Джокер Майерс
Джокер Майерс
Джокер Майерс
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Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge p.2
7 часов назад
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge p.1
14 часов назад
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Ninja Race
Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 16 часов назад
Лэйфан ♥♥♥♥♥ Тем не менее, я все еще не очень люблю Дженна Ли, но все равно я его увижу. Ну, надеюсь на лучшее для тебя, чувак! 😺 Я постараюсь посмотреть здесь как можно больше, так как я должен был сделать что-то на сегодня после вчерашнего просмотра видео Nintendo Direct, которое мотивирует меня сделать то, на что я был вдохновлен в ближайшее время. Вы это как-то видели? "0:12" О, я вижу, вы прошли уровень сложности "Чемпион" для битвы в тегах. Аккуратно, кто был вашей командой для этой сложности? "0:18 ~ 1:00" Лэйфан... Мне все равно, что она здесь носит... Она всегда хорошо смотрится во всем... ♥♥♥♥♥ "0:18" Ее оранжево-красное платье всегда сидит ей больше всего. 🧡🧡🧡 "0:20" Хм, наверное, ее небрежная внешность. "0:22" Даже ее синий наряд по-прежнему лучше всего смотрится на ней. 💙💙💙 «0:24» Почти как Хитоми, когда она отправляется в приключения в джунглях, как это было показано в основной истории. "0:26" Даже зеленый цвет делает ее здесь такой элегантной. 💚💚💚 "0:27" Хм, какой странный наряд для нее... Хотя я знаю, что это из-за ее циркового выступления в основной истории. "0:29" Я видел это платье много раз во всех четырех играх DOA, даже в DOA6 тоже. Но она все равно выглядит в нем красиво... 🖤🖤🖤 "0:30" Это может быть ее внешность в DOA3, так как я помню, что видел это в ее концовке в той игре. "0:33" Не уверен, наверное, другая повседневная одежда, я думаю. Тем не менее, она может носить его, когда иногда выходит на пляж. 🏖 "0:36" Хм, еще один странный, хотя... Не знаю, для чего это... "0:38" Толстовка с логотипом панды. Наверное, для ежедневных тренировок или для выхода в свет. «0:41» Мне очень нравится официантка в немецком пабе, как и Хитоми. ♥ "0:43, 0:45" хм, мне нечего сказать за этих... 😲 «0:48» Я помню, что видел эту сцену в DOA1, когда она идет в ночной клуб, как в первой сцене. ♥ "0:51" Купальник в горошек?? То, что не так часто увидишь... «0:55» Я всегда копаю эти наряды чирлидерш для каждой из моих лучших дам DOA. ♥ "0:57" Похоже, что она могла бы пойти поиграть в гольф или теннис. Я мог бы сделать это в ближайшее время. "0:58" Её костюм на Хэллоуин в образе Цзянши, китайского зомби. Однако Сянь-Ко в Darkstalkers - Цзянши. «1:05» Мне всегда нравилось, что волосы распущены. Это делает ее такой милой и красивой одновременно. ♥♥♥ "1:18" Теперь посмотрим, что получил сам этот парень-дракон. Я уверен, что не так уж и много, так как у мужских персонажей, за исключением Хаябусы, к удивлению, будет не так много костюмов, которые можно использовать. "1:20" Выглядит так же, как и Костюм 01, за исключением другого цвета его штанов. "1:22" Просто простая белая рубашка, вероятно, для обычных случайных дней, если только он не ввязывается в драку каким-то образом... «1:22» Там он похож на священника-монаха. "1:24" Я предполагаю, что это знаменитый костюм дракона, который когда-то носил и который был вдохновлен самим Брюсом Ли? 🐉 «1:26» Либо он похож на китайского гангстера, либо на секретного агента под прикрытием. "1:27" Хм, похоже на майку Кадзуи в Tekken 1. "1:29" Наверное, его школьная форма? Я помню и Японию, и Китай, большинство студентов мужского пола иногда носят черные комбинезоны. Иногда это просто белая рубашка и черные или синие брюки. Persona 4 делится хорошими примерами на униформе, не могу вспомнить много для Persona 5. "1:33" Так вот, ЭТО то, что вы называете костюмом дракона, буквально... Возможно, это его внешность на Хэллоуин. "1:34" Он почти похож на Акиру из Virtua Fighter, так как он в любом случае здесь в качестве гостя. "1:44" Я вижу, что ты почти собирался создать образ жесткого гангстера, но вместо этого выбрал футболку с болью. Ну что ж, это ваш выбор. 😺 (комментарии к битве будут в отдельной части, так как я как-то слишком много здесь поместил... 😹 Кроме того, пришлось разделить их обоих, так как он слишком полон, чтобы опубликовать его вместе...)
@CrimsonJak92 16 часов назад
Leifang ♥♥♥♥♥ Yet, I'm still not much for Jann Lee, but yet I'll still see it anyway though. Welp, hope for the best for ya there, man! 😺 I'll try to watch as much as possible here, since I were supposed to do something for today after watching that Nintendo Direct video yesterday, which motivates me to do something I were inspired to do soon. Have you seen it somehow? "0:12" Oh, I see you've cleared the Champ difficulty for tag battle. Neat, who were your tag team for that difficulty? "0:18 ~ 1:00" Leifang... I don't care what she wears here... She's always looks good in anything... ♥♥♥♥♥ "0:18" Her orange red dress always fits her the most. 🧡🧡🧡 "0:20" Huh, probably her casual looks. "0:22" Even her blue outfit is still looks best on her as well. 💙💙💙 "0:24" Almost like Hitomi when she out on an adventures into the jungle, as did shown in the main story. "0:26" Even green makes her looks so elegant here. 💚💚💚 "0:27" Hm, what a strange looking outfit for her... I do knows its for her circus performance in the main story though. "0:29" I do seen that dress many times across all four DOA games, even also in DOA6 too. She still looks beautiful in it though... 🖤🖤🖤 "0:30" That one might be her DOA3 looks, since I do remember seeing that in her ending for that game. "0:33" Not sure, probably another casual clothing I guess. Yet, she could wears this when she's out on a beach sometimes. 🏖 "0:36" Hmm, another strange one though... Not sure what's this for... "0:38" An hoodie with an panda logo on it. Probably for her daily training or for going out. "0:41" This one I really likes, an waitress at an German pub, like Hitomi does too. ♥ "0:43, 0:45" Umm, I have nothing to say here for those... 😲 "0:48" That one I do remember seeing in DOA1, as she does goes into an night club as in the opening scene. ♥ "0:51" An polka dot swimsuit?? Something you don't see that often... "0:55" I always digs those cheerleader outfits for each of my best DOA ladies here. ♥ "0:57" This one looks like she could use to go out for either golfing or tennis. I could make it happens something soon. "0:58" Her Halloween costume as a Jiangshi, an chinese zombie. Hsien-Ko in Darkstalkers is an Jiangshi though. "1:00" 'm, uh, a little thoughtless about this costume. "1:05" I've always her like her hair down more mostly. Its makes her looks so cuter and beautiful at the same time. ♥♥♥ "1:18" Now let's see what this dragon guy himself got. I'm sure not much since male characters, except for Hayabusa here surprisedly, won't have much costumes to use. "1:20" Look the same as Costume 01, except for the different color of his pants. "1:22" Just a plain white shirt, probably for normal occasional days, unless when he get into fights somehow... "1:22" He looks like an priest monk there. "1:24" I'm guessing the famous dragon suit, that once wore and inspired by Bruce Lee himself? 🐉 "1:26" Either as he's like an chinese mobster or an secret undercover agent. "1:27" Hm, look sorta like Kazuya's tank top in Tekken 1. "1:29" Probably his school uniform, maybe? I remember both Japan and China, most male students sometimes wears black overalls. Sometimes its just white shirt and black or blue pants. Persona 4 shares a good examples on the uniforms, can't remember much for Persona 5. "1:33" Now THIS is what you've called an dragon suit, literally... Might be his Halloween looks. "1:34" This one almost look like Akira from Virtua Fighter, since he is in here as guest anyway. "1:44" I see you were almost going for the tough mobster look, yet you choice the pain shirt instead. Oh well, its your call here. 😺 (the battle comments will be in separate part, since I've put too much here somehow... 😹 Also, had to separate both of them aparts since its too full to post it together...)
@ДжокерМайерс 15 часов назад
Yes, I understand that Jann Lee as a character is not interesting to you, I only played him because Leifang was pursuing him, well.. you can just see that. There was such inspiration to make a video, I was earlier when I watched the film Game of Death with Bruce Lee, one might say that such inspiration pushed me. I don’t know much about Nintendo Direct, I’ve only heard a little about the characters on the social network. Enjoy watching🙂 0:12 On the Champion difficulty level, I was there with Kasumi and Momiji, and Rachel and Ayane. I tried to train them there when. 0:18, 1:00 Oh, even so. it's funny 😊 0:18 Looks like it goes together for a bright day😌 0:20 Well, maybe an outfit for a home environment🤷‍♂ 0:22 Almost like the color style Chun-Li wears "or so it seems to me" 0:24 As if they wanted to find more exciting adventures, one might say😁 0:26 You can say she took this coloring for St. Patrick's Day🍀 0:27 It looks like this is the only outfit the developers could come up with for her for the circus. 0:29 I agree with you 100%, I’ll have to take this outfit to try out in some mode if I play as her🙂 0:30 Ah, that’s how it is, I’ll keep it in mind. 0:33 Looks like it. 0:36 I don’t even know what kind of outfit this is, even when the enemy had such a skin I haven’t come across yet. 0:38 She seems to like training in this outfit😌 0:41 She looks really good👍 0:43, 0:45 It’s as if they added such outfits for lovers, some white, some black🤷‍♂ 0:48 Wow👀 0:51 Well, I don’t even know what to say here🤷‍♂ 0:55 Somehow they even look really good, it’s a pity that I don’t have other skins for her, how come they decided to add this one to her, it’s no longer like DLC 😔 0:57 You're right👍 0:58 Ah, so that’s what the outfit was called, to be honest, I didn’t know that she had a Halloween skin😮 1:05 I'll keep in mind, I just remembered that when you took the lovely Kasumi, you made her hair free😌 1:18 It’s a pity that mine is not like yours, that even if you didn’t buy DLC skins, it shows you, but mine doesn’t show everything at all, I apologize if not all skins are shown there. But I liked a couple of his skins. 1:20 It looks like they added this, if you take skin 1, you may appear as an enemy with a suit with a different coloring. 1:22 I liked his outfit, it looked like he went to the bar to refuel after work😁 1:22 If my memory serves me correctly, then in the film Tower of Death where Bruce Lee also starred, “though the actor died when they filmed the film Game of Death 1978 with him,” but it looks like his understudy played there, where he wore similar clothes. 1:24 You're right, Bruce Lee wore this outfit in the movie Game of Death when he went to deal with the villains, even Law in Tekken 7 has the same outfit. 1:26 You're right, I also liked this skin on him🙂 1:27 Damn, you're right, I haven't noticed something like this before😳 1:29 Honestly, I don’t know myself, at first for some reason it seemed to me that the outfit was similar to that worn by Bruce Lee from the film Tower of Death 1981, but the only thing is that the understudy would be played not by Lee himself but by Kim Tai Chung. 1:33 It’s like he’s here as a mascot for some event, and his costume really makes me laugh😄. I think so, this is his Halloween outfit. 1:34 As if he decided to dress up so that he would be confused with the real Akira. 1:44 It was difficult to choose which outfit to wear for Mr. Lee. But he still had to wear his business attire. Yes, everything is fine, I hope you like it closer to the end, when I saw it for the first time I almost died of laughter, they actually made such an Easter egg on DOA 4, it almost amused me to tears🥲
@CrimsonJak92 День назад
Момидзи возвращается еще раз!! ♥♥♥ Итак, здесь мы получим двух прошлых боссов из прошлого NGS2, Волка и Марбуса, верно? Так что пожелаю вам всего наилучшего с Момидзи на всякий случай! «0:00» О, значит, она будет сражаться с этими двумя, но тоже в черном. Здесь должно быть так интересно посмотреть. "0:09" Итак, я вижу, что вы начали против того Волка, что было раньше. "0:40" О нет, здесь это выглядит не очень хорошо... Тем не менее, разве у вас не было улучшений Момидзи намного раньше?? Или вы как-то решили снова начать все сначала на вершину?? "1:58" Уф, рад, что ты едва добрался до низшей жизни... "2:11" Это было достаточно просто, только только эта битва с боссом в одиночку? "2:26" На этот раз мы сталкиваемся с группой врагов. С этими ребятами можно разобраться достаточно просто. "3:32" О, такая жестокость, но в то же время красиво исходящая от Момидзи... ♥ "4:55" 29 хитов комбо, приятно! "5:19" Итак, теперь мы встречаемся с демонами, на этот раз во 2-м раунде. В любом случае, это все еще маленькая картошка фри. "7:06" Nice, 53 хита и мощный завершающий удар одновременно. «7:15» И вот наконец-то появился большой Марбус, и он тоже привел с собой подкрепления. Это будет непросто, но я знаю, что ты справишься с этим достаточно хорошо. "8:09" Боже, у тебя все еще есть еще несколько резервных копий, и ты все еще сражаешься с ним в то же время... "9:34" Отлично, наконец-то ты уже понял! Я понимаю, почему ты хочешь сказать, что с ним трудно сразиться в роли Момидзи... Если бы Рэйчел все еще была здесь, вы могли бы сделать то же самое, что и в NGS2. "9:52" Хм, пока неплохие результаты. Momiji returns once more!! ♥♥♥ So here we'll be getting two past bosses from the last NGS2, Wolf and Marbus right? So then, wished ya the best with Momiji here in case! "0:00" Ooh, so she'll be fighting those two each, yet also in black too. This is gotta be so much interesting to see here. "0:09" So I see you've started off against that Wolf from before. "0:40" Oh no, this doesn't looks so good here... Yet, didn't you've have Momiji upgraded much more before?? or did you somehow decided to started over to the top again?? "1:58" Whew, glad you've made it barely on low life right there... "2:11" That was simple enough, just only this boss fight alone? "2:26" Now we're facing against an group of enemies this time. These guys can be dealt with simple enough. "3:32" Ooh, such brutality, yet in an beautiful way coming from Momiji... ♥ "4:55" 29 hits combo, nice! "5:19" So now we're facing the demon fiends this time for the 2nd round. These are still little small fries anyway. "7:06" Nice, both an 53 hits and an powerful finisher at a same time. "7:15" So now the big one Marbus finally showed up, and he brought backups too. This is going to be a tough one, yet I know you'll manage it well enough. "8:09" Goodness, still keep having some more backups and you're still fighting him at the same time... "9:34" Neat, you've finally got 'im already! I can see why you means he's difficult to face as Momiji here... If Rachel were still here, you could had made it the same way as how you did in NGS2. "9:52" Hm, pretty good results so far.
@ДжокерМайерс День назад
@CrimsonJak92 I decided to take a short break from the plot of NG 3 for now, then I decided to try to go through the Ninja Trials mode again. You named the bosses correctly 😊👍 Enjoy your viewing. 0:00 I was thinking about what kind of picture to make where she would be, and the bosses and the Wolf, and with the Wolf I didn’t know what frame to put, and decided to take a frame from NGS 2, but I was amused by this moment with Marbus, and decided to put it, + there Momiji has just another skin🙂 0:09 Yes, I decided to put the first battle with the Wolf in the montage, I want to add that when I previously took the test for Kasumi against the Wolf, for her it was somehow easier for me, for Momiji I was defeated once, and I had to cut out this moment “I didn’t know how much weight the video had when recording” 0:40 I agree with you, I had to think about what is the best way to catch for an attack. As far as I can think, here in the Ninja Trials section, Momiji and other characters seem to be missing something, as I even noticed out of sporting interest that in this mode Ryu does not have his more powerful dragon ninpa, It seems that leveling up here is only for the plot and is given in chapter mode🙁 1:58 I had a suspicion that boss Wolf would somehow manage to catch him, thank God I was able to defeat him😌 2:11 Well, I was due to the fact that I had little health earlier. The Wolf defeated me once, I didn’t know how much memory I had, and I decided to trim the defeat and show the battle with him, I apologize😔 2:26 Here I learned a lesson, the main thing here is not to let your guard down and look more carefully, otherwise they sometimes seem to come out of nowhere😳 3:32 I agree with this, teacher Hayabusa taught her well how to defend herself😊 4:55 Thank you 😊Sometimes I’m surprised how I manage to score a big combo, sometimes it seems that it’s easier for me to combo in NGS 2. 5:19 Cool humor you said about French fries😁👍 And so with these opponents I had to try pretty hard to survive. 7:06 Thank you very much😊, if you could get Bloody Rage from killing more often, it would even make it easier to eliminate opponents. 7:15 Here I can even confidently say that he is very different from NGS 2, since he also makes a dash as shown in the frame “7:29” Since he didn’t do this in NGS 2, although maybe in NG Blac\ Sigma 1 he did this attack🙆‍♂ Well, and then there’s the fact that when you kill his assistants, like in NGS 2, you don’t get health from them. But even if you try hard enough, you can only get Bloody Rage, the main thing is not to miss with it. 8:09 You're right, he's kind of too crazy in speed here😳😦 9:34 Well, look at what the problem could be, here he is fast in speed, even in NGS 2 he was not that fast, even when he made such an attack “8:54” what opens his wings after He will do his twist closed, but in NGS 2 he did not do this, and sometimes I was confused, I thought that he would do this attack right now so that I could use the slide and attack him, Here I had to work quite a bit for Kasumi, because demons sometimes run like a train carriage behind you, trying to get preferably behind one or the other side or behind him so that it’s better to prescribe blows to Marbus. As you can see here, Rachel was replaced by Kasumi, otherwise I think her branded machine gun would have done its job well. Even now I wonder what happened to her after part 2, it’s still interesting. 9:52 I tried to survive and did everything in my power, thank you very much😊
@CrimsonJak92 2 дня назад
Итак, я вернулся, так что давайте, наконец, продолжим! Извините, я собирался увидеть его раньше, но я помогал по дому все это раннее полуденное время, и мне пришлось отключиться от компьютера к полудню, так как в это время стало так жарко, что я мог оставаться включенным... (Я ненавижу летнюю жару здесь, особенно во время муссонов позже, во 2-й половине раньше... 🥵) «1:26» То есть Мила - твоя первая соперница, да? «1:29» Для этого наряда она бы сказала примерно следующее; «Начало миссии...» "2:02" По крайней мере, у вас там осталась половина жизни. Хороший! "2:30" Отличная работа, мало что улучшилось по сравнению с прошлым раундом. "2:36" "Цель нейтрализована, миссия продолжается..." «2:39» Итак, Сара Брайант из VF следующая. Удачи ей там. "3:03" Примерно здесь, когда вы выполняли этот бросок вперед, когда вы видите сообщение "комбо-бросок" с левой стороны вашей стороны, нажмите кнопку броска (кнопка A) еще раз, чтобы выполнить дополнительную бросковую атаку. "3:57" Black Santa Bass - ваш следующий противник. "4:32" Похоже, вы вызвали статуи Будды из NGS2. Если вы смогли выполнить там Мощный удар, попробуйте нацелиться на эту статую, чтобы получить особый эффект уровня. 😺 "4:53" Отлично, идеальная победа! 👏 "5:08" Райдо уже 4-й по счету. "Цель обнаружена, начинается уничтожение цели!" 😾 "5:32" Отлично, ты уже должен был получить достижение за это, верно? "5:35" Черт возьми, я не видел такого раньше, когда исходил от Аянэ. 🙀 "5:40" Вау, еще один идеал! 👏 "6:03" Блин, дуд, два раза подряд! Отлично! 👏 До сих пор ты хорошо справляешься с ролью Аянэ, мне все еще нужно немного попрактиковаться в роли Касуми, которая по-прежнему является моей основной в этой серии DOA. "6:34" Чувак, это там отвратительное падение... "7:05" Хм, я заметил, что там было небольшое замедление. Но, по крайней мере, ваш игровой процесс достаточно хорош, чтобы продолжать играть. "7:12" Ничего себе, четыре раза уже?? Чувак, ты действительно отлично справляешься, потому что Аянэ могла быть твоей главной в этой игре. 👏 Но на какой сложности вы играете в это? «7:25» О боже, а вот и Джеки Брайант... Пожелал вам всего наилучшего. "8:41" Драц, как и я, боялся того, что будет... И он, и Сара могут быть достаточно жесткими как здесь, так и в VF5. "9:01" Хороший момент для противодействия ему. "9:27" Уф, это близко... Красиво сделано. "9:40" Мне все еще нужно сделать и Брэда, и Ла Марипосу (Лизу) для DOA4 иногда в ближайшее время. "10:05, 10:11" Черт возьми, это похоже на быстрый розыгрыш Power Blow с каждой стороны. 🙀 Тем не менее, вам удалось победить ее достаточно быстро, чтобы добиться успеха. "10:05, 10:11" Черт возьми, это похоже на быстрый розыгрыш Power Blow с каждой стороны. 🙀 Тем не менее, вам удалось победить ее достаточно быстро, чтобы добиться успеха. "10:59" Мастер сам устраивает сцену, чтобы проверить силу Аянэ! Но и это последний раунд! «12:04» Чувак, он тебя дотащил... 😿 "12:47" О нет, он тебя там избил... Он должен быть жестким в этой сложности... "14:08" Наконец-то отомстите ему! 🐱 "14:25" Хм, неплохо для 9-го места, по крайней мере, вы сделали здесь достаточно капюшона. Okay, I'm back, so now let's get on with it finally! Sorry, I were going to see more of it earlier, but I've been helping out around the house all early this noontime and had to get off the PC by midday as its gotten so hot around those time to stays on... (I hate the summer heat here, especially worse during the monsoon later by the 2nd half sooner... 🥵) "1:26" So Mila is your first opponent here, yea? "1:29" For this outfit, she would say this much like; "commencing mission..." "2:02" At least you still got half of life left there. Nice! "2:30" Great job, much little improving from last round. "2:36" "Target neutralized, continuing mission..." "2:39" So Sarah Bryant from VF is up next. Good luck with her there. "3:03" Around here while you were performing that forward throw move, when you see that "combo throw" message on the left side of your side, press the throw button (A button) again for an additional throw attack. "3:57" Black Santa Bass is your next opponent now. "4:32" Seems like you've summoned the buddha statues from NGS2 here. If you were able to pull an Power Blow move there, try aiming it for that statue for an special stage effect. 😺 "4:53" Great, an perfect win for the taking! 👏 "5:08" Raidou is your 4th one now. "Target spotted, begins target elimination now!" 😾 "5:32" Nice, you should had gotten an achievement for doing that already by now, right? "5:35" Dang, I haven't seen this before coming from Ayane. 🙀 "5:40" Wow, another perfect! 👏 "6:03" Damn, dood, twice in a row! Excellent! 👏 You're doing good as Ayane so far, I still need some practicing as her as Kasumi still my main for this DOA series. "6:34" Man, that's a nasty fall there... "7:05" Hmm, I noticed there been some minor slowdown there. But at least your gameplay running good enough to keep on going though mostly. "7:12" Wow, four times already?? Man, you really doing great as Ayane could had been your main so far for this game. 👏 What difficulty are playing this on though? "7:25" Oh boy, here comes Jacky Bryant here... Wished ya the best there. "8:41" Drats, just as I do feared what'll happened... Both him and Sarah can be tough enough both here and in VF5. "9:01" Nice timing on countering it there. "9:27" Whew, that's a close call there... Nicely done. "9:40" I still need to do both Brad and La Mariposa (Lisa) for DOA4 sometimes soon. "10:05, 10:11" Damn, its like a quick draw of Power Blow on each sides. 🙀 Yet, you've managed to beat her quick enough to get it right there. "10:59" The master himself make a scene to test Ayane's strength! Yet, this is the last round too! "12:04" Man, he got you there... 😿 "12:47" Oh no, he got you beaten there... He gotta be tough on this difficulty... "14:08" Finally have your revenge on him! 🐱 "14:25" Hm, not bad for 9th, at least you've done hood enough here.
@ДжокерМайерс 2 дня назад
It's okay, I can understand your situation. If there was too much workload for me in my part-time job, it wouldn’t be so easy either. So it's okay. For us, yesterday, namely 06/17/2024, it was not so hot, the weather seemed to be gray, as if it was supposed to rain, but instead of this there was only a gray look on the street, there wasn’t even sun. 1:26 Well, they gave me a good opponent to warm up, because if Naotora had been there, I would have had to sweat, because I personally found her to be a rather difficult opponent in battle. 1:29 Good quote👍 2:02 It’s probably that while the first enemy will not be so difficult in the battle, then closer to the middle it will definitely not be easy. 2:30 Thank you very much, I tried my best😊 2:36 Great quote😊👏 2:39 Now we’ll find out what she will be capable of in battle. 3:03 Thank you very much😊, sometimes I forget which one I need to press to make an additional attack. 3:57 As if Ayane decided to tell her how she behaved this year😁 4:32 You're right😊. Yes, sometimes you need to skillfully catch when the enemy is not so far away. It's a pity that I don't always manage to catch it. 4:53 I tried not to give him a chance, I’m surprised that I managed to beat him to a clear victory😱 5:08 A good chance to avenge her mother and her older sister. “I’ll be honest, I had two losses there, and I didn’t know how long the video would last, I cut out the loss with Raido” 5:32 But regarding the trophies, it’s kind of strange for me, for some reason Steam doesn’t display them “I don’t even know what the reason could be”☹ 5:35 Then after she pushed him from a height, I pressed B, or if it were a joystick from PS, then there he is responsible for O. And it looks great😯 5:40 I must admit I was quite surprised by this😳, I tried not to give him a chance to get up. 6:03 Well, it’s most likely a pure coincidence that Raiodu managed to win for me after the third attempt, since earlier he had defeated me about two times. Previously, I tried to practice for her again because it was difficult for me to play for Ayane and Momiji in DOA 5, it’s a pity of course that for other characters I felt that it was not as difficult to play as for them two💜❤ 6:34 I agree with you, the main thing is to seize the moment and be extremely careful. 7:05 It happened to me that the FPS gave out somewhere around 45-40 frames per second “I don’t even know why this is so” Although in NG 3 RE when the cutscene appears, sometimes it gives out 35 frames per second, and already when the game itself where you play everything is there 60 frames are dropped. 7:12 I was there trying to catch him so that I could throw him off. And the difficulty level was Normal. 7:25 Thank you very much🙂, Jackie’s opponent is also the type that can defeat me. Sometimes he often caught me counterattacking😔 8:41 As an opponent I found him difficult🙁 9:01 I did everything possible to dodge his attacks. 9:27 Here I was worried that he was about to get caught, phew.. it’s good that he didn’t have time to trip him😳 Thanks 🙂 9:40 I hope that the difficulties with these characters in the gameplay of DOA 4 will not be difficult. 10:05, 10:11 Sometimes it’s not always possible to guess the right moment to do this on the enemy. Looks like pure luck here🤷‍♂🙂 10:59 It’s as if Master Ryu decided to arrange training in a cold location for Ayane😯I have to admit, I didn’t expect Hayabusa to be the last opponent😳 12:04 Sometimes it’s not possible to guess the right approach, and this is how the game decided to punish me😔 one wrong blow and it feels like you get hit yourself several times. 12:47 It’s my fault that I was in a hurry and wasn’t attentive🙁 14:08 I hope Ryu doesn’t get too cold there. Although I suspect if Hayate had been there, he would also have caused similar resistance. 14:25 Probably due to the fact that Raidou lost about two times in fights, just as Hayabusa lost one fight, they decided to send him to 9th place.
@CrimsonJak92 2 дня назад
Итак, Аянэ будет следующей в сегодняшнем игровом процессе DOA5 в Steam? Ладно, возможно, она не самая лучшая для меня в этой серии игр, но я все равно увижу ее, может быть, она будет полезна вам там, чем мне, так как я предпочитаю Касуми и Момидзи больше всего. «0:00» Я уже много раз видел этот наряд в вашем игровом процессе NGS2 и NG3 RE. "0:11" Похоже, что вы немного улучшились, так как вы прошли высокий уровень сложности. Так держать, у вас получилось! 👏 "0:16 ~ " Я уверен, что даже у Аянэ здесь тоже много разновидностей костюмов, как и у Касуми. " 0:18, 0:20" Обычно видела этих двоих в качестве своих основных нарядов в каждой игре DOA. "0:23" Выглядит так, как будто она когда-то была гражданским лицом, или, возможно, когда миссии были завершены. "0:25" Белый цвет того же, что и раньше. Но, честно говоря, она выглядит в нем хорошо. "0:27" Опять еще один белый цвет того же самого. "0:29" Еще один тренировочный манекен, я думаю, но Касуми всегда выбирают чаще всего. "0:31" Наверное, используется для специального военного стелса, может быть? "0:33" Это также можно увидеть в вашем игровом процессе NG2 и 3, но на этот раз капот снят. "0:35" Хм, я не знаю, что сказать по этому поводу... "0:40" Я знаю, что видел это раньше в прошлых играх DOA. "0:42" Я полагаю, что это заставляет ее чувствовать себя так, как будто она из сельской местности. "0:46" Хм, здесь камуфляжный купальник? "0:55" Мне кажется, что я видел это где-то еще раньше... Хотя, возможно, он был использован для этой игры. «0:57» Собственный костюм Аянэ из Dynasty Warriors в роли Вана. "1:02" Хм, это тоже неплохо. Немного стиля стимпанк, как и Хитоми тоже. "1:19" Хм, хороший выбор. Так что удачи на всякий случай! 👍 (На всякий случай я помещаю комментарии к битве в следующий, так как уверен, что это может занять много времени.) So Ayane is up next here for today's gameplay of DOA5 on Steam? Welp, she may not be my best one for this game series so far, but I'll still see it anyway, maybe she'll might be useful for you there than me, since I rather sticks with Kasumi and Momiji the most. "0:00" I seen that outfit before many times in your NGS2 & NG3 RE gameplay each. "0:11" Seems like you're improving a little further there as you did cleared hard difficulty too. Keep it up, you got it! 👏 "0:16 ~ 1:02" I'm sure even Ayane has many varieties of costumes here too as like Kasumi. "0:18, 0:20" Usually seen these two as her main outfits in each DOA games. "0:23" Look kinda like as she were an civilian once before, or probably when the missions were done for now. "0:25" White colored of the same thing from before. Yet honestly, she does look good in it though. "0:27" Again, another white colored of the same one too. "0:29" Another training dummy I guess, yet Kasumi is always picked the most. "0:31" Probably used for special military stealth, maybe? "0:33" That's one also seen in your NG2&3 gameplay as well, yet the hood is off this time. "0:35" Hmm, I don't kno what to say about this though... "0:40" I know I do seen this before in past DOA games too. "0:42" This one makes her feel like she's from the countryside, I suppose. "0:46" Huh, an camo swimsuit here? "0:55" I feel like I seen this one somewhere else before... Yet maybe its probably were used for this game though. "0:57" Ayane's own Dynasty Warriors crossover costume as Wang. "1:02" Hmm, this one not bad either. A little steampunk style, as like Hitomi too. "1:19" Hmm, good choice. So good luck in case! 👍 (I'm putting the battle comments in the next one in case since I'm sure it'll may take a long one than this.)
@ДжокерМайерс 2 дня назад
@CrimsonJak92 Yes, I decided that since the level in NG 3 RE there after level 2 there should be a level for Ayane, then I decided that it was better to film her in DOA 5 🙂 0:00 Ayane only had this outfit in NG 3, in NG S 2 it’s a pity there wasn’t such a skin, it was difficult for me to choose which outfit to go through the arcade with, because there are so many interesting things and it’s harder to choose. 0:11 And I took the Hard difficulty level there as I was training for Hayabusa and Kasumi, I had to sweat a lot there, Thank you very much😌 0:16 Oh yeah🤩💜💙 It’s a pity, of course, that I don’t have some of the skins for both sisters, since I still haven’t been able to find the DLС on the Internet, but there are some very beautiful outfits they have there. 0:18 By the way, regarding this skin, in NG 3 RE if you go through the diamond skulls, you can open such a skin on Ayane, unfortunately I was only able to pass 3 skulls on three levels, since at level 4 there will be a boss Alma straight from NG Blac\Sigma 1, I haven’t figured out how to fight against it yet. 0:20 You can call it a classic outfit🙂 0:23 She even looks cute with this outfit🤩And so in the main story she will be in this outfit when Zack was looking for Hayate and in the helicopter she was in this outfit, although I was amused by how Zack tried to persuade Ryu to get into his helicopter to take him to Helena😁 0:25 There’s something about this😌 0:27 But here we don’t have a jacket with a zipper, apparently it’s not too hot. 0:29 What’s interesting is that I noticed in my version that when I tried to take these lessons, for some reason Kasumi was already ready there in this outfit “there wasn’t even a choice of who to beat up”😳 0:31 I think so, since green camouflage is just right for a tropical jungle😊 0:33 You're right, but in order to get this skin in NG 3 RE you need to collect 50 golden scarabs in the story, and they will immediately open the skin for Ayane and Ryu🙂 0:35 The jacket looks very good, but the suit itself seemed controversial to be honest, “I don’t even know why”🤷‍♂ 0:40 This outfit looks good on her😌 0:42 You're right, there's something about this outfit. As if she moved to live where there is a farm🙂 0:46 You're right, as if for more eliminations, if there are a lot of soldiers, then at first I think that they would be surprised to see her in such an outfit😯 0:55 Oh how, this is even interesting. 0:57 This outfit looks so good on her, just like, for example, Momiji’s Inna costume🤩 1:02 At first I thought that this was a skin from the Attack on Titan cartoon franchise “I don’t know why” even in the game they added DBD outfits from this cartoon. It seemed that the design came from there. 1:19 Thank you very much, it’s sad, of course, that there are no skins for her, not for her sister, and even Momiji and Rachel that I liked, and they were only included in the DLС , I will try again to look for these DLS files for the game, because I want to have them in my collection, it’s sad that I couldn’t even find the key for the DLС, there was only one, and that’s for the Xbox version and not for Steam😔 )Yes, of course, you can watch it whenever it’s convenient for you. In the meantime, I'll do the editing. I just filmed the Ninja Trial for Momiji, I just filmed it, as they say, it’s just a matter of little things.(
@CrimsonJak92 2 дня назад
​@@ДжокерМайерс Отлично, я буду с нетерпением ждать этого в ближайшее время, как только у меня появится свободное время, а иногда и перерывы. В последнее время у меня не было возможности сделать еще один геймплей DOA4, 5 или 6 или даже Rumble Roses, так как я был сосредоточен на создании MK1 Invasions и был в настроении для Metal Gear из-за нового трейлера MGS3 Remake с прошлых выходных. Я все еще надеюсь найти новый контроллер для PS4 в ближайшее время, чтобы я мог продолжить прохождение Megaman Battle Network 4 и, возможно, вернуться, а также работать над некоторыми другими определенными играми, такими как DOA5 и 6 и, возможно, Injustice & MKX/11 в ближайшее время, если это возможно, так как я иногда не переусердствую. "0:00" А, понятно. "0:11" Надеюсь, я попробую посмотреть его в следующий раз в ближайшее время. Я все еще пытаюсь поймать каждое из ваших видео по одному, хотя это зависит от моей доступности. "0:16" Я тоже могу это понять, так как я слишком поздно получил некоторые костюмы, так как они были сняты по истечении срока действия лицензий, то же самое касается и Аянэ в Сенран Кагура... "0:31" Могла бы быть полезна, если бы она была в MGS3, так как это огромные джунгли. «0:33» Вау, похоже, потребовалось много тяжелой работы, чтобы получить все 50 из них, да. "0:42" Возможно, как и Хаябуса и Касуми, она пытается обрести покой после всех своих тяжелых сражений. "0:57" Надеюсь, я смогу получить его для Момидзи в ближайшее время. Neat, I'll be looking forward for it soon, as soon as I can have any free time or breaks sometimes soon. I haven't been able to do another DOA4,5, or 6 gameplay or even Rumble Roses lately as I've been both focusing on doing MK1 Invasions and been in like an mood for Metal Gear cuz of the new MGS3 Remake trailer since last weekends. I'm still hoping to find a new PS4 controller soon, so I can continues both my Megaman Battle Network 4 playthroughs and probably maybe getting back and also works on some few other certain games, like DOA5&6 and maybe Injustice & MKX/11 soon if possible, as I don't overdo it sometimes though. "0:00" Oh, I see. "0:11" Hopefully I'll tries to watch that next after this soon. I'm still trying to catch on each of your videos one at a time each, depends on my availability though. "0:16" I can understand that too since I were too late to get some certain costumes as they were taken off by licenses expirations, same for having Ayane in Senran Kagura too... "0:31" Could had been useful if she were in MGS3, since that is an huge jungle areas. "0:33" Wow, sounds like it took a lot of hard work to get all 50 of them, huh. "0:42" Maybe like Hayabusa and Kasumi, she's trying to find some peace from all of her hard combats. "0:57" Hope I could get that one for Momiji soon.
@ДжокерМайерс 2 дня назад
@@CrimsonJak92 About the gameplay, I remember you said that there was no risk on the joystick when playing DOA 5-6. I understand about MK 1, there is also something else for you to discover in order to get to the Reptile boss, and those who will become one of these bosses on your way, from whom you can also get a reward. 0:11 Yes, I understand, fortunately if there is something to choose from, the choice will not be so difficult🙂 0:16 Oh damn, it turns out that not only May’s DLC was removed, that’s certainly sad. It's a shame that the developers did this. When I visited a former classmate from high school to see what DLC he had for the game, he was quite surprised at how much content there was in the store. 0:31 You're 100% right. 0:33 I admit honestly, there were about 5 or 4 scarabs that I couldn’t find on my own because I tried to check in every corner to find them. But I had to look for the rest in the video guide, because I didn’t know where they could have been hidden. But fortunately, there is only one skin left to open for each of the four characters. If Ryu and Ayane have the latest skins through Diamond Skulls, then Kasumi and Momiji can only be unlocked in ninja trials. 0:42 I think so, because saving the world and fighting the villains who threaten the world is not such a simple matter. Sometimes you want a hero to rest👍 0:57 I think that you definitely won’t have any problems with this. The main thing is that they don’t remove them from sale like with other DLС.
@CrimsonJak92 4 дня назад
Я думал о том, чтобы наверстать упущенное, увидев ваш геймплей DOA5 прямо сейчас, так как я видел, что вы начали играть в NG3 Razor Edge прямо сейчас, и мне все еще нужно наверстать упущенное, чтобы сначала закончить ваши NGS2 на случай, если у меня будет свободное время на выходные. Итак, для начала давайте посмотрим, как сам мастер-ниндзя справится с турниром DOA5? "0:15 ~ 0:38" При большом разнообразии он попал сюда для миссий или сражений, у него нет недостатков, я так считаю. 🥷 "0:21" Немного странно на нем для тренировочной модели, наверное. "0:25" Как будто он в отпуске от миссий, но ему все еще нужно быть готовым к любым опасностям впереди. "0:33" Я помню, что видел это в качестве его основного костюма в DOA3. "0:35" Схвачен упырями на Хэллоуин, да? 👻 "0:41" Оооо 👍 Я скоро закончу с остальным, извините, сегодня утром я был в режиме многозадачности, и мне нужно еще немного отдохнуть. I've thought about catching up on seeing your DOA5 gameplay right now, since I did saw that you've got started on NG3 Razor Edge right now, which I also still need to catch up on finishing up your NGS2 ones first in case, whenever I have some spare time for the weekends. So first things first, let's see how the master ninja himself can handle in the DOA5 tournament? "0:15 ~ 0:38" With many variety he got here for the missions or battles, he have no flaws I believes so. 🥷 "0:21" Look a little strange on him for an training model, I guess. "0:25" As like he's on his time off from the missions, but he still need to be prepare for any dangers up ahead. "0:33" I do remember seeing this as his main costume in DOA3. "0:35" Grabbed by the Ghouls for Halloween, yea? 👻 "0:41" Ooh, interesting choice! 👍 I'll finish up the rest soon, sorry, I've been like multitasking this morning and I need to get rest some more.
