Daily Devotions of Inner Beauty
Daily Devotions of Inner Beauty
Daily Devotions of Inner Beauty
This channel will include devotions that are based from the Bible. Many, but not all of the topics I cover are specific issues I have had to deal with and have had to learn to lean on God to get through and learn how to love Him and others more. I hope you will grow closer to the Lord everyday as you learn more about Him. You love who you know, and the more you know Him, the more you love Him and trust Him. Be blessed today!
Kick that anxiety VLOG!
6 лет назад
Our Son Passed Away
6 лет назад
6 лет назад
What Does Inner Beauty Look Like?
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Inspiration For Today...
7 лет назад
Simple tips for reducing anxiety
8 лет назад
Let It Go
8 лет назад
Do You Want To Get Well?
8 лет назад
Are You Addicted To Thinking?
8 лет назад
@ms.evelynnn 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this
@FAUXHAIRFABULOUS 6 месяцев назад
You’re very welcome! Thank you for listening to it❤
@thewaychurch8091 7 месяцев назад
2 cor 5:10
@thewaychurch8091 7 месяцев назад
Tell you're god to stop telling you things that I didn't say😅😅
@ursuladivine5377 Год назад
But GOD 🥹⚡️
@titilna4657 Год назад
Thenkju bjutifull 💜🏊‍♀️💜🏊‍♀️💜🏊‍♀️💜🏊‍♀️💜💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
@MaryZareAndNard Год назад
Are you still looking up? I'm here (3 years after you posted!) because I had a rapture dream about a year ago where I saw a massive bright white light in the sky. It couldn't get any brighter. I've only just realised it might be venus. Also I've been hearing in my Spirit recently over and over to look at the moon and the stars. I'm not clued up in astronomy. I saw the title of your video and just had to click!
Hi Mary, yes, I’m still here waiting for Jesus ❤️. I started having rapture dreams 5 years ago. I’d get one every six months or so. Some of them were space and planet dreams. One dream was of me being at my daughter’s house when the trumpet blew and I was being raptured. The setting of her living room looked so similar to what it looked like in the dream. The cool thing about that is that she had just moved in and had been unpacking. That was the first day I saw the apartment. It was just like the living room in my dream. I also had a dream two years ago about Hawaii and the rapture was happening. Anyway, about a year later my husband and I went to Hawaii and the place we stayed was exactly the place we stayed in my dream. There were more details to all of the dreams and they came to pass over time. I think it was God keeping me hanging on. I have thought about the rapture everyday for 5 years and get hope, then discouraged, then hope again. About 10 months before Jupiter and Saturn aligned in the night sky I had had a dream that I was driving down a rocky road at night with my windows down, feeling the breeze on my arm. When I looked up I saw a big yellow striped planet spinning and spinning. It kept getting faster and faster until Saturn took the place of Jupiter and continued to spin so fast that sparks were flying off the Saturn rings! It wasn’t a rapture dream, but it felt like something supernatural. Several months later Jupiter and Saturn were aligned in the sky which happened to be a once in a lifetime thing. When I have dreams that I think are given by God, they are always so vivid and I remember every detail. With normal dreams I usually forget the details soon after I wake up. About 1 year ago I had one last dream of me in the ocean. It was dark and I was washing up to the shore. The water was shallow and the sand was white. As I was washing up on shore, several whales came beside me washing up to the sand with me. I’d be terrified if that ever happened, but I wasn’t scared in my dream. Anyway, the whales stayed up on the sand and I got out and walked on it. It looked just like mounds of powdered snow but it wasn’t cold. It almost felt more like ash (like a volcano had just blown off). That dream was not a rapture dream but it was a supernatural one that kind of spoke to me and it felt very end-timish. So, a year after that dream, Hawaii had that big volcano, and if you look in the news today you will find articles that show how whales are mysteriously washing up on beaches all over the world!! When I saw that, my jaw hit the floor! That was the very last dream I had. I know Jesus has to be coming! I hope that when he swipes us away we will know what’s happening! That’s exciting to me. It’s so neat how you had a Venus dream too. There have been a few others I’ve heard who have had rapture dreams with Venus in them! We shall see. It’s all in perfect time….as much as I want to go NOW! If you ever have anymore rapture dreams share them with me! I love hearing the dreams people have about Jesus coming!
