Fit For Business
Fit For Business
Fit For Business
Fit For Business is the Stepping Stone for Endurance Athlete's who compete in Marathons or Long Distance Triathlons but is missing success in the world of business.

Competing in a long distance event takes planning and an ever increasing daily schedule that, on top of work and family life, needs to be repeated day after day, week after week, month after month.

Is this you? If it is, it's probably something that you enjoy and an environment you thrive in. So why no take what you have learn't apply it to every other part of your life... especially how you Earn An Income

There is a misconception that we all still need to work the 9 to 5, (or 8 to 6 nowadays) to earn Money and enable us to do the things we really love. With the Internet and Social Media only getting bigger creating a more than ever connected world this old concept is now out of date.

This is the Journey From An Ironman to Entering a New World in Business.
Be Yourself and Set Goals
5 лет назад
The importance of Publishing
5 лет назад
Funnels. What are funnels
5 лет назад
Habits x3
5 лет назад
Fear fear fear
5 лет назад
My Origin Story #1
5 лет назад
My Why Rant
5 лет назад
Fear & Failure
5 лет назад
Need More Time?
5 лет назад
Why Should You Set Goals?
5 лет назад
Why People Don't Get Results
5 лет назад
@chirstytom6662 5 лет назад
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