@ДжокерМайерс 4 дня назад
I understand you perfectly, I think that they won’t put too much pressure on you, and you’ll be able to watch whatever you want. And so I’m still thinking about who should be tested in the arcade in DOA 5, and at the same time I’m waiting for level 2 in NG 3 Razor Edge to be released. Enjoy watching😊 0:15 , 0:38 Do you mean the number of skins or something else?🙂 0:21 For some reason, these outfits remind me more of divers without spacesuits for some reason😁 0:25 You're right, it's a pity that in the NG series they didn't give Ryu such a skin, it looks cool😌 0:33 I haven’t been able to open this skin in NG S 2 yet, it was written in the description that I need to complete Tag missions 30, I don’t know if I can do it, although I need to film it, it will also show how the characters will fight the bosses. 0:35 As if he doesn’t want to let him go =B and so I also found out that it turns out that Ryu had this skin written on the manual in the game Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z, Momiji also had a swimsuit skin, as if two skins decided to make so that people would buy that one game and activated the code for DOA 5 "tricky" 0:41 I liked how he does such an animation when he loads up for battle😊 Everything is fine, you don’t have to worry about it, because you have something to watch when you don’t know what to choose Have a good rest🙂👍
@CrimsonJak92 6 дней назад
Итак, как я читал в описаниях, это краткое изложение сражений с первыми тремя основными демонами, с которыми вы сражались, за исключением одного, которого победила Рэйчел. Что ж, раз уж вы победили их всех раньше, я уверен, что вы сможете победить их всех и здесь. Иди и возьми их, тигр!! 🐱 «0:00» «Я - Возмездие, я - Бэтмен!» Не знаю почему, это просто в моей голове, когда я вижу это. 😹 «0:20, 0:28» Как сказано в сюжетной линии, он находится внутри вулкана на горе Фудзи. Так что именно там они станут ритуалом пробуждения Великого Демона. "0:31" Выглядит как NetherRealm из MK на этом представлении. Тем не менее, эта большая зеленая штука на заднем плане, вероятно, является тем местом, где будет главный босс, верно? "1:45" Внутри вулкана даже есть вулкан. Почувствуйте, что вы находитесь в другом мире, а не внутри горы Фудзи. "2:00" Лучше перестраховаться, чем потом сожалеть, догадался я. "2:17, 2:40" Есть тот большой козел из прошлого, так что я думаю, что он тоже вернулся, но теперь Рю будет сражаться против него на этот раз, как по-настоящему. "2:52" И он вызвал подкрепление, как это так справедливо для боя мести?? "3:49" То есть лук со стрелами не сработает, да еще и пушка тоже, пока он в воздухе? Как Рэйчел МОЖЕТ попасть в него из своего большого пулемета раньше?? "5:03" Наконец-то получил его с ломтиком и кубиками! "5:26" Значит, это еще один демон, которого они пытаются пробудить еще раз. «5:51» Так что этот фон похож на части городского пейзажа в руинах. Что-то вроде одного уровня в Sonic '06 под названием Crisis City на PS3 и Xbox 360, очень аккуратный уровень с действительно крутой темой, но сама игра ужасна... Позже он вернулся в Sonic Generations с некоторыми фиксированными и сбалансированными вещами. "7:05" Мне кажется, что я вижу впереди статую дракона. А это значит, что впереди будет еще один. "8:20" Мальчик, он все еще держится подальше от того, чтобы приблизиться к тебе. Трус... 😏 "8:41" Ого, похоже, что-то может быть очень сложным для того, с кем вы столкнетесь в следующий раз... 🙀 "9:00" Черт возьми, одна рыба клюет на тебя... 🎣 "9:28" Вы даже не можете сделать рывок в воздухе или что-то в этом роде, чтобы не наступить на лаву? «9:46» Это пожарный, который в России, верно? Так что он тоже здесь. «9:58» Правда, хотите поставить на это свою жизнь? 😼 "10:38" И тем не менее, он все еще делает этот более длинный бросок и здесь... "10:44" По крайней мере, это не мгновенная смерть здесь, это было бы ударом ножом в спину, если бы вы ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНО умерли прямо там... "11:33" Чувак, это немного беспокоит и раздражает с этой стороны... «11:46» И он делает это снова... Вы даже не можете вырваться из него как-то?? "12:05" Молодцы! «12:10» Сначала все было немного не так, как я думал, но чуть позже, вот оно. "12:33" Хм. Что это за штука? Какой-то ключевой предмет или что-то, что можно экипировать? So as I did read from the descriptions, its an recap battles against the first three main demons you've fought against, except for the one Rachel beat. Well, since you did beat all of them before, I'm sure you can beat them all once again here too. Go get 'em, tiger!! 🐱 "0:00" "I am Vengeance, I am Batman!" Not sure why, its just in my mind when I see it. 😹 "0:20, 0:28" So as said in the storyline, its inside the volcano of Mt. Fuji. So that's where they'll be an ritual for the awakening of the Greater Fiend. "0:31" Look like the NetherRealm from MK from this views. Yet, that big green thing in the background is probably where the main boss will be, right? "1:45" There's even an volcano inside of an volcano. Feel like you're in an different world rather being inside of Mt. Fuji. "2:00" Better safe than sorry, I guessed. "2:17, 2:40" There's that big goat guy from before, so I guess he back as well, yet now Ryu WILL be fighting against him this time, like for real. "2:52" And he called for backups, how is that so fair for a revenge fight?? "3:49" So a bow and arrow won't works, and even an cannon too while he's airborne? How does Rachel CAN be able to hits him with her big machinegun before?? "5:03" Finally got 'im with a slice and dice finishes! "5:26" So that's the greater fiend they're trying to awaken once more. "5:51" So this background is like parts of an cityscapes in ruins. Kinda like that one stage in Sonic '06 called Crisis City on both PS3 & Xbox 360, such as really neat stage with an really cool theme, yet the game itself is terrible... Its later came back in Sonic Generations with some fixed and balanced things. "7:05" I thinks I can see the dragon statue up ahead. So meaning there'll be another one up ahead as well. "8:20" Boy, that one still stays faraway from getting near you. Coward... 😏 "8:41" Whoa, this look like something could be real tough for whichever you'll may face next here... 🙀 "9:00" Dang, one fish bite onto you... 🎣 "9:28" You can't even do an air dash or something to avoid stepping on the lava? "9:46" That's the fire one that's in Russia right? So he's back here too. "9:58" Really, wanna bet with your life on it? 😼 "10:38" And yet, he still doing that longer throw here again too... "10:44" At least its not an instant death here, that would had been a stab in the back if you DID died right there... "11:33" Man, this is getting a bit little concerns and annoyed from this part... "11:46" And he's doing it again... You can't even break out of it somehow?? "12:05" Nicely done! "12:10" At first, it was a little it off than I was thought it was going to happened, then a little later, there it is. "12:33" Hmm. What's this thing? Some kind of an key item or something you can equip with?
@CrimsonJak92 6 дней назад
Мне пришлось разделить его на две части, так как он немного длинный, и я немного беспокоился, что он не поместится. Так что осталось всего несколько, а потом мне придется остановиться на этом и постараться продолжить позже. "12:37" Теперь здесь жуткий лес... Я думаю, что скоро у меня появятся идеи о том, с кем вы столкнетесь в следующий раз. «13:18» О, теперь декорации изменились. "13:35" Ого, их тут целая армия... 🙀 "13:43" Итак, это снова тот волк, но я до сих пор не продолжил эту сцену, потому что через некоторое время я вроде как забыл о ней... "14:05" Мальчик, эти кентавры выглядят крепкими и в то же время сражаются с главным. «14:35» Я заметил, что он использует косу. Вот как ты получил косу от того, что бил его раньше? "15:08" Черт возьми... 🙀 "15:15" Сила Черной Дыры!! 🐱 "15:52" Отличная работа! Понятно! 👍 "16:09" Хм, не знаю почему, но я чувствую, что это немного неловко, для умирающей сцены с этим могучим зверем... 😹 Ну, по крайней мере, они у тебя есть. I had to separate it into two parts since its kinda bit long and kinda worried that it'll won't fit. So then, only a few more left and then I'll have to stop there, and try to continues more later soon. "12:37" Now its look like an spooky forest here... I thinks I might get the ideas of who you'll be facing next soon. "13:18" Oh, now the scenery changed. "13:35" Whoa, that's a whole army of them here... 🙀 "13:43" So its that wolf guy again, yet I still haven't continue that scene as I do sorta forgot about it after a while... "14:05" Boy, those centaurs look like a tough ones while fighting the main one already at the same time. "14:35" I've noticed he using an scythe. Is that how you got the scythe from beating him before? "15:08" Dang... 🙀 "15:15" Black Hole power!! 🐱 "15:52" Great job! Got 'im! 👍 "16:09" Umm, not sure why, but I feel like this is kinda awkward there, for a dying scene with this powerful beast there... 😹 Oh well, at least you got 'em though.
@ДжокерМайерс 6 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 Well, let's see how Ryu Hayabusa can deal with them in Underworld. Enjoy watching😊 0:00 But the quote is very appropriate👏😊 0:20, 0:28 It seems so. 0:31 Looks like they wrote it off just a little, heh, but yes, that’s where it will be🙂 1:45 It’s like he’s on the other side of the world😮 2:00 You're right. 2:17, 2:40 Exactly, apparently he was surprised that Ryu came to Underworld, since earlier he could not find him on earth. Well, let's see how he copes with Dragon Ninja😌 2:52 He’s afraid to fight one on one... although in the regular version of NG 2 I noticed that the difference in the battles was that the bosses had assistants, like for example the bone boss in level 7 there were small skeletons that helped and hindered Hayabusa, in chapter 2 it’s about there when the Giant Spider boss was there again, clawed opponents helped him. But here at least with it you can earn either yellow currency or pick up health. True, there were cases when the boss absorbed them😳 3:49 It's really very strange that Ryu's Bow and Big Gun are useless against Marbus. Rachel's machine gun can do damage well. I still don't understand why they did this🤷‍♂ 5:03 It would be better for him not to flatter the Dragon Ninja as he warned him, in vain he didn’t listen😏 5:26 So they want to awaken him, apparently this demon will be much stronger and tougher. This boss's name is Vazdah. 5:51 Oh, I didn’t know that even the Sonic game had a similar interior, what a twist😮 7:05 You're right, you'll have to be on guard. 8:20 And they say that evil demons are not afraid of anything😁 8:41 And it looks like it will be very hot here, since lava is visible here👀 9:00 They are just like predatory coyotes who just want to buy off a bigger piece😬 9:28 Well, in order not to fall into lava, for some reason I can only do a dash with a standard weapon🙁 9:46 You’re right, apparently even Zedonius wants revenge.. and his quote is just like Kruger said in A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 “They shouldn’t have kept me, I’m not dead.” Damn, I liked Zedonius’ quote in the voiceover by Steven Bloom😱 9:58 Apparently he thinks that since he couldn’t win on earth, he thinks he’ll be lucky here... so let’s check it out now🙂 10:38 Here he, like a boss, is more nimble than was shown in Ninja Trials in NG 3. 10:44 You're right👍 11:33 I agree with you, I remember how I played it on PS 3 even at the Hard difficulty level, I had to work hard with it. 11:46 I try, I press on different slopes and either I’m somehow not doing well, or I’m only able to escape from ordinary demons... this is something I honestly couldn’t understand😳 12:05 Thank you very much😊 12:10 Again he has to feel how he is burning. 12:33 And this is actually his heart, it will serve as something like a key, until it is one of four pieces🙂
@ДжокерМайерс 6 дней назад
@@CrimsonJak92 It's okay, I understand, the main thing is that you watch and comment🙂 12:37 At least it’s not a living forest like it was in the movie The Evil Dead😳 13:18 As if it means that the fog couldn’t get there, which means something will happen soon. 13:35 As if someone hired better security😌 13:43 You can watch that part whenever you like, and it’s so surprising that he acts as a watchman here, and apparently even decided to hire demonic centaurs😯 14:05 I agree with you, it’s good that this approach with the Enma’s Fang sword works well against them🙂 14:35 You're right, when you defeat him in Rome, Ryu took his scythe as a reward, and apparently the Wolf still had a spare one😯 15:08 Sometimes you can’t jump to the side after your block hits😔 15:15 I decided to check how this Ninpa will work against the Wolf, and to my surprise I didn’t know that she copes well, unlike fire balls😱 15:52 Now this will definitely kill him😊 16:09 It’s quite strange that he seemed to be covered in gold, he thought that he would fall and, almost like Marbus, would crumble into dust, but then they did something different👀
@CrimsonJak92 9 дней назад
«1:10» Санта Хаяте сделал первый шаг на поле против офицера, стоявшего перед ним. "1:13" Скорее, она должна сказать: "Сопротивляйся и будь арестован за свои преступления!" 🐱 "1:37" Отлично, идеальная победа с первой попытки! 👍 «2:09» Еще лучше, если бы она сказала: «Я пока отпущу тебя от крючка, но в следующий раз я возьму тебя навсегда». "2:17" На этот раз Санта-Клаус осужден?? (2:19) Как сказал бы там Кристи: «Итак, еще один из этих негодных преступников Санта-Клауса. Думаю, на этот раз я обязательно приведу тебя! "2:24" По крайней мере, это дало вам время для небольшой насмешки, а затем заставило вас насторожиться. Иногда это случалось со мной, но в большинстве случаев это было похоже на помехи... "2:47" Я ненавижу этот бросок иногда на более высокой сложности, что заставляет его делать больше воздушных комбо, в то время как вы все еще не насторожены в воздухе... "3:50" Уф, это было близко, по крайней мере, вы поняли это... (3:55) Отсиди наказание за свои преступления! "4:09" Теперь Санта-Хелена здесь. "4:53" Черт возьми, она тебя дотащила... Если бы вы сделали это с ней вместо этого, она бы сказала: «Давай вынесем этот бой на улицу». «5:28» Сейчас Рэйчел в черном костюме забирает здесь весь марафон... "5:49" Хорошие комбо, у вас есть это! "6:50" Здорово, еще один за победы! «6:54» С этой милой и хитрой улыбкой она говорила: «Приятного падения!» 🐱 «7:12» Нётенгу присоединяется, и все же все марафоны Санты тоже заканчиваются... "9:04" Шиш, этот старик надирает ей задницу, как будто это так просто... "9:23" Отлично, ты отомстил ему. «10:00» Я вижу, что вы пытались целиться прямо в океан, но он едва пережил последнее попадание до конца. "10:23" Итак, Сара Брайант из VF - ваша следующая соперница. "11:20" Отлично, еще один идеальный побеждает! Хороший! 👍 "11:38" Еще один соперник ВФ, Пай Чан, вероятно, последний. «12:57» Близкая победа! Красиво сделано! 🙀 "13:08" О, хорошие вещи! "13:18" Неплохо, просто продолжайте практиковаться дальше, и я уверен, что вы достигнете этого достаточно скоро.«13:40» Совместная работа Кристи в деловом костюме и сотрудницы службы безопасности Хелены. Приятные сочетания. «13:48» Контрабанда Леона и Санта Ли. 13:50 Хелена: «Не делай больше ни шагу навстречу госпоже Кристи, иначе я применю к тебе всю силу». "14:51" Отлично! «15:07» Кристи: «Молодец, мой телохранитель». "15:14" Кокоро!! 😻♥♥♥ «16:49» Санта-Кристи и Дикий Джеки Брайант «17:55» О нет, Кристи упала... "18:39" Бэйман и Нётенгу идут следующими в 4-м раунде. "19:47" Черт возьми, теперь Хелена на этот раз внизу... "20:17" Боже мой, Принцесса Касуми с Наоторой II в качестве опекуна!! ♥♥♥ "21:28" Мальчик, это уже выглядит таким обеспокоенным... "22:15" Хорошо сделано, вы выжили, и у вас осталась последняя жизнь...!! 🙀 "22:25" О, по одному на каждого. Хороший. "22:39" 3-е место с этими двумя, отличная работа! 👍 "1:10" Santa Hayate took the first step onto the field against an officer in front of him. "1:13" More like she should say, "resists and be arrest for your crimes!' 🐱 "1:37" Great, an perfect win on your first try! 👍 "2:09" Better yet, she could had said, "I'll let you off the hook for now, but next time, I'm takin' you for good." "2:17" An santa convicted man this time?? (2:19) As Christie would said there, "So another one of these no-good santa criminals. Guess I'm definitely bringing you in this time!" "2:24" At least this one gave you time for a small taunt, then made you got off guarded. That's happened on me sometimes mostly, yet most were like an interferences... "2:47" I hate that throw sometimes in harder difficulty, which makes him do more aerial combos while you're still off guarded in mid-air... "3:50" Whew, that was a close one, at least you got it there... (3:55) Serve your punishment for your crimes! "4:09" Now Santa Helena is up next here. "4:53" Dang, she got you there... If it were you doing that to her instead, she would had said, "let's take this fight outside." "5:28" Now Rachel in an black suit is taking up the whole marathon here... "5:49" Good combos, you've got this! "6:50" Nice, another one for the wins! "6:54" With that nice and slyful smile, she would say, "have an nice falls!" 🐱 "7:12" Nyotengu joins in, and yet ended the whole Santa marathons too... "9:04" Sheesh, that old man is kicking her butt there like its so easy... "9:23" Nice, you've got back at him. "10:00" I see you were trying to aim straight into the ocean, yet he barely survived the last hit til later. "10:23" So Sarah Bryant from VF is your next opponent here. "11:20" Great, another perfect wins! Nice! 👍 "11:38" Another VF opponent, Pai Chan, as probably your last one here. "12:57" An close victory right there! Nicely done! 🙀 "13:08" Oh, good stuffs! "13:18" Not bad, just keep on practicing further and I'm sure you'll get there soon enough. "13:40" An teamwork of an business suit Christie and an security officer Helena. Nice combinations. "13:48" Contraband Leon and Santa Lee. "13:50" Helena: "Don't take another step toward Mistress Christie, otherwise I'll shall use full force onto you." "14:51" Nice! "15:07" Christie: "Well done, my bodyguard." "15:14" Kokoro!! 😻♥♥♥ "16:49" Santa Christie and Wild Jacky Bryant "17:55" Oh no, Christie is down... "18:39" Bayman and Nyotengu up next for the 4th round. "19:47" Dang, now Helena is down this time... "20:17" OMG, Princess Kasumi with Naotora Ii as her guardian!! ♥♥♥ "21:28" Boy, this looks so concerned already... "22:15" Nicely done there, you've survived with the last of your life left...!! 🙀 "22:25" Ooh, one for each ones. Nice. "22:39" 3rd place with these two, great job! 👍
@ДжокерМайерс 6 дней назад
1:10 It’s as if they reported that Santa Hayate was doing a bad job in his profession, and Officer Christie went to punish him😁 At least it will be nice to beat him up for his sisters. 1:13 Great idea🙂👍 1:37 I tried not to give him a chance, I was even surprised what happened😯 2:09 I agree with you 100%, but how at the end she turned around as if it wasn’t enough “hmm.. maybe they’ll beat you to the ribs again as a preventive measure”😁 2:17 Quite interesting, randomly decided to throw the enemy =B) 2:19 ( Well said👍 2:24 Yes, you have to be extremely careful here. 2:47 Yes, this is not very pleasant, even I didn’t learn how to do this for Rig😔 3:50 I suspected that he would do something and be able to ruin my plan )3:55( Exactly, let him piss next to an explosive barrel😁 4:09 And then I thought, “It looks like you’re having a competition here for the best Santa Claus you’ve gathered.”😀 4:53 Sometimes you can’t guess the enemy’s move, and I have similar troubles😔 5:28 And here it really surprised me, to be honest😮 5:49 I tried to hold her so she wouldn’t fall, I didn’t even expect such a number of combos to happen, thank you😊 6:50 Thank you very much😊 6:54 You're right, this quote suits her very well.🙂👍 7:12 Luckily, at least she’s not dressed as Santa Claus😁 9:04 Exactly, as if he has a lot more experience, since he hasn’t missed a beat even at his age😱 9:23 Fortunately, I could find another prisoner😌 10:00 I thought that the attempt was not torture, I thought that it would be possible to send him there for a swim🤭 12:23 Well, let's see how she replies. 11:20 I tried not to give her a chance, I didn’t expect that I would succeed😯 11:38 It’s as if she decided to take revenge for Sarah and try to free her from prison😮 12:57 she made me worry, I tried not to let my guard down. Thanks😊 13:08 useful on the farm😊 13:18 Although she is not that difficult to play as, I thought that she would not be so easy to play as. 13:40 As if he decided to diversify this, as if Christy won the DOA tournament competition and she was granted the fulfillment of her wish to become a leader, and Helena was made her personal security😊😁 13:48 And this is very interesting, the random combination gave🙂 13:50 Well said🙂👍 14:51 Thank you very much😊 15:07 As if it was not in vain that she decided to give her such a position😊 15:14 It's like she decided to take Helena away from Christie😳 16:49 Well, let's see how they resist. 17:55 I did everything I could to evade, I’m not always very good at this either😔 18:39 It’s as if she cast some kind of spell on Baymen to go into an alliance with him😁 19:47 I’m not good at dodging and catching the enemy’s counterattacks😔 20:17 Honestly, this surprised me; I personally think Naotora is a very difficult opponent here.. 21:28 Yes, the last opponents here are really difficult😳 22:15 Here I was right on my last breath, I suspected that they were about to screw me over😱 22:25 useful in the collection😌 22:39 I did everything in my power,Thank you very much I apologize that I didn’t notice the comment earlier, it, like the comment that Kasumi had, was for some reason “under review”, I don’t understand why it was there.. fortunately at least I paid attention
@CrimsonJak92 9 дней назад
Как сказано в описаниях, она действительно полезна для начала этой игры, и все же она стала одной из моих лучших в этой игре. Есть некоторые приемы, которые могут быть немного сложнее использовать, но через некоторое время вы привыкнете к ним и вскоре сделаете их более полезными в сложных битвах. Опять же, она действительно очень полезна, как и Касуми, и я ее тоже очень люблю. ♥♥♥ "0:00" Оооо Не связывайся с ней, иначе она даст тебе что-то похуже, чем тюрьма. 🐍 "0:10" Ого, ты заняла первое место как Май по этой сложности?? Великие дела, чувак!! Поздравляю!! 😸👏 Жаль, что я не смог увидеть его, так как это были такие загруженные и занятые выходные... Так что я догоню его иногда раньше. «0:15, 018, 0:29, 0:32, 0:47, 0:52» Буквально эти костюмы по-прежнему были лучшими для Кристи... 😻♥♥♥ "0:20, 0:22" Ооооо 😻 Я помню, что однажды она носила его в основном сюжете. ♥ "0:26" Вот ваш любимый, я полагаю, верно? Я уверен, что вы воспользуетесь им сразу или раньше. 😺 "0:27" Хм, может быть, что-то вроде кибернетического боевого костюма? "0:29, 0:32" Я уже видел этих двоих в DOA4. (0:29) Я помню, как видел это в финальной сцене в DOA4, когда она замаскировалась под танцовщицу стриптиза, выслеживая одну из своих целей. Кстати, она заставила мое сердце подпрыгнуть, когда я впервые увидел эту сцену... 🙀 Я бы сказала, что вместо того, чтобы получать иглу, как это сделал один парень в ее концовке, я бы предпочла получить от нее немного «особенного» вблизи... Сладкий поцелуй красивой змеи... 😻💞💕💋 (Ну, вряд ли, но я могу мечтать, наверное... 😹) (0:32) Это как ее основной наряд для DOA4. Не уверен, что она замаскирована или что-то в этом роде, но все же мне это очень нравится, как мои любимые костюмы в этой игре, но ее оригинальный костюм из DOA3 тоже был в ней, также по-прежнему мой самый любимый. "0:41" Это ее бикини с узором в виде змеиной чешуи. 🐍 "0:52" Честно говоря, я очень люблю это платье, это действительно заставляет чувствовать себя обычным гражданским лицом, а не наемным убийцей. Я бы с удовольствием пошел с ней на случайное свидание. ♥ "1:02" Хороший выбор! Пленных не брать, офицер Кристи! 🐱 (Я делаю отдельный эпизод для батальных сцен, на случай, если это будет слишком длинно, чтобы описывать, или на случай, если мне, возможно, придется остановиться где-то по пути, и я продолжу его иногда позже.) As said in the descriptions there, she is really useful to be starting with for this game, and yet she did became ones of my best ones for this game already. There's some moves that can be a little trickier to use, but after a while longer, you'll get used to it and make it more useful for difficult battles soon. Again, she's really very useful a lot, like Kasumi, and I really loves her a lot too. ♥♥♥ "0:00" Ooh, an police uniform soon for her. Don't mess with this one, or otherwise, she'll give you something more worse than being in jail. 🐍 "0:10" Whoa, you've made it first place as Mai for this difficulty?? Great works, man!! Congrats!! 😸👏 Sorry I couldn't been able to see it though as it was such a busied and occupied weekends... So I'll catch up to it sometimes sooner. "0:15, 018, 0:29, 0:32, 0:47, 0:52" Literally these costumes were still the best ones for Christie ever... 😻♥♥♥ "0:20, 0:22" Ooh, such an nice and beautiful dress... 😻 I remember she did wore one in the main story one time. ♥ "0:26" Here's your favorite, I believes, right? I'm sure you'll be using this right away or sooner. 😺 "0:27" Hmm, some kinda of an cybernetic battle suit, maybe? "0:29, 0:32" I've seen those two before in DOA4. (0:29) I remember seeing that one in her ending scene in DOA4, when she disguised her as a strip dancer, while hunting down one of her target. TBH, she made my heart jumps when I first seen that scene... 🙀 I would say, instead of getting an needle like that one guy in her ending did, I would rathers get an little "special" from her up close... An sweet kiss of an beautiful snake... 😻💞💕💋 (Well, not likely, but I can dreams, I guess... 😹) (0:32) This one is like her main outfit for DOA4. Not sure if like an disguised or something she's wearing, but yet I really like it as my faves for that game, yet her original suit from DOA3 were also in it too, also still my most faves. "0:41" That's bikini of her kinda have like snake scales pattern on it. 🐍 "0:52" I've honestly loves this dress a lot, this one really makes feel likes an normal civilian than as an assassin for hires. I would loves to go out on an casual date with her likes this. ♥ "1:02" Nice choice! Take no prisoners behind, Officer Christie! 🐱 (I'm doing an separate one for the battle scenes, in case if it'll may be too long to describes, or in case if I may had to stop somewhere along the way and continues it sometimes later soon.)
@ДжокерМайерс 9 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 It’s good that the gameplay for her is not as difficult as with Momiji and Ayane, we can say that she is the third female character who is not so difficult to play. But of course I can’t reach your level to play so well. 0:00 Hehe, you definitely noticed that😁👍 0:10 I did a walkthrough for her in arcade mode, and I’m amazed that she took 1st place, her gameplay is hard to say, it seems easy, but sometimes it seems difficult, it’s hard for me personally to say anything about her. Thank you very much😊 Everything is fine, I can understand this very well, it happens that sometimes my part-time job can be stressful, but you can watch the video at any time when it’s convenient for you or when you’re ready👍 0:15, 0:18 It seems that they are almost the same, but there is still some difference in these outfits. 0:29 It’s like she took this outfit from Rachel😳😱You will have to play as her again to unlock this skin for her. 0:32 There was just her original in DOA 4 “I remember the cut-scene when she attacked Ayane and Ryu Hayabusa out of nowhere”😌 0:47 It looks good on her, they even picked the color. 0:52 Well, here you can even say she dressed very deadly to hit the victims😯 0:20 , 0:22 Exactly, she was just there in a bar where she first tried to meet Rig and not much later played billiards🙂 0:26 you just read my thoughts😊, it’s good that at least it’s here, and not like other characters where you only need to buy it through DLC to be displayed “at least thanks to the developers for this” It’s a pity that some skins are not displayed from other characters who are interested. 0:27 There is something similar in this. The skin she had in DOA 6 differs in design and color. 0:29 Oh, I didn’t know she had such a skin in DOA 4, that’s cool😳😯 Wow, she must be good at camouflage. They came up with a very good ending for her in the story for her in DOA 4🤭 0:41 It was just that I noticed the color of the snake for a reason, since it uses this fighting style😌 0:52 She’s just like a walking weapon that can easily defeat, since she has the appearance and the outfit, she has everything she needs🤭🙂 1:02 I had to go through quite a few battles for her to open this skin, God knows what I managed to do. Will punish with good passion😊 No problem, you can continue watching at any time, it will even be interesting to know your answers🙂👍
@CrimsonJak92 11 дней назад
Эй, мужик. Просто то, о чем я думал в течение некоторого времени после вчерашнего объявления... Я не уверен, видели ли вы трейлер 2-го сезона SF6 вчера или раньше. Они только что объявили, что Терри и Мэй из SNK's Fatal Fury / KOF будут в SF6 в качестве гостей. Сначала я был удивлен и поражен, но все же, спустя некоторое время после этого объявления, у меня возникли смешанные чувства по этому поводу... Это все только мои собственные мысли и мнения, но я очень беспокоюсь о том, как они будут выглядеть с движком RE Engine от Capcom, и все же я так беспокоюсь, что их внешний вид в этой игре не будет достаточно удовлетворительным, или даже их стиль игры или сюжетные линии тоже, ИМО... Они оба отлично смотрятся в дизайне SNK, таких как KOF 14 и 15, но зачем Capcom понадобилось делать это сейчас? Мне кажется, что они так отчаянно соревнуются со своими соперниками; Bandai Namco для Tekken 8, Mortal Kombat 1, возможно, даже сами SNK с Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, если только SNK не позволит им включить их обоих в качестве промо-акции для их собственной новой игры Fatal Fury. IDK почему, но я чувствую, что у них должны быть стики лучше, будучи в Tekken 8, но опять же, это только мое личное мнение... Так что же вы думаете об этом, в своих мыслях, а не в моих. Я нормально отношусь к тому, что вы говорите, я совсем не против. Просто я чувствую себя так неловко из-за этого, когда и Терри, и Май находятся в SF6... Hey, man. Just something I've been thinking for some time since yesterday's announcement... I'm not sure if you did seen the actual trailer for SF6's Season 2 yesterday or earlier. They've just announced both Terry & Mai from SNK's Fatal Fury / KOF being in SF6 as guests. At first, I was surprised and amazed, but yet after a few time later after that announcement, now I've been having some mixed feelings about it... This is all just my own thoughts and opinions, but I've been feeling so concerns of how they'll be looks like with Capcom's RE Engine, and yet I'm so worries that their looks in that game would not be so satisfying enough, or even their play style or storylines for it too, IMO... They both looks great in SNK designs, like KOF 14 & 15, but why Capcom had to do this now?? I feel like they're so desperate competing against their own rivals; Bandai Namco for Tekken 8, Mortal Kombat 1, maybe even also SNK themselves with Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, unless SNK is allowing them to featured both of 'em in it as a promotions for their own new Fatal Fury game. IDK why, but I feel like they should had sticks being in Tekken 8 better, but yet again, that's just my own opinions... So what do you thinks of it, in your own thoughts rather than mine. I'm okay with however you say, I don't mind at all. Its just me feeling so uneasy about it, with both Terry and Mai being in SF6...
@ДжокерМайерс 11 дней назад
And about this, I had such a new development on Steam in the library section. Damn, I don’t even know what it will look like, that they will be in SF 6, it’s hard to imagine even in my head😳 Well... about the plot, they will obviously be looking for someone, perhaps, since they are operating in the place. Most likely, so that fans of these characters will buy the game “well, I just think so”, because in DOA 5-6 May they also added it for a reason. As for example it happened with Geese Howard in Tekken 7🤷‍♂ And about rivalry this will of course be obvious👍 Well, I don't know much about these characters. It was only thanks to you that I at least saw something in your playthroughs of these two characters. It’s hard for me to even imagine what they’ll come up with for them in SF 6🤷‍♂ And so usually they add this or that character so that fans of this character buy the game and can play for him, as was the case in the MK franchise starting from part 9, as was the case in Tekken 7, and most likely even here they decided to present such an idea.
@CrimsonJak92 11 дней назад
Так что это может быть финальная битва, я верю, не так ли? Что ж, удачи вам на случай, даже если вы уже делали это раньше, все равно в любом случае. 😺 "0:00" Чтобы сразиться с великим демоном, вы должны сами стать демоном... "0:38" Так что это та же самая гора, что и раньше, ага. Genshin, вероятно, ждет вас там, так как он упоминал об этом раньше после того, как вы победили Элизабет. Скоро состоится последняя схватка... "1:55" Вроде как те же области, что и в прошлый раз, но теперь в обратном порядке. "2:56" Теперь вы можете использовать его на всякий случай. "3:03" Итак, первый раунд начался с тех же двух тэнгу, с которыми Момидзи дрался раньше. Теперь они могут получить то, чего хотели в первую очередь, - сражение с Хаябусой. "3:51" Ну, один упал, а другой все еще где-то рядом... «4:12» На какое-то время я подумал: «Опять что?», и когда вы поднимались по ступенькам, я подумал: «О, значит, его можно пропустить? Понятно.", но это не так, ага. "4:33" я раньше не замечал, а теперь их две... 🙀 "4:58" Боже, это так тревожно... «6:01» Голова статуи? Наверное, ключевой пункт, как я полагал? (6:18) Я так и думал. "8:22" Так как вы сохранились, то есть впереди что-то большое, я догадался... "8:56" Где-то здесь это заставило меня волноваться, как будто я думал, что игра просто застыла на тебе... 🙀 "9:32" Черт возьми, у этого старика наверняка хорошие навыки... 🙀 Он убил всех до единого. «10:34» Я помню, что в какой-то древней японской истории гора Фудзи была одним из вулканов в прошлом, пока она не потухла некоторое время спустя. как столетия назад. Так что теперь, похоже, он снова активен... «14:37» Так что тэнгу из прошлого наконец-то снова показал себя, позволив своему брату умереть. "15:23" Боже, я даже представить себе не могу, как ты устанешь, поднимаясь на вершину горы... «16:10» Итак, это еще один раунд против Genshin, на этот раз тоже на вершине вулканического кратера. Удачи тебе, чувак. "18:08" Уф, рад, что ты меня получил. Браво! 👏 "18:36" Увидев эту сцену здесь, я действительно почувствовал, что это еще не конец его... Так что впереди еще одна дуэль с ним, ага... "18:49" Ого, это же Аянэ из оригинальной версии слева?? Думаю, они проделали большую работу с обновленной версией, используя элементы как из DOA5, так и из 6. «18:54» Так что похожие сцены, только некоторые отличия между оригиналом на Xbox 360 и ремастером на всех платформах. Вау, это довольно много улучшений. So this could be the final battles, I believes, right? Well, best of lucks here in case, even if you've already did this before, still anyway. 😺 "0:00" To fight an greater fiend, you must become a demon yourself... "0:38" So that's the same mountain from before, huh. Genshin probably waiting for you there, as he did mentioned it before after you've beat Elizabeth. An last showdown will about to be coming soon... "1:55" Kinda like the same areas from last time, but now in reverse. "2:56" Now you can use it in case. "3:03" So the first round started with these same two tengus which Momiji did fought against before. Now they can have what they wanted in the first place, a fight against Hayabusa. "3:51" Well, one down, but the other one still around somewhere... "4:12" For a seconds there, I was like, "that's thing again?", and while you going up those steps, then I was like, "oh, its skippable then? I see.", which yet, its not, huh. "4:33" I didn't noticed before, but now there's two of them... 🙀 "4:58" Boy, this feel so troubling... "6:01" An head of an statue? Probably an key item, I believed? (6:18) I thought so it does. "8:22" Since you've saved, meaning something big up ahead I guessed... "8:56" Around here, it had me worried like I thought the game just frozed up on you there... 🙀 "9:32" Damn, this old man surely got good skills... 🙀 He took down every last one of 'em. "10:34" I do remember in some ancient Japanese history, Mt. Fuji was one of the volcano in the past, til its died out some time later. like centuries ago. So now here, its look like its being active again... "14:37" So that tengu from before finally showed itself again, after letting his own brother died behind. "15:23" Boy, I can hardly imagined how tired ya would be climbing up to the mountain top... "16:10" So its another round against Genshin this time, now on the top of an volcanic crater too. Best of lucks, man. "18:08" Whew, glad ya got 'im now. Bravo! 👏 "18:36" Seeing this scene here really made feel like its not really the end of him yet... So there's still one more duel against him later, huh... "18:49" Whoa, that's Ayane from the original version on the left?? Guessed they've done a great job with the remastered ver., using elements from both DOA5&6. "18:54" So an similar scenes, only just some differences between the original on Xbox 360 and the remastered on all platforms. Whoa, that's quite some improvements.
@ДжокерМайерс 11 дней назад
Not yet, the final is still early, but it will be, there are still 2-3 levels left, and then we can say that the game will be completed in terms of plot. I’m quietly finishing it, and I’m also thinking about making a plot to show 3 Razor’s Edge, I’ll have to think about how to do this, since it’s different from Sigma 2, Enjoy watching😊 0:00 I decided to take this skin, I was thinking about what skins to choose at the levels so that there would be variety🙂 0:38 Apparently it’s not for nothing that Ryu returned to his home first, and his path will already be there, and yes, you’re right... this Genshin will be waiting there, with whom you’ll have to work hard to defeat him. 1:55 Apparently, earlier Ryu couldn’t find the dragon’s eye “although in the story after the credits of NG Black-Sigma, Ryu put a dragon’s eye on the gravestone, and apparently someone stole it from the Black Spider clan, since Ayane was able to find it” And again Now Ryu has a full Dragon Sword, he will be able to defeat the villains who stand in his way with it😌 2:56 Sometimes you have to remember when it’s better to use a checkpoint to restore health, you have to choose correctly from experience. 3:03 That's right. Before the Sigma version appeared, Ryu fought with them right here, and since the developers added to the Sigma Version where there were 3 playable female characters and they had their own plot, they also added a couple of bosses from the game there, one might say. But Ryu’s combat will be different, since he doesn’t use Naginata but has a lot of weapons to choose from😌 3:51 Red Tengu ran away as if straight from Momiji’s level, apparently got scared, and will find another place to fight😁 4:12 Well, you can’t miss these opponents, but I went there to take a better position in order to charge the attack more strongly with the Enma’s Fang weapon. Here, to be honest, I was surprised, usually there were three of them, but there should have been two “very strange, to be honest😳” 4:33 Yes, at first there will be two of them, and then another one appeared, and I didn’t understand what the joke was, this never happened before when I played the game on the Medium difficulty level, although I never saw this even on the PS 3 version🧐 4:58 Yes, I agree with you here, I started to worry that he would hook me, still I had to kill him Enma’s Fang, it was in vain to take the Scythe “live and learn sometimes I tell myself” 6:01 For the first time, I still didn’t understand why it was there and didn’t know that it was the key to the secret, I even wonder who put it there, or what kind of bird decided to steal it?😀 8:22 This is true, especially here it is so grassy that if there are small opponents, it will be more difficult to notice them. 8:56 I was surprised that the game decided to stop like that, and it’s good that the cutscene started 9:32 Yes, not only is he good at stealth, he can sneak up, but he also operates right at a higher level😮, I even wonder who taught him to fight like that? I wish he would take Ryu with him so that they could defeat Genshin, but alas, Ryu will have to go on such a campaign alone. 10:34 Good information🙂👍 14:37 Apparently that blue Tengu thought that since his Red brother would run away, he could handle it... But then the Red Tengu’s assistants also decided to take reinforcements, since one is afraid to fight. 15:23 Yes, you said that correctly. An ordinary person would definitely not be able to climb this mountain in one day, since the height here is very high😱 16:10 Here the battle with him will be difficult, just like in the first battle, you will have to somehow monitor his attacks more closely. thank you very much for the luck😊 18:08 Thank you, I remember that when I played it for the first time on PS 3 at difficulty level three, he gave me the word Pain.. since this bastard is a pain in the ass😵‍💫 18:36 And that’s where the battle with him will be even more difficult, since he will become too strong😔 18:49 Yeah, I decided to add a screenshot that in the regular version Ayane will look different there, since only in the Sigma version you can play as Ayane just like Momiji and Rachel😌Even they, I assume that even the versions from Sigma 2 and Sigma 2 + from the PS Vita version have differences, I assume so. 18:54 There’s just the scene when Ayane brought the Dragon Eye for Ryu’s sword where the only scene was “it’s a pity that Rachel and Momiji’s path with Ryu wasn’t in the plot”
@CrimsonJak92 12 дней назад
Я заметил, что вы сделали еще один геймплей NGS2, и я подумал: «О, стреляйте, я забыл о другой части...», так что я воспользуюсь своим шансом сделать это на утро на случай, прежде чем я смогу начать что-то на утро в ближайшее время, если я все еще не сплю. В любом случае, давайте посмотрим на действия здесь! Кроме того, может ли Элизабет стать следующей здесь? "0:00" О, его не пригласили? Интересно, почему... 🤔 "0:47" Я только что понял кое-что знакомое... Разве это не та же самая статуя, что была в оригинальной Ninja Gaiden на NES? Так считается ли эта игра ремейком игры для NES? 🙀 "0:54" Кровавый дождь?? Даа Мне было бы так больно, если бы я увидел это... 😱 "1:18" Теперь Хаябуса смотрит снизу на врага, с которым он скоро столкнется... "1:27" Да, теперь даже лужа или озеро крови тоже... Похоже на курорт для вампиров, если я должен так сказать, но не знаю, почему... "1:33" Теперь вы сражаетесь с более красными врагами, и на этот раз... Делает ли это их здесь сильнее, чем раньше? "2:52" Хм, похоже на пещеру для укрытия, я так считаю. «3:08» О, я не знал, что это что-то такое большое издалека. Тем не менее, этот выглядит так же, как и тот, с которым вы сражались на первом этапе, верно? "3:33" Где-то там прозвучало экранирование... Наверное, слишком жестоко, чтобы это видеть. 😹 "4:31" Еще одна точка сохранения, на случай, если впереди может быть что-то опасное. Может быть, это Элизабет наконец-то, или, может быть, еще не сейчас, но раньше?? "4:36" WTH, там много драконов или что-то в этом роде... 🙀 "5:43" Удивительно, что вы все еще можете найти их здесь. "6:17" Это, конечно, очень долгий путь, который вам придется пройти, я думаю... "6:30" То ли заброшенный замок, то ли часовня здесь. «7:47» Так это и есть тот могущественный повелитель демонов, о котором они говорили всё это время? «8:44» звучит не очень хорошо, но это возможный намек на то, с кем вы столкнетесь в ближайшее время... "9:22" По крайней мере, эта сцена кажется понятной, чтобы пропустить ее вперед, этот путь, безусловно, кажется длиннее, чем раньше... "10:54" Я вижу, что впереди идет больше... "11:54" Хм, новая сила ветра нинпо. Аккуратный. "12:10" Ого, это как огненные птицы или что-то, что вы только что использовали. Поджаренными! "12:22" О, это как стационарные барьеры или щиты, действительно аккуратно. «12:33» Слева я вижу статую старика, справа - дракона... Возможно, это место станет местом для битвы с боссом в ближайшее время... "13:54" Так что настала очередь Элизабет для битвы с боссом, может быть... (14:11) P.S. Это та сцена, которую вы, вероятно, снимали раньше, про "Ixnay on the inay"?? 😏 Тем не менее, эта сцена действительно напомнила мне о том, как я столкнулся с боссом по имени Бескровный, как этот, в "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Nights" на Xbox, которую я пытался транслировать на своей PS4 в течение некоторого времени с октября прошлого года... Тем не менее, он все еще доступен на PS Plus, так что, возможно, я запланирую его в ближайшее время на лето. "14:31" Почему-то мне кажется, что я ожидал увидеть ее в другом виде, а не бабочку или мотылька... "15:36" По крайней мере, это помогает против нее. "17:04" Молодцы! "17:18" Вау, как цитаты из Хоумлендера в MK1: "Какой глупый способ умереть...", как будто погружаешься в водоворот крови... 😏 "17:44" Я предполагаю, что именно там будут происходить последние бои, верно? "18:30" Почему-то почему мне кажется, что эта дама Соня чем-то похожа на ту женщину в NES?? I've noticed that you did another NGS2 gameplay, and I was like "oh shoot, I forgot about the other part...", so I'm taking my chance to do this for the morning in case, before I may might start something for the morning soon, if I'm still wide awake though. Anyway, let's see the actions here! Also, could Elizabeth might be the next one here soon? "0:00" Oh, he wasn't invited? I wonder why... 🤔 "0:47" I've just realize something familiar just now... Wasn't that the same statue that was in the original Ninja Gaiden on NES?? So does this game considered to be a remake of the NES one?? 🙀 "0:54" Blood rain?? Yeeck... I would feel so sick seeing this... 😱 "1:18" Now Hayabusa gaze at the foe he'll be facing against soon from below... "1:27" Yeesh, now even an pool or lake of blood too... Seems like an resort spot for vampires, if I must say so, yet not sure why either... "1:33" Now you're fighting redder enemies this time too... Does it makes them more stronger here than before somehow? "2:52" Hmm, seems to be like an cave for a hideout, I believes so. "3:08" Oh, I didn't know that it was something that big from afar. Yet, this one look like the same one you've did fought against in the first stage, right? "3:33" It went off screened there at some parts... Probably too brutal to see it, maybe. 😹 "4:31" Another save point here, just in case if there's might be something dangers up ahead. Could it be Elizabeth finally, or probably not yet but sooner?? "4:36" WTH, that's a lot of dragons or something in there... 🙀 "5:43" Surprised you can still find those around here. "6:17" This surely feel like a really long road you'll have to goes through, I guess... "6:30" Either an abandoned castle or an chapel here. "7:47" So that's the powerful demon lord they've been referring all along? "8:44" Doesn't sound like a good sign, yet a possible hint of who you'll be facing next soon... "9:22" At least this scene seems understandable to be skipped ahead, this path surely does seem to be longer than before... "10:54" I can see more coming from up ahead... "11:54" Hmm, an new ninpo power of the wind. Neat. "12:10" Whoa, are those like fire birds or something you've just used. Toasty! "12:22" Oh, its like an stationary barriers or shields, really neat. "12:33" I see an old man statue on the left and an dragon one on the right... This may be the spot for an boss battle sooner... "13:54" So its' Elizabeth turn for a boss fight, maybe... (14:11) P.S. Is this the scene you were probably taking before, about "Ixnay on the inay"?? 😏 Yet, this scene really reminded me of when I do face a boss named Bloodless like this in "Bloodstained: Ritual of the Nights" on Xbox, which I've been trying to do an broadcast on my PS4 for some time since October last year... Its still on PS Plus anyhow though, so maybe I'll plan for it soon for the summer. "14:31" Somehow, I feel like I were expecting a different form of her, rather than butterfly or moth here somehow... "15:36" At least these helps against her. "17:04" Nicely done! "17:18" Wow, as quotes from Homelander in MK1, "What's a stupid way to dies...", as like going down in an whirlpool of blood... 😏 "17:44" I'm guessing that's where the last battles will occurs, right? "18:30" For some reason, why do I feel like this lady Sonia is somehow like that one woman in the NES one too??