@MaryZareAndNard Год назад
@@FAUXHAIRFABULOUS I've had some very lengthy dreams and yes they are vivid! I will never forget them! He reveals their meanings to me over time. He tends to give me words a lot as I'm waking up. I remember waking up one morning about 4 years ago with my heart pounding because I 'heard' what I can only describe as a thunderous, booming voice that I felt throughout my whole body. Not experienced anything like it since. The words were 'Jesus doesn't come back til World War 3 with China'. I told people and they didnt believe me and now they see all the tensions rising but they still don't believe 😔 I keep meaning to write my dreams down or post them but my life is so hectic as a mother of 4 young children that I home educate. So when I get time to myself I like to read the Scriptures! When I get more time I would love to share my dreams with you. I've only shared them with my husband and children... others I know dont want to hear. I don't know any followers of Christ as I came out of the church buildings a while ago so I only really have fellowship with my husband... but I am truly blessed to have him. I hope you don't mind but I'd like to share his music with you. He's started to write music for the Psalms as we found scripture can stay on the children's minds and hearts that way. He wrote music for Psalm 18 recently... it's a long Psalm! But I think he's captured the emotion of David so well. I cried tears of joy anyway! Praise our Wonderful Lord and Saviour. I hope you like it. He's only recorded 15 psalms so far but if you listen to them in order you will see how lovely they flow into each other. I'm getting him to work on songs of ascension next in anticipation of our meeting with the King of Kings! Not sure if he will have time to write all 150 psalms as we might be singing a new song in heaven by then 😃🙌
@MaryZareAndNard Год назад
@@FAUXHAIRFABULOUS his channel is called 'A psalming effect''. You'll just see black and white pictures of a guitar. They aren't professionally recorded or anything... just him with his old phone. But it's true, raw worship. Let me know if you like it! If it's not your kind of thing then maybe you could share it with some other Christians? We are hoping it reaches the non believers to sow the Word in their hearts.
@maureenellison8158 Год назад
Just need prayer to stop thinking of past decisions that I feel have been wrong.
Hi Maureen, this is Kirsten, the one doing this video❤️ Guilt and shame are so hard to shoulder. I’ve had my share of it for sure. It can take a while to shake it, but for some people it may not take as long. I know that the enemy (satan) comes to steal, kill, and destroy and that he is the author of lies. He steals peace, he kills and destroys relationships between people (which can be a cause for guilt in some cases). He lies to people and makes them believe that they should feel guilty for past mistakes. That’s so wrong, and not from God at all!! Satan thinks that if he can continue to make a person feel guilty then they will feel too ashamed to seek a relationship with Jesus because they feel like they did something too awful and unforgivable. DO NOT ACCEPT that lie!! Satan laughs when we believe in our guilt. He loves to see God’s children in emotional pain. He finds it very amusing. Do not let satan confuse you. God is a God of peace, not confusion( that’s a verse in the Bible but I can’t remember where exactly). Jesus took on our guilt and shame when he went to the cross. He took the guilt away from you, and Satan brings it back to you. What was the point of Jesus dying for our sin and shame if we allow Satan to be the winner!?Jesus conquered the moment He took His last breath. Guilt is condemnation, and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He will NEVER throw guilt in our faces because He casted that guilt far away (as far as the East is from the West). He forgives, and remembers no more. We remember it when we can’t let it go. We keep Satan happy when we can’t let guilt go. I had, and still have to remember that when guilt from the past creeps up. I have apologized to the people I have hurt, and asked the Lord to forgive me as well. We know He forgives and forgets, we just need to forgive ourselves and do our best to forget it. Water off a duck’s back is how we should handle guilt. I am praying for you right now that God will lift that heavy oppression of guilt off of your heart!! In the name of Jesus You do not accept the lie of feeling guilty! It’s over. You are accepted and loved by the One who died for you. Do you have Jesus as your personal Savior? Please let me know if you have anymore questions. And let me know if the guilt starts to subside. It will, I promise. In the meantime, you can have peace that I’m praying for you, and that Jesus is holding you close to His heart as if you are the only one in this world. He gets really personal with us. Please keep me posted, and thank you for the comment❤️
@brianbannon6746 2 года назад
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
@user-ge9mb8ir2o 2 года назад
С какого ваала змеи гробы окрашенные ......
