Joe Lalumia
Joe Lalumia
Joe Lalumia
TelescopeMan--A weekly podcast about Astronomy and Amateur Radio with practical suggestions for improving your hobby enjoyment. TelescopeMan posts on RU-vid and also at these web sites.

www.telescopeman.org TelescopeMan's blog site
www.telescopeman.us TelescopeMan's on-line audio and video podcasts
www.telescopeman.info TelescopeMan's audio only posting site

www.qrz.com/db/W1XWX TelescopeMan's Amateur Radio Log

www.vimeo.com/channels/tas more videos by TelescopeMan
New ETX and Mini Tower Mount
4 года назад
A Hexbeam Antenna
4 года назад
Coax Attenuation
4 года назад
First look at new ham shack
5 лет назад
TelescopeMan is BACK!
5 лет назад
TelescopeMan is MOVING!
6 лет назад
Voice over IP and amateur radio
6 лет назад
FT8 and GridTracker
6 лет назад
The radio bands are DEAD! Maybe not.
6 лет назад
Astronomy books and star charts
6 лет назад
Amateur radio-- FREE software
6 лет назад
@larryjanson4011 29 дней назад
first. everybody should be a “prepper”. not end of the world thing. but just i case of a job lose, earth quake, tornado, hurricane, etc. never hurts to have a couple months food supplys put away the right way. but then there are those of us were work just gets in the way of life. retired now. but i have so much to do. learning other things. i am in a group were i am learning field medicine. Not emt style, but to help the victim survive till proper care can be reached. alone with search and rescue. some are hams, but grms is the radio spectrum of choice here. thanks to how many hams hate people that do not talk only about ham radios. and it is not allowed to just talk. some of the fcc rules just flat out suck. and must be opened up to allow others to just talk on some of the bands. but i do hope i can “ up grade” this year or next. having trouble getting my head wrapped around some things.
@lisocampos8080 Месяц назад
In a shtf situation, getting out of town should be the first priority. A base station will be useless. It's to big to carry. An ht with a small solar panel will be a lifesaver. More people have ht's than base stations with huge antennas.
@larryjanson4011 29 дней назад
sad buy yaesu decided to stop making a number of very good radios that must make a comeback. easy carrying. multi band, low juice usage, then comes the HT’s a hand full, extra battery's, ( long term usage thing), quad bands. WATER proof to 30 feet, then all this MUST be affordable. to high a price no body will buy them. yes you get what you pay for. but look at how many uv5r’s get sold each year.
@metalman37020 Месяц назад
Dude......I'm in the mid Tenn. area. If an EMP or serious civil unrest happens, i aint interested in whats going down in detroit, seattle, or singapore. A 10 mile radius will do me good from my current location. Dont need a repeater if i plug in my "toy, juvenile, POS" handheld into my basestation antenna or plug it into my mobile antenna (with a ground plane under it) and run it up a pole 30' or 40' up. Or just bolt it on top of my roof somewhere. I'll get out just fine....for what i need to do.
@CharlesHarpolek4vud 2 месяца назад
Press all
@janwouterdeheer7185 2 месяца назад
Joe, thanks for your good treatment of the critical parts of the mount ! I like your style - with humor !! - clear skies !!
@cwd243 3 месяца назад
This aged like milk. Geriatric gatekeeping by guys like this are the reason for the decline of the hobby. Tech tickets are only for repeaters and LOS? What about 28.30-28.50? The ubiquitous baofeng uv-5r "toy" HT got me into ham, and a majority of new hams. A radio now costs less than a happy meal at McDonald's. I can reach out 80 miles, simplex with an 8 watt HT, some lmr 400 and a coat hanger dipole 40 feet in the air. If there is a EMP, zombies, or any other emergency, fcc law says you don't even need a technician ticket to transmit. God I hate these old men spreading misinformation....
@tonyp4092 3 месяца назад
No new post in 3 years. Vaya con Dios. Btw I love my "handie-talkie".
@SteveH-TN 4 месяца назад
Joe a few years ago I also noticed an influx of narrow minded Preppers. I took time to ask them why they were becoming a Ham, I learned a great deal about the prepper motivation and mindset. I believe our tube operated radios and teletype machines will be useful 😎🔉👀 73s Steve AA4SH
@cwd243 3 месяца назад
Lol. Bud, you need to learn a little more about tubes. If there's another Carrington event, there will be 1000s of volts riding your end feds, fan dipoles and low loss coax right back into your finals. Tubes or transistors, your radio is toast. Meanwhile a baofeng in a metal filing cabinet would probably survive.....
@larryjanson4011 29 дней назад
i have a uv5r in the factory box. wrapped in styrofoam in a ash bucket. that is sealed up. that again is insulated from the knack box. hiding in a building. with many other emg items. some say it should be in the ground.
@MrFreddarama 4 месяца назад
This is why i so rarely use ham radio. I'm extra class and commercial operator with 40+ yrs with GROL and many other certs. Guys like this clown are why i rarely interact with most hams.