@ДжокерМайерс 12 дней назад
The most important thing is that you watch the video and you can find out what happens next in the plot. Enjoy watching😊 0:00 Looks like they're having a private party there, or they didn't give a ticket to the event🤷‍♂ 0:47 Most likely she, since in Chapter 2 when Genshin and Elizabeth came to the village of Hayabusa and took the figurine, Ryu’s father said to return the figurine. 0:54 For those who like to feed on blood, this would clearly be something they would enjoy standing around and drinking. Although Scarlet from MK would definitely be happy to enjoy this. 1:18 It’s even strange that he didn’t want to shout to her, “I know what’s there, I’ll find you, return the figurine kindly.”😌 1:27 You're right, they obviously took a good swim there🦈 1:33 I think so, it looks like they will take more damage here than those in Rome. 2:52 You're right👍 3:08 Exactly, but what’s surprising is that, like a boss, he doesn’t have a health bar🧐 3:33 Sometimes I don’t understand why the camera itself turns away during some murders👀 4:31 Looks like it's very deep Ryu went down to find her. 4:36 It’s like a dungeon of dragons, or so they decided to show what the Underworld looks like🤷‍♂ 5:43 You're right, because if you play at a higher difficulty level, you really need to take care of your health and spend it correctly👍 6:17 You're right, Ryu Hayabusa had to follow Elizabeth's footsteps a long way to find her. 6:30 There is something similar in this, it seems that the villains live there😌 7:47 Yeah, now at least we know who these four demons worked for, his name is Dagra Dai. 8:44 I was surprised by how he was able to find out that a stranger was in their lair😳 Like a motion detector, he seemed to recognize😮 9:22 For an ordinary person, the climb here would obviously be a long one up such steps. 10:54 This means a reason to charge opponents with a stronger attack😊 11:54 I was thinking about showing Ryu’s other Ninpas when opponents appeared who couldn’t dodge like Genshin does, which means the rest will have to be demonstrated another time. And this one resembled a windy open saw blade. 12:10 They are here, as I was able to understand, something like temporary protection and they cause some other damage to opponents, if the enemy hits you earlier, they will immediately disappear😔 12:22 It seems so👍 12:33 So we need to prepare properly, since they decided to put it here for a reason 😊 13:54, )14:11 (You're right, ohh here with her for the first time the battle may not seem so difficult, but the last battle with her will be more difficult. That's where I was worried that since such angles show Elizabeth where he looks frankly so RU-vid doesn’t swear😳. It’s a good resemblance, you said👍 14:31 Now at least you can see her second form, like a bloody butterfly parasite. nyotengu would definitely appreciate her wings😁 15:36 This is where the Enma's Fang weapon helps me best when the weapon is upgraded to level 3. 17:04 As an opponent, she is also not too weak, I remember other people passed it with the help of a Scythe, but for me it was easier with another weapon, I didn’t think that it would be possible to defeat her like that, thank you very much😊 17:18 Hahaha, good thing you noticed this by the way. It’s as if she’s being washed away in the sink, of course she should have waved goodbye👏😅 17:44 You're right, that means Ryu will have to go there, it's even interesting that Genshin decided to take it like this and tell where the action will take place, since Elizabeth didn't want to admit it. 18:30 Most likely, it was intended by the developers that Sonya “aka Irene” was the same female character in the Nes versions🙂
@user-so7tf3cu1b 12 дней назад
Что за soundtrack играет??
@ДжокерМайерс 12 дней назад
@user-so7tf3cu1b В википедии там все написано..
@user-so7tf3cu1b 11 дней назад
@@ДжокерМайерс там нет этого трека...
@ДжокерМайерс 9 дней назад
@user-so7tf3cu1b ты уверен ли в этом?..
@user-so7tf3cu1b 9 дней назад
@@ДжокерМайерс там действительно указан этот трек, невнимательно смотрел
@user-so7tf3cu1b 9 дней назад
@@ДжокерМайерс там действительно указан этот трек, невнимательно смотрел
@user-lu5dm8lk2w 14 дней назад
Мне срочно нужен этот трек😅
@ДжокерМайерс 14 дней назад
@user-lu5dm8lk2w - Яндекс в помощь.😐
@CrimsonJak92 15 дней назад
Так как я, наконец, наверстал упущенное после последней сцены с Аянэ, теперь я могу попытаться продолжить эту сцену до твоей новой сцены позже сегодня, так как я могу сделать что-то на утро в ближайшее время, если еще есть время, я могу немного отдохнуть позже, в противном случае я мог бы просто подождать позже. В любом случае, давайте начнем с этих сцен! 🐱 "0:00" Хм, похоже, что это место будет похоже на затопленную область или что-то в этом роде, так что может быть там, где может быть четвертый? "0:40" Хм, так это похоже на болото как-то здесь... Может быть, Болотная Тварь может быть где-то здесь? "0:46" Почти как в боевике или что-то в этом роде. 😸 "1:11" Хм, я вижу, вы выбрали это оружие для этого. Наверное, что-то полезное против каких-то определенных врагов в этой области, я полагаю. "2:06" Черт возьми, я думал, что ты уже поймал его, но он все еще двигался, просто ему отрезали ногу... 🙀 "3:03" Вау, неплохой снимок. "3:39" По крайней мере, статуя дракона на всякий случай. "3:45" А, значит, теперь будет какая-то часть, требующая плавания. Понятно, но только как с ними справиться под водой? "3:58" О, хорошая цель, не видел этого там... 🙀 "4:26" Черт возьми, эта заряженная атака очень полезна для суженных путей. Хороший! "4:55" Догадались, что нужно как-то его использовать, да? "6:24" Из-за некоторых странных и странных вещей вся эта область джунглей действительно заставляет меня думать либо о MGS3 / MGS:PW, либо о фильме Хищник. "6:32" Ого, по крайней мере, это помогло. "7:28" Хм, там точка сохранения, и примерно половина этого геймплея... Я могу сказать, что битва с боссом может произойти прямо здесь, или раньше. Просто мой собственный прогноз на эту предстоящую сцену. "7:35" Теперь очередь этих извергов. "8:59" Ого, 59 хитов! Аккуратный! "9:26" Я чувствую, что это могло бы быть и здесь, с этой кат-сценой... (по крайней мере, я так думал...) "9:36" Что здесь происходит?? 🙀 Я ничего не могу с собой поделать, но эта сцена напомнила мне ту сцену из фильма «Война миров» (современная). "11:22" Это определенно похоже на место для битвы с боссом... "12:42" Что это было?? Это дракон или виверна, с которыми вы столкнетесь в следующий раз?? 🙀 "13:22" Итак, на этот раз вы сражаетесь с огненно-черным драконом. Здесь может быть непросто... "13:50" Блин, дуд... Ты отрезал ему хвост... 🙀 "14:34" Похоже, Рю подумал: "Теперь я позаботился об этом драконе, но как я собираюсь туда попасть??" Since I've finally catching up after the last scene with Ayane, now I can try to continues on for this scene to for your new one later today, since I might do something for the morning soon in case, if there's still time before I might take a little more rest later soon, otherwise I could just wait for later instead. Anyway, let's get started with this scenes here! 🐱 "0:00" Hmm, sounds like this place will be like a flooded area or something, so could be where the fourth one might be at maybe? "0:40" Hmm, so this seems like a swamp somehow here... Could Swamp Thing might be here somewhere? "0:46" Almost like how you seen these part in action movie or something. 😸 "1:11" Hmm, I see you chose this weapon for this here. Probably something useful against some certain enemies in this area, I believes. "2:06" Dang, I thought you got 'im already, but he still moving, it was just his leg cut off... 🙀 "3:03" Whoa, that quite a good shot. "3:39" At least that dragon statue there for a safe point though. "3:45" Ah, so now there'll be some part requires swimming now. I see, yet only thing is how can you handles those underwater though? "3:58" Oh, good aim, didn't see that there... 🙀 "4:26" Damn, this charged attack really useful for narrowed paths. Nice! "4:55" Guessed you had to used it somehow, huh? "6:24" For some strange and odd things, this whole jungle area really make me thinks of either MGS3 / MGS:PW or the movie Predator somehow. "6:32" Whoa, that's helped at least. "7:28" Hmm, an save point there, and about halfway of this gameplay length... I can tell there'll might be a boss fight right around here, or sooner. Just my own prediction for this upcoming scene. "7:35" Now its those fiends turn then. "8:59" Whoa, 59 hits! Neat! "9:26" I feel like this could be it here with this cutscene... (or so I thought...) "9:36" WTH happening here?? 🙀 I can't helped but this scene reminded me of that one scene in the War of the World movie (modern). "11:22" This definitely look like a spot for a boss fight here... "12:42" WTH was that?? Is that a dragon or wyvern you're facing next?? 🙀 "13:22" So you're fighting the fiery black dragon this time. This could get tough here... "13:50" Damn, dood... You've cut it tail off... 🙀 "14:34" Seems like Ryu were thinking, "now I've taken care of this dragon, but how am I going to get up there??"
@ДжокерМайерс 15 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 I wish you a pleasant viewing then🙂 0:00 You could say Ryu Hayabusa ended up in some sort of jungle swamp, you could call it. But the way he shows it in the scene really amused me😁 0:40 The main thing is that there are no alligators or snakes in such swamps😳🐊🐍 0:46 Here I agree with you 100%😊 1:11 I remember that you don’t have to walk much there before the first enemies appear in the form of beetle larvae, and here the Scythe helped a lot, almost like Rachel’s Hammer if you charge it. 2:06 How lucky is this mercenary, or did he decide to stall for time so that Ryu wouldn’t give him a fatality👀 3:03 In this you can really feel like either John Rambo or Snake from MGS😌 3:39 That's for sure👍 3:45 Even earlier, at the metro level, there will also be a small element with swimming, where you will have to swim, just like in approximately Rome there was also such an element, where from one side you will swim under water to the place where the Water Dragon boss was waiting, which looks like Loch Ness Monster, And in order to dive, you need to hold the jump and press the same button several times so that he can row with his hands. 3:58 I had to remember when opponents appear in order to shoot first,True, the sight sometimes strangely rarely focuses, I noticed. 4:26 Well, this Scythe can be said to serve as this means🙂 4:55 As you can see, in order to cross to the other side you have to walk along a rope, although almost like crossing there was also Muramasa’s store and the Crystal Skull will lie. 6:24 It’s like they were inspired by these two projects. It’s good that the Predator himself wasn’t there to study and want to hunt not Mercenary Soldiers, but not Ninjas😳😱 6:32 Yes, here Kusarigama shows himself well in action, as he almost even handles ghost fish directly. The main thing at a distance is to charge the attack well🙂 7:28 I suppose that if you play at a higher difficulty level and it’s very difficult to survive, then when you see the control points you can just take a breath. And so yes, half the way is done, and this still remains to be reached to the boss. 7:35 I noticed that those enemies that have chainsaws and a cannon in their hands on the PS 3 version are not as sharp as here in the Master Collection😳 8:59 Thank you very much😊, I didn’t even immediately notice the number of combos dialed. 9:26 This cut-scene was able to surprise me “they wanted to swim as if they were opponents, but in the end it seemed like no one taught them how to swim and immediately went to the next world”🤭 9:36 Well.. maybe they either wanted to get something in the water, or they wanted to swim, but apparently they weren’t taught how to swim🤷‍♂😁 11:22 Well, since there are no other ways here, we have to find out. 12:42 Perhaps on such Wyverns, demons float in the air, most likely, or a personal vehicle. 13:22 Well, the tactics here with the Black Dragon are almost the same as they were with the Giant Hot Armadillo. It is advisable to hit him on the sides or at the tail so that he does not grab him in the mouth near the head, otherwise he can cause decent damage 🗡 13:50 Not weakly, Ryu castrated him, one might say😬 14:43 You’re right, as if it would even be appropriate “damn, I killed the dragon. But I could ride it to fly after Elizabeth.”🤭
@CrimsonJak92 16 дней назад
Ладно, наконец-то я здесь, чтобы, наконец, увидеть это, чтобы попытаться наверстать упущенное на случай, но мне, возможно, придется остановиться где-то на полпути, если только я не смогу попытаться довести дело до конца за все утро, как мог, и попытаться закончить его позже вечером. В любом случае, давайте продолжим прямо сейчас! Кроме того, это немного сложнее получить, но я уверен, что вы сможете добраться туда достаточно скоро. Несмотря на то, что мне также нравится Сунь Шансян, она одна из моих лучших для Dynasty Warriors и Warriors Orochi 3 ♥, хотя я не уверен, что она есть в Warriors All-Stars, так что надеюсь, что она каким-то образом в этом... "0:31, 0:46" Посмотрев последнюю сцену, где впервые появился Геншин, теперь я понимаю это уже. «1:48» Я только что поняла, что это другой наряд, который ты используешь для Аянэ, по сравнению с прошлым разом, когда ты снималась в этой сцене для Аянэ. "3:16" Да, я до сих пор помню эту часть, после того, как вы достали предмет из сундука внизу, эти демонические волки появляются вокруг вас. "3:50" Шиш, он застал тебя врасплох, схватив тебя... "5:23" Хороший выстрел, затем небольшой взрыв после этого. Было бы так здорово, если бы у вас были все сразу. 😺 «5:35» О, враг предстал перед тобой! 🙀 "6:31" Все еще пытаюсь поймать эту ворону. 😹 (6:34) В конце концов, да. "7:54" Ун, один из тех, кто загнан в угол... "9:15" О нет, я уже так волнуюсь... (9:40) Хорошо, что это помогает. "9:52" Опять вороны. 😹 "11:14" Еще одно сохранение на всякий случай. Я собирался остановиться прямо здесь, но все же решил пойти немного дальше, так как я сделал небольшой пик того, что меня ждет впереди. "11:45" Мальчик, сколько еще этих летающих зверей?? 🙀 "13:32" Я мог себе представить, что в этих местах будет небольшое замедление. Да, я тоже иногда бывал там, когда делал эмулированный игровой процесс. "14:02" Взорви их!! 🐱 "15:34" Хм, Хаябуса уже сражался с этим боссом в NG Black/Sigma?? "16:57" Хех, это было достаточно быстро и легко для вас. Красиво сделано! "17:49" Это она, моя #1 леди/королева DOA, Касуми!! 😻💙💙💙💙 "18:06" Оооо 😺 Немного отличается от того, что я себе представлял, как один из последних новых образов Сунь Шансяна из DW7. ♥ "18:11" Ну, это моя точка остановки на утро, так как я должен был что-то делать сегодня утром, но все же я как-то забыл об этом... 😹 Okay, I'm here at last to finally see this to try to catch up in case soon, yet I may had to stop somewhere halfway, unless I could might try to see it through for the whole morning as I could and try to finish it later this evening. Anyway, let's get on with this right now! Also, that's kinda be trickier to get it, yet I'm sure you'll be able to get there soon enough. Even though, I also likes Sun Shangxiang too, she's ones of my best one for both Dynasty Warriors & Warriors Orochi 3 each, ♥ not sure if she's in Warriors All-Stars though, so hope she is in it somehow... "0:31, 0:46" After seeing the last scene where Genshin first appeared, now I understand this now already. "1:48" I've just realized it by now, this is an different outfit you're using for Ayane, compare to last time you've did this scene for Ayane. "3:16" Yup, I still remember this part here, after getting an item from the chest below, these demon wolves appears surrounding you. "3:50" Sheesh, that one got you off guarded by grabbing you... "5:23" Nice shot, then a small blast afterward. Would been so neat if you had all of them at once. 😺 "5:35" Oh, an enemy appeared before you! 🙀 "6:31" Still trying to get that crow. 😹 (6:34) Finally, yea. "7:54" Unh, one of those trapped in a corner... "9:15" Oh no, I feel so worried there already... (9:40) Good thing this one helps. "9:52" More of those crows again. 😹 "11:14" Another save point in case. I were going to stop right here, but yet I decided to go on a little further more, since I did took a little peak of what's up ahead soon. "11:45" Boy, how many more are there of those flying beasts?? 🙀 "13:32" I could imagined an bit of some few slowdown around these parts here. Yeah, been there sometimes too myself while doing emulated gameplay. "14:02" Blast 'em away!! 🐱 "15:34" Hm, did Hayabusa fought against this boss before in NG Black/Sigma?? "16:57" Heh, that was fast and easy enough for you. Nicely done! "17:49" Its her, my #1 DOA lady/queen ever, Kasumi!!! 😻💙💙💙💙 "18:06" Ooh, looks neat. 😺 A little different than how I though it would be, as like one of Sun Shangxiang latest new looks from DW7. ♥ "18:11" Well, this is my break stop point for the morning, since I were supposed to be doing something for this morning, but yet, I forgot about it somehow... 😹
@ДжокерМайерс 16 дней назад
Everything is fine, you don’t have to worry about it, sometimes I have similar situations and sometimes there may be situations when I go to RU-vid when I’m free and check what has changed while I was away, how I check what people have added and look at comments. If I didn’t have time to finish watching something somewhere and was called approximately, I save the text in a notepad document, Wow, I didn’t know that you liked the character Sun Shangxiang, I’ll keep that in mind now😯 And so I looked for a screenshot of the skin and put it in the video, if I manage to open it, I’ll take this skin in the Test to show it in action. 0:31, 0:46 I still couldn’t understand how Joe Hayabusa lost his sight? even when Ryu appeared and he fell, after the first battle he was still sighted and ran to his son, he had vision, how did he lose it I don’t understand something🙆‍♂ 1:48 That first video that I made for Ayane in NG S 2 there was a skin that I had in PS 3 as paid DLC, it’s good that at least here you don’t have to buy these skins, and they are already free🙂 3:16 It’s as if werewolves set up an ambush, as if they were showing us in the wild. For example, there is a carnivorous plant that feeds on beetles, luring them with its pheramones as if😌 3:50 Sometimes I wonder how they manage to catch at the wrong moment😳 5:23 I agree with you, even though spheres from crows also give yellow money👍 5:35 He appeared just like the jack-in-the-box😦 6:31 Since she didn’t want to fly away earlier, I decided that I would take currency from her too😁 7:54 At a higher difficulty level, this is one of two ambushes where it’s difficult for Ayane to survive due to the fact that her health scale is not the same as Ryu’s or other female characters “oh.. how I remember this when I was playing on PS 3” 9:15 Yes, I also start to worry in such moments, as if I have to try to get out, It takes my breath away😮😳 )9:40( I agree 100% 9:52 At least you can get more yellow money with him🙂 11:14 Yes, it’s useful that there is a checkpoint here, the main thing is when you go further do not forget that flying demons will appear and you need to be prepared. 11:45 Well.. it seems that at a higher difficulty level they can appear from 2 or 3 to 4 pieces “I think so” 13:32 Here I usually noticed either sorcerers, or clawed opponents can cause problems, and you have to somehow keep your eyes open. 14:02 Let the Black Spider clan learn how to contact the Sweet Ninja😊💜 15:34 It seems that boss Obaba appeared in the Dragon Sword part, and there they clearly somehow defeated her, and she also appeared in NG 3 where Ryu and Momiji stayed in the place when Ryu wanted to find out from his father about the curse. 16:57 Thank you very much😊 The boss made me sweat a little here, but here Ayane’s trick, as I understand it, is speed, you need to be able to do it correctly, since Rachel’s trick is strength, but Momiji’s trick I couldn’t understand🤷‍♂ 17:49 I honestly only realized from that moment that this outfit of Kasumi was from DOA 6, I noticed the back, the outfit is different from her classic Blue and White suit😯😱 18:06 Now at least you know how Ayane wears this outfit from Sun Shangxiang, although I liked the fact that in DOA 5 the Wang Yuanji skin on Ayane was better🤩 18:11 As you wish, in the meantime I’ll start editing a new video😊
@CrimsonJak92 16 дней назад
«0:17» Определенно, это лучшее из её появлений в сериях DOA и NG. ♥ "0:22" О, очень нравится ее новый черный наряд. 🖤 "0:25" До сих пор люблю эту намного больше... ♥♥♥ "0:27" Это выглядит аккуратно. Может быть, новогодний образ? "0:32" Мы оба знаем, что видели это в NGS2 раньше и в Dynasty Warriors. 😺 "0:36" По крайней мере, это все еще в DOA6. "0:40" Офицер Момидзи 😺 "0:55" Хороший выбор! 😸 "1:03" Наотора становится вашим 1-м противником для Момидзи. Это выглядит так интересно. 😺 "2:08, 3:17" Она всегда такая милая... ♥♥♥ "2:15" Строитель Басс, а? "3:54" Черт возьми, он действительно такой сильный, даже на более легком уровне сложности... "4:28" Заставил меня расплатиться за то, что было раньше. «5:13» Санта-Мила возвращается, на пляж. "6:32" Теперь очередь Аяне, но и на поле боя тоже. «7:04, 7:26, 7:35» Это определенно поле битвы. (7:04) Черт возьми, ты был у нее... (7:35) Чувак, ты снова был там, на этот раз это танк... «7:56» Хорошая работа, близкая победа. "8:07" О-о-о, прекрасная тэнгу снова вернулась, чтобы соблазнить меня еще раз... 🙀🖤 Защити меня, Момидзи... "9:18" О, поймал ее прямо в воздухе! (прости, Нётэнгу...) "9:48" О, я никогда раньше не видел такой бросковой атаки. Аккуратный! 🙀 "11:06" Май Ширануи, кролик-ниндзя в черном! 🖤 "12:40" Хм, неплохо для 4-го места, но у него все еще есть место для улучшений раньше. 😺 "13:17" Ооооо Аккуратный выбор! «14:43» Ведьма Лиза и Кристи в белом. «16:13» Кибер Аянэ и Санта Эйн / Хаяте? "17:28" Мари Роуз и Лэйфан ♥♥♥ "17:56" О, двойная атака падения изуны!! 🙀 «18:46» Уф, это близкое решение, когда Хаябуса почти вылетел... 🙀 "19:00" Рэйчел и сам Санта Дракон "20:43" Хороший улов на несколько товаров. "20:51" Отлично, 2 место! Красиво сделано! 👏 "0:17" Definitely still the best of her appearances in both DOA & NG series. ♥ "0:22" Ohh, really likes her new black outfit. 🖤 "0:25" Still loves this one a lot more... ♥♥♥ "0:27" That's look neat. Probably an new year look, maybe? "0:32" We both knows we've seen that in NGS2 before and from Dynasty Warriors. 😺 "0:36" At least this one still in DOA6. "0:40" Officer Momiji 😺 "0:55" Good choice! 😸 "1:03" Naotora appears as your 1st opponent for Momiji. This looks so interesting. 😺 "2:08, 3:17" She just always still so cute right there... ♥♥♥ "2:15" Construction Worker Bass, eh? "3:54" Dang, he's really so tough, even on an easier difficulty too... "4:28" Got 'im down for a payback from earlier. "5:13" Santa Mila is back, on the beach. "6:32" Now its Ayane turn, yet on the battlefield too. "7:04, 7:26, 7:35" These are definitely an battle fields going on. (7:04) Dang, she had you there... (7:35) Man, she had you there again, this time its a tank... "7:56" Good job, a close victory. "8:07" Uh oh, the beautiful tengu is back again to seduce me once more... 🙀🖤 Protect me, Momiji... "9:18" Ooh, got her right in mid-air! (sorry, Nyotengu...) "9:48" Oh, haven't seen this kind of throwing attack before. Neat! 🙀 "11:06" Mai Shiranui, bunny ninja in black! 🖤 "12:40" Hm, not bad for 4th, still got some more room for improvements sooner. 😺 "13:17" Ooh, an dragon maiden apprentice and master team. Neat choice! "14:43" Witch Lisa and Christie in Whites. "16:13" Cyber Ayane and Santa Ein / Hayate? "17:28" Marie Rose and Leifang ♥♥♥ "17:56" Ohh, an double izuna drop attacks!! 🙀 "18:46" Whew, that's a close call, with Hayabusa almost out... 🙀 "19:00" Rachel and Santa Dragon himself "20:43" Nice catch on some few goods. "20:51" Great, 2nd place! Nicely done! 👏
@ДжокерМайерс 16 дней назад
0:17 As you said in one of the videos “she looks good in any outfit”🤩 Thanks to Tecmo and Team Ninja for this character😊 0:22 I also liked this outfit, which is standard for her in NG 3 RE🤩❤‍🔥 0:25 At least in the master collection NG S 2 they added her the same outfit that was in the PS Vita version, since I unfortunately don’t have that skin on my PS 3. 0:27 Anything is possible, maybe in their villages they wear such outfits🤷‍♂ 0:32 You're right, later I forgot that he was also in this game and Momiji had a skin🙆‍♂ 0:36 Well, here the outfit seems like she’s just walking around as usual. And it’s possible that some people decided, since it’s popular, to add it to DOA 6 too. 0:40 Thanks to the developers for adding this skin here, Momiji didn’t have this skin in NG S 2, but I remember that I put this Momiji outfit in W O 3. 0:55 I thought for a long time about what outfit to get for her, and decided to try one🙂, it’s a pity that I don’t have any other skins for Momiji, as well as for 4 other female characters “damn sanctions” 1:03 It honestly surprised me that she decided to appear as the first opponent, although when I first played the arcade as Kasumi, Mai got caught there with blue color😳 2:08, 3:17 Really beautiful, Ryu Hayabusa is lucky to have such a student🤩❤‍🔥 2:15 As if they didn’t give him a break after work, he decided to become his second opponent😁 3:54 Well, it’s also my fault that I’m not good at catching a counterattack. I'm trying to understand how to be able to catch correctly, but it turns out in one place, of course, with my luck😔 4:28 You could say he fell the same way Momiji dropped, like an eye for an eye. 5:13 It’s like she didn’t want to meet in a cold map, but decided to take a warmer place hehe🤭 6:32 Here I didn’t expect Dear Ayane to appear, I was able to surprise you randomly😮 7:04, 7:26, 7:35 Well.. sometimes you can’t guess what your opponent will do with the strategy.. 7:56 I hope when Momiji returns to the village she will treat Ayane, like she once provided first aid to others🌺 8:07 Looks like random guessed the character right for you again😁 Although these are not her Tengu brothers from NG S 2. 9:18 I didn’t even think it would turn out like this “usually opponents knock you down” 9:48 If I’m not mistaken, I tried to grab her while running. 11:06 It’s like Ninja Zheritsa from the Hayabusa clan and Ninja with a spark decided to fight in a cold place to melt the ice😯🧊 12:40 I tried my best to survive, but Kasumi is still studying at the moment. 13:17 I remembered the game NG Dragon Sword on the Nintendo DS, since there Ryu taught Momiji already in ninja techniques, I decided to take the alliance “although at first I didn’t know which skin for Ryu to take” 🙂 14:43 I took this something really unusual combination at random. 16:13 I didn’t think that Ayane would appear again, and even with her brother in the alliance😳 17:28 As if she wanted to teach her something from her experience. 17:56 I honestly admit, I still don’t understand how I even managed to do this... I pressed to change the character and it seems like some kind of strike button, and then I decided to press it again, and this happened. I'm very surprised😳😱 18:46 Even made me nervous😯 19:00 It's like Santa Lee bewitched Rachel to go with him. 20:43 Useful for collection on the farm😌 20:51 I didn’t expect that I could rise to second place, but as it is, Kasumi and Rachel are in the lead at this ball, one might say. )16:15 (Here, after Momiji said that she was ready, Ryu would clearly say “Okay Momiji, then we’ll perform.” Damn, I love how their animation looks before the fight😊 )17:21 (As if it could be called "we have cast out evil spirits from you"🤭
@CrimsonJak92 17 дней назад
О, теперь Момидзи выходит на сцену на этот раз! ♥♥♥ Я действительно понимаю, что играть за Момидзи здесь, в DOA, довольно сложно и очень отличается от серии NG, к которой вы привыкли, это все равно, что иметь Май и Кулу в DOA6, и все же они играют по-другому по сравнению с серией KOF, из которой они на самом деле произошли. Хотя я уверен, что у вас все будет хорошо, если вы будете продолжать практиковаться время от времени. Эй, я собирался посмотреть это прямо сейчас, но на сегодня было немного занятий, даже если это мое единственное свободное время, которое, как я думал, я смогу уловить в том игровом процессе серии NG, который вы делали до сих пор... Я попробую еще раз завтра, рано утром, прежде чем я смогу сделать что-то, что я планировал сделать на утро в ближайшее время, либо на PS4, либо на Xbox. Так я и обещал на случай скорого времени, так что еще раз, извините за внезапно замеченное. Ooh, now Momiji takes the stage this time! ♥♥♥ I truly understand that playing Momiji here in DOA is kinda difficulty and very different to NG series you've been used to, its like having Mai and Kula in DOA6, and yet they do plays differently in there compares to KOF series they were really originate from. Even though, I'm sure you'll be doing alright here as long as you keep on practicing each times in a while. Hey, I were going to watch this right now, but there's been a little occupations for today, even if its my only time off too, which I thought I'll might be able to catch on those NG series gameplay you've did so far... I'll try again tomorrow, early in the morning, before I could might do something I were planning to do for the morning soon, either on PS4 or Xbox. So I promised on it in case soon, so again, sorry for the suddenly noticed.
@ДжокерМайерс 17 дней назад
I decided to make a video for her and show how she is. Well, about Mai and Kula, yes, we can say the same story as with Geese Howard who is in Tekken 7. Yes, without practice there is no place for training. Don't worry about it, you can watch the video whenever you're read. And I’m thinking of downloading chapter 13 of NG S 2 “I hope RU-vid won’t swear for one scene there” If you want, I can film the gameplay of the arcade for May, I don’t know who she should take as a partner, if Naotora was open to me, I would try to make such an alliance
@CrimsonJak92 16 дней назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Конечно, в любое время. Кроме того, мне было любопытно, как она играет здесь, в DOA5, даже кто может быть ее партнером по тегам в DOA5, поскольку в DOA6 этого нет. Жаль, что Наотора не были частью вашего набора, который у вас есть в сети, жаль, что у вас нет полного набора для этой игры. Да, я и сам понимаю то же самое по поводу небольших ограничений RU-vid. Всего один раз, примерно два или три года назад, когда я делал геймплей для японской импортной игры на PC Engine CD (TurboGrafx CD) под названием "Advanced V.G.", последняя часть прохождения из трех частей была просто удалена с нее, так как RU-vid сказал, что в ней есть какое-то оскорбительное содержание, но IDK, если он есть, так как это все как-то по-японски... Поэтому мне пришлось перередактировать его и удалить финальную сцену, чтобы его не удалили снова... Sure, anytime. Beside, I've been curious how does she plays here in DOA5, even what may be her tag partner in DOA5, since DOA6 doesn't have somehow. Too bad Naotora weren't part of your pack you've got online, wished you have the complete set for this game. Yeah, I understand the same thing myself about RU-vid's little restrictions. Just one time, about like two or three years ago, when I did gameplay to an Japanese import game on PC Engine CD (TurboGrafx CD) called "Advanced V.G.", the last part of an three parts playthroughs just got removed on it, as RU-vid saying there's some offensive contents in it, yet IDK if there's any on it, since its all in Japanese somehow... So I had to reedit it and removed the ending scene to it, in order to prevented it from being taken down again...
@ДжокерМайерс 16 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 I like Momiji that in the game NG 2-3 even here in DOA, as it was, he also played for her in W O 3❤❤‍🔥🤩 And about Naotora, most likely it comes as a regular paid DLC where you have to buy it separately, or you can find a file somewhere to make it available, as I was able to install the file so that Mai Shiranui would open. Her gameplay is somehow difficult for me, I even tried in the lessons section where there is a way to open the character’s announcer, but there, at most, I only did 7 lessons for her, oh, it’s sad that I’m such a noob there😔 It’s even a pity that I can’t look at her skins in the Steam store section, what other skins were there due to the moronic sanctions in Russia “it gives birth to the fact that some games I can watch in the Steam store and some I can’t”, this of course is also sad, I don’t even know if there are files exactly the official ones so that you can download and put it into the game, otherwise. But about Advanced V.G, it’s kind of strange, I’ll soon publish a video of Chapter 13 on NG, I hope that RU-vid won’t scold you for the fact that there will be one very explicit scene for 18+🙄 It’s of course sad that RU-vid does this, but for others, if they posted something like that, he doesn’t scold them, it’s even strange.