@brianhood8827 3 года назад
Hello, thanks so much for sharing ! Means more then you know, please pray for me, I need a miracle! Thanks Brian
@AbaloneKid 3 года назад
THE RAPTURE (instant removal at the call of Christ from the air/ Holy Spirit in us HEARS!); is the next Bible based event for we, the Bride of our Lord Jesus Christ. Until then we have troubles in this lost world but NOT Tribulation as in Revelation! We are NOT appointed to God's wrath! Never! We are saved in Christ and He keeps us. Even death will not separate us since when we die our spirit returns to God in Heaven and we await our new and imperishable body like that of the Lord Jesus! At the RAPTURE we will be joined to a imperishable body like that of Jesus Christ. Look at John 14:3; Titus chapter 2: verse 11-14; Revelation 3:10 for pre-trib rapture soon coming as you say. When the last "christian is saved" we are out of here at the call of Jesus Christ. Romans chapter 11:verse 25. It is "IMMINENT"! This channel is a blessing! that sows the seed of the Word of God. 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." In the midst of chaos and the spirit of hate & destructiveness is the truth of Jesus Christ. We need to take hold of the Lord's promises! To be a courageous Saint who stands up for Jesus Christ against all odds! Satan hates us. He hates: God's life insurance : "Jesus Christ Is Lord & only He Saves". "AMEN " There is no greater praise than the blessed truth of God's word to the glory of God. God the Son has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16: verse 15: And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. How can anyone hear the "good" news? Romans 10:17 Then faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10: 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Isaiah 7:14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal, the body was mutilated, the blood was poured out, but the bones were not broken, buried and risen on the 3rd day. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6: 23 "I am the way, the truth and the life: no one comes to the Father except through me." John 14.6 "1 Corinthians 15: 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: "In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1: 7 Matthew 26:28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the redemption of sins." Ephesians 2: 8: "Because you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you. This is the gift of God. Romans 10: 9 If you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart man believes in righteousness; And a confession by mouth is given to salvation. 13 For the one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Rev.21: 8. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ”Romans 5: 1
@dianejimenez4040 3 года назад
Also today in New York it was like spring! Weather here very inconsistent with winter... let’s see...❤️🙏 sounds like everyone outside looking for this amazing planetary conjunction that looks like the Star of Bethlehem at night!
@dianejimenez4040 3 года назад
This is making me think the 21st of December the Bethlehem star! It’s planets... conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.. hasn’t happened in 800 years they are call it the Christmas Star! We have a solar eclipse tomorrow as well! You are beautiful inside and out! I look forward to meeting you in Heaven with your son! Let us be the wise virgins Lord ready for rapture!
Yes! I had a dream about that alignment about 10 months before it happened.
@AndrewEvenstar 3 года назад
Male here, I think people to need to learn to live without fear, and try to disregard all the what ifs. We have one life and can't waste it. What if i fail? I learn? What if I look dumb? That's ok. What if she doesn't like me? Love myself and move on.
@terlgerl2 3 года назад
I lost my 7 year old daughter this past year. Sudden cardiac arrest. Since then, I've been the same as you-longing so much for the rapture and Heaven. We will see our babies soon!!!
@francoisvanschalkwyk9858 3 года назад
i also had a dream..but this is way way way back.... all i really remember is that i opend the curtain and saw which looked liked 3 red sun's or maby moon's in the sky ...i just remember that i look outside though the sliding door glass and saw then in the north side ( i live in south africa mpumalanga middelburg)
I love hearing everybody’s dreams! They’re very encouraging!
@jeffevans3193 4 года назад
Your only telling a very small portion of what Jesus told the people. Yes repent but why? Live in His law the law our creator put in place in eternity. Stop thinking literally start looking at things heavenly which is why I ask the question christians hate me to ask and in four years one has given the correct answer,one in four years thats shameful but true so let's see who here knows. "where is Jesus in the sanctuary?"You ask why ask, because if you claim him should'nt you know?
@biker38297 4 года назад
There are a lot of people on youtube who are saying they are having dreams or visions I do believe in dreams and visions but not all dreams are from God. Id like to ask the Lady in the video (are you a Born again Christian). is so (How did that come about. Most people wont answer because they are not real Christians. I have caught some in their lies. But if you dont mine answering my 2 question thank you. Jesus said ye must be born again.
Yes, I am a Born Again Christian who is a sinner in need of a Savior! I accepted the Lord into my life at 13 years old and have become closer and closer to Him over the decades. I love Jesus! He’s on His way to get us!! Amen!
@yahuahyahusha7146 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing.
@douglasadcock549 4 года назад
Anyday now
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
douglas adcock Yes!! I’m still believing that it’s this spring! We’ll see😀
@douglasadcock549 4 года назад
@@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 We had a high watch this past weekend. I don't know if you caught any of Dr. Barry Awe's videos leading up to it. Really funny guy but knows his Bible. Looking at FOT now. But that goes without saying, literally can be anytime now, lol!
