Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
The CSP is the professional, educational and trade union body for the UK's 65,000 chartered physiotherapists, students and support workers.
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Chris's story - We are the CSP
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Seun's story - We are the CSP
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Why physios are on strike
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Call Out Microaggressions
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@joyrayer6180 7 дней назад
OMG this is exactly what I needed to be given - A Card to refer to! This video is excellent and is resonating throughout my body! My GP misdiagnosed my CES and 2 days later a Paramedic diagnosed it immediately! Thank goodness for his ability to see the problem. After a fall down the stairs, November 2022 and in January 2023 the problems started and nobody in my surgery ever thought to advise me to get an X-ray. Bowel dysfunction, bladder dysfunction and after looking at my medical notes I see Suspected Cancer! Nothing was ever done until the Paramedic diagnosed my condition, in March 2024. The mind boggles!
@livmaria942 19 дней назад
I'm desperate. After kidney cancer surgery, half a year passed and I started to have pain in the urethra, vagina and rectum. At the same time, incredible back pain and became numb from the navel down to and including the feet. As well as pain in both legs and feet, I cannot control my gait and often fall. Was hospitalized urgently but they focused on neuropathy. Scan showed a number of discs that were worn s1 and L5, the roots stand up and touch the spinal nerve. many Modic changes And that showed beginning signs of Spondylodiscitis. I came to the palliative care department for pain management and they spoke to a larger hospital about an emergency operation. It didn't come to anything, but had to be followed up on. There was an incredibly disgusting doctor who kept insisting on neuropathy but a 2 hour examination proved no. This had to come from the back. HAS been referred several times now to 3 hospitals for back surgery, but all reject the referral. But I know from seeing 2 professors holding a seminar who say that scans can't always show a problem, you have to go in and open the ponytail because there can be a lot of other things in the way. Now almost a year has passed and now I have broken T 11 by going up my stairs with a coffee pot in hand. They don't care. and I suddenly started bleeding under the skin on my back which turned purple brown and is still there after 3 months. I scream in pain, I have difficulty urinating. Yes, it is unbearable around the clock. Struggling to see if I can save up to go abroad or hope a private hospital will look at me. But the prices are insane for an early retiree with a low income. Finally, I have started to get knots at the spine and a mega one in the right femur of 25 cm by 2 cm in height. My doctor saw it 4 months ago, it was 2 cm and the doctors keep saying at the hospital that it is not growing. I think they will kill me eventually because I also have one in the arm bend. I require a biopsy as I have had aggressive kidney cancer in risk 4 which says there is a 68% risk that the cancer has spread. I think by now I myself am going insane from this treatment, can't take it anymore. And my doctor doesn't understand what the hospital doctors are up to. I also have to complain to the health care system and the patient complaints board. This could cost me my life. Does anyone know where I can get a biopsy done outside of Denmark. I don't trust the doctors when half a year after I got sick and lost 20 pounds in a few months I went to the urology department as I have had cystic kidney for 30 years. But something was completely wrong in 2022. No, it was peaceful with 4 ultrasounds without contrast, She had been a senior doctor for 40 years and contrast wouldn't make any difference. They didn't want to give it to me as I had an allergic reaction to a pet scan in 2015. Yes, but there was nuclear, this is egg protein and I signed 5 times on my own responsibility that they should give it to me. BOOM I lit up like a blood transfusion Christmas tree. It was not 29 cysts with water. It was a large solid tumor of over 8cm that was on its way out of the kidney. Subsequent biopsy showed aggressive cancer the worst of them. After which the kidney was removed. Hope you can understand my desperation. I am hanging on the edge of giving up in total pain hell. Help someone with some advice please. And I have also lost another 16 pounds so I only weigh about 90 pounds now and am a shadow of my 5'7" height. Thanks if you read this. Kind regards, Liv Maria.😩❤🙏😢
@civiliseddebateyeah 24 дня назад
Video doesn't show the cross at the ankles ...?
@tommac21 3 месяца назад
Why would anyone ask her. Dont you think you should be asking a Dr.
