels!! they have a quote as you please attitude!!!
@gordon-johnmancheartsinter3990 4 года назад
isma, gharbel u itlob: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Two3uWRb_Co.html
@jackofalltrades3700 10 лет назад
grazzi mulej talli batilna nies bhal dan il-pastor li jejt il verita matthew luke grech (titfax dak li huwa qadis qalb il hnizer)
@markborg7404 10 лет назад
Kieku qhed jghidu il verita jobdu kollox ux mhux li jaqbillhom!.......Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."[1 Cor. 14:34-35]
@christopherhitchborg3339 8 лет назад
+Mark Borg hekk hu.
@jackofalltrades3700 7 лет назад
jekk tistudja il-kultura tal lhud tinduna wahdek ghalfejn
@sword2601 10 лет назад
Dan il Pastors jitolghbu lill membri biex jaghtu 10% lill knisja tieghu li jejduwlhom id decimi skond il ligi ta mose li kienet tintuza bhalla taxxa lil lhud ta dak iz zmien,barra min hekk dawn ir religjonijiet ma ihalsux taxxa lill gvern.Jekk tmorru fdan il knejjes jew postijiet bhall river of love tindunaw jaghmel lewwel 30 minuta cirka jitkellem fuq courses u dawn kolla bil flus.Jien nispera li lawtorita tihu passi u ticekja l acounts ta dawn in nies li jejdu li huma pastors. grazzi
@jackofalltrades3700 7 лет назад
ghandek zbal kbir mhux il-pastors jitolbu 10% izda il-kelma ta Alla..manafx kif titkelmu fejn ma tifmux u awtorita anda acounts ukool u le em hafna courses lijuma bxejn..u tigdibx ax mu veru xejn li jamghel 30 minuta kull darba...u decmi mijiex skont il-ligi ta mose izda kinett mil-bidu mur aqra il-genesi....
@deborahbriffa9918 10 лет назад
ahjar talaq halqek int u tiprova taghmel bhalu
@matthewgrechmusic 10 лет назад
Ghaliex Gesu li m' ghamilx dnub miet ghalik biex inti bhala midneb ssalva?
@dianeshead 10 лет назад
jien ghanqas fimtu wahda kemm izomm halqu maghluq biex jitkellem
@ALBIBISBIS 10 лет назад
Daphne did nothing wrong! She is a journalist and a professional blogger.
@Giftofknowing 11 лет назад
it is mans duty to preach the gospel of Jesus. if you are confused, read ask Andersen
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
Gentleman. What a difference to other mayors such as the Zurrieq one.
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
mpja8892 You cannot stalk people and condoning it is very shocking! He is the politician, she is the journalist. He is a politician and is not beyond criticism. In a civilised country whose population is not illiterate like Malta, this guy would in no way be in politics. Malta has lost its mind!
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
It's unlikely that anyone would come over to have a debate with this man. And that has nothing to do with the idea of being born a leader.
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
It is her right to have a champagne party in the same way people got drunk over Thatcher's death. Grow up !
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
That is called stalking. He is in politics (unfortunately) and journalists have every right to write about him.
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
Take her to court for what? She is a journalist and he is in politics (as strange as that is). The police should have had him arrested and assessed after this interview where he clearly admits to stalking DCG and wanting to do it again.
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
She is a journalist who targets only people involved in politics. It is her prerogative to do that. She is the only person in Malta to have the balls to speak out against sheer ignorance and dodgy practices.
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
Christ! You call this guy a politician? Are you serious???
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
If he has no balls to accept criticism, he shouldn't be in politics,
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
Don't be ridiculous! spdfrdm! Listen to what Ignatius Farrugia is saying. It is very serious. People hate Daphne because she is the only who says the truth. She speaks on another level to this bunch of illiterate people who lead to PL's downfall,
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
Bundy here is brilliant as usual!
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
What he describes is clearly stalking (phoning her, approached her twice). If Ignatius wants to be in politics he needs to accept that he is not above criticism. How can PL allow this kind of people to represent him?
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
In Malta everyone seems to be born leader. I think these people mean 'born with a lot of bullshit'!
@ALBIBISBIS 11 лет назад
No one has the right to 'walk with a stranger'. That is called stalking and is very serious.