@emmapeel8163 11 месяцев назад
Living near the sea IS a gamble. it's also beautiful, soul calming, fishing industry.
@cidabatista5903 Год назад
Devastador.... 😢
@aquacrown9654 Год назад
12年経って、どういう災害だったかは数値でもシミュレーションでも、あるいは被災者の撮った映像でも把握しているつもりではある けれどこうして1日で多くの街が消えた事実を見せられると、文明に対する根底からの不安感のようなものを感じて怖さや悲しさを覚える
@judysimon8445 Год назад
@Mybpeterson Год назад
Absolutely stunning. I've heard of many of these places, but many others I didn't. It's easy to see why a couple places have no recordings of the tsunami hitting. Entire towns were wiped off the map in a matter of minutes. Some were so close to the epicenter there wasn't much time between the quake and the tsunami. It's hard to whip out your cell phone when there's barely time to run for your life. I don't know how many people survived in the worst hit towns, the losses must have been devastating. Any videos they took died with them. God bless the people of Japan.
@hillbilly4555 2 года назад
Consequences of building in a tsunami flood zones
@robbie8142 2 года назад
If a WW11 Bombing raid using ALL USA aircraft it would not have been 10% as effective destruction compared with this tragedy of 2011.
@TSZatoichi 3 года назад
@TSZatoichi 3 года назад
Thank you for compiling all these and posting for us and posterity.
@にも-b5p 3 года назад
@terrisuzuki6367 3 года назад
So sad for the people of these areas.
@tinntinnpokapoka 3 года назад
言っていいのか分からないけど、 簡単に言ったら、腐ったみたいだ
@tinntinnpokapoka 3 года назад
@cryingforbread 3 года назад
why are people talking about whales?
@きゃぴーん-z8g 4 года назад
でっかい建物とかちょっとした小山も流されとる。 悲しすぎる。 東北の人たちが、前の生活に戻れるようになって欲しい。 前の生活に戻れはしないけど、 前の生活と近くなるほど戻って欲しい。
@jeannedickinson2650 4 года назад
Still saddens me to see the shocking outcome. I continue to pray.
@user-bh6ft5he6h 4 года назад
湾内の津波被害を受けた街は里山に移転したらいい。 年金支給を一律にして、浮いた年金は被災地の復興費にあてる。
@emmm9922 5 лет назад
Still sad 2019 I pray for all those miss placed people I thank you god every day for what I have. And I pray Japan rebuilds and stops the fukushima radiation after all these years of not controlling it our earth is our home ....
@yoooyooo7629 5 лет назад
@user-gf6yl8jg6z 6 лет назад
Is it just me , but ... Why . Why build so many creation - reversers ( nuclear power plants ) in such prone locations . This will destroy every last living thing in the pacific ocean . Everything is dying in the pacific ocean , and anything that thrives on prey from the ocean is also sick or dying . Fact . It's just the beginning. Cancer rates are sky-rocketing . Chernobyl : I reactor 30 % meltdowm. Fukushima : 4 ×100% meltdowns plus detonations. Nothing to worry about . Oh , and they tell us the food ( rice ) from the area is safe to eat . Plutonium ; half - life 500, 000 years.
@user-br3ei9gd9g 7 лет назад
בס''ד ים האוקינוס גבוה מכל העולם [ רש''י קהלת , כל הנחלים הולכים אל הים והים איננו מלא ]. הים גבוה , ואיך אינו מציף את העולם , אלא הקב''ה חוקק חק - גבול שם לים - חול . כלומר החול עוצר את מי הים . יש חק נוסף שמבטל את כח גבול החול . והוא , באם אתה עובר את הגבול לכיס של החבר וגונב מה שנמצא אצל החבר . אזי הקב''ה מוריד את חומת גבול החוף , ויש מבול צונמי ח''ו ל'', ע . ר''ל . ובנוסף לכך מטריח את הקב''ה להחזיר לנגנב את הגניבה ואת הגזל . ודע שהגנב צריך להחזיר את הגניבה כדי שימחול ויסלח לו הקב''ה , וצריך לפייס את האיש הניגנב . הערה , אם בגלל הנ''ל ח''ו לא יחזור הגנב בתשובה , קבעו שאינו צריך להחזיר , דעת חכמים אינה נוחה שאינו חוזר בתשובה בענין הגנב , אבל ברור שלא לחתחילה יגנוב ח''ו ויגיד לעצמו שאין צורך ח''ו להחזיר . אנחנו כאן בארץ ישראל משתתפים בצער כל מי שננזק מכל פגעי הטבע והאסונות והצונמי , ר''ל , ל''ע , הי''ו .