@CrimsonJak92 19 дней назад
О, Рэйчел для DOA5 на этот раз, а? Это может быть действительно интересно увидеть здесь. 🐱 Тем не менее, я все еще скучаю по ней для DOA6 как на PS4, так и на Xbox в ближайшее время, так что надеюсь, что она появится в продаже раньше. Я забыл, что она также есть в Warriors Orochi 3, но не уверен в Warriors All-Stars. В любом случае, давайте проверим это на данный момент. 😺 "0:10" Хм, ты сделал довольно много хороших раундов за несколько тренировок на сложности новичка, хорошо сделано. "0:31" Хм, хороший сет прямо там. Теперь давайте посмотрим на это в действии! 😸 «0:42» Мила, твоя первая соперница в этом забеге, а? Что ж, удачи вам! "1:30" Черт возьми, представьте себе, если ты все еще будешь проталкивать своего врага через стены... Ты мог бы сделать так, чтобы это место рухнуло на землю... 🙀 "1:39" Ха, эта коробка все еще висит у нее на голове. 😹 "1:50" Значит, Леон следующий. "2:21" Да, идеальная победа!! 👏 "2:39" Какого черта это было?? Неужели он просто отвалился с борта?? 😹 "3:02" Я просто должен был сказать вот что, почему Бэйман здесь действительно похож на Криса в RE5 или RE6? «4:11» Чувак, это был риск, но он каким-то образом остановил тебя там... "4:30" Теперь это Альфа 152, на этот раз... По крайней мере, это не так, как в DOA4, хотя для этой сложности здесь. Ну, у вас все равно есть! "5:40" Черт возьми, почти на пути к еще одной идеальной победе... Ну, вы все равно его получили. "6:27" Ненавижу, когда ты не можешь отменить свою насмешку там... Я думаю, что вы можете в других играх DOA, хотя не уверен, что именно. "6:57" О, наконец-то добрался! (7:02) Мощный гейзер!! (ой, неверный ход... 😹 ) "7:20" Санта Ген Фу?? 🎅 "8:34" Уф, это было близко... 🙀 "8:53" Нётенгу снова вернулся!! 🖤🖤🖤 "9:30" О, хорошее время! 👍 "10:22" Та же сцена, но на этот раз это Райдо, как и последняя. Почти как в оригинальной DOA1, после того, как вы сначала сразитесь с Касуми, а затем с Райдо. "10:53" Черт возьми... Извините, что это случилось с тобой там... "12:04, 12:15" Отличная работа, заработав титул и заработав 4-е место там с легкостью. Вам предстоит долгий путь, чтобы овладеть этой игрой, но я уверен, что со временем вы достигнете этого достаточно скоро. Просто продолжайте в том же духе и продолжайте практиковаться каждый раз. 👍 "12:25" О, на этот раз ты пробуешь нормальный для тегов? Интересно, кто будет здесь в команде сегодня? "12:43" О, хорошая обстановка, особая команда учителей и учеников. Нравится! 😺♥ «13:58» Первый Ген Фу, а теперь и его ученик Элиот стал следующим Сантой и здесь. Тем не менее, даже Нётенгу снова возвращается на ринг вместе с ним. 🖤🖤🖤 "15:03" Мисс Санта Пай Чан с человеком-волком Брэдом Вонгом. "16:36" Уф, парень, тебя чуть не догнали... Красиво сделано. 🙀 "16:49" Итак, еще один подражатель Санты, и это Мила с Касуми в шляпе и платье. ♥ "17:44" Я тоже чувствую то же самое, Касуми, по отношению к твоему второму "я"... 😿 «17:52» Альфа 152 снова возвращается, теперь с Кристи в сексуальном красном платье... 🙀♥♥ "19:02" О нет, она собирается убить Касуми там... 😿 (Черт тебя побери, 152...) Отомсти за нее, Рэйчел!! 😾 "19:43, 20:02" У вас там есть еще несколько вкусностей, отлично! Кроме того, отличная работа за 1-е место! 👏 Ooh, Rachel for DOA5 this time, eh? This could be really interesting to see here. 🐱 Yet, I'm still missing her for DOA6 on both PS4 & Xbox soon, so hope it'll be on sale sometimes sooner. I forgot she's also in Warriors Orochi 3 too, yet not sure for Warriors All-Stars though. Anyway, let's check this out so far. 😺 "0:10" Hmm, you've done quite a few good rounds for a few practices on rookie difficulty, nicely done. "0:31" Hn, good set right there. Now let's see it in actions! 😸 "0:42" Mila your first opponent for this run, eh? Well, best of lucks here! "1:30" Dang, imagined if you still keep on pushing your foe through numbers of wall there... Ya could might had make the place collapse to the grounds... 🙀 "1:39" Ha, that box is still floating on her head there. 😹 "1:50" So Leon is next then. "2:21" Yeah, perfect win!! 👏 "2:39" What the heck was that right there?? Did he just fell off from the side?? 😹 "3:02" I just had to say this though, why does Bayman here really look like Chris in either RE5 or RE6 much here? "4:11" Man, that was a risk there, yet he stopped you there somehow... "4:30" Now its Alpha 152 this time... At least its not like in DOA4 though for this difficulty here. Well, you got this anyway! "5:40" Darn, almost there for another perfect win... Well, you still got it anyway. "6:27" Hate it when you can't eve cancel out of your taunt there... I thinks you can in other DOA games, not sure which though. "6:57" Ohh, finally got it there! (7:02) Power Geyser!! (oops, wrong move... 😹) "7:20" Santa Gen Fu?? 🎅 "8:34" Oof, that was a close one there... 🙀 "8:53" Nyotengu is back again!! 🖤🖤🖤 "9:30" Ooh, nice timing there! 👍 "10:22" Same stage, but this time its Raidou as your last one here. Almost like in the original DOA1, after you fight Kasumi first then later Raidou next. "10:53" Dammit... Sorry for that to happened on ya there... "12:04, 12:15" Great job earning a title and earn 4th place there for easy. Its a long road up ahead to master this game, yet I'm sure you'll get there soon enough over time. Just keep up the good works and keep on practicing each times in a while. 👍 "12:25" Oh, you're trying out normal for tag this time? Wonder who you'll be here for tag team today? "12:43" Oh, nice set there, an special teacher and student based team. Likes it! 😺♥ "13:58" First Gen Fu, and now his student Eliot became the next Santa here too. Yet even Nyotengu return to the ring again with him too. 🖤🖤🖤 "15:03" Miss Santa Pai Chan with an wolf man Brad Wong here. "16:36" Whew, boy, almost had you right there... Nicely done. 🙀 "16:49" And so yet, another Santa wannabe, and its Mila with Kasumi in her sun hat and dress. ♥ "17:44" I feel the same too, Kasumi, for your other self there... 😿 "17:52" Alpha 152 is back again, now with Christie in an sexy red dress... 🙀♥♥ "19:02" Oh no, she's going to take out Kasumi there... 😿 (Damn you, 152...) Avenge her, Rachel!! 😾 "19:43, 20:02" You got some few more goodies there, neat! Also, great job for 1st place there! 👏
@ДжокерМайерс 19 дней назад
I decided to try to show the gameplay for her, she is at least not so difficult in the gameplay, even at the level she plays like Kasumi or Ryu Hayabusa. It’s a pity that Momiji and Ayane are still difficult for me to play for them “I have to continue to get used to them somehow” I hope that you won’t have to wait long, and you will be able to buy Rachel in DOA 6 as well as Tamaki for a complete collection. 0:10 There I check the characters how they play on the first difficulty. 0:31 I also liked how Rachel looks with this skin and her hair down 🤩😱 0:42 Let's see how the boxer copes with the Demon Hunter🙂 1:30 Yeah, here with such strength as Rachel, all that would be left from the enemy would be boiling blood and scraps,As if I remembered in NG 3 RE where the first storyline was for Ayane, if that mercenary would have met not her, but the Demon Hunter🤩❤‍🔥 1:39 Haha, it’s like putting a mask on her🤭 1:50 Let's check how the battle with him will be. 2:21 It’s rare to do this. 2:39 To be honest, I didn’t understand how this happened, as if he himself had rolled into a cliff😁 3:02 Damn, you made a good comparison, maybe one of the developers was inspired by Resident Evil, and someone decided to make him partly similar to Chris “at least they didn’t make him look like a character who could have looked like Albert Wesker,if only he would also wear glasses😁 ” 4:11 Yes, here you have to be more careful with such an attack. 4:30 You're right. 5:40 Sometimes you can’t guess what the enemy will do. 6:27 I noticed with some characters that they do their animations quickly, but for some you have to wait longer. 6:57, 7:02 It’s partly as if she does this when she’s armed with her hammer, but in DOA she already uses a melee attack🙂 7:20 Did he choose the wrong arena for the battle, or is he such a harsh Santa Claus that the desert won’t even be hot?😁 8:34 He made me worry👀 8:53 It’s as if a random person decided to throw it to you so that you could admire it hehehe, even when you passed the arcade behind Kasumi, she was the last enemy you caught. 9:30 Looks like it came right to the address😊 10:22 It’s like he was interested in looking at Rachel’s abilities once the last opponent was caught. 10:53 Troubles happen.. I tried to get away in different directions, but somehow I wasn’t able to do it successfully..😔 12:04, 12:15 Thank you very much😊, I even noticed that some titles are given for attending the game, and it was amazing. 12:25 I decided to try it, since as Rachel the gameplay here is not as difficult as the check, you can also find out what it will be like at this difficulty level. 12:43 I remembered that once upon a time you made a video for Rachel, where you took the same alliance as Ayane’s assistant, but I decided to take Kasumi as a partner, one might say that I decided to try this alliance on purpose🖤😊💙 13:58 It’s as if such an honor went to him😁 And Nyotengu seems to be finished off by a breeze for winter🥶😀 15:03 Randomly threw up an interesting alliance🙂 16:36 It looks like a pure coincidence😯 16:49 Sometimes he knows how to randomly surprise with someone who appears in the skin😌 like an alliance "in hats" 17:44 I also give this animation for 5 characters who are in the NG franchise, sometimes it’s a pity to beat them🙁😢 17:52 As if Christy decided to unite with Alpha 152 for a reason, apparently later she wanted to catch her and put her in a cage, or she will use her as a pet weapon. 19:02 I honestly tried to catch her with a counterattack, but I was too bad at it, I apologize🙁 Rachel won't let someone attack her best partner like that💪 19:43, 20:02 Thank you very much😊, I’m even curious what kind of skin I was able to open. I didn’t even think that I could take this alliance to 1st place😮
@CrimsonJak92 20 дней назад
Хм, я вижу, что вы уже дошли до самого конца сюжетных линий этой игры. Аккуратный. Я собирался посмотреть это утром, но, возможно, сейчас у меня на уме что-то другое, я уже добавил его в свой список просмотра на сегодняшнее время. Кроме того, сегодня во второй половине дня состоится презентация State of Play от PlayStation, а после этого даже презентация Silent Hill от Konami. Hmm, I see you've made it through the very end already for this game storylines. Neat. I were going to watch this for the morning, but I might had something else in mind for now, I've already put it on my watchlist for later today soon. Beside, there'll be an State of Play presentation around maybe this afternoon today from PlayStation, even an Silent Hill ones too from Konami afterward.
@ДжокерМайерс 20 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 As you wish😊 And about Silent Hill, I heard something for a long time that a new part wants to appear, a former classmate from high school showed me a teaser
@CrimsonJak92 20 дней назад
​@@ДжокерМайерс Отлично, что ж, это сегодня сегодня днем, скоро после видео State of Play. 😸 Neat, well, its later on today this afternoon soon, after the State of Play video first. 😸
@CrimsonJak92 21 день назад
Как следует из описаний, «Хаябуса» сейчас направляется в Москву в Россию. Этот, конечно, выглядит как жесткий по своему виду на изображении... Кроме того, я видел, что вы сделали еще один прямо сейчас, но мне нужно сначала посмотреть этот на всякий случай. (и я до сих пор не смог вернуться, закончив последний до этого, так что, надеюсь, позже скоро...) "0:10" Вау, как называется эта глава... Например, он дает вам подсказки о том, с чем вы столкнетесь впереди в ближайшее время... 🙀 "0:36" Мальчик, это похоже на беду... "2:00" Данг, полностью уничтоженный одним взрывом луча... 🙀 "2:22" Думаю, эти ребята тоже здесь, но я думал, что на этом этапе вы столкнетесь с солдатами или даже с другими демонами. "3:44" Теперь вы сражаетесь с роботами, или с двуногими доспехами хоть как-то... В серии NG вы должны были быть готовы к тому, с чем вы можете столкнуться любой ценой. "5:36" Это похоже на знак того, что впереди что-то впереди. Кроме того, пейзаж выглядит очень красиво, как будто это внутри дворца или что-то в этом роде, верно. 😺 "5:44" Ого, как я и думал... 5:52"Черт возьми, этот монстр выглядит более отвратительным, чем гигантский тролль в RE4... "6:17" Шиш, это не пустышка, достаточно пожертвовать своей жизнью... «7:20» На секунду мне показалось, что ты будешь драться с ним на том же месте. Пока не догадался до следующей области, ага. «7:26» Это была та самая книга, которая упала с книжных полок, которую вы читали ранее? "8:04" Хм, похоже, на этот раз ты будешь сражаться с этим огненным демоном по-настоящему, да. Кроме того, эта область внутри часовой башни выглядит как что-то рискованное и труднопроходимое, да. "8:31" Хм, мне кажется, что я получаю небольшую сцену об этих демонах здесь, в этой игре, четыре великих демона, все были основаны на четырех элементах, которые были найдены в азиатских культурах. Поскольку он демон огня, то последними двумя, которых ты победил, были ветер и гром, верно? Тогда я предполагаю, что четвертый и последний мог быть похож на воду или лед, или что-то в этом роде... Я знаю, потому что я думаю, что в одной из игр SNK, The Last Blade, есть что-то вроде этого, четыре элемента; Молния, Ветер, Огонь и Лед, как в названии, что-то вроде; Сэйрю, Бякко, Гэндзи и Фудзин. (Я думаю, но я могу ошибаться в одном или двух из них...) Даже у Марии в "Castlevania: Rondo or Blood / Symphony of the Nights" тоже есть что-то подобное, когда каждый из ее фамильяров призывает атаки. "9:44" Сначала я подумал, что он закончил нападать на тебя, но все же он делает еще кое-что... Ненавижу воображать, что ты уже был на низком уровне, а он просто прикончил тебя прямо на месте... 🙀 "10:14" Черт возьми, он просто взорвал часы изнутри, а потом рухнула целая башня... 🙀 As read from the descriptions, Hayabusa is now heading to Moscow in Russia, huh. This one sure looks like a tough one by its look on the image... Also, I did see you've made another one right now, yet I do need to see this one first in case. (and I still haven't been able to return back finishing the last one too before then, so hopefully later soon...) "0:10" Wow, what's a title for this chapter... Like its giving you a hints of what you'll be facing up ahead soon... 🙀 "0:36" Boy, this looks like trouble here... "2:00" Dang, totally wiped out all out with a single blast of ray... 🙀 "2:22" Guess these guys are here too as well, yet I thought you'll be facing soldiers here in this stage, or even more demons. "3:44" Now you're fighting robots, or bipedal armors at least somehow... In NG series, you had to be ready for what you'll might be facing at all cost, huh. "5:36" This look like a sign for something up ahead. Also, the scenery looks really nice, like its inside a palace or something, right. 😺 "5:44" Whoa, just as I thought... "5:52"Damn, this monster looks more hideous than the giant troll in RE4... "6:17" Sheesh, this one is no pushover there, putting your life down enough... "7:20" For a seconds, I thought that you'll be fighting him next right there on the same spot. Guessed not yet til the next area, huh. "7:26" Was that the book that fell off the bookshelves you've hit earlier? "8:04" Hm, this look like where you'll fighting that fire demon for real this time, huh. Also, that's area inside the clock tower look like something risky and hard to run through, huh. "8:31" Hmm, I feel like I'm getting a little scene about these demons here in this game, the four greater fiends, were all bases on the four elements that were like found in Asian cultures. Since he's an demon of fire, then the last two you've did beat were both wind and thunder, right? Then I'm guessing the fourth and last one might had been like water or ice, or something like that... I know cuz I thinks one of SNK game, The Last Blade, has something like that, the four elements; Lightning, Wind, Fire, & Ice, as in the name something like; Seiryu, Byakko, Genji, and Fujin. (I thinks, yet I might be wrong for either one or two of them here...) Even Maria in "Castlevania: Rondo or Blood / Symphony of the Nights" has something similar like that too with each of her familiars summon attacks. "9:44" At first, I thought he was done attacking you, but yet he does some more up next... Hated to imagined if you were low life already by then, and he just finished you off just right there... 🙀 "10:14" Dang, it just blew up the clock from inside, then a whole tower came crumbling down afterward... 🙀
@ДжокерМайерс 21 день назад
@CrimsonJak92 Yes, to be honest I was surprised that the location was chosen in Moscow in Russia😀 It was too much of a surprise for me. ) no problem, you can watch the rest of the videos at any time (👍 0:10 But in Tekken 8, Reina repeated a similar victory animation when she was sitting on the throne🙂 0:36 It’s as if he left an invitation somewhere, and a detachment of military men with equipment gathered😱 2:00 Looks like Ryu Hayabusa will have a tough opponent. 2:22 Perhaps they decided to present variety with their opponents 🤷‍♂ 3:44 They were even in the previous level, they remind me a little of the Rahkshi from the Lego Bionicle franchise. 5:36 The noise is clearly someone big. And I agree about the landscapes, even in St. Petersburg the metro looks approximately similar🚂🚃 5:44 Let's see how different the battle with this demon will be from the last meeting at level 4. 5:52 Like a mixture of an orc and a gorilla resembles the species😳 6:17 I’m trying to block so as not to take damage, somehow I’m not doing very well, damn it😔 7:20 It’s as if he was sitting on the top and studying what Ryu is capable of, and apparently decided to choose the best place for the battle. 7:26 I think so, if I'm not mistaken. 8:04 you're right, almost like the location from DOA where there were also similarities, the current there looked more like a cathedral at the top with a bell🕍 8:31 You're right, Ryu Hayabusa has already met three demons, and the last demon will be female🙂 Very good information👍 9:44 Sometimes, apparently, they decided to show that the villain is exhausted or is trying to catch his breath, and then, like a mousetrap, he catches👀 10:14 This is amazing😱as if he was still explosive💣
@CrimsonJak92 21 день назад
@@ДжокерМайерс «0:10», да, как она и сказала, «сдавайся или погибни». «3:44» Я помню тот набор Lego Bionicle в телевизионной рекламе давным-давно, во время утренних субботних и воскресных шоу. «8:31» Наверное, Элизабет, может быть, скоро станет четвертой? Хм, и я забыл, что был и 3-й, который тот самый волчий, верно? Мне все еще нужно закончить эту часть раньше. "0:10" Ah yeah, as she did said, "surrender or perish." "3:44" I do remember those Lego Bionicle set on TV commercials long time ago during those saturday & sunday morning shows. "8:31" Probably Elizabeth maybe as the fourth soon? Hn, and I forgot that there were a 3rd one too, which is that wolf one, right? I still need to finish that part sooner.
@ДжокерМайерс 21 день назад
@@CrimsonJak92 0:10 I wonder if she would kill her victim slowly or quickly😌? 3:44 I also remember that my parents gave me a cartoon on VHS for the New Year, I even remember that the first of the toys that my godsister bought for me was Raksha, the color was brown😊 8:31 You guessed right, she's going to have a pretty hot scene in Chapter 13,That's right, the third was the Wolf who ruled the storm with the wind🙂👏
@CrimsonJak92 23 дня назад
"1:19, 1:23" О, Май Ширануи в синем в качестве вашего 1-го оппонента здесь. Это будут конкурсанты в синем. 💙💙💙 "1:41" По крайней мере, она дает вам свободную минутку. "2:24" Мила идет следующей, затем на 2-й матч. "3:20" Красиво сделано. 👏 "3:40" Ой, как мог кто-то достаточно нормальный, как она, пережить такое опасное падение здесь?? 🙀 "4:08" Хм, это первый раз, когда я вижу более длинный экран загрузки, по сравнению с Xbox и PS4. Разве что, если бы на Xbox 360 тоже был такой же? "4:52" О, Кристи здесь следующая... ♥♥♥ "5:56" Это сюрприз, потому что даже Альфа 152 появляется здесь следующей. "6:12, 6:22" Я до сих пор ненавижу эти комбинации ударов ногами со времен DOA4... 😾 "6:46" Черт возьми, еле-еле хватило, чтобы пройти туда... Я беспокоился о тебе... "7:25" Чувак, я надеялся, что ты одержишь идеальную победу... Что ж, вы все равно хорошо поработали, не теряйте концентрацию. "8:35" Черт возьми, у нее был ты, когда я болел за тебя, чтобы ты получил здесь идеальный результат... "8:54" Бой против Контра Леона, а. "9:25" О, хорошо связано с силовым ударом, двигайтесь туда. Рискованно делать это в одиночку, когда осталось еще меньше жизней, но с критическим взрывным приемом, когда шкала оглушения противника достаточно низкая, с мигающим красным знаком «Критическое оглушение», ударьте им по нему, чтобы оглушить его, а затем подключите силовой удар или силовой прием, чтобы нанести ему гораздо больше урона. Критический взрывной удар Касуми - "➡+ P+K (Y+B)", так что надеюсь, это поможет в случае. "10:04" О боже, Нётенгу - твой последний противник здесь... Она всегда соблазняла меня, чтобы я играл с ней раньше, но, возможно, она уже это сделала... ♥♥♥ "11:37" Хорошая работа, у вас уже есть новая для нее. 😺 "11:49" Хм, 2-е место, неплохо, вы доберетесь до него достаточно скоро. 😺 "12:05" Оооо ♥ "12:11" Хм, отличные идеи для командной работы. Не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть их в действии. 🐱 "12:20" Мастер-ниндзя и сбежавшая куноичи 🐱 "13:35" Санта Хаятэ присоединилась к Рэйчел здесь?? "14:51" Дуэт убийц следующий. "16:04" О МАЙ...!! Двойная команда чирлидеров... 🙀💙💚 «17:22» Значит, Тина и Хелена были твоими последними врагами здесь? Ну, в любом случае, у вас это в сумке. "18:23" Молодцы, вы справились! Я чувствую, что у вас все хорошо с ними обоими, но я все еще не так хорош с Хаябусой, хотя Касуми все еще моя главная #1 DOA и лучшие DOA дамы тоже. "18:36" Довольно много вкусностей вы там получили. Аккуратный! 👏 "18:41" 2-е место снова здесь, но все же вы доберетесь до него достаточно скоро, просто продолжайте практиковаться еще немного время от времени. 👏 "18:45" Хорошая картинка, дуд. Тем не менее, я все еще чувствую, что они больше похожи на мастера и ученика, как хими и Момидзи. 😸 Кроме того, у Hayabusa уже может быть кто-то со времен NES, хотя не уверен в NG3, IMO. Что ж, отличный геймплей с этими двумя. Продолжайте в том же духе, добро творит добро и делает требует времени на практику в любой день. Я поделюсь несколькими хорошими комбо, которые я сделал для Касуми, так что надеюсь, что они будут достаточно полезны для вас. Я все еще ищу еще несколько хороших иногда здесь и DOA6 каждый. 1.) ➡x2 + B, Y x4, затем ➡ + Y+B (C.B.), если срок службы низкий, ⬅ + Y+B (заряд) 2.) Y x2 (или даже K x2 тоже), затем ↖ + B, (или просто ↖ + B в одиночку тоже подойдет), затем удерживайте ➡, тогда B x2 3.) ➡ + Y, B, ⬇ + B (мой любимый как-то) 4.) ⬅ + LT (K+G), ➡ + B, Y x3 (или вместо этого было Y x2...), затем ➡ + Y+B (C.B.) "1:19, 1:23" Oh, Mai Shiranui in blue as your 1st opponent here. It'll be an contestants in blue. 💙💙💙 "1:41" At least she's giving you a spare minute there. "2:24" Mila is up next then for the 2nd match. "3:20" Nicely done there. 👏 "3:40" Ouch, how could someone normal enough like her to survived such a dangerous fall like this here?? 🙀 "4:08" Huh, this is a first time I've seen an longer loading screen, compares to both Xbox and PS4. Unless maybe if the Xbox 360 might had one like this too? "4:52" Ooh, Christie is up next here... ♥♥♥ "5:56" That's a surprise for even Alpha 152 appears up next here. "6:12, 6:22" I still hate those kicks combo since DOA4... 😾 "6:46" Dang, barely enough to make it through there... Had me concerned for ya there... "7:25" Man, I was hoping you'll be getting a perfect win right there... Well, you've still did good there though, don't lose focus. "7:40" Uh oh, Ayane's up next right here... She can be tough here, so be careful when facing against her on a little tougher difficulty soon... She'll literally won't hold back at all... "8:35" Darn, she had you as I was rooting for ya to get an perfect here... "8:54" Fighting against an Contra Leon, eh. "9:25" Oh, good connected with the power blow move there. Its a risk to do it alone when even lower life left, but with a critical burst move while the opponent's stun meter is low enough, with an flashing red "Critical Stun" sign, struck it with it to stun them then connect an power blow or an power launch move to deal much more damages to 'em. Kasumi critical burst move is "➡+ P+K (Y+B)", so hope it'll helps in case. "10:04" Oh boy, Nyotengu is your last opponent here... She always seduced me to plays her sometimes sooner, yet she might had already by now... ♥♥♥ "11:37" Nice work, you got a new one for her already. 😺 "11:49" Hm, 2nd place, not bad, you're getting there soon enough. 😺 "12:05" Ooh, nice choice! ♥ "12:11" Hm, neat teamwork ideas there. Can't wait to see them in actions. 🐱 "12:20" The master ninja and the runaway kunoichi 🐱 "13:35" Santa Hayate joined in with Rachel here?? "14:51" An duo of assassins next. "16:04" Oh MAI...!! Double cheerleaders team... 🙀💙💚 "17:22" So Tina and Helena were your last foes here instead? Well, you got this in the bag anyway. "18:23" Nicely done, you made it through! I feel like you're doing good with both of them so far, yet I'm still not that good with Hayabusa yet though as Kasumi still my #1 DOA main and best DOA ladies too. "18:36" Quite some few goodies you got there. Neat! 👏 "18:41" 2nd place again here too, still you're getting there soon enough, just keep on practicing some more each in a while. 👏 "18:45" Nice pic there, dood. Yet, I still feel like they're more like master and apprentice somehow, like him and Momiji. 😸 Beside, Hayabusa already may had someone already since the NES one, not sure in NG3 though, IMO. Well, great gameplay with these two. Keep it up the good the good works and do takes time to practices anyday. I'll share some few good combos I've did for Kasumi so far, so hope it'll be helpful enough for ya there. I'm still looking around for some more good ones sometimes here and DOA6 each. 1.) ➡x2 + B, Y x4, then ➡ + Y+B (C.B.), if low life, ⬅+ Y+B (charge) 2.) Y x2, (or even K x2 too instead) then ↖+ B, (or just ↖+ B alone will also do) then hold ➡ then B x2 3.) ➡ + Y, B, ⬇ + B (my favorite somehow) 4.) ⬅ + LT (K+G), ➡ + B, Y x3, (or was it Y x2 instead...) then ➡ + Y+B (C.B.)
@ДжокерМайерс 6 дней назад
1:19, 1:23 Quite an unusual coincidence, huh? I was even surprised by this first opponent😳 1:41 Honestly, I tried to trip her up, but instead of that they decided to give Kasumi a taunt, sometimes the controls are strange, I even tried to change it😳 2:24 It’s like boxing against ninja technology decided to stir it up heh😁 3:20 Tried to hold on🙂 3:40 This is amazing, or maybe she had adrenaline or something, since after this she’s still standing👀 4:08 To be honest, at the beginning I didn’t understand what was happening, although somewhere in the first launch this happened a couple of times, but if I look now, I don’t notice it. I don’t even know what the reason could be, fortunately at least the game didn’t freeze😱 4:52 It’s as if he randomly decided to throw in a mixture of the fight between the Assassin and the Ninja “just like towards the end, Kasumi had to face Christie”🙂 5:56 It’s as if Alpha decided to show up next, apparently for a reason👀 6:12, 6:22 Here I will agree with you👍 6:46 This is where I really started to worry and thought that right now she would somehow catch on, damn I was lucky as hell to win😱 7:25 I thought that I would be able to make a beautiful result of a clear victory, but sometimes I don’t always manage to guess my opponent’s move, troubles happen😔 8:35 Random managed to confuse me😳 8:45 Hehehehe, as if they decided to choose an opponent for him not just a simple ninja, but an attractive one🙂 9:25 Yes, I understand, but I thought maybe it would work out... though I’m not always good at guessing.. And so I still get confused at the controls, “not to mention the counterattack, which I can’t do normally” 10:04 It’s like I randomly decided to throw this in especially for you😊 Almost like with DOA 2 where there was a male boss, Tengu, but now they decided to do this. 11:37 This is great, in the future there will be something to take for it, and if the enemy appears, he will also be able to take such an outfit😌 11:49 I did everything in my power🙂 12:05 , 12:11 I didn’t choose this alliance for nothing, you’ll find out closer to the end... but I didn’t know what kind of partner to give for Kasumi, so I decided “why not” since the picture looked like she and Ryu had decided go on a date😊 12:20 As if Ryu didn’t stay long while going on a date with Kasumi😇 13:35 It’s as if Hayate decided to do something clever and called Rachel as his partner😳 14:51 Heh, this is a very cool random throw of opponents, even the Music theme from Rig fits here😏 16:04 It’s as if such a duet gave you a random gift, Ninja with a spark and a karateka😁 17:22 Let's see how a couple of ninjas can stop them. 18:23 For Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusa, at least it’s not so difficult for me to play here, I didn’t even expect this... it was that in the plot I noticed that Hayate is a little easier to play than Ryu, but I’ll leave preference for Hayabusa, since I like him better than Brother to Sisters. Well, compared to me, you are much better at playing. 18:36 Hehe, as if this slot machine was right😁 18:41 I did everything in my power, since this can be said to be the first arcade game🙂 18:45 Thanks to this picture, I decided to try the duet of Kasumi and Ryu Hayabusu, they really look like they went on a date😊 And so I thought that both Rachel and Momiji, even Kasumi as a couple, could be suitable for Habusa as a couple... well, for some reason it seems so to me🤷‍♂🙂 I really tried, but I feel that the game will be very difficult for me.. Thank you very much😊 for the written combo👍 I apologize that I didn’t notice the comment earlier🙁, RU-vid didn’t show it to me right away, I should have paid attention to the “under review” section, I don’t know why it was there🤷‍♂
@CrimsonJak92 6 дней назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Да, я понимаю ситуации. Иногда мне не удавалось найти свои прошлые комментарии в разделах комментариев в моей библиотеке видео. Кроме того, в последнее время я не мог смотреть ни один из ваших новых фильмов, на этой неделе было немного занято, даже я взял небольшой перерыв на вчерашний день, когда я мог бы посмотреть по крайней мере один или два из вас. Yeah, I've understand the situations. Sometimes I couldn't find my past comments in the comment sections of my videos library. Also, I've couldn't been able to watch any one of your new ones lately, its has been a little occupied times for this week, even I did took some little time off as well for yesterday, which I could had watches at least one or two of yours.
@ДжокерМайерс 6 дней назад
@@CrimsonJak92 It's okay, I understand you perfectly. Sometimes I also go through a similar situation when they give me something to do... But you don’t have to worry about it, you can watch something you haven’t seen before at any time
@DIMON31_01_2015 23 дня назад
Я этот мультфильм смотрел с этой озвучки от компании "Викинг Видео".
@ДжокерМайерс 23 дня назад
@DIMON31_01_2015 Тебе круто повезло с этим
@CrimsonJak92 24 дня назад
О, Касуми!! 🙀🌸♥♥♥ У тебя хорошие глаза, чувак. 😺 Я знаю, что скоро потребуется время, чтобы привыкнуть к этому, поэтому я уверен, что ты сделаешь все, что в твоих силах, так что просто продолжай в том же духе и продолжай совершенствоваться с каждым разом. Что ж, будем надеяться, что вы сделали все, что могли. Желаем удачи! 😺 "0:10" Хм, вы хорошо справились между уровнем сложности "Новичок", "Легкий" и "Нормальный". Красиво сделано! 👏 "0:15, 0:16, 0:21" Всегда остается лучшее, что есть для нее... 💙🤍🖤 "0:20" Вы увидите это иногда вскоре после этого... 😉🖤 "0:25" Это выглядит очень красиво на ней, для чего-то, чем она может наслаждаться на свежем воздухе. 🍃 "0:29" Её первый традиционный образ со времён DOA1 ♥ "0:32" Она похожа на старшеклассницу, вот так. "0:36" Не уверен, что это такое, но на ней это выглядит очень хорошо. "0:45" Этот эпизод вы всегда будете часто видеть от DOA1 до DOA4. "0:53" Мне просто очень нравится тот купальник, который она носит больше всего... 😻♥♥♥ "0:59" Мне даже очень понравилась эта песня. Хорош для небольших прогулок в солнечные дни. "1:00" Это похоже либо на кроссовер Samurai Warriors в роли Грасии, либо на что-то оригинальное для нее. "1:02" Я знаю, что видел это раньше в DOA2 Ultimate. Она чувствует себя принцессой или богиней, как эта. ♥ "1:04" Определенно мой самый любимый костюм на Касуми! ♥♥♥ Почему его не будет и в DOA6?? 😿 "1:06" Так что, я думаю, это все, да? Я вижу, что вы имеете в виду в своих описаниях. Что ж, есть некоторые каталоги DLC, которые вы можете скачать и просмотреть здесь, но они могут занимать больше доступного места, и даже некоторые могут быть недоступны, например, некоторые костюмы-кроссоверы с SNK, Senran Kagura или даже Fairy Tail, из-за этих дурацких лицензионных хламов... Единственное, что вы можете получить, это те, которые наносятся с помощью Koei Tecmo, таких как Gust или Atelier mashup pack, или даже Samurai или Dynasty, а также Deceptions. Извините, я как раз собирался приступить к просмотру этого геймплея в этот вечер, но затем я сделал несколько других вещей, которые я задумал прямо сейчас... Так что я постараюсь продолжить оставшуюся часть утром, если смогу. Опять же, извините, обещал, что увижу этот геймплей раньше... Ooh, Kasumi!! 🙀🌸♥♥♥ You have good eyes, man. 😺 I know it'll been a while to get used to it soon, so I'm sure you'll do your best, so just keep it up and keep improving there each times. Well then, let's hope you've done your best here. Best of lucks! 😺 "0:10" Hm, you did good so far between Rookie, Easy, and Normal difficulty there. Nicely done! 👏 "0:15, 0:16, 0:21" Always still the best there is for her... 💙🤍🖤 "0:20" You'll be seeing this sometimes soon later... 😉🖤 "0:25" That one looks really nice on her, for something she can enjoys the outdoors. 🍃 "0:29" Her first traditional look since DOA1 ♥ "0:32" She kinda look like a high school student like this here. "0:36" Not sure what this is somehow, yet it looks really good on her though. "0:45" This one you'll always see from DOA1 to DOA4 a lot. "0:53" I just really love that swimsuit she wearing the most... 😻♥♥♥ "0:59" I've even likes this one a lot too. Good for a little sunny days strolls. "1:00" This one feel like either an Samurai Warriors crossover as Gracia, or something original for her. "1:02" I know I do seen this one before in DOA2 Ultimate. She feel like a princess or an goddess like this one. ♥ "1:04" Definitely my most favorite costume on Kasumi! ♥♥♥ Why won't it be in DOA6 either?? 😿 "1:06" So I guess that's it, yeah? I see what you've mean in your descriptions. Well, there are some catalogues DLCs you can download and views them here, yet they may take up more your available spaces and even some may not be available such as some crossover costumes with SNK, Senran Kagura, or even Fairy Tail, dues to these stupid licenses junks... The only things you can get are those are inflicted with Koei Tecmo, such Gust or Atelier mashup pack, or even Samurai or Dynasty ones, too and also Deceptions as well. Sorry, I were just about to get started on watching this gameplay for this evening, but then I've been doing several few other things I had in mind right now... So I'll try to continues the rest of it in the morning if I could. Again, sorry bout it, promised I'll be seeing this gameplay sooner...
@ДжокерМайерс 24 дня назад
I decided to please you with the start of an arcade game for your favorite character, although I like it too🙂💙❤‍🔥 Yes, you’re right, you have to somehow adapt to the controls here, in the story when I was going through I felt this “I don’t even know how I’ll do it and how long it will take” 0:10 Then I checked how playable the characters were at difficulty levels. 0:15, 0:16, 0:21 Even if Phase 4 started wearing this, they could be confused🤭 0:20 Yes, in the story she had such an outfit, just like the main outfit in NG 3 RE “though in the last game there was a cape, like she didn’t have a hood or the cloak was short”🙂 0:25 It even looks like she would live in her private house when she was free🏡 0:29 You have a good memory that you remember her first outfit, I forgot what her main skin was there😯 0:32 I completely agree with you, as if I started studying somewhere in the 7th or 8th grade😊 0:36 As if, as a resident of Atlantis, this outfit reminds me for some reason, I don’t know why🤷‍♂ 0:45 Mm, I'll take that into account. It looks like the developers decided to give her this outfit for a reason. 0:53 The developers chose the look and color of this skin well, it seems to seduce🤩💙❤‍🔥 0:59 You could even say partly how her outfit is at home😌 1:00 Partially even similar, I remember how her plot went, there she met Magoichi Saika saved her from some robbers, and then she seemed to have feelings for him. 1:02 Ah, so from what other part did she have this skin “it’s good that it’s not like a princess who has to be saved by trained Mario or Luigi”😁🤭 1:04 Well, here she looks like she’s going on a date with someone, even just in case, she’s wearing a jacket that reminds me of the biker jacket that rockers wear. Well, it’s a pity that this skin and others from part 5 were not added for part 6, it’s very sad🙁 1:06 I remembered that you took the same image for her, I decided to also please her with this, one might say😊 It’s sad that they are not even displayed in the way you can buy them, but since sanctions in Russia have not yet been closed, some games on Steam I can see how much they cost and look at the main menu in the store, and which ones it doesn’t show, it says “error, this product is not available in your region” it’s so annoying that I can’t even buy games or install a free add-on in the PS 3 store🙁😢 Oh, I didn’t know that other games had the same DLC skins Yes, everything is in order, you can watch the video whenever you want, so at your convenience, you can continue watching at any time👍 In the meantime, I’ll think about what’s worth filming, and I’ll have to edit this video.
@CrimsonJak92 23 дня назад
@@ДжокерМайерс "0:15, 0:16, 0:21" По крайней мере, Фаза 4 носит шарф на случай, если не запутает себя и свою настоящую Касуми. "0:29" Я думаю, что я могу вспомнить его также в DOA2 Ultimate и, возможно, в DOA3 тоже. "0:53" Не могу сказать или даже вспомнить, есть ли он в DOA6, но давайте посмотрим, есть ли он, и надеюсь, что он появится в продаже раньше. "0:59" Даже этот каким-то образом все еще остается в DOA6. "1:04" Интересно, может быть, это что-то связанное со специальными акциями или что-то в этом роде... "1:06" Это действительно отстой, так что я понимаю, что... Кроме того, поскольку есть даже костюм Касуми, который я пропустил для Senran Kagura: Estival Versus, даже Аяне в качестве гостя для него, но, как и здесь, оба были перечислены из-за истечения срока действия лицензии... "0:15, 0:16, 0:21" At least Phase 4 wears a scarf in case to avoid confusions between herself and her real Kasumi self. "0:29" I thinks I might remember its also in DOA2 Ultimate and maybe DOA3 too. "0:53" Can't tell or even remember if its in DOA6 though, but let's if there is though, and hope it'll be on sale sooner. "0:59" Even this one get to be still in DOA6 somehow. "1:04" Wonder if its maybe something related to an special promotions or something like that... "1:06" That's really sucks about it, so I understand that... Also, since there's even Kasumi costume I did missed out for Senran Kagura: Estival Versus too, even also Ayane as a guest for it, but just like here, both were listed out due to licensed expirations...
@ДжокерМайерс 23 дня назад
@@CrimsonJak92 0:15, 0:16, 0:21 Alternatively, you’re right here🙂 0:29 You definitely have a good memory, that's cool. 0:53 Maybe there is some other one with drawings, who knows🤷‍♂ 0:59 Maybe someone got a vote for this skin, that some people take this skin more, I don’t even know myself. 1:04 Quite possible🙂 1:06 Wow, I didn’t know this information😮😳
@CrimsonJak92 24 дня назад
«0:00» Похоже, у вас скоро будет матч-реванш с этим заклятым врагом, да... Надеемся на лучшее для вас... "0:20" Хм, я забыл, что до сих пор не закончил оставшуюся часть этой сцены... Надеюсь, я смогу иногда сделать это позже, если еще будет время и достаточно возможности. «0:25» Рю делает покупки в конференц-магазине, или это было похоже на то, что вы скоро окажетесь внутри? Вот это сюрприз. 😸 "0:42" Не знаю почему, но почему эта сцена и этот гигантский дирижабль выглядят почти так же, как в KOF2002?? Это та самая сцена с боссом, где вы сражаетесь с Омегой Ругалом в оригинальной KOF 2002, а затем в KOF 2002 UM. "1:38" Шиш, который мог сломать свой меч там, или, что еще хуже, он мог упасть вместо этого... 🙀 "1:53" Черт возьми, его нос мощнее, чем эти турельные орудия дирижаблей на борту, аккуратно! "2:42" Блин... Тем не менее, она должна быть в безопасности от этой аварии, верно?... "2:55" Что это за штуки? Похоже на что-то прямиком из той игры DOOM... 🙀 "3:00" Ого, он там даже пушкой заряжен? Черт возьми, у него здесь есть все, что ему нужно. 😺 «3:18, 3:45» Я был в некотором роде удивлен и беспокоился, что будет, если ты можешь случайно упасть каким-то образом... "3:25" Какой-то двигатель, использующий энергию демона, я так полагаю? «3:57» Погибший товарищ... Я помню, что видел их и в NG Black, они сражались с честью... "4:25" Догадываюсь, что нет времени отбиваться от них, ага. Но и таймера обратного отсчета я тоже не вижу... "4:48" Черт возьми, дуд... Представляю, если бы он не успел вовремя... 🙀 "5:10" "Броненосец?" Наверное, скоро секретное оружие, я так полагаю? "5:31, 5:37" Черт возьми, она похожа на Леди из DMC3 из этой игры? 😺 Она могла быть использована для этого или, по крайней мере, для DOA. "5:43" Согласилась с тем, что он ей сказал. 😹 "6:58" Хм, неплохие суммы на случай, если скоро получить больше вещей. "7:15" Что-то впереди вызывает у меня плохое впечатление от этой сцены... Я могу просто сказать по нему... "7:47" Опять разборки с ним, ага... Удачи вам... "8:41" Хм, красиво сделано. Чуть не достал его. "9:20" Предполагаю, что это означает, что он скоро вернется, ага. По крайней мере, у вас есть этот, который так легко победить. "9:48" О, он тоже может ездить на мотоцикле. Здесь все идет хорошо. 🐱 "10:27" Черт возьми, вот и этот байк... 🙀😿 "10:38" WTH, так это "Броненосец" да?? Это гигантский демон... 🙀 "11:28" Черт возьми, чувак... Это похоже на живой вулкан или что-то в этом роде... 🙀 "12:21" D-Dang, на мгновение ты наконец-то понял это, но затем он использовал свои последние силы, чтобы самоуничтожиться, и тебе едва хватило времени, чтобы пройти через это... 🙀 «12:44» Итак, снова сцена с покупками. 😹 "0:00" Seems like you'll be having an rematch against this arch-nemesis here sooner, huh... Hope for the best here for you... "0:20" Hmm, I forgot that I still haven't gotten back on finishing the rest of that scene... Hope I'll be able to sometimes later, if there's still time and possible enough. "0:25" Ryu is shopping inside an convention store, or was that like inside somewhere you're at soon? That's a surprise there. 😸 "0:42" Not sure why, but why does this scene and that giant airship look almost like that one from KOF2002?? Its that one boss scene where you fights Omega Rugal in the original KOF 2002 one, than the KOF 2002 UM one. "1:38" Sheesh, that could had broke his sword there, or even worse, he could might fall of instead... 🙀"1:53" Dang, his bow is more powerful than those airship turret guns onboard, neat! "2:42" Damn... Yet, she gotta be safe from that crash, right?... "2:55" WTH are those things? Looks almost like something straight outta that game DOOM there... 🙀 "3:00" Whoa, he's even loaded with an cannon gun there? Dang, he's got everything he need here, huh. 😺 "3:18, 3:45" I was sorta wonder and worried that what's happens if you might fall off by accident somehow... "3:25" Some sorta of an engine using demon energy, I believes so? "3:57" An fallen comrade there... I remember seeing those in NG Black too, they've fought with honored... "4:25" Guessing there's no time to be fighting them off, huh. Yet, I don't see no countdown timer either... "4:48" Holy crap, dood... Imagined if he never made it out on time... 🙀 "5:10" "Armadillo?" Probably an secret weapon soon, I believes so? "5:31, 5:37" Damn, is she like Lady from DMC3 of this game? 😺 She could had been used for this or DOA at least. "5:43" Agreed with what's he said to her. 😹 "6:58" Hm, quite good amounts in case for getting more stuffs soon. "7:15" Something up aheads giving me a bad vibe of this scene... I can just tells from it... "7:47" A showdown with him again, huh... Best of lucks here for ya... "8:41" Hm, nicely done right there. Almost got him. "9:20" Guessing its means he'll be back sometimes soon, huh. At least you've got this one so easy to beat though. "9:48" Ooh, he can ride an motorcycle too. This is getting good here. 🐱 "10:27" Damn, there's goes that bike... 🙀😿 "10:38" WTH, so that's the "Armadillo" huh?? Its an giant fiend here... 🙀 "11:28" Holy crap, man... Its like an living volcano or something... 🙀 "12:21" D-Dang, for a moment there you've finally got it, but then its used it last strength to self destruct there and you were like barely enough to make it through... 🙀 "12:44" And so, there's that shopping scene again. 😹
@CrimsonJak92 24 дня назад
Уф, по крайней мере, мне удалось увидеть всю сцену этим утром, как я мог бы здесь. Кроме того, слава богу, все мои комментарии к этому видео дошли достаточно, так как мое соединение сегодня утром было немного медленным... Вероятно, из-за выходных, посвященных Дню поминовения, я думаю, что в США на завтра, так как там также действуют специальные предложения ко Дню поминовения. По каким-то странным причинам мне кажется, что вся эта сцена напомнила мне что-то из других игр, в которые я играю однажды... Возможно, это был либо DMC, либо Bayonetta... (Скорее всего, может быть, Bayonetta, по крайней мере...) Тем не менее, эта мотоциклетная часть действительно напомнила мне сцены в конце MGS3, где Снейк и Ева едут на мотоцикле по вражеской базе, сражаясь с гигантским прототипом Metal Gear. Надеюсь, я скоро смогу сыграть в эту игру, после того, как быстрее пройду MGS1 или MGS2. В любом случае, отличный геймплей с этой игрой сегодня, я посмотрю, успею ли я увидеть другую, которую пропустил немного позже или в любое время завтра в ближайшее время, так как я все равно беру отпуск на праздник. Я с нетерпением жду новых NGS и DOA5 в любое время. Whew, at least I've managed to see the entire scene this morning as I could here. Also, thanks goodness all of my comments for this video made it through enough, as my connection this morning been running a little slow today... Probably cuz of Memorial Day weekends I thinks in the US for tomorrow, since there's also an special Memorial Day deals going on as well. For some oddly reasons, I feel like this whole stage scene sorta reminded me of something from another games I do plays one time... Might had been either DMC or Bayonetta... (Mostly likely maybe Bayonetta at least...) Yet that's motorcycle part really reminded me of the near end scenes to MGS3, which Snake and Eva rode an motorbike across the enemy base, fighting against an giant Metal Gear prototype. Hope I'll get to playing that game soon, after I beat either MGS1 or MGS2 sooner. Anyway, great gameplay with this one today, I'll see if I have time to see the other I did missed a little later or anytime tomorrow soon, since I'm taking some time off for the holiday anyway though. I'll be looking forward for some more NGS and DOA5 anytime.
