Straford Memorial SDA Church
Straford Memorial SDA Church
Straford Memorial SDA Church
Located at 500 W. 119th St in Chicago, Straford Memorial is a SDA Christian congregation dedicated to following God's Holy Word and living lives of service to our fellow man.

Join us for a worship service:

Sabbath School - Saturdays (Sabbath) 8:00 am
Divine Worship - Saturdays (Sabbath) 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting - Wednesdays 7:00 pm
01/31/2022 Funeral - Ulysses White
2 года назад
5/2/2020 Straford Memorial Church Service
4 года назад
4/11/2020 Straford Church Service via Zoom
4 года назад
11/16/2019 Church Service
4 года назад
10/19/2019 Straford Church Service
4 года назад
Sermon: "A Dying Theif"
5 лет назад
9/14/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
8/31/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
8/24/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
8/17/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
8/10/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
7/27/2019 Church Service
5 лет назад
Sermon: An Internal Prospective
5 лет назад
6/8/2019 Father's Day Service
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
@barryfitzhugh856 5 месяцев назад
You knew this Masterclass Pulpit Teaching/Preaching Sermon was going to be Ultra-Anointing by the uncharacteristic lengthy introduction by (Dr.) Henry Wright. IMPECCABLE Biblical Scholarship/Knowledge PERSONIFIED ✝️ 🙏 🤲.
@aaliyahjamerson3579 6 месяцев назад
If this is the same Ladonna Hill from Revealing I visited a few times as a child is it possible to buy a copy of your gospel Cd? Those songs I’ve remembered and loved since a child and would love to be able to hear them again I lost my moms cd many years ago . What a talented woman of God !
@lilmonye_2224 8 месяцев назад
@darz3829 9 месяцев назад
Do you have any provable, fact-based evidence of anything spiritual in the bible? And by "evidence" I mean, NOT any hearsay, feelings, faith, beliefs, hopes, coincidences or bible stories written by man.
@darz3829 9 месяцев назад
If lust is a deadly sin that would mean that to indulge in it is to DIE! Are we to believe that to lust (or to desire greatly) anyone or anything is to accept a death sentence? Put another way, if nobody lusted - especially men after women - there would be no reason to marry or date or desire companionship. That means that the population of the earth would eventually diminish to the point of extinction. Not a place I'd want to be.
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
🌟Sin is the absence of Jesus in your life! 1John 3:4. Living in Sin is doing whatever you do, bad or good while He is absent! Matthew 7:22-23
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️ when you don't consent to fall in love with Jesus❤️through a daily saving love❤️relationship of prayer, bible study and witnessing; You consent to stay in a loveless dysfunctional relationship with sin and Satan!💔😈 Where do you give your consent?
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️ Things that Jesus has done for you! Will do for you! And won't do for you! Jesus died for you! John 3:16 that's Justification! Jesus will live for you! Galatians 2:20 That's Sanctification! But Jesus will never-ever fight🥊to seek a daily Saving Love❤️Relationship of Prayer, Bible study and witnessing with Himself for you! You have to fight to do that yourself! The bible calls it the good fight🥊of Faith/Fellowship! 2Timothy 6:12🌟
@annesturrup6627 Год назад
Happy Sabbath can you please give a little more volume can’t hear the speaker
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️ God the Father is inviting you into a daily Saving Love❤️Relationship today with Himself, through His Son Jesus! There are three avenues of communication in this daily Saving Love❤️Relationship! One is prayer: that is you talking to Jesus. The other is Bible study: that's Jesus talking back to you and that's conversation and communication. And the last is witnessing: and that's you and Jesus going places and doing things together as you share His love❤️ with others! So fall head over heels in love❤️with🥰Jesus today my friend!
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️God the Father must see His Son living His life out through you as you fight to fellowship with His Son Jesus byway of daily prayer, Bible study and witnessing! Gal 2:20! He must look at you and be able to say "This is my beloved Son Jesus, in whom I am well pleased."The presence of Jesus in your life through your exceptance of His sacrifice for you and your fight to fellowship with Him, is your only passport into Heaven!
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️God the Father must see His Son living His life out through you as you fight to fellowship with His Son Jesus byway of daily prayer, Bible study and witnessing! Gal 2:20! He must look at you and be able to say "This is my beloved Son Jesus, in whom I am well pleased."The presence of Jesus in your life through your exceptance of His sacrifice for you and your fight to fellowship with Him, is your only passport into Heaven!
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️God the Father must see His Son Jesus living His life out through you as you fight to fellowship with His Son Jesus byway of daily prayer, Bible study and witnessing! Gal 2:20! He must look at you and be able to say "This is my beloved Son Jesus, in whom I am well pleased."The presence of Jesus in your life through your exceptance His sacrifice for you and your fight to fellowship with Him, is your only passport into Heaven!