@maitake1018 11 лет назад
who cares ?? you just say others what they have to do, blame your country for what they're doing wrong. ♡ i like whales ♡ soooo sweeet you piece of shit!
@mrstuperstefan 11 лет назад
What year are we living in? 1899? 1720? 1914? Japan SCRAPES the ocean clean and eats everything that come up. . I like whales, so you fuckers should leave them alone.
@maitake1018 11 лет назад
For almost 400 years, Americans chased whales to near extinction, traveling the globe to find and extract precious oil that was needed to fuel the growing American colonies. AND, most people don't know, Japan hunted whales in its littoral waters for centuries until AMERICAN whaling fleets came along and removed all of these! whales.
@maitake1018 11 лет назад
■The last known Bluebuck was shot, making the species the first African antelope to be hunted to extinction by European settlers. ■The Mauritius Blue Pigeon becomes extinct due to excessive hunting by Americans. ■The Eastern Elk dies out in USA. They were over-hunted for food, clothing, sport and decoration. ■The Southern Rocky Mountains wolf was hunted to extinction. ■The British Columbia wolf was hunted to extinction. ■The Texas wolf was purposefully driven to extinction.
@mrstuperstefan 11 лет назад
You people have fished the oceans dead for 200 miles all around Japan
@timothysmith35 7 лет назад
mrstuperstefan... you people?
@jussarafernandes9714 11 лет назад
redução da população!!
@nolongerusingthisaccount8036 12 лет назад
Awwh didn't have to call him bad word names :c ....
@mrstuperstefan 12 лет назад
Because the whales suffer unbelieveably. Because I don't like it. Because god hates them for scraping the oceans clean for food.There is nothing alive around Japan for 200 miles because they will eat anything
@KochiyamixD 12 лет назад
The Hawaiian Kingdom did in fact hunt whales BEFORE the Hawaiian kingdom was taken over (1880s). Whaling became a huge factor to the Hawaiian economy after the sandalwood trade collapsed. Although it was not traditional, the fact of the matter is Hawaiians did cultivate a small whaling fleet and did indeed hunt whales for roughly 2 decades in the early 1800s.
@KochiyamixD 12 лет назад
When it comes down to it no one reason can be "justifiable" to all. Let's get this straight. I was not commenting that whaling should be allowed or not allowed. What I was commenting on is the hypocrisy of Western nations in dealing with the issue and their lack of acknowledgement of their own historical contribution to the decrease of whale population. Their stance to it completely detaches themselves and instead focuses on the few countries that still do. That is all.
@psycotria 12 лет назад
There are no good reasons to continue hunting whales, which are among the most intelligent of Earth's inhabitants. One can't justify continuing such practice by saying others are doing so. The beliefs of others don't change bad to good. Even if 99% of the world thinks one way, the facts in the matter remain whatever they are. One must be honest and ask what does science say about the effects of continued hunting of alpha predators and destruction of their habitats, then decide the moral issues.
@psycotria 12 лет назад
Whale meat is consumed in Japan, and while it is said to be declining, I've heard it said that school lunch subsidy exists in order to bring new whale-eaters on line. As 'For Science', how many minke whales does one need to 'study' before the value of whatever data becomes less than that of a living whales? What is the purpose of studying 2000 dead whales per year? What hypotheses are they testing? How are the data providing benefit to man or 'beast'? THEY SUFFER GREATLY FOR NO GOOD REASONS!
@corinamendez4164 12 лет назад
You stupid ignorant Fuck, Whales aren't a rare delicacy in Japan, Idiot, they test whales "For Science" or so they claim, lord knows why they kill whales, Cows aren't on the verge of extinction, Dumbass. That's why people are ok with their slaughter. Although the Humane way is a must, minimal suffering of 'the beast' is key.
@KochiyamixD 12 лет назад
How about a little history to think about, hm? The countries that hunted the longest for capitalistic gain was the USA, Great Britain, the Hawaiian Kingdom and other European groups. Why? Primarily 2 things: oil and corset lining (money to sum it up). Now, after all those years and so many whales being hunted by EUROPEANS AND AMERICANS, it's a big deal? Give me a break. Such hypocrisy. Also, for your info Iceland, Denmark and Norway hunt whales nowadays too.
@HentaizerZ 12 лет назад
4:17 Hirono Thermal Power Station
@lr77777 13 лет назад
@c810003 13 лет назад
驚心動魄。 日本人民加油!