@richdevos6383 4 года назад
I start my day with prayer and reading bible till afternoon it feel nice after that i fall in any sin like anger nearly 40 days i try to finish a day without sin but i couldnt please tell i cannot live without sin,if can tell how
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Rich Devos you’re right, it is difficult to live without sinning. No Christian will be able to live without sin completely until we get to heaven where there will be no more sin. You say you read the Bible and pray every day. That’s good. But have you asked Jesus to come into your heart and life? If you haven’t asked him in and invited him to be the Lord of your life it will be more challenging to try to not sin every day. When you invite Jesus in to be the Lord of your life it means you give up trying to be good and you give him the control of your life. You have to realize you are a sinner and can’t do anything to make yourself clean, but by believing that Jesus can make you clean because of what he did on the cross then you can start living your life with Jesus in control rather than yourself. Once he is invited in and you give control over to him, he will help you deal with the sin in your life. After a short while you will naturally change your mind and will not want to sin because he lives in you and helps you. You will want to be obedient to him and will avoid sin with his help. We will never be free from sinning, but we can choose Jesus and he can, and will help us to be obedient to him and what he wants for our lives. He died on the cross to shed his blood to cover over our sins. Until we get to heaven sin will sneak up from time to time, but when it does we need to ask Jesus to help us turn away from it. If you have made him the Lord of your life then he will work in you to make it easier to turn away from sin. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m praying for you.
@richdevos6383 4 года назад
@@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 thank you so much mam for clearing my doubt and praying for me.i have one big doubt that we should pray to jesus or we should pray to abba through jesus.we should ask directly to jesus to come into my life or ask to abba because in bible most of tte prayer are prayyed to abba
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Rich Devos hi Rich, Jesus is God. Have you ever heard about The Trinity? The Trinity is the Father (God), the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. So you can pray to God the same as you pray to Jesus because they are a Trinity. I know it sounds confusing. Some things may be confusing to us here until we get to heaven. Keep praying and as long as you’re praying to the One True God, you will be just fine😊
@richdevos6383 4 года назад
@@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 thank you so much mam i got cleared.mam i know that sharing gospel is the one of the main duty of real christian.i want share gospel mam but in this quarantine i couldnot have chance to share gospel.it is right to share gospel through whatsapp or other social media.if it could you please tell ne some tips
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Rich Devos of course you can share the gospel over social media. You could also go out on a walk and try to share the gospel with people who are out walking around the neighborhood. You could also write Bible verses on a piece of paper and put them in your neighbor’s mailboxes. You also can watch RU-vid videos and leave comments talking about Jesus. You can share the gospel with your family over the phone. Pray and ask God to help you come up with some creative ways to share the gospel. Ask Him to bring people into your life that you can share the gospel with. I prayed for you this morning.😁
@davidspear9029 4 года назад
Sister, how i love your spirit and the heart you have for the LORD. i am so sure that you are right. We are so close. The clock is fast approaching the midnight hour. We won't have much longer to wait now. God bless you, sister. Shalom.
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
@David Spear Amen to this! Thank you so very much. See you in the air!!
@In_time 4 года назад
Hi dear sister, are you coming down with a cold here? I noticed a newer vid of yours with the same raspiness. I pray you are doing well and feel better soon if so❤️
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
in time Hello, thank you for your concern. I lost my voice a year ago, shortly after my son died. I’m expected to finally have surgery to repair the vocal chord on April 7, that is if we’re not in heaven yet!! Or if the virus causes the surgery to be canceled since it’s a non-emergency. I want my voice back so bad!!!!!🥰🥰🥰
@graci1782 4 года назад
You are right, Jesus is coming soon! About a year ago, I had a dream that I was standing outside my church. I looked up at the sky and saw a singular small cloud in the shape of a cross. I was filled with so much excitement because I realized that Jesus was coming. Suddenly, the heavens swallowed up the sky. That’s the only description I can think of, but it was the most beautiful and coolest thing I had ever seen. Anyway, the sky turned a dark red. I happened to look at the ground, but when I looked up, I saw three moons in a row. I had kinda put that dream off to the side because of the three moons, but it must mean something if you saw three moons in a line, too, in your dream
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Graci yes!! Three moons must be significant. I just know he’s at the door. Thank you for commenting and sharing your dream. It’s so weird how even years later we still remember every detail. ❤️
@graci1782 4 года назад
Daily Devotions of Inner Beauty When did you have your dream? I think I have a theory
@samanthastamas9846 4 года назад
Thank you for these messages. God is really working through you. I can't wait to be with Jesus in heaven, see my loved ones and meet you😊
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
@samantha Stamas this makes me happy to hear!!! Thank you sweet friend. I will meet you soon!!
@lashaysworld5518 4 года назад
I also had a rapture dream this is very real you guys it's very important that we get our lives right with God Asap Before it is to late ! 🙏🙌.
@sandramccully5834 4 года назад
Hi Sister Venus is supposed to go into the pliaties on 4th of April
@savannahs7362 4 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-y9rFqrbETDA.html I think it's very likely that this is what you saw in your first dream
@mellyperez1522 4 года назад
Sept 2020, Sister. Can you spare 10mins? Genuinely believe she is spot on: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QnLtWNbSpjg.html
@michelesnyder8488 4 года назад
I finally had time to listen to this. So fascinating, Lu! I'm moving on to video #2 now! <3
@barbarahartlett5400 4 года назад
I had same dream of huge planet wow.havent heard of to many dreams about planets
@stefanieglatts1800 4 года назад
Waiting oh so patiently for our Holy Savior (: all praise to the Lord in the Highest!!