@ДжокерМайерс 24 дня назад
​@@CrimsonJak92 0:00 Yes, there is still a battle with this unpleasant boss Genshin, but luckily in this level it’s easier for me than in the previous level “you’ll soon find out why” 0:20 It doesn’t matter, you can watch what you haven’t watched at any time, everything is fine🙂 0:25 I accidentally mixed up the place where such a shot should be placed, and so you can call it a “tasty pause”🍱😁 Well, yes, there will be such a fragment in the level. 0:42 Oooh, I’ll keep in mind, maybe the transport was even similar🙂 1:38 Yeah, it’s amazing that Ryu’s sword didn’t break, it reminded me a little in the plot of MK X when Kenshi also held onto the helicopter with his sword, when he and Hanzo were hanging in the air. 2:45 Looks like her helicopter was equipped with a catapult seat. 2:55 A new type of enemy in this level, it looks like some kind of mutants with damaged armor and guns😳 3:00 Yes, this is the second small weapon that Ryu can use, it will be available at level 6 “I forgot to put the fragment where it was earlier” 3:18, 3:45 To be honest, I haven’t even tried to do such an experiment, and it looks like it can blow it away😱 3:25 It looks like this, but by the way, I specifically emphasized this for a reason “you can see it later” 3:57 In some of these bodies you can find either a first aid kit, or a ninpa sphere, or some other recording. 4:25 You noticed correctly here, when I played Master Collection for the first time, I decided to fight with opponents and there was an explosion, and I had to play from the control point, I didn’t even know that this would happen😳 4:48 Yeah, there was a big drop here, but those opponents were definitely unlucky to be there. 5:10 It looks like yes, apparently they were prepared for such a case. 5:31, 5:37 You’re right, it’s even interesting how she managed to get to another part of the plane, if Ryu had to get from the upper deck to this one. It would be interesting to see this😊 5:43 I hope that she thought about being careful, otherwise in the first level when two pistols knocked her out, she had to run away😌 6:58 sometimes it seems that Muramasa is stealing with his stated price, when if you reach his store after a level and it was not possible to collect the required amount from enemies and boxes. 7:15 Well, it’s also convenient here, if you suddenly want to play later, the game will start from this place😊 7:47 Here the second battle with Genshin is much easier than the first and will happen even later, even if you play on the hard difficulty level. 8:41 I’ll be honest, I couldn’t understand how I managed to do this. 9:20 I’m even wondering how he was able to survive after such a fall, with Elizabeth there are no questions, since she can fly “later, when I get to where she will be the boss, you’ll be convinced of this” And here you could even wave goodbye to Genshin🤭 9:48 Let's see how Ryu Hayabusa learned to ride a motorcycle in such a case😎 10:27 It’s very surprising how he was able to get off the transport on time. 10:38 Some kind of gigantic battleship, it seems that it was the engine for that large plane on which Genshin and Elizabeth flew. I wonder where they could get it from🤷‍♂ 11:28 I agree with you 100% 12:21 Just like from the movie Predator 1987, I remember that when I played at a higher difficulty level, this explosion killed me because I spent a lot of first aid kits on Genshin or on this Hot Armadillo. 12:44 I would call it a “tasty break”🤭😁 The main thing is that you appreciated it, it’s already good. It's nice to know that you like to see the story. I hope you have a good holiday, It is possible that the developers were inspired by these two games and put them into their game. Hehe, funny that even in MGS3 there was a similar case🤭 Thank you very much for watching the video, it's nice to know that you like it😊
@CrimsonJak92 25 дней назад
Ни в коем случае, наконец-то у вас есть DOA5 Last Round для Steam!? 🙀 Вау, это здорово, надеюсь, вам понравилось, и надеюсь удачи на всякий случай. Я все еще пытаюсь продолжить свои DOA5 и 6 на PS4 с ограничениями с помощью моего контроллера, в то время как в основном делаю их на Xbox, если это возможно, насколько я мог. 😺 "0:00" Вау, это здорово, что у вас есть замечательные друзья, которые дарят вам один в подарок. Молодец, дуд! 😸👏 "0:05" Оооо ♥ 🦋 Посмотрим, чем закончится это соперничество между младшими братьями и сестрами. 🐱 Кроме того, случайно ли вы тоже получили это дополнение Mai здесь? Если да, то вам очень повезло. По крайней мере, у меня все еще есть она и Кула для DOA6 на PS4. "0:32" Я не ожидал, что вы уже будете играть в сюжетном режиме. Ну что ж, удачи вам. Кроме того, похоже, что Лиза - ваш первый противник здесь. "1:06" Хорошая работа на вашей первой победе. Не волнуйтесь, вы доберетесь туда ни в коем случае, просто продолжайте практиковаться. Надеюсь, мой геймплей DOA5 на Xbox и PS4 может помочь. "1:22" Аянэ уже?? И тем не менее, она до сих пор называет ее предательницей?? Когда она когда-нибудь изменится?? "2:14" Красиво сделано, она почти довела вас до конца. «2:32» Итак, Бэйман может стать вашим следующим соперником для Касуми? «2:51» Я и сам догадался, что он ищет. Может быть, о местонахождении самого Донована? Но разве он не будет просить об этом Кристи, а не Касуми? "3:39" Отлично, теперь у вас есть история Аяне. Тем не менее, я не ожидал, что он будет настолько коротким, чем то, что я помню с тех пор, как в последний раз играл в сюжетный режим в оригинальной DOA5 на Xbox 360 лет назад... "3:41" Хм, я не помню, чтобы когда-то видел дорожную карту для этого сюжетного режима... Может быть, наверное, потому что я мог бы пройти его до конца, я думаю... "3:46" На этот раз настала очередь Аяне... "3:49" Хм, Касуми?? Интересно, что она здесь вдруг делает?? "4:40" Я нахожу все это слишком странным, чтобы понять здешние сюжеты... Начиная с DOA4, Хелена внезапно стала вести себя как злодейка, но при этом она тоже осталась здесь... Я думал, что она должна быть на их стороне против Донована и его последователей?? Догадался, что мне все еще нужно продолжать DOA4 на Xbox иногда раньше... "5:37" Шиш, Аянэ... 😏 "5:46" Пропустил сцену боя с Хитоми, понятно? Ну и ладно... 😹 «6:05» Конечно, сам пьяный дурак уже пытается флиртовать с дамой... 😏 "6:17" О, у него наверняка хорошие глаза за то, что он догнал ее движение. "6:48" Ну, это было быстро, я догадался... 😹 Ну, может быть, в другой раз, так как вы все еще совершенствуетесь. «7:05» Теперь мы видим настоящий бой Аянэ против Бэймана, да? Ну, до сих пор у вас все получилось. "7:38" Отличная работа, продолжайте в том же духе и продолжайте улучшать немного времени. 👏 "7:50" Неужели? Может быть, тебе уже стоит это знать, Аянэ. Отличная работа как с Касуми, так и с Аянэ в этой игре. Я знаю, что это начало для игры в такого рода файтинги по сравнению с серией Ninja Gaiden, но я уверен, что со временем вы освоитесь с этим. Попробуйте командную тренировку, чтобы выучить движения каждого персонажа, а также разблокировать новый системный голос в зависимости от каждого персонажа, которого вы завершили. Да, и еще есть достижения за включение быстрого списка команд на экране, как я сделал для каждого из своих. Это должно быть очень полезно в случае, если вы забудете некоторые определенные движения, которые я иногда делаю на некоторых, за исключением каждого из моих лучших приемов, таких как Касуми и Хитоми... 😹 Кроме того, я до сих пор не видел два других геймплея NGS2, так что я увижу их сегодня раньше, если это будет возможно. No way, you've finally got DOA5 Last Round at last for Steam!!? 🙀 Wow, that's great, hope you've enjoys it and do hope best of lucks in case. I'm still trying to continues my DOA5&6 on my PS4 by limitations with my controller, while mostly doing them on Xbox if possible as I could. 😺 "0:00" Wow, that's nice you have great friends giving you one as a gift. Good for you, dood! 😸👏 "0:05" Ooh, Kasumi ♥ and Ayane 🦋 this time, huh. Let's see how this little sibling rivalries works out. 🐱 Also, did you also happened to be getting that Mai DLC too here? If so, you're so lucky. At least I still have her and Kula for DOA6 on PS4 though. "0:32" I didn't expect you'll be doing story mode already. Oh well, best of lucks though. Also, seems Lisa is your first opponent here. "1:06" Good job on your first win. Don't worry, you'll get there in no there, just keep on practicing. Hope my DOA5 gameplay on both Xbox & PS4 could be some helps. "1:22" Ayane already?? And yet, she's still onto calling her a traitor so far too?? When will she ever changed?? "2:14" Nicely done, she almost had you there. "2:32" So Bayman could be your next opponent for Kasumi, I bet? "2:51" I might guessed myself what he's seeking for. The whereabout of Donovan himself, maybe? Yet, wouldn't he be asking Christie for that rathers than Kasumi? "3:39" Nice, now you've got Ayane story. Yet, I didn't expected to be this short though than how I do remember since I lasted played story mode on the original DOA5 on Xbox 360 years ago... "3:41" Huh, I don't remember seeing an roadmap for this story mode once before... Maybe probably cuz I might had played it through, I thinks... "3:46" Now its Ayane's turn this time... "3:49" Huh, Kasumi?? Wonder what's she doing here all of a sudden?? "4:40" I find this all too strange to understand the plots here... Ever since DOA4, Helena been acting like an villain all of a sudden, while she's remains the here too... I thought she was supposed to be on their side against Donovan and his followers?? Guessed I still need to continues DOA4 on Xbox sometimes sooner... "5:37" Sheesh, Ayane... 😏 "5:46" Skipped the fight scene with Hitomi, I see? Oh well... 😹 "6:05" Of course, the drunken fool himself trying to flirt on lady already... 😏 "6:17" Oh, he sure got a good eyes for catching up blocking her move. "6:48" Well, that was quick I guessed... 😹 Well, maybe another time since you're still improving some more. "7:05" Now we're seeing an actual fight with Ayane against Bayman, yeah? Welp, you got this so far. "7:38" Great job, keep it up and keep on improving little time. 👏 "7:50" Really? Perhaps maybe you should knows it by now, Ayane. Great job so far with both Kasumi and Ayane in this game. I know it's a start for playing this kind of fighting games compares to Ninja Gaiden series, yet I'm sure you'll get the hang of it sooner overtime. Try out the command training to learns each characters moves, also even unlocks a new system voice based on each character you've completed their command training. Oh, and there's an achievements for enabling the quick command list on screen, like how I did for each of mine too. Should be really helpful in case if you do forget some certain moves, which I do sometimes on some except for each of my bestest ones like Kasumi & Hitomi... 😹 Also, I still haven't seen you're other two NGS2 gameplay yet, so I'll see them sometimes sooner today if possible.
@ДжокерМайерс 25 дней назад
Yes, as you can see, I managed to wait from the site where I could buy a key for the game, it’s good that there was still an adequate price for it for Steam, otherwise only the keys for it were only for the Xbox version. Well, I watched your videos, I already like the game, the only thing I don’t quite understand about the controls is somewhere, and even when I tried to do something in the settings it’s hard for me to understand it🙆‍♂ I hope that you will be able to buy a spare controller for PS 4 just in case, since it is better to always have a spare one🙏 0:00 Thanks to this person, I managed to buy a key for the game, I transferred money to him, and he accordingly bought the game from the site😌 0:05 MaI was initially closed for me, I noticed in one manual that you could open it by installing files, and it appeared. It’s a pity that skins for characters that are DLS are not even displayed, for example, Chinese traditional dresses, maids, or even the police. But Naotora is closed for me, it looks like it didn’t come with the game as a whole, just like Mai.But DOA 6 also needs to be bought in the future, although I don’t even know how much of a discount they will give on it. 0:32 I decided to try going through the story first to find out what’s going on there and what it’s like, so far I’ve gotten to the Leifang story, and it made me laugh when the scene with the Train is shown, just an Easter egg on DOA 4😁 1:06 Surprisingly, the gameplay for Kasumi here is not as difficult as it seemed to me compared to Momiji and Ayane, but it’s difficult for me to play for the two of them in combat😔 1:22 Well, maybe the plot here somewhere still hasn’t cooled off from DOA 4 and it’s still Hayate’s fault since he told that Kasumi is a traitor🙁 I really hope that in DOA6 in the story they will already have peace😢 2:14 I’m trying to hold on as best I can so as not to lose, but it’s turning out better for Kasumi, Rachel and Ryu Hayabusa so far I’ve managed to play better. 2:32 It seems so. At the beginning, it was shown that Baymen and his squad were going somewhere, and someone in a black robe destroyed his troops and he noticed this figure with a dagger, and there was an earlier scene where he came to Helena and asked about Doatek, apparently he didn’t get the answers he needed, as soon as he left, she appeared, the lovely Kasumi💙Looks like he wasn't looking for her for nothing. 2:51 I think that Phase 4 appeared in the plot “apparently he didn’t know about her that it was her and not Kasumi” apparently that’s why he was looking for her🤷‍♂ 3:39 It seems that in each chapter the character will have 3 opponents “as I can think”, maybe in the plot of DOA 6 there will also be three opponents. 3:41 And this is already interesting😳 3:46 It’s convenient that the sisters have their levels at the beginning, it’s great, I wonder what chapter Ryu Hayabusa will appear in, what role he will play there. 3:46 It seems that after she won Ayane's plot, they decided to show Kasumi running away. 4:40 Well, here you will know better, since I don’t know the history of DOA that well yet, you can say that thanks to your videos, I tried to understand something about the plot. Well, maybe they decided to show another restart of the plot🤷‍♂ 5:31 Damn, her eyes are so beautiful, they really act on me like hypnosis🤩💜❤‍🔥 5:46 And then Hitomi beat me three times, and I decided to cut the fight short, since I didn’t know how much the recording and weight of the video took, I apologize🙁 6:05 I suspect that if I approached this Drunken Master to intercede for Sweet Ayane, I would obviously get a black eye from him. So what does he allow himself?🧐 6:17 It’s amazing how he was able to catch her blow, and he came running so quickly😦 6:48 Well, Eliot beat me twice, and I couldn’t beat him, but on the third attempt I succeeded, damn, how difficult it is for me to control the fact that I can’t get used to it or get used to playing well as Ayane 🙁 7:05 It’s surprising what happened on the first attempt to defeat him, which couldn’t be said about the karateka and the boy. 7:38 Thank you very much, I’m really trying to get used to the gameplay for Ayane here, it seems that in Ninja Gaiden I somehow do better with her, although you once said that your DOA element is apparently more than for me. 7:50 I hope that later in the plot she will be able to understand and be on the side of her sister Kasumi, and not on the side of Hayate, otherwise his vision was outrageous🙁 It seems like I need a very long time to get used to the controls for the game, I, like you, don’t know how to catch opponents with a counterattack, sometimes I get defeated by opponents a lot, even in training I couldn’t do a lot of lessons😔 I even tried to manually control the setting, but somehow I couldn’t do it.. Probably if I played on PS 3, the controls might be different and it would be better “although who knows” and so the Last Round version, I noticed that it generally rare, just like Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on PS 3. I've only seen the regular version of DOA 5, and I think I've also seen the Ultimate version out of the blue. I don't even know how long it will take to learn how to play it better🤷‍♂ Since I feel like a complete loser here, I couldn’t even open the announcer of one of the four female characters. You will be a master compared to me, your skill level is like walking to Ireland. But about Trophies, I’m surprised that I played there for a long time until I managed to earn money, but only some skins and titles for the characters. I hope you like those videos on NGS2, you will find out how Ryu Hayabusa will do the story. If you suddenly want me to sign up for a character and with such a skin, you tell me, I’ll do it🙂
@ДжокерМайерс 25 дней назад
I apologize for not showing up for so long and not responding to the message, I was helping my parents plant a garden
@CrimsonJak92 24 дня назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Все в порядке, я понимаю. Кроме того, в моих районах в любом случае на выходные намечается праздник - День поминовения. Это традиционный праздник, который мы проводим в честь тех, кто был на службе в прошлые годы, даже сегодня. Так что это немного загруженные выходные... Its fine, I understand. Beside, there's an holiday coming up for the weekends anyway in my areas, Memorial Day. It's an traditional holiday which we do honors those whose been in the services in the past years, even todays too. So its kinda of little busied weekends though...
@CrimsonJak92 24 дня назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Не волнуйтесь, вы доберетесь до этого достаточно скоро, просто продолжайте практиковаться время от времени, даже попробуйте командную тренировку и комбо-испытания, это может помочь научить вас некоторым интересным трюкам, которые могут помочь вдохновить вас на некоторые идеи ваших собственных комбо, которые я придумал сам в каждой игре DOA, например, как я просто недавно сделал в MK1 после выполнения нескольких комбо-испытаний с Omni Man. Кроме того, я бы чувствовал то же самое, если бы я каким-то образом только начал с Ninja Gaiden, и мне не пришлось бы проходить многое самому... Что ж, просто продолжайте тренироваться и на случай, если попробуете запустить аркадный режим на самом легком уровне сложности на некоторое время, подумайте об этом как о небольшой разминке и проверке навыков в начале. Как только вы сделаете достаточно, попробуйте перейти на следующий уровень позже. Я посмотрю, смогу ли я сделать больше геймплея DOA4 в ближайшее время, может быть, даже немного DOA5 на Xbox, если это возможно, поскольку я все еще ограничиваю свой контроллер PS4 для нескольких определенных игр на данный момент. No worries, you'll get there soon enough, just keep on practicing once in each times, even try out command training and combo challenges, those can helps teach you some interesting tricks which may helps inspire some ideas of your own combos, which I did comes up with some myself in each DOA games, like how I just do in MK1 too recently after doing some combo challenges with Omni Man. Beside, I would feel the same too if I do somehow just started with Ninja Gaiden and I wouldn't had make it through a lot myself normally... Well, just keep on practicing and in case try starting arcade mode on the easiest difficulty for a while, thinks of it like a little warms up and skills test at first. Once you've done enough, try moving on the next level later. I'll see if I could do some more DOA4 gameplay soon, maybe even some DOA5 on Xbox if possible, since I'm still limiting with my PS4 controller for a few certain games for now.
@ДжокерМайерс 24 дня назад
@CrimsonJak92 It’s good that we understand each other in this: when we either celebrate holidays or when we have to work and make a video or watch a video, we put it off, this is very familiar to me. I can’t even imagine what it will look like... but I understand that you need to practice as you did in other fighting games, just as you played when NG 2-3, you need to practice everywhere. You can do it much better, of course. Well, if we take the example of NG 1, then I realized that there is more of a platformer where you still need to solve riddles in order to open a path or deliver a key for a certain door, in NG S 2 and NG 3 RE it is rather more built on skill to shred opponents and defeat bosses, how to actually look at which weapon is better to use for Ryu Hayabusa, while for female characters there they rather tried to dodge and make attacks more accurately. I was just at the Newcomer level, playing for Kasumi, Rachel and Ryu Hayabusa, I noticed that it wasn’t that difficult to play, but when it came to Momiji and Ayane, it was somehow difficult for me to master the gameplay for them. It happened that when it came to the plot for example for Rig, it seemed average, although there I was not immediately able to defeat the opponents Christie and Eliot, it was even in the plot for Jan Lii that it was also not possible to pass it the first time when the tournament was shown. And so I can say right away that I decided to make an entry for your character number 1 arcade, as well as a double arcade, so I’m waiting for RU-vid to upload it 🙂
@CrimsonJak92 26 дней назад
"9:55" Хрупкий, говорит он, да? Ну, может быть, он увидит, кто действительно хрупок после того, как она выбила его там. 🐱 "11:20" Очень похожая тактика, просто продолжайте уклоняться от его входящих атак, затем, как только он замедлится, сделайте ход достаточно быстро, пока он восстанавливается и устал, пока он снова не восстановит свою энергию. "11:50" Шиш, это удар ниже пояса, оставляя вас уязвимым... "12:18" Забавно, как я догадываюсь, что был пейзаж этого огромного демона, который как будто пятился назад, пока не упал, но он был прикрыт ее платьем. Даже я с трудом вижу его насквозь, если внимательно смотрю туда. 😹 "12:30" Те же цитаты о победе, что и в DOA5, пока не уверен в DOA6. "12:40" Хм, разве не в океане с прошлого раза, с тех пор, как Хаябуса сражался с ним один за другим, гм... Марбус, верно? 🤔 "12:45" О, бонус после всех сюжетных сцен? Это действительно интересно. 🐱 "12:48" Хм, похоже, что Момидзи сражался с этими тэнгу... Так что теперь две Рэйчел будут иметь дело с ними здесь позже, ага. «Я думаю, что странные - это ярмарки, «Два на два»? 🐱 " -Вескер, RE5 «14:56» По крайней мере, их жизнь восстанавливается для следующих раундов. "14:32" О, как-то не то, что я ожидал увидеть здесь... Ну что ж, это будет тяжелая, но интересная битва. "15:33" Хм, все еще достаточно просто, чтобы бить снова. "15:57" Хм, до сих пор там все хорошо. Хорошие работы. 👏 «16:13» Снова две Рэйчел, но одна из них - ее демоническая форма, а другая - Дяочань из Dynasty Warriors. Это должно быть хорошо, чтобы увидеть здесь. «16:13» Снова две Рэйчел, но одна из них - ее демоническая форма, а другая - Дяочань из Dynasty Warriors. Это должно быть хорошо, чтобы увидеть здесь. 🐱 «16:20» Итак, мы имеем дело с оборотнями и крылатыми демонами, ага. Удачи в этом случае. "17:30" Ого, никогда не видел такого раньше. "18:30" Ооооо 🐱 "19:26" Хех, один все время был на заднем плане. "20:09" Мощный взрыв!! 0_0 "20:42" Отлично, вы справились. Красиво сделано! "20:52" Вау, отличная работа по достижению этих целей! 👏 "9:55" Fragile he say, huh? Well, maybe he'll be seeing who's really fragile after she took a beating outta him there. 🐱 "11:20" Quite a similar tactics, just keep on dodging his incoming attacks, then once he slowed down, make a move fast enough while he recovering and tired out til he regain his energy again. "11:50" Sheesh, that's a low blow while leaving you vulnerable there... "12:18" How funny, as I'm guessing there were a scenery of that huge demon were like backing up til he fell down, but it was covered her dress cloth. Even I can barely see it through if looks carefully there. 😹 "12:30" Same victory quotes as in DOA5, not sure for DOA6 yet. "12:40" Huh, wasn't the staute of liberty were still down in the ocean from last time, ever since Hayabusa fought against it after fighting, um... Marbus right? 🤔 "12:45" Oh, an bonus features after the whole story scenes? Interesting it is indeed. 🐱 "12:48" Hmm, this looks like where Momiji did fought against those tengu brohters here... So now two Rachels will be dealing them here later, huh. "I thinks the odd are fairs, Two on Two? 🐱" -Wesker, RE5 "14:56" At least both of their lives restore for this next rounds. "14:32" Oh, somehow not what I were expecting to be here though... Oh well, this gotta be a tough one, yet interesting battle though. "15:33" Huh, still simple enough to beat again. "15:57" Hmm, still doing good so far there. Nice works. 👏 "16:13" Two Rachels once more, yet one is her demon form while one as Diaochan from Dynasty Warriors. This is gotta be a good one to see here. 🐱 "16:20" So we're dealing with werewolves and winged fiends here, huh. Best of luck in case here. "17:30" Whoa, never seen that one before yet. "18:30" Ooh, double full powers attack!! 🐱 "19:26" Heh, one was in the background the whole time. "20:09" Massive explosion!! 0_0 "20:42" Neat, you've made it through there. Nicely done! "20:52" Wow, great job getting those achievements there! 👏
@ДжокерМайерс 26 дней назад
9:55 in vain he underestimates the beautiful demon hunter🤩 11:20 Yes, here Marbus is the boss of either Rachel or Ryu Hayabusa in NG S 2, the easiest, compared to the same Alexei, or Elizabeth, or even if a little later when you get to the next bosses you will be convinced that Marbus is simple. In NG 3 trials I can’t defeat Marbus,Couldn't get past Kasumi😔 11:50 It didn’t come out very neatly, my apologies. 12:18 As if they did it for a reason, even through the material you can’t see the fall of Marbus😁 12:30 It’s as if they decided to leave an Easter egg like this, although even in NG 1 when Ryu defeated some opponents while sitting on the fence she said “Not bad” apparently also a slight reference maybe🙂 12:40 I still don’t understand how the Statue of Liberty returned to its place if then Ryu sent it to the bottom, the developers don’t tell us how it works,In the plot of level 4 chapter there Ryu fought with Alexei the demon of lightning one of the four such elements as if. 12:45 I decided to diversify the video so that it wouldn’t seem like the level was short, and also to pass another test that I hadn’t passed before.🙂 12:48 Yes, you noticed correctly, the arena is where Momiji fought with the Tengu brothers. And so it’s two characters against two, to be honest, you can say that. Damn, I remember when RE 5 was played on the professional difficulty level where Wesker and Jill were the bosses, uhh.. how much suffering this tin killed. 14:56 I agree👍 14:32 I didn’t expect that someone else remained, or they appeared the same way, but when half of the boss’s life was taken away👀 15:33 Well, the test here is not as difficult as it will be at a higher level, but it will be very very😳🙆‍♂ 15:57 These are the easiest tests, although they are not so difficult,Thank you😊 16:13 I decided to try this alliance in action. 16:20 In Chapter 7, they appeared in almost the same way when it was necessary to go to the castle to the Wolf who wanted to fight Ryu in the coliseum. 17:30 These types of opponents will appear somewhere in Chapter 11 or 12 “unless of course I’m confused” 18:30 As if they are now recognizing the power🙂 19:26 As if he is covering in case some enemy jumps out of some corner😌 20:09 As if a missile warhead fell😮 20:42 Thank you very much, I tried to hold on😊 20:52 this is the achievement where you have to do 50 combos, I didn’t even notice how it happened, but the achievement looks like it was for the PS Vita version, since there was no such trophy on PS 3, the maximum is to do 100 combos😌
@CrimsonJak92 27 дней назад
Hey, I'm back, I forgot about checking this last evening, but yet I were a little occupied on getting a few Xbox gameplay ready for later today soon. So now, I'll be watching the entire scenes as I can for this gameplay you made for me in case for this morning, as long as I could try as possible. I'll even see if I do have enough time and energy for the other you made yesterday too. (P.S. The Bing Translator is down for some reasons this morning, so I had to just send it only in English for now... So its won't be too much of a trouble to translate for you...) "0:00" Guessing you're playing this scene again as Rachel, but this time in a Dynasty Warriors costume instead. This looks interesting to see. 🐱 "0:32" Since after seeing that one scene from last time, I've thought that it was the same boss you've faced as Hayabusa, but turned out it was a different one this time. So I guessed Rachel dealt with this beast here for now. "1:08" At first, I thought it look like an axe, yet its also an hammer too. So she could had used the axe part, yet she smashed it head with a single heavy blow. 🙀 "1:45" Quake attacks!! ✊ "2:09" DOATEC & DOATEQ... Similar names, but different last letter of it each brand names... What is their goals here in New York streets? Hmm... 🤔 "2:43" Now even an laptop called DOABOOK too. Almost feel like this whole thing an promotions for an upcoming DOA tournament. Almost like if in Tekken, everything has to be promotes for its upcoming "King of Iron Fist" tournament by the Mishima Zaibatsu or G Corporation. "3:29" I still remember this scene from last time... "6:30" Smart move to lure them all the way to the lower ground, taking a few at a time than all at once. "6:59" I still feel like this scene should had been an gameplay part, as you could like shoot down numbers of them while still going upward. "8:33" Always be prepared for what's up ahead. Although, I had to stop here since I've been doing a few other things were I watching it at the same time... I'll get back to it soon, maybe later soon. Great job though! 😺
@ДжокерМайерс 27 дней назад
Hello friend, welcome back. I understand you, I used to do housework myself, and sometimes you can’t keep up with one thing or another. You have to somehow look for opportunities when you’re free,Enjoy your viewing😊 (you don’t have to worry about this, if anything I can look it up in the translation) 0:00 You're right, I decided to show what she looks like in this skin in story cutscenes and also go through the level in chapter mode. It’s a pity that the skins that were on the PS Vita version are not shown in cut scenes for some reason “I don’t understand why that is” 0:32 You mean the boss from chapters 7 6 was? Well, not really, Marbus was the boss back in NG 1, and it looks like he was added here just so that he would get out to the ground and take revenge on him for the previous time, but Ryu Hayabusa was replaced by the Demon Hunter🤩 1:08 That's right, her weapon is called the Inferno Hammer, and her firearm is called the Type 666 Heavy Machine Gun,And it’s so amazing how she wields the hammer with swings😮 1:45 I like how her attack can damage opponents😊 2:09 Apparently they decided to confuse that these are different buildings, or the developers did not see the mistake that🤷‍♂ 2:43 You're right, there is something similar in this👍 3:29 It’s good that it’s not like in TMNT 3 on Dendy, where the wall was falling. 6:30 When you go through the game at a higher difficulty level, you need to remember where the opponents will run at you, and take a position where it will be better to deal with them😌 6:59 I decided to cut out the scene where Rachel was going up the elevator and fighting off the opponents, since there I had opponents that were taken by surprise and managed to defeat😔 8:33 Although I managed to remember that the opponents would appear after the cut-scene, I was surprised that there were 3 winged demons and not two, as it was before. No problem, you can continue when you're ready, It's nice to know that you like the work I'm filming for you, thank you😊
@CrimsonJak92 26 дней назад
​@@ДжокерМайерс "0:00" Правда? Думаю, потому что версия Vita была похожа на ограничения каким-то образом сравнивается с консольной версией этой игры. Интересно, похожа ли DOA5+ на Vita, так как я никогда не получал ее ни разу в прошлом, просто SFxTK в качестве моей первой игры для Vita. "0:32" Да, как я уже говорил снова, сначала я думал, что это так, пока не увидел другого раньше, теперь он другой, и все же я не знал, что это был босс из прошлой игры. "1:08" Хм, Инферно Хам и пулемёт Тип 666... Да, я предположил, что определенно какой-то DMC вдохновился там. 😹 "2:09" Похоже на это, или создатель сам решил сделать здесь отсылки к DOA? "3:29" Я до сих пор не пробовал их, так как я все еще играл в первую NES в той коллекции Cowabunga, которую я получил для Xbox. Я попробовал каждую из игр для Gameboy, и, черт возьми, они настолько медленные и недостаточно хорошие, чтобы заставить меня играть в них, как SNES, Genesis и аркадные игры. "6:30" Опять же, очень хорошая стратегия. 😺 "0:00" Really? Guess cuz the Vita ver. were like on limitations somehow compares to the console ver. of this game. I wonder if DOA5+ is like the same on Vita, since I never did get it one time in the past, just SFxTK as my first Vita game. "0:32" Yeah, like I said again, I thought it was at first, til now after seeing the other one before, now its a different one, and yet I didn't knew it was a boss from the last game before either. "1:08" Hmm, Inferno Hammer and an Type 666 machine gun... Yup, definitely some DMC inspired there I supposed. 😹 "2:09" Seems like it, or was it the creator himself decided to makes an DOA references here? "3:29" I still haven't try those yet, as I was still playing the first NES one in that Cowabunga collection I got for Xbox. I did tried each of the Gameboy ones, and boy, they're just so slow and not good enough to keep me playing it, like the SNES and Genesis and arcade ones. "6:30" Again, very good strategy. 😺
@ДжокерМайерс 25 дней назад
@CrimsonJak92 0:00 Yes, there were skins that were not even on my version of PS 3 NG S 2, they seem to have appeared the latest version for this console and there they added more skins like the Ninja Race mode,But at least it’s good that these skins were added to the game for the Master Collection version, as well as the NG 3 Razor’s Edge version. 0:32 Everything is fine, if I can fix anything, it’s not a problem👍 1:08 It’s good that my NG S 2 disc has a manual, and there is information on the weapon as well as a short description of the character 🙂 2:09 Anything is possible, since the DOA - NG game franchise, as well as the characters, are here and there, this is of course great😊 3:29 I can understand you perfectly in this regard. 6:30 I agree with you, because if you beat the game at a higher difficulty level, then you need to somehow look for options to survive in battle😊
@CrimsonJak92 28 дней назад
О, здорово, еще одна сцена для NGS2 в роли Рэйчел еще раз. Хотя я мог бы посмотреть его прямо сейчас, но мне нужно еще немного отдохнуть, так как я не спал с раннего утра... Так что на всякий случай я выпишусь сегодня позже в ближайшее время. Жду с нетерпением! Ooh, neat, another scene for NGS2 as Rachel once more. Even though, I could had watch it right now, but I need to get some more rest for now as I've been up for a while since early this morning... So I'll check out later today soon in case. Looking forward for it!
