Wealthy Books
Wealthy Books
Wealthy Books
@poerava 14 дней назад
You’re missing a key piece of information about pure profit for coles and Woolworths. It’s not the food. It’s selling data. Suppliers can buy data about their competitors and categories. The range of data costs are $8,000 to multimillion dollar data break downs of categories, times purchased, store specific data etc. Most suppliers purchase this data every month or two, to ensure they aren’t losing an edge, such as seeing one of their competitors making more sales and doing their homework about how that competitor is using a different size, thus providing that useful information for them to consider changing sizing options.
This is mind boggling. Is this information in public domain ?
@poerava 14 дней назад
@@WEALTHYBOOKDIGEST Hey bud Coles and Woollies are making even MORE money than they say they do. I only know this because of a very close riend who’s family supplies coles and Woolworths. The reason why you don’t see these billions of dollars that they make from selling data, is that they ‘partner’ with data groups. So basically they own often more than half of the companies that sell this data back to suppliers. For some big suppliers that make hundreds of millions of dollars a year, you can see how an extra million spent on data about their competitors, would advantage those suppliers with deep pockets, while the mum and dad suppliers making great products and struggling to get by, are disadvantaged by this inability to afford data on competitors. --------- Retail Data / Media Historically supermarkets would normally outsource data sales, e.g. Aztec, Nielsen, and advertising to agencies. Even loyalty cards, such as Flybuys, could be outsourced. For example, Flybuys launched as a JV (joint venture) between Shell, Coles Myer and NAB. More recently supermarkets in general, have taken data (scan, loyalty card) and advertising (in-store, digital) in house. 2020 Coles decided to partner with Circana (old name IRI) to sell data/ insights to suppliers. Coles Synergy, a new data analytics tool, was offered to the Coles team and suppliers. The advantage to Coles was they could use the existing Circana Liquid Data Platform to analyse data internally and share with suppliers. 2022 Coles Media was relaunched as Coles 360. Coles 360 partnered with Redworks, a Retail Media Specialist agency. Coles 360 is able to use the Coles Synergy data to offer the Coles team and suppliers access to a one-stop media solution. FY23 Coles Media income increased by 27%. 2013 Woolworths initially invested in Quantium to be a part-owner. 2021 Woolworths increased their shareholding to be the major shareholder (75%) (Woolworths). In addition to Quantium Woolworths launched Cartology, their media agency, in 2019. 2022 Cartology purchased Shopper Media to offer Woolworths and its suppliers more media advertising options. Woolworths FY23 Digital & Media (idX/Cartology plus Everyday X) generated $1.35B gross sales for $92M EBIT, +71%. For comparison eComX (B2C & Woolworths at Work online sales) generated $5.1B gross sales for $89M DAP (directly attributable profit), -4.9%. These numbers highlight the potential financial returns in retail data / media bowenconsultingaus.com/coles-and-woolworths-fy23/ --------- Woolworths hands data sharing contracts to Quantium, Nielsen retailworldmagazine.com.au/supplying-data-to-suppliers-the-coles-and-iri-team/ www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Quantium.pdf?ref=0&download=y www.itnews.com.au/news/woolworths-and-quantium-are-now-calling-their-combined-entity-wiq-582701 Coles inks deal with controversial big data firm | Information Age | ACS www.supplierportal.coles.com.au/csp/wps/portal/web/Home insideretail.com.au/news/coles-offering-suppliers-more-data-driven-insights-202005 Woolworths' Cartology unveils plans for 'data-led connections' - Inside FMCG --------- If you can make a video about this little ‘side hustle’ (multi billion dollar profit making business) of coles and woollies, you’d be ahead of the 8 ball. It boggled my mind that they didn’t mention this in the enquiry. Cheers 🍻
@poerava 14 дней назад
@@WEALTHYBOOKDIGEST And then there’s the $20K per page in their shopping magazines for suppliers. Some suppliers are ranged with an agreement to advertise in those magazine a certain number of times per year. They are also sold ‘end of aisle’ product positioning. These are big investments. Sometimes $500,000 to over a million dollars per a few weeks for positioning at the end of aisles, where they always sell more products. To be at the end of an aisle in 900 or so stores, sometimes doubling or tripling your sales, you can see why it so lucrative for Coles and Woolworths. Remember that when walking through the supermarket. Every saws ticket, every end of aisle set up, every ‘larger font’ on shelf tickets, are paid for by suppliers. Every product you see closer to the checkouts, also pay a premium for their positioning. The chocolate bars and chewing gum by the scanners also pay a mint to be there. It’s wild how much money they make from these sales ‘boosting’ options for their tens of thousands of suppliers.
