Our mission is to provide a platform for the human voices who speak out on behalf of horses.

Falsterbo warmup
6 лет назад
@celiaross9783 5 дней назад
And he won the World Cup even after this video was posted. I got so angry watching that poor horse w/its tongue dangling out the corners of its mouth. New judges and less Kittles and Dujardins!!
@ApexTrimMethod 6 дней назад
thank you for documenting
@jolindo6724 9 дней назад
The chase for money and ego is the root cause of this direction.
@ruthm1384 10 дней назад
Clueless people applauding to the sight of a miserable, pained circus animal being forced to perform for human entertainment. How deep have we fallen....
@nicolegreve5762 10 дней назад
Solche nicht pferdegerechte Tierquälerei gehört nicht ins Internet! Ekelhaft, sowas auch noch als "Lehrvideo" zu verbreiten! 🤮
@AuntieKathiesRescueTails 12 дней назад
Disgusting, despicable cruel narcissistic human. Leave these Loyal majestic animals alone!
@junebrilly5302 18 дней назад
A huge thankyou for your vital work. I know horses. Your pictures and videos expose the abuse and total iron-fisted dominance over a beautiful animal. I see pain- the horses pain
@catherineiselin 19 дней назад
Do they check the bridles BEFORE THE TESTS?
@thinkingriding 19 дней назад
Disgusting. I couldn’t watch past the first minute.
@thinkingriding 25 дней назад
Disgraceful. I had to stop halfway through because I couldn’t bear to watch it all. 😢😢😢
@jennyrolness645 25 дней назад
And people are laughing and having a good time while the horse is being whipped. Horrible people. The man with the branch wanted to whip the horse, he only waited for an opportunity. He has obviously done this many times before. There are too many like him who should never be allowed to come near a horse.
@christakrabbe3967 25 дней назад
Es ist nicht zu glauben die armen Pferde. Warum wird das erlaubt 😢😢😢😢
@birgit4314 26 дней назад
STOP HORSE ABUSE ⚠️. Poor horses 😢.
@user-gp4gs2lg7f19 29 дней назад
Soon these will be forcing them horses' jaw to them rear! Horrible
@zeitgeist5134 29 дней назад
HOW TO CRUSH "MODERN" DRESSAGE: Require that Olympic judges be trainers at the classical schools of dressage in Vienna, Saumur, Spain, and Portugal. That will force the World Cup and other prestigious competitions to accept the restoration of classical dressage themselves. No more medals for "Modern" dressage ANYWHERE because the Olympics will have restored the ideal.
@upholuphol5812 29 дней назад
So if your horse has a sarcoid, don't interfere but get the vet? You say don't wait but my vet said it was a sarcoid but leave it alone.
@dog2484 Месяц назад
All these criminal monsters
@suzanneterrey4499 Месяц назад
Rollkur at its finest! Gotta love those "choke holds" of hyperflexion that make breathing difficult! So this is dressage?????? I bet you can't find "lightness" here anywhere! Worse yet, the judges score them higher!!! This is the FEI and Olympic Dressage World!
@lizroberts1569 Месяц назад
Thumbs up for filming this. Sadly Kittel is still out there.
@lizroberts1569 Месяц назад
Thank goodness Kittel is being rewarded with mediocre points, but once an abuser in full view of everyone
@dixieost4354 Месяц назад
Horrendous! Cruelty by no talent, bullying riders.
@user-ed7fc2xg9v Месяц назад
Keep up the good work
@user-ed7fc2xg9v Месяц назад
@juliehorrocks8355 Месяц назад
Ive been bitless for 2 years and my horse loves it. I get a beautiful natural head carriage expecially in trot with hands forward and just a little leg (no spurs), but ironically bitless isnt permitted in dressage.
@PaleFirehorse Месяц назад
Question: Why are the nosebands checked AFTER the competition and not before going in? That would make much more sense to me.