@ДжокерМайерс 28 дней назад
I decided to show how with this skin she would look in the story; for her I was also able to get a trophy where you need to kill 1000 opponents. Yes, no problem, you can watch it at any time😊 I haven't slept since early morning, that's certainly a lot😳
@user-fm9bn4oc2u 29 дней назад
90ые все фильмы интересные были
@ДжокерМайерс 29 дней назад
@Уласбек Алимкулов - я бы сказал половина.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Привет, извините за поздний старт. Сегодня мне было немного тяжело... Но со мной все в порядке, так что давайте приступим к этому игровому процессу, также спасибо заранее. Это тот самый игровой режим, о котором я спрашивал, он называется «Гонка ниндзя», верно? Когда я читал ваши описания об этом, это больше похоже на режим атаки на время, чем на какую-то соревновательную гонку, как я думал по его названию... Что ж, давайте проверим это прямо сейчас! Кроме того, я постараюсь закончить другой геймплей в ближайшее время. "0:08" Ничего себе, столько вариантов и сортов на выбор. 😺 "0:15, 1:11" Хм, я предполагаю, что вы начнете этот этап в роли Хаябусы. Хороший выбор. 😸 "0:18~0:30" Все тот же старый Хаябуса, каждый из которых имеет свою внешность и несколько форм. 🥷 (0:24) Демон Хаябуса, как это кажется здесь. (0:26) Средневековый рыцарь Хаябуса. "0:34~0:37" Хм, Рэйчел с несколькими разными прическами и таким же черным трико. "0:38" А, так это костюм Дяочаня из Dynasty Warriors, о котором вы упоминали ранее. Понятно, аккуратно. 😺 "0:40" Ее деловой костюм выглядит так же, как и для DOA5, возможно, и в DOA6 как-то скоро... "0:42, 0:43" Хм, похожие узоры, но разный внешний вид и цвета. (0:43) Но на этом снимке меньше кожи, чем раньше. "0:46~0:55" Теперь очередь Аяне, да. Начиная с ее традиционных образов как для здесь, так и для серии DOA. 🦋 (0:47) Тем не менее, это почти близко к ее новому образу в DOA6. (0:49) Выглядит очень официально, я так считаю. (0:51, 0:53) Может быть, DOA3 или DOA5 Ayane. "0:56~1:04" Момидзи... 😻💞💕 Конечно, все, что здесь с Момидзи, я не возражаю против того, что она здесь носит... ♥ (0:58) Dynasty Warriors смотрит. 😺 (1:00) Определенно один из ее лучших на данный момент. Не уверен, в DOA5 или DOA6, но мне как-то хотелось... (1:02, 1:03) Оба они были моими самыми любимыми для Момидзи... И в красном, и в фиолетовом цвете... ❤💜 "1:21" Хм, это немного похоже на то, что вы играете в аркадную версию NGS2 каким-то образом... "1:25" Идите на первое убийство маленькой вороной. 😹 "1:39" Теперь я понимаю, что вы имели в виду по поводу этих эксклюзивных сфер. Зеленый цвет означает увеличение времени, а белый - продление времени комбо, я предполагаю. "2:09" Ого, крутые мощные приемы и комбо! "2:20" Хм, теперь здесь тоже фиолетовый... Интересно, что он делает? "2:56" Стена, блокирующая сцены здесь... Это выглядит тревожно... "3:23" Я вижу статую дракона на заднем плане. Я предполагаю, что это контрольно-пропускной пункт, верно? "4:28" Вы пытались прыгнуть через стену? Просто интересно. "5:50" Нет, это не очень хорошо выглядит... "6:16" Что это было?? Это был небольшой сбой или что-то в этом роде? 😹 "6:38" Уф, слава богу за эти синие шары. "7:46" Теперь здесь тоже есть битва с боссом? Это может быть непросто... "8:04" Хм, это было легко и быстро. Красиво сделано. 👏 "8:34" Даже эти красные тоже. Достаточно, чтобы перезарядить ваши приборы нинпо, не так ли? "8:46" Хм, я не знал, что ты можешь это сделать? Теперь я кое-что узнал на случай, если я попробую эту игру в будущем... "9:20" По крайней мере, вы успели вовремя... "9:27" У меня было плохое предчувствие по этому поводу, когда вы добрались до этого места... В любом случае, удачи... "9:53" Боже мой, отличная работа, и осталось только последние несколько секунд!! 🙀 Hey there, sorry for the late start. I've been having a little hard time earlier today... But I'm alright though, so let's get started on this gameplay, also thanks in advances too. So this is that game mode I were asking about, called "Ninja Race", right? As I did read your descriptions about it, it feel more like an time attack mode than some competitive race how I thought it would be by its name... Well then, let's check it out right now! Also, I'll try to finish up the other gameplay sometimes soon ASAP. "0:08" Wow, so much options and varieties to choose. 😺 "0:15, 1:11" Hmm, I'm guessing you're going to start off with this stage as Hayabusa. Good choices. 😸 "0:18~0:30" Same ol' Hayabusa, each with different looks, and a few forms too. 🥷 (0:24) Demon Hayabusa, as its seems here. (0:26) Medieval Knight Hayabusa. "0:34~0:37" Hmm, Rachel with few different hairstyles and same black leotard. "0:38" Ah, so this is the Diaochan costume from Dynasty Warriors you mentioned before. I see, neat. 😺 "0:40" Her business suit looks, just like she did have for DOA5 too, maybe also in DOA6 somehow soon... "0:42, 0:43" Hmm, similar patterns, yet different appearances and colors too. (0:43) Yet this one shows less skins than before. "0:46~0:55" Now its Ayane turn, huh. Starting with her traditional looks for both here and DOA series. 🦋 (0:47) Yet this is almost close to her new looks in DOA6 somehow. (0:49) Look very formal, I believes so. (0:51, 0:53) Either DOA3 or DOA5 Ayane maybe. "0:56~1:04" Momiji... 😻💞💕 Of course anything that's Momiji here, I don't mind what she wears here... ♥ (0:58) Dynasty Warriors looks. 😺 (1:00) Definitely one of her best one so far here. Not sure if its in either DOA5 or DOA6 though, yet I wished somehow... (1:02, 1:03) Both of those were like my most favorites of all for Momiji... Both in red and violet... ❤💜 "1:21" Hmm, this one look a little like you're playing an arcade mode version of NGS2 somehow... "1:25" Go for the first kill with a small crow. 😹 "1:39" Now I see what you've meant about these exclusive orbs here. Green for extended time, while white for extending the combo time I'm guessing. "2:09" Whoa, cool powerful moves and combos! "2:20" Huh, now there's an purple one here too... Wonder what does it do though? "2:56" Wall blocking the scenes here... That's looks troubling to see behind 'em... "3:23" I see an dragon statue in the background. I'm guessing that's the checkpoint, right? "4:28" Were you trying to do an wall jump there? Just wondering. "5:50" On no, that don't look so good there... "6:16" WTH was that?? Was that a little glitch or something? 😹 "6:38" Whew, thanks goodness for those blue orbs. "7:46" Now there's an boss fight here too? This could be tough... "8:04" Huh, that was easy and quick though. Nicely done. 👏 "8:34" Even those red ones too. Enough to recharge your ninpo gauges, right? "8:46" Huh, I didn't knew you can do that? Now I learned something in case if I do try this game in the future... "9:20" At least you made it on time though... "9:27" I had a bad feeling about this in the first place as you did reached this spot... Good luck anyway... "9:53" OMG, great job, and only by the last few seconds left too!! 🙀
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
"10:07" На этот раз настала очередь Рэйчел. Давайте посмотрим, как эта дама сама справится с этой проблемой. 🐱 (P.S. Мне пришлось поместить это в другой комментарий, так как я, вероятно, слишком много поместил в предыдущем... Я постарался сделать его как можно более коротким, но все же мне есть что сказать, наблюдая за этим вашим игровым процессом... 😹) «10:20» О, значит, на этот раз Рэйчел собирается бросить вызов другим извергам здесь, в Венеции или Риме? Давайте узнаем, как это происходит. 🐱 Да, и здесь тоже всего три контрольных пункта? Может быть, это может быть легко, но иногда я могу ошибаться... Так что удачи на всякий случай. "10:46" Мне почему-то показалось, что этот режим может стать быстрым забегом для Рэйчел с той большой пушкой, которая у нее есть. 😸 Определенно, как будто вы играете в режиме наемника в RE4, 5 и 6, хотя играете за нее здесь. «13:03» Чувак, это так похоже на режим наемников, как Рэйчел. "13:53" Теперь ты должен разобраться с этими, хм... Может быть, я как-то сильно ненавижу этих парней... «14:30» Черт возьми, в тот самый момент, когда ты открыл сундук и восстановил свой счетчик жизни... "15:25" О нет, здесь не очень хорошо выглядит... "16:01" Итак, босс наконец-то появился, но это все еще так тревожно, так как ваша жизнь еще не полностью восстановлена... "17:17" Уф, слава богу, ты справился... Заставил меня поволноваться на мгновение... Справился с последним ударом Мощного Гейзера! Или это было больше похоже на Бушующий Шторм? 😹 Уф, я не могу поверить, что мне удалось досмотреть всю сцену, так как я думал, что остановлюсь где-то на полпути, но я чувствовал, что давайте продолжим идти туда, так как это только на полпути. 😹 В любом случае, отличная работа с этим игровым процессом режима Ninja Race. Так что я понимаю, почему вы сказали, что так трудно пройти через это... Я был свидетелем этого, но я был удивлен, что вам удалось пройти через это. Может быть, мне стоит мотивировать себя надеяться на то, что, возможно, я скоро обыграю режим атаки на время на DOA4, вероятно, завтра утром, так как в прошлый раз я пытался это сделать в прошлые выходные, но запись не удалась... 😿 Но на этот раз у меня есть новый флэш-накопитель, пришедший сегодня раньше, так что будем надеяться, что он заработает на этот раз завтра в ближайшее время, так что я могу надеяться продолжить работу над Tekken 8 и Mortal Kombat 1 на Xbox Series X в ближайшее время на этой неделе, возможно, также и с Metal Gear Peace Walker, если это возможно. 😺 "10:07" Now its Rachel's turn this time. Let's see how can this lady herself can deal with this challenge here. 🐱 (P.S. I had to put it in another comment as I've probably put too much in the last one... I've tried to make it shorts as possible, but yet there's so much to say while watching this gameplay of yours... 😹) "10:20" Oh, so Rachel is going to challenge some of these other fiends here in Venice or Rome this time? Let's find out how does it goes so far. 🐱 Oh, and only just three checkpoints here too? Maybe this could be a snap, but I could might be wrong sometimes... So best of lucks in case. "10:46" This is somehow I felt like this mode could be a quick run for Rachel with that big gun she has. 😸 Definitely as like you're doing an Mercenary mode in RE4,5,&6 though while playing as her here. "13:03" Man, this is so like mercenaries mode as Rachel. "13:53" Now you've gotta deal with these ones, huh... I might hate these guys much somehow... "14:30" Dang, just the same moment you've opened up that chest and recovered your life meter... "15:25" Oh no, its not looking good here... "16:01" So the boss finally showed up, but this is still so concerning as your life isn't fully recovered... "17:17" Whew, thanks goodness you've made it through... Had me worries for moment there... Dealt with a final blow of an Power Geyser! or was it for more like an Raging Storm instead? 😹 Whew, I can't believed that I manage to watched through the entire scene, as I thought I were going to stop around halfway, but I felt like let's keep on going there, since its only like halfway finish. 😹 Anyway, great job with this gameplay of Ninja Race mode. So I can see why you said it is so hard to make it through... I do witnessed it somehow, but I was surprised you've managed to beat it through. Maybe I should motivates myself to hoping that maybe I'll beat time attack mode on DOA4 probably tomorrow morning soon, since I did tried last time around last weekends, but the recording failed on me... 😿 But this time, I've got a new flash drive came in earlier today, so let's hope it'll works this time tomorrow soon, so I can hope to continues with both Tekken 8 & Mortal Kombat 1 on Xbox Series X soon for this week, maybe also Metal Gear Peace Walker too if possible soon. 😺
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 Greetings friend, everything is fine, don’t worry about it, and as you asked, I made a video on Ninja Race. 0:08 Yes, here Ryu has a large choice between skins and weapons, and female characters have one weapon each, just like ninpas. 0:15, 1:11 When I played here for the first time as Rachel, at most I only managed to get to the first boss, and alas, I couldn’t get to Genshin due to the fact that I wasn’t fast enough, what would it have been like with Momiji and Ayane here? I can't even imagine. 0:18,0:30 Hehe, like black for a darker area, white when in winter in some area like😁 )0:24( This skin on Hayabusa somehow reminded me of the Guyver style. )0:26( As if he was in the Middle Ages as you mentioned directly😁🏇 0:34,0:37 It’s strange that they decided to give her this, although here she has two hairstyles that resemble one from Sonya “Irene” and the second that resembles Christie from DOA. For example, these "0:34,0:36". 0:38 Yeah, you noticed correctly. 0:40 It’s like her business outfit is just like Power Girl’s, but when she needs her superhero costume, it’s black leather. It seems to me that in DOA 5-6 Rachel looks even sexier with this skin🤩 0:42, 0:43 You're right, it's a pity that such skins were not added for the PS 3 version, but appeared earlier on the PS Vita, well at least they are here, it's nice. It’s a pity that in the cut-scene, if you take the skin that was for the PS Vita version, then for some reason they show standard outfits. 0:46,0:55 I didn’t notice before that the bow on her belt symbolizes, but it turns out that it’s like the wings of a butterfly. )0:49 (I liked this skin on her, on the PS 3 version when it first became available this was the only one skin open then. 0:51, 0:53 The fact that the black outfit reminds me of something from DOA 5 is her standard outfit, I liked it🤩 0:56,1:04 She also has some pretty interesting skins😊🤩 1:00 It seemed to me that in DOA 5 Momiji had such a skin, but in NG 3 this skin will open if you pass 50 ninja tests, it will be about the same story with Kasumi as he tried to open the last skin for her. And I also like this skin, it’s a pity that on PS 3 I didn’t notice this DLC in the store much earlier to buy😢 1:02, 1:03 here it’s as if they decided to present her with two different colors🙂 1:21 Yes, this is level 2 when Ryu was rushing to his father, here you can also see what path he would have taken. 1:25 I decided to take another extra sphere to add an extra second😌 1:39 You said it right👍 2:09 Thank you😊this is why I like the twin swords here, they cut up opponents well. 2:20 The purple sphere gives you the opportunity when you turn it on, you move faster for a few seconds, I usually turn it on when I’m moving, in a fight it will be more difficult for me, since the opponents will be very fast. 2:56 Yes, I agree with you here, sometimes the camera seems to have deliberately set up this angle. 3:23 You named it correctly, here it gives you a certain amount of time in this mode. 4:28 Yeah, at first I thought of climbing up and killing the enemy there, but I decided to run through him with another to knock out the green spheres. 5:50 I agree with you, sometimes you have to be very careful in such cases, I thought that opponents would appear and decided to use ninpa on them. 6:16 I assume that the enemy passed the weapon through the texture. 6:38 Just what the doctor ordered😁 7:46 As you can see, in other locations, for example, where Rachel’s level is, there was a Wolf in place of the boss Marbus😳 8:04 Thank you very much🙂 rather the fact that I attacked him more often by pressing the Y button helped. 8:34 How could I understand that the boxes contain either health or spheres for ninpas, which is also very good. 8:46 I did this before and didn’t know it myself, when the plot took place I accidentally shot at that ball with a bow, and it turned out that this way you can restore your health. 9:20 I can’t even imagine how much faster you need to be here in order to get to the finish line where the boss is waiting. 9:27 To my surprise, the paired swords worked better here than in the chapter-story mode on Genshin😳 9:53 Damn, I can’t imagine how other professionals managed to complete this regime better. It seems to me that they are very far away.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
​@@CrimsonJak92 10:07 I took into account the fact that in this damage you need to hurry, and decided to take Rachel, since she has excellent weapons: Hammer and Machine Gun. And so if I still have to try, maybe it will be worth it when I take a chance for Momiji and Ayane to go through some levels, I need to practice. (everything is fine, I decided to do the same) 10:20 I had previously tried to go through the level that was in the plot of Momiji for her, but I had difficulties there when I tried to pass the bosses of the Tengu Brothers, I decided to try the level where the plot was in Ayane in Rome.Well, I don’t even know what to say about the checkpoints here, since the last one will be with the boss upon completion when you pass, and so we can say that there were only two checkpoints in this level “if my memory serves me right of course” 10:46 Now I understand why other people chose Rachel in this mode, since she has a bullet-mounted machine gun, she can directly show firepower just like John Rambo without a battle cry😁 And I remember that in Resident Evil 5 there was Chris with a Minigun, there he could show his power quite strongly. 13:03 I agree with you, it’s good that Rachel has such an impressive small arms🙂 13:53 You’ll have to be more careful with opponents like this, since they can also attack with jerks, or shoot fireballs while flying, but fortunately Rachel has a powerful hammer and machine gun for that, but I still have to be more careful. 14:30 I agree with you here, like some kind of law of meanness, as soon as you take your health, the enemy immediately takes some of it away. 15:25 Here I’ll have to take the tactics that I usually use, jump further and try to shoot while jumping. 16:01 Let's see how Rachel copes with boss Obaba. 17:17 It’s good that Rachel can charge her hammer properly and release such a wave of attack, it’s just excellent and wonderful. Yes, I was also a little worried that either the timer would reach 0, or Obaba would somehow hold out with his attack. Phew, it's good that we managed to pass. Damn, I don’t even know what would be better suited from this name, you’ll even know better here. It's nice to know that you liked the video, I tried especially for you😊 I hope that you won’t have such a problem, otherwise I’ll understand how sad it is to lose when a good result was shown🙁 So I can congratulate you on the new product you purchased, my congratulations friend👏 I should think about what is worth filming now.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Я не уверен, что буду смотреть все это одновременно на всякий случай, так что я могу увидеть половину прямо сейчас, и, возможно, я закончу остальное либо позже сегодня, либо завтра утром, в зависимости от того, не чувствую ли я себя слишком усталым для того, что я планирую сегодня в ближайшее время. Что ж, давайте начнем и посмотрим, что произойдет достаточно скоро. 🐱 «0:00» Да, ты дома, все в порядке. Надеюсь, это что-то, что будет похоже на возвращение домой, да. 😺 "0:10" Замок ликантропов, а? Я догадываюсь, что там, где ты сейчас находишься, а. "0:30" Раньше прямо там, где вы сражались и победили этого дракона раньше. Как будто это вторая часть всей этой сцены. "0:37" Хм, у него здесь желто-зеленоватые глаза, или это было отражением здешнего пейзажа? 😺 "0:55" Догадался, что это открыло вам путь. "1:33" Хм, еще одно новое оружие, которое я еще не видел. Серп и железный шар и цепь. "1:44" Это были летающие рыбы-скелеты из того дракона ранее. Я никогда не знал, что вы тоже можете столкнуться с ними здесь. 🐟 "2:06" Я собирался сказать ранее, что вы можете использовать свой лук и стрелы для этой штуки, но теперь я понимаю, почему, хотя это насторожит и остальных... "2:13" Хех, давно такого не видел с тех пор, как у NG3 теперь есть сокол для контрольной точки. Так что в NG3 больше нет... 🐉 "2:33" Боже мой, это груды костей и черепов... 🙀☠ (2:43) Что такое доброе имя??? ... Пауки-скелеты тоже?? 🙀 Честно говоря, мне кажется, что я видел разные типы врагов-скелетов в каждой серии Castlevania, но все же это что-то новое, я думаю... (3:00) О, подождите... Но не пауки, но все же скорпионы... "3:08" Хм, это оружие выглядит достаточно подходящим для этих с вращающимися атаками. Очень полезно. 👏 "3:25" Теперь мы получаем кат-сцену здесь, внезапно... Я чувствую приближение битвы с боссом, я уже вижу это отсюда... (4:02, 4:08) Как я и думал... На этот раз это гигантский скелетный зверь!! 🙀 "3:45" Ха, он пнул череп и несколько костей. 😹 "4:53" Хм, на этот раз несколько мечей, ага. Будем надеяться, что это сработает. "4:50" Интересно, что, черт возьми, он делает, поедая все эти черепа и кости на земле?? "5:25" Да, я попал в невыгодное положение и использовал силу темного шара против него!! 🐱 "5:28" Черт возьми, дуд...!! Просто почти вся его жизнь ушла от одного удара...!! 🙀 Аккуратный! 👍 "5:48" Хех, как будто он помог вам найти выход. 😸 «6:27» Конечно, на этом пути должно быть что-то еще. Ну, дайте им то, что им нужно. 🐱 «6:40» Знаете, я как бы представлял, что будет, если ты случайно упадешь... Либо тебе придется снова карабкаться наверх, либо ты умрешь, упав... "7:12" Как вы и думали, есть признаки облегчения, но все еще есть еще кое-что... Что ж, пора навести порядок в этом бардаке. 🐱 (7:21) Ну и ладно... Думаю, это работает... 😹 "7:30" Что ж, так как вы спасли эту игру, мне нужно пока остановиться. Так что остальное я закончу, наверное, позже, если это будет возможно. Отличная работа, однако! 👏 I'm not sure if I'll watch the whole thing at the same time in case, so I might see half of it right now, and maybe I'll finish the rest either later today or tomorrow morning, depends if I'm not feeling too tired for something I'm planning for today soon. Well the, let's get it on and witness what'll happens soon enough. 🐱 "0:00" Yup, you are home all right. Hope its something to feel like a homecoming, huh. 😺 "0:10" The Lycanthropes' Castle, eh? I'm guessing that where you are now, huh. "0:30" Previously right where you fought and beaten that dragon before. Like its an Part 2 of this whole scene. "0:37" Huh, his eyes are like yellow-greenish here, or was that a reflection of the scenery here? 😺 "0:55" Guessed its opened up a path for you. "1:33" Hmm, another new weapon I haven't seen yet. An sickle and an iron ball and chain. "1:44" Those were those flying skeleton fishes from that dragon earlier. I never knew you can face them too here. 🐟 "2:06" I was going to say earlier that you could use your bow and arrow for these thing, yet now I see why though, it'll alert the others too... "2:13" Heh, haven't seen that for a while ever since NG3 have falcon for checkpoint now. So no more ever in NG3 then... 🐉 "2:33" OMG, Its a piles of bones and skulls... 🙀☠ (2:43) What's in good name???... Skeleton spiders too?? 🙀 Honestly, I thinks I do seen different type of skeleton enemies in each Castlevania series, but yet this one is something new I guess... (3:00) Oh, hold on.. Not spiders but yet scorpions though... "3:08" Huh, this weapon looks suitable enough for these with an spinning attacks. Quite useful indeed. 👏 "3:25" Now we're getting an cutscene here all of an sudden... I smell a boss fight coming, I can already tell it from here... (4:02, 4:08) Just as I thought so... It's a giant skeletal beast this time!! 🙀 "3:45" Hah, he kicked a skull and few bones there. 😹 "4:53" Hm, multiple swords this time, huh. Let's hope this'll works on it. "4:50" I wondering what the heck its doing, eating all of those skulls and bones on the ground?? "5:25" Yeah, got 'im at an disadvantaged and use the power of the dark orb onto him!! 🐱 "5:28" Damn, dood...!! Just almost had its entire life gone in a single blow...!! 🙀 Neat! 👍 "5:48" Heh, like he helped you reveals a way out. 😸 "6:27" Of course there has to be more along the ways. Well, give 'em whats for then. 🐱 "6:40" Ya know, I've sorta imagined what'll happens if you fall down by accident... Either you had to climb back up again or you do die by falling... "7:12" Just as you thought there's a sign of reliefs, there's still some more coming down... Well, time to clean up this mess. 🐱 (7:21) Oh, okay then... Guess that works... 😹 "7:30" Well then, as like you saved this game, I'll need to stop here for now. So I'll finish the rest probably later soon if possible. Great job here though! 👏
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 It's okay, you can watch the video anytime you want,Enjoy watching😊 0:00 It was when I was editing the video, I thought about what frame I could use, and decided to choose this fragment, and added a little humor🙂 0:10 Apparently they decided to call it that for a reason. 0:30 I agree, like a continuation of a movie or TV series😌 0:37 It seems that from the reflection of the local landscape, so when I even turn on the game, a picture is shown that Ryu Hayabusa has green eyes “just like the Joker in Arkham Asylum”😀 0:55 When I remember playing on PS 3 for the first time, I didn’t pay attention to this frame, and couldn’t understand where to go, what to do, fortunately later I was able to find where to go. 1:33 Ah, this is Kusarigama, almost like Kuai-Liang Scorpio uses in MK 1, it is useful for smaller opponents😌 1:44 As you can see, they previously appeared back in Chapter 6, when you destroy a certain number of them, and that Dragon boss appears, which resembles the Loch Ness monster “as if they were left of it” 2:06 Three weapons work well against such fish, either the Kusarigama, nunchucks, or a staff; I usually took the Kusarigama out of habit. And I usually took a bow if they were very far away and shot at one, but the others reacted to this and attacked. 2:13 In NG 3 they left a small Easter egg there when, on the level where Ryu went home for a while so that his doctor Momiji could examine him, you can see this statue. 2:33 It looks like these werewolves threw what was left here. Probably even Baraka and Mileena couldn’t eat that much😱 2:43 It’s as if the developers saw these types of enemies in Castlevania and decided to add their own skeleton enemies to NG 2. 3:00 The mixture mixed them. 3:08 Yes, I agree with you here, Enma's Fang weapon is very powerful if you also pump it to the maximum. 3:25 It’s as if Ryu Hayabusa is still thinking about how to get out of here. And you're right, there will be a boss battle. )4:02, 4:08( Like some kind of transformer made of bones👀 3:45 It seems that he wanted to show here with the word “Damn it, where is this exit?”😁 4:53 I decided to try to defeat the boss with them. 4:50 It’s like he’s taking bones and swallowing them, or he’s strengthening himself or something🤷‍♂ 5:25 This ninpa works very well against this boss, you need to wait until he falls while sitting, and with this ninpa aim at his heart, this will cause more damage “I learned this method from one person when I played Tag Missions with him on PS 3” 5:28 If one person hadn’t told me such a secret, I would have had to fight this boss for longer🙂 Consider that you also know about this boss's weak point👍 5:48 You could even say he helped😊 6:27 as if the game shows that you shouldn’t relax here, there are dangers ahead. 6:40 I remember that this happened once a long time ago, it was somewhere around here or “7:58” then I accidentally missed the timing and fell, and Ryu died. 7:12 If I played on the difficulty level Hard or Master Ninja, then bats or those skeletal fish could fly out in such boxes, sometimes random worked here. 7:21 Kusarigama's good way to eliminate these skeletons and fish🙂 7:30 No problem, you can continue watching any time you want😊👍It's nice to know that you like the video, I'm trying for you🙂
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
"4:50" Хорошо, я вернулся и здесь, чтобы продолжить то, где я был в прошлый раз. "4:53" Древковое оружие еще раз, так что, вероятно, на пути вас ждут сильные враги, а в скором времени и босс. "4:54" Этот пейзаж действительно похож на сцену Аяне, за исключением того, что он при дневном свете, а она ночью. Тем не менее, она сражалась в основном с ниндзя, в то время как Хаябуса в основном сражался с демонами-волками. Как раз наоборот, ага. "5:30" Эти змееподобные демоны похожи на тех, что были в NG3... "6:00" О-о-о, там что-то большое и невидимое... 🙀 (6:08) Черт возьми... Ты сейчас сражаешься с драконом?? 🙀 "7:00" Этот паттерн, который вы делаете с этим боссом, напомнил мне о том, что я должен был сделать с финальным боссом в той игре Senran Kagura на моей PS4, может быть, неделю назад... Это слишком раздражающе и запутанно, чтобы победить, пока я, наконец, не одолею его... "8:03" Боже, эта битва с боссом занимает слишком много времени и повторяется... "8:45" Да, наконец-то я их уже получил!! 🐱👏 "9:00" Почти так, как будто он должен был сражаться с ним под водой, я думаю, что так... "4:50" Okay, I'm back and here to continues where I'm at from last time. "4:53" Pole arm once more, so probably there's some powerful enemies along the way, or yet an boss soon. "4:54" This scenery really look like Ayane scene, except its during the daylight, while her at night. Yet she fought ninjas mostly, while Hayabusa mostly fought wolf demons here. Quite the opposite, huh. "5:30" Those snake-like demons look similar to the one in NG3... "6:00" Un oh, something big and invisible there... 🙀 (6:08) Holy freakin' way... You're fighting an dragon now?? 🙀 "7:00" This patterns you're doing to this boss, reminded me of what I had to do to the final boss in that Senran Kagura game on my PS4 like a week ago maybe... It's quite too annoying and confusing to beat, til I've finally beaten it at last... "8:03" Boy, this boss fight taking too long and repetitive... "8:45" Yeah, finally got 'em already!! 🐱👏 "9:00" Almost like it was meant to fight it underwater, I guess so...
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 4:50 So I can wish you a pleasant viewing😊 4:53 Yes, the opponents that you could see in Momiji’s bonus video should appear there soon, the staff also works well for them. 4:54 You noticed correctly🙂 5:30 It’s as if they decided to add them there too, but with a change. 6:00 I wonder how it got there😳 )6:08 (There is some kind of water dragon that has the features of the Loch Nes Monster. 7:00 Oh, even there it was. Good information, and if you catch it correctly with Enma's Fang, "it is advisable to upgrade it to level 3" and in my opinion it works well in this battle. 8:03 Well, if it’s difficult to play at the difficulty level or a ninja master, then I agree with you, some other people probably took risks to get through it faster with other weapons, but I decided to take a safer tactic. 8:45 And now this Dragon will go to the bottom to dive like a submarine😁 9:00 And here it’s scary to imagine what a battle under water would look like😳
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс «7:00» Я планировал начать прохождение Senran Kagura Burst в начале этих выходных, но вся эта неделя была напряженной, даже с некоторыми трудностями. Так что, может быть, в другой раз в ближайшее время, возможно, на следующей неделе, я надеюсь. «8:03» Я могу себе представить, что каким-то образом... "9:00" Почти так же, как и в 1-й игре DMC, с которой вы также можете сражаться под водой, но вам нужно гарпунное ружье, чтобы атаковать их, даже при виде от 1-го лица. "7:00" I were planning on getting started on doing an playthroughs for Senran Kagura Burst earlier this weekends, but it had been an busy time all this week, even some difficulties too. So maybe another time soon, probably next week I hope. "8:03" I can imagined that somehow... "9:00" Almost as like in the 1st DMC game, which you can also fight underwater, yet you need an harpoon gun to attack them, even in 1st person view as well.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 7:00 I can understand you very well, even today was a difficult day for me, either homework or a part-time job, something came up. 9:00 Hah, funny =В
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
"0:00" О, вы только что купили новый костюм для Хаябусы? Интересно, как это выглядит? "0:05" Ого, он только что превратился из ниндзя в рыцаря?? 🙀 Но выглядите аккуратно. 😺 "0:32" Хм, теперь он тоже в Венеции. Конечно, это было похоже на кругосветное путешествие, чтобы остановить любые опасности вокруг. «0:41» Сначала я подумал: «Куда идти??», потом понял, что это как личный колизей. И я предполагаю, что тот, что сидит на троне, является большим лидером этих демонов-оборотней, хм. "0:51" Э-э-э, не ищу его... 🙀 "1:13" Подождите секунду... У него четыре руки?? Что, типа он шокан как Горо из МК?? 🙀 "1:59" Что-то мне подсказывает, что у меня было плохое предчувствие по поводу этой сцены... (2:04) Как я и думал... «2:18» Появился рыцарь в доспехах! ⚔ «2:28» Я собирался сказать «жестокость», если бы он действительно сократил его пополам, но вместо этого «безупречная победа» на данный момент. 😺 "2:53" Я не знал, что здесь тоже можно плавать, особенно в разгар битвы? «3:07» Шиш, попался трижды и уже снова был брошен обратно в воду. "3:14" Хм, интересно, что это за оружие? Похоже на тонфу или что-то в этом роде. "3:39" Теперь у нас есть еще несколько крылатых демонов. Боже, они как везде... "3:42" Хм, заметил, что там еще одна короткая пауза... Наверное, слишком много эффекта для этой части? "4:15" Пытаюсь хорошо прицелиться, ага. "4:33" Черт возьми, это был какой-то мощный удар. 🙀 (4:50) Извините, мне придется остановиться на сегодняшнем вечере. Я чувствовал себя немного уставшим из-за нескольких вещей, о которых мне нужно было позаботиться сегодня. Остальное я закончу утром в ближайшее время, как только у меня будет достаточно сил. "0:00" Oh, did you just get a new costume for Hayabusa recently? Wonder how does it look like? "0:05" Whoa, did he just goes from ninja to knight right there?? 🙀 Look neat though. 😺 "0:32" Huh, now its in Venice too. They sure been like going around the world to stop whatever dangers out there. "0:41" At first, I was like "WTH going here??", then I realized its like a personal coliseum there. And I'm guessing the big one sitting on the throne is the big leader to these werewolf like demons, huh. "0:51" Uh oh, doesn't look for him... 🙀 "1:13" Wait a sec... He's four arms?? What, like he's an Shokan like Goro from MK?? 🙀 "1:59" Something telling me I had a bad feeling about this scenes... (2:04) Just as I thought... "2:18" An knight in armor appeared! ⚔ "2:28" I was about to say "brutality" if he did cut it in half, but yet an "flawless victory" instead for now. 😺 "2:53" I didn't knew you can actual swim here too, especially while still in a mid of a battle? "3:07" Sheesh, got caught thrice and already been thrown back in the water again. "3:14" Hmm, wonder what that weapon is? Look like an tonfa or something. "3:39" Now we got another few of some more winged demons here too. Boy, they're like everywhere... "3:42" Hmm, noticed there's another brief pause there... Probably too much effect for this part? "4:15" Trying to get a good aim there, huh. "4:33" Dang, that was some powerful blow. 🙀 (4:50) Sorry, I'll have to stop right there for tonight. I've been feeling a little tired out from several things I had to take care of for today. I'll finish the rest of it in the morning soon, Once I do have enough energy.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 0:00 This skin was discovered in Ninja Racing mode. 0:05 Yes, it also seemed to me that he decided to wear armor. 0:32 it certainly looks like they did it well🙂 0:41 not weak, it looks like they have a batch going on. Only their leader is bored. 0:51 It looks like these werewolves have strong skulls, since they decided to show it this way😦 1:13 Well, yes, these are his four arms, as if they copied him from Goro from MK😳 1:59 These people should have stayed at home, even the police won’t check the area. 2:04 as if they decided to present it like in horror films👀 2:18 As if walking along the street, looking at places of interest😁 2:28 But if I had just the regular version of NG 2 and not Sigma, then he would have cut him in half like Kung Lao. But in the end it was as if he just waved and he had an attack. 2:53 There is just this element in the gameplay, you will have to swim to one place and the boss will be waiting.I remember that there was a case a long time ago when a werewolf jumped, but apparently he didn’t calculate the jump and fell into the water, and thereby died. Bol, these werewolves don’t know how to swim, apparently they weren’t taught how to swim in dogs😀 3:07 I didn’t get my act together well, I need to fix this issue,As if Ryu Hayabusa didn’t do enough water treatments. 3:14 You named it correctly, the weapon is called tonfa👍 3:39 As if they were also looking for and trying to detain Hayabusa. 3:42 I still couldn’t understand what was happening, why there were such pauses😳 4:15 I suspected that he would fly, and decided to eliminate him with small arms. 4:33 Apparently Ryu Hayabusa trained well on every type of weapon🙂 )4:50(It’s okay, you’ll look further when you’re ready, don’t worry about it.😌👍rest well.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс "0:00" Мне немного любопытно, как работает этот игровой режим... Я ненавижу быть немного назойливым к тому, что вы делаете, но не могли бы вы посмотреть, можете ли вы попробовать небольшой образец иногда, только когда у вас есть свободное время, любой подойдет. Я никогда не просил просить об этом сам, потому что я имел дело с некоторыми запросами в прошлом, особенно «немногие» из них продолжали просить слишком много об одном и том же, снова и снова... 😥😞 (Вот почему я перестал играть в KOF 15 из-за той же проклятой просьбы...) "1:13" Может быть, ему стоит сразиться с самим Принцем Шокан или, по крайней мере, с Кинтаро. По крайней мере, это должно утолить его скуку... 😹 «1:59, 2:04» Это напомнило мне начальную сцену в Onimusha 3 для PS2, где Париж в современную эпоху был захвачен и атакован армиями демонов Нобунаги. Я надеялся, что Capcom выпустит ремастированную коллекцию для остальной части другой серии Onimusha, как они уже сделали 1-ю часть. "2:53" Хм, интересно. Я никогда не знал. "3:42" Ну, опять же, у меня было то же самое с некоторыми играми здесь как в Steam, так и в эмуляциях на моем текущем ПК. Что-то может сработать, что-то нет. "4:33" Он сам мастер ниндзя. "0:00" I'm kinda bit curious how does that game mode works... I hate to be a little bothersome to what you're doing, but could ya maybe see if you can try a little sample of it sometimes, only whenever you have a spare time, anyone will do fine. I've never ask for a request myself cuz I've been dealing with some requests in the past before, especially "few" of them kept asking too much of the same thing, over and over... 😥😞 (That's why I've stopped playing KOF 15 cuz of that same darned request...) "1:13" Maybe he should had a match with the Shokan Prince himself, or at least Kintaro. THAT should satisfy his boredom at least... 😹 "1:59, 2:04" Reminded me of the opening scene in Onimusha 3 on PS2, where Paris in the modern era were being invaded and under attack by Nobunaga's demon armies. I was hoping Capcom should do an remastered collection to the rest of the other Onimusha series, like they did the 1st one already. "2:53" Hmm, interesting. I never knew. "3:42" Well again, I had the same too with some games here on both Steam and emulations on my current PC. Some may works, some may won't. "4:33" He is an master ninja himself.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 0:00 I give you a promise, I’ll shoot a video and post it, as if I’m giving a man.Everything is fine, I’m just making this video for you, so I’ll try to film the Ninja Race mode,Even like T800 from T 2 Doomsday I will promise🖐 I sincerely sympathize about KOF 15🙁 1:13 such a spectacle would definitely be interesting, since Kintaro can spit fireballs “although Goro in the style of a furious tiger is the same dalal” then the Wolf can, like Fujin, blow away with the wind. 1:59, 2:04 Wow, it’s cool that something similar happened somewhere too🙂 3:42 It seems that sometimes it can appear on its own.. 4:33 He definitely spent many years developing and training such skills to be the ultimate ninja.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Да, тем не менее, я вернусь к нему когда-нибудь в ближайшее время, либо на PS4, либо, может быть, на Xbox или PS5 в ближайшее время, даже когда я получу другой сезонный пропуск на случай, если он будет распродан в ближайшее время. Yeah, yet I will get back to it somedays soon, either on PS4 or maybe for Xbox or PS5 soon, even once I do get the other season pass too in case for it, if its one sale somedays soon.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
"12:40" Конечно, здесь все еще будут демоны. Нигде по-настоящему безопасно. "12:55" Этот огромный крылатый выглядит иначе, чем те, что здесь. Видели ли мы это раньше в NGS2, или здесь это было в новинку? «14:50» Сейчас они уже заходят через витражное окно. Боже, где еще они могут устроить сцену? "15:24" Как странно, я не знал, что парящие, стреляющие лазерным лучом, могут превращаться в богомола с косой? "15:56" Теперь вы имеете дело с этими поклонниками и демонами здесь, в этом месте?? Что происходит вокруг этого странного храма-святилища?... Такое ощущение, что здесь идет заговор... «17:17» И один из них присоединился позже к афтепати. "18:20" Хм, здесь тоже есть еще один контрольно-пропускной пункт... А это значит, что впереди нас ждет что-то мощное, держу пари... "18:30" Еще одна питательная среда, по-моему... «20:31» Теперь я думаю, что мы подошли к основной части этой сцены, битве с боссом с демоном-ниндзя из Хаябусы. 🙀 "21:43" Теперь он заряжает атаку темной энергией там, не выглядит хорошим знаком... «22:08» Не буду врать, мне показалось, что ты сделал этот бой достаточно легким. Отличные навыки! 👏 "22:15" Неплохо, но все же достаточно хорошо. Я уверен, что вы поправитесь достаточно скоро, чтобы когда-нибудь добиться лучших результатов. 👍 "12:40" Of course there'll be still some demons here. Nowhere is really safe anywhere. "12:55" That huge winged one look different than those here. Did we seen that one before in NGS2, or was it new here? "14:50" Now they've been coming in through the stained glass window already. Boy, where else can they do to make an scenes? "15:24" How strange, I didn't knew that the floating that shoot out laser beam, can morph into an mantis creature with a scythe? "15:56" Now you're dealing with these worshippers and demons here in this place?? What's going on around this bizarre sanctuary temple?... Feel like there's a plot going on here... "17:17" And one joined in later to the after party. "18:20" Hmm, there's another check point here too... Meaning there's something powerful later up ahead soon, I bet... "18:30" Another breeding ground, I believes... "20:31" Now I believed we're getting to the main part of this scene, an boss fight with this demon ninja fiend of Hayabusa here. 🙀 "21:43" Now he charging up an dark energy attack there, doesn't look like a good sign... "22:08" I ain't gonna lie, it felt like you made this fight so easy enough. Great skills there! 👏 "22:15" Not bad, still good enough. I'm sure you'll get better soon enough for a better results somedays. 👍
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 12:40 Looks like they're roaming around the area. 12:55 In NG 2, there are two types of winged monsters, like this one and the golden one. The latter may be more durable than the usual one. 14:50 Looks like they haven’t found a more beautiful place to appear “I think so”🤷‍♂ 15:24 Yes, these opponents at first fly like heads, you need to throw them in the forehead twice with small arms, and only after that he will go into his main form where you can inflict damage on him. 15:56 Looks like this is a better squad in the LOA organization. Although personally, whether White or Black in robes, these opponents cause me a lot of trouble.😔 And so yes, right after all, according to the plot, the main Ryu was shown that the villain has such a location. 17:17 It’s good that he arrived late, otherwise with a large number of enemies in a narrow space it would have become a problem. 18:20 Fortunately, at least here you can have something happen later when you suddenly want to play, start from this place😌 18:30 Looks like spare capsules, where some opponents had leftovers. 20:31 By the way, it’s interesting that we had to spend one round here, since in the plot, basically, at first the usual appearance will be the Clone of the Evil Ryu Hayabusa, as soon as you defeat him, a character will appear who was responsible for the head of the LOA organization and it turns out that this character was an accomplice and a traitor in detachment from the military, and only thanks to his idea to take blood from the Dragon Ninja they decided to do this. And then they decided to give Clone Ryu where he was already strengthened in appearance in round 2 where he had to fight,Here he even seemed to me with the tactics that you see I use, he is as simple as a boss, unlike the same Regent of the Mask. 21:43 It’s similar to the ninpa that Genshin can still do in NG 2, but the difference is that here the Evil Clone Ryu has a black and red color. I was lucky that I was just in time and didn’t take any damage. 22:08 If you know the right approach, then it won’t cause any difficulties, but if you play at a higher difficulty level, then it would obviously cause a problem and you’d have to work hard. There should still be a cut-scene where Ryu Hayabusa pierces his clone with a sword “just like Regent of the Mask for the first time” and then the villains, of course, will run away and there will be an earthquake and they will have to escape. Where good soldiers will be waiting for Ryu on the surface. 22:15 I try to pass as best as possible🙂, but sometimes it doesn’t turn out the way I want. I need to train again somehow.
@mihx86 Месяц назад
Каждая серия на одной кассете? Лучше все в месте купить
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@Михаил Забродин - В одной кассете по две серии были, а про "лучше все в месте купить" это не так просто сделать. Ибо на просторе интернета цены на подобное сделали очень высокие.
