Robert Sepehr
Robert Sepehr
Robert Sepehr
Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author

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How Christ Became King - ROBERT SEPEHR
3 месяца назад
Prophecy of God's Chosen - ROBERT SEPEHR
4 месяца назад
The Cult of the Eclipse - ROBERT SEPEHR
5 месяцев назад
Lucid Dreaming and Astral Realms - ROBERT SEPEHR
5 месяцев назад
Flame of the Light Bearers - ROBERT SEPEHR
5 месяцев назад
Sacred Geometry & Divine Alchemy - ROBERT SEPEHR
5 месяцев назад
Esoteric Secrets of Atlantis - ROBERT SEPEHR
6 месяцев назад
Entrances to Inner Earth - ROBERT SEPEHR
6 месяцев назад
Antarctica Disclosure - ROBERT SEPEHR
6 месяцев назад
Origins of the First Europeans - ROBERT SEPEHR
6 месяцев назад
Out-of-Africa Theory Debunked - ROBERT SEPEHR
6 месяцев назад
Subversive Origins of Communism - ROBERT SEPEHR
7 месяцев назад
Hidden History of Zionism - ROBERT SEPEHR
7 месяцев назад
Noah's Noble Bloodline - ROBERT SEPEHR
8 месяцев назад
Season of Saturnalia Explained - ROBERT SEPEHR
8 месяцев назад
The Trump Bloodline - ROBERT SEPEHR
9 месяцев назад
Occult Bloodlines of Canaan - ROBERT SEPEHR
10 месяцев назад
The Eleusinian Mysteries - ROBERT SEPEHR
10 месяцев назад
The Oera Linda Book - ROBERT SEPEHR
11 месяцев назад
@andydalton5344 30 минут назад
@robertharvey1577 44 минуты назад
This is " I think " The third time I had to subscribe again ! For some reason I get unsubscribed to many channels
@Jen-e-sis 50 минут назад
The real religion is Yeshua teaching us the kingdom is within and the FATHER of all creation has nothing to do with this world or its religions. YESHUA came to teach us to free us from the cult of all earthly religions
@Jen-e-sis 47 минут назад
Isn’t it funny how every “Christian” claimed holiday (Easter and Christmas) is in fact pagan holidays originally , little do they know they’re being lead astray even in the most innocent of ways, (keep Christ in Christmas 😂) sure… I can slap a costume on LUCIFER and call it Christian😂
@whome1636 Час назад
0:33 😂
@pain5940 Час назад
Thanks Robert this has explained a lot to events I've had to deal with a moment of clarity,yes they are the failed initiates of the ancient mystery schools.i know what I need to do next? Maybe? hopefully...
@logiclock9483 Час назад
more great content
@hiddenamericachannel Час назад
Oooo a new Doctor S video! Nice
@isaaccastro7522 2 часа назад
Glad you pointed out that the Vatican (and Roman Catholicism) is not biblical. Sadly, they are "Christian" in name only.
@crottycattlecompany 2 часа назад
Do u have a rubber duck when u have a bath
@Primitivemycology 2 часа назад
Everything is always a lie. There is no good or bad, only what each person does with each situation. Yin and yang, there is two sides to everything and the liar is always the person that is pushing any agenda....... Such as organized religion.
@allisone8036 2 часа назад
This is a great video. I’ve watched it more than 10 times, so interesting. There is some great music in this video, can you tell me what it is please. Ta
@drago760 2 часа назад
13:33 Dejan Lucic
@JFire2006 3 часа назад
So much in this video, thank you, and I love the rendition of Highway to Hell at the end, I'd like to hear more of it if possible
@philobeddoe7684 3 часа назад
Very good, Luficer is the light bearer. What’s your point? The interviewer that question the Noble just exposed himself on how little he knows and just recites religious talking points. Good job, Sheeple.
