Templeton World Charity Foundation
Templeton World Charity Foundation
Templeton World Charity Foundation
Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) was established by Sir John Templeton to carry out his philanthropic aims on a truly global basis. Our mission is to find the world’s best minds and promote open-minded, forward-looking inquiry in a wide range of fields. We work with top academic institutions and leading experts from around the globe to support projects of the highest caliber and communicate the results of these projects.

The foundation's Stories of Impact video project features personal stories and critical perspectives that bring to life breakthroughs about the universe’s big questions. The inspiring narratives and observations in these videos portray the individual and societal impacts of the projects, illuminating Sir John Templeton’s profound hope that “spiritual progress is possible.”

Learn more at www.templetonworldcharity.org/
War Child with Dr. Mark Jordans
21 день назад
Discover Forgiveness: Release Resentment
2 месяца назад
Changing the World with Dr. Jane Goodall
3 месяца назад
Humor in Apes
5 месяцев назад
AI & Ethics
6 месяцев назад
Youth and Truth in Northern Ireland
7 месяцев назад
@TomAnderson19 3 дня назад
This talk had some very powerful insights. I'd like to see a longer session and delve into this deeper.
@Jared_Albert 10 дней назад
Boo hoo. Things changes. There used to be mastodons in my front yard . no one should cry about that. AMOC will take care of 2 billion people.
@johnnypalughi1192 12 дней назад
Bravo! Bravo!
@markweigel3301 20 дней назад
😎🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🧜🏼‍♂️🐬❤What Are The Dolphins Saying ??? Dive With Captain Scotty & The Dream Team Aboard The Dolphin Dream
@JOAT_AMOS Месяц назад
I just left NOLA hours ago to go pay my respects to all lives lost in this horrible tragedy, & spoke to survivors, This documtary I plan on sharing with everyone I know who has ties to NOLA, Thank You for making this. God Bless, LOVE ALWAYS, ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@Stratman389 Месяц назад
@LaurenceDay-d2p Месяц назад
Let's hope they develop a disease - resistant hybrid. Grafting is said to be effective.
@StephenSergay 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this next excellent iteration of reconciliation and hope. I wish this would not keep recurring, and that this effort will promote this with some success.
@Thereispeaceinourhearts20PC24 Месяц назад
This is the rode of peace is difficult in the beginning, but it's so happy in the end. So happy for the civilians, they loved the peace because they lived in strong time. Right this is truth and we are accepting.
@rtroyer8963 2 месяца назад
When you change the genetics it will affect many aspects of the tree, and everything it comes in contact with. What about long term effects?
@liaml1896 2 месяца назад
Why why do most humans insist on thinking that they, as humans, are the only other creatures anywhere that could possibly understand compassion or possess "intelligence". It's just so silly. Yes, we have thumbs but it's done a lot of harm just as it's done good. I mean Look at our planet, look at what we humans are doing to the place where we live. It makes me so very sad. I'm sorry, I just become very upset when people have to justify other life forms having sentience. It's ingrained in our culture for some reason that other living things don't matter. You are on the fringe if you feel bad when you kill an Ant, or pull up a "weed" to make your garden. We are so very lost as a species, I wish that something could make people understand that everything around us is alive, maybe the same way we are. And maybe even more than we are ...
@j.b.4340 2 месяца назад
3:55 the one year/MMR vaccination is not safe. I witnessed my oldest child, who was speaking, and doing amazing achievements, turn off like a switch, after that battery of “vaccinations”. He didn’t speak again, until age 3. I witnessed this, and swore it was autistim. Fast forward sixteen years, and he doesn’t have autism…but I do. I’m not sure what I witnessed, but it wasn’t healthy.
@kirylkrasouski 3 месяца назад
So you excluded people with profound cases of autism and now you say that there is no problem with communication with people with autism?
@elissgd Месяц назад
@mattabel9066 3 месяца назад
I have land for some chestnut. Where do I start? Where can I get some to plant?
