@Dillun34 Месяц назад
I too have had serious problems with my emotions and have suffered great times of depression. Mostly, my depression has been centered around career, marriage, and significance. I too have felt similar feelings about adequacy and feelings of being a failure. Earlier this year, I took a huge step for myself in dealing with these vices. I started to put into practice what I already believe theologically, that God is sovereign over all things and that includes my position in life and circumstances. God has blessed me with a good job, but the possibility of me ever being able to get married is almost none because of where I live. And because of that I am very sad. But, I gave it all to God. I released myself from feeling bad about circumstances that I am not able top control. I do what I am able and let God have my burdens. Olivia, from my perspective, you have so much. You have someone you love and want to marry. I would give anything for that. Do your best to handle in life what is in your control, and release the rest to God for his sovereign hand to work out. It is through releasing those things to him that you can find true joy. I am not there yet, but I am working at it.
@Dillun34 Месяц назад
Good job. I wish there were single Christian women in my life that displayed such a love for God’s word. But such is rare. You are a treasure.
@Dillun34 2 месяца назад
Hey, if I was a new Christian, I would find this to be very convoluted and complicated. There was too much information in this video. If you would have taken out 90% of it and just gave an overview of the life of Jesus and a presentation of the gospel, it would have been much better to accomplish your purpose. In your future videos, select one very narrow topic and give a concise explanation of it.
@Dillun34 2 месяца назад
Hi there. Thank you for your eagerness to study the Bible. Bless you!
@Dillun34 3 месяца назад
Hi, Liv, thanks for the video. You should do more. I will be praying for you that the lord would give you discernment and the ability to understand scripture even more. I would really like to help you on that journey. I love teaching others tips on how to study the Bible and I would love to share with you steps and principles of hermeneutics you may have never heard of. If you would like that, let me know. Bless you!
@deegitau9062 4 месяца назад
Hey Liv, this took alot of courage to make pouring out your heart like that, yes hurt people hurt and we need to see the spirit behind it and not the person, you've been through so much, am glad you encountered Jesus and are now serving him. May your story reach the people who need to hear it and may this channel grow in Jesus name❤ love from the Netherlands!