@nathanc.6568 3 часа назад
Is this a good interpretation: The serpent represents union/tantra, the apple represents temptation to gnosis which is pure light illumination/knowledge instead of temptation to release theessence which is death/darkness. We want to learn how to cast light/gnosis out of the act of tantra between people
@alcodelange1975 3 часа назад
I'm from the Netherlands born in the 70's as an so called indigo soul child awakened from the day I came too earth scared of the outside world as a child lonely not a talker parents devorced when I was 9 years old My Father was a Professional Militair did his acedemy by the Commando's... But later I grow up and did much research for my Family and the Poor Abused murdered victims of al this 🙏💖 Maybe it's a little bit strange but the song Truth Faith - New order is in lyrics my song just like I feel it. The video is also great slapping others on the cheeks too wake up for the Children God bless 🙏❤️
@goodfrequency8171 4 часа назад
Many confuse Light with Life. For some they are deceptively interchangeable. The "God" I experienced during a near-death experience had nothing to do with any religion. Shocking for a lifelong committed Christian, and yet it made perfect sense in the rare perspective I was given out of body. This world is a total deception. Set up for the purpose of causing trauma and suffering, which provides food and enjoyment for the cosmic trash currently tricking humanity. A more modern example of the trickery can be found by studying the Balfour Declaration. Even Chess Master Bobby Fisher didn't want to be in the U.S. Enjoy connecting a dot or two. The trickery of poli-tics is laughable. Divorce the matrix and be truly free.
@goodfrequency8171 3 часа назад
Let me know if you see this. I have been told I'm likely shadow banned.
@heddwyn3914 32 минуты назад
@@goodfrequency8171 I see it. "Kaos" on Netflix has the theme of what you're saying.
@rokinJellyBean 4 часа назад
I love you ❤
@ianjoy3098 4 часа назад
Hi random question. Have you ever heard of Ramtha the enlightened who is a 46,000 year old Atlanian being channeled by Jz knight who has a school in Seattle Washington called Ramtha the school of enlightenment. He is the only Atlanian entity that I know is from Atlantis and is still here. Do you know any more or any?
@MS-yd4oj 4 часа назад
The Royal Art, also known as Witchcraft.
@erichwalrath970 5 часов назад
I like the bit where you're talking about Hell while feeding geese.😁
@jsimpson7677 5 часов назад
My great uncle was Richard Murray Simpson who ran the congressional side of the McCarthy hearings. He also died at Bethesda on the operating table. They had to kill him.
@jakeneva8349 5 часов назад
You're videos are quality information even to somebody who has drank from the well. Would be even better if the subject matter stays as main course for the video. I guess focus is the term that is lacking. Yet I watch these any given day and enjoy a great deal.
@sandeered1 5 часов назад
So who (or better yet what) twisted our human history all around and what's in it for ""them?"
@atravelerofbothtimespace4172 5 часов назад
That 99$ donation is what's up you deserve it I'm homeless n I'd rather use us snailmail n p0 boxes I've learned a huge fraction of what I now know from thus channel I think in 2016 I started getting into world history n western esotericism the black nobility blah You Were truely my 101 courses on all these topics I trusted you're channel from the beginning I knew you possessed a passion for writing and a ton of knowledge and I saw it in you're face and voice I am grateful and I've educated myself on real history I had a troubled adolescence n not much of an education I was shameful of that secretly all my life I'm not proud of much but only living outside of debt slavery as a backpacker n traveler trying to follow Christ's basic message and I'm proud of how hard I've worked in my studies and it is emotional to me sometimes Thanks Robert
@PaulDiNardo-pt5mj 5 часов назад
Wow very true our history is from a Grieco Roman perspective. All Phonecian accounts were basically erased from history.
@PaulDiNardo-pt5mj 5 часов назад
Birds are amazing. This mans videos are a favorite. Love learning these things Wow I didn't know the Phoenix rising was referring to the resurrection. Incredible history.
@PaulDiNardo-pt5mj 5 часов назад
Song. Turn it up.R9nnie Van Zandt. R.I.P.
