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Hall Center
The Hall Center’s mission is to support research in the Humanities, to create knowledge, and to share that knowledge with diverse communities. We believe that the Humanities must play a critical role in building a humane future for our world.

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The Hall Center for the Humanities
3 года назад
An Evening with José Olivarez
3 года назад
An Evening with Marie Grace Brown
5 лет назад
An evening with Brian Donovan
6 лет назад
An evening with Or Rosenboim
6 лет назад
An Evening with Siddhartha Mukherjee
6 лет назад
A Conversation with Evan Osnos
7 лет назад
A Conversation With Amy Wilentz
7 лет назад
A conversation with James Oakes
7 лет назад
A Conversation With Katherine Boo
7 лет назад
A Conversation with Arsalan Iftikhar
7 лет назад
A conversation with James Oakes
7 лет назад
A Conversation With Rick Perlstein
7 лет назад
@chadgun4135 10 дней назад
Someone should take a close look at the driver of Ferdinands car imo
@nickhomyak6128 22 дня назад
Is our unhinged Monarch Trump and the criminal empire of ecological demise and climate change denial?? No WW1 No Russian Revolution of the type of 1917; who could blame Russia?! What does this say for Israel today??
@apollicino2824 22 дня назад
Thank you for posting this lecture :)
@clumsydad7158 Месяц назад
Wonderful on the diversity and richness of humanity which we need to embrace, instead of stifling and destructive racial, national, and class poisonings.
@abc_13579 Месяц назад
At 23:30, you said only the Germans wanted a major European conflict, but the French wanted it, too, as explained in Christopher Clark's book "The Sleepwalkers." One reason is that France, although allied with Russia in 1914, worried that Russia, with its vast resources and huge population, would soon no longer need it and abandon it. Additionally, France feared Germany, the powerful country that defeated it in 1870 and took some of its territory. From France's point of view, a war in 1914 between Russia and Germany would be a chance to weaken Germany and slow the rapid growth of Russia, France’s potential future rival. As for Russia, it may not have wanted a major war to ensue, but it certainly had a significant role in causing it. It didn't need to order a total mobilization, nor did it need to mobilize right on Germany's border. It can be argued that the complete Russian mobilization was the most provocative act by any of the warring parties, making Russia perhaps the most culpable for the war’s outbreak. And one final point: Given that Austria-Hungary was Germany's only ally and that Germany was surrounded by enemies, to expect Germany to restrain Austria-Hungary is a lot to ask for. Serbia had been making a lot of trouble for Austria-Hungary, especially since the annexation of Bosnia, and after the assassination of Franz Joseph, Austria-Hungary was fed up with Serbia and itching to retaliate. Germany was reluctant to restrain-and potentially lose-their only ally on the continent. Moreover, it's rare in history to find a big power restraining its small power ally since doing so makes the big power seem weak, afraid to start a war. Countries always seek to avoid looking weak since weakness undermines deterrence. That's the idea behind Reagan’s motto “Peace through strength."
@beammeup8458 2 месяца назад
This introduction is disgusting .... absurd promotion of some woman ...who wrote a book ....OMG IT KEEPS GOING ON ..... She cannot shut up ....I assume that Rory is not there ...7,5 minutes of blah ....
@aharonjoseph9228 3 месяца назад
Always a deeply insightful and intellectually rich conversation with Prof. Gordon!
@prophetic0311 3 месяца назад
No Brit can resist imitating Churchill.
@charlesferdinand422 3 месяца назад
Truth is that Wilhelm II, Tirpitz and Ludendorff coincided in their efforts to destroy an empire and create a world war; they didn't do it because they were evil but because they were incredibly fucking stupid and incompetent.
@user-qm7nw7vd5s 3 месяца назад
Nearly ten minutes of blather before you let the guy talk?!
@andrewc1236 4 месяца назад
ahhhh the English ... famous for bad teeth and even worse hair cuts
@sgitell 4 месяца назад
Intrigued by his comment about the U.S. Civil War. I can’t understand how the scholars and experts couldn’t look at Grant’s Overland Campaign and the Siege of Petersburg and see that that grim conflict of entrenchments and artillery was the future of war.
@carolinedakad3406 5 месяцев назад
@michaeldunne3379 8 месяцев назад
How could Shakespeare and Spencer be influenced by Lucretius if the first English translation was 1682?