@Rudas2007 3 месяца назад
This is so frightening. Now in 2024 in my experience at least there is a greater awareness of this with medical teams. I had a few weeks of sciatic pain in one leg which ultimately led me to regular physio. CES was mentioned and symptoms discussed from the outset. Fast forward 7 weeks into physio when pain changed and spread to both legs (though zero numbness or incontinence) I was advised by the physio to go immediately to A&E as CES could be a risk. Prompt diagnosis following an MRI and immediate surgery I’m now 4 days out of surgery with next to zero lasting effects. Thank god for the NHS and the informed professionals along every step of the way.
@RAJNOVA784 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the testimony. I had a stroke a couple of years ago and during the early stages I couldn't eat, drink, or transfer to a budget car. I had to be reduced being transferred to a stretcher and to the ER I went. I had to consume food and liquids through a feeding tube. With constant therapy I recovered my ability to eat, drink, and I'm no longer on the feeding tube. I'm more of my strength back with walking and I still have a ways to go. I thank God for the progress and I'm believing for total recovery. I have goals that I want to meet in my life; I want to spread the Gospel through the production of my comic series soon and grow fame from it, I want an interracial family. If God can get me this far, I believe he can take me further.
@LauraLegends 6 месяцев назад
After years of back pain my doctor refused to grant me an MRI. One night my saddle went numb, emergency didn’t think I needed an MRI, I had to buy my own MRI for $1200 the day my bowel and bladder stopped working and I was rushed for two emergency surgeries due to cauda equina. One year post op, still no saddle feeling, no bladder or bowel, misfiring of nerves urging me to go number 2 every 5 minutes and horrid back pain.
@abhinavheya6289 4 месяца назад
Hi laura, i do get those symptoms like yours especially the saddle anaesthesia and the bladder incontinence sometimes which gets healed with medication. I had a traumatic injury in the gym and got an mri done the very next day, they say it's a normal disc bulge and the cauda equina syndrome like symptoms were due to inflammation. my bladder is ok but I still feel nerve pain and difficulty in sitting.... I want to know how you are doing and are your symptoms too bad and reoccurring post op?
@willowhousept 8 месяцев назад
This is a great film, I use these exercises with all my older clients and they are so easy to teach and remember, thanks CSP🎄
@quacker998 8 месяцев назад
Great Story! Thanks for sharing!
@RodneyDubePhysioApprentice 8 месяцев назад
Very collaborative approach indeed! I’d love to get a placement somewhere like this
@joncarolyn 10 месяцев назад
Have acid trips and it will help the nerves reconnect. I have managed to undo about 90% of the damage having a trip every month or so.
@janetrowe186 Год назад
How to clear mine???
@nijin3213 Год назад
Hi, I am an HCPC registered physiotherapist from India. Will I be eligible for Full MCSP membership if I am not currently practicing in UK. I a planning to move to the UK in 4 to I2 months. I don't have any UK qualifications either. Kindly respond
@nijin3213 Год назад
Hi, I am an HCPC registered physiotherapist from India. Will I be eligible for Full MCSP membership if I am not currently practicing in UK. I a planning to move to the UK in 4 to I2 months. I don't have any UK qualifications either. Kindly respond
@nijin3213 Год назад
Hi, I am an HCPC registered physiotherapist from India. Will I be eligible for Full MCSP membership if I am not currently practicing in UK. I a planning to move to the UK in 4 to I2 months. I don't have any UK qualifications either. Kindly respond
@JustLIkerapunzel Год назад
But how many "reps"? I assume just one time 10 second 3-4 times a day won't cut it?!
@lumiao1685 Год назад
How many reps each time we so the exercises?
@deirdrejefferies4181 6 месяцев назад
I just read on NHS website that you should try a set of 5 slow hold squeezes, followed by 5 quick squeezes 4 times a day?
@Cjonassaint Год назад
Super emotional. Nice
@Cjonassaint Год назад
This is an absolutely excellent video. Social cognitive theory!! We do what we see others that look like us doing!
@briangathercole9994 Год назад
I have Osteophites can you tell me which exercises to do
@musicistheworld Год назад
I don’t think this is the best definition of cauda equina syndrome. In my experience, my entire leg became numb and paralyzed. I was still booted out of hospital 😡 When I had an MRI FOUR DAYS LATER they went, oops, it’s serious. My leg has not fully recovered and it’s been nearly a year. Leg paralysis and numbness should absolutely be a concern and anyone who gets booted out of hospital on crutches should just go to a different hospital.