@larryjanson4011 29 дней назад
why i dropped out of a ham club. too many stuck up’s thinking maybe one were i live now, but first i need to know more about said club.
@TracyTsVideos 4 месяца назад
True, grid down, repeaters and internet will likely be out. But small radios can relay messages and information from one to another. Someone will have communication with someone having a stronger base unit. Something is better than nothing. I am in the entry level and learning curve right now.
@SX939 4 месяца назад
So sad to have lost this fellow operator in September of 2020, we talked many times. 73 KV4WM - Dennis
@Shadow750Jax 3 месяца назад
Yeah. I just looked him up on QRZ and see he's now silent key.
@stevenmcc6052 5 месяцев назад
What software is that on ur screen?
@cm467 5 месяцев назад
My HF and VHF radio equipment is boxed and stored in my basement since I last used them last back in 1993. Stored in boxes, will they still be protected from an EMP? I'm a GENERAL with CW since 1988.
@willhall640 5 месяцев назад
They need to be in a Faraday cage to be fully protected from an EMP. There are tons of videos and information on making them as well as tons of off the shelf versions out there. Homemade cages are easily tested by putting your cell phone inside and calling it from another cell. If the signal gets in then there is an issue. It's not the perfect test but it's a pretty good indication without spending a lot of money.
@egg0408 5 месяцев назад
this was great. You should re-do with a better resolution camera as we can't really see some of the video clearly. But a great video nonetheless.
@3dfxvoodoocards6 6 месяцев назад
The 2 inch eyepieces are so expensive it’s ridiculous.
@ChadAF_YT 6 месяцев назад
I’m going to be honest, in a shtf situation, if me and my buddy’s have ham radios we will be “illegally” transmitting. (The government and most of the worlds population will not mind, only ham radio operators sitting at home will care and be writing notes to send to the FCC if it comes to exist again, no emergency or military will care if you’re trying to help and survive)
@hank0074 6 месяцев назад
Like the guy before me said..... it won't matter when the GRID goes down. As long as we know how to do it(Tech License), we will be transmitting on HF!!! You just sit back and take your notes on who's violating the rules. Turn us in when the lights come back on.....LOL
@cm467 5 месяцев назад
@hank0074 In an emergency situation, you can still transmit using your technician license
@hackyman7815 7 месяцев назад
I'm just fine with my tec license and my IC-7000 . It would be nice to up grade but if don't, I have what I need. Still informing video
@truecrimereaction 8 месяцев назад
The links are at the bottom of the comments section just scroll to the bottom, Jo hadn’t pinned his comment links to the top of the comments. RIP.
@docokd7oco443 9 месяцев назад
Audio sucks
@user-mp1yw1ek1w 9 месяцев назад
I search all over cannot find the shortwave listening software can someone type type the name it on here.
@sdriza 9 месяцев назад
@RaceBanner_ 10 месяцев назад
What a clown. If the end times come, you think I’m worried grandpa here yelling at me about my radio license?
@ChadAF_YT 6 месяцев назад
On god! I swear the old dudes with licenses will be preventing men in serious situations from communicating because they’re not calling out call signs
@Baruch-Hashem 4 месяца назад
He is deceased. It will be the wild west in the end of times, unpredictable, but nobody will be yelling down the unlicensed people whom will most likely be burning up their amplifiers or tossing their radios to the side as it takes some learning just to use these
@xanatax1844 10 месяцев назад
if the only radio you own is a HT, probably better off just getting a really well built GMRS. and some FRS for the kids. want more range, get a CB. 💜👍 Amateur is great for mad-scientist, build it yourself stuff. 😂👍
@xanatax1844 10 месяцев назад
my car is old enough, engine could still run with a dead computer. computer monitors the engine, but I don’t think it actually controls much. noteworthy, my car is never 100% “off” just because the key is out. still has a security system. and any car with keyfob remote-unlock has those listening. Car should run with those dead tho, right? 😅
@IggySky 10 месяцев назад
Let's say a car built int he 60's What possibly can an EMP burn out? The condenser? The alternator? The spark plugs, Not much electronics to an older car..
@xanatax1844 10 месяцев назад
😅 You’ll probably lose the AM/FM radio. Engine should work, hopefully. 👍 How much of the car would work if, hypothetically, every single fuse was blown, but no other damage? Which fuses would need to be replaced to get it minimally functional? 🤔 If you can figure that out for your vehicle … may want a backup-set of those fuses, for the “in case of EMP” kit in the vehicle.
@IggySky 10 месяцев назад
Thank you..@@xanatax1844
@clyde1406 10 месяцев назад
If SHTF, as preppers say; then whether you have a liscence or not will be irrelevant at that point. Get the tech class and enjoy , learn and work your way up!
@salahsana3481 10 месяцев назад
Good job
@salahsana3481 10 месяцев назад
Good job
@JD144- 11 месяцев назад
Yeah, I get it now.