@mihx86 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Да я говорю про то время когда раньше влазило по 2 фильма (пиратские) на кассету 180 минут. Ладно с фильмами но хоть 90 минут можно же записать? Помню хотел все серии (наивный) черепашек ниндзя на одной кассете а получил (подарок) только 4 или 6 серий. Все равно не помню какие, сейчас бы пересмотрел :) 😁😄
@mihx86 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс В любом случае спасибо за труд! Понимаю что что достать кассеты непросто
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
О, Касуми снова вернулась в NG3!! 🌸 Тем не менее, к сожалению, вы не смогли получить последний костюм для Касуми. но не волнуйтесь, я уверен, что вы скоро доберетесь туда. Честно говоря, если Хаябуса и Аянэ появлялись в нескольких других играх Koei Tecmo, таких как Warriors и Fatal Frames, как это делала Аянэ, я чувствую, что Касуми тоже должна быть в центре внимания, то же самое касается и Момидзи. "0:00" Хм, она вернулась в свой черный костюм из DOA5, и все же этот выглядит как база аэропорта где-то в снежной зоне... "0:14, 028" Хм, снова в Японии? Или это было в прошлый раз, как и раньше? «0:35» Тем не менее, как сказано в описаниях, это происходило где-то в другом месте, кроме места на экране. Надеюсь, ей не слишком холодно, хотя она носит шарф. 🧣 "0:40, 0:45" IDK почему, но этот пейзаж этой сцены чем-то напомнил мне то ли базу Shadow Moses в 1-й Metal Gear Solid на PS1, то ли что-то вроде игры The Thing на PS2, которую я случайно попробовал на эмуляторе PS2... "1:04" Значит, они прятались в снегу... Даже снежный туман может затруднить просвечивание... "1:20" Чувак, серьезно... Из-за этого густого снежного тумана трудно разглядеть эту область... ❄🌫 «1:40» Я не заметил, что они ехали на снегоходе... Почти как в той пустынной местности раньше... "2:10" Даже этот сокол тоже здесь. Удивлен, увидев здесь такое холодное место. "2:28" WTH?? Неужели он замерз в этой пещере надолго? 🙀 Но и здесь от него не увернешься? "3:15" Шиш, этот парень наверняка любит тебя хватать... Даже сейчас это вызывает беспокойство, пока уже на низком уровне... 🙀 "3:52" Блин, они тебя поймали... и я болел за тебя там... 😿 "3:59" Так что от него вообще не увернешься... Как это несправедливо, ведь вы можете получить от этого небольшой ущерб... 😾 "4:47" Всякий раз, когда речь идет об экшене, хорроре на выживание или файтинге, никогда не заходите за стену и даже не загоняйте ее в угол... если только это не стелс, как в Metal Gear, то это другое. "5:19" Черт возьми... Представьте себе, что если бы вы не дотянулись до этой стены, то вы бы все равно умерли, и, возможно, вам пришлось бы делать все это снова... Серьезно, насколько это справедливо?? "5:36" Итак, мы снова вернулись в темную пещеру? Вот и вся сцена. "6:50" Эти капли наверняка дадут вам подсказку о его местонахождении. "7:02" Но это еще не все... "7:28" Какого черта здесь происходит?? 😹 "7:38" Боже, как будто это место полно опасных опасностей... 🙀 "8:09, 8:17" Боже мой, чувак... Это место целые мины-ловушки... Неужели они пытаются сделать что-то вроде «Расхитительницы гробниц» или «Индианы Джонса»? 🙀😹 "8:35" Ого, я думал, что они были частью фона... Хорошие глаза. "9:22" По крайней мере, вы приберегли его на всякий случай. 😺 "9:55" Какая жутковатая дверь... 🙀 «10:49» Сначала я думала: «Что это было?» и «Откуда это взялось??», пока не увидела, что это из головы на двери. Почему все должны быть лазерными лучами? «11:00» Это похоже на ту часть в Ninja Trials, которую вы делали с Момидзи в прошлый раз, верно? "12:03" Теперь вы снова полноценны. 😺 "12:09" О, хорошие результаты для этой сцены. 👏 «12:23» Это похоже на часовню или святилище внутри? (12:31) Ну, это моя точка остановки на данный момент, так как эта точка сохранения здесь тоже. Я продолжу отдых немного позже, так как у меня есть кое-что, о чем мне нужно позаботиться утром, прежде чем мне нужно будет еще немного отдохнуть. Отличный геймплей, но и враги здесь тоже сложные, так что скоро я посмотрю, что еще ждет Касуми. ♥♥♥ Ooh, Kasumi is back once more for NG3!! 🌸 Yet, sorry to hear that you couldn't been able to get the last costume for Kasumi yet. but no worry, I'm sure you'll get there soon. Honestly, if Hayabusa and Ayane been appearing in few other Koei Tecmo games, like Warriors and Fatal Frames, like Ayane did, I feel like Kasumi need to be in a spotlight too, same for Momiji as well. "0:00" Hmm, she's back in her black suit from DOA5, and yet this one looks like an airport base somewhere in the snow area... "0:14, 028" Huh, back in Japan again? Or was it from last time, as where you did left from before? "0:35" Yet, as said in the descriptions, this took place somewhere else beside the location on screen. Hope its not too chilly for her, though she does wears a scarf. 🧣 "0:40, 0:45" IDK why, but this scenery of this stage sorta reminded me of either the Shadow Moses base in the 1st Metal Gear Solid on PS1, or something as like in The Thing game on PS2, which I did tried on an PS2 emulator by chance... "1:04" So they been hiding in the snow... Even the snow fog could make it tough to see through here... "1:20" Man, seriously... This thick snow fog make it look hard to see through this area... ❄🌫 "1:40" I didn't notice they were riding an snowmobile... Almost like in that desert area before... "2:10" Even that falcon is here too. Surprised to see it here of being in such a chilly place. "2:28" WTH?? Was it frozen inside this cave for a long time?? 🙀 Yet, you can't even dodge it too here? "3:15" Sheesh, that one sure likes to grab you a lot... Even now this is concerning while on low life already... 🙀 "3:52" Damn, they got you... and I was rooting for ya there... 😿 "3:59" So you can't ever dodge it at all... How unfair is that as you can take little damage from it... 😾 "4:47" Whenever its either an action, horror survival, or an fighting games, never get behind an wall or even cornered around it either... unless if its an stealth based like Metal Gear, then that's different. "5:19" Dang... Kinda imagine that if you didn't reach to that wall, then you would had die anyway, and might had to do all of that again... Seriously, how fair is that?? "5:36" So we're back to dark cave again? That's make scene. "6:50" That drips surely give you a clue of it whereabouts. "7:02" Yet there's still some more... "7:28" What the hecks going here?? 😹 "7:38" Goodness, like this place is full of dangerous hazards... 🙀 "8:09, 8:17" My goodness, man... This place is entire booby traps... Are they trying to make it like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones all of a sudden here? 🙀😹 "8:35" Whoa, I thought they were part of the backgrounds... Good eyes there. "9:22" At least you've saved it for the best here in case. 😺 "9:55" What an eerie looking door there... 🙀 "10:49" At first, I was like "what was that" and "where did that came from??", til I see its from that head on the door. Why does everyone had to be laser beams? "11:00" This is just like that one part in the Ninja Trials I thinks, the one you did with Momiji last time, right? "12:03" Now you're full life again for sure. 😺 "12:09" Oh, nice results there for this scene. 👏 "12:23" Is it like a chapel or sanctuary inside? (12:31) Well, this is my stopping point for now, as this save point here too. I'll be continuing the rest in a little later soon, as I do have something I need to take care of for the morning before I do need to rest some more. Great gameplay, yet challenging enemies here too, so I'll see what else awaits soon for Kasumi. ♥♥♥
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 I haven’t completed it for a long time, I need to diversify it, it’s a pity that I still haven’t been able to open the last skin, I still need to pass 14 tests or something🙁Consider that I decided to please you with this walkthrough of your favorite character.😊I honestly don’t know how I can pass bosses at an average level where Genshin “the bastard from NG S 2” will already go. There’s also Alma “the boss from NG Black\Sigma”, I haven’t yet understood how to pass her correctly, but about Regent in a Mask is a total bummer😦 We still have to look for ways. I don’t even know how I’ll be able to do this, if I was able to overcome any test at all, sometimes I have to spend a long time with opponents in robes, sorcerers, this is a complete mess🙆‍♂Well, maybe Kasumi appeared somewhere else, for example, warriors all-stars or even warriors orochi 3, in some little-known games, who knows. It was a pleasant surprise for me that in WO 3 there were characters with DOA NG, although I didn’t know this before until I bought it in the store on my PS 3, and it was very pleasant. Sophitia was even there from Soulcalibur. 0:00 I didn’t know which skin to take for the passage since the last skin that Kasumi also has in DOA 5-6 was not possible, I had to think about which one would be worth taking. And regarding the level, when I went through the level of Ryu and Momiji while recording, this is exactly the level, even the cut-scene was recorded from which Cliff and Ryu went there. 0:14,0:28 Well, yes, there was a previous level where Ryu went to the village to find the answer to the curse. 0:35 Well, it’s still not a swimsuit “although she doesn’t have a skin like in DOA” or a sailor suit. Although I realized that ninjas are so trained that they shouldn’t even feel the cold, and if in some arena where, for example, Kazuya and Heihachi fought in the finals of Tekken 7, then she obviously wouldn’t feel hot there. 0:40, 0:45 Mm, I'll keep that in mind. I remember that a former childhood friend was playing some kind of game “unfortunately I don’t remember the name”, I remember that it also looked like a tough winter. And the game itself was something like a third-person shooter. 1:04 It seems like those guys had a good time warming up, since they waited long enough for the character to appear. I forgot to pick up the scarab at the beginning, damn it.🙆‍♂ 1:20 You're right. They didn’t even give the character special glasses so he could see through such a blizzard. 1:40 That’s right, apparently they decided to skip the desert at the beginning and add such an ambush here. 2:10 You are right, like a seasoned bird😯 2:28 That's a good question. I tried to dodge, and I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t do it, I even tilted the directions in different directions🤷‍♂ 3:15 That's what they say, I played one game and forgot about the gameplay for this game. Somehow you have to remember and get used to the controls. 3:52 It didn't work out well, my apologies😟 3:59 The space here is not that big, or you have to somehow jump over it, I wasn’t always able to do this successfully😔 4:47 You're right, we have to somehow figure out how to deal with opponents. 5:19 Most likely, always yes, although here I remembered that you have to fight up to a certain point and you have to grab the wall. 5:36 Even here the beetles seem to have spread. 6:50 And then I didn’t immediately remember how to deal with the first enemies, I had to throw a kunai into the nest and the opportunity would open up to run along the wall. 7:02 It’s as if they were waiting until you reset the hive, only then did they want to appear. 7:28 Honestly, I would like to know this myself. I don't even know on the versions that were PS 3 Xbox 360 Razor's Edge the same thing would happen😁🤷‍♂ 7:38 A simple person would have frozen here long ago. 8:09, 8:17 It seems so, since the villains were hiding so that the good characters could not find their one of the lairs😮 8:35 It’s like a trap until you approach, fortunately I also remembered that they are not just decoration. 9:22 You're right, it's better to save it for cases like this, when it will be difficult. 9:55 That's right, how interesting it is that the characters usually closed it, surely someone tall here or a telikin opens doors similar in height👀 10:49 It looks like one of the designers loved making lasers, and apparently decided to add them here. 11:00 You named it correctly, this one happened and in the Trials they added a location, as well as enemies “it’s good that the boss Zedonius from NG S 2 is not in the plot” 12:03 The main thing is for me to be careful here. 12:09 I tried to survive here, I didn’t even think that such assessments would be thrown at me😮 12:23 It reminds me of some kind of sanctuary, it’s good that there are no coffins here for the dead to come to life. )12:31 (Yes, of course, whatever is convenient for you, and I just finished a new video and will post it on RU-vid. I can understand you, sometimes I also have to study somewhere in my life right now, since I live in a private house. Well, I try to make it interesting for you to watch how I follow Kasumi in NG 3😊So you can understand that the further you go, the more difficult it will be for both opponents and bosses in the levels
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс Да, я помню, что Софития из Namco Soul Calibur была приглашена в качестве гостя на эту игру. Интересно, могли бы Koei Tecmo каким-то образом добавить своего гостя в игру Namco... Кроме того, да, должно быть трудно пройти через большинство из них каким-то образом... У меня есть то же самое чувство, когда некоторые игры получают достижения или трофеи за это, например, Metal Gear Solid 2&3 HD на Xbox 360 и PS3; Я должен был пройти всю игру, ни разу никого не убив и не попав ни на кого, чтобы получить каждый из этих трофеев / достижений... Это почти невозможно, если только вы не сыграете в нее несколько раз и не потренируетесь. MGS Peace Walker был достаточно прост для меня, чтобы в основном привыкнуть, может быть, даже получить ранг S в некоторых прошлых миссиях, если у вас будет подходящее снаряжение позже, например, костюм для скрытности и боевая броня для сражений с боссами, даже более сильное оружие. Я как-то скучал по этой игре на Xbox и хотел бы когда-нибудь продолжить, так как прямо сейчас я снова играю в серию Metal Gear на своей PS4 с MGS Master Collection, которую моя сестра недавно поступила в продажу. Это просто MGS1 ~ 3 с первыми двумя оригинальными Metal Gear 1 и 2, которые были на японском ПК под названием MSX, даже две игры для NES; Metal Gear & Snake Revenge в качестве бонуса, тем не менее, все еще нужно загрузить цифровые фильмы по комиксам, которые у меня есть и на PS3, MGS Legacy Collection, с MGS1~4 и Peace Walker HD. В любом случае, я продолжу с того места, где меня оставили, чтобы посмотреть, что ждет Касуми здесь... Надеюсь на лучшее от вас, и я буду с нетерпением ждать еще одного в ближайшее время, если я не слишком занят в это время. 😺 Yeah, I do remember that Sophitia from Namco's Soul Calibur was featured as a guest for that game. Wonder if Koei Tecmo might had put an guest of their own in Namco's game somehow... Also, yeah, that's gotta be tough to get through most of them somehow... I have that same feeling for some certain games to get an achievements or trophies for it, like take Metal Gear Solid 2&3 HD on Xbox 360 & PS3 for examples; I had to get through the whole game without ever killing anyone and don't get spot by anyone to get each of those trophies / achievements... Its almost nearly impossible, unless you do plays it several times and take practices of it. MGS Peace Walker was like easy enough for me to get used to mostly, maybe even get an S rank on some past missions, if you have a proper equipment later on, like an sneaking suit for stealth based and an battle armor for boss fights, even stronger weapons too. I missed playing that game on Xbox somehow and would like to continues somedays, since right now I'm playing Metal Gear series again on my PS4 with the MGS Master Collection my sister got on sale recently. Its just MGS1~3 with the first two original Metal Gear 1&2 that were on an Japanese PC called an MSX, even two NES games; Metal Gear & Snake Revenge as a bonus, still need to download the digital motion comic movies though, which I do have on my PS3 too, MGS Legacy Collection, with MGS1~4 & Peace Walker HD. Anyway, I'll be continuing where I was left at, so I can see what's awaits for Kasumi here... Hope for the best from ya here and I'll be looking forward for another one anytime soon, as long as I'm not too busy around those time though. 😺
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 What's in Metal Gear Solid 2&3 HD Complete the game without killing anyone, this is of course a big idea they came up with, and the difficulty is so brutal😦 I even noticed a trophy in RE 1 Revelation where you have to beat the game without taking damage, it's a complete mess.. It’s as if they planted this to make it more difficult for people since they want to get a platinum trophy. It looks like I’ll have to see how other people pass such tests, because my efforts there clearly don’t help me pass the bosses.. Since I’m very far from mastery here, and I know that I won’t be able to get platinum here even on my PS 3. Because beating the game on Master Ninja is already complete crap🙆‍♂
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
На секунду миниатюра этого геймплея одурачила меня, так как я думал, что это похоже на эпизод оригинального мультфильма «Черепашки-ниндзя», пока я не узнал, что на самом деле это геймплей этой игры про Черепашек-ниндзя. 😹 Чувак, я давно не играл в эту игру в Xbox Games Pass, так как теперь она также доступна и на PS Plus Extra. Я давно хотел сделать геймплей Черепашек-ниндзя, когда бы ни была эта игра или Cowabunga Collection. Может быть, я подумаю об этом в ближайшее время, может быть, на лето, я думаю... "0:05" Я думаю, что я мог бы пройти этот этап раньше. Опять же, прошло много времени с тех пор, как я играл в это на Xbox. "0:45" О боже, эти раздражающие ловушки для половиц... По крайней мере, только один раз, так что это облегчение. "0:52" Мне нравятся эти броски, особенно когда вы все еще можете бросать их в сторону экрана, как в оригинальных аркадных играх. 😸 "2:12" "Пицца Сила!! 🍕 «Я удивлен, что один из них был показан и здесь. Черт возьми, эта игра - дань уважения оригинальным играм Konami TMNT. 😺 «2:20, 2:45» Забавно, что они все еще находятся на заднем плане, пока, наконец, не вмешались. "4:34" Ха, там есть ниндзя, играющий в геймбой. 😹 Я видел что-то подобное и в Metal Slug, где один из вражеских солдат играл как в портативную игру, возможно, это был Neo Geo Pocket, собственная система SNK для геймбоя. "5:19" Уже вбрасывание против Лезерхеда. 🐱 "6:00" Хм, я помню, как Leatherhead атаковал в оригинальных играх TMNT от Konami, но здесь все немного отличается от того, что я думал. Он любил ползать по полу после нескольких ударов и даже бросать в тебя ножи. Здесь он просто прыгает в канализационные отверстия и выскакивает из другой. For a second there, the thumbnail to this gameplay had me fooled, as I thought it was like an episode of the original cartoon of Ninja Turtles, til I found out it was actually an gameplay to this Ninja Turtles game. 😹 Man, I haven't played this game on Xbox Games Pass in a long while, since now its also on PS Plus Extra too. I've been wanting to do an Ninja Turtles gameplay, whenever its this game or the Cowabunga Collection. Maybe I'll consider about it soon, maybe for the summer I thinks... "0:05" I thinks I might had passed this stage before. Again, its been a while since I do played this on Xbox. "0:45" Oh man, those annoying floor board traps... At least its only once, so that's a relief. "0:52" Gotta love those throws, especially when you can still throw 'em toward the screen, like in the original arcade games too. 😸 "2:12" "Pizza Power!! 🍕" I'm surprised that one was featured here too. Man, this game is such an tribute to the original Konami TMNT games. 😺 "2:20, 2:45" Funny that they're still in the background til finally they jumped in. "4:34" Hah, there's an foot ninja busy playing an gameboy there. 😹 I seen something like this in Metal Slug too, with one of the enemy soldier was playing like handheld game, might be the Neo Geo Pocket, SNK's own gameboy system. "5:19" An face-off against Leatherhead already. 🐱 "6:00" Hmm, I remember how Leatherhead attack patterns in the original TMNT games by Konami, yet here a little different than how I thoughts. He used to like crawl across the floor after taken a few hits, and even throw knives at ya. Here he's just jump down into the sewer holes and pop back out from a different one.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 By the way, such a cover was in Russia, which was published on VHS from the company Yekaterinburg Art Home Video, or EA for short, which released cartoons with Turtles in the 80s. I didn’t know what frame to take, so I decided to put this picture 🙂 I even remember that I was not able to buy it right away due to the fact that sanctions appeared in Russia on Steam as well as on PS 3-4 and on Xbox. And only through one good person from Steam transferred money to him, he was able to buy me a key for the game, and after a few more years, when Dimension Shellshock came out, I had to save up the amount and later bought it too. 0:05 I can understand, sometimes you can’t remember all the levels properly and what surprises await you there. 0:45 Just like in The Hyperstone Heist on the Sega Mega Drive, yeah they're not very nice👍 0:52 I like them too, but for me, sometimes they weren’t always possible to do when I wanted, or depending on your luck and the character wants to take it or not, you can’t guess😌The nice thing is that if you throw an enemy onto another with a grab, he also receives damage, this is a plus. 2:12 It’s great that they took some things or characters from the Turtles games from Konami, it just feels so pleasant😊 2:20, 2:45 I agree with you, it’s funny to watch how some soldiers spend their time until your character arrives😌 4:34 Hehe, apparently the enemy has been waiting for a long time and decided to brighten up the time with a portable console😁 5:19 I don’t know why, but of the Turtle villains, for some reason I liked Leatherhead outwardly here, even when in the cartoon they showed that he first caught the Toad Mutants there and made slaves, and after the Turtles intervened, Leatherhead had to deal with them, and even Krang wanted I decided to take a Mutant into the squad and sent Shredder, and after that there was a series where Leatherhead meets the Rat King in the sewer where he was looking for the Turtles🙂 6:00 Well, yes, they changed the battle with him, if in Hyperstone Heist on the Sega Mega Drive it seems easy, then in The Manhattan Project on Dendy he was much more difficult there, like a boss🐊Even in the background, Mutant Toads can randomly throw up either an explosive barrel or a first aid kit from trolleys.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
«6:36, 6:40» Я вернулся, и теперь я снова увижу Момидзи в действии. Тем не менее, удвойте действия с двумя Момидзи здесь. 😻♥♥ "6:40" Хм, эта сцена действительно похожа на сцену Аянэ раньше, когда она была где-то в Европе, я думаю, в Италии или Греции. "6:50" Кажется, есть несколько новых, которых я раньше не видел в одном из ваших предыдущих геймплеев NGS2... «6:59» Это выглядит не очень хорошо, когда половина твоей жизни уже истощена... "7:43" Я должен сказать, что когда вы заряжаете свою атаку и поглощаете любые близлежащие энергетические сферы или что-то в этом роде, это напоминает мне Onimusha на PS2 и PS4. Не уверен, что Shinobi на PS2 тоже понравится. "8:35" О, я вижу, как их шкала жизни полностью восстановлена, пока вы выполняли этот особый прием. 😺 "9:00" Ааа 😾 "10:03" Отличная работа с таким результатом. 👍 "6:36, 6:40" I'm back, and now I'll be seeing Momiji in actions once more. Yet, double the actions with two Momijis here. 😻♥♥ "6:40" Hmm, this stage scenery does look like Ayane scene earlier, when she was like somewhere in Europe I believes, like Italy or Greece I thinks. "6:50" Seems like there's some few new ones I haven't seen before from one of your previous NGS2 gameplay... "6:59" That don't look so good, with half of your life already depleted... "7:43" I gotta say, when you're charging up your attack and absorbed any nearby energy orbs or something, almost sorta reminded me of Onimusha on PS2 & PS4. Not sure if Shinobi on PS2 sorta like that too. "8:35" Ooh, I can see both of their life meter fully restored while you were doing that special move. 😺 "9:00" Argh, I would hate that one if it were happened to me too... 😾 "10:03" Great job with this result. 👍
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 6:36, 6:40 I decided since there was a level for Momiji, I decided to let there be two at once in different skins🤩❤‍🔥 6:40 Rome, yes, you said it right, here the initial level will be for Ayane in NG S 2. And you are right that Italy and Greece are very similar, but a little later, when there is a level for Ryu again, he will start searching here , and there you can find out who you will have to fight with, and they will even show you the Colosseum. 6:50 Do you mean new types of opponents? By the way, they will just appear in this level, when you should look for a passage. 6:59 I agree with you, we need to be even more careful and careful in such cases. 7:43 Mm, I didn’t know about such a game, I checked it on the Internet, I was surprised that it was published by Capcom😮 а вот про Shinobi на PS2 главное чтоб она не была как копия Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. 8:35 Well, here, in fact, either the sphere may not fall out from the enemy, or if it is far enough from the enemy, health may be replenished to the red mark😌 9:00 My apologies, I didn’t see well and didn’t notice how he grabbed😢 10:03 Fortunately, this is not so much a hard test, it would have been more difficult to survive and defend there🙂
@ldfnhblwfnm Месяц назад
Как можно такие спойлеры в трейлере помещать?
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@Ldf Nhblwfnm - Чел, если не нравится не смотри рекламу,тебя не кто не заставляет! 😐 И Спойлера полная хрень.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Ну, я, возможно, уже видел один раз раньше, но все же, если это все еще Момидзи или Касуми, я всегда рядом с каждым из них. 😸💞♥ Кроме того, я с нетерпением жду ее нового тематического костюма Warriors. Я помню, что видел это в DOA5, но даже не в DOA6. Ну что ж, тогда поехали! Вперед, Дева-Дракон Момидзи! 🔥🐉 Кроме того, да, было жаль, что в нем не было ее костюма Ины из Samurai Warriors, и все же я все равно хотел пройти эту игру на своей PS4... 😿 "0:00" О, заранее спасибо, я уверен, что мне это понравится! 😸 "1:06" Черт возьми, бедняга... К счастью, он все еще жив, так как его только что нокаутировали, но эта огромная дубина убила бы его прямо там, на 1-м месте... "1:16, 1:18" Так что таковы их планы, попытаться использовать этого парня в качестве приманки, чтобы выманить Хаябусу... Но вместо этого они вскоре получили кого-то более опасного, чем сам мастер-ниндзя... 🐱 "1:41" Мальчик, Момидзи в этом наряде заставляет ее чувствовать себя богиней, как здесь. 🙀♥ "2:08" Вы знаете, так как я видел первую сцену в этой игре, теперь я понял, что это та же самая сцена с самого начала. Как удивительно. "2:33" Быстро перетек в эту сцену. Этот может быть сложным, но теперь без этой статуи с самого начала. "2:37" О, этот парень тэнгуу появляется первым, а не какие-то головорезы-ниндзя? Если только вы уже не позаботились о них. "2:47" Шиш, он уже получил преимущество... Это никуда не годится... «3:08, 3:15» По крайней мере, вы уже сделали этот ход нинпо и забрали там большую часть его жизни. Теперь он быстро отступил. "3:19, 3:32" Еще одна сцена, но также и второй раунд этих головорезов тэнгу. Это, конечно, выглядит сложнее, чем раньше, но вы можете это сделать. "4:08" О, у вас будет хорошая игра, но НЕ в хорошем смысле, так как она надерет вам обоим. 😏 "4:29, 4:32" О, ловкие трюки, даже в два раза больше урона на каждом из них! Хороший! 🙀 «4:58» Один упал, остался только один. 🐱 "5:04" Хм, что-то не так? Чувствуете, что что-то не так, как будто это было немного пропущено здесь... "5:24" Завершающий удар... И на этом все заканчивается. 😺 "6:26" Мне кажется, что у этого старика, владельца магазина, наверняка есть много историй о том, чего мы, возможно, еще не знаем... Такая тайна все еще окутывала его... Эй, мне придется остановиться прямо здесь, (6:36) так как я чувствую, что этот комментарий может стать достаточно длинным и почти полным, чтобы продолжить, к тому же, вероятно, скоро для меня станет немного поздно, так что я посмотрю, смогу ли я продолжить остальное завтра утром, если смогу. Отличные вещи и отличный игровой процесс, который вы сделали для меня тоже, спасибо. Может быть, я скоро придумаю что-нибудь для вас, может быть, еще одну DOA4, иногда в ближайшее время, как Аянэ или Хаябуса вскоре после определенного персонажа, которого я планирую в ближайшее время. Я сделал его сегодня утром, но затем игра вылетела на мне, так что я попробую сделать это снова завтра утром... Well, I may had seen already once before, but still as long if it still Momiji or Kasumi each, I'm always there for them each. 😸💞♥ Also, looking forward to see her new Warriors theme costume here too. I do remember seeing that in DOA5, yet not even in DOA6 though. Well then, let's get going then! Onward, Dragon Maiden Momiji! 🔥🐉 Also, yeah it was a pity that her Ina costume from Samurai Warriors weren't in it either, and yet I still wanted to do an playthroughs for that game too on my PS4... 😿 "0:00" Oh, thanks in advance, I'm sure I will enjoys this! 😸 "1:06" Dang, poor kid... Luckily he's still alive as he just got knocked out, but that huge club would had killed him right there in the 1st place... "1:16, 1:18" So that's their plans, trying to use this kid as bait to lure out Hayabusa... But instead, they got someone else more dangerous than the master ninja himself soon... 🐱 "1:41" Boy, Momiji in this outfit makes her feel like a goddess like this here. 🙀♥ "2:08" Ya know, as now I did seen the first scene to this game, now I've realized that this is the same stage from the very beginning. How surprising. "2:33" Faded in quick to this scene already. This one could be a tough, but now without that statue from the beginning. "2:37" Oh, this tenguu guy shows up first than some ninja goons instead? Unless you've already took care of them already by now. "2:47" Sheesh, he gotten an advantage already... That's no good... "3:08, 3:15" At least you got that ninpo move already and took out most of his life there. Now he made a quick retreat for now. "3:19, 3:32" Another quick-in scene once more, yet also an round 2 of these tengu goons again. This sure looks tougher than before, yet you can do this. "4:08" Oh, you will be having a good game, but NOT in a good way though as she WILL kicks both of yo' asses here. 😏 "4:29, 4:32" Ooh, neat tricks, even also twice the damages on both of 'em each! Nice! 🙀 "4:58" One down, only one to go. 🐱 "5:04" Um, something wrong here? Feel like something seems off, as like it been skip a bit here... "5:24" The finishing blow... and that's the end of it. 😺 "6:26" I feel like this old man, the store owner, sure has a lot of history of something we may not know yet... Such a mystery still shrouded around him... Hey, I'll had to stop right here for now, (6:36) since I feel like this comment might be getting long and nearly full enough to continues on, plus it probably getting a little late for me soon enough, so I'll see if I could continue the rest in the morning tomorrow, if I could though. Great stuffs, and great gameplay ya made for me too, thanks. Maybe I'll thinks up of something for ya soon, maybe another DOA4 sometimes soon as Ayane or Hayabusa soon after a certain character I'll be planning for soon. I did made one this morning, but then the game crashed on me, so I'll try to do it again tomorrow morning soon...
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Кстати, я вижу, что вы сделали еще один геймплей Черепашек-ниндзя. Так что я проверю это иногда, если смогу. Btw, I see you did made another Ninja Turtles gameplay too. So I'll check on it sometimes sooner if I could.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
​@@CrimsonJak92 So when should I reach the level with Rachel after two levels with Ryu Hayabusa, then it’s worth showing Rachel’s cutscenes Diaochan,So we agreed🙂 0:00 It's good to know that you liked the video😊 1:06 Two, after such a blow he should clearly have a lump there😱Well, regarding Tengu’s plan that the Dragon Ninja would come to save, apparently he didn’t know that they still had skilled people in their clan. 1:16, 1:18 Yeah Tengu apparently didn’t know that the Dragon Ninja was busy looking for Elizabeth, who took the figurine. 1:41 There’s something about this. I wonder what Momiji would look like here in Ina’s skin😯 2:08 Almost even the routes partially intersect, but only the forks at Ryu Hayabusa and Momiji will be different😌 2:33 I even decided to try to pass the Momiji level on the third difficulty level. 2:37 I had to deal with the ninjas separately, once I handled it carelessly, and it was time to take the recording with Tengu himself. 2:47 You're right, we need to fix this issue somehow, that's what it means when you're still trying to play NG 3 and lose the habit of controlling NG S 2. 3:08, 3:15 He shouldn’t have underestimated the beautiful ninja priest from the Dragon clan🤩 3:19, 3:32 Now here Momiji has to defeat two Tengu of such jocks at once, and save Sanji, I remember that when I went through this level for the first time on the third difficulty level on PS 3, it took me a long time to die because I didn’t know the right tactics. I had to look for tips on the Internet, fortunately I learned how to cope, but I also had to skillfully catch with a block, and dodge with the wheel to the side in order to make 1-2 hits. 4:08 They shouldn’t have climbed Momiji after all, now she’ll show them her skills🤩 4:29, 4:32 It’s great that this Tengu, like Genshin or Elizabeth, can’t evade ninpa, although I would see how they evade Momiji’s ninpa, since Ryu Hayabusa doesn’t have self-guided magic. 4:58 It’s good that when you take out one Tengu, he won’t leave much of a first aid kit, it’s better than nothing😌 5:04 I tried to install a block there, but for some reason it worked crookedly for me, I still didn’t understand what the problem was😔 5:24 Ryu Hayabusa would definitely be proud of his best student🙂 6:26 It’s even interesting how he approached so silently and eliminated the sniper? and I think so, yes. Since he is so experienced, even just like Gen Fu from DOA. It’s okay, you can continue watching when you want. It's nice to know that you like this video, I try for you, I can say😊It'll be cool 👏
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@@CrimsonJak92 Yes, of course, you can take a look, though I haven’t completed Turtles for a long time, I had to remember how to play😊
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс "5:04" Я понимаю, я тоже прошел через это, когда тестировал игру на PSX или нескольких других эмуляторах, особенно некоторые в Steam, некоторые идут не так, как я надеялся, как я искал, поэтому я иногда решал оставить все как есть или просто бросил игру на время, пока я не смогу найти другой рабочий и совместимый эмулятор или лучший ПК в ближайшее время, Может быть, и карту захвата, если это возможно как-нибудь. "5:04" I understand, I've been through that too when I were either testing out a game on PSX or few other emulators, especially some on Steam too, some doesn't go the way I was hoping as I was seeking for, so I sometimes decided to leave it as it is or just dropped out the game for now til I can find a different working and compatible emulators or an better PC soon, maybe also an capture card if possible somehow.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Похоже, серия NGS2 продолжается. 😺 Скоро ли будет раскрыта правда о Геншине, клане Черного Паука, архидемоне и так далее?? Похоже, скоро мы узнаем об этом... «0:00» Я уже видел пейзаж в одном из ваших командных матчей, так что, возможно, скоро у меня появятся идеи о том, что будет дальше. "0:50" Хм, звучит не очень хорошо... 🙀 "1:06" Оооо Еще одна важная проблема, с которой нужно иметь дело. "1:21" Парень, это отстой... Достаточно ударить тебя, ведь битва только началась, без предупреждения... "2:04" Чувак, эта штука делает твою жизнь достаточно быстрой... Хотя, поскольку вы бьете по ногам в качестве точки попадания, это напоминает мне из другой игры, что вы делаете то же самое. Наверное, это может быть Castlevania на PS2 или Xbox, я думаю, что может быть. "2:12" О, ударил их прямо в лицо этой косой! 🙀 «2:22» И вниз она впадает в реку. 😸 "3:05" Теперь мы переходим к Статуе Свободы. "4:00" Повелитель Молний, а? Конечно, это не Райден в Metal Gear или MK, и даже не Аластор в форме дьявольского триггера Данте? 🐱⚡ «4:04» Итак, теперь ты сражаешься с этим парнем, Алексеем. Удачи вам. "5:25" Чувак, этот парень продолжал нырять на тебя, как Psycho Crusher Бизона, или даже наносил удары Дьявольским Джином. О, я тоже забыл про это вращающееся движение, которое делают Кунг Лао. "6:02" Я точно знаю, это еще не конец... «6:35» На этот раз это сама статуя. Так что этот будет похож на того босса статуи в начале, верно? (7:11) Ага, вот так выглядит отсюда. "8:32" Пора персоналу столба делать работы, ага. 🐱 «9:00» Сейчас статуя погружается в океан. Как они могут вытащить его и положить обратно? Уф, что ж, это было то, что можно было увидеть утром, оно того стоило. Так что интересно, что будет дальше... Так что, в любом случае, с нетерпением жду большего, когда он будет готов. Так что также поздравляем вас с Днем матери и всех! 😺 Look like the NGS2 streak continues. 😺 Will there be truths about to be unveil soon, about Genshin, the Black Spider clan, the archfiend, and so on?? Look like we'll have to find out soon enough here... "0:00" I do seen the scenery before from one of your tag team gameplay, so I might get the ideas of what'll be next here soon. "0:50" Hm, this doesn't sound good... 🙀 "1:06" Ooh, boy, this look like troubles... Another big one to deal with. "1:21" Boy, that's sucks... Hit you enough as the battle just barely begun without a warning... "2:04" Man, this thing making your life low fast enough... Although, since you're hitting it legs as a hit spot, sorta does reminded me from another game that you do the same thing too. Probably might be Castlevania on PS2 or Xbox, I thinks maybe. "2:12" Ooh, got 'em right in the face with that scythe! 🙀 "2:22" And down it goes into the river. 😸 "3:05" Now its onward to the Statue of Liberty. "4:00" Master of Lightning, eh? Sure its not Raiden in Metal Gear or MK, or even Alastor in Dante's devil trigger form? 🐱⚡ "4:04" So now you're fighting this guy Alexei. Best of luck here. "5:25" Man, this guy kept on diving at you, like Bison's Psycho Crusher, or even does some Devil Jin punching as well. Oh, I forgot about that spinning move Kung Lao do too. "6:02" I know for sure, this isn't the end of it yet... "6:35" Now its the statue itself this time. So this one will be like that statue boss in the beginning, right? (7:11) Yup, look like it from here. "8:32" Time for the pole staff to do the works, huh. 🐱 "9:00" Now the statue is sinking into the ocean. How can they like pull it out and place it back there? Whew, well that was something to see for the morning, totally worth it. So wonder what's next soon... So anyway, looking forward for more anytime you have one ready. So, also happy mother's day to you and everyone! 😺
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 I was in the mood for it then, and it was still ready for publication.Well, it's worth finding out🙂 0:00 I thought that why not show in the story those skins that I managed to open😇 0:50 As if he’s about to charge something very dangerous or open some kind of gate👀 1:06 I’ll meet another boss like this later, but I remember that in Tag Missions in one of the sections I couldn’t complete it for a long time on PS 3. 2:04 Sometimes I failed to place a block so as not to take damage. 2:12 I decided to diversify🙂 2:22 Like I went for a swim😁 3:05 Let's see how we get to the top. There will also be a new weapon Enma's Fang. 4:00 How do you see such special boss characters that there are only four of them including Alexei. I think Raiden in MK would definitely be playing around with electricity with Alexey. 4:04 Here he is at least not as cruel as he was, I noticed in the PS 3 version, I remember there that at the average difficulty level I had to suffer a lot in the battle with him. 5:25 I didn’t underestimate the Enma’s Fang weapon before, especially if you pump it up to the maximum and charge it with a blow, it will be so powerful🦾 6:02 By the way, there’s an interesting little thing here, if this were a version of the regular NG 2 and not the Sigma 2 version, then when he fell, Alexey would say something like “damn you, damn you dragon ninja” and a Sony helicopter would fly up to the Statue of Liberty and will pick up Ryu. And then, as you can see, another surprise awaited. 6:35 As you can see in this level there is a battle with three bosses, and the last battle is the animated Statue of Liberty😮 7:11 And the depth is not small there in the water that the Statue stands😱 8:32 It’s even scary to imagine what the Statue of Liberty would do walking around the city. 9:00 Here I’m even wondering myself, how will this happen? Although in the story for Rachel, in some incomprehensible way, in the cut-scene the Statue of Liberty is again in the right place, after defeating Marbus. It reminded me a little of T2 Judgment Day, when T800 at the end plunged into lava, and then this Statue plunges into water. We need to think about what to do next. Congratulations to you too on this holiday👏🙂
@Vadim_Vasilyev Месяц назад
0:38-0:46 где ты нашёл?
@Vadim_Vasilyev Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс рекламу!
