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@sarahscott2496 13 дней назад
You don’t sand your silver lol you barely need to wipe them on a paper towel
@pugle1 7 месяцев назад
It would have been lovely to take it further, but sadly, with this government, it'll never happen. They've forced our aerospace industry to die and have let our military fall into shambles. Canada used to be a force to be reckoned with, now we're a joke in NATO's eyes.
@calvinhobbes7504 Год назад
The Avro Arrow (CF-105) was one beautiful aircraft!! Canada def got it right! I'm not 100% sure, but I *think* it could have out-climbed and out-accelerated the USAF F-106 (the standard of the day) But I *am* sure it could carry more missiles. I can halfass understand why Canada canceled the program, but I cannot understand why they destroyed everything including the tooling for this beauty.
@abdullahinur2303 Год назад
Why canada did not remake this amazing jet ?
@winternow2242 Год назад
Because it neither needed to do so or could afford to do so.
@abdullahinur2303 Год назад
@@winternow2242 No doubt canada needs jets and has advanced know-how to make. Then why ? A foriegn pressure or what ?
@winternow2242 Год назад
@@abdullahinur2303 they can't afford to make jets that only its own military will buy, and it can't successfully export its own designed aircraft because Canada can't develop aircraft both cheaper and more capable than those already available to potential buyers.
@watcher1323 2 года назад
You raskal!!! 😒
@jcedrez 2 года назад
Is that... The Airwolf theme?
@danmcbride6258 2 года назад
I wish Diefenbaker stood up to the Americans and backed up Avro up financially.
@winternow2242 Год назад
What did America have to do with Arrow being cancelled? There's a widely spread narrative on these videos that the USA bullied or pressured Canada to cancel Arrow, but I've yet to see either evidence or a specific factual allegation of what America actually did. In contrast there are facts showing staunch American support, including loaning engines to power Arrow, and a B-47 to test the Orenda engine, as well as wind tunnel testing and telemetry equipment. Much of the narrative relies on American fears of Arrow, even though the US had aircraft that matched Arrow, and were about to field the F-4, which clearly outclassed it. Arrow was an interceptor that nobody else really wanted. The UK had Lightning, and rejected Arrow because it wasn't going to be ready in 1961. France had Mirage III, Sweden had Draken, and other countries could save money by buying American, British or French (or Swedish). This was an airplane that nobody wanted, and that Canada couldn't afford herself.
@danmcbride6258 2 года назад
I love it!
@AB..__.. 2 года назад
Stop talking about this silly plane. Canadian's go on, and on, and on, and on............about "The Arrow". Who cares, it was a failed project, the world does not care. It's like Al Bundy and his High School football career. He had his day of glory, never did anything else of note and relives the glory day for the rest of his life.
@wartmcbeighn 2 года назад
" There are 2 new arrow designs on the books now, the mk3&4 by Bordeau Industries and Super Arrow by Beaverworks:..........both as fictional as they can be
@yudhosupriyanto6815 2 года назад
Jet aircraft supersonik Arrow jaddam galaksi cenada hooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
@yakidin63 2 года назад
Fuel tanks and pods and weapons external. So its a 4th gen design that will stick out on radar and wont be fast. You know....."DRAG". Hows it going. Still in the category classed as"never going to HAPPEN" I'd be tipping. 🤣😂😆
@bradcampbell7253 2 года назад
Should have just bought Tomcat from the USA. Stop trying to cheap out. You can have strong military, or welfare state. You can't have both.
@winternow2242 2 года назад
tomcat didn't fly until 1970. Arrow flew over a decade before that.
@bradcampbell7253 2 года назад
@@winternow2242 yes well the f4 would have served well
@andrelabbe5315 3 года назад
Amazing fighter for 1959 avanced and better USA plane in service .
@winternow2242 2 года назад
how was it better than the F-4?
@stanotter367 3 года назад
We can build it but more advance.
@turbo-bike7999 3 года назад
Oh hell no!!!!!!! Not using AirWolf theme music you not!!!!! That song is reserved for the only Mach 2 plus helicopter ever to grace the silver screen!!!!
@conservativemike3768 3 года назад
Weak politicians serve only themselves.
@ChadLuciano 3 года назад
Love the Airwolfe music...
@mohawksniper79 3 года назад
Only problem is all Canada's top builders left Canada when they cancelled the last one and I don't blame them I blame Trudeau family. Instead they bought Australia's scrap metal that are jest as old or older well they are flying f35s and super hornets. Canada had one of the most top air forces untill Trudeau got ahold of it. When I was in highschool I use to laugh because you could tell usa from Canada planes coming into Trenton airbase because Canada's had propellers and the USA had Jets but it's not funny anymore now that Russia and China has there shit together.
@alancadieux2984 3 года назад
We've only blown 1 trillion dollars on the fake plandemic, and gave it away as completely it could ever be gone, so whats a little more to build something real. Yep, build one to fly in airshow, its only money....
@professionaldriver1119 3 года назад
Take a Canada wide vote. The Canadian people would love to see OUR MONEY stay in Canada. Why make another country more rich. We make it and never sell any to another country.
@ivorholtskog5506 3 года назад
At the end of the movie, wrong salute.
@chazzaunited9100 3 года назад
America tricked them or should I say threatened them America is all about America they don’t like competition see all they do is use sanctions to cripple others guess Canada was afraid of that, to make things worst that competition was right at its border America alone must be relevant in the American eyes
@rongoodman8874 3 года назад
Let's hope that if Canada is serious in developing any high tech aircraft at that this time, they have an enthusiastic government behind them, the project is professionally managed with the best people in all disciplines and that security will be tight so that engineers and designers won't be outnumbered by spies. In other words not like the old Arrow project.