@donnabrown4790 Год назад
Happy Sabbath Family
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️Only those who have Genuine Saving Faith in Jesus will be saved when He returns! Luke18:8 and James 2:19 🌟Genuine Saving Faith is: One person [you] trusting in another person [Jesus] based on your relationship with that person or [ based on a daily Saving Love❤️Relationship of Prayer, Bible study and witnessing with Jesus!] That being said, do you have Genuine Saving Faith in Him my friends! Heb.11:6
@alonzodudley Год назад
@pthespiritualtechician Год назад
⚠️ Only those who have Genuine Saving Faith in Jesus will be saved when He returns! Luke18:8 and James 2:19 🌟Genuine Saving Faith is: One person [you] trusting in another person [Jesus] based on your relationship with that person or [ based on a daily Saving Love❤️Relationship of Prayer, Bible study and witnessing with Jesus!] That being said, do you have Genuine Saving Faith in Him my friends! Heb.11:6
@dipodada5556 Год назад
Awesome ❤
@anobiananne Год назад
The sound is bad muffled
@reason4today Год назад
Awesome service!!!🙂😇
@happyme2989 Год назад
Wow 😥 I wish ppl start putting in detail what happened to the young ppl that is leaving here.
@arlettejohnson9307 Год назад
Hallelujah thank You Jesus for loving me.
@arlettejohnson9307 Год назад
Wonderful Savior
@arlettejohnson9307 Год назад
@mildredwiggins7488 2 года назад
@pthespiritualtechician 2 года назад
💫Only those who are cleansed and sanctified by the Righteous, Holy presence of🌟Jesus living his life out through them by way of a daily Saving Love❤️Relationship of Prayer, Bible study and witnessing with him, will live an eternity on God's earth🌎made new!
@pthespiritualtechician 2 года назад
You will never experience a love♥️ relationship like the daily Saving❤️ Love Relationship of Prayer, Bible study and Witnessing that Jesus is offering you today! Don't miss out on his life changing love♥️my friend!
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
I am enjoying the preaching.
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
Update: 8/18/21 6:02 PM; 5/26/21, I found out 16 years ago that there were many unofficial adoptions from the beginning of time up until the 1940s for the United States and still continuing all over the world where there were no paperwork, no attorney nor court, nothing legal. You just take the baby, infant, toddler, small child, and teen home with you and when the ‘census records takers’ comes around you just tell them that its your daughter/son if they will be too young to remember that they were separated from their biological parents; they are not never told about whatever happened to their parents, that they were/are not their children, and that they are not the parents. Not only did relatives take in the orphans but none relatives or friends of the parents and neighbors. Back then heads of households took in strangers when they didn’t have nobody to stay with; and the census records aren’t correct as to the ‘role’ of the infant, baby, toddler and small child to the head of households, in many cases if the infant, baby, toddler and small child isn’t no kin then they are mistreated badly, not talked to, nor cared about nor looked out for nor encouraged to do better or stay in school. This is the reasons that you may not be liked, respected, cared about, talked to, looked out for by who you think is your parents, grandparents, greats, aunts/uncles, first cousins and other kin. That’s why you can’t find midwives papers 1.) because who you think is your parents and grandparents are not 2.) because the baby, infant, toddler and small child wasn’t old enough to remember that they were separated from their parents for whatever reasons - one to a few of one hundred reasons. There’s many reasons why babies, infants, toddlers, small children and teens are separated from their biological parents. Collect the Family history anyway, because you could be possibly cousins, you would have to get an Ancestry dna test or 23&me to find out for sure. James 1:25-27
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
Remind the members or parishers of the religious institutions, churches and its religious leaders to collect their family history and write/document stories about what happened long time ago, talk to their old family members; this is something we should have did a long time ago, when we came out of slavery, but the Quakers, nor the Catholic Churches told us to do so. I found out that the best way to deal with those nasty, mean, cruel, no good dog relatives: collect the family history, info, records and old photos so that you can know who you are related to and so that your children won’t marry their cousins. An older neighbor from the south told me that he witness people couldn’t take care of their children and had to give them away. I talked to a man from the U.S. census board and he told me the same thing that whites, blacks were giving their children away everyday, because they couldn’t care for them. I’m in the Ancestry dna database and my configuration is there is 300,000 1st - 6th close cousins that you don’t even know; [not including the 7th - 10th or more cousins, 400,000?] the reasons that we have so many cousins that we don’t know, is due to slavery not allowed to know who we were kin to; the rape and pregnation of slaves by slavemasters; after slavery ended, the men folks stepping outside of their marriages unknowing/and knowing have offspring; we are marrying our cousins.