@lkrnpk 19 дней назад
@mr.lumbergh 23 дня назад
Not even close, they still can’t get FSD down. Besides, if you had something that could mint money the way Elon claimed this would, why would they ever sell them? More Musk vapourware.
@BrianBeauchamp 23 дня назад
Yet, we are still being tortured with the uncomfortable Tom Brady commercials with a black woman who just makes them worse. No chemistry at all. They are just weird. Tom should dump his skiing buddy.
@BrianBeauchamp 23 дня назад
This should be a story about how ANY business analytics firm that includes billions in Keynesian government spending in its projections should be RUN OUT OF BUSINESS. I guarantee that when these idiots put out there report on how EV’s were the future of the rental car business, they weighed heavily on the billions that the Democrats were pumping into a technology that the people DO NOT WANT!! Just as Europe and Asia are doing as well. But, AGAIN, the people don’t want it!! Obviously!! This business analytics firm should be responsible for every penny these investors lost. And ANY Gen Z bunch of children that continues to push this BS should be run back down to their parents basements. Pathetic. Yet, I have zero sympathy for these idiots that BELIEVED THIS FAIRYTALE. NONE.
@BoxiesAU 24 дня назад
What a dud video, and this is not happening anytime. More Musk tripe.
@tunghuynh2758 24 дня назад
This is the least critical thinking white paper talk about this I've seen. First of all, full level 5 autonomous technology is still at least decades away despite what Musk promise. He kept moving the target date for almost a decade now. What evidence do you have besides what a few minutes demo can show? And the biggest problem with no-driver in the taxi is that who will be watching the passengers? Right now, we have somewhat good confidence that when you get into the taxi or Uber, the condition of the vehicle is at least decent and clean. To guarantee this in the no-driver, what guarantee do you have that it will be in good condition when you get in? For analogy, imagine what would a supermarket check out be like if it's really no human watching it? You might say, wait the host doesn't need to be there for AirBnB, sure, but after a renter is done, someone will go clean it up before the next guest. Are the owners gonna do that for every tax ride? Think about it. So what will happen is someone will have to be present to check on the condition of the vehicle to make sure every passenger has a clean good experience. So what's the economic cost of that now? So many variables that this didn't even mention or touch on.
@orthopraxis235 24 дня назад
EVs are simply poor vehicles in today's modern world of needing a car to live your life: for procurement of necessities (food), travel to earn money (commute), social/recreational needs and, at the heart of everyone's gut: medical and other emergencies. The problems that Evs present put at risk the ability for any person to perform in the above areas. By most independent thinkers, this fact was widely understood at the onset of government incentives and the forced attempted mass adoption of EVS, via financial incentives, legalease, and social programming, propaganda, and media. In addition: costs, insurance, the risk of catastrophic and deadly battery fires put the use of an EV , even owning an EV and having it sit in your home's garage are all order of magnitude negatives. Further: Those same thinking individuals, also widely know that the EV push was a failed attempt to eliminate personal transportation, as bribes, incentive to ICE ceos forced the ramp up of EV production which has failed at the sales table. This was also an attempt to cripple the ICE production industry. Most major automanufacturers have recently rejected the EV ramp up and are now settling back to what works for the world : ICE production. The ceos who bought into this have already received their golden parachutes and other compensation for their actions. Only about 13% of people think for themselves, and arrive at generally correct conclusions. The other 87% completely bought into the EV hype, or are still attempting to rationalize is as a good. These 87% of followers could perhaps learn to think more clearly, but many are tied to paychecks that prevent them from essentially thinking and drawing correct conclusions about the world.
@KookaburraAU9908 24 дня назад
Toyota hybrid vehicles are the future. Taxis require reliable cars and that is why in Australia Toyota hybrid taxis are everywhere.
@MsAjax409 24 дня назад
As a Tesla owner for nearly six years, the last thing I want is to rent is an ICEV. Stepping down from a Tesla to the typical combustion rental car is like watching a movie on an 420 line B&W TV after HDTV. Oh, and you might have mentioned that one can still rent a Tesla at Hertz.
@timothykeith1367 24 дня назад
I wouldn't ride
@syedmahmud8214 24 дня назад
Tesla still doesn't have a Level-4 vehicle, whereas, many other companies have been testing their Level-4 vehicles for a number of years. If Elon Musk could design a Level-4 vehicle, he would have done it already. He is behind many other companies. He just spreads false information to keep Tesla's share price at a high level. Without robotaxis Tesla's share price should be under $40.
@michaelpatton3206 24 дня назад
Hertz got scammed, just like pretty much all you EV buyers. Taking the L is the first step to healing. Go ahead, Take It!!!
@quentinmccarthy9188 24 дня назад
cant wait, so uber driver know how taxi drive felt when uber came in
@Beer_Dad1975 24 дня назад
You'll be waiting a while - it's not coming in the next decade at least.
