Young African Think'rs
Young African Think'rs
Young African Think'rs
The Young African Think’rs is a movement of inspired youth across the continent, who are highly convicted by Africa’s vision and the potential within them to bring it to reality. It is a movement against ignorance, which pushes for an intellectual revolution in the continent by birthing a generation of critical thinkers and solution finders.
@Peterseruka 2 года назад
Greetings to you all, Thank you for what you are doing... I'm a Pan-Africanist based in Rwanda I love Ethiopia!
@genetbekele515 5 лет назад
ጋሽ ቤተ you always inspiring motivating ppl God bless you more and more with your family እትዬ ሶፊ
@izra76 5 лет назад
ሙዚቃው ምን የሚሉት ፈሊጥ ነው ? ንግግሩን እንዳንሰማ ነው?
@negestsaba 5 лет назад
He is awesome- May his spirit multiply and transform Africa!
@segitekletsion4746 5 лет назад
This message is for all of us to be a reason for someone life changing moment. It is touching and motivating to do for others in need God bless you
@yigermalmetew4360 5 лет назад
I know the speaker and his family well. Every word and his heart felt speech is true. My prayers have always been to keep finding that someone to pay the bus fare. Thanks Dr. Bete.
@faithbwire9164 5 лет назад
This is so inspiring. would love to join this? God has changed my name , my identity and i have this burden in my heart . We are together
@brunoagaba1535 5 лет назад
Awesome. The new breed of Young African thinkers and doers is definitely going to transform Africa. Am blessed to be in this generation where God's grace and new move are unwrapping.
@justinmuli7140 6 лет назад
This really gets me every time I listen!!! Pay that bus fare for someone.