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Brooke Maletis amen!!!
@salvationschild3777 4 года назад
Hi sister. I just joined you. I too had dreams about me and my sister having a falling out but ours is serious. We are so close to going home. I can feel it too. Jesus said it would be like this before His coming. Jesus always gives me dreams about what is coming and so far they have come true! yay we go home cuz I saw that in our near future. caught up alive. He will keep His promise. In Dollar Tree He made my eye catch on a cross that said: BELIEVE: In the promise of this day. I about fell over!
@bethanysmith8405 4 года назад
Thank you for your boldness in sharing what the Lord is showing you. He gave me an awakening last year and it’s been such an awesome past year with the experiences he’s given me. I was like you, never remembered my dreams. Last April, I had one that was so real, I could remember the feelings in it and every detail. Jesus appeared to me and said 2 times, “tell my people I am coming soon, tell my people I am coming soon.” He was wearing all white and was glowing. I wasn’t able to see his face though (I knew I wasn’t allowed to). When I saw him, I fell to my knees at his feet. I have had a few other dreams since then that I remember- and know they’re from him. I’ve dreamed of 2 moons. I’ve dreamed of a tsunami on the coast where I live. I’ve dreamed of experiencing the fear people will feel in the tribulation. And just recently I asked the Lord to show me that my dream of Jesus appearing to me, was from Him. The next morning, my 4 yr old daughter told me she saw Jesus. (She has never told me about a dream before. And also she didn’t know anything about my dream). She said it happened in the night when she was sleeping though. She said he got down on the floor where she was playing in the kids room at church. She said he was wearing something white, but couldn’t see his face. Then she said he was all yellow (I think she saw him glowing). So amazing!! Lately I have also been very fascinated with watching the sky and learning about the planets. I got a sky app and have been watching the placement of things. I found your videos so amazing and encouraging! Thank you! See you up there... probably soon!! ☺️❤️ I’m sorry about your son. But what an amazing gift you were given to see him in heaven!
@JLU7773-yw4gr 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing your dreams sister. I find them very compelling! Especially your dream about Jesus being the Morning Star. For the past week I was lead to search about Jesus being the Morning Star. I found out the same thing, Jesus represents Venus, the Morning Star. Your dreams are a confirmation for me. He truly is coming soon! Maranatha and God bless!💫😇💯💞💫
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
@JL777 thank you!! I know we will see heaven soon!!!!
@bethanysmith8405 4 года назад
Amazing! I had an experience this past week that led me to the morning star too. A few nights ago, I saw a what looked like a huge bright star in the sky. I was drawn to it and had to find out what it was. On a sky app- I found out it was Venus. Then I found out that was the “morning star”!
@JLU7773-yw4gr 4 года назад
@@bethanysmith8405 That is so Awesome! I felt such excitement after hearing your dreams.I have had many experiences from Jesus about His soon return. I was born again four years ago and came out of a cult based religion. I have been speaking about Jesus and the Rapture to my non-believing family for the past 4 years. I have witnessed His signs and confirm they are speeding up! Thank you again for your videos. You have such a sweet heart and love for people! I truly feel your spirit and your love and excitement for Jesus! I pray I see you soon in the air! God bless!
@savannahs7362 4 года назад
I thought if you committed suicide you died in sin of "murder" and did not receive heaven?
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
savannah s well that’s not the case. I thank the Lord He forgives sin and that not one sin is worse than another. Murder is a sin just as a white lie is a sin. Sin is sin. Jesus died to take away our sin, and we must believe that so we can be saved and go to heaven. My son trusted in Jesus and did make Jesus the Lord of his life. My son just struggled so badly with severe depression for years and ended his life at 21 years old. He died a sinner just like we all will die a sinner in need of a savior. Jesus can be our savior if we let him. Tyler let him in, and for that reason I know I will see my son again soon. Thank you for your comment❤️
@priscilla6827 4 года назад
savannah s Jesus died for every single sin in the world, past, present and future sins, all of it. When someone believes the gospel they’re born again that instant. They are purchased by the blood of Christ. Salvation has nothing to do with us but all about Jesus. We are saved because he wants us. Anyone who has believed the gospel is a child of God, saved and sealed until the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14. The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
@boltsdluna 4 года назад
Job 38:31 King James Version (KJV) 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
@ReLowa 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing your dreams sister. God bless you. I am encouraged. I also had a dream last night, I heard myself telling people how to be saved, I was singing with children that Jesus is coming soon and I was talking of the peace and safety declarations that will bring sudden destruction. All of this happened in my dream. Jesus is coming quickly. Love you in Christ.