@ralphcantrell3214 25 дней назад
EVs are a damn joke. They are simply a smoke screen for the wealthy, woke, tree huggers and their politician goons to solve the emissions problem by pricing the middle class and down out of cars PERIOD.
@Beer_Dad1975 25 дней назад
Software engineer here - only people with a limited understanding of STEM would think this stuff is coming any time in the next 10 years - it's just not - and it's certainly not coming from Tesla, who are now years behind on self driving technology. Combine that with the fact that Elon has been promising this stuff "next year" for 8 years now, it's pretty clear they have no idea how to get there either & he is just using it to try to prop up their failing share price.
@ignaciocampos8435 24 дня назад
Not only that, but all of the companies doing self-driving taxis trials currently are far from profitable. The operation costs are an order of magnitude higher than traditional human-driven inexpensive cabs. The whole proposition is delusional.
@drew8256 25 дней назад
Hertz is always dead last in my choice of rental car companies. Crooked and mismanaged.
@shashwatnath8296 25 дней назад
Definitely a game changer but long long way ahead before this becomes a reality though.
@Beer_Dad1975 25 дней назад
Elon's been saying it's coming "Next year, definitely!" for the last 8 years though! It's almost like every time he needs to prop up the share price, he trots out this old robotaxi chestnut...
@insylem 25 дней назад
Herz needs to not exist because of how many of their customers they called the cops on and accused of theft of legally rented cars
@amdg2023 26 дней назад
It hertz to be a shareholder
@YtchannelTube 26 дней назад
Very aspirational! But I appreciate this guy for thinking beyond conventional ways. No doubt that Tesla is the pioneer in futuristic vehicles.
@Beer_Dad1975 25 дней назад
No they aren't their "autopilot" is the best they have at level 2 self driving - other manufacturers are already at level 3 - Tesla are at this point several years behind. The Tesla "Robotaxi" will never exist, only people who have no concept of the engineering challenges would think Elon's BS is real. Realistically we'll never have level 5 "full self driving" unless there is some revolutionary advancements made.
@tragene2250 26 дней назад
At least they were going to have charging stations at the rental outlets. That way you could drive you EV there and plug it in at night. Then of course you would have to get another vehicle to go to your hotel or whatever. The EV industry was a scam from the beginning. Nothing was thought out and they are just trying to force everyone into them. Not efficient and as damaging to the environment, if not more so, than petroleum based vehicles.
@HouseOfEntertainment07 26 дней назад
This is another ambitious idea from Elon Musk, I am skeptical if this can be realised.
@Beer_Dad1975 25 дней назад
It's pure PS from Musk - which is pretty much all he spins these days.
@ordoill-un6jt 24 дня назад
always has been
@atlantarene993 26 дней назад
Hybrid was the way to go. They’re now finding the hybrid cars, even though they’re more complex than traditional cars are actually becoming more reliable because most of them are absent of turbo chargers. Additionally, since resale value is a concern, hybrid cars have a higher resale value. Finally, they fueled and operate like traditional cars.
@mivoden05 26 дней назад
Elon Musk is the biggest scammer ever.
@martinwinlow 26 дней назад
Yup... except, that if you visit Hertz's own ex-rental car sales website and compare the prices of their ex-rental EVs Vs ICEVs, you will see that the mileage on the EVs is *massively* more than the ICEVs for similar age cars. This is the real - and completely reasonable - reason for the sell-off. What you and everyone else have been reading in the media is simply fake news spread by anti-EV, pro-Big Oil lobby.
@SmartAndTidy 26 дней назад
I take a more benign view. Hertz gave us a vivid demonstration via its fleet of the reality of EV ownership, or you might say stress-tested the advocacy of government, Tesla and the early adopters. We now know the reality, and rather than saying it has set back EVs, I'd say it has shown us that the present-day EV is an undeveloped product that should not have been brought to the market. So Hertz has done us all a favour. As far as the investors are concerned, they are no more stupid than those who invest in Tesla despite its constant under-delivery relative to is promises, and its tactic of talking-up new products to justify it massive share price.
@charleswillcock3235 27 дней назад
A small person would have ordered 1000 and tested them out.
@Pie-onna-stick 27 дней назад
Sociopaths rule, across all sections of big business. End of.
@MegasXaos 27 дней назад
Good, a fully electric future would be a dystopian hellscape of "15 minute" cities. I'll stick to ICE thank you kindly.
@gibsonclan1able 28 дней назад
The way I treat a rental car keeps me from ever considering one for purchase.
@jdm1152 28 дней назад
How did they think putting 100,000 more tesla's on the road would make them more rare or more expensive?