@hightech80 11 месяцев назад
Hey Listen you do not need to upgrade and you can do a lot with a tech license 10M and 6M and most bands can work long range if you have a amp and a good telescopic antenna about 40F mas pole and you also can use dipole wire that can go up into a high tree and if you use right amount of power you can talk 100 to 200 miles and there is a lot of digital modes that can work on 2m that can go a long range
@williebethay4342 11 месяцев назад
Can someone list the top 5 software links
@Trump985 11 месяцев назад
Spending $30 on a Baofang or similar HT is hardly wasted money. If you have an hour of fun learning (and trust me you will have a lot more fun then an hour) you got your money’s worth. Sure getting a mobile rig is the next step but I’m not ashamed to say I not only started out with a UV5R and even after getting a FTM 400 and a couple other HTs I still use that Baofang all the time. Granted it doesn’t have great range but with a different antenna I can hit a repeater 10 miles away in a urban area with it and it is a great scanner as well. I honestly think I never would have gotten my license if I didn’t see these things for 30 bucks.
@sweetbushstudiochannel4606 11 месяцев назад
@terrycan7507 Год назад
was wondering why there was no new vids in the last 3 years.. So sorry to hear on his passing...
@Timlin937 Год назад
The irony! "Knock, Knock...oops, I mean, CQ CQ"
@paulplack490 Год назад
The prepper community faces a much bigger challenge than toy-class radios. Their biggest issue is going to be the focus on secretive communications within their clans; there just aren't enough frequencies to let that work. The ham radio tradition of working with others through nets to help the community will be much more useful and efficient than "no random contacts."
@scubacamper62 Год назад
The cheap radios are bringing younger people into the hobby- people like you give ham radio such a bad name! Everything for all people
@LavaKimo Год назад
You re missing the point. Even an expensive HT is going to be limited if repeaters are down. He is making a point that HF is really needed in a grid down situation.
@mikemcdonald5147 6 месяцев назад
most preppers will only need tech 2meter. They use it on their bug out property or local comms for their group. They arent using it for repeaters. They aren't using it to make dx contacts lol. @@LavaKimo
@auletjohnast03638 Год назад
@CrucesNomad1 Год назад
You may be surprised grandma would be called a prepper by todays standards. Also most people want to be legal but with experts like this I wouldnt wat to go further either.
@RKingis Год назад
Technician tickets have access HF on 10m, 15m, 40m, and 80m. Unfortunately, it's rather costly to get into HF, and if you're in an apartment, it's not happening. Bought a nice used Yaesu, that sat on my desk for about a year, before I sold it. But you're right, just cause you went to college, don't mean you know how to the job.
@7125Mhz Год назад
Joe passed away at the age of 73. 73 Joe! de AE1JB.
@gerryroberts662 Год назад
I like this. Really neat..
@eddavis2142 Год назад
Good insight and food for thought!
@The411 Год назад
You'll find a lot of preppers are only requiring 10 - 15km of coverage to keep contact with their raiding party in SHTF. Raspberry Pi's are added to the mix to encrypt/decrypt the messages or the frequency changed after each QSL. Roll up ladder line jpole's are used and work very well.
@joeshmoe7899 Год назад
After collimating, did you try removing/reinserting and rotating the laser, to double check?
@ufosaboveus Год назад
appreciate the time you put into doing this but it seems like you are ignoring the option for a technician to use a mobile radio using 50 watts on 2 meter band with a good antenna. They can go much further than a few miles. So while a general license does open up more range... a tech can reasonably achieve up to 50 mile coms with the right equipment. Just comes down to what they need. Many preppers are not concerned with talking to other states, just talking to family and friends in the same general area of say 25-50 miles.
@tuloko16 Год назад
RIP Sir!! you will be missed!
@roberttosa2560 Год назад
In any emergency the license required to transmit is dropped. In grid down anyone can transmit on any frequency. In the meantime a tech license can cover a lot of uhf/vhf needs.
@markgutierrez9295 11 месяцев назад
This is not entirely true. You need to look up the FCC definition of emergency.
@roberttosa2560 11 месяцев назад
@@markgutierrez9295 ... well, yeah. In this day and age who knows what people think is an emergency. Folks calling 911 because their Mickey fries are cold? And other such similar silliness? You bring up a great point but I would hope that anyone who is bright enough to pass a ham test would know what qualifies as an emergency. But ... ya never know. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🙄
@TheHumanSpirit Год назад
I appreciate the reality check, Joe. I'll get my technicians first. And then my general. Thank you.
@The411 Год назад
Joe has passed on.
@justinruth9729 Год назад
You a ass man you are the reason that so many cringe at the word ham.... Come on man give others hope ..you out there burn cornbread....
@daynejordan6783 Год назад
What an arrogant ass. You sir are the reason the hobby died many years ago. Not everyone has the cash flow to buy premium equipment.