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Forever Forgiveness that is a great dream!! So many are having dreams and open visions of the rapture. It’s gotta be close!! I look forward to meeting you soon in heaven. Thank you for your comment❤️
@sharonheard7550 4 года назад
@@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 I love you and your videos! God just gave me today and.I too had same experience with my beloved son and with Jesus past 3-1/2 years. Please post more!xxx
@boltsdluna 4 года назад
I had a similar dream but the planet looked like Jupiter
@fredschell8051 4 года назад
Dear sister in Christ, about that colourful planet spinning, and one said "Jesus is coming ! " Yesterday my wife copied a life videoupload on Facebook of a planet like you describe! ...I cannot send you that video here, so if you want it, just send a request for it fredUNDERSCOREschell17ATyahooDOTcom
@christinecook2679 4 года назад
I saw this video on the Harpazo Rapturo channel and wanted to thank you for posting your thoughts and dreams. My 34 year old son went to Heaven 16 months ago and he took half my heart with him. I now understand our instruction from the Lord to lay up our treasures in heaven. That is now my highest desire and deepest hope. and I know it is yours also. I'm not a dreamer either but I believe I too had a prophetic dream on Jan 6,2020. In the dream I received a package from the Father. Inside was a long stemmed gold rose and a letter. "He wrote in the letter that He knew I was leaving very soon, He loved me and was proud of me. Not to worry about anything, that He and His angels will take care of everything and all I love is safe in His care." I then saw a calendar of the month of March with the days 25th and 26th highlighted together and positioned on a Wednesday and Thursday. (the dream was so intensely vivid and so real, the excitement and joy took 3 days to fade) When I awoke I checked a calendar to see if my dream calendar was accurate. It was. Because those 2 days seemed linked I checked a Jewish calendar to see if maybe there was something there. It is Nisan/Abib 1, God's Holy New Year., the beginning of the Barley Harvest season. I don't know if the exact date or month is indicated or exactly what is going to happen very soon, but something marvelous I'm sure. Last year I found a channel I like called revelationchapter12dotcom. Paul does some interesting research often on the stars (I don't know anything about stars either) I remember he did a recent video about Venus and the Pleiades coming conjunction, I noted that he thinks those Pleiades/7 sisters represent the 7 churches, you might want to check it out. Anyway, sorry for such a long comment. Just wanted to thank you and bless you. Maranatha
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Christine Cook thank you Christine! Your message blessed me. First of all, I am sorry you too lost a son. There is nothing that could be worse, in my opinion. I feel your heartache. It just makes heaven so much sweeter!! Oh I just know we will see our sons soon! I really liked hearing about your dream!!!!!! I definitely am believing in a possible spring rapture too!! Parts of the Bible even talk about how spring is a season where brides are given in marriage. We are the bride of Christ!! I look forward to meeting you and your son soon in heaven !!! Love you!
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Christine Cook oh, and thank you for the RU-vid channel suggestions!! I’ll check it out!
@savannahs7362 4 года назад
Do you have an inkling or a sense from the Lord what the days 25th and 26 we're referring to as far as I understand you were showing that this is the beginning of the new year, which is actually very significant I will link some links down below to explain why the new year is significant, but have you asked the Lord why he highlighted those days and what he's trying to tell you about those days? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NkcvZLfLMgY.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TvqY8yLZuVw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9ZGkdhDeHvA.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eX0aUOTbzXk.html
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
savannah s Thank you fit the links! I didn’t think I have out a date but the dreams all take place in the spring. ❤️
@christinecook2679 4 года назад
@@savannahs7362 I'm pretty sure that the message is I'll be leaving Nisan 1, one way or another. There was a knowing in the dream that I was leaving that day to go to a far north country to meet and marry the love of my life, I was just waiting on the call to leave, I also knew I would be flying. A major part of my dream was extreme worry and fretting about what to do with my earthly treasures( I interpreted that to mean my kids and family). Then suddenly I received the package from the Father, it just appeared on the roof of my car. As I was reading the letter a calendar seemed to float in air in front of me, that's when I noted the dates highlighted and knew that it was "today". Afterward I released all my concerns regarding my earthly treasures into the Father's care. Much relieved I happily sat down to wait by an old school telephone. So excited and joyful, I don't think I've ever felt such intense joy. This dream is more, "more" than any other I've ever experienced, it's really not even expressible..I'm expecting something. I'm hoping for the rapture, I am disabled and weak from a stroke even though I'm only 56, so I may depart on my own, Or maybe I've got it all wrong, but I don't think so. Thank you for the links I'll check them out