@CalicoEcchymosis Год назад
I’m 46 suffered since I was 15 and telling doctors! Worked till Jan this year and just now diagnosed! Got a 3mm mass in my spine now! Doc accused me years ago of just going wanting pain meds! I left crying and in pain. Never went back! Till this year the pain has gotten so much worse!
@fizioterapevt Год назад
Great stuff. Water is very useful modality in Physiotherapy practice.
@ayoharris2438 Год назад
Saddle numbness should NOT have to be present. When we treat CES like this we increase the chances that it’ll be missed until later which leads to devastating consequences
@ionelamarinau Год назад
I personally think any Physiotherapist as they have to study so much and is a continuous development job the band 5 role should start from 35k and not 27k .
@freestylersuk Год назад
I've been through at least five London nhs hospitals...not one of them even mentioned CES...only when i went private did i get the full story...nhs advice and help after i told them was...if i have serious symptoms i.e wet myself go to A&E...so i have to wait until its too late and live with the discomfort cos the SSRI'S they keep repeatedly trying to give me dont work. When it's an emergency its too late but when a herniated disc is just "touching" its not enough...
@freestylersuk Год назад
They keep telling me it is rare to have CES but as i'm finding out it's probably more common than we are led to believe...
@anonanon257 Год назад
Why is it that almost without exception, PTs are White? PT program cohorts remain v White. But it is also rare to see nonWhite minority groups using PT services. The lack of cultural competency in PT, as if to assume that if Whiteness is a feature of the PT majority, then it must be good for all. This is beyond acceptable in 2023.
@katieglancy4937 Год назад
Great to see this all working so well for patients and clinical teams. 🙂
@patriciadsouza8209 Год назад
Very well explained in short time through illustrations.
@anonanon257 Год назад
Are you all White? Nothing like a stereotype that is embarrasingly true. Boot this fossil out of healthcare and create a new, better, more affordable avenue for those seeking services.
@stuartwalker7168 Год назад
Why not do breathing exercises instead of Repetitions eg breathe for 5seconds. At least your incorporating the Diaphragm during the exercises. In my experience Patients who suffer pelvic floor problems are upper respiratory breathers. Thank you for a brilliant video. Kindest Regards Stuart
@stargalaxy9247 Год назад
Too many graphics...my 93 year old mum needs to be able to go in and understand what is happening!!
@icu71 Год назад
Yes that’s how I was treated and shined by the csp
@nijin3213 Год назад
Hi, I am an HCPC registered physiotherapist from India. Will I be eligible for MCSP membership if I am not practicing in UK. I don't have any UK qualifications either. Kindly respond
@user-bp5ie5dl5t Год назад
I am wondering whether you got any updates? Same is my concern as well.
@nijin3213 Год назад
@@user-bp5ie5dl5t I haven't received any updates yet. Please share if you are able to find any.
@gizellamonoki Год назад
Fantastic to see and hear this! Well done everyone! 😊👏
@helencooper8030 2 года назад
I had CES back in 2012, I had never heard of it before. I had been in pain for many years before hand, thanks to an emergency MRI scan I was rushed in theatre as my disc was starting to pierce my spinal cord. I was 12 years old when I started with a bad back and 32 when I was finally treated.
@evelynkaufman3110 2 года назад
@grettagrids 2 года назад
I have ehlers danlos and. They are. ALWAYS. Momitoring me for. This..esp. with the leg. And low back pain. My veryabrae themselves. Ste. Hypermobile
@aquaticphysio3217 2 года назад
What a fantastic video! Thanks CSP and ATACP and all the amazing UK Aquatic Physios that promote and advocate for their patients to get access to a hydro pool! Go Dom, what brilliant things you can do in the pool 🤩
@judithvandijkhuizen8331 2 года назад
Great! But what pdf?
@mariacooker1792 2 года назад
I improved excellently from my sickle cell crisis with assistance of herbal medicine from Solution Healing Home RU-vid channel ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1RqEM0-yuuw.html
@jayabhupendra8130 2 года назад
Is this Arnold press
@mr.nerdrage7568 2 года назад
This is good 👍 will be sharing
@darrylmcneill6729 2 года назад
I got emergency