@celticdistortion 4 месяца назад
Funny that we want to discover what intelligence is...but then in the same sentence we make a most unintelligent statement, that being intelligence somehow evolved! It's interesting how the created often suddenly thinks it's more intelligent than the creator even to the point of dismissing inexcusable intelligence. What kind of mind programs a bees brain? Or keeps the universe In perfect harmony. To illustrate, man is going to great lengths to program AI ..and yes, AI is now showing extreme intelligence, even to the point of having a consciousness! However, no matter how intelligent that robot may be, or how it may even express it's more intelligent than humans! The fact will always stand...it was created and programmed by man no matter how much it trys to deny that fact. In the same way ...humans in ignorance feel that they are so Intelligent that they can actually claim they are not Gods creation...and that we appeared from fairy dust! To claim such is showing not intelligence, but rather quite the opposite! It goes against all logic and reason...kind of like someone denying gravity exists...they can fight the science.. write books, blogs etc to argue the fact...but at the end of the day...if they jumped off a cliff to put their theory to the test, they would soon realize they made a massive mistake!
@meisieradebe 5 месяцев назад
Really great work your doing for these young ones ❤❤❤ Keep going!!
@AndrewCreatez 5 месяцев назад
"Their last message was misinterpreted as an amusing attempt to punch footballs while whistling the star-spangled banner. In reality, it was this: So long, and thanks for all the fish."
@GeorgeSchumpf 5 месяцев назад
Yup. The bee brain that has existed for all of human history is far more advanced than our best intelligently designed systems. And you expect me to think it just fell out of chaos. Sorry. I don't have that much blind faith. I won't check Mt brain in at the door and believe such religious dogma. The bee and its Braun were obviously designed. That is the only conclusion that requires no blind, religious faith, the only one that does not deny science and logic.
@guillermobrand8458 5 месяцев назад
Evolution, Information and The pattern of Evolution (Golden Ratio) (this text makes it clear that Life has been present since the beginning of the universe) One of the characteristics of living beings is their ability to store and manage information. Considering such a characteristic, it is possible to distinguish the following seven evolutionary milestones from the origin of the Universe: -Emergence of ”Seeds of Life”(1) (thirteen thousand eight hundred million years ago). -Emergence of LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) three thousand eight hundred million years ago -Emergence of the brain (five hundred and fifty million years ago). -Emergence of what was the precursor of human language (2) (twenty-seven million years ago) -Emergence of the language that characterizes us(3) (around two hundred and twenty thousand years ago). -Emergence of “the information age” with the transistor (1950) -Evolutionary Singularity(4) proposed by Ray Kurzweil, who postulates that humanity will access a Singularity as a result of the exponential growth of information management (year 2045). Evolutionary sections Among successive evolutionary milestones we can distinguish the following six “Evolutionary Tranches”, with the duration indicated (in years): Tranche 1: 10,000,000,000 (13,800,000,000 - 3,800,000,000 = 10,000,000,000) Tranche 2: 3,250,000,000 (3,800,000,000 - 550,000,000 = 3,250,999,000) Tranche 3: 523,000,000 (550,000,000 - 27,000,000 = 523,000,000) Tranche 4: 26,780,000 (27,000,000 - 220,000 = 26,780,000) Tranche 5: 219,905 (220,000 - 95(5) = 219,909) Tranche 6: 95 (95 - 0 = 95) The ratio between consecutive evolutionary sections gives rise to what we will call “relative evolutionary speed between sections” (RES), resulting in the following five relative evolutionary speeds. RES 1 = 3.076923 ((10,000,000,000 / 3,250,000,000) = 3.076923 ) RES 2 = 6.214149 ((3,250,000,000 / 523,000,000) = 6.214149 ) RES 3 = 19.529499 ((523,000,000 / 26,780,000) = 19.529499 ) RES 4 = 121.779859 ((26,780,000 / 219,905) = 121.779859 ) RES 5 = 2,314.789474 ((219,905 / 95) = 2,314.789474 ) The logarithms of the relative velocities are as follows Log(RES1) = 0.488117 Log(RES2) = 0.793382 Log(RES3) = 1.290691 Log(RES4) = 2.085575 Log(RES5) = 3.364511 The ratio (Ri) between successive logarithms is the following: R1 = 1.625394 R2 = 1.626822 R3 = 1.615859 R4 = 1.613229 The above values differ from the Golden Number (1.618034), a number also called the golden number, the number of God, the extreme and average ratio, the golden ratio, the golden