Vercel’s Frontend Cloud provides the developer experience and infrastructure to build, scale, and secure a faster, more personalized web.
DevTools for every Vercel deployment
День назад
How we improved Vercel cold starts
14 дней назад
Vercel Ship 2024 Closing Q&A
21 день назад
Vercel Ship 2024 Keynote
21 день назад
Trying to attack the Vercel Firewall
28 дней назад
Hands on with the Vercel AI SDK 3.1
Месяц назад
Bringing React Components to AI
2 месяца назад
Vercel Ship 2024
3 месяца назад
AI Integrations for Vercel
4 месяца назад
Build an AI app in 5 minutes!
4 месяца назад
Building an OpenAI-powered Slackbot with GPT
4 месяца назад
@trungtrung2248 13 часов назад
what is different bettwen supspense component and file loading.tsx
@whitegroyper 14 часов назад
im migrating to remix whenever vercel drops support for the pages router
@AvihuTurzion День назад
And I've been ordering Chick-fil-As instead of applying to work there...
@tushars4038 День назад
We are using Nextjs 14 App router and when we are trying to enable caching in Cloudfront, all assets are getting duplicated. All images on page is replaced by one image. Is this a nextjs issue or Cloudfront ? Appreciate any help.
@nishantshah_ День назад
It is june 2024, is this concept dead?
@SUNGWONG5 2 дня назад
Vercel MAKE Life easy
@slavalu74 2 дня назад
As always by Next over engineered and over complicated. We just need 4 functions. streamUI, receiveUI, streamText, receiveText. Everything else much easier to do without your helper functions.
@lekanlawal8055 2 дня назад
we are gonna start copy pasting codes, you need to remove thaat, we don't need thiss, go over there and copy this code, i am gonna do something like thisss, i am gonna call this children so i am gonna paste it herrre, so let's put this inside this component, Love the speed run. Peace.
@swordali 3 дня назад
@DonvitoCodes 4 дня назад
Pretty exciting stuff! Thanks for sharing!
@grimquokka9843 4 дня назад
9:00 This is amazing!
@vytorbrb3568 5 дней назад
Link to monorepo?
@sicktastictv 5 дней назад
This slackbot is a great start, but it often returns nothing when the prompt is little bit more complicated...
@ashatron656 6 дней назад
Lee wearing a Remix t-shirt... Is this his "blink twice if you're being held hostage"? 😄
@wieger14 6 дней назад
What would be a good reason to not enable this?
@elielsonms 6 дней назад
Likely high cost, you'll have computational resources replicated for each new version for that amount of time. If you don't have a very critical application or don't have a very coupled front to the backend, you wouldn't need it
@styfle123 6 дней назад
Its not common, but you might not want to enable Skew Protection if you have a strict requirement that clients must use the latest version. In that case, you might even implement a client-side refresh that runs periodically.
@swordali 6 дней назад
@kasper369 6 дней назад
Is this available for a hobby plan?
@petitcoIibris 6 дней назад
Pro and enterprises
@Samuelsward96 6 дней назад
Hey i'm struggling a bit with the useChat for multiple conversations. How can i keep multiple conversations active at once? Any tips?
@austincodes 7 дней назад
Hey Lee what is the best approach to prompt users to refresh their browser when I push a big version change?
@justafreak15able 7 дней назад
Server sent events maybe?
@johnchristiancabrera6472 7 дней назад
@saasplanet 7 дней назад
great video lee
@furkanaksoy2085 7 дней назад
When i try to deploy i get url error in vercel app. how can i fix that?
@aggranular 7 дней назад
Please do not promote the anti pattern if casting result of fetch json to some ar arbitrary type.
@Aaron-eo1gv 9 дней назад
I have a page on app/[locale]/png/[slug]/page.tsx, and even though this page is "dynamic", we can cache it for around 24 hours. Although I'm always seeing a MISS. How can I configure it to tell NextJS that it can be cached? ``` HTTP/2 200 age: 0 cache-control: private, no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate server: Vercel vary: RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch x-matched-path: /[locale]/png/[slug] x-powered-by: Next.js x-robots-tag: noindex x-vercel-cache: MISS x-vercel-execution-region: iad1 x-vercel-id: fra1::iad1::vvtzf-1718465731918-0f3e254aa15d content-length: 0 ```
@andru5054 9 дней назад
Hey, awesome demo - thanks. We're using llamaindex in Python for our LLM backend that uses RAG. I want to use tools that pass react components to the frontend - how would I accomplish this? Thank you
@luisllaboj 9 дней назад
Will these dev tools soon extend to include caching behavior for next js apps? 😢
@paulpietzko 9 дней назад
I created GET and PATCH API endpoints. They work perfectly fine on my localhost, but when I deploy the app, the response is always cached. Is there a way to disable caching on Vercel for specific routes?