@robertgerrity878 2 месяца назад
1602 by Florio.
@sicklygreyfoot 8 месяцев назад
Someone get this poor guy a towel.
@bilinguru 9 месяцев назад
It is a sad fact that throughout history the people with the necessary intelligence, character, experience, vision and eloquence required to lead are too often not heeded or followed. Rory Stewart is such a person. He argued against Brexit, yet England chose to leave Europe. He had a serious, moderate sensible vision for the country after Brexit, yet people chose Boris Johnson instead. Americans ignored Andrew Yang, whose vision of history will also be vindicated just as Stewart's vision of Afghanistan has been vindicated. Yang, despite his intelligence and wisdom beyond his years was ignored and marginalised by his own party in favor of Joe Biden and by the wider American population in favor of the disaster that is Donald Trump. It makes one despondent and fearful for the future. I can only hope that Americans dont plunge the nation and the world into an infinitely more dangerous and divided time by returning Trump to the White House. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be anyone possessing the requisite qualities in sight to challenge him, and even if there were, as I decried at the outset, that person would not likely be heeded or followed. I highly recommend The Rest is Politics, Stewart's podcast. It is very interesting to hear how Rory's views have evolved since this speech, but be warned that the vagaries of public life have taken their toll on him and while he still yearns to serve and lead, it should come as no surprise that he is a bit reluctant to put himself through the political ringer yet again knowing how fickle the electorate can be with candidates with his nuance. Which brings to mind another truism about political leaders: often the leaders most needed are often reluctant to stand for leadership, and this reluctance is precisely why they are so desperately needed.
@tonyfrench2574 10 месяцев назад
Sir Max blamed the US invasion of the Philippines in WW2 on MacArthur's ambition . Apparently he was unaware of MacArthur's argument that the US had to invade the Philippines because Jap. forces there were so large and important to Japan that the Japs would have to send their Navy which US would then sink, leaving thecway clear to invade Japan
@EyeLean5280 11 месяцев назад
Good Lord, Slater was right! The founding fathers WERE into aliens!!! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZYbCPNBQJ4U.html
@felixnauta 11 месяцев назад
Only 18 likes and the mine one in five years! definitely people don't have the pacience for learn some substantial things.
@FrederickJohnSebastian 11 месяцев назад
What a contrast with Christopher Clark: Hastings is humorless, pedantic, and biased. He even speaks in dramatc demagogic tones. This passes for learned discourse?
@JamisonJohnson-bn9mi 11 месяцев назад
Yeah im only 1% native American but im biracial white and black tho
@TaskForce-nr7sd Год назад
The Sleepwalkers book strongly suggests that although Russia's government played no role in the Archduke's assassination, the Russian military attache to Serbia had his own ideas. He gave Serb intelligence an assurance of Russian support, without asking his superiors. This is why Serb intelligence planned, supplied the assassins at Belgrade. You don't risk Austrian retaliation without some guarantee of Russian protection. WW-I is because of rogue, unauthorized actions by Russian attache and Serb intelligence, both done without the knowledge or approval of their civilian authorities.
@hm5142 Год назад
As a physicist, I see the world as described in religious tracts as trivial and meaningless. Seeing the world as it is reveals a great beauty and depth that is completely lost in the stories designed to frighten people into desired behavior.
@charlieterry6483 Год назад
glad this was audible @51.16 sec
@leslieedwards9911 Год назад
@--Dani Год назад
I couldn't agree more we cannot condemn our forefathers for their actions during that war through our so called more enlighten 21st century eyes, same for WW2 with stragic bombing and the atom bombs that were used to end the largest disaster in human history.
@lanceheaps581 Год назад
Yeah it is easy to criticize when your life is not on the line.
Not seeing the pictures he's talking about sucks 1111
@pelissey Год назад
Sarah reminds me of a female David Sedaris, at times with a heavy dose of history. She's so clever and smart.
@ramdularsingh1435 Год назад
We want the Nobel Prize for Literature for Salman Rushdie. What more do they want to fulfill the criteria to win the Prize....
@Gorboduc Год назад
Starts 9:45.
@gopher7691 Год назад
So what?
@McIntyreBible Год назад
29:20, Hastings gets a laugh from his audience.