@davidpaulson2451 4 года назад
The Americans didn't want this aircraft around. Plus the scientists were needed for NASA and the moon. Thanks Dief.
@cerebral3591 4 года назад
Sad. Canada went from this to legalizing beastiality. Shame.
@malusignatius 4 года назад
Like the TSR. 2, the Arrow should have been but never was.
@sundelight8230 4 года назад
This would be the shit out of F-35
@laurencethornblade1195 4 года назад
So can my imaginary jet fighter.
@sundelight8230 4 года назад
The AirWolf theme just fits so well
@sundelight8230 4 года назад
Wonderful love from UK ❤️❤️❤️😍😍
@ByteMeCompletely 4 года назад
Ah, the mythical Canadian AVRO. Hasn't been seen in decades. Canucks, you do know your Prime Minister is a 12 year old girl that forms her hands into a heart, right?
@CMSwithay 4 года назад
Why would Canada need a cutting edge fighter? A massive waste of money that can help people's lives though health and social care
4 года назад
202 was flown directly to groom lake
@ftkinsella 4 года назад
Not only would we have had an amazing airforce but we would have made it to the moon faster too. Fucking government.
@HardyBunster 4 года назад
Avro is a British company isn’t it? The Canadian division is A,V roe. Avro for short.
@seanallard9335 4 года назад
Please... don't give me hope. It hurts too much...
@williammcbride5919 4 года назад
Canadians are known as the nicest people on the planet. very glad we're neighbors. I never met one I didn't like. But think about this. That flew on an American power plant.how many billions of dollars do you want to waste just to get your engine technology up nobody's giving that away.... There's no such thing as free technology just waiting for you to slap on your plane. Over 50 billion and r&d cost on F-22 think about that. I hope you folks stay just like you or your great neighbors thank you.
@Booyaka9000 4 года назад
LOL! I know the Arrow is sacred to many Canadians, but this video is like watching a proposal to modernise the penny-farthing. You're looking to a solve at mid-21st century problem with a 1950s solution that simply can't compete. There's a reason why there are no advanced, stealthy F-4 Phantom proposals anywhere in the world right now-- that design is just as anachronistic! Also, the part about the Python 5s is hilarious. Any ordinance crew loading a weapons bay with THAT many heaters, instead of something far, FAR more capable, like AMRAAMs/Meteors or something else in that mid-range class, would be shit-canned on the spot for their obsolete thinking. There **WAS** a time and place for the CF-105, sadly it was between 1960 and 2000 (-2010 at a stretch). Figure it out.
@maninthewilderness5795 4 года назад
You Canadians have so much hatred against Americans it is beyond ridiculous. You hypocritically boast of yourselves as being so tolerant and accepting. LOL....what a joke. You hypocrites need to live up to your advertising. Most experts have already proven that the Arrow was too expensive, too complicated, too impractical, and too OVERRATED to be put into production. The British Electric Lighting, the Danish Sabb Drakken, and the French Dassault Mirage had higher and more efficient Service Ceiling performance than the mythical Arrow. Ouch! Reality hurts doesn't it you Cannuks? I suppose it is better to crawl into your little world of myth and play the victims against the big bad Yanks.
@barriewright2857 4 года назад
Same here in the UK TSR 2 same story cancelled !?, and it to was revolutionary, and now like the canadions we have to collaborate or buy something off the shelf that doesn't quite match right or make do with its faults .
@Booyaka9000 4 года назад
The TSR was a dumpster fire in waiting. The F-111 was superior in every single performance criteria.
@dc_talk22 4 года назад
Nice music! ...so how many amps are you outputting?
@dennissmith6783 4 года назад
you need to let go of the old arrow. Nobody cry’s about the avrocar
@johnsaia9739 4 года назад
Sorry, but the reality is Canada failed to establish an international market for the Arrow and political decisions aside, this program for this aircraft was too expensive to fund. Great plane, but just not viable on the business front.
@shadowmage135 4 года назад
We are constantly told that all of the designs and records of the Avro Arrow Had been destroyed . So Where dose all the footage of the Arrow come from ? And Why do we still not build The Latest version of it ? Come On Canada Lets' Do this !
@zakstev 4 года назад
As portrayed here, the chief test pilot Jaruselski really did take the Arrow "straight up" until the aircraft experienced a flameout and spin. However, unlike the movie Top Gun, he was able to restart the engine. I know this for a fact because he personally told me so.
@scottmears7490 4 года назад
it was 102, my dad took it ? William Harrold Mears. An RAF pilot, worked at A.V. Roe. 1958- ? Mysterious death and dates he recorded in his photo album ?
@cesarvidelac 4 года назад
I'm Chilean, I'm in love with this plane, it would be perfect for my country, 4329 km. to protect.
@butterygoodness8242 4 года назад
solnegrolunaroja Nah The Avro Arrow is staying in Canada, the reason it never flew is because the US Gov said that we need to buy they’re planes plus Ur Armed Forces kinda sucks ngl
@svenkikals-hallstrom6200 4 года назад
The Avro Arrow was shut do due to American Gov. pressure.
@ABCantonese 4 года назад
The only thing you can't do with this bird is stealth. Damn piece of Lightning can't even turn!
@laurencethornblade1195 4 года назад
Bull shit it cant. How many hours do you have in an F-35 to make that statement ? Idiot
@ABCantonese 4 года назад
@@laurencethornblade1195 And how many do you have?
@MyBenjamin66 4 года назад
Canada, the land of Louis Cyr and George Chuvalo. By gollies you couldn't knock those guys down. I have a feeling the Avro Arrow needs be on that list. They should've built it, it would have changed the world