@peterkyle_0125 10 дней назад
This is amazing stuff 🔥
@edaxucles90 11 дней назад
I have a question, the first common mistake, I have a a method to retrieve data from blockchain, at the end this method using a library like viem to retrieve data use a http transport, if I just directly use the method is this data result is being cached automatically? Like if I use the same request from 2 server components those calls are de-duplicating by nextjs? In conclusion should need to worry about caching in this case or not? Thanks!
@emeraudata 11 дней назад
You just have save my project before I turn crazy, tx comrade
@JeomonGeorge 11 дней назад
can I use ai vercel in vue.js
@PlayCode99 11 дней назад
Do you mind sharing the name of the VS theme?
@johanw2267 12 дней назад
If it's so good, why do you get $12,000 bills?
@qazyhn94 12 дней назад
Disneyland for devs, while AWS is a Silent Hill
@MrManafon 12 дней назад
This is honestly very good. I disabled the bar early on as i saw it as a gimmick, but boy i was wrong, its awesome, we just needed a video like this 😅
@leerob 12 дней назад
Glad you found it helpful!
@realslimsutton8914 12 дней назад
A video guiding about feature flags alongside the vercel toolbar would be great. Perhaps an example with using a 3rd party feature flag provider, and 1st party integration (such as using the edge config, or even the .env file). Could also then give examples on the benefits and drawbacks of each solution. Great video thanks!
@dferber 12 дней назад
I just finished a draft blog post about exactly this! I’d like you read my mind. Keep an eye on Vercel’s blog, this should go out soon
@ryzzlas 12 дней назад
Will the extension be available for Firefox as well?
@gdborton 12 дней назад
Unfortunately some of the features are only possible in Chrome because of the different ways that FF/Safari sandbox, but I wouldn't rule out a version for FF entirely.
@benllshua 12 дней назад
wow, the accessability tool & social media is something I'm gonna use for sure, have you thought adding this stuff as eslint rules or on build warnings? so on build it would scream at me - look at the vercel deployment at that path!
@anubisai 13 дней назад
I'm paranoid about getting a $95k bill, if I'm going to be honest. I'm not trying to be cheeky either. 😢
@MrManafon 12 дней назад
I don’t think that is realistic unless you ignore a lot of emails, disable all monitors and limits, and also badly screw up the app architecture :p
@anubisai 12 дней назад
@@MrManafon yeah blame the customer..... right. ✅️
@leerob 12 дней назад
Have you tried out Spend Management?
@xReDxTuRtLeZx 12 дней назад
while thats a valid feeling, they posted a vid regarding this titled "How to protect your Vercel site from attackers" which came out after that 95k bill situation. with the new measurements in place, their main goal is to make it harder for attackers to take advantage of your site, and they have an understanding side where they dont want to hinder your success because many people dont get a chance to pop off twice. they are understandable people who want to make money from their business, not running the pockets of indie devs who accidently left a large library import that can be abused in rapid requests. AWS is just as easy to accidently have a big bill, but i didn't see stories where they let a 95k bill slide. there is a ridiculous amount of overhead for a dev to worry about in modern web dev even as it simplifies, but these tools help make that list just a bit shorter.
@anubisai 12 дней назад
@xReDxTuRtLeZx I get it. And I know the value that Vercel provides unequivocally. I just think they could be more proactive on the corporate side with COMON SENSE. Like hey, this dudes little website is gonna incur a 95k bill. We can't get ahold of him. Better slowing down or shut it off or something other than letting it rack up. I like Vercel as much as the next developer but the fan boy attitude amongst people is pretty absurd and unfortunate.
@xReDxTuRtLeZx 13 дней назад
its amazing to see how accessible vercel makes being a new web developer, and these guard rails to ensure all of the stuff thats usually dreaded to get around to doesnt just get forgotten. awesome stuff
@robsoft_gt 13 дней назад
Does any body know where does they create this presentations? Which tools do they use? I think it is not power point ...
@brendanwhiting1235 13 дней назад
This library has bugs and does not support all features. You may need to implement tool calls directly with the openai library as I have done.
@lolhp._. 13 дней назад
is there a way to make this without loading a data from an API or something? like whenever the window/tab is loading it shows the loader and when the window/tab is loaded it removes the loading screen. (Again, not by API data or anything)
@ahmedaghadi8281 13 дней назад
What if attack is done via botnet?
@vickonsscope6477 13 дней назад
This is great.. You guys are doing pretty well😊
@andreschou9560 13 дней назад
@RevNelson 14 дней назад
"Try our experimental feature out. Production only." ........
@Dylan-wk6gk 14 дней назад
For anyone wondering about rate limiting, you can do that with their Vercel KV offering and @upstash/ratelimit
@MrManafon 14 дней назад
Amazing stuff! Very welcome. I wish we could test it on staging tho :(
@-WandreW- 14 дней назад
Next step should have AI as co owner of the repository and recommend best practices for my next.js project, so I don't have watch entire announcement lol.