@R.E.A.L.I.T.Y 28 дней назад
EV are not ICE Hertz thinking was ICE Hertz failed not Tesla
@bbellefson 28 дней назад
IF/when batteries are half the weight, fireproof, last 20+ years and deliver a 400-500 mile range on a 10 min. charge, you'll shut up and take my money.
@jamesvlambert 28 дней назад
I rented a Tesla for a week on a recent trip to Oakland. it was fantastic, I really enjoyed the vehicle, and did it just to get it out of my system! I’m not buying an EV. BTW, the host of my trip had Love to charger in their garage made the whole experience really good.
@anthonydyer3939 28 дней назад
I own a Tesla and I fully agree the ownership experience is fantastic especially by virtue of the fact that you can charge it up cheap overnight or on daytime solar. You do not have those advantages when you are renting an EV whilst out travelling. I found roadside chargers to be very expensive, often unreliable, and several instances they required a local telephone country code to setup an account on your app. I was nearly stranded by this at one point. Electric should be cheaper than petrol or diesel, but it simply isn’t. Until you can have a system where you can simply “plug and charge” at any charger with no apps and all billing is charged through your rental car account, EVs will be an unpopular rental experience. I for one will continue with petrol car rentals when travelling.
@JamenLang 28 дней назад
"Staying home in droves" 😂
@MrSGL21 28 дней назад
lol hertz didn't set back EV adoption...EVs did that. All the Hertz experiment did was expose the truth. the cars are expensive to repair, expensive to insure, sink like a rock in value, and are a pain in the ass if you don't own your own home and have a charger installed. none of this was new information. this had all been documented, here on youtube, for years by car enthusiasts like Hoovie. what it wasn't, was common knowledge amongst the stupid. now everyone knows they loose range at a horrific rate in the winter, can't be fast charged when cold, are expensive to repair, parts are difficult to obtain and have long lead times, they eat tires (which is the single most expensive maintenance item on a car) . That is why EV sales have plunged off a cliff and Hybrid sales are surging. Hybrids have none of these problems and can be owned by people who rent. Even a toyota rav 4 plug in can be charged over night on a standard 120 v 15 amp outlet. taking one on a road trip they are CHEAPER to refill than fast charging an EV and take fraction of the time. a Camry Hybrid costs less than Tesla 3, is better made, parts are actually available. doesn't blow through tires, and deprecates at a slower rate than a Tesla 3. and the general public has figured that out. anyone remember the iphones? yeah everyone wanted one till they realized they could buy an Andriod phone for less with more features. thats where you are at now with EVs. what i find most interesting is the EV "revolution" there is one btw its just not cars its bikes. sales of ebikes shot up 269% between 2019 and 2022!
@tylerfoss3346 29 дней назад
Wagner and O'Hara contributed to Biden’s basement presidential campaign and look who won! And mandated electric cars! Build Back Better!
@salcastaneda443 29 дней назад
NOBODY wants to RENT an EV. difficult to charg, finding new charge stations in unfamiliar locations while staying in places with no chargers. who wants to do that? LOL
@GuyChapman 29 дней назад
You glossed over the fact that Elmo essentially declared war on the people most enthusiastic about EVs and decarbonisation.
@1439315 29 дней назад
Business degrees are WORTHLESS degree's. electric cars are for LOSERS. yes i typed it; kiss my exhaust.
@michaelputnam2532 29 дней назад
"EV revolution" maybe EV reality would be closer to the truth. You can't sell EVs with hours long charge times to people who have minutes to get to their planes.
@1439315 29 дней назад
Time is valuable; we can gas up in 2 minutes & bee "Already gone" like the Eagles song. electric cars are for losers.
@ericbarnett852 29 дней назад
I've rented from hertz and I think another thing they screwed around on was shared education to the drivers. I rented a model 3 that the battery broke at 12000 miles probably because the previous driver always charged to 100% and you can't do that.
@Doggieman1111 29 дней назад
We'd love to hear your voice rather than a computer's
@loungelizard836 Месяц назад
Radar assembly alignment? Teslas don't use radar.
@tjsbbi 27 дней назад
They did prior to 2021 and model S now does since 2023.
@timothyseabrook1584 Месяц назад
did they give customers s choice and rent out ICE csrs too brcsuse ICE cars vastly better than EVs!
@AAa-qd8hb Месяц назад
EVs are toast.
@zarroth Месяц назад
heh..the fact EV have a very limited use case is what sets back the EV revolution. The trucks can't do truck work, the cars are too dangerous to keep in a garage, people steal copper wires in leftist cities that are all in decline currently, and many other issues. Hertz not applying logic and reason is a very small part of all of that mess.
@mmcmann9539 Месяц назад
The slowdown of Tesla is because of musk, not a bad investment from hertz. EV says are up.