@dunamis333 4 года назад
Greetings beloved, From the 10th of March 2020, we've now just about a Month to go before the THE END of this Age! After a 30 Day water fast, as someone who doesn't like making videos, I was moved by the Lord to publish the following: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-m0DzeWts2RA.html "But you, go your way till THE END; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of days."[Dan.12:13] Daniel was told by the Angel Gabriel to wait until THE END before rising from the grave to receive his inheritance at the end of days. This prophecy was fulfilled on First-fruits, on Sunday the 5th of April 33 AD, according to the Torah Calendar. THE END is a Date in time! And it was Sunday the 5th of April 33 AD. The Day of the Lord's resurrection on First-fruits. The Scriptures confirm this for we read:"...and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many." [Matt.27:52,53] This means that Daniel, along with many other saints, have already received their glorified bodies and their inheritance. In Seneca Sodi book "40 Days in Heaven" he was shown in heaven that Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Jonah, Isaiah and Daniel were among the saints who received their glorified bodies on First-fruits after the Lord's resurrection on the 5th of April 33 AD. The angel Gabriel referred to First-fruits as "the End" and "the End of Days". This was the Day of the resurrection of the Old Testament saints. It therefore follows that the Rapture will ALSO occur at "the End" and "the End of Days" for the resurrection and glorification of the New Testament saints! Not carefully the Lord's Words "...hold fast what you have till I come. And he who overcomes, and keeps MY WORKS until THE END, to him I will give power over the nations..." [Rev.2:25] "THE END" is a specific Date in time. It's the Day on which First-fruits falls, Good Friday the 10th of April 2020! The Lord also said "...this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then THE END will come." [Matt.24:14] "THE END" in the above verse is a specific Date in time for our generation. It's the Day on which First-fruits falls. It's the Day the resurrection of the saints will occur, we receive our glorified bodies, and then we all rise up into the heavens to receive our inheritance. This Date is known to the World as Good Friday, the 10th of April 2020. For us believers this Date is First-fruits, according to the Torah Calendar, and it marks the THE END of this Christian Age! The Whole Christian World will be observing that Day as Good Friday. Not realising it will be a Day of Judgement during which the Lord Jesus Christ will be coming for His Bride!!! May the Lord find us all ready and eagerly waiting for Him. See you in the air sister! OLA.
@heatherdaniel3024 4 года назад
i had a dream about a year ago, of seeing the moon with a baby moon next to it, kinda in the 4 o clock position. somehow i could turn and look behind them and saw a lot of planets coming in behind them one planet in particular was super black with a neon green spot and a neon pink stripe, and but the blsck and neon was swirling and moving, i kept proclaiming its the dragon hes coming to devour! over and over again, i also had another dream about 2 years ago of being at work and seeing crazy black clouds coming in like low like on the ground. i kept asking people do you see this do you see this but everyone was going life as normal. My mom was praying YEARS and years ago about how much she wants to go home missing her mom whos in heaven and she audibly herd : "it wont be long, after the earth-quakes" i really think its so incredibly soon.
@robertmatthews3616 4 года назад
Hi there. Yes those planets are real and they can be seen with the naked eye and some parts of the Earth. There is a channel on RU-vid called The Final Days and the lady shows how on government webcams in Alaska that they removed large chunks of time and video from them but they leave a little bit or miss some and so the planets can be seen actually moving across the sky and rotating. hi there. Yes those planets are real and they can be seen with the naked eye and some parts of the Earth. There is a channel on RU-vid called the final days and the lady shows how on government webcams in Alaska that they remove large chunks of time and video from them but they leave a little bit or miss some and so the planets can be seen actually moving across the sky and rotating. She will show you how they're is a system and crafts that helps deflect the image of these planets so that we cannot see them good at all from Earth. There is also other things in effect to camouflage these planets. But they are becoming too close and too obvious to be able to be covered up and are being seen with the naked eye at times from all over the Earth. Look up and search for like Planet X and Nibiru system and crafts that helps deflect the image of these planets that we cannot see them good at all from Earth. There is also other things and effect to camouflage these planets. But they are becoming too close and too obvious to be able to be covered up and or being seen with the naked eye at times from all over the Earth. Look up and search for like Planet X and Nibiru images or videos here on RU-vid.