@ENS-t3o Месяц назад
Is there a greater form of evil than that which is displayed in plain sight while being labeled as humane? I think not. But you at Epona are the change makers and the heroes daring to remain brave for the sake of only one - innocent horses world wide and the people who believe in defending their rights to live free from pain and fear. I pray for the day this blood ‘sport’ is abolished and these glorified animal abusers will have to find another hobby that doesn’t involve the exploitation and torture of sentient beings
@ENS-t3o Месяц назад
“Time flies when you’re having fun”. Said by a glorified animal abuser while her horse is suffering at her hand. Unbelievable
@ENS-t3o Месяц назад
Hell on earth for these innocent animals. To say it’s heartbreaking to watch is an understatement 💔
@VFNVFNVFN Месяц назад
You need a better video camera, I hope since 6 years have passed since this post, that you have upgraded to the best quality, therefore your footage cannot be disputed because it is clear and crisp in image quality! Thank you for sharing this footage and for the work you do for the horses and the industry. We need whistleblowers like you.
@carolynstewart8465 Месяц назад
And this shows expesive well cared for horse ghastly treatment. Think of what millions of work horses go through with no one advocating for their care or treatment😢
@micdaniel6787 Месяц назад
It’s 2024 and I’m watching the Paris Olympics. I’m a total novice when it comes to Dressage, but after learning what rolllkur is, it’s absolutely obvious to me that people are still using it. Shame on these so-called horse guardians. What hypocrites. In it for the money and win.
@eponatv Месяц назад
@@micdaniel6787 Good on you seeing through it.
@sparhawkable Месяц назад
Horrible people! Shame on all of them!
@susankuhlman6514 Месяц назад
I took a class in. college on perceptual psychology. The focus was on the limits on witness testimony and the role of bias in perception. Basically, perception is greatly affected by emotion. There were many criminal justice majors in the class and it was observed that a group standing around after an accident immediately begin to affect everyone’s memory of the event. People at the horse event form a bias audience. This terrible bias has created an abusive sport for the horse.
@joewhitcombe1365 Месяц назад
Can not watch this. Dressage should be banned
@lynnegornall8657 Месяц назад
If I'd been there I'd have got a bigger branch and beaten Mark Todd with it. I used to admire him many years ago - what a vile excuse for a human being you are Mark Todd 🤬
@Mm2forife Месяц назад
yes I hate horse abuse it’s mean and silly 😡😡😡
@treelore5100 Месяц назад
@luv2rackon Месяц назад
It breaks my heart to see these lovely, willing, talented horses so abused and tortured. Please keep working to expose this horrible crap!
@sandieadams9529 Месяц назад
Not funny
@Savedbygrace5984 Месяц назад
Such unbelievable cruelty. Disgusting.
@giggssn1100 Месяц назад
thankyou for exposing this. god those poor unfortunate horses to be born on this planet.😢
@johnh1252 Месяц назад
Not much improved in 5 years
@johnh1252 Месяц назад
Questioning the world.... or looking for food :)
@andreapeterhans1184 Месяц назад
Shame on you and everyone who took part in this video! Animals are not slaves!
@MsBonsai2010 Месяц назад
I hate to think if he bent ovr to talk mean to the horse. Sometimes i take for granted or forget that not all people tht can ride or are in th horse world actually LOVE th animal like i do; they're more abt th prestige it brings. Please Lord, i hope this horse is with a better owner/rider now ❤️🐴❤️
@cynthiacash-v9o Месяц назад
These poor horses are being placed in a pressure cooker. Think about it, they are being constantly spurred (the signal to GO), while at the very same time being reined in (signal to STOP) to the max....just look at the type of bit, a head position that it totally flexed, if not overflexed, with heavy saliva and foam from the mouth. Like driving a car with the accelerator down while at the same time applying the brakes!!! The horse is being given totally mixed signals, strongly, while being asked (commanded?) to perform at tip-top levels. The stress is enormous. Dressage is asking more and more of these horses, which is why we are seeing so many dressage disasters in the last year or so. The horses are simply saying "Too much, I've had enough". When are folks going to listen?
@luciemarinov129 Месяц назад
Tragic this abuse is so ignored, No one cares, thank you for bringing this to light, too bad no one cares! Poor horses!
@simonalorenzacaligaris476 Месяц назад
Vergognoso, questa non è equitazione è abuso se non tortura
@annerer8381 Месяц назад
Me two for horses💪
@paulroper3298 Месяц назад
He got confused He thought he was at home in his bedroom with his wife.
@walterbailey5935 Месяц назад
The women love it ,