@ramdularsingh1435 Год назад
Salman ( 75 ) is a living legend now ! A lot of love and affection from here INDIA to him ! Keep winning the world by dint of the Indian energy and enthusiasm you have born taken from here !
@Exposing_Mark_Niemczyk Год назад
@OldEarthWisdom Год назад
The volume is terrible.
@DrWhom Год назад
What a dumb nasty failure.
@stephendowling9050 Год назад
The brutality of this experimental nightmare tore a hole in my soul.
@princeLaharl2 Год назад
52:00 hibridez
@princeLaharl2 Год назад
23:19 diaspora 25:30 civic responsibility 39:45 activism 46:37 fear 52:25 art
@honeychurchgipsy6 Год назад
There seems to be an inconsistency in Locke's thinking regarding the limits of religious toleration. If Locke's argument is that no one can be compelled to believe in a particular religious doctrine because faith and belief are personal, and therefor cannot be compelled, how can a non believer be compelled to believe by the threat of punishment? They can't of course, so it doesn't matter if the punishment for atheism is death, belief is never going to be result of the fear of being put to death - that's not how belief works (as Locke understands). All you have left is the threat of death for being an atheist, as a means of compelling the atheist to abide by the rules of society. But the death penalty can (and was) implemented for many crimes, so the threat of death remains equal whether the state has the death penalty for atheism, or not. The atheist still doesn't fear eternal damnation (which is the only real means of compelling good behaviour that religions have) - nor do they believe in any gods. Which brings us to the real reason that atheists were put to death - to prevent the spread of the idea that there might not be any gods.
@paulmcclung9383 Год назад
Lecture starts at 10 minutes.
@MRBTVZ Год назад
@TheWolfgangfritz Год назад
I've looked at his book and thought over his motive to stay at 500 different hovels every night for months. What did it accomplish. Spending a week with a dozen poor families would have had the same result. It's not like he was engaged with literate knowledgeable Muslims where politics, Quranic Theology and Social challenges were discussed in their native languages. Rory only even had less than an adequate fluency of a Persian Dialect not adequate past the usual customary pleasantries! Poverty, illiteracy and Tribal Customs among the rif-raf of society doesn't equip one with the solutions of Afghani Anthropology. He writes, it was assumed that he was a Muslim! Well, one would think it becomes pretty clear if you are a Muslim just by the customary daily prayers, washings and dialogue. Personally I wouldn't have attempted this unless I could resite the Quran by heart in the Arabic and perfected at least two of the Afghani languages. I think the whole venture was far too wreckless!
@1Whipperin Год назад
King George III was the Christian King of the explicitly Christian nation Great Britain. All the colonies were subjects of the Christian nation, Great Britain. What made the colonies non -Christian was the coming rebellion against His Christian Majesty in 1776 and the subsequent ratification of the US Constitution. The US Constitution, in the Preamble, explicitly made the Roman goddess, Liberty the source of blessings rather than the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the United States became an explicitly non-Christian, worshipping Liberty as god. Liberty's image was on many US coins, government art work, and as a statue in New York harbor. The irony of the revolt by Christian colonists against a Christian nation, Great Britain is totally missed by the religious right. Christians were killing Christians in the revolt against the King. Nowhere in the Bible does God condone Christian on Christian violence for any reason. Christ Followers Do Not Rebel Against the King “For the Lord’s Sake” The American revolution was a war against monotheistic Christian monarchy. Nowhere in the Bible does God condone rebellion to monarchy. The American Revolution Provided Safe Haven To False Gods by overthrowing the reigning monotheistic Christian monarchy, America’s founding fathers were able to establish a new tolerant society that permitted the worship of any and all gods - or no god - of one’s choice.
@peterkerj7357 Год назад
video starts at 9:00
@truthcraft Год назад
Globalism is just an attempt for the banker elite establishment, known as the round table group that Harvard scholar Carrol Quigley coined it in his book “The Anglo American Establishment, to gain control of the world order and usher in a dystopian false reality; taking the human race further away from individual freedoms that the American republic established in 1776.
@laxmiregmi3361 Год назад
Fuku and zafaing.
@lenering1084 2 года назад
Very interesting conversation. We all need to talk more about this.
@brucevilla 2 года назад
Thanks for Uploading.
@mirkogalli5900 2 года назад
Unique. .