mean, the golden ratio and the divine ratio, by 0.45%; 0.54%; 0.13% and 0.30%, respectively. In turn, the average of the sum of the ratios is 1.620326. This value differs from the golden ratio by 0.14%. The results obtained allow us to postulate that Evolution follows a pattern that is a function of Information and the golden ratio. (1)The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the putative common ancestral cell from which the three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, originated. The complexity that LUCA is assumed to have does not give rise to affirming that it arose by “spontaneous generation”, it being valid to postulate the pre-existence of “seeds of life” prior to the emergence of LUCA; It is postulated that the origin of the “seeds of life” dates back to the moment when Matter arose in the Universe, that is, around thirteen thousand eight hundred million years. (2)“We find that the anatomical potential to produce and perceive sounds differentiated by their formants began at the latest by the time of our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) about 27 Ma ago.” Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech (Science magazine) (3) The last change in the position of the hyoid bone in humans, which would have allowed access to the language that characterizes us, took place approximately two hundred and twenty thousand years ago, and its data is based on archaeological evidence and anthropological studies. There is no scientific source that records this change on an exact date. (4)Due to the exponential growth of information technologies, Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Technological Singularity will occur in the year 2045, at which time technological growth will be so rapid and so profound that it will be impossible to predict what its consequences will be. (5) It is the time between 1950 and 2045, the latter year in which Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Singularity will take place.
@PaulOuma-lv7iu 5 месяцев назад
I really love what you are doing
@PaulOuma-lv7iu 5 месяцев назад
How can I join this organization
@PaulOuma-lv7iu 5 месяцев назад
How can I join this organization
@1sirgrandmastermrkingrober216 5 месяцев назад
There must be & is some good reason why Dolphins do keep their language a strict secret from humans & other peoples, always. They are a military peoples, & they are very tired of problems with & regarding humans, for a long, long time now. They are also very happy now that most humans are waking up about things, seeing the big picture, & using the Universal approach to things of 10 Commandment Way always. Including waking up about sentience of all life forms, equality, sexual equality, & equal potential for all under God, always. It makes them happy, & it’s not to offend humans, it’s just some of the struggles humanity has dealt with for a long time now, we are working through it too, & succeeding in our training yayy! With our School Project - Decipher in progress, they are likely to share a little bit & to let us at least decipher one dolphin language, into English for a basic translator device, but will likely always have at least one or more secret languages too, for good Eternal Universal Defense reason(s), always, regardless of all always. 😇🐬❤️🌈📀📜🔒🔐
@Charlotte-xh4lt 5 месяцев назад
This is science. Be thankful for scientists for careing. Just saying.
@SRANNAHIENLE 5 месяцев назад
Strong Human Flourishing is needed in our world today!
@asimong 6 месяцев назад
I've been thinking along similar lines for a couple of years. The phrase I focus around is "Ontological Commoning" and you can read about it from here: wiki.simongrant.org/doku.php/t:ontological_commoning - would be great to explore the overlap, to do the ontological commoning between us, and maybe collaborate, adversarially or not 🙂
@АидаНевская-я2г 6 месяцев назад
🌅 🐬🐬🐬 💜💙🩵💚💛🧡❤️
@theclapaolini4322 6 месяцев назад
I think you are 😮right Go😢d did mot create one per🎉son we are social humnan beings and we all have a soul Hope. 😮Faith. Love.
@Vishnuvijayan-xw5gk 7 месяцев назад
Please dont eat dolphinss🥺
@RuiSilva-n2v 7 месяцев назад
Communicating with them instead of hunting them down and killing them. ❤ With earth dolphins as with the cosmos dolphins we may come to find. Nonhuman intelligence on erwth but more than that... Nonhuman capacity of suffering on earth... At our mercy...
@AlzakMist 7 месяцев назад
@akihito3441 7 месяцев назад
@Marksssz 7 месяцев назад
Shatdown po kay jervie palomania
@ellainejessicanery4423 7 месяцев назад
Shout out sayo Bacurin
@Justinewryyyy 7 месяцев назад
shout out kay justine v. bacurin
@tfalotico 7 месяцев назад
@ritahpeceki 7 месяцев назад
Amazing. Everyday I learn something new about animals.