@shanerivers3761 4 года назад
When i received the baptism of the Holy Ghost for the removal of my sins after being water baptized in Jesus name as he commanded me, i saw a vision of the stars falling from Heaven, i also heard the sound of a rushing mighty wind from Heaven, i shook like i was in an earthquake and my whole body had a pulling feeling like a magnet pulling me up and then Jesus and i merged and became one, there was an explosion of my heart like a nuculer bomb going off and i wanted to scream for joy as a rushing might wind blew up from beneath me through my heart and out the top of my head taking my sins, hurts and pains to Jesus on the cross, through space and time. This was my Honeymoon experience after i married Jesus by being water baptized in his name Jesus only. This experience was like utube video, "Star Trek the motion picture a new life form". Just like in the book of Esther/Hadessa, many were called to be brides of the King but few were chosen and given a crown, few obeyed all that the helpers commanded, few married the King. The evil, rebellious Queen who rejected the Kings commandments was put to death.
@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 4 года назад
Shane Rivers what an incredible testimony, Shane!! Wow!!! It’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Yes, the book of Esther reveals so much about the rapture. It’s Purim in Israel tonight. Maybe we’ll get to go home tonight! Wouldn’t that be nice!
@shanerivers3761 4 года назад
@@dailydevotionsofinnerbeaut4630 thank you for your comment but Jesus said in Mt 24 29-31 ,that he will send his angels to gather his people when the sun is darkened ,the moon turns to blood, the stars fall from Heaven and the great earthquake happens, that will be at the 6th seal when that happens, Rev. 6:12-17. We need to be here for the final harvest when God will force people to make a choice between him or Satan, there will be no more humpty dumpties just sitting on the wall anymore. After the 6th seal and the removal of the remaining remnant of Gods people, he will pour out his wrath upon the earth starting with the trumpet judgements and the grapes of wrath will be trampled underfoot. The good grapes will have been taken up by the hand of God and are eaten and enter into the Head. Lot suffered tribulation by the people , God removed him from the city, then Gods wrath came. So also Noah suffered the evil people of his day and their tribulation but then he ascended into the ark and God shut the door and then Gods wrath was poured out. God has declared the end from the very beginning.
@stefanieglatts1800 4 года назад
In one of my dreams I saw stars falling from the sky as well!
@mikerutkowski7265 4 года назад
All over RU-vid you will find people talking about their dreams. You will hear people claiming how they have had a dream about God or heaven or the Rapture or maybe even the Tribulation. Everyone is all excited about their dreams and you will even find some people in the comment section asking what they need to do in order to have one. Well to them I will simply reply that they should thank God that they have not had one. Why? Well I am sorry to inform you dreamers but you are clearly displaying your lack of knowledge about God and about scripture. So allow me to explain something that you clearly do not understand. If you know anything at all about scripture God is Holy and pure. And this is why in the Old Covenant the high priest could not enter the Holy of Holies unless he purified himself. Under the New Covenant it is now called Sanctification. So understand that God will not visit anyone in their dreams unless they have been purified and sanctified in His truth. And Sanctification is not fun. I know firsthand for I have gone through the process and it requires a lot of time, patience, suffering and endurance. So if you have never been sanctified then you still have sin in your life. If you possess sin then God is not going to be giving you any dreams. So what is actually happening here is that these people who are having these dreams are displaying their lack knowledge of scripture. They fail to understand that it is simply the devil tempting them with a dream and he is seeing if he can get them to bite so that he can use them for his evil purposes. These people overlook the fact that the devil is a fallen angel and that he can perform signs and wonders. “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭NKJV‬V‬‬‬ So the plain and simple truth here is that the devil is using these people on RU-vid to lead many people astray with their misguided messages. The devil knows that every person will be held accountable for every untruth they may speak about the Word of God. He also knows that if the person with the dream can get others to also sin, then he has them all exactly where he wants them and they played right into his hands. “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:36-37‬ ‭NKJV “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:6-7‬ ‭NKJV “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” ‭‭Hosea‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭NKJV
@shanerivers3761 4 года назад
@@mikerutkowski7265 my testimony which i shared was not a dream. So you comment has nothing to do with the cost of tea in China. :)
@jobinjose9562 5 лет назад
Thank u madam It was very nice to hear I was also looking for wisdom I was thinking about how to gain it like Solomon gained
@jeaniepasino4004 5 лет назад
I love your hat and channel! I've been binge watching since yesterday and can't wait to watch more. Your videos are great and I'm so glad I came across your channel.
jeanie pasino I’m so glad too!! I need to record more. My 21 year old son passed away a year ago and it halted my videos a bit. I post other videos on my primary channel called Kirsten’s Hope and Heart. It’s more of a vlog channel where I talk about life and the Lord 😊
@johnSmith-og8ti 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing the word of God .
@johnSmith-og8ti 5 лет назад
I just started watching your videos. Thanks alot God bless . Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Thanks
Praying now.❤
@777mechanicJoe 5 лет назад
If you look up "punish" in your Bible concordance you will see, yes, GOD does so punish.