@pinkkitten_nails 5 часов назад
Yes Satan is evil but Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity. Just wanted to throw that out there. Combining them is not only biblically inaccurate it’s also etymologically inaccurate
@peterzotti6430 6 часов назад
If ejaculation takes away your life essence... Then I guess I have been empty of life essence for many decades... Coz I've been shooting my gun like a mad man since the tender age of 12... lol
@mudcatjohnson130 6 часов назад
22:50-23:00 Robert glides effortlessly instead of walking. A Smooth operator
@mudcatjohnson130 6 часов назад
Imagine listening in on Bowie / Sepehr conversating
@pvdguitars2951 6 часов назад
From the root אֲרִי (aleph resh Yod) ARI (Lion/Leo) Sanskrit Arya (noble, king) Hence: Aries (lamb) AriEl (lion of god) Aryan Iran ( Persian ērān) : of the Aryans Ireland (Celtic Eriu) C/iara means both clear as well as dark haired ( go figure!) >7 billion of years ago : the present day humans were living on the moon as … the animal kingdom. The lion kings on Luna became the ‘Aries’ on Gaia … Wordplay : nARNIa ( CS Lewis)
@MooseHayes1 7 часов назад
Read your own bible, pray, fast, dont partake in pagan unbiblical holidays, observe the sabbath, eat organic and keep your temple clean, spread the truth in the gospel. Satan and death have been defeated. YAHUSHUA is coming back… ❤
@pvdguitars2951 7 часов назад
The cube 6 faces 8 corners 12 sides Total: 26 (=gematria of YHWH) 6: Carbon (666) 8: 8 pointed star (compass) 12: zodiac etc
@pvdguitars2951 7 часов назад
Universal: 6th day is Venus/Freya/Vrijdag. 7th (sabah) is Saturn/Sabbath/Zaterdag. 1=Sun. Once you know the mechanics, it is easy to find every day (hourly processing of the 7 holy planets)
@leftwingmofos 7 часов назад
I experience great amount of inexplicable feelings and some type of sight at Church that I do not anywhere else. The tradition of the Latin Rite seems to hold almost all of the ancient mysteries. I believe in Christ, Jesus the Nazarene is my Lord and King. He called me by my name. I put my name in His book.
@leftwingmofos 7 часов назад
I experience great amount of inexplicable feelings and some type of sight at Church that I do not anywhere else. The tradition of the Latin Rite seems to hold almost all of the ancient mysteries. I believe in Christ, Jesus the Nazarene is my Lord and King. He called me by my name. I put my name in His book.
@w3bst3r123 7 часов назад
Half human- half animal and they hurt humans, cattle and crops. That is pretty much at least one dimension of the UFO phenomenon
@Svevsky 7 часов назад
templaric zionist nazism... i guess anglo media slandered germany because they couldnt cope with the fact that king arthur and his knights reincarnated as germans
@colincolenso 8 часов назад
Robert, I doubt you're aware of the works of Harold Percival, who was associated with Blavatsky and wrote a book describing Freemasonry. His 1000+ page tomb "Thinking and Destiny" provides many answers to questions you have regarding religion and its historical journey and place with regard to all our lives.
@jessemarr6159 8 часов назад
Robert this video goes so hard. Thank you for helping the world, you fearless crazy man.
@corysamoila 8 часов назад
@CoryHobbs2178 8 часов назад
Robert you are a legend my friend.
@Daytona674 8 часов назад
banjo acdc highway to hell is fire
@dragonmaster391 8 часов назад
what instrument does she play at 23:14 looks a lot like bagpipes
@Thnz321 8 часов назад
Turkish translate pls.
@Worldofourown2024 8 часов назад
I wouldn't believe for a second a person can correctly guess numbers, words, or images behind them without seeing a reflection or teleprompter screen. There were many human experiments and oppressive agendas exercised on both communist and Western democracies all around the world that isn't quite what we were told and drilled on many times to get masses to go along with deception. Deceptions like our families are good people looking out for one another's best interests and serving one's country going to war is a patriotic thing. However...
@Worldofourown2024 9 часов назад
Psychic warfare most certainly is a most booming business, but not beneficial for the majority.
@victorwanya3922 9 часов назад