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
Beulah George "Georgia" Tann was an American child trafficker who operated the Tennessee Children's Home Society, an adoption agency in Memphis, Tennessee. Wikipedia Born: July 18, 1891, Philadelphia, MS Died: September 15, 1950, Memphis, TN Organization: Tennessee Children's Home Society Alma mater: Columbia University; Martha Washington College Parents: George Clark Tann, Beulah Isabella Tann Siblings: Rob Roy Tann
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
Update: 10/02/21 According to article in ‘PARADE’ in 2012, a psychologist study showed that children need to know (1) that things don’t always work out (2) and you need to know about your ‘Family History’! My comments: Find out how your parents and others were treated by who they thought were their parents, grandparents, uncles/aunts, cousins, great uncles/aunts? Who were their enemies and what happened: who got after them, tried to harm them or who tried to kill them or who killed them? Their dates, places of birth, death, marriages? Their children 👶? Did they go to school: where, when and how? Why didn’t they go to school or further their education? When did they leave home and why? Workplaces? A group member’s comments below: A foundation (family history) is so important ... even if just stories about a parent’s life experiences. Agreed, we need to raise children to be resilient. The other part psychologists are saying, it is important that parents allow children to solve their own problems. Too often parents step in to fix, but we will not be here forever to solve their problems.
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
According to an article in the Internet, there are about 600,000 switched at birth people among the earth’s population all around the world. Babies are switched at birth: are babies who because of other error or malice, are interchanged with each other at birth or very soon thereafter, leading to the babies being unknowingly raised by parents who are not their biological parents. After slavery ex-slaves were marrying their own cousins, and didn’t know it. Black people still marrying their own cousins and don’t know it. We have 100 thousand or more cousins that we don’t know about and never, couldn’t imagine it. You have cousins spreaded out all through the world because of the transatlantic slave trade and rape of slaves causing slaves to have many siblings that they never met. I received the Ancestry dna results may 14,2019 and was shocked to find out all of this. In Every state, country, continent, island, sea island even in the Soviet, Middle east, India you have forth (4th) to tenth (10th) or more cousins in which you would never have imagined.
@lorettahines7936 2 года назад
Is there a religion that has the right teachings that will lead us to heaven? James 1:26-27 [26]If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. [27]Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:25_27 A lot of things were happening before the 1940s especially in the United States of America; people born before the 1940s, could possibly be orphans and believed to be no kin/related to who they were told were/are their parents. Pay attention to how your parents, grands and other relatives were/are treating you, because they supposed to care something about you. Infants/babies, small children, teens, young adults, older adults and others had to be taken into the households of relatives, neighbors, strangers and friends of the parents and when no relatives could be found then friends of the parents, neighbors, or strangers took the orphans into their household. When the babies, infants, small children grows up they have no memory of what happened in the past, many cases they were treated badly and wondered why their parents care nothing about them or don’t want to be bothered, but they sees parents and relatives treating other relatives and friends better. The orphans feels outcasted, lonely, and not cared for and goes to their graves not knowing that they were orphans! I believe that’s what was wrong with my parents, they were looking for Love among the Relatives and couldn’t find it. The relatives thought they were no kin and we were not related, so that’s why they were treated badly, outcasted, had no support networks and were lone wolves. I found out that they were orphans some 16 years ago, so they went to their graves not knowing that they were orphans like so many others born sometimes before the 1940s.
@Sandy-H1314 2 года назад
@mili0620 3 года назад
What did the kids receive in the bag?
@coryrowe954 3 года назад
Aaliyah, your message from God was powerful. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you.🙏🏾👌🏾❤️👊🏾😊
@coramagett9417 3 года назад
Thank God for the family of God ilove the gift of the sabbath day keep us all in ur prayers today and my son collee magett son in law rrichard peart an a brother Christopher Johnson all them to find ftere way back jesus christ iam in California love to my family's
@StrafordSDA 3 года назад
Happy Sabbath!
@felicienmunyakayanza7488 4 года назад
I love this church! My God bless you all in the name of Jesus Christ
@preetiagenoia8104 5 лет назад
Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for loving us so so much. Hallelujah!
@ineedrest7 5 лет назад
Powerful message!!!
@bishopmercy 5 лет назад
@beyoubebeautiful5612 5 лет назад
Great presentation! Wonderful dedication to my Father 🥰
@celaratai2370 6 лет назад
Answered prayer at 3:45 am. Truly blessed by this and really hit me to the core. Praise the Lord!
@theycallmejondoenow 6 лет назад
This service was SUCH a blessing to be apart of. Thank you to everyone in the congregation for making my Romanian friend & myself feel welcome. :)
@real00744 6 лет назад
Powerful message and song.
@kimtodd521 6 лет назад
@nicolasjohnson8170 7 лет назад
@richardmisogalya9499 7 лет назад