@Ymch809 7 месяцев назад
I didn't want this video to end
@mathsexperts2054 7 месяцев назад
@ardicesaugar5475 7 месяцев назад
Are the nuts (fruit) of this new tree GMO? Are they safe to eat? Do they taste as good as the original trees?
@absialabsi5277 7 месяцев назад
@JamiilaJiimi-xq3pv 8 месяцев назад
Masha allllah adna aaadan nolow❤
@LadyYautjaSpacePirate 8 месяцев назад
Sometimes I hate our own species so much I want to find alien intelligence instead. But then I remember how beautiful Earth is too! ❤
@cherryblossom4.0 8 месяцев назад
How inspiring, keep up the good work!
@barbarapandza8482 8 месяцев назад
nice video, thank you!
@SurprisedAcorn-kf8zl 8 месяцев назад
Congratulations for the good job shamiri institute❤❤❤❤
@traviswadezinn 8 месяцев назад
Good research, thank you
@Zarathustran 9 месяцев назад
Narcissism is also becoming more prevalent. Echolalia is clearly perseveration of failure to flatter the primary attachment figure into dialogue. Refrigerator mother hypothesis was abandoned because mothers stopped bringing their kids in for treatment. Who cannot figure out that a mother who doesn’t want to know if she accidentally created her child’s distress puts him or her in unending distress? Cluster B mothers lack insight. Young adult autistic females are developmentally unprepared for motherhood but often babytrap to secure their futures out of fear. BPD is inevitable sequelae of untreated (alexithymic) postpartum psychosis in ASD. Autism is induced by neglect as a result of a Munchausen type impulse for the child to become “unborn”. Every kid needs to be the most important thing in his or her mother’s life for a time. Obviously, our unusual interests are the result of interactive underexposure to typical options. Even Alice Miller bought the acts of her clients’ parents and only realized they’d abused their kids as consciously as she had when her waiting room emptied out. She walked back the title of that book pronto when she realized they weren’t going to fall all over themselves thanking her for showing them what they were “accidentally” doing wrong. “By gifted she only meant the ability to intuit and placate the abusive parent.” LMFAO yeah right. 53 years old male. Figured out my autism last year. Also figured out I was diagnosed Asperger w/ IG at age 10. My whole adult life every time my mother came back around it was to enjoy my misery when someone had died or when I was sick or to pathologize some disappointment, but never as autism. My dad used it against me to steal a business from me based on my autistic special interest, which I didn’t go near again for another decade after that. Autism is severe narcissistic scapegoating. Of course that sort of disturbed parent wants to kill the projectively split-off persecuted self. Isaac was a smokescreen for the Abrahamic filicidal impulse on Sinai. He was never going to kill the favorite. LMFAO. The one he really wanted to kill didn’t even get mentioned in the story that nonetheless used him to portray his father as divinely favored for heroic obedience. Autistic naïveté is adaptive to surviving this kind of parent. One autistic scapegoat regulates a parent with undiagnosed psychotic illness for however many other kids they have. Quite clearly 80% of Alzheimer’s patients being female is natural selection prioritizing the relative mental health of the primary attachment figure during her childbearing years and geriatric dementias are end stage regressions in psychotic illness that correspond to 75% of autistic and schizophrenic patients being male. If there’s an early-onset dementia it’s schizophrenia but surely undiagnosed autistics experiencing catatonia (like Howard Hughes) are still being misdiagnosed as dementias. Please pull your heads out.
@ElisaAlice-d8b 6 месяцев назад
Unfortunately stupid is worse than evil, atleast you can reason with evil, irrational, inattention autistic people's behaviour is very similar to narcisism imo.
@jm00727 9 месяцев назад
Modern Technology....bwahahaha....no!!
@veganicolorsvc39 9 месяцев назад
They are full of Compassion. Like the wise old man, they are literal if you say something you must mean it.
@TomSarracino 9 месяцев назад
God bless you guys ❤🙏❤️
@betweenearthandsky4091 9 месяцев назад
We need to make a distinction between awareness and consciousness.