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@Vadim_Vasilyev - на просторе интернета нашел.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Хм, еще один для NGS2, да. Интересно, что ждет вас в этой истории... Сможем ли мы раскрыть секреты статуи демона и пробуждения архидемона в ближайшее время? Думаю, скоро мы узнаем об этом. 🥷 "0:00" Хорошая фраза из Терминатора. У него должен быть дробовик, но так как он мастер ниндзя, то, конечно, ему подойдут лук и стрелы. "0:20" Алексей, ага... Разве это не один из крылатых демонов-боссов, с которыми вы когда-то сталкивались в роли Рэйчел, или это был другой? "0:42" Я предполагаю, что этот парень - Алексей, верно? Так что он тот, кто вдохнул жизнь в Статую Свободы. "1:31" Пешая прогулка на одном из демонов. Головокружительно, ковбой! 🤠 "1:48" Здесь снова DOATEC (или DOATEQ). Чувак, они повсюду и в NG, и в DOA. "2:10" Йоу, я думал, что это летучие мыши, но если присмотреться, то это летучие мыши. 🦇 "2:29" Ого, это очень важно... 🙀 Наверняка вы справитесь с этим достаточно с правильным оружием. "2:44" Я не знал, что он может использовать другой меч и здесь. Похож на меч Зигфрида из Soul Calibur. "4:10" Чувак, они наверняка любят тебя схватить, не так ли... "4:50" Возвращаемся, чтобы снова воспользоваться посохом. Это должно быть твоим любимым оружием. 😺 "5:00" WTH это там?? 🙀 «5:46» Шиш. Здесь стреляет слишком много энергетических огненных шаров... "6:46" Теперь у вас есть шанс провести дебютную атаку. "7:17" Ооооо Не могу дождаться этого в ближайшее время! 😸💞♥ "7:21" О, я видел это в DOA5 раньше. Я подумала, что для нее это что-то вроде тематического костюма Dynasty Warriors. Отлично работает над сегодняшним игровым процессом NGS2, с нетерпением жду следующего, иногда раньше. Также, на случай завтра, поздравляю вас и вашу семью с Днем матери. 😸🐺🦊 Hmm, another one for NGS2, yea. Wonder what's awaits in the story so far... Can we might uncover the secrets about the demon statue and the reawakening of the archfiend soon? Guessed we'll have to find out here soon enough. 🥷 "0:00" Nice try phrase from Terminator. He should had a shotgun, but since he's an master ninja, of course an bow and arrow would be suitable for him. "0:20" Alexei, huh... Isn't that one of the winged demon fiend boss you do faced as Rachel one time, or was that a different one? "0:42" I'm guessing that guy is Alexei, right? So he's the one who brought the Statue of Liberty to life, huh. "1:31" Hiking a ride on one of the fiend. Giddyup there, cowboy! 🤠 "1:48" There's DOATEC (or DOATEQ) once again here. Man, they're everywhere in both NG & DOA. "2:10" Yow, I thought those were bats, but those are bat-like fiends if look closely. 🦇 "2:29" Whoa, that's a big one... 🙀 Surely you will handle this enough with the right weapons. "2:44" I didn't knew he can even use a different sword here too. Look almost like Siegfried's sword from Soul Calibur. "4:10" Man, they sure like to grab you a lot, don't they... "4:50" Back to use the staff once more. That's gotta be your favorite weapon here, huh. 😺 "5:00" WTH is that back there?? 🙀 "5:46" Sheesh. shooting too many of energy fire balls here... "6:46" Now you're chance to do an opening attack now. "7:17" Ooh, new costume for Momiji already! Can't wait for it soon! 😸💞♥ "7:21" Oh, I seen that in DOA5 before. I thought it was like an Dynasty Warriors theme costume for her. Great works on today's NGS2 gameplay, looking forward for your next one sometimes sooner. Also, in case for tomorrow, happy mother's day to you and your family. 😸🐺🦊
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 I was then in the mood to go further and show the plot of NG S2, in one thing you can see what will happen in the plot😊 0:00 This fragment reminded me a lot of T2 Judgment Day. In addition, honest ninjas will use only surryukens, bows, or kunai as shooting weapons. But if there are machine guns there, most likely only dishonest people will use them “as far as I can think” 0:20 Boss Alexei will be in the plot of Ryu Hayabusa, and Rachel had a boss Marbus, but it will just be that Alexei opened the portal and demons were able to walk around the city. 0:42 You said it right, it’s him.🙂 1:31 As if a ninja knows how to ride a winged demon😁 =3 1:48 You're right, here I suspected that some buildings were just the DOATEC corporation, because just like Ryu Hayabusa was in the DOA franchise, just like the female characters Ayane and Kasumi were connected in NG, it's nice and cool that they're in the same universe😊 2:10 Only here they are a large specimen of bats “as if Bruce was calling them”😌 2:29 Well, they are not so difficult at the first or second difficulty level, and even if there are two such demons, they are not so difficult. 2:44 When you don’t go through the straight line of the plot but in chapter mode, then all the weapons are available at once and they are pumped to the maximum like ninpas, the only difference between chapter mode and plot mode is if you’ve completed approximately one level and scored that amount of points to buy in the store from Muramasa, then in a different chapter mode the level already starts from 0, and you will have to kill opponents again and earn yellow spheres.And this particular sword will appear at level 4, and if you pump it up to the maximum it is very good “before, when I played the PS 3 version, I did not underestimate it” 4:10 They are just hungry like Baraka or Mileena from the MK franchise. They want to eat human flesh😱 4:50 I remembered that after these demons there will be a boss battle, and decided to prepare a staff🙂 5:00 When I saw it for the first time, at first I didn’t understand what it was all about, I thought it was a demonic train, but it didn’t look like it. And if you believe on the Internet, his name is Gigadeath. 5:46 Fortunately, he’s not that difficult of a boss, if you know the right approach, even at the third difficulty level on PS 3 I managed to get through without losing another first aid kit when I fought him😌 6:46 It's time for Ryu Hayabusa to ride this demon😁 7:17 I honestly didn’t expect that the Momiji skin would drop,Will be useful in the collection. 7:21 You said it right, this is a skin from a guest character W O 3-4 characters were called Sanzang, by the way, Rachel has a skin for the character Diaochan. I really liked Momiji’s skin for the image of Ina who was in Samurai Warriors, it’s a pity that in NG S 2 they didn’t give her such a skin. It's nice to know that you liked the video, I try to make it pleasant like you once did in one game or another😊 I’m just waiting for RU-vid to publish Level 4, you’ll see a scene with three bosses, and maybe you’ll find out some information about it. Thank you very much for your congratulations, and I congratulate you on this holiday too👏
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс "0:00" А, понятно, и все же это правда, так как ниндзя-террористы в NG3 использовали их. "1:48" Ниндзя-стихи. 🥷 "4:10" Кажется, это все, держу пари, что после того, как я его увидел. 😱🙀 "5:00" Демонический поезд, ага. И все же, я думал, что DMC известны несколькими различными типами демонов. 7:21 Хм, ну, что ты знаешь. 😸 Держу пари, что у Аяне скоро будет такой же, кажется, Ван или Вэн. Блондинка из Dynasty Warriors. "0:00" Ah, I see, and yet, so true since those ninja terrorists in NG3 did used 'em. "1:48" The Ninja-verses. 🥷 "4:10" That seems to be it, I bet after seeing it. 😱🙀 "5:00" Demonic train, huh. And yet, I thought DMC were known for several different type of demons there. "7:21" Huh, well what ya know. 😸 I bet Ayane would had one here soon, Wang or Weng I thinks. The blonde one from Dynasty Warriors.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@@CrimsonJak92 4:10 It seems that many predators and demons want to eat more🤭 5:00 Apparently this is the demon that Alexey released when he appeared in the city, and this demon seemed to like the metro tunnels. 7:21 Well, if the skin comes out on her, I’ll show you, I just don’t remember what kind of character was with the same skin, but here it’s not Wang Yuanji that she has, but in DOA 5 the skin for Wang Yuanji looks great on her🤩
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс "7:21" Я согласен, так как мне нравятся Ван Юаньцзи в Dynasty, Orochi 3 и Warriors All-Stars. 😺 "7:21" I agree since I do likes Wang Yuanji in Dynasty, Orochi 3, & Warriors All-Stars each. 😺
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@@CrimsonJak92 7:21 I agree with the appearance, the developers did a good job with its appearance😊👍
@Vadim_Vasilyev Месяц назад
0:38-0:46 где ты нашёл?
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@Vadim_Vasilyev 0:38,0:46 Что именно я нашел?? это же в кат-сцене был фрагмент.
@Vadim_Vasilyev Месяц назад
@@ДжокерМайерс ой я не туда извини
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Ладно, я вернулся, чтобы продолжить работу над остальными, так что давайте посмотрим, как это может произойти с Момидзи в ближайшее время... "10:39" Это похоже на что-то более жесткое, чем то, что вы делали раньше с Момидзи... "10:45" Офицер Момидзи на работе!! 🐱💞 «11:00» Ветви деревьев, блокирующие сцены, могут вызывать беспокойство... "11:10" Оооо Хороший! 🙀👏 "11:22" Как может этот парень, у которого отсутствует рука, вынести уже зажженную бомбу, потом вот так сдуться?? "12:36" Черт возьми, эти когтистые выглядят достаточно тревожно... "13:10" Уф, это облегчение, но только на короткое время... "13:40" Боже, какие серьезные пятна на ее красивой одежде... Так же, как и синяя одежда Касуми, ненавижу видеть свою собственную, покрытую кровью и грязью... 💔 "15:00" Парень, там какая-то серьезная бойня, особенно с несколькими взрывами на поле боя... 🙀 "15:46" Шиш, эти ребята никогда не дадут тебе передохнуть, хм... "16:18" Заставил меня волноваться в последнюю минуту... По крайней мере, вы добрались сюда... "16:22" Вот он, наконец-то, убийца ее сестры... Момидзи должна отомстить за смерть своей сестры от этого извращенного преступника!! 😾🔥🔥🔥 «17:36» Я собирался сказать, что этот бой выглядит достаточно легким, но потом случилось вот что. По крайней мере, у вас есть запасной вариант на случай такой чрезвычайной ситуации. "18:26" Сейчас это выглядит уже очень тревожно... "18:59" Отлично, наконец-то он у тебя... Теперь ее сестра отомщена... 😌 Уф, еще раз отличный материал! Это выглядит как более сложная задача, с которой вы когда-либо сталкивались, даже для теста, но вы прошли его с честью, отличная работа, чувак! 👏 Что ж, я скоро буду следить за новостями о новом геймплее NG2/3, но я заметил, что вы уже делали это для NGS2 ранее, так что я проверю его позже утром. Okay, I'm back right now to continues on the rest of it, so let's how could this goes soon for Momiji here... "10:39" This one look like something tougher than the last one you've did before with Momiji... "10:45" Officer Momiji is on the job!! 🐱💞 "11:00" Those tree branches blocking the scenes could be troubling... "11:10" Ooh, an triple kills at once! Nice! 🙀👏 "11:22" How can this guy whose missing an arm, carried out an already lit bomb, then get blown away like this?? "12:36" Damn, those clawed ones sure look troubling enough... "13:10" Whew, that's a relief, yet only for a brief while... "13:40" Boy, that some serious stains on her beautiful clothes... Just like Kasumi's blue clothes, hate to see her own covered in blood and mud too... 💔 "15:00" Boy, that's some serious slaughtering there, especially with some few explosions on the battle field... 🙀 "15:46" Sheesh, these guys won't ever let you catch a breather, huh... "16:18" Had me worries for the last minute there... At least you made it through here... "16:22" Here he is at last, her sister's killer... Momiji shall avenge her sister's death from this twisted criminal!! 😾🔥🔥🔥 "17:36" I was going to say this fight look easy enough, yet then this happened. At least you got a backup in case for an emergency like this. "18:26" Now this looks very concerning already... "18:59" Nice, you've got him at last... Now her sister is avenged... 😌 Whew, great stuff once more! Its look like a tougher you 've ever faced, even for an test too, but you've passed with flying colors right now, excellent jobs, man! 👏 Well, I'll stay tuned for more NG2/3 gameplay soon, yet I do noticed that you did one already for NGS2 earlier, so yet I'll check it later in the morning soon.
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 Enjoy watching😊 10:39 But here the test will not be so much more difficult than where the boss Zedonius was. 10:45 I was thinking of diversifying🙂 11:00 Sometimes this camera can do this, the main thing is to look carefully. 11:22 I don’t even know how it works, it’s as if as soon as he takes a bomb out of his pocket it’s already turned on😳 12:36 Sometimes it seems that in NG S 2 they are more ferocious or something, here at least the clawed opponents are not as wild as mutants. 13:10 That’s for sure, you can catch your breath, and knowing that the first wave has passed, there are still two more waves left. 13:40 This is most likely not their blood, but probably the blood of killed enemies who killed their opponents. 15:00 It’s good that when, during an execution, a character deals damage to him from the explosions of other opponents, it does not harm him😌 15:46 Sometimes you have to be more attentive and not relax. 16:18 It’s good that that enemy was the last one on Wave two. This means there is only one last wave left where the boss will be waiting. 16:22 Let's see how Momiji can cope with the murder of her sister, in addition, she will also be able to avenge the death of Rachel's sister Alma, although also for her teacher, in the first battle he was not very lucky in dealing with him "well, in the game as best I can thinking there is fixed, no matter how well he fought against Doku, he had to defeat Ryu" 17:36 I agree, here Doku looks like a simple boss, unlike the same Genshin and Regent in the Mask, and if you remember his movement algorithm correctly, then you can get through Doku without any problems. 18:26 I noticed that after such a capture he restored his health, I’ll have to be more careful. 18:59 Will know how to contact the Dragon clan❤‍🔥After this, I think Momiji will be able to visit his sister’s grave and share this news🙂 Thank you, it's good that you liked this video😊 I noticed that in some tests there will be two Dokus as a boss at once, and I suspect that two will already be a problem😬 Yes, when I finished this video, I decided to go through the plot of NG S 2, and when it was ready I decided to brighten up the wait with a film with Bruce Lee: Path of the Dragon 1972. I even think that it’s possible to do level 4, where in the plot you have to deal with three bosses at once.
@Vadim_Vasilyev Месяц назад
Ты топ!
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@Vadim_Vasilyev Thank you
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
О, опять Момидзи!! ♥♥♥ Так что на этот раз это другой режим игры, или все такой же, как и раньше. Думаю, мне придется увидеть его здесь. "0:00" Хм, один из этих двух боссов выглядит знакомо в нижнем углу... Разве это не тот самый, что из NG Black/Sigma, тот самый, который убил ее сестру? Если это так, то Момидзи скоро отомстит за свою сестру в ближайшее время. 😾 "0:16" О, орда демонов, да. Здесь это может стать непросто. "0:38" Хм, быть прижатым к стене, не очень хороший знак... "2:19" Парень, это, конечно, выглядит круто, но ты сумел это пережить. "2:52" Никогда не видел такого раньше... Это тот самый, который выстрелил в вас лазерным лучом ранее? "3:35" Хорошо, что вы приберегли это для такой чрезвычайной ситуации, как эта. 😺 "3:49" Черт возьми, это действительно отвратительный образ, существо с телом паука с большой косой... 🙀 "4:23" Черт возьми, они тебя уже поймали... 😿 Боже, эта часть выглядит очень трудно... «4:32» О, я не знал, что ты можешь продолжать там, где ты сейчас, отсюда. "5:50" Парень, это многое, с чем ты должен иметь дело прямо сейчас... Аккуратный! "6:19" О, здорово, снова полный бар жизни! 👍 "6:54" Хорошо, что у тебя есть хотя бы этот. "8:11" Мне кажется, что я вижу здесь много лучевой атаки. Пытается ли эта игра быть похожей на Tekken с теми атаками дьявольского луча, которые используют и Дьявол Джин, и Кадзуя, и даже Кадзуми в Tekken 7? "8:38" По крайней мере, вы наконец-то прошли, но все же, я думаю, это еще не конец... "8:49" Итак, перейдем к главному событию, битве с боссом из прошлого, да. Удачи. "9:27" Хм, этого недостаточно, чтобы вернуть себе большую часть жизни, это так беспокоит... "9:52" О нет, он тебя туда достал... Я волнуюсь прямо здесь... 🙀 "10:09" Святой урод...!! Он у тебя в прошлой жизни...!! Черт возьми, дурак, ты как легенда с этим прямо там... 🙀👍 "10:21" Ну, по крайней мере, вы это уже закончили... Это облегчение... 😺 Извините, мне пришлось остановиться здесь на утро, поэтому я сделал эти временные рамки здесь (10:31) в качестве напоминания для себя, чтобы продолжить там, где я остался, на более поздний срок. Отличная работа и удачи в скором времени! Ooh, Momiji once again!! ♥♥♥ So this is a different game mode this time, or still the same as before. Guess I'll have to see it here though. "0:00" Hmm, one of those two bosses look familiar on the bottom corner... Wasn't that the one from NG Black/Sigma, the one that did killed her sister? If so, then Momiji will avenge her sister this time soon. 😾 "0:16" Oh, an horde of demon fiends, huh. This could get tough here. "0:38" Hmm, getting cornered to a wall, not a good sign... "2:19" Boy, that sure look tough right there, yet you've managed to survive it. "2:52" Never seen that one before... Was that the one shoot out laser beam at you earlier? "3:35" Good thing you saved that for an emergency like this here. 😺 "3:49" Damn, that's one look really gross out, an spider body creature with a big scythe... 🙀 "4:23" Dammit, they got you already... 😿 Boy, this part look really hard here... "4:32" Oh, I didn't know you can continues where you're at from here. "5:50" Boy, that's a lot you've gotta dealt with right there... Neat! "6:19" Ooh, nice, full life bar again! 👍 "6:54" Good thing you've got that one outta the way, at least. "8:11" I feel like I've been seeing a lot of beam attack here. Is this game trying to be like Tekken with those devil beam attacks, that both Devil Jin & Kazuya uses, even also Kazumi in Tekken 7 too? "8:38" At least you finally made it through, but yet, it still not over yet, I guess... "8:49" So now for the main event, an boss fight from the past, huh. Good luck. "9:27" Hmm, not enough to regain most of your life back, this is so concerning here... "9:52" Oh no, he got you there... I'm worried right here... 🙀 "10:09" Holy freakin...!! You've got him on your last life...!! Damn, dood, you're like a legend with this right there... 🙀👍 "10:21" Well, at least you've finished this already... That's a relief... 😺 Sorry, I had to stop around here for the morning, so I made this time frames here (10:31) as a reminder for myself to continues where I'm left at for later soon. Great job and good luck in case for more soon!
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 I should have made a video like this a long time ago, but I couldn’t get around to it, I found time to fix it🙂 Since there were sisters from Mugen Tenshin, I decided that Momiji should also be tested there in filming💜💙❤ 0:00 In the picture above this is Zedonius from NG S 2 with whom Ryu Hayabusa will have to meet, and below the boss is Doku NG Black/Sigma. You said it right, it was he who did it, thought and decided “why not do such a fight, consider that Momiji will avenge his older sister” 0:16 When there are a lot of them, yes, it is more difficult to survive against such a wave of opponents, the main thing is that they are not monks in robes😬😳 0:38 You're right, we have to look for a better position in order to charge the attack more strongly "it's a pity that it's not always possible to do this successfully" 2:19 It’s scary to imagine what awaits in the Second Wave😳 2:52 Yes, there is such an enemy who at first will fly around the arena like a big head, and you need to launch him with a manual sight twice in the forehead, and he will show himself in a walking state. 3:35 We have to use ninpa very carefully. 3:49 The most unpleasant thing is when this guy can still throw a scythe like a boomerang, it’s extremely not good🙁 4:32 It seems that such an opportunity is only available in NG 2 RE. For example, in NG S 2 there is no such feature when you pass the test, if they kill you, start from the very beginning,Well, at least there is such an opportunity here, thanks to the developers, but the main thing is to try not to die, so as not to lose everything. 5:50 I’m already scared to imagine what would lie ahead in the tests in other sections. Although I guess that they will harass me very much there😟 I try my best to survive. 6:19 That's for sure, the main thing is to try with that much health to get to Wave 3 to the boss. 6:54 I was lucky that his limb was cut off there and I was able to finish off this guy. 8:11 Even when he’s on his feet, he can also fire a laser 8:38 It seems to me that where the third section of tests will be, it seems that there will be more than one boss there, damn it. I don’t even know how I’ll even fight them when they’re so tough. 8:49 I couldn’t understand why Momiji didn’t want to cut him with her charged naginata, or I was unlucky that I didn’t guess the moment to attack🤷‍♂ 9:27 I agree with you, you have to think and see when to attack. 9:52 It’s also my fault, I didn’t calculate the series of shots I made, I shouldn’t have taken that risk😟 10:09 Yes, I was also worried that he would be able to defeat, I remember that when I passed this test for Kasumi for the first time, Zedonius was able to defeat Zedonius with half his health,I did what I could, thank God Momiji survived. 10:21 I agree with you 100% Everything is fine, don’t worry about it, you can continue watching again as you want, but I’ve just finished editing, and I’m ready for another video on NG S 2 with level 3, all that remains is to post it on RU-vid. )10:31(And these are such loads in tests. Nice to know you like this video😊
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Еще одна сцена с боссом для основных сцен NGS2 сегодня. Посмотрим, что было дальше... 🐱 Кроме того, мне нравится, как вы ставите «Я ненавижу тебя» после «Ты, должно быть, Геншин». Кажется, он самый крутой босс на свете, да... Я должен сам увидеть это здесь, чтобы узнать... "0:29" Выглядит не очень хорошо... "0:50" У меня было чувство, кто этот человек, отец Рю, прав? "1:39" Стрельба по мишеням на этой вороне, да? Думаю, RE4 вдохновил нас на это. 😹 "2:10" Так что это та же могила, что и в NG3. Если я помню из 1-го NG Black/Sigma, она была той девушкой, которая была убита таинственной фигурой во время пожара. Я думаю, она была похожа на сестру Момидзи? "2:21" Ого, это довольно огромная комната для храма дракона. Почти как на том этапе в DOA2 Ultimate, я думаю. "2:55" Шиш, эти парни почти никогда не остаются внизу, даже несмотря на то, что все больше и больше людей приходят один за другим... "3:25" Хм, я мог бы поклясться, что ты дрался раньше на последней стадии, вот так... Разве это не тот же парень, что и раньше, или на этот раз это был кто-то другой? "4:00" Быстро и достаточно легко обыграть уже. Интересно, это все на нормальном или легком? 😹 "4:52" Мне кажется, что это тот же сюжет, который каким-то образом имел место в 1-й игре NG на NES, так как в ней тоже есть статуя демона... "5:18" Так где же это произошло? Черт возьми, там даже гора Фудзи просто взорвалась... 🙀 "5:28" Теперь о настоящем заговоре... "6:32" Теперь мы станем свидетелями всей сцены с боссом, о которой вы упоминали ранее... Это должно быть как-то тяжело... "6:45" Черт возьми, это доказало твою правоту... 🙀 "7:38" По крайней мере, этот персонал помогает, как вы сказали. "8:04" Наконец-то его поймали... Парень, этот парень, похоже, испытывает трудности против него... Держу пари, что он может стать последним боссом в этой игре в конце, да... Уф, чувак, это, конечно, было непросто, но отличная работа над этим... Боже, вот почему я могу справиться только с Warriors и DOA, даже с Fatal Frames тоже, скорее всего, чем с серией NG, особенно я пробовал Nioh на PS4, и, черт возьми, я никогда не смогу пройти мимо следующего босса после начальной сцены... 🙀 Что ж, а пока, интересно, что ждет Хаябусу среди клана Черного Паука и их амбиций использовать статую Демона для пробуждения архидемона?? Оставайтесь с нами, чтобы узнать в следующий раз, то же время летучих мышей, тот же канал летучих мышей!!" Я просто должен был сказать это специально... 😹 Another boss scenes for NGS2 main scenes today. Let's see what happened next here... 🐱 Also, I like how you put "I hate you" after "You must be Genshin." Seems like he's a toughest boss ever, huh... I'll have to see it myself here to find out... "0:29" Doesn't look good from there... "0:50" Had a feeling who this man, Ryu's father, right? "1:39" Target practice on that crow, yea? I guess RE4 inspired us for that, huh. 😹 "2:10" So that's the same grave like in NG3 too. If I do remember from the 1st NG Black/Sigma, she was that girl who was killed by an mysterious figure in a fire, right. Was she like also Momiji's sister I thinks? "2:21" Whoa, that's quite a huge room for an dragon shrine. Almost like that stage in DOA2 Ultimate, I thinks. "2:55" Sheesh, these guys hardly ever stays down, even as more do come one after another... "3:25" Huh, I could had sworn that you did fought one earlier in the last stage like this... Isn't that the same guy from before, or was it someone else this time? "4:00" Quick and easy enough to beat already. I wonder, is this all on normal or easy? 😹 "4:52" I feel like this is the same plot that took place on the 1st NG game on NES somehow, since this is an demon statue in it too... "5:18" So that where it is that happened? Dang, even Mt. Fuji just exploded there... 🙀 "5:28" Now for the real plot to be happens now... "6:32" Now we're about to witness the whole boss scene you were mentioned before... This gotta be tough somehow... "6:45" Damn, that's proved your points... 🙀 "7:38" At least that staff does helps, as you said. "8:04" Finally got him at last... Boy, this guy seems like you've been having some difficulty time against him... I bet he could be the last boss to this game at the end, yea... Whew, man, that sure was a tough one here, yet great works on it... Boy, this is WHY I can only handles both Warriors & DOA, even also Fatal Frames too, the most rathers than playing NG series, especially I did tried out Nioh on PS4, and boy I can never past the next boss after the beginning scene... 🙀 Well, til then, "wonder what's awaits for Hayabusa among the Black Spider clan and their ambition of using the Demon statue for awakening the archfiend?? Stay tuned to find out next time, same bat-time, same bat-channel!!" I just had to say that on purpose... 😹
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 It’s good that you like watching such a video😊, at least you will know what is shown in the plot. Yes, the first meeting will be between Ryu Hayabusa and Genshin,How I hate this bastard, it was difficult for me to pass NG S2 on PS 3 the first time, but I won’t say anything about difficulty level three, it’s such a pain. Think you can find out what he is like here. 0:29 It’s even interesting, apparently Elizabeth and Genshin were separated since she learned from Sonya “Irene” that the Ryu Clan was in danger and the villains had previously appeared in the village of Hayabusa. 0:50 You heard that right, Joe Hayabusa, Ryu's father🙂 1:39 I remembered that when I did this a long time ago on the level with Ayane, I decided to look and see what Ryu would drop on the level, it’s good that for the ninpa the sphere fell out. Or maybe it is so, we decided to add such a little thing too😁 2:10 That’s right, I wanted to add this shot a long time ago, but I forgot. And I decided to show it in this video, since the beginning of the level starts with a cemetery nearby. Here lies Momiji’s older sister Kureha “the sight of the loss was of course strong, I was even interested in NG Dragon Sword on the Nintendo DS and decided to read the story, and it was there that Kureha, in the form of a spirit, was able to see Momiji.” 2:21 I wonder how long it took them to build such a temple?🤔 2:55 And here they seem to be fixed there to stand there as snipers, a little later Ryu got a new weapon in the form of a bow, which it looks like they decided to throw it in for testing. 3:25 You’re right, apparently they decided to throw in a boss like that, and later he’ll still be like an ordinary enemy with no shown health. It’s as if someone else in their squad has matured to that age😳 4:00 If you know how to get through this boss, then it shouldn’t cause a problem, as you can see, I was able to get through it with paired swords, and if you go through the game through the plot, then Lunar Staff can help a lot here. I decided to go through the chapters on the Medium difficulty level. 4:52 Wow, good information👏🙂 5:18 It seemed to me that they rather opened the door for the bosses to bring this very figurine, since they found what they were looking for, A little further I think it will be even more interesting for you when you find out what happens there. 5:28 Yeah, here Barry Allen would help Ryu with his speed. Although even ninjas’ teleport would probably have difficulty working here🤷‍♂ 6:32 To be honest, this is the sweatiest boss in the game... I can’t imagine how other people can calmly pass it even at a higher difficulty level. Even Lunar Staff, if I try to throw him up, he always breaks me off😔 6:45 I thought that dual swords would handle him well here, so I had to take Lunar Staff. I'm also amazed that this boss was thrown into NG 3 RE in test mode, and the battle with him there was not so smooth either☹ 7:38 I have to somehow avoid him. 8:04 I admit, I’ll have to fight him later, this is just the first battle, as you can say. Well, then I noticed that Genshin in the medium version was easier, unlike the PS 3, since he is really fast in attacks, and if you do the jerks yourself, he always manages to do them first😳 🙆‍♂ Here, of course, the training does its job, of course, I myself am far from a professional here, as it would be easier for me to go through God of war 3 since there is a very big difference in battles. I haven’t heard much about Nioh, it’s a pity that the developers didn’t make NG 4, since I personally would have been interested to see what kind of adventure Ryu Hayabusa would have had next, but in the end we have another game. So in Nioh there is also some kind of annoying boss? I will also continue to go through NG S 2 boss battles and shoot story cutscenes. You said it very well😊 And I was still in NG 3 RE, I made a video on one of your favorite characters with boss battles, I hope it won’t take long to post on RU-vid, but I had to work hard to get through this character😇
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
"9:25" Эй, я вернулся, чтобы продолжить смотреть это прямо здесь. 😺 «10:05» О, это было быстро и быстро. 🙀 "10:24" Блин, что за огромный валун... 🙀 По крайней мере, она вовремя увернулась... «10:27» Я снова вижу эту птицу вдалеке от батальных сцен. Вероятно, позже вас ждет безопасное место. "11:34" Хм, я уже видел, как как-то бомбы в полях бросали. Там может быть немного сложно сосредоточиться на своих комбо... "11:45" О, почти как будто ты пробил эту бомбу прямо перед ней. 😸 «11:58» Ну, что-то есть, значит, что-то может быть впереди, я так считаю... "13:21" Два разных пути... Хотя, разве вы уже не проходили один путь в роли Хаябусы с Момидзи? Я мог бы поклясться, что ты как-то это сделал... "13:28" Ниндзя атакуют собак!! 🙀 "14:56" Ха, там глюк с частью тела. XD "17:19" Ага, один из них прячется за деревом... Такая трусость... 😹 "17:27" Птица прилетела вовремя, наверное. Так что впереди должна быть битва с боссом... Желаю удачи там... "17:42" Уэлп, снова на то же самое место, ага. Может быть, это тот же самый бой, который вы уже сражались с Хаябусой с Момидзи? "18:42" Ааа Как ты смеешь!! 😾 "20:05" Угу, как я и думал. Тем не менее, на этот раз это Касуми. Хм, но все же это кажется знакомым, так что я предполагаю, что это все то же самое, что и раньше, из основной части? Значит ли это, что Момидзи тоже здесь?? 🙀♥ "23:00" Шиш, как этот, не хочет, чтобы вы приближались к нему, ха... 🙀 Кроме того, здесь тоже нет Момидзи... Я надеялся, что команда мечты будет работать здесь с Касуми... 😿 «24:17» ДОБИВАЕТ, КАСУМИ!! 🐱💞💕 "24:32" Вау, отличные результаты ранга А для этой миссии! Отличные работы! "9:25" Hey, I'm back to continues watching this right here. 😺 "10:05" Oh, that was fast and quick. 🙀 "10:24" Damn, what's a huge boulder... 🙀 At least she dodged it on time... "10:27" I can see that bird again in the distances from the battle scenes. Probably a safe spot awaits later after. "11:34" Hmm, I've been seeing somehow throwing bombs in the fields already. That could be a little difficult to focus on your combos there... "11:45" Ooh, almost like as you've pierced through that bomb right in front of it there. 😸 "11:58" Well, something's there means something could be up ahead, I believe so... "13:21" Two separate ways... Although, didn't you already one path as Hayabusa with Momiji one time before? I could had sworn ya did somehow... "13:28" Ninja canines attack!! 🙀 "14:56" Ha, there's an body part glitch there. XD "17:19" Aha, one of 'em hiding behind a tree... Such cowardice... 😹 "17:27" The bird arrived on time, I guess. So there's gotta be a boss fight up aheads though... Wish ya luck there... "17:42" Welp, back to this same spot once more, huh. Could it be the same one you've did fought as Hayabusa with Momiji before again? "18:42" Argh, going kamikaze on Kasumi with a bomb there?? How dare ya!! 😾 "20:05" Uh huh, just as I thought it would be. Yet, now its Kasumi this time. Hmm, yet though, it does seems familiar here, so I'm guessing this is still the same as before from the main part? So does that means Momiji is here too?? 🙀♥ "23:00" Sheesh, like this doesn't wants you to get near it huh... 🙀 Also yet, no Momiji here either... I was hoping for an dream teamworks here with Kasumi... 😿 "24:17" FINISH IT OFF, KASUMI!!! 🐱💞💕 "24:32" Wow, great A rank results for this mission! Great works!
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Эй, извините за поздний ответ. У меня сегодня был плохой день... Я был в некотором стрессе, когда пытался поторопиться с завершением конвертации моего следующего игрового процесса MK1, чтобы я мог начать еще один сегодня раньше. И тем не менее, я уже начал работать с обеими двумя новыми функциями, которые я получил на сегодня, но самое неприятное заключается в том, что последняя часть сегодняшнего геймплея не сохраняется, даже несмотря на то, что я только что получил ее до самого конца... По крайней мере, основной режим «Вторжения» по-прежнему безопасен, но мне хотелось бы, чтобы в конце игры с башнями все еще было... Опять же, сегодня совсем не лучший день, поэтому я решил отложить прохождение Battle Network 4 на завтра, из-за сегодняшних хлопот, через которые я прошел из-за этих дерьмов на Xbox... Я думаю, что уже сейчас начинаю терять доверие к Xbox, вероятно, к самой системе или ее сервису, если только это не мой USB-накопитель каким-то образом, IDK почему... Жаль, что у меня не было PS5 вместо MK1, а теперь и Tekken 8... Еще раз, извините за то, что хвастаюсь своим гневом по поводу сегодняшних вещей здесь, в вашем видеокомментарии... Просто сегодня был не очень хороший день для меня... 😿 Я посмотрю, смогу ли я получить и последнее, и недавнее прохождение Invasions MK1 на Xbox раньше. Я до сих пор использую Series X, чтобы по-прежнему играть в игровой процесс, просто это разозлило и расстроило меня, потому что я просто потерял последнюю часть сегодняшнего геймплея, но в этом тоже было что-то действительно интересное... Может быть, я посмотрю, смогу ли я как-то воссоздать его в ближайшее время... Hey, sorry for the late response. I've been having a bad day today... I've been under some stress as I were trying to rushed up on finishing my converting of my next MK1 gameplay, so I can get started on another today earlier. And yet, I did started on already with both two new features I got for today, but the most frustrating part is that the last part of today's gameplay doesn't saved through, even as I've just got it til the very end of it... At least the main Invasions mode still safe though, but I wished I still that towers gameplay at the end... Again, today isn't a good day at all, so I chose to delays my Battle Network 4 playthroughs for maybe tomorrow instead, cuz of today's hassles I've been through of those craps on Xbox... I thinks I'm starting to lose my trusts in Xbox already now, probably the system itself or its service, unless it is my USB drive somehow, IDK why... Wished I had an PS5 instead for both MK1 & now Tekken 8 already... Again, sorry for bragging out my angers on todays stuffs here in your video comment... It just wasn't a good day at all for me today... 😿 I'll see if I could still get both of my last and my recent Invasions playthroughs of MK1 on Xbox sometimes sooner. I'm still using the Series X to still do some gameplay as well, it just that it made me so angry and frustrated because I just lose that last part of today's gameplay, yet there was something really interesting in it too... Maybe I'll see if I could recreate it somehow soon...
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@@CrimsonJak92 It's good that you can continue watching😊 It's okay, I can understand you, I can understand your situation very well, because somewhere myself, if it doesn’t work out now, then whenever possible, I’ll go in and check the answers. I sincerely sympathize with saving the video🙁 It means you have problems with your Xbox, sometimes incomprehensible nonsense happens on my PS 3. The fact is that when I go in, I want to check my profile, sometimes it takes a very long time to load something, and even when during the game if they wrote a message to me there after checking, I want to return to the game, then the menu window cannot go away for a long time. I don't understand what nonsense this is😟 I even wrote to my friend who understands this, oddly enough, he doesn’t have such a problem. I’ll have to look somewhere else for an answer to this “I don’t know if I can find a solution” Yes, everything is fine, no need to apologize, I can understand your situation very well. I hope that everything will be fine with your console and you can understand what the problem was and fix it
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
​@@CrimsonJak92 9:25 This is great, enjoy watching 😊 10:05 Luckily there weren’t many of them here🙂 10:24 Reminds me of an ambush👀 10:27 The main thing is to get to her after Kasumi shreds the opponents😌 11:34 The main thing here is that the opponents whose leg or arm was cut off do not throw it at you, then they will use hara-kiri, which will be very painful🙁 11:45 It’s as if Conker himself decided to help behind the scenes, installed the dynamite himself, and made a passage on the detonator =3 11:58 Well, it's worth waiting for. I even noticed that the bird now sits very clearly on Kasumi’s hand, usually for female characters they didn’t sit so straight on the hand, heh😌 13:21 You saw correctly, there was a main plot there. There, just when you reach a certain point, Ryu will again feel the curse, and it will be Sanji who finds him later. And here is the chapter mode and the Female characters do not have this curse, here you can walk to the gate where the village of Ryu Hayabusa is located. 13:28 here it’s as if they took them so that the dogs could pick up the scent and smell where the ninjas might be😯 14:56 Hehehe, how funny it is sometimes to come across such moments😀 17:19 As if he was afraid to go out and fight fairly with the lovely ninja girl🙂 17:27 Thank you😊, let's see how Kasumi can deal with her. 17:42 That's right, if Ryu and Momiji were written into the plot, in chapter mode your character can be your favorite from four to choose from🙂 18:42 Sometimes it’s hard to see that opponents who want to do hara-kiri don’t attack, I’m sorry that this happened😣 20:05 It’s more likely that it’s scripted here since Obaba is holding your character in one hand and in the other where the ball is where Momiji should be, but in chapter mode Kasumi came alone “wouldn’t it be cool if Kasumi and Momiji were kept in the same place in the same way” 23:00 Kasumi has to somehow cope, if in the plot while Momiji was making a barrier in the form of a ball, Ryu had to inflict damage on her weak point "But it would be interesting towards the end, when Kasumi would hit the very skull when Obaba pushed Momiji away, what would it look like, Kasumi flies behind Momiji to prevent her from falling and picks her up?"🤔 24:17 For mugen tenshin, and for the Dran Clan of Hayabusa😊👏💙❤ 24:32 I tried my best not to die, thank you very much😊
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
​@@ДжокерМайерс Да, спасибо за понимание. Будем надеяться, что сегодня все будет хорошо. Возможно, мне придется придерживаться по крайней мере от 20 до 40 минут минимум и не более 50 минут на каждый записанный игровой процесс... Yeah, thanks for understanding. Let's hope everything work out good for today after. I probably might had to stick with at least around 20 to 40 min. minimum and no more longer than 50 min. per each gameplay recorded...
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@@CrimsonJak92 As it was said, “that’s why you need friends who will understand and support” I hope everything works out for you there, I’ll even pray for it.
@CrimsonJak92 Месяц назад
Касуми снова вернулась! ♥ Как сказано в описаниях, я понимаю, даже сам через это иногда проходил... "0:00" Хм, это похоже на то же самое место, что и в прошлый раз, NGS2, верно? Держу пари, это может выглядеть жестко... "0:23" "Уильям Харрисон?" Где это? Это какой-то корабль или отдаленный остров или что-то в этом роде? (0:26) О, значит, это корабль. Наверное, военные или грузовые, может быть? «0:32» Эти окружающие пейзажи заставили меня почувствовать себя чем-то прямиком из «Династии» или «Воинов-самураев»... "0:46" Оооо 👏 "1:20" Хм, они выглядят совсем по-другому по сравнению с кланом Черного Паука... Это все-таки они, или это были другие группы? "2:52" Хм, хорошие результаты. Тем не менее, это кажется немного сложным, не так ли? "3:36" Это, конечно, кажется проблемой... (3:38) Тем не менее, там очень хорошие цели. 👍 "5:05" 26 хитов комбо, неплохо. "5:47" Боже, этот мост выглядит так тревожно... 🙀 "5:55" Я и раньше видел летающих врагов на реактивном ранце, но теперь тоже летающих ниндзя? "7:20" Кажется, там что-то есть... Интересно, что это оттуда... 7:49 О, потайной ход? Аккуратный. 👍 "8:15" Я подумал: "О, хорошо, здесь есть точка сохранения", но до тех пор, немного позже... "8:35" Хм, ниндзя с автоматами... Да, похоже, они из той самой террористической группировки. «9:20» Теперь, по крайней мере, вы в безопасном месте. Я хотел увидеть больше Касуми в действии, но в этот момент мне нужно было кое-что позаботить. Так что я посмотрю, смогу ли я продолжить просмотр немного позже, или, может быть, я закончу его завтра рано утром. Отличная работа в этом игровом процессе, так держать. 🐺🦊🌸 Kasumi's back once more! ♥ As said in the descriptions, I understand, even I been through that myself sometimes... "0:00" Hmm, this look like the same place from the last one, NGS2 right? This could be look tough here I bet... "0:23" "William Harrison?" Where's that? Is it some sort of a ship or an remote island or something? (0:26) Oh, it is a ship then. Probably military or cargo, maybe? "0:32" This surrounding sceneries almost had me feel like something straight from either Dynasty or Samurai Warriors somehow... "0:46" Ooh, good finding. 👏 "1:20" Hmm, they look sorta different compares to those Black Spider clan... Is it still them, or were they a different groups here? "2:52" Hm, good results. Yet, this one does seems a little tough, doesn't it? "3:36" That's surely seems a problem here... (3:38) Yet, very good aims there. 👍 "5:05" 26 hits combo, not bad. "5:47" Boy, this bridge looks so concerning... 🙀 "5:55" I've seen flying enemies on jetpack before, yet flying ninjas now too? "7:20" Seems like there's something back there... Wonder what it is from there... "7:49" Oh, an secret passage? Neat. 👍 "8:15" I was like, "oh good, there's an save point here", until then a little later though... "8:35" Hmm, ninjas with machine guns... Yup, they seems like they're from that terrorist groups. "9:20" Now you're at a safe spot at least. I wanted to see more of Kasumi in actions, but I had to take care of something at this moment for a bit. So I'll see if I might continues watching more a little later soon, or maybe I'll finish it early morning tomorrow soon. Great work in this gameplay, keep it up. 🐺🦊🌸
@ДжокерМайерс Месяц назад
@CrimsonJak92 I gave my word that she would be there after that video🙂 It's good that you understand me😌 0:00 Yes, this can be said to be a cemetery, there Ryu Hayabusa, when he arrived, he took Genshin’s sword Blade Of The Archfiend, since the sword that Ayane gave was for a while “although later it can be combined with Genshin’s sword as twin swords” and not much there Ryu had flashbacks with Genshin as he fought. 0:23 There, most likely, like an air taxi, Ryu dropped him off at his village, but asked to be dropped off at this Cemetery. 0:26 Perhaps he is. But there, after Ryu’s laboratory, Mizuki and her daughter managed to escape, some military general scolded them that they were doing something they shouldn’t, and Ishigami hid somewhere, and for a while they were removed from the case. 0:32 As if there should be some kind of duel there? heh😌 0:46 I decided not to let the goodness go to waste, but showed me where the scarab was.🙂 1:20 I assume that since the more military ones use machine guns and rocket launchers from the Black Spider Clan, they most likely decided to dress up more of them as ninjas who use bows, swords with bombs. 2:52 The further you go in the level, the more difficult it should be, I’m still practicing and trying. 3:36 Well, the main thing here is that those who are where you are standing do not come running while you are aiming at the archers, or the tactic is if they are running at you and there are archers, try to run away further, deal with some, and then deal with the archers. 3:38 We have to fight them carefully😌 5:05 Thank you 😊, sometimes because the opponents block, it’s not always possible to extend the combo. 5:47 And if I were to pass beyond Ryu Hayabusa here, then if I reached the middle of the bridge, it would be blown up by opponents, and I would have to climb up to avoid falling. But it seems that in chapter mode the bridge remains unharmed🙂 5:55 These are the same ninjas who are in the Black Spider clan, they are also present in NG S 2, which here it seems to me were not as strong as they were here, they know how to launch fireballs, or conjure fire so that it shoots like a volcano eruption. 7:20 There lies the Diamond Skull, I also decided to show how you can get to it, I don’t remember that in the test there will be which boss to wait for. 7:49 Just this secret path to the crystal skull lies🙂 8:15 It’s as if the game here wants to say “look at the checkpoint there, if you want it, go even further” 8:35 It's like they take any weapon to stop the main character. 9:25 That’s for sure, you can at least replenish your health this way🙂 No problem👍, you can watch it whenever you want. I also need to watch two more of your videos, I decided to watch them in the morning when I have a video to edit. I try to make such content for you, it’s good that you like to see it😊